#( feel free to not drag on for as long as I did; my next post will probably be shorter than this-- )
fallingformatt · 2 months
bsf!Matt x fem!reader
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summary: the sexual tension between you and your best friend Matt causes you two to ‘talk it out’ in the car
based on these requests available: here, here
warnings: filthy ass smut bro
word count: 3.2k
a/n: I’ve been so busy with work, but im glad i finally found the time to write something hope yall enjoy it :) this post is not proofread
"Wait do you like him?" my friend asks with a smirk on her lips as she playfully pushes my shoulder.
I was hanging out with my friend at the beach tanning, eating some grapes, swimming and just taking in the sun.
"I don't know, it's like this weird sexual tension between us like I just feel that hot and bothered vibe coming from him," I say to my friend as I twirl a strand of my hair between my fingers.
"As in general or like just around you?" She asks me while raising an eyebrow. "Girl I don't know, we don't talk about how often we get laid," I say with a serious tone. "You should then," she answers as one corner of her lips rises up followed by a wink. "Can we not? I'm not asking Matt if he wants to fuck me or just fuck in general, let's change the subject," I say now slightly annoyed about how long this topic has dragged on.
I have to admit though, in the past couple of weeks there have been moments of strong sexual tension between me and my best friend Matt. I don't know what it is but every time we hang out in a group setting, I feel him throwing glances at me while fidgeting with his rings practically undressing me with his eyes, his eyes seem to scan me up and down, eventually meeting mine every time, his stare would get this hint of hunger like he's been starving for something, so I went for advice to my friend but she doesn't have a serious bone in her body so it obviously didn't go far.
Not even a second later I heard my phone ring. I turn it facing up to look who's calling. My friend leans in pushing up her sunglasses to see the caller as well. "Oh it's Matt, you should ask him if he's down to fuck," she says with a huge smile plastered across her face. "You're so funny," I say sarcastically as I roll my eyes before answering the phone.
"Hey!" I say as I bring up the phone to my ear.
"Hey, what are you up to?" Matt asks.
"Nothing much, I'm at the beach with a friend," I say as I turn my head to look at her, as soon as I do so, I see her standing on her knees humping the air before she points to my phone laughing. I instantly facepalm regretting that I even mentioned something to her.
"Hello, are you there?" I hear on the phone.
I snap back as I remember that I'm currently on the phone with Matt.
"Yeah sorry, what did you say," I say.
"I asked if the weather is nice, am I really that boring?" Matt says.
"No I was just looking at my friend, she was kicking down someone's sand castle," I lie as I search around with my free hand for something to throw at my friend. "Yeah the weather is nice, the water is really warm too, what are you doing?" I continue.
"I'm driving home, do you want to do something later?" Matt asks and I see my friend walking over to me kneeling next to me pressing her ear against my phone trying to hear what Matt is saying.
"Yeah I'm down, do you have something in mind?" I answer as I try to push my friend away with my elbow staring at her and shaking my head.
"Chris and Nick really want to see you, so I was thinking we could go to topgolf, and get something to eat after that," he offers.
I see my friend nodding her head up and down signaling me to say yes. How did she even hear that is beyond me.
"Yeah I'm down, should be fun," I say.
"Alright I'll pick you up at 7, see you then," he says before ending the call
I look down next to me and see one grape lying in the sand, without giving it a second thought, I pick it up and throw it at my friend. "You're such a child," I say as I roll my eyes smiling. "You still love me," she says sitting down smiling, finally relaxing after being on my case this whole time.
The sun had started to set and we decided to head back to my friend's house. The beach is like a 10 minute walk from her place. "What time is he picking you up?" My friend asks me.
"He's picking me up at 7, but it's not like you didn't know that already, you're so nosy," I say as I look down at my phone to see the time. "Shit it's 6:27 pm already, there's no way I'm gonna get back to my house and get ready in time.
"You can just get ready at my place," she offers. I nod and pull out my phone from my pocket and text Matt the new address.
We go into her house and I drop my bag at the door running for the bathroom to shower. I turn on the water and hop in.
"Are you really that excited to see him?" my friend asks as she opens the door to the bathroom. "What do you mean?" I ask her. "I mean you rushed to take a shower so fast, surely you're excited to meet up with him," she says as I hear her turning on the sink to wash her hands. "I'm literally just showering, I don't want to be sweaty, covered in sand, and gross, no matter who I'm meeting up with," I defend myself. "Whatever you say," my friend says as she leaves the bathroom.
I hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I went past the kitchen to my friend's room. I open the door and she's sitting in front of her vanity doing her skincare playing some music in the background.
