#( if we kissed | bucky&tony | winteriron )
3twindragons · 2 years
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salvagedsouls · 1 year
tag dump eleven!!
ft. ships ♥
note: these are going to be either blog-specific or some of the more popular ones, and later tag dumps will have other ships that are partner-specific, less popular, etc.
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riotwritesthings · 16 hours
Hi hi 👋 love your writing, pink, winteriron?
thank youuu! I hope you like this!
(now taking prompts for pride month)
Fading Pink
WinterIron, T, 650 - Fluff
“Tony. Angel.”
A low, rumbling laugh makes its way to Tony’s ears as cool fingers trail down his spine.
“Doll face,” that warm voice says, warmer than the sun still soaking into his skin. “Tony, sweetheart, if you don’t wake up already I’m eatin’ your dinner.”
With another grumbled hum Tony finally lifts his head from his crossed arms, blinking sluggishly against the bright golden light.
Ah, right, he’s on a beach, sprawled out on their giant blanket and supposedly working on his tan. He must have fallen asleep at some point after Bucky had headed back into the biggest rental house Tony could talk him into for the trip. Their own little slice of paradise, at least for now.
It's been nearly perfect, but Tony can always find something to complain about.
”You abandoned me,” Tony pouts, narrowing his eyes at the dark shape sitting beside him, casting a shadow over him.
"Someone had t’make us some food," Bucky returns, and Tony can tell he’s grinning by the tilt of his head, “an’ we both know you weren’t gonna move.”
“I’m photo-”
“You are not photosynthesizing,” Bucky interrupts with a huff of laughter, and Tony grumbles as he buries his face in his arms again. “I really will eat your food,” Bucky warns, but he’s absently brushing the hair away from the nape of Tony’s neck.
“Five more minutes,” Tony demands, his voice a petulant whine even as he arches up into the wonderful contrast of Bucky’s cool skin against his.
“Are you tryin’ to roast yourself out here?” Bucky asks with another soft laugh.
“Like a rotisserie chicken,” Tony agrees as he flops over onto his back and stretches lazily. He smirks as Bucky’s eyes drag down his bare chest to stop on the tiny black swim trunks sitting low on his hips. “I hope you appreciate this,” Tony says as he bends one knee up, letting his thighs fall open just a little wider, “I’m only wearing the shorts because you like tan lines.”
“I do like 'em,” Bucky agrees with a thoughtful nod and now his chilled metal fingers are following the path of his eyes, down Tony’s stomach to trail along the waist of his shorts. “But apparently,“ he continues, ”there was th’ alternative of you not wearin’ these. So it’s a real win/lose situation for me.”
Tony laughs, and then laughs harder when Bucky’s fingers dip ticklishly beneath the fabric, pulling it up to inspect the line of his tan. “Now go back to touching my head,“ he demands, shoving lightly at Bucky’s hand without any real intent. ”that felt amazing. So refreshing.”
"‘Cuz I’ve been inside," Bucky says with a roll of his eyes, but reaches up to brush the hair off Tony’s forehead, “in th’ AC, where our dinner is waitin’ on us. C’mon.”
“And leave the sun?“ Tony demands even as he lean up into Bucky’s touch, ”The sun is my new best friend.”
"Well your new best friend burned me,“ Bucky says and Tony laughs at the memory of his skin flushed an angry red before he’d fled inside earlier. ”Stop,“ Bucky complains, poking him in the forehead.
”Sorry, sorry,“ Tony says, still laughing, ”but I told you to start slow, you have to woo the sun.“
”Woo me,“ Bucky grumbles, letting himself be pulled down beside Tony on the sandy blanket.
”Gladly,” Tony says and reels him into a kiss, dragging his thumb along the warm curve of Bucky’s cheek. His sunburn has already healed to just a hint of color, like a lingering blush, and Tony kisses him until the sun has vanished into the water.
“Dinner is still waitin’,“ Bucky points out eventually, but his fingers are still creeping beneath the waist of Tony’s shorts.
”Let it wait,“ Tony says and presses his lips to the fading pink over the bridge of Bucky’s nose.
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27dragons · 6 months
New Year Countdown: Dec 6
CRAP, I forgot to post this yesterday!!! And I was particularly excited about this one because it's a Sandbridge callback! (I randomly rolled "Restaurant AU" and couldn't not do it!)
If you haven't read the Sandbridge AU before, first of all, I'm not sure why you even follow me. And second of all, you probably do need to know before clicking through that Tony and Bucky have 2 daughters in that series, Billie and Livvy.
Dec 6 - Winteriron - Restaurant AU - Sleigh
Bucky was whistling “Jingle Bells” under his breath as he turned his truck into Dockside’s parking lot. Christmas was just around the corner, Billie was home from school on holiday break, Dockside was enjoying a brief surge of business as local families decided it was easier to eat out than cook for their holiday visitors, and he’d actually managed to finish all his holiday shopping before the mad rush of Christmas Eve, for a change.
He looked around to make sure neither his husband nor his daughters were immediately present, then unlocked the toolbox on the side of his truck and pulled out his last few packages, bustling them into the garage before anyone could appear. Even Livvy knew that he hid everything in there, under the old stack of inflatable pools that probably didn’t fully inflate anymore, but none of them would peek.
“Papa!” Speaking of the devil... Bucky ducked out of the garage before Livvy made her way around the corner of the building.
“Hi there, Briar Rose,” he said, reaching out to ruffle the preteen’s hair. “What’s cookin’?”
“Uncle Steve is,” she said, grinning, but grabbed his arm and pulled. “Come on, down to the beach!”
Bucky followed along gamely, though he’d need to get into the kitchen to help with prep soon. “Why? What’s going on?”
Livvy giggled and let go, running ahead of him.
As soon as Bucky cleared the corner, he saw what Livvy was so wound up about. Tied up at the dock that gave the restaurant its name was a smallish motorboat. That by itself was not too unusual, though this particular dock wasn’t really the ideal location for it, being more of a pier for fishing than a true dock.
But someone -- and Bucky was laying money on his husband -- had somehow decked the boat out to look like Santa’s sleigh, the side panels situated so the “runners” of the sleigh skimmed just about at water level. It was an elaborate illusion, including dozens if not hundreds of lights and a platform above the motor that was piled high with what Bucky fervently hoped were fake presents, lest any of them topple overboard. A couple of the presents featured Dockside’s logo prominently; Bucky suspected that Steve had helped with that paint job. Billie and Nat were in the boat with Tony, helping with something, while Livvy danced excitedly at the end of the dock.
Laughing, Bucky ambled down the beach and out onto the dock, arriving at the end just as Tony clambered up the rope ladder that was hung there. Bucky reached down to help Tony up and pulled him into a kiss that they might have prolonged somewhat just because Livvy was clearly so impatient for them to stop.
“So this is your top-secret project,” Bucky said when he finally had to take a breath. “Santa’s going by water this year?”
“Not a lot of chimneys in Sandbridge,” Tony pointed out, his eyes sparkling. “But lots of boat slips.”
“There’s a parade!” Livvy announced. “On the 23rd! We’re definitely going to win!”
Bucky raised his eyebrows as he helped Nat and then Billie up onto the dock. “A parade?”
“Yes,” Nat said firmly. “We may not win, but I think we will make a good showing.”
“It’s a nice sleigh,” Bucky agreed, eyeing the boat. “But I reckon I might miss the reindeer.”
Nat traded grins with Billie.
“A water sleigh doesn’t need flying reindeer, Uncle Bucky,” Billie said. “It needs flying fish.”
“That’s what all the presents on the back are for,” Tony put in. “After we get our fish attached to the front, we’ll add ballast to the presents to counterbalance them. Thank god the parade won’t go at more than five knots the whole way, or our whole boat would probably sink.”
“Send me the details on this parade,” Bucky told them as they headed back up the dock toward the beach. “I’ll get Victoria to sub for me so I can come watch and cheer you on.”
“Great!” Billie enthused. “That means I can ride with the boat instead of staying on shore with the bug.”
Livvy pushed her way between Bucky and Tony, “And then we can all go out for ice cream after!”
“This is required,” Nat announced before Bucky could respond. “If we win, we must have ice cream to celebrate. And if we do not win, then ice cream shall console us.”
Bucky laughed and put his arms around Billie and Livvy, tucking one hand into Tony’s back pocket for good measure. “It’s a date.”
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ashes0909 · 10 months
I’d like to suggest “lost, angry, armed” for Winteriron for the writing game. Smut or not is equally great. Love to see more Winteriron in the world 💜💜
Thanks for the prompt! It kind of went a bit sideways, but I hope you enjoy.
“When you told me you’d dressed up as ‘armed and dangerous,’ this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind,” Bucky said, yawning as he perched up on his elbows, the mattress shifting under his weight. He had been in bed for the evening, which meant he was wearing only a pair of boxers. A thin bed sheet slipped down his bare chest as he moved. “Halloween is still a few months away,” Bucky continued, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
At the foot of the bed stood Tony, dressed up as some sort of biker…vampire? When he grinned, fake pointed incisors flashed in the bedroom light. “Just got back from that theater screening of Lost Boys. We sang all the songs even though there aren’t any, then fought in some wild undead.” Tony narrowed his eyes as he pretended to look angry and gnashed his teeth.
Tilting his head, Bucky took in his boyfriend's performance, along with his tight leather pants and torn white t-shirt. Glimpses of abs teased through the fabric. “I only understood about half of those words. Are you supposed to be an angry cabaret dancer?”
Tony shook his head. “Movie. Hot boys. Vampires. Horny.”
Bucky sat up fully on the bed; the sheet fell down to his hips. “Well, those words I fully understand. Come here, darlin’.”
Tony’s menacing expression morphed into a wide grin. He enthusiastically jumped on the bed, straddling Bucky. Bucky let his arms come around Tony’s waist to rest where his ass pushed against tight leather pants, his metal hand adding extra power to his squeeze. Tony moaned across Bucky’s skin, and he felt when Tony’s vampire teeth found his neck, lightly biting a line of kisses down past his shoulder and over his pec muscle. 
“You beat all those fake vampires, sweetheart?” Bucky whispered, the spark from Tony’s lips causing his hips to thrust up into leather pants. 
“You know it.”
Bucky squeezed again, grinding their hips together. “Sounds like someone deserves a reward.”
“I’ve come here ‘armed and dangerous’ to collect just that.”
Bucky flipped them over with superhuman speed, pinning Tony beneath him. “You’ve come to the right place.” He crashed their lips together, and Bucky discovered he had quite a thing for pointed teeth, ripped t-shirts and tight pants. Especially, when they were on Tony. 
