#( setting schematics | tag dump )
overx · 6 months
That headcanon post made me wonder something. What'd happen if a magical creature had no sight? Like, if a fae couldn't see other fae?
[[It would depend on the creature in question! Like I mentioned in the post, not all magical creatures require sight to be seen in the first place. Lots of them are plainly viewable unless they're using magic to hide themselves from certain groups.
That said, while it would be VERY VERY rare, it would be possible to be in a position where you can't easily see your own kin.
What happens from there again, depends on the individual, time, and culture. Since there are ways to improve and hone one's sight, there might be drastic measures to help the sightless one in question.
There are potions and rituals that could offer more longer term fixes but they're very difficult to do. Someone could also donate one half of their own sight in a situation like this, meaning both the donor and the sightless fae would only have one eye with working magical sight.
Alternatively they may simply be kicked out by their kin or not taken care of.
This is also a situation where a changeling might happen in certain fae cultures. Where the "defective" individual is swapped out for a child with more magic potential.
There's a lot of different scenarios that could occur, and not just one general answer.]]
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salvagedsouls · 1 year
tag dump eleven!!
ft. ships ♥
note: these are going to be either blog-specific or some of the more popular ones, and later tag dumps will have other ships that are partner-specific, less popular, etc.
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kopfkino-o · 1 year
The Seer’s Stone - Chapter Five
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Summary: Elain Archeron is tired of being the “lovely, sweet gardener” everyone wants her to be. After losing her beloved, her humanity, her life, she’s ready to claim her own path forward with the help of her friends, Nuala and Cerridwen, as she searches far and wide for the mysterious Seer’s Stone: an ancient artifact of old rumored to once belong to an ancient Oracle. But will fate itself step in to stop her? Or will Elain defy the strings of destiny that bind her and forge her own path forward, choosing her own fate, friendships, future, and love, along the way.
Pairing: Elain x Azriel
Timeline: Post-ACOSF
Wordcount: 3800
Taglist:   @downingg2001   @gracie-rosee   @nivem565 ​ // Let me know if you want on (or off) the tag list for future updates! Thank you all for reading <3
Chapter One | The Crone’s Trade
Chapter Two | The Oracle of Seraphyros
Chapter Three | Last of Our Kind (Azriel)
Chapter Four | An Empty Seat
Author’s Note: Not saying I’m going to write a Tarqwyn fic, but also not going to say I’m not gonna.  Writing Elain and Azriel together on page was so fun and I can’t wait for where their story here is headed 👀
Thanks for reading, y’all!
- Court
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Cassian teased Elain the entire flight up to the House of Wind. He tickled the extra sensitive spot between her collarbone and neck, sought out only the hard updrafts of cold wind that ripped at the skirts of her pale purple dress, and pretended he was about to drop her not once. Not twice. 
But thrice. 
Elain was pale and wobbling by the time he all but dumped her onto the terrace of the House, his laughter so loud and rich it echoed off the red stone walls that made up the private home and stirred a flock of blackbirds perched amongst the rocks to flight. She would have thrown up right then and there on her brother-in-law's shiny leather boots if she wasn't half as much a proper lady.
“Rhys would have never done that to me,” Elain insisted, stumbling as she tried to make for the wide-open terrace doors. 
Cassian’s laughter deepened further. “Well I’m not Rhys, and this is no Riverhouse. Best leave your expectations at the door, sweetheart.” 
“I suppose I should expect nothing less from the couple who allows a magic house to cook and clean for them.” 
“The House is our friend, thank you very much.” 
“My point.” 
Cassian cracked a smile. “Is it just me or have you grown some claws, Lainey?” 
“Always had them," Elain said, throwing a smile at him. "You all just never bothered to notice.” 
With that, she snickered at the look on his face and strode proudly into the House of Wind.  
Elain found Emerie and Gwyn sitting inside, both women were slick with sweat and panting heavily, their Illyrian leathers and sheathed weapons somehow perfectly at home amongst the casual décor and sunny interiors. The former waved weakly at her, clearly exhausted, while the latter sprung up to her feet, teal eyes sparkling and a wide smile spreading across her freckled face.
“Elain! Cauldron spare me, I’ve been waiting to talk to you.” Gwyn grinned, bounding eagerly over to her. “I tried that recipe from baking club, the one with cinnamon and cardamom. I browned the sugar and left the butter out to melt overnight, just like you suggest, and well, the dough looked fine. But then when I put them into the oven, well, things sort of took a turn for the worse—” 
“What she means to say is she almost set our new apartment on fire,” Emerie said plainly, the Illyrian woman's hazel eyes bright and clear.
“Almost, and did, are two very different words. Linguistically speaking.” 
Emerie shrugged. “Schematics.” 
Gwyn stuck her tongue out at the other Valkyrie. “If I wanted a grumpy opinion I would have just marched down to the Library and asked Merrill."
Elain cocked her head at the mention of the High Priestess, the woman and her moods all too familiar to her as of late. 
“I thought you’d finished your last shift at the Library ahead of your trip down to the Summer Court.” She said. 
“Oh, I have, but I still like to visit my friends there to catch up on the drama every now and then. Plus, I just... wanted to spend a little more time there before I depart for Adriata." Gwyn shifted nervously on her feet, her teal eyes flicking toward the wide expanse of widows. “I’ll be away from Velaris for two whole months if you can believe it. Apparently, learning the art of the spear is, apparently, no easy feat.” 
Elain nodded, remembering the priestess's mention of her plans to travel south to the Summer Court to learn the art of the three-pronged spear from the southern court from their time spent working together on the details of Nesta's mating ceremony a few months prior. 
All of the Valkyries who were comfortable with leaving Velaris were soon due to travel far and wide across Prythian to expand their knowledge of different weapons, fighting styles, and battle strategies. Gwyn amongst the ranks of them, and, apparently, the one who came up with the idea for the journeys in the first place.
“I hear Adriata is beautiful, though. Feyre often speaks highly of the city” Elain said. “And the High Lord who rules it." 
Cassin coughed pointedly from where he leaned against the doorway. 
."I've always wanted to travel south and see the white-sand beaches and bright blue water of Summer. And the Spear-Daughters of Summer are amongst the fiercest warriors in all of Prythian. Save for us Valkyrie, of course. But,” Gwyn shook her head, teal eyes dropping down to her feet. “ I mean, Mother bless me, I’ve never even left the Night Court before. The idea of traveling so far is just so... new.”
Elain blinked and a lovely, hope-filled image shimmered in her mind's eye.
Yes, so very new but how very beautiful.
She couldn't stop herself from reaching across the space between them and taking Gwyn's hand in her own, squeezing it once and offering a smile she knew was not her place to explain but one she could not suppress.
"I have a feeling you're going to be happy there, Gwyn. Truly happy." She said.
The priestess quirked a copper brow, her freckled lips parting as if to question the statement further, but then Nesta was sweeping into the room, her beautiful face fixed with a general’s hardness and a goddess’s grace, sword flashing silver at her side.
She paused in the doorway, straightening at the sight of her little sister, and raked Elain over with a critical eye that saw everything and missed nothing. Nesta’s lips twitched at the sight of Elain’s unruly hair, her wrinkled and wind-tousled clothes, the flush of green still on her face. 
Then frowned.
“Why do you look like you’ve just survived a tornado?” Nesta asked. 
Elain threw an accusatory look at where Cassian was leaning in the doorway, smiling smugly as he cleaned his nails with a hunting knife, wings splayed wide and haloed by the sunny terrace beyond.
If Nesta was iron and frozen flames, then he was steel and crackling fire. Two sides to the same coin, honed and tempered by sheer grit and determination. A perfect match.
"Bumpy ride," Elain answered sweetly.
"You're green. Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, Nesta. Just a touch... flight sick."
Her older sister’s eyes narrowed further. “Well, if you’re going to be sick, try not to lose your lunch on the carpets. The House is willing to do much and more, but cleaning up vomit is not one of them.” 
Cassian barked a laugh. Emerie merely rolled her eyes.
But it was Gwyn who leaned in close and whispered to Elain, “She found that out the hard way.” 
Nesta scowled. "I can hear you, Berdara."
"Perhaps that's the point, Nes," Gwyn said sweetly, tossing a curtain of copper-brown hair over an armored shoulder before turning to Elain and gently patting her arm. "I'll send you those spices you asked for as I find them. But, until then, best of wishes, Elain. The next time you see me, I'll be good and properly trained on how to drive a spear thrown a grown male's gut."
With a wide smile and dramatic flourish, Gwyn scooped up a wooden stave from the corner of the room, brushed past Cassian as if he were nothing more than a mere stalk of wheat, and sauntered out into the blinding light of the terrace and training ring beyond.
"Mother spare me," Nesta rolled her eyes, though even she couldn't hide the smile turning up the corner of her lips. "A few months out of the Library and she's got enough confidence one might think she's the future Princess of Adriata."
Elain only smiled.
A lapse of silence settled between them and Elain used it to glance around the room, noting the changes that had been made to the House since the last time she visited. The once heavy velvet curtains were replaced with light linens that billowed in the wind and light bright, natural light pour into the space. The old, dusty furniture had been replaced with more modern, but still comfortable, outfittings and nearly everywhere she looked a bookshelf lined the wall.
Even the marble of the hearth was new, the stone simple but chic and, above it, hung a portrait of Nesta and Cassian clad in armor and proud atop the high peak of Ramiel, swords raised and heads haloed with writhing crowns of silver flame.
Something in Elain's heart tightened. It felt strange to see this place, this home, filled with so many things that reminded her of her sister. And the new healing and happiness she’d found within it. 
"What?" Nesta asked, the question almost self-conscious.
Elain shrugged. "Nothing. I just like what you've done with the place."
"You came all the way here to assess my interior design tastes, then?"
Nesta glanced over at Emerie and Cassian and gestured with a slight jerk of her chin toward the open doorway. Leave us, that gesture said. The former groaned as she rose and trudged, albeit slowly, on muscular legs for the door, collecting a longsword and wooden shield as she went. The latter merely winked, blowing Elain a kiss and offering Nesta a look that would have had anyone else blushing red before swaggering out to the training ring.
Finally alone, Nesta let her guard down, the hardened general softening to a concerned older sister. Even the hard glint in her blue eyes seemed to ease up.
"Is everything okay? Your head, the visions?" She asked softly.
"Yes, Nesta. I'm—"
"And Feyre, the babe?"
"Everything is fine, Nesta. I swear it.” Elain assured feverishly. “I've just come to fetch a book, that's all. No need for any worries. Everything is perfectly fine. ” 
Nesta blew out what very well might have been a sigh of relief but then the worry furrowing her brow turned hard one more and the thin line of her lips became a scowl.