My eyes lay upon an outfit lying down on her bed, it's a short jean skirt and a black lace tank top, I raise my eyebrow in confusion "What's this?" I ask. "It's an outfit for you to wear," she answers, I tilt my head. "Well unless you're gonna go to topgolf in sweats and a bathing suit, you should wear what's on the bed," she exclaims. "But this is what I would wear if we went clubbing not something I would wear hanging out with friends," I answer. "Trust me on this one," my friend replies. "You seriously need to move on," I say as I grab the outfit and put it on.
I check my phone to see the time, 7:05 pm it reads and as I was about to put down my phone I receive a text from Matt.
"I'm here" that's all the text says.
"I have to go," I say to my friend as I stand up from her vanity and head for the door. "Wait, just one more thing," she says as she runs over to me with a perfume bottle and sprays a few sprays on me. "What's that?" I ask. "It's a pheromone perfume, it's supposed to make guys crazy," she says, smiling proudly holding the bottle. I just sigh as I go for the door. "This way we'll find out if he wants to fuck in general or if he wants to fuck you!" my friend says happily, waving at me as I exit.
I get in the front seat as I see that Chris is sitting at the back. "Hey," Nick exclaims. "Hey," I say to everyone as I put on my seatbelt. "You look good," Matt says as he turns his head looking me up and down and Nick nods his head in agreement. "Thanks, guys," I say and we start driving. We're now driving for about 15 minutes, there's music blasting through the whole car as Nick and Chris are arguing, trying to scream over the loud music about which is the best spongebob episode making me giggle from time to time.
We're stopped at a red light and as I'm scrolling through my phone I feel someone's eyes on me, I pick up my head and see Matt looking at me, there it is again, that hungry stare, he's looking me up and down before his eyes again meet mine. I see him bite his lower lip before a little smirk creeps up on his lips. "You look so fucking good," he says, making me smile, his voice was deeper than usual. He turns his head to focus on the road again as the light turns green.
This is the vibe I was talking about with my friend earlier, we've never had this kind of tension between us before.
I turned my head back to see if Chris and Nick noticed his comment, and no they were still arguing, but the topic of the argument had changed to waffles and pancakes.
"We're here," Matt says as the car stops and he pulls out the keys from the engine and we all exit the car. As we go in, Nick goes to registration and pays for all of us. We all walk to our playing area and we all get something to snack on and some drinks.
"I'm up first," Matt says as he walks over to the playing area, he sets up the ball and swings the golf club. Next up is Nick, he does the same, now it's my turn, I walk up to the playing area, set up the ball, and take a swing with my golf club, I miss completely and I turn my head to look at everyone laughing, well almost everyone, Matt is the only one who's not laughing, which made me less embarrassed, I guess that's what best friends are for. "You need any help?" He asks, I nod my head and he stands up walking over to me.
I set myself up to take a shot and Matt walks over standing behind me, he puts his hands over mine "You have to hold the club tightly, okay?" Matt says as he tightens his grip around my hands. "Keep your back straight," he says and I straighten my back, which causes my butt to brush against his crotch. He inhales sharply before he continues, "Now swing," he says as he guides my hands with his swinging them to the side before hitting the golf ball and watching it fly away. I turn around to face Matt, "thank you," I say as I give him a hug. Before I get to pull away I feel his arm around the back of my neck as he leans into my ear, "you did so good," he says as he lets me go a slight grin forming on his lips, we walk back to the lounge area and Chris stands up as it is his turn now.
I was now sitting watching them play as I understood pretty quickly that there wasn't gonna be a golfer made out of me. Throughout the night I kept noticing Matt's glances, he's now sitting across from me, and he's staring me up and down as he's fidgeting with his rings. His gaze sends shivers down my spine, making me actually shiver and Nick notices.
"Are you cold? I left a sweater in the car, Matt can get it," he offers, " yeah that would be nice," I say as I look back at Matt and he seems to snap back into reality not really understanding what's going on.
"Come on Matt, I'm gonna go with you to get the sweater," I say to help him understand what's going on, he nods and stands up and we start walking to the car. I was actually glad that I managed to get him alone, I needed to understand what was going on with him, but I didn't want to ask with everyone around.
As we get to the car he unlocks it and I get into the front passenger seat and lean back to get the sweater Nick was talking about, as I grab the sweater I hear the door open, I turn my head to look and I see Matt leaning down, his arm resting against the open door. "You ready?" He asks. "No get in," I say as I lean back into my seat, placing the sweater in my lap. Matt gets in the car and closes the door. "What's up?" He asks. "I should be asking you that," I answer and Matt tilts his head confused by my statement.