If anyone else is interested, check out my Writing Game!
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kandisheek · 5 months
odour of peace by Potrix
Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: T Words: 874 Tags: A/B/O, Scenting, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: As a Beta, Steve might be able to read Bucky’s body language, but he can’t smell the sour, panicked scent basically rolling off of him, growing stronger and thicker by the second. Tony can, though, and he doesn’t even think before he moves closer to Barnes, led by basic instinct more than anything else. He ignores Steve’s concerned, “Tony,” as he comes to a stop only inches away from Barnes, and waits until Barnes meets his eyes before he bares his neck in invitation.
Reasons why I love it: Short and sweet, this fic is one that I always return to for a little pick-me-up. Bucky getting the comfort he deserves just warms my heart, especially when it's Tony offering it. Throw in some A/B/O dynamics and I'm a goner. A wonderful fic, definitely check it out!
Pretending by cagestark
Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: E Words: 3,075 Tags: Female!Tony, Drunk Sex, Friends With Benefits
Summary: Bucky takes care of drunken Toni's every last need.
Reasons why I love it: This fic just makes me so goddamn soft. Bucky is so whipped for Toni, and it's honestly adorable. Plus, the smut and the humor throughout are absolutely superb. I love this fic to death, and I bet you will too, so please give it a read!
Fate Strings Not Required by Akira_of_the_Twilight
Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: T Words: 7,032 Tags: Soulmates, Bodyguard Bucky, Meet Cute
Summary: “Hey doll,” a new voice said from Tony’s side. Tony glanced at the person approaching. Someone was working the rugged, bad boy look. The new guy rocked a leather jacket and blue jeans. His blue eyes lit up with joy as he approached Tony. “Something wrong here?” The new guy gave the first guy--the one insisting he was Tony's soul mate--a once over then turned his full attention on Tony. “You’re looking a little stressed, anything I can do?” Tony took the hint. Tony wrapped his hand around the new guy’s elbow. He kept his touch light and breakable in case he’d misread the cue. “Just some guy claiming to be my soul mate, babe.” The new guy’s eyebrows rose to his hairline in surprise. He chuckled and gave the first guy a smirk. “Strange. Last time I checked we were soul mates.”
Reasons why I love it: I'm a sucker for soulmate fics, and this one is no exception. Give me all the meet-cute, protective Bucky and little shit Tony shenanigans! One little warning though that Tony is underage when he starts dating Bucky, but they wait until he's of age for any below the belt touching. If that's not a squick for you, I'm sure you'll love this fic as much as I do!
Shameless by Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar)
Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: M Words: 2,570 Tags: Flirting, Sexual Tension, Lust at First Sight
Summary: Prompt: imagine Tony and Bucky flirting everywhere, in the tower, out fighting random bad guy of the day over the coms, even out in public. it started as a game to see who could get the other to blush or fluster first but it dissolved into shameless flirting quickly. eventually it's Bucky who cracks first, pushing Tony up against a wall, kissing the living daylights out of him and using that super soldier strength to pick Tony up to hold against the wall. bonus if Clint walks in on them. Tony isn’t actually sure which of them starts it—he’d like to take credit, but if he’s learned anything it’s that Barnes is by no means a wilting flower. Besides, the start doesn’t matter as much as figuring out who’s going to actually finish it.
Reasons why I love it: Bucky and Tony engaging in a battle of wills about who's gonna crack first under the pressure of constant flirting? Hell fucking yes. Poor Clint being traumatized is just the icing on the cake. I love this fic so much, definitely give it a read if you like light-hearted fun!
Paths Are Made by Walking by Potrix
Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: T Words: 4,744 Tags: Getting Together, Pining, Protective Bucky
Summary: The road to recovery is long, winding and a different one for every person walking it. Bucky chooses to help himself the only way he knows how; by doing what he does best. Or, alternatively; the one in which Tony is a mess and accidentally kick-starts Bucky’s protective mother hen instincts.
Reasons why I love it: I have a soft spot for Bucky being a motherhen and making Tony take better care of himself. This fic embodies all of that for me. And the pining is so sweet, it makes my teeth ache. A wonderful fic that I'd recommend to anyone who likes these boys being idiots in love!
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winterironevents · 11 months
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June 10th - July 20th, 2023
It's been a minute!
Look under the cut for the amazing works made in the past month and a half-ish.
We will be returning to our normal Saturday schedule next week.
Thanks to @massivespacewren as always for the incredible fanart you see here.
Now let's get to some WinterIron goodies!
The Theory of Love, Electric by Halfpennybuddha
Rated: M
Tags: No archive warnings apply, Princess Diaries AU, Royal AU, High School AU, Gay Bucky Barnes, Bisexual Tony Stark, implied/referenced drug use, implied/referenced self-harm, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Bullying, non-consentual kiss, no sex, but minor over clothes frottage and kissing, Tony & Bucky are both 18, dancer Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers is a Good Bro, endless shopping, implied/referenced alcohol abuse, underage drinking (not main characters), mentions of cancer, mentions of serious illness (past), supportive family, family feels, Jewish Bucky Barnes, unplanned pregnancy, light angst
Summary: "“Even after his tragic death, it should not have changed much regarding succession. I…well, I was still in good health, though in mourning. But now…your grandfather’s death last year, and my testicular cancer, you see. The treatment…well, I am sterile, Iacob.”
Bucky dropped his sandwich.
AKA The Winteriron Princess Diaries AU that nobody asked for."
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Takin’ What They’re Givin’ (‘Cause I’m Workin’ for a Livin’) - Chapter 8: Mission Six: Breaking All the Rules by @polizwrites
Rated: E
Tags: Identity Porn, camboy!Bucky, Iron Man Tony Stark/Modern Bucky Barnes, Cap!Steve/Modern Bucky Barnes, oral sex, anal sex, Sugar Daddy, Revelations, Happy Endings
Summary: Bucky's little camboy sidegig - where he plays 'Special Agent Jay' -- gets him attention from an unexpected quarter. Chapter 8 Bucky finally makes it to Seoul, and so do two people very important to him.
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My Love is Vengeance - Chapter 4 by @polizwrites
Rated: T
Tags: Canon Divergence, young!Tony, bodyguard!Winter Soldier, recovering!Bucky, POV Bucky, Hydra, double agent
Summary: "[Part of Behind Blue Eyes Series] Still disguised as Jacob, the Soldier goes to a club with Tony. Tony runs into trouble and they both reveal their feelings just before the Soldier’s hand is forced. Chapter 4: The next day, Tony and Bucky are separated and learn more about what Hydra expects of them before reuniting again. "
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Surprise Afternoon Shopping by @endlesstwanted
Rated: E
Tags: Sugar Daddy AU, Lingerie, Semi-Public Sex
Summary: With Bucky’s promotion’s party this weekend, Tony’s taken on a surprise afternoon shopping session in search of clothes for the occasion. They just may or may not have spent all of it at Bucky’s regular sex shop.
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Home Again (Chapter 31) by @scottxlogan
Rated: E
Tags: Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Supernatural Elements, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, References to Depression, Bucky Barnes Has PTSD, Bucky Barnes & Sam Wilson Friendship, Pre-Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Tragedy, Angst and Romance, Blood Loss, Adult Content, Explicit Language, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Blood and Injury, Dreams and Nightmares, Slow Burn, Sexual Content
Summary: After a few surprising truths are revealed Bucky and Tony are reunited at the reservoir in Wakanda. Will it spell disaster or prove to be the happy ending they've both been searching for?
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WinterIron Bingo - July 2023 Round Robin by AoifeLaufeyson, endlesstwanted, HadrianPeverellBlack, Politzania, scottxlogan, Sivan325
Rated: G
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Love Confessions, Crushes, Mutual Pining
Summary: When Natasha talks Bucky into pretending to be her boyfriend so her nosy (but well-meaning) family will leave her alone -- the last thing Bucky expects is to run into his crush: Tony Stark.
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Late-Night Requirements by @every-marveler-ever
Rated: G
Tags: Tony Stark is scared (but won’t admit it), Hydra
Summary: Hydra had always been a pain for them, but since dating Sam and Bucky, Hydra became a whole new level of scary to Tony. They said it would be easy, and simple, but Tony just couldn’t believe that.
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Love You Doll by Aralia Tutela
Rated: T
Tags: Living Doll
Summary: Put me away like a doll when they didn't need me.' Tony's mind caught on that phrase, and suddenly he knew what he could do to help his lover relax.
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And So It Goes by @purpleicedteas
Rated: M
Tags: Single Dad Tony, Recluse Bucky, Brief mention of Pepper's breast cancer and death; Silver Fox Bucky, Silver Fox Tony, Single Dad Tony, Engineer Tony, Former FBI Agent Bucky, Recluse Bucky, Alpine the Cat
Summary: Bucky Barnes was a retired FBI agent living as a recluse. Content with a solitary lifestyle, he lived for years with only the company of Alpine, his feline companion. When the empty home next to theirs is filled with new neighbors, Alpine and Bucky find their lives weaving with the handsome engineer and his daughter.
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Never Have I Ever by @scottxlogan
Rated: E
Tags: Sexual Content, Jealousy, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Not Steve Rogers Friendly, Past Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Past Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Minor Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers, Light Bondage, Angst with a Happy Ending, Light Angst, Blindfolds, Restraints, Declarations Of Love, Established Relationship, Angst, Alcoholic Tony Stark, Past Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism
Summary: When the team gets together to spend a night under the stars playing a game of Never Have I Ever, it opens the door to a tense situation where Bucky and Tony are left facing an uncomfortable truth about the history they have with Steve. Will it prove to be the think that pulls their blossoming relationship apart or will it bring them closer together when everything is said and done?
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Its Vital Heat by @halfpennybuddha
Rating: G
Tags: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, Winifred Barnes/George Barnes, Meeting the Parents, Modern Art
“You don’t recognize me, do you?” He couldn’t tell if her voice was teasing or reproachful, and it made him a bit nervous.
“Uh, no, ma’am. I’m sorry.” She laughed, then, the sound a bit like the tinkling of bells.
“Don’t fret so, child. My name is Maria Stark. My son has spoken of you often the past few weeks.” She informed him, taking a delicate sip of her drink.
Oh, God. Tony’s mother.