"You came all the way here for a bloody book?"
Elain nodded. "I need it for a gardening project. The collection of the local flora and fauna is far more impressive in the library here than in the one Rhys and Feyre keep at the Riverhouse."
The lie came so easily it felt almost as if it were the truth. 
Elain's gut twisted at the realization, twisted and withered at the utter lack of suspicion in Nesta's eyes. Nesta, who she had shared every secret with. Nesta, who had always been there and always understood. Nesta, who was her older sister and closest friend. Elain had never lied to her, never had a reason to, until now.
Until these last few months.
A clash of steel on steel drew Nesta's gaze out towards the veranda. Once that might have hurt her, might have made Elain feel small and overlooked, but she understood more now, could See more now. She and her sister had different purposes now, new lives and relationships that demanded more focus, more attention. Nesta had her Valkyries and her mate. Elain had the twins and her gardens and her ugly little secrets.
"Alright," Nesta said finally, nodding slowly. "Ask the House if you need help. It can find just about anything, anywhere, but only if you're polite. Come find me before you depart. We can take the stairs together if you're feeling up for it."
"I'm not sure my body could physically handle that," Elain chuckled. 
"You'd be surprised what your body can do when you put your mind to it."
Oh, but Elain did know. Perhaps a little too well.
But she merely smiled, grabbing her sister and hugging her tight, before bidding Nesta goodbye and watching, lovingly, almost enviously, as her older sister strode out to the training ring and her new life that waited within.
Alone and unwatched, Elain wasted no time getting down to business, hurrying at once for the stairwell.
The floor above was occupied by House of Wind’s library at the end of the hall with private bedrooms lining the narrow space on either side. Elain moved swiftly past them on silent feet, checking every other heartbeat over her shoulder until she stood before the closed door of the last bedroom on the left. 
She wasn’t sure how she knew this particular one was his, only that she could feel it. Could scent it. She’d never been inside, never even been close, but she knew it in her bones. 
Heart in her throat, she knocked once. 
And waited.
When there was no answer she knocked again, louder now. 
Again, no answer. 
So Elain rallied her spirits, forcing down every worry and fear that warred within her and tried the doorknob. Unlocked. She glanced one last time down the hallway towards the stairwell before slowly pushing the door open. 
The space beyond was well-lit, the linen curtains thrown away from the wide panel of windows that illuminated the meticulously neat and utterly empty room. 
The worn leather couch was unoccupied and the nearby neat column of books was seemingly untouched. No cloak hung from the iron peg in the entryway and her delicate ears caught no whisper of movement within.
“Hello?” Elain called out anyway,  nerves a maelstrom in her stomach.
But, again, no answer came. 
So she gathered her skirts and slipped quietly into the Spymaster’s bedroom.
The scent of mist and cedar and something more floral hit her at once. It was so familiar, yet the space around her so foreign. Elain couldn’t stop herself from taking in her surroundings, feeling as if she'd d stepped into another realm, a world entirely of his own that gave her the chance to steal an intimate look into his personality.
The unlit heart was completely devoid of ash or burned logs as if it’d been a long time since a fire had been lit within it, if ever at all. Nearly every visible surface was lacking even a speck of dust and every single thing within the room seemed to have a methodically dedicated place. 
Artwork hung on the walls, some pieces clearly done by Feyre’s hand, others older, more classic. A long bookshelf occupied the western wall and was stuffed full of books and greenery and trinkets from worlds Elain could only ever dream of visiting. Whirling golden instruments from the Dawn Court, fur-trimmed masks from the Winter Court, and tiny, carved wooden bobbles that could only hail from the Human Lands.
A potted Kingsflame flower bloomed in the corner, healthy and vibrant as if it’d been tended to both night and day, while a collection of seedlings were just now greening on the window sill. A star-sphere and a looking glass sat upon a nearby table, a bushel of carefully dried flowers and a worn hunting tapestry hung carefully above it.
And the books, Mother bless him, there were so many books. Perhaps even enough to rival the collection in the Library just down the hall. They occupied every spare space, all neatly stacked with obvious care.
Elain drifted further into the room, rounding a cutout in the wall and mounting a small set of stairs up to where a large, four-poster bed occupied most the space. It was made, clearly long-since slept in, but the bedding was surprisingly worn, the cobalt and amethyst quilt threadbare and bearing the hallmarks of something obviously handmade.
She found what she was looking for just beyond the bed. 
The large, elegant desk was framed perfectly by a cascading beam of sunlight as if it’d been waiting just for her.
The stacks of papers atop it were neat, the collection of scrolls and tomes in the cubby nearby even neater. A large ale glass that reminded her of the one her father used to drink from held a collection of quills and writing utensils, a fresh pot of ink capped and waiting beside it. Even the small astrolabe resting at the desk’s edge was clean and neat, the interlocking golden spheres polished so thoroughly they shined in the sunlight. 
Elain approached it as if she were in a dream, her attention clouded by her plan.
Find a map of the Prison, commit to memory, and bring it back to Kalla and the Twins so they could help her design a plan for infiltration. Find the fragments of the Stone, find the Staff.
Easy enough, Elain thought sarcastically.
She opened the unlocked center drawer and began to shuffle through the papers inside. Her eyes flew over the papers, drinking in different codenames and dossier titles and reports from spies in any and every court. If there was a secret, it was here. If there was any kernel of hidden knowledge, it was here. None of it mattered to her, though. Her course was set, her mind decided.
The Prison, the Middle, the Autumn Court. The Stone, the Staff, the—
"I never took you for a snoop."
Elain jumped at the low, soft voice and her hand immediately fell away from the map of the Prison she'd wriggled free, flashing instead to the dagger concealed at her side, and whirled.
Only to find Death standing in the doorway.
Azriel was dressed all in black: black knee-high leather boots, black leather breeches, a black tunic with black iron fastenings, black scaled pauldrons with matching black gauntlets, and a black cloak that flowed from his shoulders like smoke, even his hair was fully black in this light, but his eyes were bright gold and his face was flushed with life and color, as if he'd just come off a cold wind. Shadows swarmed around him, snakes twinning and whispering around his hands and shoulders, already murmuring her secrets.
Beautiful. Terrifying. A face she’d seen in countless dreams. 
Elain snapped her hand behind her back, straightening at the sight of him, and forced a demure smile, steeling herself against his assessing gaze until she was nothing more than a trembling fawn. Innocent, unaware, and entirely unassuming.
"Cassian asked me to fetch something," She said sweetly.
Azriel only cocked his head. "Did he?"
"Training plans. For the Valkyrie’s afternoon drills."
Azriel took another step into the room, shadows swirling. One in particular curled around his neck and murmured in his ear, whatever secrets it whispered drawing a small smile across his lips.
“They tell me when you lie, you know.” He said softly.
Cauldron spare me.
Elain swallowed hard, racking her brain for an excuse. “Nesta asked me to help find your travel long. She wanted to know if you'd be back before the Valkyries head out for their trips abroad."
"That's not it either, is it."
He took a step.
"Mor was worried about you."
Another step.
"You lie again."
They were so close now she could smell the wind on him, could see the veins of emerald in his hazel eyes. Could see the pale smattering of freckles that graced his cheeks, tiny constellations dusting his golden skin as if the Mother herself had tossed them there.
“I needed a map.” Elain breathed.
Azriel hummed. “That’s more like it.” 
He reached behind her and gently plucked up the documents she'd discarded between scarred fingers. Elain watched anticipatingly, heart hammering in her chest, as he unfolded them and studied the various maps of the Prison Isle with eyes that gave away nothing. A beautiful, tortuous face that gave away absolutely nothing.
“Why?” He asked after a long moment.
Elain straightened. “It’s none of your business.” 
“Is it not?" Azriel countered. "You are here in my bedroom, uninvited, trying to steal from me after all."
“I wasn’t stealing, merely borrowing. And your door was unlocked besides.”
Azriel leafed through the maps again, hazel eyes churning. Unable to bare the tension between them, Elain eached for the map and tried to snatch it from him, but he was too tall, too fast, for her to even come close. Instead, she found her fingers curling over the strong expanse of his forearm, his burnt skin warm beneath her grip. Their eyes met over the sparse space between them.
This was a mistake.
Elain yanked her hand away, fumbling as she took a step back. The edge of the desk pressed into the column of her spine but the dul pinch was a welcome reprieve from the heat building in her blood. Mother spare her, why did he have to have this effect on her?
"Why?" Azriel asked again, voice softer this time.
Elain sighed. "I just...I need to see if something's there. If something I thought might not be real is, in fact, very real after all."
"You saw something."
I wasn't a question. And Elain certainly wasn't about to answer. She tried to draw further away from him, desperate to put space between them, if only to stop the strange feeling that swirled in her belly whenever he was near, but Azriel only drew nearer.
"The Prison is not to be considered lightly," Azriel said. "The Isle itself is largely uncharted. The land is just as much a monster as the creatures locked away on it. It's law unto itself, unchecked and untamed."
"Right, because I'm utterly incapable of taking care of myself. I suppose you've forgotten it was me who stabbed the King of Hybern just like everyone else."
Elain could see the blow land. Something in Azriel's eyes flickered out at her words, the harshness with which she spoke them, but Elain refused to let herself feel guilt over them.
Desperate to be away from her, from the weight of his sad hazel eyes, Elain moved to shove past him. She didn't need the physical maps to navigate the Prison's vast isle and complex passageways. The mere glimpse of documents was all she needed. Her magic could help her recall them later, and in near-perfect detail too.
Azriel's hand flashed out and caught her wrist. A bolt of static skittered up her skin from where their bodies touched. "I don't doubt you, Elain. I never have." He said gently. "But you just can't wander into the Prison without a plan. There are residents there who scare even Rhysand. Who scare even me. I won't let you go alone."
"I'm not going alone. I do have friends, you know."
“The twins might be privy to a lot of things, but access to the Prison is not one of them. Rhys has only granted myself and a select other few the ability to bypass the wards there. No one else could ever even dream of getting past that sort of magic without his knowledge. Or his approval." Azriel released her wrist. Her skin felt cold without the warmth of his touch. "And something tells me you don't intend to ask Rhysand for that." 
"Rhys would grant me a palace amongst the stars if I asked nicely enough. Feyre too, for that matter." Elain said defiantly. She wasn't going to back down on this, not now that she'd finally spoken her mind. "Besides, I don't need Rhysand's permission. I don't need anyone's."
