thedemonoralech · 7 years
@practicalandpretty liked for a starter.
Since Oralech had arrived in this strange city, his whole outlook on life had been challenged. People here were, first of all, far too kind in comparison to the hostility or outright ignorance he was used to. Second of all, food and water seemed to be a given, rather than something to be hunted down each and every day. Third, he had... a place to stay. One that was far more spacious than anything he'd ever been used to-- even back in the Commonwealth.
He'd spent the first few days settling in. Just accepting that he was free. It was so incredibly, undeniably surreal. Even in the first /weeks/, he'd kept to himself, speaking no more to others than he absolutely needed. Oralech stayed out in the fields, looking to the night sky for answers to questions he didn't speak out loud. But even the sky was different-- radically so, from what he'd looked to for years and years.
How fitting that it'd be the stars that'd drive him to action, again, even after so long. Oralech had eyed the library every time he walked past it-- just like he eyed each and every person reading the paper, a book, anything-- but today was the first day he even dared to venture in. With... some minor trouble, thanks to those horns poking out of his skull, making his already tall stature even more terrifyingly large.
He quickly realized his mistake in being here. It wasn't as if he could just magically read, just because he'd found a place so packed with books. It wasn't like the words would just read themselves to him-- that wasn't how books worked, as he was painfully aware of. At a loss for what to do, and with far more bravado than any man so unsure of himself had any right to have, Oralech approached the nearest person who looked like... someone who knew books, in his horribly flawed and inexperienced opinion. Surely they tended to the books here. Surely.
" You. " He spoke up from behind the person, calm but firm, with his voice doing that terrifying thing that demon voices tended to do-- distort themselves into oblivion. " I need to know about the stars. They're.. different. " Oralech had no doubt in his mind that this man knew exactly what he meant. Because, why wouldn’t he?
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