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A Sugar-Coated Pill - Chapter 2 by @polizwrites
Rated: T
Tags: No Powers AU, A/B/O AU, Sugar Daddy AU, Political Campaigns, Amputee!Bucky, Alpha!Bucky, young!Tony, Omega!Tony, Slow Dancing
Summary: Now that they have a few events under their belts, Bucky and Tony start to get more comfortable around one another during a Fourth of July party.
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Looking At You by @scottxlogan
Rated: M
Tags: 5+1 Things, Romance, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Sex, Falling In Love, Jealousy, Yoga, Light Angst, Happy Ending, Digital Art, Prompt Fic
Summary: Bucky reflects on those five times he's seen Tony in his yoga pants and the way they made an impact on him. Later Tony reflects on the one time he saw Bucky in his.
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The Upside by @otpcutie
Rated: E
Tags: body swap AU, found family, transguy Tony, flirting, teasing, mutual pining, boys in love, fluff, jerking off, smut
Summary: Tony and Bucky give each other permission to get off while body swapped.
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polizwrites · 11 months
There Would Be No Courage Were It Not For Hope
This is a fill for today’s  @flashfictionfridayofficial​ prompt  [#FFF207 Can We Kiss?]  as well as  the final WinterIron Pride Prompt Party prompt - Day 30: Hope. 
Fandom:  MCU/Marvel Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Rating: General Tags:  Pride, Parade Floats, pining, hope, love confessions
Part of Bucky still didn’t quite believe this was possible.   It had been beaten into his brain  (and his body) when he was younger that men weren’t allowed to be attracted to men.   But now, in this new century,  things had changed.  Or at least, they were changing.  
There was now an entire month dedicated to celebrating queerness - people who defy expectation and categorization.   There were parties and parades,  film festivals and so much visibility over all.   And it was all wonderfully colorful and exciting and hopeful.  
Bucky heard Tony talking about  the Stark Industries  float in the  New York City Pride Parade and asked if he could get a sneak peek.   Tony in turn seemed a little caught off guard by the question, but was more than happy to arrange a tour.   “Would you maybe be able to come too?”  Bucky asked, feeling his cheeks heat.  
“Um, sure, I can make some time,” Tony had replied to Bucky’s request.   The two of them had built a friendship over the past few months, and  Bucky in turn had managed to develop a crush on his  handsome, brilliant, kind and funny companion, who was also out and proud pansexual who flirted like breathing.   He had been the second person Bucky came out to – Steve had known that Bucky liked fellas and gals since the 1930’s – and while Tony  had been amazingly supportive,  Bucky still didn’t dare do more than hope that maybe, someday, he might possibly have a chance with him.
The next day, they drove way up into Jersey, past Newark into an industrial district near Clifton.  “This guy is the best,” Tony explained  “he and his people have  been making floats for Pride since the 70’s.”
The owner himself came out to greet them when they arrived.  After Tony made the introductions, Mister DeVito brought them over to show off his work.  “Matter of fact,” he said,  “we were just gonna go run her around the block a bit. Make sure she steers good and nothin’ falls off.  Wanna go for a ride?”
“Sure!” they both exclaimed, practically in unison. They climbed an interior ladder to the top of the SI float, accompanied by one of the workers, who put safety harnesses on them.  “This isn’t the first time I wore a harness at Pride,” Tony joked, “but I usually don’t have this much on underneath it.”
As they pulled out of the warehouse, several of the workers were waiting,  waving and cheering at them.   They responded in kind, with Tony saying, “I feel like we should be doing something a bit more flamboyant.”
“Can we kiss?”  the words spilled out of Bucky before he had a chance to stop them.  
A surprised expression flashed over Tony’s face, replaced by a speculative look.  “If you want to, sure.”
“Yeah, I do,” Bucky replied, heart in his throat.  “Been wanting to for awhile.”  
Tony smiled softly.  “Then let’s make that happen, sunshine.”
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cevans-is-classic · 2 months
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I've been having mad writers block so for my birthday (4/13) I really wanna try to write little snippets for everyone.
So pick an actor, character or ship with a rating and ask away .
(All pieces written will be tagged as 18+ with warnings.)
Sebastian Stan (and characters)
Chris Evans (and characters)
Pedro Pascal (and characters)
Jason Sudeikis (and characters)
Ethan Hawke (and characters)
Bill Hader (and characters)
Pete Deavidson
Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Aaron Hotchner
Destiel (Dean and Castiel)
Stony (Steve and Tony)
Winteriron (Bucky and Tony)
Stuckony (Bucky, Tony and Steve.)
Ineffable Husbands (Az and Crowley)
G, PG, PG-13, Mature, Explicit.
Pick a prompt
“Shut your fucking mouth.” “Make me.”
2) Did you forget to lock the door?
3) We’re in public 
4) “Are you stoned?” “Does it matter?” 
5) “Stop looking at me like that”
6) “Is it that obvious “
7) “Stop talking!” 
8) “I hate you so much right now.” 
9) “Say it out loud.” 
10) “Would you stop doing that.” 
11) “Prove it.”  “Don't test me.”
12) “I told you to stay put.” I wanted to help” 
13) “I can’t explain my feelings to you.” 
14) “Get up right now.” “Why?” “Because I will never know peace until I teach you the proper way to-” 
15) “This stuff is a lot more fun when you have people to do it with.” 
16) “At least we’ll die quickly.” “This is the worst moment to see the positive side.” 
17) “You had one job.” “And I failed epically.” 
18) “I’m too sober for this.” 
19) “Close your eyes and take my hand.” 
20) “Oh God i’m in love with and idiot.” “You’re stuck with me now.” 
21) “It could be worse.” “You aren’t the one bleeding.” “Look you’re alive. stop complaining.” 
22) “SHH they won’t find us here.” “We are going to get caught.” “Trust me.” 
23) “Pinky Promise? What are you five?” 
24) “Roses are red, violets are blue - ow shit, okay fuck you.” 
25) “Okay start from the beginning. You lost me when you said you punched someone.”
26) “Are you drinking?” “Its apple juice not whiskey.” 
27) “Kiss me.” “No.” “fine I’ll go kiss someone else. “No don’t do that.”
28) "Have you slept at all?" "Who do you mistake me for? An amateur?"
29) "I could be dying." "You have a cold"
30) "Do it again?" "Do what?" "Say you love me."
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ok i got another idea. you said you're open for dark prompts too, so: dark winteriron, tony gets replaced by a dark variant tony and no one notices. dark tony never forgave bucky for killing his parents so now he plans his revenge while he's acting perfectly like in-universe tony, so no one suspects anything. ending up to you :)
As it turns out, I wasn't ready to do dark version of my most favoritest blorbo yet, so this is past-dark Tony, but I hope you still like it!
He doesn’t know how long he’s been trapped in the dark.
Could be days, weeks, months for all that he knows. Could even be years. And he hadn’t even seen it coming. He’d been smiled at, held, kissed the same as it had always been, and he has no idea when the switch even occurred—if it even occurred. The imposter has been flawless, the transition seamless.
He pulls fruitlessly at the chains again. He has no idea what they’re made out of, but they were designed to keep a supersoldier captive.
“I forgive you,” he was told once, and it kills him that he doesn’t know if it was a lie.
Sometimes, Tony—no. Not Tony. Never Tony. He has to believe that or he think he’ll finally lose what little bit of his mind he has left after Hydra finished with it. Tony is the one who made him hot chocolate when he woke up from a nightmare. Tony is the one who kissed him in a parking lot in the rain and laughed as the storm ruined his best suit. Tony is the one who loved him.
Sometimes, Stark comes downstairs and taunts him, tells him that none of the team has even noticed he’s missing, not even Stevie; tells him that they’d be glad Stark had taken him anyway, that they’d never forgiven him for the crimes he committed as Hydra’s plaything; tells him that he never loved him, that every soft word he ever gave him was a lie.
And none of it is true. He knows that none of it is true. At the very least, Steve wouldn’t give up on him. But as the time creeps by in his sunless prison, he wonders if it’s just the delusional hopes of a dying man.
There are some things that can’t be faked. That’s what his Ma always told him. There are some things that, no matter how good the lie, will always have those little inconsistencies to tell him it’s a false truth.
He used to think love was one of those things, and that’s how he knows that at least some part of their relationship was real. But he can’t find those inconsistencies, no matter how hard he looks. And he’s looked. Every time Stark isn’t down there taunting him, he’s pouring over his memories, looking for where it started to go wrong.
And that’s what scares him.
Because he can’t find it. And if he can’t find it, then maybe Stark is right. Maybe Tony was gone before he even got a chance to love him.
The door at the top of the stairs opens.
Stark’s wearing the Iron Man suit today, which is a change from the three-piece suits he normally wears. He flinches back anyway, and—
And Stark hesitates.
He blinks up at the figure, outlined by the light streaming in from the door, which he can only see clearly because of his enhancements.
“Steve,” Stark says, taking a step back.
His heart leaps. Steve. If Steve is here, then—
Steve comes into view, shield strapped to his back, and he bows his head. He wasn’t forgotten. They noticed.
A little over seven months, they tell him.
Multi-dimensional travel.
Stark, who hadn’t forgiven him for killing his parents in his universe.
He listens to the words and keeps his eye on Tony, who’s pressed as far away from as him as he can be in the tiny hospital room. Tony had tried to stay in the waiting room, Steve had said, not sure if he would want to see the face of his captor, but Natasha had dragged him after.
He doesn’t know whether she was right to or if Tony was right to stay behind.
Stark had him for seven months. Tony had been taken three months before that. They’d been dating for only a month before Stark broke through the barrier.
“We would’ve come for you sooner,” Steve tells him earnestly. “But Tony was the only one who could tell us where Stark would have taken you.”
A mansion in Sweden, apparently.
Explains the cold anyway.
He doesn’t know how long it took them to realize Stark was an imposter. He doesn’t know how long it took them to find Tony. He doesn’t know how long it took Tony to find him.
He doesn’t know if he even wants to know.
“Bucky—” Tony begins when they come across each other in the kitchen late one night—early one morning? He doesn’t know what time it is anymore.
He bolts.
It’s wrong, the sound of his name is wrong, and it’s only when he’s locked in his room, shaking, that he realizes the inconsistency.
Stark had called him James. Had picked it up after the first night together a month into dating. Had told him it made him feel special to know he was the only person to call him that.
He had loved the sound of his name in Stark’s mouth.
But now he knows where the lie was, and it was his own name.
“You should give him a chance,” Clint says. “When we got him back and he realized you were missing, he went spare.”
He doesn’t know how to tell him that he looks at Tony and hears his own screams.