Azriel chuckled, the sound sending his shadows skittering and warmth radiating through her bones. "I’m not sure I’d call that spelllspinner you’re hiding away in the Library a friend. She’s far from trustworthy from what I’ve gathered.” He said and Elain did not fail to note the sly little smile that curved his lips. He knows about Kalla then. She did her best to master herself, unwilling in letting him know he’d surprised her with that reveal. “It’s not like she’ll do you much good, either way,” He continued. “One mere tug at the threads of those binding the spells to the Prison and your spellspinner will scramble her mind so thoroughly she'll forget her own name.”
Elain had been afraid of that. While Kalla was confident within her own abilities to manipulate and break the threads of magic, the twins hadn’t been so convinced, both Nuala and Cerridwen afraid of something exactly like this. The Prison was old, they’d warned her, and it’s magic older still. Breaking past those wards would be no easy task, especially not without Rhys or someone who carried his expression permission to step foot on the Prison Isle. 
But Elain had hoped, Mother had she hoped… 
Closing her eyes, Elain drew in a long, steadying breath and loosed it on a slow exhale. "Are you going to try and stop me?" She asked him finally. 
“No. Never.” 
“Then what do you want, Azriel?” 
Now it was the shadowsinger who drew in a deep breath of his own. Azriel met her eyes when he finally answered, his voice soft but resolute. “Let me help you, and Nuala and Cerridwen, with… whatever it is you’re trying to do. I won’t ask questions, won’t pass judgment, only lend help where I can.” He said. “You want on the island without Rhys or Feyre knowing? Fine, consider it done. The Prison is no place for recklessness. I won’t stop you, Elain, but I’ll be damned if I don’t do everything in my power to try and keep you safe.” 
Azriel extended the maps he’d caught her with as if he were offering an olive branch. Elain could only stare at him. His words were both hope and heartbreak. 
“You don’t have to face the darkness of that wretched place alone. Let me help you, Elain.” The spy master of the Night Court, the man who they claimed was Death given form, pressed. “Let me face that darkness with you.” 
Elain eased the maps from his burnt fingers and tucked them into the pocket hidden in her cloak lining before meeting Azriel’s hazel eyes. She offered him only one word in answer before brushing past him and striding from the room. 
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owlafterhours · 3 months
[ac6] g5/621: i guess you could call him 'the boy next door'
Side B to the first Vegas AU mess. Very unedited, sorry ahead of time
So the first, was more pick n’ choose with who Raven’s with bc there’re so many people that both Freud and Rusty could be unimpressed by, and that dump wasn’t about Raven. So this is a very self-indulgent side B. It’s G5/621 so like, whatever dysfunctional relationship tags, slaps them on (though, as before, a softer, fluffier variant.). They’re just both idiots. 
C1, which gets a throwaway mention, is ‘Core Theorem 1’. The vibes are loosely based off F1 (surprise surprise) and my solution to ‘I Want The Mechs But Generally Non-Lethal’. This isn’t to say there aren’t military uses, But since vegas AU Grew Legs And Started Running, I might go into it in a worldbuilding dump post later or smth idk
CW: Lots of Alcohol, getting married for Questionable Reasons
In Which: Raven’s here for a good time, Iguazu was having a bad time, and everyone else is having A Time.
Sometimes, you get asked to go to an expo at the last minute ‘cause the garage you’re consulting for can’t make it and they need three people there. Please! Expenses paid! It’s in the same city that Rusty said he had some work thing at, so you can even call for emergency help if you need it.
Sometimes, you’ll end up in a crappy motel with them - they’re strapped for cash, like most independent garages, and this isn’t too far from the venue. You think you should be able to make it over without needing a taxi or exerting your leg too much.
And sometimes, sometimes, you open your door to find that a former rival-turned-who-the-hell-knows-what was staying in the same crappy motel. 
You think you see Michigan and Volta’s utes behind him.
“The fuck are you doing here, freelancer?”
Raven shuts the door in Iguazu’s face.
That’s the last that Iguazu sees of Raven for the next two days. 
Long story short, the Redguns are on like, vacation. No. Michigan calls it a vacation but it’s really team bonding. He’s managed to bribe them all there with the promise of picking up the tab for everything. Iguazu and Volta make a pact to drink a hole in Michigan’s wallet. 
Which is good and all, until Iguazu keeps. Getting like. Needled. Yes, Michigan’s making comments on everyone, but it’s personal alright?? First, it’s just the regular ol’ getting signed up for more things because Iguazu keeps trying to get out of them. But then Michigan starts making more targeted quips. How Iguazu really needed to move his arms n legs before his mouth. How he keeps losing these little challenges. How he should save yapping for those who’ve actually got a gift for it, like Gun Three. How it’s not even Iguazu that lets him know that Gun Thirteen’s apparently been living in the same motel as they were.
“You said he’s been here the last two days Volta?” Michigan had said. “That sneaky maggot hasn’t shown his face to me even once.” 
And then he called…someone and rattled off Raven’s description, barked into his phone a bit more before hanging up and grinning. 
“Alright - Gun Five, I got a job for you!”
Raven’s with a bunch of nerds in a tucked away bar, paper spread over several tables and bartenders observing them with some concerned curiosity. They’re drawing out the schematics for something. Some things. There’re a lot of propellers, and Iguazu thinks he recognizes a generator or two there. He’s not sure. 
Either way, Iguazu can see that Raven’s not integral to whatever nerd ritual it was that they were doing, so loomed behind Raven before setting his hands on his shoulders.
Raven leans back and tilts his head to look up. There’s a glimmer of recognition - before the lights turn off and Raven tries to go back to whatever it was he was working on. 
“You-” Iguazu pulled him back again. 
It’s a song and dance they’re familiar with.
They go through it every time they see each other.
(Which…is more often than Raven would like to admit. They’d been ‘rivals’ in the C1 scene, and gone through a wild thing or two together, but it didn’t really explain how their paths kept crossing. Then again, sometimes, Raven just…needed to be Somewhere Else, and if Iguazu and Volta kept on letting him into their apartment, then who was he to say no? He just brings an offering - usually food, or some of the booze he knows they like - and then crashes on their couch for the night.
Sometimes he’ll even wake up with Iguazu’s jacket on him.)
It means that Raven sighs at him before letting Iguazu shepherd him away with an arm around his shoulders. ‘Keeps him from running’, Iguazu had said, the first time he did it, and Raven's just gone along with it since.
One of the nerds - a Balam tech, by the looks of it - seems more apologetic than the others when he’s bidding farewell, and it’s only twenty minutes and drive later that he connects it with a triumphant Michigan and amused Nile.
“Gun Thirteen! I’m surprised to see you in this neck of the woods – why did I have to find out from Gun Four you were just next door?” 
Turns out, it wasn’t that Iguazu had miraculously found where Raven was but, rather, Michigan who had used his considerable sway over the Balam engineers to hunt Raven down.
Anyway, Raven’s roped into the Redgun festivities for the night; they’re not exactly what he expected. For one, Wuhuahai and Volta seemed to be in deep conversation over an arrangement of pepper shakers and glasses - Raven thinks he overhears something about ‘mergers and ‘arbitrage’’ and decides he doesn’t need to know what that is. Red’s got an impressive number of glasses in front of him, eyes sparkling as he talks about his family back home to Albany and Osawa. 
Half the bar is made of Redguns tonight, and Michigan has his eyes on every one of them.
For example: Iguazu had steered Raven into the pub with an arm around his shoulder. Iguazu intercepted any drinks that came to Raven. (Michigan’s heard from Walter that the kid wasn’t allowed alcohol.) Volta seemed increasingly exasperated every time he looked over as the night progressed - and Nile was giving Michigan the Look that told him to Shut Up For The Sake Of A Drama Free Vacation. For Once.
Who did he think he was?? A Vesper? Fuck no. So Michigan does what Michigan does best, and starts ribbing the two about lovebirds and ‘oh wouldn’t you look at that, guess you two kissed and made up hm???????’
And sure, Raven didn’t give two shits - he puts up with enough of this from Ziyi if he’s being real - but Iguazu. He’s half-way to drunk from tipsy and he is So Tired. Sooooo fucking tired of this bullshit. It’s been five fucking days of nothing but this and he is Done. He stalked up to Michigan. 
“Fuck Off.” Iguazu snarled, before storming out of the pub.
He doesn’t realize he’d grabbed Raven on his way out until Raven’s cane hits the back of his legs, forcing him to stagger.
“Fuck was that for!?” he snapped, before noticing that Raven had a tight grip around Iguazu’s arm. He was leaning quite heavily on Iguazu, now that he thought about it, and his breath was coming in a bit short. “Tch.” 
Iguazu’s not sure when it happened, but he’s gotten used to Raven’s quirks. Really, he thinks they spend too much time together, for someone who makes Iguazu feel sick in the stomach. Volta always says he’s in a worse mood after Raven stays over, so he has no clue why either of them keep letting the guy in. 
He walks a little slower after that though, and eventually, Raven catches his breath. It’s just them, the lights and passing by revellers for a moment - before Freud makes a lovely appearance with Rusty. They’re holding hands.
“Raven! Just who I wanted to see.” Freud says, and Raven zeroes in on the ‘I Have An Idea’ tone of voice. Looks like Freud had finally broken or something, and wanted to get married to Rusty, like. At this moment. Right now. Look, the walk-in wedding venue’s Right There. Could you be our witness Raven? 
(With how Rusty seemed totally unsurprised by Raven standing in front of him, Raven puts a wager on him being completely smashed. He has to admire Rusty’s composure when it comes to drinks. He never looks as drunk as he actually was.)
And Iguazu has no idea what’s happening anymore - or he doesn’t until Freud mentions, off-hand, this was how he was making a statement to Rusty.
A lightblub goes off in his head. Iguazu waited with more patience and grace than either Freud or Rusty deserved from him. He needs Raven for this.
“Hey. Freelancer.” he said, after Rusty and Freud had shared a sloppy kiss and then left the venue after all due paperwork was completed. “Let’s get married. That’ll show ‘em.”
Raven doesn’t have to guess who that ‘someone is’, but he’s definitely wondering about this sequence of events. How, exactly, is getting married going to matter to Michigan? 
He says as much, but Iguazu is. Oddly confident about this. 
“It’ll show him.” he insists. Raven points out that he’s had enough alcohol. Iguazu waves him away - he’s not a bloody lightweight. Raven says they need a witness; and No, they won’t be calling Freud back for this. That’d be terrible. 
Sure, he can work with that. Iguazu uses ‘Call a friend’. 
“Hey Volta, get your ass over here. Need you for somethin’.”