"What's going on with you?" I ask. "What do you mean?" He answers me with a question not understanding what I'm talking about. I take a deep breath slightly nervous about what I'm going to say next, but I needed some clarity so I knew I had to ask. "Past couple of weeks you have been zoning out, staring at me," I state, I watch his face, waiting for his reaction. His expression grows dark, and once again his glare turns dark.
"You're driving me fucking insane, " he says his voice getting deeper again, "you don't know what you're doing to me, your sent, your presence," he says as he moves his stare from my eyes to my lips before licking his. "Tell me," I say as I put my arm on his bicep. "How about I show you instead," he says as a smirk appears on his lips. He leans over and grabs the outer side of my thigh, signaling me to move. I cautiously move over the center console his arms grabbing and holding my ass for support as he guides me to sit in his lap.
Without any warning he pushes his lips onto mine, kissing me roughly. One of my hands travel to his hair and the other one rests on his chest, his hands travel to my hips, pushing and guiding them back and forth, I let out a quiet moan as I break the kiss, "Matt this is wrong," I say as I try to calm down my breathing. "I don't care, I want you," he says as he smashes his lips back onto mine and I give into the kiss, he moves from my lips to my cheek and down to my jawline, his one hand still guiding my hips back and forth as the other hand moves over my ass grabbing it and slapping it.
I'm not fighting him and give into his touch fully, I throw my head back as I feel my panties getting wet and a moan slips past my lips, Matt takes advantage and attacks my neck, leaving wet kisses, slipping in a few bites as he's sucking on my sensitive skin leaving marks.
"Move up," he says, his voice is demanding. I move my ass up, both of my hands move to his shoulders as I hold them for support. He quickly unbuckles his belt and bucks up his hips sliding his jeans down along with his boxers. Matt's hand travels to my panties, he rubs against my clothed clit before sliding them to the side with one quick motion. He places his hands on my waist pushing me down and signaling me to sit down again.
He pushes his lips on my neck leaving sweet kisses around the dark marks he had created, he leans back and his eyes lock onto the hickeys, "pretty," he says as he grabs my jaw, his thumb brushing over the bruised, sensitive skin.
Matt grabs my ass as he moves me slightly up, positioning his dick against my entrance before pushing me down, I let my head fall on the nape of his neck as my elbows rest on his shoulders, my hands roaming his hair, I let out a moan as I start to move my hips.
"You feel so good princess," Matt groans, his hand tightly around my waist as the other one holds a tight grasp on my ass, his nails digging into my skin as I become a hot mess on top of him. "Matt," I moan out, my movements are sloppy and sensual.
"We can't be gone for too long," Matt whispers in my ear and suddenly fastens his thrusts underneath me. A sudden feeling of overbearing pleasure comes over me as I throw my head back no longer able to control my breath, moans and whimpers leave my mouth before I bite my lower lip trying to be quiet. "Baby don't be quiet, I'll make you scream my name," Matt growls deeply as his hand travels to my lower back holding me for support.
"Will you?" I manage to slip out between my moans as I start to grind faster on his cock. "You're such a brat," he says as his hand wraps around my hair pulling my head backward. His lips attack my collarbone, he's sucking and pulling on my skin slipping in a few bites, I hiss at the pain, "not so brave anymore huh," he says as he detaches from my collarbone before leaving a trail of kisses up my neck before meeting my lips.
"I'm," I whimper, my hands roaming around for something to hold onto as I feel my climax approach me. "You're?" Matt asks proudly as he's the one making me unable to finish my sentence. "Close," I manage to moan out between his hard thrusts and my grinding as we move in sync. "What was that huh?" He chuckles. I grab the collar of his shirt to pull myself together as I gather my strength to form a sentence.
"I'm so close Matt don't stop," I blur out, I feel my walls closing around his twitching cock. "You take my dick so well baby," Matt moans out sending me over the edge. "Matt," I scream out as my orgasm takes over me. Matt lets out a low growl-like moan, as I feel his seed pumping into me. I push my lips against his in order not to scream as I ride out my high.
"Oh my god Matt," I say as I move off of his cock and back to the seat next to him. "You did so good princess," he says as he leans in and kisses my forehead before he pulls up his pants. "We should get back," Matt says and I nod in agreement. I take Nick's sweater and pull it over my head putting it on.
As we step out of the car, I close the door and fix my short denim skirt and I see Matt fixing his belt. "I'm gonna leave the window slightly open," he says slightly chuckling pointing to the windows that had fully fogged up and I let out a small laugh as well.