Stark only ever told him he loved him after they had sex. He hadn’t thought anything of it. Everyone had told him when they started dating that Tony had emotional issues, that dating a brick wall would be easier. He’d just assumed this was part of it.
Tony tells him he loves him in every little thing that he does. Never out loud, but it’s in the way he gives him space so he can feel safe. It’s in the way he looks at him, eyes dark and wide and soft. It’s in the way there’s always an instant hot chocolate packet in the pantry for the bad nights when he remember how to make Becca’s.
And he wants to forgive him. He wants to remember what that first month was like before Tony was taken and the imposter slipped into his place. He wants to have his lover back.
But he still hears his screams when he closes his eyes, still sees Stark’s mocking smile.
“You don’t have to forgive him,” Steve tells him one morning when they’re back from their run. It’s been seven months. “But he was taken too, and no one knew to look for him.”
It’s the guilt that gets to him, just as the fear still does. Stark used to taunt him that no one was looking for him. The best lies are couched in truths. The Avengers had lost a teammate and weren’t looking for them, but it was never him. It was Tony, Tony, Tony.
“Tony killed him,” Natasha says when he’s helping her with a lift. He doesn’t remember dancing with her, not really, but sometimes, he gets flashes of red hair twirling in a fan around him. “It was the one thing he insisted on the whole rescue. He wanted to be the one who killed him.”
“I don’t—”
“You don’t have to,” she says and bends backward over his head, toes pointed straight like one of Clint’s arrows. “But you’re miserable. And he’s miserable. And I’m miserable just watching you.”
“He called me James,” he says one night when he runs into Tony again. It’s a quiet night, even the city below them surprisingly quiet, and he’d stumbled on Tony sitting on the floor in the kitchen, shaking. “He said he liked that he was the only person to call me that. It was the only clue I got, and I missed it.”
“So he took that from me too, then,” Tony says hollowly, wrapping his arms around his knees.
He hesitates and then drops down next to him. It’s the closest he’s been to Tony in almost a year—longer, if he doesn’t count Stark. Quietly, he says, “I haven’t been kind to you. You were taken too.”
Tony sighs wearily. “It wasn’t the same, Ja—Buc—Barnes.” He can’t remember the last time Tony actually called him anything. They don’t talk in the tower anymore, and if they’re on a mission together, it’s always Soldier. “You were—he wanted to kill you. He just wanted me out of the way. It was like a—a medically-induced coma or something. I didn’t even know how much time it had been ‘til Clint was helping me out. He tortured you. It wasn’t the same.”
“I miss what we had,” he confesses. He knows by now that most of the good memories he has of Tony were of Stark instead. But it wasn’t Stark that he fell in love with in the first place. And it wasn’t Stark who fell in love with him.
“Yeah. Me too.”
Tony’s pinky brushes against his when they both reach for popcorn at movie night. They both jolt, and when Tony starts to move his hand back, he moves his pinky on top of Tony’s, stopping him.
Tony inhales shakily, and he’s almost afraid that he’ll move his hand. But after a moment, Tony relaxes into it, letting them sit there, barely connected at that one spot.
It feels like a brand.
“Don’t do this if you can’t—” Tony begins.
He admits, “I don’t know if I can. But I don’t want him to take it all.”
When Tony tips his head to rest against his shoulder, it feels like a triumph and a nightmare all at once.
Sometimes, he wakes up screaming, a new nightmare finding its way into the rotation of Hydra and snow and gunfire. In it, Stark kisses him and holds him and tells him he forgives him and then drives a knife into his heart, twisting it as he drags it down his stomach. His innards spill out, and he scrambles to grab them, scrambles to shove them back in his body as Stark steps on them, popping his heart and lungs and stomach one after another.
Sometimes, it’s not him that Stark kills, but Tony, who looks at him in betrayal while the light leaves his eyes as Stark tells him that he didn’t notice the change for three months.
“I forgive you,” he’d been told once, and it was Tony who told him, Stark would never have managed to choke out the words for all the other lies he managed, but sometimes, he still wonders if Tony had truly meant them. Stark spent so many months poisoning his mind with his lies and twisted half-truths, telling him that he could never be forgiven, that Tony would have done the same thing Stark was doing if he’d only had the balls to do it, that he’d almost started to believe him.
He wakes up, and he’s back there. Stark is driving a thin knife between his ribs, not enough to kill, but enough to make him scream, despite his vow not to give Stark the satisfaction.
“It’s almost a shame you have to die,” Stark tells him idly, twisting the knife. “You weren’t a bad fuck. But—”
A sharp whine (the repulsors, something in the back of his mind tells him, and this isn’t how it happened, he doesn’t remember any of this) and then Stark explodes.
Their second first kiss is in the same parking lot their first one was. The circumstances are all different. They’re aren’t on a date, the parking lot is nearly reduced to rubble, and Tony is standing over the body of a dark wizard, scowling at him.
“Did you have to kill him?” Steve sighs, and Tony’s scowl gets fiercer.
“Yes,” he insists. “You should have seen the nightmare he tried to put Bucky in.”
And it’s then that he realizes it had been a dream. He couldn’t remember it because it hadn’t happened. Tony offers him a hand up, and they’ve touched since that movie night, little, gentle touches so light it could be the wind, they’ve gone on a few dates, though always with Clint and Natasha as a buffer, but—
It’s been two years since the last time he kissed Tony, he realizes. He’d gone to sleep with Tony at his side and woken up next to Stark. The last time he kissed him was as they were drifting off, Tony sleepily insisting he was going to wake up him the next morning with a blowjob.
He takes Tony’s hand, uses it to pull himself up, uses it to pull Tony in, and kisses him. And he remembers that kissing Stark had been like kissing an inferno, always fighting for dominance. But Tony—kissing Tony is like cool spring rain, refreshing and beautiful and perfect.
“Oh,” he whispers when they separate, Tony’s smile as brilliant as the sun, and kisses him again.
“I forgive you,” Tony tells him, and it sounds like “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he replies and shuts memories of darkness away.
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tonystarkbingo · 1 year
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TSB Round 6 Roundup - Weeks 32 & 33, FINAL ROUNDUP!
We have reached the end!  Round 6 is over, and here comes the HUGE list of last-minute fills.  Make sure you go spread all the love with these wonderful creators, and keep an eye out for our Masterpost Roundup next week!
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Collaborator : scottxlogan Card Number: 6038 Square Filled: K4 - Iron Husbands Title: Together Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony Stark/James Rhodes Word Count: 8671 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Friends to Lovers, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Best Friends, Pre-Relationship, Getting Together, Past Relationship(s),Teacher-Student Relationship, Tony has a past relationship with a professor, Holidays, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Coming Out, Idiots in Love, Roommates, Secret Crush Summary: Tony and Rhodey have been roommates and best friends for a while, but after returning from family holiday with Rhodey's family where they pretended to be dating things have changed between them. Tony has ended his impossible relationship with his boyfriend and is facing the idea of spending a holiday alone as to not upset the balance in Rhodey's life. Will his decision prove to be a wise one or will Rhodey have a surprise in store for Tony?
Collaborator : endlesstwanted Card Number: 6085 Square Filled: S4 - The End Title: Darcy Lewis, Avengers' Intern. Chapter one Link: AO3 Pairings: Darcy Lewis & Tony Stark Word Count: 300 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Hospitals, Injury, Hurt/Comfort Summary: Darcy ends up in the hospital after a mission.
Collaborator : endlesstwanted Card Number: 6085 Square Filled: K3 - Takeout / pizza Title: Darcy Lewis, Avengers' Intern. Chapter two Link: AO3 Pairings: Darcy Lewis/Thor Word Count: 300 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Avengers Family, First Kiss Summary: Thor’s around to make sure Darcy’s fine.
Lots, LOTS more under the cut!
Collaborator : endlesstwanted Card Number: 6085 Square Filled: T3 - U (Bot) Title: Darcy Lewis, Avengers' Intern. Chapter three Link: AO3 Pairings: Darcy Lewis & Loki Word Count: 300 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Avengers Tower, Drabble Sequence Summary: Darcy's stuck with a bot and another god.
Collaborator : Zayna Kai Card Number: 6029 Square Filled: R1 - Dark Title: It All Works Out In the End, Right? Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony & Rhodey/Pepper/Harley Word Count: 464 Rating: Mature Major Tags/Triggers: depression, suicidal thought (implied) Summary: Tony came back from the bunker a changed man. Unfortunately, it wasn't in a healthy way....
Collaborator : Zayna Kai Card Number: 6029 Square Filled: A1 - Road Trip Title: Something to Get Me Through the Nothing - A WinterIron Round Robin Link: AO3 Pairings: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark Word Count: 372 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: none Summary: Bucky Barnes remembers December 16, 1991 and can't keep it a secret. When he talks to Tony, he finds he's not the only one with issues. They talk and bond over nightmares, unfortunate shared history, and classic cars... and maybe find the start of something more.
Collaborator : scottxlogan Card Number: 6038 Square Filled: S4 - Dum-E Title: Finding My Way To You (Chapter 4) Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Word Count: 13316 Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: Past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Heavy Angst, Sexting, Enemies to Lovers, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, References to Depression, Isolation, Touch-Starved, Online Relationship, Sexual Content, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt Tony Stark, Dark Tony Stark, Hurt Bucky Barnes, Self-Esteem Issues, Misunderstandings, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Adult Content, Mild Language Summary: The morning in Tony's lab proves to be full of surprises for Bucky after he discovers just what Tony is asking out of him on the job. Together they get a little close for comfort, stumbling towards the truth until Bucky finds himself between a rock and hard place where matters of the heart are concerned.
Collaborator : nolanfa Card Number: 6007 Square Filled: R3 - "Wake up!" Title: Don't! Link: Tumblr Pairings: Steve Rogers / Tony Stark Word Count: 1 .gif (26 seconds) Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: N/A Summary: Tony tries to keep Steve from doing something they'd all regret
Collaborator : rebelmeg Card Number: 6001 Square Filled: S1 - Tony playing piano Title: Piano Starks Link: Tumblr Pairings: Iron Family Word Count: N/A Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: moodboard Summary: This is where you imagine Morgan growing up around that piano, sitting under it with her toys while her parents play simple duets (Tony always asking Pepper, "Top or bottom?" while he waggles his eyebrows, just to see her roll her eyes and smile), sitting on Tony's lap and plinking at the keys with her little bitty fingers, taking lessons when she's old enough, performing at recitals and making all the adults in her life so proud, especially her dad.