Thus their witness is procured! Volta knows he deserves to be here for all the bullshit he’s put up with. He almost feels proud of them. He also can’t believe he’s been roped into every fucking step of this not-relationship until it’s become…This. Whatever it was. He’s not calling this a proper fucking wedding, when he knows Iguazu’s doing it to be a little shit and Raven–
(“You don’t mind?” Volta asked Raven half-heartedly when he’d reached the place. Raven just shook his head and shrugged, but there’s a glimmer in his eyes that told Volta that the guy’s Invested in this. Somehow.)
 –who the hell knows. 
When Iguazu wakes up the next morning, he panics. What the hell was he thinking last night? Alright, maybe he overestimated how much he could drink (like usual), but that didn’t fucking mean he had to go get hitched to the freelancer. 
He’s still panicking when he gets a knock on the door. He doesn’t want to open it.
He gets up to open it anyway. It’s Raven. He looks like nothing happened the night before. He’s saying that they should go down to the place sometime in the next hour so they can get it sorted. Iguazu thinks he should feel relieved. Here’s an out. 
“We should deal with it.” Raven said, matter of fact. “Me and my colleagues are leaving today.”
Iguazu takes a breath. Iguazu feels that familiar discomfort in his stomach. Yes, they can go. Just give him a moment. Just,
He can hear Michigan’s mocking laughter. Volta’s going to be exasperated - if not a bit pissed. He’ll be the laughingstock again. Fuck that.
“No?” “No. Fuck that. I’ll show them.”
“...I’ll tell my colleagues I’ll be staying another day then.” Raven said, “My room’s only booked til today eleven though, so I’ll stay in yours for the night.”
Iguazu didn’t expect Raven to agree so…easily. He took a breath. This could work out. How hard could it be to stay married for a little longer? 
“Fuck. Sure.”
In the end, neither of them actually announced that they got married, but word must’ve gotten around, because Michigan had accepted that Raven was getting back home with them without much comment. It’s a quiet trip home, Volta with his eyes on the road and Iguazu with his head pillowed on Raven’s shoulder, fast asleep. 
[what were u doing there]
[did i ask u to come?]
Raven stared at the message from Rusty - ah, looks like he finally realized that Raven had been somewhere he wasn’t meant to be? Careful not to dislodge Iguazu, Raven angled his phone juuuust right and took a selfie.
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lovesdarkness · 5 years
Playlist CH-01
Paring: Thor x OC
Summary: After losing someone close to him, Thor goes to the Avengers to try and escape his grief. While there he makes a new friend who makes it her mission to help him heal.
Warnings: Slight angst…eventual NSFW.
Word count: 3302
Feedback and comments are appreciated. If you wish to be tagged when new chapters are posted please let me know.
Chapter 1 - The Story
All of these lines across my face 
Tell you the story of who I am
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am
But these stories don't mean anything
When you've got no one to tell them to
Having returned to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base from a mission with Natasha, Phoenix walked off the Quinjet with her gear slung over her shoulder. She signed off on some essential paperwork before heading out of the hanger, nodding to a few agents she knew as she walked past. Feeling a buzz from her phone she stopped to read the message she had been sent. A smirk spreading over her lips she gave her head a shake as she pocketed her phone and kept on walking.
Her stomach let out a grumble as she made her way to the cafeteria to grab a few things to eat, she was always hungry after missions, and made sure to grab a few things for Mia as well before making her way down to the tech labs. She had a feeling that her friend had been holed up in the lab for days working on something and most likely had neglected to eat much, which was common for her.
Walking into the labs Phoenix saw Mia huddled over a keyboard furiously typing code for some new S.H.I.E.L.D. weapon onto it, completely oblivious to the world around her. “Oi, Labrat.” she called, a thick Irish accent slipping from her lips as she threw a package of Goldfish crackers at the back of Mia’s head before walking over, dumping her stuff on the floor, and sitting next to her. “When was the last time you left this bloody room?” She asked, opening a bag of chocolate covered pretzels and popping some into her mouth.
She laughed a little as Mia cast a glare at her, pushing her glasses back up her nose as she straightened up in her seat and stretched her arms over her head. “Honestly I have no clue. I have to get the schematics for this weapon done so I can get to making it.” she said reaching for the package of Goldfish and opening it up. “And I need to have some real food...not this shit.” she sighed as she dumped a handful out into her hand and shoved them into her mouth. “So...how was the mission? You were gone for a while, the facility must have been well hidden and well guarded. Not that that would ever stop you.”
“Yeah it was guarded well, but Nat and I still kicked ass and took names. The bad guys ran, we chased after them. We shot at each other and then we beat the crap out of them.” Phoenix said as she popped a few more pretzels into her mouth.  “The one guy I fought was pretty cute. Too bad I had to put a bullet in his head, otherwise he might have made a nice fuckboy.” she shrugged a little as she ate more of the salty snack. “Norway was gorgeous though. I'd like to go back in my free time and have a better look around.” She shrugged her jacket off and tossing it on top of the rest of her things. Leaning over she looked at the computer screen her friend had been working on moments before reading over the program.
“Yes well you can count me out of that trip any time soon.” Mia said, shoving Phoenix out of the way so she could get back to work. “I need to get the final work ups for this thing done yesterday...or else Fury is going to have my head. Now get out of my lab so I can get to work please.”
“Ah, I guess you haven’t checked your phone then. Fury sent us a message, he wants to see us in his office. Apparently we’re being reassigned.” Phoenix said as she pulled out her phone and showed the message to Mia who in turn furiously searched her desk for her own phone, finding it under a stack of concept sketches she had drawn up.
“Huh? What the shit!” she hissed, throwing her phone down and reaching up to rub her face. “He can’t do this to me now...I need to get started on this damn prototype…I don’t have time for this shit...” she grumbled as she shoved the papers around trying to get them organized.
“Well you’ll have to make time, cause he wants to see us right away.” Phoenix said as she moved to grab her bags from the floor and slung them over her shoulder. “I mean I’d love to go take a shower right now to wash all the mission sweat off me but I’ve barely got time to dump my stuff back off at our room.” she muttered as the two of them headed out of the doors. They headed back to their quarters quickly so Phoenix could dump her bags before making their way to Fury’s office. As they walked down the brightly lit hall their footsteps tapped against the polished floor and echoed down the corridor as a few other agents rushed past them with important tasks of their own. They took an elevator up to the top floor of the base, where Fury’s office was located. When they reached the tall, ornately detailed mahogany doors Mia opened them and the two entered the massive office of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Fury looked up from the papers on his desk when the two of them walked in and trained his eye on them. “Ah Agent Masterson, Agent O’Connor. You got my message, thank you for coming.” he said as he got to his feet and motioned for them to sit. “Now I…” he started, but was quickly interrupted when Mia started ranting.
“Look Nicholas let me just cut to the chase here.” she said, green eyes blazing as she stood cross armed in front of Fury’s desk. “I really don’t have any time for your silly games here. I have some very important work I’m doing here and time is of the essence. I don’t have the time to pack everything up and jet set willy nilly to whatever place you plan on relocating me to. I have a weapon to develop, a job that you so graciously bestowed upon me and unless this place you’re sending me to provides me with a better lab to speed along my process…”
“That’s precisely why you’re being relocated.” came a voice from behind them and when Phoenix and Mia turned to see who it belonged to Phoenix had to snort back a laugh as her friend started sputtering uncontrollably. “Avengers tower has the best state of the art lab on the planet, we have all the best and newest equipment so it would be the perfect place to work on your little project.”
When Phoenix looked over at Mia she saw that her face had flushed red and she was holding her breath, something that often happened when she grew excited. Rolling her eyes Phoenix gently elbowed her and she sucked in a breath. “Tony Stark...I mean...Mr. Stark...it’s an honour...a pleasure. I can’t even…” Mia stammered excitedly as he walked over and shook her hand.
Rolling her eyes at the scene Phoenix let out an annoyed little huff. “Mia be cool...you’re embarrassing me.” she hissed softly before turning back to Tony and smiling. “Hey Tony, nice to see you again.” she said, tossing her long raven hair over her shoulder.
Tony gave a charming grin as he reached out to take her hand. “The lovely Phoenix, always a pleasure.” he said with a wink as he kissed the top of it. “Now, I’m sure you’re both utterly confused as to why we called you here.” he said, turning quickly on his heel and heading over to Fury’s desk and sitting on the edge, hands clasped in his lap. “Mia I’ve been following your work and quite frankly some of your latest designs are brilliant, and I think the Avengers would greatly benefit from your talents.”
Phoenix glanced back to Mia to see the stunned expression on her friends face, green eyes wide and mouth ajar in shock, clearly speechless that she was being offered the opportunity to work with the tech genius. She couldn’t help but bite her lip to stifle a giggle at the the woman’s starstruck reaction to the offer. Phoenix had interacted with the Avengers a few times so this was nothing new to her, but Mia still had never met them and had idolized Tony for years. Once again she elbowed her friend to remind her to breathe and Mia sucked in a breath and laughed nervously.
“Oh thank you…” she breathed, her face flushing dark.
Tony chuckled softly and shook his head as Fury turned to Phoenix. “As for you, Agent O’Connor...the Avengers have a series of missions coming up that we feel could use some of your expertise.” he said as he walked over to stand in front of her, crossing his arms over his chest. “Natasha was singing your praises during your last mission together, so it’s come to the conclusion that you’d be a great asset to the team. You’ll be assigned to Avengers tower for the time being.”
“You mean until Steve Rogers decides he can’t stand me even more than normal and sends me back?” Phoenix asked with a derisive snort, earning a stern look from Fury. Not taking the hint she continued, looking over at Tony. “Is this really about a mission or does Tony just want some fresh faces and better company around the tower?” she asked with a playful grin, making Tony laugh. Fury gave her another stern look and she rolled her eyes. “I’m just kidding. Sounds like we’ll have lots of work to do. Which means we should get back to our quarters and get packing.”
With a nod Fury dismissed them and the two women went back to their room. Wanting to wash the mission grime from her body Phoenix showered quickly and dressed before pulling out her luggage and starting to pack. Mia had already finished by the time Phoenix stepped out of the shower and was sitting on her bed reading a book, so Phoenix had to work quickly. As she was working on folding up some shirts her phone buzzed and she made a face after checking it.
“Ugh, thank God we’re getting out of here for a while. That Billy guy I fooled around with last week is wanting to get together again and he just isn’t getting the hint that I don’t want it anymore.” she said, tossing her phone down on the bed with disgust.
