#( roleplay. ➛ 『 mephiles' whisper 』 )
forgettingpetal · 1 year
Hiiii! i don't have an roleplay blog. I have been thinking about it though. I just wanted to say I have been reading your stuff, not just on Whisper, but Celios, Silver, Uno and Eclipse! I think it so freakin cool how you find a way to connect all of their lore together! Even with fancomic characters!! SO CREATIVE!!!!
My heart bleeds for Whisper especially. Since she is kinda already on that Infinite's hit list. Now she finds out her mom gave her as an offering to some INSANE GOD????
Poor girl. OH my god. If it's okay, I had some questions about that!
Did her mom know that Heephis is Corrupted?
What prompted her to give Whisper as an offering?
Did her mom ever love her? Or was she just an offering?
Did her sister know? What about her dad?
If Trois was the eldest, why did their mom chose Whisper and not Trois? Is it bacause Whisper is half wolf, half jackal?
Does Whisper have any close friends that will help her? Or is she on her own?
Finally, who are those ADORABLE kids that she's always with? The jackal, the porcupine and i thinkkkk the last one is a bat? THEY ARE ADORBS.
I am so sorry if this is too much. You don't have to answer any of this. I just wanted you to know I ADORE YOUR CREATIVITY!
Firstly, let me just say. This made my day. Words can not express how much this whole message means to me! Seriously. I work hard on the lore for all my muses. Especially my mains which are Celios, Eclipse, Silver and Whisper! (Uno is asleep right now. But he's coming back soon ish.)
To get so much love for them, makes me so happy. I would not be in the spot I am today, were it not for taking this step and writing/rping here. I first started writing back in 2018 (Tumblr wise. My teen years I was writing on G+ and other sites)! So to know my writing is reaching people even outside the rpc, means so damn much.
Out of my muses, Silver and Whisper are the only ones that are widely known. I typically take the characters that are forgotten or are backgrounds and give them a voice and story! Eclipse lays in the tombs of Archie, I am afraid. (Thanks, Penders). And Uno was just a random jackal that was apart of Infinite's squad.
I wrote Eclipse before Uno. But I had taken a break and thanks to drama, I was unsure if I would return. It was making Uno and joining a server that @sxnicthehedgehxg i had posted about, that made me write more.
And I have met so many friends that I consider family. In fact, it was through Uno and lore writing that I met my soulmate: @sourentropy ! Who writes the Infinite and Mephiles that you often see! (And the soon to be Heephis).
It was @somewhereinchaos that awoken my desire to write Eclipse again! Seiko is a gem! As for TMOM, it was @godofev that woke my love for that comic back up and encouraged me to try Celios! Wouldn't trade them for the world now.
Now for your questions! I will write a lore post today with more details, so keep an eye out!
Yes, sadly. Her mother knew he was probs Corrupted due to being a head priestess of his temple.
I mentioned before that Whisper's parents had died. Whisper's mother beforehand was apart of a village that was slowly dying off. She went to the temple and asked for help. And offered Lotus (Whisper) as a payment.
Hmm. She did love Whisper as her daughter, yes. And there were times it showed. However, the need to protect the village was deemed more important in her mind. (Mother of the Year: NOT).
Trois did not know. Thier father only knew cause he overheard. And got angry. But they were interrupted.
Yes and no! Being a hybrid of two completely different canines had a hand in it, yes. But there was also a prophecy of Lotus' birth and how she was the ideal servant for Heephis. (will go into detail about that in a drabble).
She has plenty! Celios is very determined to save her. And I have no doubt that Sky, and Wren will do anything they can! Along with Voidstar! @galaxofmuses @the-elemental-remnants
That trio of playful and goofy kids you see are: Xavier, Max and Pogo! They are a trio of orphans Whisper met and took in! Her children! (see more about them over at @mobiankaiju ! Break and I came up with it).
tysm for this again! <3
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e-icreator23 · 11 months
Terralina: come on *flaps her wings but falls to the ground* ow
Mephiles: papa *crawls over to Whisper and touches her face*
#roleplay 2
*he helps her up. he carries him and smiles*
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