Collaborator : rebelmeg Card Number: 6001 Square Filled: R4 - love or lust Title: Unbuttoned Link: AO3 Pairings: Pepperony Word Count: 918 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: post-date/pre-bedroom sensual moment, implied sexual content, just a little bit spicy Summary: After a very nice date, Tony is holding on to his self-control by a thread. Luckily, Pepper's plans involve unraveling that thread.
Collaborator : ralsbecket Card Number: 6032 Square Filled: S2 - Nebula Title: Family Line Link: AO3 Pairings: Nebula & Tony Stark Word Count: 457 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Nebula & Tony friendship, Dialogue-only, Missing scene Summary: Tony and Nebula bond over crappy fathers
Collaborator : LBibliophile Card Number: 6068 Square Filled: Adopted - Character death Title: Echoes of Nonny No Link: Tumblr Pairings: Tony Stark & Morgan Stark Word Count: 120 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Major Character Death, goodbye lullaby Summary: Tony gifts Morgan a final lullaby.
Collaborator : tinystark616 Card Number: 6080 Square Filled: A3 - Free Space Title: Beautiful Link: AO3 Pairings: Steve/Tony Word Count: 2926 Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: Hurt/comfort, praise kink, frottage, Tony has scars Summary: When he said "genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist," he definitely didn't mean the playboy part. Not anymore. Not after the arc reactor and all the shrapnel and… And all the scars.
Collaborator : deehellcat Card Number: 6028 Square Filled: K3 - day in the life Title: Never Sat in the Trap Link: AO3 Pairings: Pepperony, Scott/Hope, Bucky/Sam (mentioned) Word Count: 3928 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Day in the Life, Post-Endgame AU, the Russos whomst, Tony Stark Lives, Not Quantumania Compliant, Bucky Barnes is a Good Bro, Scott Lang is a Lovable Idiot Summary: It seemed like a perfectly normal day at the Starks’ lake house, until Scott Lang vanished. “Scott is easily distracted, though, like you said,” Pepper tried to reassure Hope, “so maybe he just lost track of time, and he’ll turn up with that embarrassed look he’s so good at, around dark.” She put all her CEO skill into a practiced, optimistic smile that Tony knew so well, the one she could break out at the drop of a hat no matter how dire the circumstances actually were.
Collaborator : tinystark616 Card Number: 6080 Square Filled: A2 - Vulnerability Title: Hold Me ('Til The Morning Comes) Link: AO3 Pairings: Steve/Tony Word Count: 5389 Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: Age of Ultron, fix-it, hurt/comfort, sharing a bed, love confessions, friends to lovers, frottage Summary: The possibility of having to share a bed with Steve Rogers never actually crossed Tony's mind. Maybe in his fantasies, where Steve wanted him. Where Steve wasn't angry. Where Steve loved him back. But not in real life. Never in real life. Or, Natasha forces Steve and Tony to share a bed, because she knows that their problem is actually just Unresolved Sexual Tension™.
Collaborator : tinystark616 Card Number: 6080 Square Filled: Adopted - Hanahaki Disease Title: And I Won't Die For Love Link: AO3 Pairings: Steve/Tony Word Count: 4007 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Hanahaki Disease, Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Angst Summary: Tony never thought it could happen to him. He's heard of it before of course, but just like most diseases, you always hear about it happening to other people. You never expect it to happen to you.
Collaborator : tinystark616 Card Number: 6080 Square Filled: A5 - Thor Title: Mine Link: AO3 Pairings: Steve/Tony, Thor/Tony Word Count: 2241 Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: Jealous Steve Rogers, Frottage, alcohol mention Summary: Steve doesn't have a problem with the fact that Tony likes to have one-night stands. It's none of his business. That is, until he has to witness Tony making out with Thor right in front of him.
Collaborator : rebelmeg Card Number: 6001 Square Filled: T5 - anger issues Title: Rebelmeg Drabbles - Chapter 25: Cycle of Shame Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony & Harley Word Count: 100 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: drabble, PTSD, anger issues, Tony's daddy issues Summary: Tony's first conscious thought that he wants to break the cycle of shame.
Collaborator : rebelmeg Card Number: 6001 Square Filled: K5 - Iron Family Title: Rebelmeg Drabbles - Chapter 27: Safe Place Link: AO3 Pairings: Iron Family Word Count: 100 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Iron Family, soft Summary: Tony really loves that his arms are his girls' safe place.
Collaborator : rebelmeg Card Number: 6001 Square Filled: K2 - image of Tony's reactor in the glass case Title: Rebelmeg Drabbles - Chapter 28: Ton-E's Heart Link: AO3 Pairings: Dum-E & Tony Word Count: 100 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: drabble, IM1 references, bot feels Summary: Dum-E knows exactly what Ton-E needs.
Collaborator : LBibliophile Card Number: 6068 Square Filled: Adopted - Morgan Stark Title: Be Selfish, Save the World Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony Stark & Iron Family Word Count: 480 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Avengers: Endgame, time travel ethics, hero complex Summary: Tony studies the projected mobius strip and the glowing path across its surface. Time travel. But can he truly risk the life he has built, risk Morgan, for the chance that the Avengers’ crazy plan will work? For once, he wants to be selfish.
Collaborator : PoliZ Card Number: 6019 Square Filled: A1 - AU: Regency Title: The Steward of Brookline Manor Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony/Bucky Word Count: 713 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Regency AU, Werewolf AU, Outsider POV, Parasol Protectorate Fusion Summary: As steward of Brookline Manor - home of the Connaght pack of werewolves – Phillip Coulson ought to be used to being taken by surprise. That said, he hardly expected the newest member of the staff and the pack's beta to have been previously acquainted.
Collaborator : PoliZ Card Number: 6019 Square Filled: A4 - AU: College Title: Borrowing Trouble - Chapter 1 Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony/Bucky Word Count: 911 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Modern No Powers AU, University AU, Roommates, Clothes Sharing, Argument, Bucky POV Summary: Bucky’s roommate Tony chooses the wrong time to borrow something; but maybe a little blowup will only make their friendship stronger. And the bit of subterfuge that follows? Who knows where that will lead...
Collaborator : PoliZ Card Number: 6019 Square Filled: A5 - Scott Lang Title: A Piece of the Action: Chapter 2 Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony & Scott -- > Tony/Scott Word Count: 717 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Canon-adjacent, Tony and his Tech, Flirting, Pre-Slash Summary: Tony shows off his tech; flirting and a bit of sincerity ensue.
Collaborator : PoliZ Card Number: 6019 Square Filled: K3 - Orgasm Denial/Edging Title: Hanging By a Moment Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony/Bucky Word Count: 896 Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: Orgasm Delay, Dildos, gentle Dom!Tony, Power Bottom, Bucky POV Summary: After being edged for what feels like forever, Bucky finally gets the best of both worlds, courtesy of Tony. But when all is said and done, Tony doesn’t think it’s enough.
Collaborator : PoliZ Card Number: 6019 Square Filled: K5 - Protectiveness Title: Come Down From Your Fences (And Open the Gate) - Chapter 3 Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony/Steve Word Count: 907 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: AU: Western, Sheriff!Steve, vaguely 1872 Marvel-inspired, Snowed In, Games, Betting, Sharing a Bed, Nightmares Summary: After a stalemate, Anthony and Steven share the bed; a nightmare provides the key for unlocking their feelings.
Collaborator : tinystark616 Card Number: 6080 Square Filled: A1 - Pepper Potts Title: It Was Always You Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony Stark/Pepper Potts Word Count: 100 words drabble + moodboard. Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Fluff, getting together, drabble, moodboard Summary: It was Pepper all along.
Collaborator : LBibliophile Card Number: 6068 Square Filled: S5 - Nerds Title: BRU-S and DUM-E do Science! Link: Tumblr Pairings: DUM-E & Bruce Banner Word Count: 0 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: bad lab safety, fanart, DUM-E's Drawings Summary: BRU-S shows DUM-E how to make vinegar/bicarb fountains for MRG-N.
Collaborator : PoliZ Card Number: 6019 Square Filled: S5 - James "Rhodey" Rhodes Title: Tensegrity Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony & Rhodey Word Count: 620 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: MIT era, mutual pining (unresolved), Rhodey POV, light angst Summary: “Tensegrity is a structural principle based on a system of isolated components under compression inside a network of continuous tension, and arranged in such a way that the compressed members do not touch each other.”
Collaborator : PoliZ Card Number: 6019 Square Filled: T1 - One Night Stand Title: Caught By the Rain and Blinded by the Lightning Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony Stark/Thor Odinson Word Count: 1237 Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Triggers: Post CA:CW canon divergence, one night stand, POV Tony, anal sex Summary: When Thor returns to Avengers Compound after the events of Captain America: Civil War, he and Tony find solace and comfort (and sex) in each other’s company.
Collaborator : PoliZ Card Number: 6019 Square Filled: T2 - Doing Groceries Title: Not Too Far Down the Tracks Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony/Steve Word Count: 414 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: College AU, Long Distance Relationship, Steve POV Summary: On a late night train back to New York City, Steve reflects on his relationship with Tony and looks forward to a future together.
Collaborator : PoliZ Card Number: 6019 Square Filled: T3 - Pepper Potts/Rescue Title: An Indecent Proposal Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony & Pepper (referenced Steve/Brock & implied Tony/Steve) Word Count: 542 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Remix, No Powers AU, billionaire! Tony Stark, veteran!Steve, Wagers and Bets, Pepper POV Summary: Pepper discovers that Tony has made an outrageous bet that might put more than his bank account at risk.
Collaborator : PoliZ Card Number: 6019 Square Filled: T5 - WinterIron Title: Borrowing Trouble: Chapter 2 Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony/Bucky Word Count: 1204 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Modern No Powers AU, University AU, Roommates, Fake Dating, Mutual Pining, Love Confessions, Bucky POV Summary: Tony’s offer to accompany Bucky to his grandmother’s funeral as his fake boyfriend is both generous and dangerous.
Collaborator : nolanfa Card Number: 6007 Square Filled: A2 - Sharing Each Other's Clothes Title: Stitches Link: Tumblr Pairings: Bucky Barnes / Jason Todd / Tony Stark Word Count: 1 digital art Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: small stitches Summary: Bucky stitching Jason up in Tony's lab.
Collaborator : Marveler Card Number: 6010 Square Filled: K5 - Pair The Spare Title: Not All That Spare Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Word Count: 1774 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Mention of medical heart disease, Tony Stark is a Bad Medical Patient, Tony Stark is So Done, Pair The Spare Summary: Tony Stark is okay with being single, he is happy just to sleep around, not caring who he is with, their gender or their personality. It doesn’t matter what his friends say at every gathering, he’s okay being single, and there is no need to pair the spare.