Having just turned the page in her book Mia looked over at Phoenix, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah? Same guy?” she asked, wondering how the woman was able to keep track of all her partners, while simultaneously having a tiny grain of jealousy. Phoenix was tall and strong and beautiful and attracted men left right and center, where Mia for the most part was fairly invisible when it came to attracting the male gaze, but then again Phoenix was an outspoken flirt who lived to party, while Mia was a raging workaholic and rarely ever left her lab except for when Phoenix dragged her out. “What’s wrong with this one?”
“This guy is so...clingy and needy. I don’t do needy.” Phoenix said with a shudder, making a face as the phone buzzed again and she silenced it before shoving it into her pocket. She sighed, going back to folding her shirts and stuffing them into her suitcase.  “Maybe if I ignore him he’ll go away. If I’m all the way in New York he can’t bug me...right?” she asked as she looked back over at her friend.
Mia let out a laugh and shook her head. “Something tells me that’s not how cell phones work sweetie.” she said as she marked her place in her book and stuffed it into a bag. Getting up she walked over to help Phoenix fold her clothes and pack them away. “I really can’t blame you though. ‘Needy’ is rarely a good trait for a guy, especially by the sound of him.”
“Can’t I just find a guy who likes to screw around a little? No strings, no feelings, no attachments. Just...lots of sex. You’d think there’d be more of them around.” Phoenix said with a sigh as she finished packing and reached up to rub her face. “After a while they all end up being needy. And honestly none of them really does it for me anyway. Probably because I can beat the shite out of them so easily.” She continued as she walked over to her closet to pull out a black leather jacket and slipped it on. There was a sudden knock at the door and when she went to open it Tony was standing on the other side, flashing them one of his charming Stark grins.
“Ladies.” he said as he pulled his sunglasses off and winked at them.
Phoenix smiled and shook her head, turning to face Mia. “This one is one of the neediest.” she joked, jerking her thumb at him before bending down to grab her things.
With Tony helping Phoenix with a couple bags the three of them headed towards the hangar and boarded Tony’s jet taking off shortly after. The flight didn’t take very long and a couple hours later they landed at the tower and once they had gathered their things and left the plane, Tony gave them the grand tour. He pointed out the living area and the kitchen should they get hungry, then proceeded to show Mia, who was struck speechless, around the the labs where she would be working. Lastly he showed them where the workout and training rooms were. They said their hellos to the other inhabitants of the tower before Tony finally showed them to their rooms.
“Alright, take the rest of the evening off to get settled in and what not. Cap says to be up early for a meeting in the morning.” Tony said, laughing at the groan Phoenix let out before leaving them be.
Phoenix was not a morning person at all. She never had been. So when her alarm went off at what felt like the crack of dawn to attend the meeting that Steve had called she was not exactly thrilled. Taking a cold shower did nothing to help wake her so she headed to the kitchen to get the one thing that might help. Coffee.
She was sipping on her sixth cup as she sat at the table with the rest of the Avengers and Mia going over a plan. The room the meeting was held in was bright and spacious, the walls were floor to ceiling windows so the whole room was lit up with sunshine flowing through. She noted the bar over in the corner, realizing Tony also used this as a party room for entertaining, and that there was a door that led outside to some sort of platform.
“We’ve been looking at the data Nat found during that raid of the Hydra lab up in Norway.” Steve said as they looked through photos and reports of the mission Natasha and Phoenix had been on. “We think there is one Hydra cell that is working on a top secret experiment involving genetic modification in humans, and another cell developing high powered weapons in order to attempt a hostile takeover. The problem is that we don't know where else they've set up shop. We need to figure this out fast. Nat and Phoenix, being the two who worked on that mission the bulk of this may fall to you. We were hoping the two of you would be able to figure out where their next area of operations would be located.”
“Yeah I’m sure we’d be able to find something.” Natasha said, with Phoenix nodding in agreement as she took a sip from her coffee.
As the group moved on to the next topic of discussion the bright, sun-lit room suddenly darkened. They all paused to look out the windows to see dark clouds billowing and the sound of thunder could be heard rumbling in the distance. Tony and the other Avengers knew what the thunder heralded, and a moment later there was a flash of lightning and Thor stood out on the landing pad. Though instead of immediately coming in to greet his comrades, he remained outside, looking solemnly out over the city. Everyone could instantly tell something was wrong, his whole demeanor looked like that of a man broken.
Tony frowned as he watched Thor a moment before turning back to the group. “Newbies, you stay here please.” He said to Phoenix and Mia before nodding to the others to follow him out to check on their fellow Avenger.
Phoenix cast an annoyed look at Tony for telling them to remain behind as she and Mia watched the scene. Quietly they got up and walked over to a window to get a better view.
“This is the first time I’ve ever seen Thor.” Mia breathed as the two of them watched the group gathered together outside. The girls watched as they got caught up in a heated discussion with Thor that wound up with the men patting him on the shoulder and Natasha giving him a hug.
“I’ve seen him in pictures but...in person...wow.” Phoenix said with a soft laugh. She swallowed and bit her lip as she felt a knot form in her stomach, her eyes wandering up and down his  impressive form. “Jesus look at those arms. They’re far nicer than any guy I’ve been with.” She sighed before turning to Mia and smirking. “I wanna lick him...alllllll over.”
“Phoenix!” Mia gasped, her head whipping around to look at her friend as she let out a laugh. “Are you seriously sexually objectifying a Norse God?” she asked and rolled her eyes as Phoenix gave her a wicked grin. “Yeah...I guess I should have expected that from you of all people. You’re a horrible perv.”
Phoenix just laughed and stuck her tongue out at her friend before looking back out the window. She was silent as she watched the scene, observing the thunder gods body language and when he turned she finally got a look at his face she saw the immense grief in his eyes. She knew that look all too well and knew exactly what must have happened. “He lost someone.” She murmured softly. As he turned to follow Tony and the others inside she once more saw the pain and grief in his eyes and it broke her heart. She didn't understand why but part of her wanted to take him into her arms and comfort him in any way she could. Biting her lip she turned back to Mia and grabbed her arm. “It looks like they need some privacy. Come on let’s go.” she said, nodding her head towards the door. Mia nodded and the two of them hurried towards the door.
Hearing voices enter the room as they were about to exit Phoenix stopped a moment and looked back, watching Thor with sympathetic eyes. He happened to look over and as their eyes met she gave him a small smile. His hollow eyes held hers briefly before looking back at his comrades, and with a heavy heart Phoenix left the room.
It’s true, I was made for you
I know that it’s been a while since I updated, I promise I’m still working on chapter 2. I’m sorry it’s been so slow going...I’m going thru a lot right now.
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lotura-archive · 6 years
Hey i was wondering. Do you have any headcannoms fir lotor if he went to earth wirh the palidans i seaso. 7 instead of qhat happened in cannon and other random headcannons on lotor? Mine would be that he would be VERY fond of sweets like cakes and pies.
Hi, timberwolf012! Thanks so much for your note! It’s funny, I was thinking about this very topic just a few days ago, haha. I totally agree he’d love sweet things! Here’s some of my head canons for if Lotor ever visited Earth (assuming that the latter half of s6 didn’t happen): 
Lotor adores Earth fantasy/fairy tales based off what he’s learned from Pidge’s book and movie collection. So he finds the nearest Renaissance fair and walks around without disguise, claiming he is a Fae prince. The children adore him and bring him flowers. He graciously accepts a flower crown and wears it for the full day.  
Allura, outside of such fairs and comic conventions, has to help Lotor disguise himself to fit in with human locals. (He never learned how to control that part of his Altean blood.) She helps him shapeshift rounded ears and a skin tone matching that of his mother’s, Honerva. She catches him staring in a mirror or reflective surface often. 
Department store shopping is an adventure, because he is a tactile person and has to touch all the different fabrics. The problem? He buys the same outfit every time. Allura is secretly frustrated. 
Lotor demands to Galaxy Garrison that they treat Allura with all the honor due her station as a princess and intergalactic diplomat—he does not understand why they don’t stand for her when she enters a room and why they don’t bow. Allura tries to deescalate the issue, but secretly she is pleased. 
It rains on Earth. Lotor loves rain. And various teas. And sitting in front of big windows. Pidge suspects he might be part cat. 
He tries coffee, various cocktails, and a 5-hour energy drink, and the next thing the paladins know, he’s learning Spanish from Lance and memes from Pidge, shouting a mix of “Victory or death” and “Wakanda forever!” in the midst of a laser tag war with some of the Galaxy Garrison cadets. He has a massive headache when he wakes up the next day, but he is the new favorite alien on the base, and he takes pride in that. 
Does he look like the cadet James Griffin? When he shapeshifts into his human disguise, many people mistake him as perhaps the cadet’s older half-brother. As Lotor has never had siblings, he suddenly feels protective over the young pilot and his team and offers tactical advice to the young ones, just as he does for the paladins. 
He loves all the wondrous stories humans have about half-breeds. He works to collect Inuyasha, The Holy Pearl, Star Trek, Vampire Hunter D, and Guardians of the Galaxy, among others. Spock is probably his favorite hybrid, though. Because he is the logical choice. 
“Allura, if the humans want to build this…Atlas ship, it needs to transform. Just think, Voltron, the Sincline ships, and Atlas—defenders of the universe, together! It would be a glorious testament to our alliance and its representation, with checks and balances to ensure that no singular race can overcome the other.” 
Sam Holt notices Lotor always pulls away from the teams whenever their families are around, and so he tries to involve Lotor in the building of the Atlas and goes out of his way to ensure Lotor and Allura feel welcome eating with his family in the mess hall. 
Lotor is often called away to deal with reports about his empire and to settle concerns from his slowly growing list of loyal generals. It leaves him a bit bleary-eyed. Dayak often cuts into the transmissions to bother him about various things—identifying potential candidates for the title as his Blood Empress (which makes him roll his eyes), the last-known whereabouts of Haggar, and “Just when is that yellow paladin named Hunk going to return to fight me to the death? This is very rude, to leave an old woman waiting for a battle. Perhaps I shall come to visit you all—"
Lotor accidentally eats a pot brownie offered to him at a city market, ends up watching space movies like Interstellar and The Martian, and starts crying about the beauty of human perseverance and connection across vast distances of space. 
He thinks cars are great fun and wants to buy a Bugatti, but then pouts when he realizes how expensive they are. 
Lotor’s in awe of all the Earth cultures. He makes a vow to visit every single country at some point because the diversity makes his explorer/scholar-heart just squish in delight. 
He saves a cat with a broken leg and carries it around in a sling until they can find a veterinarian. The cat becomes a resident at the Galaxy Garrison and gains the name Lieutenant. 
The paladins discover they cannot take Lotor to a grocery store. Lotor has a habit of looking at the brand information for each individual food item, critiquing the marketing tactics and declaring that he will find the best one out of all the options. At some point, Allura has to grab him by the ear and yank him away from the various jars of salsa. He still manages to grab a few while she drags him along. 
Lotor likes salsa. And baklava. And basically any kind of food. It all rounds back to his love of human culture and its diversity. 
Fast food? Not as fast as food goo, but a thousand times tastier. 
The Galaxy Garrison has a state-of-the-art training court, and the entire Garrison has running bets on whether Lotor or Allura would win in a fight. Most people initially assume Lotor would win, but then they watch Allura body-slam Lotor to the floor like a boss, and several people change their bets. Their combat matches often end in a draw, which makes the rivalry heighten all the more. 
Coran starts up a Monsters & Mana guild at the Galaxy Garrison. Lotor joins the game as a bard and dumps all of his points into charisma. Allura has to save him often, but he charms anyone they encounter. He often rolls to seduce until Coran puts a limit on how many times he can do that. 
Lotor has to sometimes stop himself from tripping Admiral Sanda and wonders if there is a legal way to get her kicked off the base. Or if anyone would miss her if she suddenly…disappeared. 
The chaos of the Garrison occasionally wears on his nerves (so many people, so many young ones trying to prove themselves, loudly). And so he shapeshifts to his human disguise and leaves to take a walk in the nearby city park. Sometimes, an equally stressed Allura joins him. As they walk, they hold hands and say nothing and everything at the same time. 
Lotor can’t hold down alcohol due to his Galran biology and is a major lightweight. This becomes a troublesome thing when Admiral Sanda insults Allura at a private dinner to discuss the imminent threat of the Fires of Purification. He does not remember how he insults Sanda, only that it has something to do with the backend of cows. The Earth generals are very careful after that to keep Admiral Sanda out of his sight. Secretly, several of them thank him for saying what everyone has wanted to for apparently the last fifteen years. Allura kisses him for it but then pokes his chest and says she can fight her own battles, thank you very much. He thinks all of it is a fantasy from his hangover. 
He learns about Halloween from the paladins and cadets. Apparently, the Galaxy Garrison partners with the nearby town and opens its doors for the little children to do something called “trick or treating,” and all the officers offering candy dress up, like in a masquerade. Everyone tells him that he and Allura should dress up together. He tries not to overthink it and so suggests they present as the Fae King and Queen of the Unseelie Court. His heart stops when he sees Allura in a shimmery, elfin dress. He eats a lot of candy to keep his mouth busy from saying something not meant for children’s ears. Oddly, Allura does the same thing. 
Lotor decorates his room at Galaxy Garrison with books, schematics, a few drawings from Pidge, an odd set of Christmas lights he finds in a forgotten box, his collection of shows about half-breeds, and pictures others have given him of himself surrounded by friends, smiling brightly. 
He very quickly decides that he likes Earth. 
This is all I got for now, but I had fun thinking about head canons! Thanks again!
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Ermanda’s Inner Sanctum: Scorpion 4.07 “Go With the Flo(rence)”
I liked this episode, but it failed to live up to its predecessor (2.09 US vs. UN vs. UK) referenced through MI6 agent, Gemma.  The premises were very similar: Scorpion was commissioned for a job with an ulterior motive they didn’t realize until they reached a point of no return.  This episode’s strength came through the EQ rollercoasters scattered throughout beginning to end, much like season 3.  The prevailing question was, “what do women want?”  And it was really funny to see Walter try to answer this question with Paige going back and forth! 😂  Plus, Ralph was testing his own plans to get Patty Logan's attention!  Let's talk about this and more! 
Walter & Ralph: Problem Solvers
I really like the juxtaposition of Ralph and Walter's issues with the women of their affection.  Walter sees an issue with Paige's accumulation of beauty items and develops a serum that addresses all her concerns without notifying her beforehand.  Ralph is taking the time to think about ways to get Patty's attention by appealing to that which she values most - punctuality.  Considering Walter is the one who has to learn more EQ, it seems quite odd that he feels led to advise Ralph.  Ironically, the advice Walter gives Ralph ends up working in his favor.  The instance set up another father-son dynamic between them that I anticipate to grow more throughout the season.  
Walter's struggle with Paige in this episode is very reflective of the IQ/EQ clash that the writers are heavily exploiting this season since Waige is officially a couple.  It is comedically executed. At first, he assumes.  Then he shows lack of emotional support by following Gemma without giving emphasis to Paige's vibe.  When Paige requests emotional support, Walter gives it at a stressful moment for the team, prompting Paige to make a request that contradicts what she says earlier.  No doubt Paige is not helpful when she doesn't provide enough context to support what is needed when, which makes it harder for Walter.  However, one of Walter's best qualities that I mention countless times in these reviews is his ability to accumulate information from a series of events and come through in the most clutch moments!  His success leads to a really sweet moment between Paige and him at the very end of the episode.  The whole experience also helps Paige cope with her son's romantic pursuits when Walter suggests that Ralph use this experience to become better at relationships than he is right now.  Thus, these combined scenarios highlights the family harmony that exists between Walter, Paige, and Ralph!  ALL THE FEELS!!!! 💓💓💓💙💛💙💛💙💓💓💓
Back to Basics 
One of the highlights of this show is Paige's role as the team's communicator - a job that extends in her romantic relationship with Walter.  We have seen this dynamic exploited in other relationships within this team (e.g., Happy and Toby, Cabe and Walter).  It's a core facet of the overall premise and we are seeing it again between Patty and Sly.  She specifically reminds Sly to speak to his governance and constituents as humans, not as students requiring lecture.  This is vital for him to effectively reinforce and execute his platform.  If one can not garner interest for a proposed solution to a problem, then it is increasingly hard to sell it no matter how many facts are provided.  I hope Sly manages to figure it out!  He always tries his best to come through when people need him most!  I love these little things that bring me back to the beginning!  
Hello Florence Tipton! 
Scorpion has a new "friend."  And I get so many season 1 Walter vibes from her.  Isn't it funny that Walter doesn't like her after their first encounter?!  Can we say that he has grown so much that he is averse to former versions of himself? 😂😂😂  (Side note: As a preview to a topic I will likely address in my review for episode 4.09 It’s Raining Men (of War), it is by design that Walter, Happy, and Florence are trapped together. You probably know where I am going with this if you are familiar with how I talk about Walter and Happy. 😉)  
She doesn't like noise.  Takes pride in her work.  Has an outcast story like the other geniuses on the team.  Plus, the showrunners tease that she will be a burr for Walter and Paige.  Don't know what way that will be yet, but I have a feeling it will fall along the lines of intellectual connection.  I am excited to learn more about her!  
So it seems like Cabe and Toby are meeting for regular sessions! Aww yay! But Cabe is not progressing because he refuses to open up. 👀😒
Patty: Some advice… K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple, Sylvester. Speak to those guys in a way they can understand, like a human. Not like a lecturer. Speaking of lectures, I gotta get to school.  Sly, Cabe, and Happy (in unison): Because you’ve never had a tardy and you’re not gonna start now. P: Damn right. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Why is Ralph hiding from Patty? Why is he scared of her? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Oh lordt! Walter is trying to give Ralph advice on girls’ wants and needs! Send help! 😂😂😂😂😂
Walter, Walter, Walter… never come between a woman and her beauty products without making her aware of your suggestions first! Or better yet, just tell her she’s beautiful regardless! *facepalm*
It stinks and Happy figures Ray is back… 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Florence calls the ruckus in the garage by a certain name. Is it just me or did the writers manage to make a play on “covfefe” as a synonym for ruckus? If this is the case, I AM DEAD! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💀💀💀💀
Walter: Team! Just got a call from Gleason. Toby: MI6 agent, Gleason? H: Cut his finger off to help us beat a dictator at the UN, Gleason? I love that guy. T: Easy on the love, darling. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Space lasers are going to hit the earth if Scorpion doesn’t stop the satellite. Toby’s response… “Who’s up for Vegas?!” 👀 Gets yanked right back in place by Happy. 👌🏾 Me: Interesting… very interesting. 🤔
Paige has a negative vibe about Gemma and Walter doesn’t see it to make a statement in support as a response. Uh oh! 🎧We going down, down baby…🎧 👀  
Why are they taking Cabe’s vehicle? Paige or Walter’s car would be more appropriate considering they are 10x more reliable right now. Happy just started working on it! I understand it is an extension of Cabe’s arc.  Yet, it makes sense that only Walter and Paige are his passengers. Happy already stated that she wasn’t going to hop into that vehicle; Toby travels with his wife; and Sly would choose to go with Happy with whom he is already familiar than travel in a vehicle that’s essentially a “struggle bus!” Besides, Sly is like Quintis’ little brother! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Revolutionary war joke with a British spy?! Ooh BURN!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
The hacker dumped the fob in the toilet and flushed it down the city’s drainage system! EWW! In the words of Cabe… Oh crap! 💩💩💩💩
Gemma: Ugh, it’s not in there. It’s gone. S: You’re gonna want to have that arm removed.  😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💀
H (to Toby): Quick! Give me your keychain. (keychain says “attaboy”) T: What are you doing with my “attaboy?” (Happy flushes the keychain down the toilet.) T (to Sly): See that’s why I can’t have nice things. H: Uh… After Collins escaped, I installed GPS onto your keychain in case he kidnapped you again. T (to urinating guy): Don’t you see how much this woman loves me? Urinating Guy: I just came in to urinate. Now I can’t. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💀💚💚💚💚💚 Btw, Jadyn’s hair is sooo ridiculously gorgeous in this shot!
H: We don’t know what could happen to those guys down there. We need to stay close to the fob in case we need to take their place. S: I am only gonna say this once. There is not a chance in H-E- double wizard wands that I am ever going down into the sewer. Me: Yeah… that only means Sly is going down into the sewer. 😂😂😂😂😂
Sly says schematics show there is debris in the pipe. VFX doesn’t convince me of that. Lol! #gaffe
Toby and Cabe are the epitome of “good cop, bad cop” during this interrogation! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Florence: Was I not direct with you people?! I thought I made myself very clear! (looks around) Sirens, flashing lights… is this some kind of a party? (perp flies out of trailer bound & gagged) Oh! It seems that it is some kind of party. Uh, I do not wish to attend this party. C: We can explain. F: No need. Good day. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💀💀
Flo and Toby’s banter as she is trying to leave… 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💀💀💀
Walter recognizes Paige’s feelings and validates them… doesn’t work! 😂😂😂😂😂😂💀 Oh pobrecito! Paige is losing her patience because she’s too scared about the rat! Lordt! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Umm… when did the back bed cover on Happy’s truck suddenly disappear?! Ran the red light… it was there. Shot of her driving fast down a residential service street… not there. When she and Sly reach the waste facility… it suddenly reappears! 👀 #gaffe Anything on the license plate, Ann @aspiestvmusings?