Collaborator : Marveler Card Number: 6010 Square Filled: K1 - PICTURE Title: “Anyone could see that the Prince was charming. The only one for me.” Link: Tumblr Pairings: Tony Stark/Sam Wilson Word Count: 782 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Adorableness, Marriage Proposal, Snow White and The Seven Dwarves Summary: Sam and Tony watch Snow White and The Seven Dwarfts, but Tony is fairly sure that it’s not Snow White on screen, because he never remembers a proposal in the movie.
Collaborator : endlesstwanted Card Number: 6085 Square Filled: R5 - Prompt image: newpaper cover Title: Naked Justice Link: AO3 Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Word Count: 713 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Caretaking, Domestic Fluff, Banter Summary: After one of Tony’s suits malfunctions, Steve has to make sure he doesn’t catch a cold.
Collaborator : PoliZ Card Number: 6019 Square Filled: K2 - Secret Admirer Title: Wraps Around My Heart (Refusing to Unwind) Link: AO3 Pairings: Tony/Bucky Word Count: 595 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Hanahaki Disease, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, canon adjacent, Bucky POV Summary: It took Bucky longer than it should have to realize what was happening to Tony. That the floral scent he’d assumed came from his companion’s clothing (or a woman) was in fact coming from very close to Tony’s heart.
Collaborator : endlesstwanted Card Number: 6085 Square Filled: A3 - Free space Title: Accidents Don’t Just Accidentally Happen Link: AO3 Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Word Count: 600 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Avengers Family. Getting Together, 5+1 Things Summary: Tony was annoyed at Steve leaving the same t-shirt everywhere. He was, until he wasn’t.
Collaborator : rebelmeg Card Number: 6001 Square Filled: R3 - You can't trademark that Title: Rebelmeg's Drabbles - Chapter 29: Mommy's Word Link: AO3 Pairings: Iron Family + Rhodey Word Count: 100 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: drabble, minor injury, fluff and humor Summary: Just because Rhodey is bleeding, that doesn't mean he can use Pepper's word!
Collaborator : fallenstar88 Card Number: 6057 Square Filled: S4 - Waking Up Married Title: I Wanna Be Yours Link: AO3 Pairings: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Word Count: 2165 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Angst, drama, mutual pining Summary: While in Las Vegas, Tony and Pepper make an abrupt decision. Takes place after IM2.
Collaborator : fallenstar88 Card Number: 6057 Square Filled: S5 - Morgan Stark Title: Smooches Link: AO3 Pairings: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Word Count: 1918 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: n/a Summary: For Morgan's bedtime, Tony tells her a familiar story about a prince and his journey.
Collaborator : fallenstar88 Card Number: 6057 Square Filled: T4 - AU: Royalty Title: Smooches Link: AO3 Pairings: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Word Count: 1918 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: n/a Summary: For Morgan's bedtime, Tony tells her a familiar story about a prince and his journey.
Collaborator : fallenstar88 Card Number: 6057 Square Filled: R4 - Journey Title: Smooches Link: AO3 Pairings: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Word Count: 1918 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: n/a Summary: For Morgan's bedtime, Tony tells her a familiar story about a prince and his journey.
Collaborator : fallenstar88 Card Number: 6057 Square Filled: T3 - Grief Title: A Reason to Fight Link: AO3 Pairings: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Word Count: 747 Rating: Teen Major Tags/Triggers: Tony Stark has a Heart Summary: Pepper has some happy news for Tony in all the chaos caused by the snap.
Collaborator : fallenstar88 Card Number: 6057 Square Filled: T1 - Iron Family Title: It's a Girl! Link: AO3 Pairings: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Word Count: 216 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: mood board Summary: Tony convinces Pepper to have a maternity photoshoot.
Collaborator : fallenstar88 Card Number: 6057 Square Filled: T5 - Identity Porn Title: Love Letters Link: AO3 Pairings: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Word Count: 173 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: mood board Summary: Reporters Tony Stark and Pepper Potts are constantly at odds with each other. Unbeknownst to them, they have been pen pals for quite some time.
Collaborator : fallenstar88 Card Number: 6057 Square Filled: R1 - AU: Celebrity Title: All I Know So Far Link: AO3 Pairings: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Word Count: 52 Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Celebrity AU, Bodyguard AU, mood board Summary: Pepper Potts needs a bodyguard. In comes Tony Stark, security specialist.
Collaborator : fallenstar88 Card Number: 6057 Square Filled: A5 - AU: Regency Title: Some Kind of Love Link: AO3 Pairings: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Word Count: n/a Rating: Gen Major Tags/Triggers: Regency AU mood board Summary: A Pride & Prejudice inspired Pepperony AU.
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62, 65, 81, 91
Ask me fanfic writer questions!
Hey Book!! :D wouldve answered these last night but as you know tumblr crashed on me 😭😭😭😭 so im answering it now instead!!
62.) what’s the weirdest reason you’ve ever shipped something?
Idk if this counts as weird per se but i straight up started shipping winteriron (Tony Stark x Bucky Barnes) because of THIS FUCKING FIC. It sold me on them SO HARD. Sometimes all it takes is one godtier fic that does everything right to get you hooked on a rarepair ✌️😔😔😔
65.) what is your favourite title for a fic you’ve written? 
If we're talking og titles i came up with myself, the title of my unpublished TES Oblivion fic is The Stars Have No Names, which ive always been fond of, especially combined with its planned sequel, But Those We Give Them-- which makes a full sentence that just sorta encapsulates the vibe of the whole thing in a way that really scratches my brain just right. This is closely followed by the piece i did for the DSMP Comics Zine, A Few E.G.G.s Short of the Full Scramble, which has multiple layers of puns loaded into it and makes me laugh like a lunatic every time i remember them
As for stuff that isnt original (aka song lyrics or poetry verses, which i steal from shamelessly), i'd have to say im most fond of sightless, unless the eyes reappear, which is the tma fic i wrote that accidentally predicted a decent chunk of the podcast's ending 😭 if i had a fucking nickel.... The verse is ripped from T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men" and i really loved how it just perfectly hits the vibes i was going for in that fic. Extremely on-the-nose titles are a game and brother i am WINNING
81.) if you could go back in time and give your younger self a piece of writing advice specific to you, what would it be?
"Hello tiny TJ. First of all, you are a transgender dyke. No this isnt relevant i just thought you ought to know. Anyway cool it with the perfectionism man one day people are gonna read a fic where every individual tag warning you've added is its own separate vine boom and you're gonna get tons of compliments on it despite the fact that it isnt what you consider fully polished. Got that written down? Cool. Now go forth and kiss women, peace<3"
91.) how has your writing style changed over the years?
My writing's always been pretty descriptive, but over the last few years its REALLY shifted into overdrive on the imagery. I think thats always been my biggest strength as a writer, and its something i really, really enjoy doing. As ive said in the past: if im not painting pictures with my words then what, pray tell, is the point!!!
The other thing ive noticed is that ive been dipping my toes into more experimental formatting, whether thats in regards to the story's structure (shout out to that time i planned to write a fic in reverse chronological order), the points of view (second person my beloved), different narration styles, or just the way the words on the page look-- something i know has been directly inspired by my cousin, who has an unpublished 85k Dead Space fanfic which replaces an ENTIRE CHAPTER with a twine game. The man is insane and i love him so much and one day i will bully him into finishing this fic because its not even halfway done what the fuck. Anyway thats my answer THANK YOU BOOK FOR SENDING THESE :DD
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riotwritesthings · 1 year
for the soul
WinterIron, T, 1.7k - Fluff, Humor, Established relationship, cooking as a love language
In which there is lasagna, kisses, and an undetermined number of gnomes
I swore to myself the next thing I updated would be BTY. That... clearly has not happened ahaha.
While I'm having a little ol' major writer's block, plz enjoy this little fluffy thing I wrote for @gayspacesprinkles awhile ago and just found and finished up
"Shit!" Tony swears as he jumps up from where he's squinting into the oven, nearly cracking his head on the handle in the process.
He spins to find Bucky standing in the kitchen doorway, a carefully blank expression on his face. Bucky is still wearing his boots and tac-vest, but he at least seems to have finally given in to everyone begging him to leave his rifle and masks in the hangar. It means Tony can see it when the corner of Bucky's lips starts twitching up, when Bucky swallows hard like he's trying to fight down laughter.
"Shit," Tony says again, his shoulders dropping a little, and when Bucky raises an eyebrow he hurries to add, "I mean, how long have- when did you- fuck..." He trails off helplessly as Bucky's smile gets wider and wider, and in the end, Tony can't do anything but grin back and wave weakly as he says, "Hi."
"Hi," Bucky says back, warm and fond, before looking around the kitchen and asking, "What happened in here?"
"Uh," Tony says slowly, looking around the disaster area of the room himself and wincing because he hadn't realized it was that bad, "well-"
"Did the evil lawn gnomes get in again?" Bucky guesses, walking further into the kitchen and stepping over a spilled bag of flour in the process.
“Those were mini doom bots, and I'm pretty sure they were supposed to be based on monkeys," Tony says, trying to quickly and subtly wipe away all the shredded cheese somehow clinging to his shirt, "also... yes, let's go with that. The monkey gnomes got in again, and I am definitely not the one who made this mess."
"Definitely not," Bucky says agreeably as he comes to a stop in front of Tony, still smiling widely.
He starts to lean in but then hesitates, second-guessing himself, and Tony has no problem meeting him halfway. So he leans in to press a kiss to Bucky’s lips, still thrilling at the fact that he can and Bucky may have only been gone a week, but it was long enough for Tony to start wondering if he’d somehow dreamed all of this up. Too good to be true or not, it’s apparently real because when he pulls back Bucky’s eyes are still closed and his smile has gone soft and a little wobbly.
“Welcome home,” Tony says, his own voice coming out breathless and a little unsteady, and his heart trips over itself in his chest when Bucky’s eyelids flutter open to reveal his blue eyes practically shining with happiness. “I, uh- I made you dinner,” he adds, a little sheepishly.
“It looks more like you made me a mess,” Bucky points out, glancing around the kitchen again.
“We’ve already determined, that was the monkey gnomes,” Tony says flatly, trying so hard not to break out into a smile as well when Bucky grins at him, “and in my defense, JARVIS was supposed to tell me when you were almost back.” He finishes that statement by glaring pointedly up at the ceiling, although to be honest the fifteen-minute heads-up he requested wouldn’t have been nearly enough time to clean all of this up. Still, at the very least his AI could have let him not be caught completely unprepared.
“My deepest apologies, sir,” JARVIS says, not sounding apologetic at all.
“In his defense, we did lose communications in the jet on the way back,” Bucky says, but Tony waves him off.
“Apologize to the drive-through box I’m going to put you in,” Tony grumbles at JARVIS and then turns his attention back to Bucky, a nervous smile growing on his face again as he adds, “I thought it would be nicer to make it from scratch, but I didn’t realize how messy from scratch is, how does anyone cook like this?”
“I think you might just have a skill for it,” Bucky says thoughtfully as he looks around the kitchen again, barking out a laugh when he notices the food processor in pieces on the floor.
“Okay, that one was my fault,” Tony says with a wince, “don’t tell Thor.”
“It looks like you threw it off the roof,” Bucky says, sounding impressed, and Tony grabs his hand to try and pull his attention away.
“It deserved it for what it did to my tomatoes,” Tony says dismissively, “now don’t look at that, pay attention to me.”
“Gladly,” Bucky says, looking far too amused, and then raises one hand to brush… something off Tony’s jaw. “So what’s the occasion?”
“Well, since your mission got in the way of our third date—“
“Fourth,” Bucky interrupts, grinning.
“Third,” Tony says firmly, “we agreed we wouldn’t count the park after the incident.”
“You agreed,” Bucky says, “I’m going to be laughing at the videos of you running away from a goose for years.”
“Geese are terrifying!” Tony insists for the thousandth time, mostly just for the way it always makes Bucky laugh extra hard, his head thrown back and his nose scrunching up. “Anyways,” Tony says pointedly, “for this, our third date, I thought I’d try and make you something special.”
“A mess,” Bucky says, nodding.
“I changed my mind, no lasagna for you,” Tony says with a sniff as he turns back to the oven, but he doesn’t even try to fight down his smile while Bucky makes whining noises of complaint behind him.
Once the lasagna is out of the oven and cooling on the counter, they both stare at it in silence for a moment.
“So, uh…” Tony says slowly, “There might actually be no lasagna for you.”
“It… doesn’t look that bad,” Bucky says, but his eyebrows are slowly crawling up his forehead.
“You’re too kind,” Tony tells him, patting him on the shoulder, “but you’re also a liar. Look at it, I followed the recipe exactly, how does it look both mushy and half-burned?!”
“There are noodles in there somewhere, I swear, I made them myself!” Tony says, a little manically, and Bucky huffs out a laugh. “Don’t even look at it,” Tony decides, pulling the oven mitts back on, “I’ll dispose of it before it poisons us."
Bucky beats him to it though, scooping up the glass casserole dish with his metal hand and marching for the table, stopping only long enough to grab a fork on the way. “I’m gonna try it, I like a little danger,” Bucky says as he drops into one of the chairs, grinning and wiggling his eyebrows.
“There’s danger and then there’s this,” Tony mutters as he slowly trails after Bucky, oven mitts still on his hands and a half-formed plan in mind to snatch the pan away before Bucky can eat any of the questionable food.
Bucky must see it on his face though, because he curls one arm protectively around the lasagna and holds his fork up like a weapon, and Tony sighs in defeat.
“At least sign a waiver first,” he whines as he drops into the seat next to Bucky, “I don’t want to be held liable for whatever happens to your intestines.”
“You’re being too hard on yourself, baby,” Bucky says with a laugh and then looks back down at the pan with a conflicted expression. “It… smells good, at least?”
“Ringing endorsement,” Tony says with a roll of his eyes, then waits with bated breath as Bucky scoops a bite out of the pan and begins to lift it toward his mouth.
Other than the red and white of tomato sauce and cheese, it doesn’t look much like lasagna at all, and Tony has to resist the urge to slap the fork out of Bucky’s hand before he can actually eat it.
At least if Bucky ends up in the medical wing after this Tony will have something to bring up when Bucky teases him about the goose incident. They might even get to tease each other about it for years, and that thought has warmth blooming in Tony’s chest. It's almost enough to fight off the sense of impending doom as Bucky shoves the forkful of ‘food’ into his mouth.
Bucky’s eyes go wide as he chews, painfully slowly. Tony is just about to ask if he needs a bucket, or a trip straight to the emergency room, when Bucky’s gaze snaps up to him again.
“Tony,” Bucky says faintly, and then nothing else.
“Bucky,” Tony returns, and after a split second adds, “Please don’t die like this.”
“Tony,” Bucky says again, “this is amazing.”
“Oh no. You’ve lost your mind,” Tony says mournfully, “my Italian abomination has driven you to madness.”
“Yes,” Bucky agrees without hesitation, “because it is that good.” To prove his point, he scoops up a much bigger forkful and shoves it into his mouth, making exaggerated happy noises that are not doing funny things to Tony’s stomach. “Try it,” he insists, holding the fork out to Tony.
“You just want me to die of intestinal implosion with you,” Tony says suspiciously but reaches out to take the utensils because he dares anyone to resist that encouraging look on Bucky’s face.
“It’ll be our most romantic date yet,” Bucky agrees and then nudges the pan towards him.
Tony is a little tempted to take his chance, grab the lasagna and run, get rid of it before it can hurt anyone else, but Bucky looks so hopeful and honest. So instead Tony takes a deep breath, dramatically preparing himself, and then tries a bite of the mushy abomination.
Instantly the taste of tomatoes and rich cheese fills his mouth, spices blended just the way he remembers from countless childhood trips to Italy. The lasagna might look like a hot mess, but it tastes perfect and Tony's eyes are maybe a little wet as he swallows thickly.
“Oh thank god,” Tony says with a sigh, ”Nonna isn’t going to haunt me for completely ruining her recipe.”
Bucky laughs, low and warm, and when Tony looks up he’s caught off guard by Bucky leaning over to plant a lingering kiss on his cheek.
"Thank you, Tony," he says softly, still close enough that Tony can smell the sauce on his breath, "this is perfect."
"You're welcome," Tony says, just as soft, and then simply can't resist tilting his head just enough to kiss Bucky again. They linger there for a long time, trading soft kisses and sharing the same air, until Tony pulls away to ask, "Does that mean you'll help me clean up this mess?"
"You can bet your perfect ass that I will not," Bucky says happily, then steals the fork back and pulls the lasagna closer while Tony squawks with indignation.
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27dragons · 6 months
New Year Countdown: Dec 13
Today's fic is a hospital AU featuring established Winteriron and many medical inaccuracies!
Dec 13 - Winteriron - Hospital AU - Blanket
Most of the year, Bucky loved his job. He loved helping people. People came to him hurting and in despair and he did everything in his power to make them feel better. Whole again, or at least closer to it than before.
It was never easy to see people who’d lost limbs in a terrible accident or because of an infection. But when they saw his own prosthetic arm, when they heard his story, they knew that he understood, at least a little, what they were going through. They let him convince them that life was still worth living, that it could still be beautiful, and he loved that. He loved the moment when his patients realized they could use their new prosthetics to do things that they’d had to work around, before.
And he especially loved working with Tony. His husband’s genius not only provided limbs that were nearly as functional as living ones, but also ensured that each prosthetic exactly matched the personalities and desires of the patient, from the girl who wanted a sparkling pink unicorn princess arm to the emo teenager who demanded a gothic black leg that ended in a spike rather than a foot to the older woman whose new hand was a perfect match her china pattern.
He loved seeing Tony throughout the day, sneaking kisses between rounds, and he especially loved going home with Tony at night.
All in all, Bucky’s life was just about perfect.
But this time of year, during the holidays, the hard parts were especially hard. People who should have been comfortably nestled with their families were confined to sterile hospital beds. They should have been drinking cocoa and wrapping gifts and lighting candles, but were instead doing occupational therapy. Money that might have been spent on presents and feasting was torn away for medical bills. Vacations that should have relaxed and soothed their stress were replaced with the shock and horror and despair of trying to adjust to a life that would never again be exactly the same.
And the icy, extra-crowded streets just made accidents all the more likely.
“I hate this job,” he announced when he came through the door. Usually he and Tony left the hospital together, but an ambulance had screamed through the emergency entrance just as they were packing up for the night, and Bucky had volunteered to stick around in case he was needed.
Tony stuck his head out of the kitchen door and gave Bucky a small, lopsided smile. “No, you don’t,” he said.
“I hate it tonight,” Bucky grumbled. He unwound his scarf and unbuttoned his coat and kicked off his shoes. 
“That’s fair, I suppose,” Tony admitted.
“I had to tell a woman we couldn’t save her arm. And her husband is probably going to have scars that will limit his mobility for the rest of his life. They were on their way to spend the holidays with his family. It’s their first Christmas since they got married, and they’re going to spend it in the hospital. Not even in the same room.” Bucky hung up his coat and threw himself on the couch, dropping his arm over his face.
Tony came the rest of the way out of the kitchen carrying a tray with two mugs of hot chocolate. He was wearing pajamas. “I know,” he said. “Nat called right after you left.” He set the tray on the coffee table and sat next to Bucky, close enough for the heat of his body to leach through their clothes into Bucky’s skin. Tony pulled Bucky’s favorite blanket off the back of the couch, soft grey and decorated with stars, and spread it over their laps.
Bucky let himself be pulled into Tony’s embrace, taking the mug to wrap his hands around its heat and resting his head on Tony’s shoulder, even if he had to scrunch down a bit to make it work. “I’m not sleeping tonight,” he warned Tony.
“That’s okay, snowflake,” Tony murmured. “We can put on a stupid movie and stay here for as long as you want.”
“I hate my job,” Bucky said again, softer. Not really meaning it.
“I know,” Tony agreed gently. “That’s fine, tonight.”
Bucky relaxed into the feel of Tony’s fingers combing through his hair. Maybe he didn’t always love his job.
But he always, always loved Tony.