The stud finder joke returns! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Toby is an enthusiastic lover, huh?! Happy repeats the phrase! Hehehehe! #KinkyQuintis
W: Sly, I need your tablet! S (to Happy): Can you give him my tablet? H (to Walter): Don’t drop it! P: Uh no offense, Walter. I think I should probably catch it. W: (thinks) I concur. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💀 Also, doesn’t anyone find it ironic that Happy tells Walter not to drop it?! Funny considering she dropped that wrench he passed to her last time. 😂😂😂 Yeah, that was a bit of shade from me. Tehehehe!
Man! Sly is getting a huge dose of exposure therapy this season!
Is it just me or does it seem like the emotional effort behind saving Sly was a bit slow?
I just love this Quintis tag team with Cabe! How awesome is it that Happy is the one to tell Cabe to stop being so closed off?! HOLY CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!! GIVE ME MORE!!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
The atomic watch Ralph makes for Patty looks a lot like an Apple watch… 👀😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Family moments a la Walter, Paige and Ralph… 💓💓💓💙💛💙💛💙💓💓💓
Ralph: My woman had a problem and I solved it. W: (looks to Paige) I don’t know where he got that. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Aww Flo!!! She’s just like them!
Walter’s still working on that love song! EEK!!!
P: Well? W: Well what? P: Look at me, Walter. I don’t have any of my beauty products which is why I need all that stuff now. W: (stares) I see absolutely no difference. P: Are you kidding me? W: No. All I see is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I truly see no difference. 😍💙😍💙😍💙😍💙😍💙😍💙😍 WAIGE FEELS!!!
Okay guys! Paige and Walter wear a lot of blacks and blues. Could there be a theme?! Hmm, I wonder… 🤔
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 5 years
Wyckoff Schematic Suggests Bitcoin Bottom Not In at $6,600: Analyst
Is the bottom in? Since Bitcoin (BTC) fell precipitously to $6,600 late last month, analysts have been asking if the leading cryptocurrency has finally found a price bottom after a multi-month downturn.
Related Reading: Eat My Shorts: Everything You Need To Know About The Bitcoin Bart Pattern
Analysts have understandably divided over the question, as the correct answer would show in which direction Bitcoin will head for the next couple of months. Some are bullish, others are bearish.
Cold Blooded Shiller, a popular full-time trader, recently laid out the case that the bottom is not yet in, citing a form of analysis pioneered by prominent chartist and technician Richard Wyckoff.
Is the Bitcoin Bottom Really In? Wyckoff Schematics Says No
Shiller recently noted that as it stands, Bitcoin is in a “markdown from distribution” near the $13,000-$14,000 top, a markdown contained by a descending channel that has existed since the top of the recent bull run. When the top of the channel is hit, sellers dump their coins; when the bottom of the channel is touched, buyers step in, pushing the price back towards the middle of the channel.
I'll cover this off in a thread as I've been tagged in two threads asking for thoughts on $BTC Wyckoff schematics at this stage.
Let's explore it, I'll give you some education, things to look for and determine if we may be at a bottom. pic.twitter.com/a5FxQrkD00
— Cold Blooded Shiller (@ColdBloodShill) December 7, 2019
As it stands, Bitcoin at $7,400 is in the middle of the channel, seemingly in no man’s land, thus not close to a bottom.
“From a volume perspective, there is nothing to me that screams “THIS IS THE BOTTOM.” For both markdowns and markups we typically expect to see “climactic” volume,” Shiller wrote, trying to accentuate that there are no concrete signs the bottom is in for the Bitcoin market.
Shiller concluded that for him to acknowledge that a bottom is in, Bitcoin will have to rapidly move out of the abovementioned descending channel on a large influx of volume, implying a selling climax, to fall into support, bounce, then continue sideways in preparation for the next macro move. The scenario he is expecting can be seen below, which shows that the leading cryptocurrency could return into the low-$5,000s, a range that has been identified by other analysts as a potential macro bottom. 
This is what I'd like (and expect to see):
Price coming out of the markdown channel (downside) Large volume increase (creating an anomaly against prior volume)
That brings us on to the final piece of information we can use in this set up. pic.twitter.com/6zB4TWnzk0
— Cold Blooded Shiller (@ColdBloodShill) December 7, 2019
Related Reading: Bitcoin CME Futures Gaps Are Filled With 95% Certainty, But Trading Them Is Risky
Featured Image from Shutterstock
The post Wyckoff Schematic Suggests Bitcoin Bottom Not In at $6,600: Analyst appeared first on NewsBTC.
from Cryptocracken Tumblr https://ift.tt/354Fsg7 via IFTTT
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Wyckoff Schematic Suggests Bitcoin Bottom Not In at $6,600: Analyst
Is the bottom in? Since Bitcoin (BTC) fell precipitously to $6,600 late last month, analysts have been asking if the leading cryptocurrency has finally found a price bottom after a multi-month downturn.
Related Reading: Eat My Shorts: Everything You Need To Know About The Bitcoin Bart Pattern
Analysts have understandably divided over the question, as the correct answer would show in which direction Bitcoin will head for the next couple of months. Some are bullish, others are bearish.
Cold Blooded Shiller, a popular full-time trader, recently laid out the case that the bottom is not yet in, citing a form of analysis pioneered by prominent chartist and technician Richard Wyckoff.
Is the Bitcoin Bottom Really In? Wyckoff Schematics Says No
Shiller recently noted that as it stands, Bitcoin is in a “markdown from distribution” near the $13,000-$14,000 top, a markdown contained by a descending channel that has existed since the top of the recent bull run. When the top of the channel is hit, sellers dump their coins; when the bottom of the channel is touched, buyers step in, pushing the price back towards the middle of the channel.
I'll cover this off in a thread as I've been tagged in two threads asking for thoughts on $BTC Wyckoff schematics at this stage.
Let's explore it, I'll give you some education, things to look for and determine if we may be at a bottom. pic.twitter.com/a5FxQrkD00
— Cold Blooded Shiller (@ColdBloodShill) December 7, 2019
As it stands, Bitcoin at $7,400 is in the middle of the channel, seemingly in no man’s land, thus not close to a bottom.
“From a volume perspective, there is nothing to me that screams “THIS IS THE BOTTOM.” For both markdowns and markups we typically expect to see “climactic” volume,” Shiller wrote, trying to accentuate that there are no concrete signs the bottom is in for the Bitcoin market.
Shiller concluded that for him to acknowledge that a bottom is in, Bitcoin will have to rapidly move out of the abovementioned descending channel on a large influx of volume, implying a selling climax, to fall into support, bounce, then continue sideways in preparation for the next macro move. The scenario he is expecting can be seen below, which shows that the leading cryptocurrency could return into the low-$5,000s, a range that has been identified by other analysts as a potential macro bottom. 
This is what I'd like (and expect to see):
Price coming out of the markdown channel (downside) Large volume increase (creating an anomaly against prior volume)
That brings us on to the final piece of information we can use in this set up. pic.twitter.com/6zB4TWnzk0
— Cold Blooded Shiller (@ColdBloodShill) December 7, 2019
Related Reading: Bitcoin CME Futures Gaps Are Filled With 95% Certainty, But Trading Them Is Risky
Featured Image from Shutterstock
The post Wyckoff Schematic Suggests Bitcoin Bottom Not In at $6,600: Analyst appeared first on NewsBTC.
from Cryptocracken WP https://ift.tt/354Fsg7 via IFTTT
0 notes
brettzjacksonblog · 5 years
Wyckoff Schematics Suggests Bitcoin Bottom Not In at $6,600: Analyst
Is the bottom in? Since Bitcoin (BTC) fell precipitously to $6,600 late last month, analysts have been asking if the leading cryptocurrency has finally found a price bottom after a multi-month downturn.
Related Reading: Eat My Shorts: Everything You Need To Know About The Bitcoin Bart Pattern
Analysts have understandably divided over the question, as the correct answer would show in which direction Bitcoin will head for the next couple of months. Some are bullish, others are bearish.
Cold Blooded Shiller, a popular full-time trader, recently laid out the case that the bottom is not yet in, citing a form of analysis pioneered by prominent chartist and technician Richard Wyckoff.
Is the Bitcoin Bottom Really In? Wyckoff Schematics Says No
Shiller recently noted that as it stands, Bitcoin is in a “markdown from distribution” near the $13,000-$14,000 top, a markdown contained by a descending channel that has existed since the top of the recent bull run. When the top of the channel is hit, sellers dump their coins; when the bottom of the channel is touched, buyers step in, pushing the price back towards the middle of the channel.
I'll cover this off in a thread as I've been tagged in two threads asking for thoughts on $BTC Wyckoff schematics at this stage.
Let's explore it, I'll give you some education, things to look for and determine if we may be at a bottom. pic.twitter.com/a5FxQrkD00
— Cold Blooded Shiller (@ColdBloodShill) December 7, 2019
As it stands, Bitcoin at $7,400 is in the middle of the channel, seemingly in no man’s land, thus not close to a bottom.
“From a volume perspective, there is nothing to me that screams “THIS IS THE BOTTOM.” For both markdowns and markups we typically expect to see “climactic” volume,” Shiller wrote, trying to accentuate that there are no concrete signs the bottom is in for the Bitcoin market.
Shiller concluded that for him to acknowledge that a bottom is in, Bitcoin will have to rapidly move out of the abovementioned descending channel on a large influx of volume, implying a selling climax, to fall into support, bounce, then continue sideways in preparation for the next macro move. The scenario he is expecting can be seen below, which shows that the leading cryptocurrency could return into the low-$5,000s, a range that has been identified by other analysts as a potential macro bottom. 
This is what I'd like (and expect to see):
Price coming out of the markdown channel (downside) Large volume increase (creating an anomaly against prior volume)
That brings us on to the final piece of information we can use in this set up. pic.twitter.com/6zB4TWnzk0
— Cold Blooded Shiller (@ColdBloodShill) December 7, 2019
Related Reading: Bitcoin CME Futures Gaps Are Filled With 95% Certainty, But Trading Them Is Risky
Featured Image from Shutterstock
The post Wyckoff Schematics Suggests Bitcoin Bottom Not In at $6,600: Analyst appeared first on NewsBTC.
from CryptoCracken SMFeed https://ift.tt/2P0xBe2 via IFTTT
0 notes
salvagedsouls · 1 year
teensy tag drop ft. verse things!!