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scottxlogan · 2 years
Ten Random Lines
Rules: pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people. I was tagged by @sivan325​ Thanks for the tag! I’m tagging: @mischief-and-tea-by-the-sea, @just-fandomthings, @chaoticgardenbread, @kleenexwoman, @sgfic, @naughtyneganjdm, @stormxpadme, @onekisstotakewithme, @ rescue-ram, @godestof3worlds and anyone else who wants to do this :) Have fun everyone! Because some of these vary in the ratings and I’m being fair in scrolling to the middle of the documents I’m going to put these under the cut for anyone who wants to read the lines lol. That being said here we go:
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 (Not yet titled Scott Summers/Steve Rogers fic that is a follow up to my other Scott/Steve piece I did that also ties into the Winteriron fic Yearning) “It’s early,” Steve mouthed kissing the messy crop of dark hair spilled over his shoulder inviting temptation into his life at the idea of spending the next few days doing nothing, but exploring each other without thought or reason, just indulging in hedonism until neither could take it any longer, “You should rest.” “I have a meeting at noon,” his lover sighed running his fingers over the planes of Steve’s chest, reaching out to slide his palm down over Steve’s abdomen to touch his skin as if his lover was also questioning if this was really still happening between them, “I can’t be late.” “Not even if you tell them you’re working on public relations?” Steve teased circling his index finger over the dip in the man’s spine catching the goosebumps that formed on his flesh in Steve’s caress, “When we’re working out the future of team unity here?”
Gone Forever (Scott/Logan) “Always only with me,” Logan teased curling his arm tighter around Scott’s body to pull Scott in over his chest more completely, “Although Nate’s probably going to wake up feeling insatiable himself when he starts talking about finding the leftover wedding cake.” “He’s going to want you to take him out sledding like you promised when we drove in and he saw that hill,” Scott reminded Logan with a sweep over fingers over Logan’s chest, “He’s not going to take no for an answer after your promised to take him.” “I’ll take him,” Logan kissed the top of Scott’s head, “I’m a man of my word Slim.” “I know you are,” Scott angled his head up to take another look at Logan, “That’s why I knew that I was destined to fall hopelessly in love with you the moment you tried to drown yourself in my lake.”
The Assignment (Bucky/Tony) “What do you think?” Tony decided moving in to reach for Bucky’s pants and open them as anticipated. “I think…that you need to have someone make love to you for once in your life,” Bucky answered pulling Tony up off the floor and into his lap, “To show you that you mean more than just a means of getting off.” “Getting off is easy for me,” Tony’s face grew hot in the admission, “It feels good, and I don’t have to think about… ”“What it means to mean something more to someone else who cares about you,” Bucky challenged touching Tony’s cheek and urging Tony to meet his eyes again, “To feel something about the person you’re sharing yourself with knowing that it means more than just pleasure.” “Pleasure feels good,” Tony challenged brazenly as Bucky’s firm grip returned to his bottom to squeeze him tighter than before. “Falling in love feels better.”
Better Together (Scott/Tony) “Can’t rush perfection, right?” Scott sighed lowering his head onto Tony’s shoulder and savoring the warmth of the man who held him. He felt Tony’s fingers sliding down over his spine, spreading warmth on the path that they were on as it appeared that once again obligation had set limitations on their time spent together. “Making love to you isn’t something I plan on taking lightly,” Tony’s sultry words caused butterflies to dance in Scott’s stomach as his body was filled with anticipation and longing for the one thing that they were yet to share with one another. As Tony’s lips found their way to Scott’s again, Tony’s right hand settled over Scott’s sharp jawline, tracing over his all-too-eager skin while Tony’s thumb skimmed against Scott’s chiseled cheekbone, “I want it to be perfect for us when it finally happens.”
Firestorm (Bucky/Tony) “Stevie’s gonna kill you when he learns what your stupid ass did. We both know that,” Bucky counseled the man in the mirror knowing that running off and marrying Tony Stark without warning or reason beyond what Bucky suspected was a whim was going to raise the door to suspicions and create a wave of problems back home. Still not wanting to dwell on it, Bucky combed his hair back one last time before taking in a breath and making his way out into the suite to face the morning.
Home Again (Bucky/Tony) “Jen,” Bruce spoke up behind an uneasy expression as his face was filled with a crimson color in everyone listening to his cousin’s excitement in her new position with the team. “Can we get this one to lay off the caffeine here?” another feminine sarcastic voice questioned and groaned when Luke returned to the conversation once again. “She’s excited Jessica and who can blame her? It’s not every day we get called up on an Avenger’s mission on short notice. Makes you feel like part of the A-squad right about now,” Luke reminded his wife when Jennifer’s conversation transitioned to Morgan again, who was now discussing what sounded a lot like a selection of mission themed snacks with another unknown male voice in the background. “Cheese puffs, cinnamon pops, sour cream and onion chips, chocolate chip cookies…” Morgan’s muffled words continued to ramble on as Jen piped in on the conversation. “Oh. Oh. Save me some of those cheese puffs,” Jen shouted over the com causing Bruce to cringe again with embarrassment. He threw out another apologetic look in Rhodey’s direction before struggling to keep things neutral in the conversation taking place. “Yeah, well if she gets any more excited and I’m probably going to knock her ass out,” Jessica groaned outwardly when there was another sound of rumbling on the other side of the communication followed by a loud crashing boom, “No offense.”
End of the Line (Bucky/Tony from the middle of the story in the middle of that chapter) “I don’t regret being there especially not now that she’s here,” Pepper noted with a shake of her head, “She has your temper especially when she’s hangry.” “Hangry?” Tony repeated with a wrinkled expression on his face, “I don’t get hangry.” “The hell you don’t,” Pepper groaned outwardly and rolled her eyes at him, “You have the worst case of hangry I’ve ever experienced not counting when Bruce’s other half is out or maybe Thor, but…” “So essentially you’re saying that our daughter likes to eat,” Tony teased poking at her side when the words rolled from his tongue feeling more foreign than anything when he allowed them to sink in.
Under Your Spell (Scott/Logan) “I won’t hurt him,” Logan promised standing up taller as he found himself filled with a new sense of hope, “Whatever happens I swear to you that I won’t hurt him Hank. I’ll find a way to avoid bringing his world crashing down when…” “Don’t make promises you can’t keep Logan,” Hank warned, “Scott’s in a very vulnerable place right now.”
Damaged (Scott/Logan) “Logan stop,” Scott had foolishly pulled away, denying his heart when his guilt had consumed him. There were so many things he should’ve said, that he should’ve done, but instead he’d given into the weight of his guilt and had said the worst possible thing imaginable. He’d offered up the truth, “Last night happened because Charles wanted it to happen. I only let things get that far because…” “No,” Logan shook his head furiously, “I don’t believe that…” “He wanted team unity and I knew that the only way to keep you at bay was to give you what you wanted,” Scott kept his back turned away from Logan, “I gave in to temptation because it was what you desired—what you needed, but for me…it…it was just…” “Just what?” Logan had questioned when Scott had done the unthinkable. “Another successful mission meant to keep you in line,” Scott had replied dismissively, with an uncharacteristic coldness before everything else that followed had felt foreign to the man he’d become. Instead of revealing the things that he’d always kept deep inside of him, he’d denied his feelings, offered up his body to Logan on the stipulation that Logan would continue to fight for Charles Xavier’s team. He’d been cold and cruel, offering himself as a tool for Logan’s compliance should Logan demand it, but what he hadn’t been able to provide the man he’d loved was his heart.
Not Tonight (Tony/Bucky) “Are you listening to me? I said empty your pockets!” “And I said no,” Tony responded slapping the gun away as the man who threatened him looked back with bewilderment behind the blue eyes that were staring at Tony beneath the mask.
And if you made it this far you’re awesome! Thanks for the adventure in guiding me to pull these together and thanks for reading to anyone who took a look at these :)
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straightupsickfics · 2 years
Can I request winteriron with a sneezy, annoyed Bucky with an autumn cold and Tony kinda teasing him but being all protective and soft 🥺
“I told Sam we would stop by later,” Bucky says, turning and rubbing his nose against his shoulder. He can’t possibly have to sneeze again so soon, and yet he’s almost positive he’s going t-to…
“huh… chsshh! heptCHssh! eh… heh… huhCHussh!”
“Honey, I don’t think you’re going anywhere tonight,” Tony says, wrapping an arm around Bucky’s waist and pulling him down onto the couch. “Bless you,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the nape of Bucky’s neck. The way they landed, Bucky’s half on Tony’s lap, half on the couch, and he turns in Tony's arms to frown at him.
“S’just a few sneezes, Tony,” Bucky argues, though he rubs at his nose with a knuckle and Tony can see the irritated tears as they appear, dampening his lashes and making him look ... well, sick. Like he's coming down with whatever cold Steve had a week ago, the one going around the Compound at breakneck speed.
“A few this minute, a few ten minutes ago, and fifteen minutes before that—“ Tony ticks them off on his fingers and Bucky rolls his eyes
“You tracking this on a s-spreh… hEh! hdt'ISH! Spreadsheet somewhere?” Bucky asks, sniffling. Tony knows he hardly minds all the attention, though, not when it's from him. They're similar in that way, neither of them are big on PDA, but this, quiet affection at home, where it's just the two of them is more than welcome.
“No spreadsheets. I'm a genius, remember? Plus, you’re cute when your nose is all… pink like that,” Tony says, tapping the tip of Bucky’s nose affectionately. He watches the way it flares in response, twitchy and irritated, and pulls a tissue from the box on the coffee table before Bucky can say anything.
"Bless you," Tony says when Bucky's breath stutters again. He smiles sympathetically as he ducks away to sneeze a few more times into the handful of tissues.
“Huh…. hutCHUShhhoo! USCH’iiew!” The sneezes are stuffy, louder than usual, and Tony can tell that Bucky's nose is getting more stuffed up as the night goes on. It'll be time for a dose of cold medicine soon, but for now, he's happy enough to keep him company on the couch while he works through the beginnings of his cold.
"That definitely sounds like a cold, Buckybot," Tony tells him.
"Thanks," Bucky sighs, the sound congested and tired enough that Tony knows he's likely done protesting about their missed plans tonight.
Tony pulls Bucky closer to him, then reaches up and strokes a hand through his hair, letting his hand linger along the shell of his ear. "Wilson will thank you, too, for not infecting him," Tony points out. "Plus, I'm thankful to get you here to myself tonight, so really it's a win-win."
Bucky presses his face into Tony's shoulder at the words, and Tony can feel the soft, damp press of his nose against his t-shirt. It shouldn't be so... cute is the only word coming to mind. And maybe it shouldn't, but there's something about having Bucky here like this, tired and sick and more vulnerable than he lets himself be with anyone else, that makes Tony want to stay like this forever.
"I'm a mbess," Bucky mutters, looking up long enough to give his nose another swipe with his tissues. "You cannot be glad for that."
"Sure am," Tony says easily. "I'm a mess on any given day, too, so we'll call it even, yeah?"
Bucky smiles a little, tentative and suddenly bashful, and nods, lets Tony rub his back and talk about dinner and which movie they should watch while they lay there.
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