*may be added to in the future
0 notes
officialdipp · 7 years
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If you’re interested, feel free to reblog this to help spread the word ! 
      Where do things go when they are no longer needed ? If something is deemed as ‘ forgotten ’, ‘ worthless ’, ‘ not worth remembering ’ then surely it would be as if that thing had never truly existed in the first place wouldn’t it ? 
                                 Thrown away, abandoned, no better than mere FANTASY. 
    But what does any of this have to do with you ? You are not a forgotten thing to be thrown away, surely you aren’t. You are surely someone who goes about life in the best way one can. Perhaps you have friends, family, pets, surely you have something, someone, which binds you to this world. ( you are REAL. ) So what does any of this have to do with you ? 
    A forest with no exit ( how long have you been walking ? ) you don’t remember how long you have been here ( when did you even walk into this forest ? Had you not been SOMEWHERE ELSE ? Walking to school, to work, to somewhere surely… nothing seems to be missing on your person after all… ) Would you not have noticed walking into a forest ? ( But you didn't. You didn’t notice. How are you here ? ) 
                                                      WHY IS THIS FOREST SO QUIET ? 
    An unnerving atmosphere truly, tall trees with branches reaching up vainly to the rising sun ( when did it become morning ? ) tendrils of mist curling through lush leaf strewn ground, grasping, grabbing, searching to cling desperately onto anything which was foolish enough to walk through these unmarked paths. This forest is unfamiliar, this forest is perhaps just the slightest bit unsettling, but not as unsettling as the vague distinct tingle in the back of one's mind which is all too recognizable as the feeling of being WATCHED ( but from where ? By what ? ) you hear no birds in the trees, you hear no movement of life through the underbrush. ( that isn't normal surely ) but you can FEEL it, you know you can, EYES watching your every move ( like a lion watching a lamb which has strayed from its pen ) 
    Perhaps you walk faster, ( there has to be an exit ! ) perhaps you don’t care, ( you aren’t in any danger right ? So why should you ? ) perhaps you check your phone ( no service ) perhaps you cry out for help ( no response ) 
                                              Where do things go when they are forgotten ? 
    Eventually, a breakthrough, through the trees and mist you can make out the distinct outline of a small village ( you weren’t walking in circles after all it seems ) and the closer you get the more you can begin to make out; a school, an apartment complex, and what you are sure is something like a gas station ( signs of civilization ! ) and what's more, among it all you catch sight of other people. A crowd slowly gathering at the center of what you could only assume is some sort of town square, around something, ( around someone ) and surely you soon join the crowd too, no ? It would be better for you than simply standing around ( or risking becoming lost in the woods once more ) this has to be a chance for answers. Then you see her, a women standing upon little more than slightly elevated platform at the center of it all, yet still somehow COMMANDING the attention of every person gathered around her. 
                                                Where do things go when they are forgotten ? 
   SHE has been expecting you it seems. Her blonde hair done up in a tight bun, parasol neatly folded at her side, bright ( unnatural ) violet eyes which at once sweep through the murmuring voices of the forcibly gathered crowd. 
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   ❝ My, my, so many things have WASHED UP on my shore it seems...  ❞ She speaks suddenly, her voice somehow demanding the attention of every single person gathered before her despite its perfectly carefree tone. ( She isn’t making the effort to raise her voice much higher than the clamoring of the crowd, and why should she RAISE her voice ? Surely you will listen, wont you ? To the only person ( ? ) here who seems to know what's going on. )  ❝ Please DO settle down, all your pointless chitchat is going to give me a headache. I’m sure you all must have SO many questions, no ?  ❞ A small chuckle escaped her lips, a small elegant curtsy given to the crowd in one completely fluid motion ( like a magician about to start a great show ) before continuing, ❝ --but as they say, patience is a virtue. All will be revealed with due time I promise you, but for now--  ❞
                              ❝ WELCOME TO MY WONDERLAND  ❞
   Spirited away to a land of fantasy, trapped in an abandoned mountain village lost to time and space, you find yourself with nothing but the clothes on your back and anything you happened to have on hand. You have been captured, trapped like rats, and your captor, ( a woman calling herself Yukari Yakumo ) claims you have been FORGOTTEN by the world you came from. 
   The monster in your closet, the shadows that lurk in the night, the supernatural, the paranormal, how shocked must you be to discover they are all VERY much real. Real, and CRAVING for the FEAST they have been denied for so long. 
    And that is where you come in, your captor has made THAT much PERFECTLY clear. Forgotten to your world and lost in shadow, you are to become food for the creatures of myth and legend that haunt this place. However, your captor has taken pity ( ? ) on you, ( or perhaps simply sending lambs off to the slaughter is much too BORING for her tastes... ) and offers up a DEAL ( how FOND this one is of her GAMES ). 
    End the current existence of one of your fellow prisoners, and she will set you free, as a bonus, she’ll even grant you your greatest desire --a wish. However, all games need stakes, all games need a challenge ( did you really believe it’d be so SIMPLE ? ). Kill someone and get away with it when put on trial against your equals. If you FAIL you get EATEN by the monsters which lurk within the outskirts of the village. Likewise, if your fellow prisoners do not guess correctly, while you will be freed ( as promised ) the remaining prisoners will make quite the BUFFET in return...  
          You have been forced into a murder game, though really the better words for this is                                                                  a game of survival. 
    Trapped in a land that does not care for you, populated by the creatures who gave humans a reason to FEAR the SHADOWS, trapped in a game of kill or be killed, live or die, escape or be eaten. In the end, lives WILL be lost. ( Your warden made THAT clear too ) Either way, Yukari is intent on getting exactly what she wants from her new PLAYGROUND.
There are NO real RULES here, though Yukari has been kind enough to place several ( actual ) customized street caution signs in the village square for you. Follow them, don’t follow them, she doesn’t really care, though if something goes WRONG don’t say she didn’t WARN YOU. 
They are all very simple, and each sign colored in a visible bright yellow, they are as follows:
The forest holds many dangers, try not to visit after sunset. Steal from the shops at your own risk: punishment will be administered at the whim of the shopkeepers. Property damage should be avoided, unless one is handy enough to fix whatever they broke. Leave offerings at shrines for a little bit of good luck ( you’ll need it ). Attack the sukima youkai at your own risk. Mind the gap.
✂—– This is an OPEN VERSE. ANYONE is free to join, canon, oc, multi-muse, etc. THE CUT-OFF POINT FOR CAST WILL BE SOMETIME AFTER THE SECOND CHAPTER BEGINS. Be sure to tag your verse posts with the tag ‘ v; dolls in pseudo paradise ’. Follow it to keep up with the verse’s events ! That is the official tag for the group, and where you will find open starters, group events, new applicants, etc. You’re more than welcome to make your own tag alongside that, though please tag your posts with the official tag so we can find your posts ! 
✂—– This verse is inspired by the setting of Touhou Project, the murder game mechanics of Dangan Ronpa, with a dash of Fatal Frame and other such horror games of its nature thrown in. as such, dark themes WILL be present. You do not have to be familiar with any of these things to participate, we got you covered on all fronts! 
✂—– Youkai muses are allowed and encouraged! There’s only one catch- in this setting, youkai are born from human fear. It’s hard coded into their schematics, they cannot resist their nature. How open they are about their inhuman status amongst their peers is up to you, but given the situation they’re in.... it’s safe to say a wolf among the sheep’s going to cause a little bit of panic, no?
✂—– Yukari has basically spirited away all your muses from their canon verse / your verse of choice and dumped them into a realm which exists as a sort of ‘ wonderland ’, a pocket dimension of sorts with seemingly no exit. They have been kidnapped, ripped right from their ‘ story ’ and dropped right smack dab into the village with only the clothes on their backs and everything they may have on hand at the time. 
✂—– As such, memories have been left INTACT ( probably ). Your muse remembers going about their daily life as normal before getting snatched up ( ‘ gapped away ’ literally walking through a rift in space-time which Yukari created ) and without their notice ending up a forest. 
✂—– The village at NIGHT TIME leads to many events at RANDOM. There is no set schedule for these. Youkai are roaming in this village after all, and they will do as they please WHEN they please. Occasionally there will be witnesses, some there may not be. Some events may be dangerous to your muse, some might be helpful. But all of them are certainly strange… even the ones among you just seem a little bizarre. 
✂—– It is preferable that you follow the ADMINS of this group as found in the admins page though it isn't required. 
✂—– For the murder events, the admins will pair off two people ( though volunteers are welcomed ) – one to play the part of ‘ murderer ’ and the other their ‘ victim ’. The max amount of people who can be killed by ONE PERSON is TWO. If no one is willing to take the role, one of the admins will handle it. 
✂—– Please. If you take part in this verse, treat each other kindly out of character and please be welcoming to those who join. See an open without notes ? Reply ! Want to plot with someone ? Feel free to ask ! We’re all just a big happy family stuck in a death village on a mountain. No big deal.
✂—– Threads of any length are welcome ! 
✂—– Trials, murders, and story events will be announced by Yukari. Trials are interactive and will be played out by interacting with other members in the group or by sending IC asks to this blog directed at Yukari. When it comes time to the voting, you’ll also cast your votes by sending them into the blog ! Yukari will also confirm or deny evidence in the trial and investigation if it’s needed or asked ( though whether she wants to or not is a different story-- ). 
✂—– The application for this verse is short and simple. Only a few key things will be needed to know about your muse, which will be kept PRIVATE for the sake of moderating this ‘ story ’ New people will be introduced in batches and the masterlist will be updated as the applications come in !
✂—– Doubles are not an issue.
Name / Age: Species ( human / youkai / something else ? ): Weakness your character has ? ( physical / mental ): What would make them WANT to kill someone ? Strengths your character has ? ( physical / mental): What would KEEP them from killing ? Would you be willing to play the role of murderer ? Would you be willing to play the role of victim ? Triggers ? URL:
105 notes · View notes
salvagedsouls · 2 years
tag dump ten!!
ft. tony ♥
may be added to in the future!!
0 notes
salvagedsouls · 2 years
tag dump nine!!
ft. sof, steve, thor, & tony ♥
0 notes
salvagedsouls · 2 years
tag dump eight!!
ft. riley, sam, sharon, & sof ♥
0 notes
salvagedsouls · 2 years
tag dump seven!!
ft. peg, pietro, & riley ♥
0 notes