"What took you two so long," Nick says as he looks at us and we try not to look suspicious. "We were talking," I say confidently, I see Nick shifting his eyes from Matt to me, and his eyes fall down to my neck as a smirk appears on his lips, "you got something here," Nick says as he brushes over his own neck with two fingers. My eyes immediately shoot to Matt as I slap his shoulder from the back.
I guess there definitely was some sexual tension between us that needed to be resolved.
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k0juki · 4 months
You and Mafia Max having a night out in the Netherlands.
Mafia!Max Verstappen
Carneval night
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English is not my first language so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors! Also the picture is not mine! Credit goes to owner!
More Mafia!Max posts here!
A/n: The time-line is before they broke up.
Wc: 624
You were only a few months in the Netherlands, so Max thought that it would be fun to show you around Amsterdam.
At first you were here just because of your father, but after some time and meeting some new people, including Max, you decided to stay here, with him.
Amsterdam has become more than just a temporary stop—now it's your home, filled with love and adventure. You fell in love with him, and he did the same.
"I heard there's a street festival here." Max suggested and wrapped his arm around your waist. "Live music, delicious food stalls, and carnival games. I thought you would like it."
"That doesn't sound so bad." You teased him, but he can't say he doesn't like it, because he does like it.
As you stroll through the vibrant streets of Amsterdam, the festive atmosphere fills you with excitement. You really liked this place, because it wasn't anything like back home in London.
"Oh, look Max, they have these big stuffed animals here!" You pointed out and made your way to that booth with Max right beside you.
"Who do I have to shoot to get that donkey?" You asked and took that heavy gun. Max and the stall holder laughed. "I mean it."
"Yeah, she's not joking." Max grined and gave warning look to that guy. It was sign that nor Max or you were joking. You really wanted that stupit stuffed animal.
"I'm sure you do young lady, the rules are simple, you have to shoot down the cans. That's all." He explained, as he moved aside, you pointed the gun at cans and shot. Completely missed. It was harder than you expected.
At first, Max was just wheezing, so you didn't mind him much, but after some time... "That was amazing love, you have to teach me." He laughted and clapped his hands.
"Oh, ha ha...I'm just warming up." You adjusted the gun and shot. Missed again.
That couldn't be right, the gun was just too heavy. And what was worse, Max's laugh starts to piss you off. Did he want to die? You were sure he did. You said nothing and just gave him a long side eye. If look could kill, Max would be instantly dead.
"Someone is asking for trouble." You whispered and shot the last shoot. Nothing.
You put the gun down and turned to Max with both hands on your hips. "You wanna try it, Emilian?"
That shut him up, because everyone that was close to Max and you knew that you normally didn't call Max Emilian. More like Max, Maxi or love. You were really pissed off.
But he didn't waste any second and took the gun the moment it was reloaded and perfectly shot three times, all cans fell down.
Max looked at you with a smug face and put down the gun. You just crossed your arms as that stallholder cherished and congratulated Max, he just laughed a little and said, "I will take that donkey."
As Max handed you that stuffed animal, he leaned his head down and kissed your cheek. "For a pretty lady, one big donkey."
You thanked Max and took his hand in yours, everything was forgiven. And then you started dragging him to another interesting place you saw.
But you didn't notice how Max turned back to the stallholder and how they exchanged a long glances of knowing, he knew who Max was, so even if Max didn't shoot right after you, he would give you that stuffed donkey himself.
His life was worth more than some plush.
"What do you say we look for next?" Max asked and put his arm back around you. Even though you were completely clueless, but still happy.
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When They Know They're In Love ~ Frostheim Edition
I will be doing the other houses and will link them here once they're posted. I hope you like this and if you did, please feel free to send in requests for what you'd like to see.
Fandom: Tokyo Debunker
Characters: Jin Kamurai, Thoma Ishibashi, Lucas Errant, Kaito Fuji x gn! Reader
Frostheim | Vagastrom | Jabberwock | Sinostra | Hotarubi | Obscuary | Mortkranken
How do the characters know they're in love and what will they do when they realise?
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Jin is not exactly the most in touch with his emotions. He knows he feels something around you. Does he think it’s some weird side effect of your ability or him using his stigma after so long? Absolutely.
It will take him a long time to figure out that what he’s feeling is actually love but when he does, it’s when you’ve finally snapped at his treatment of you.
You’re tired of being treated like a servant and you’re letting him have a piece of your mind.
And suddenly, his chest is tightening, and he’s got butterflies, and he realises just how beautiful you are.  How did he never notice this before?
It might take him a while longer to accept his feelings and pursue you properly but when he does, expect to be swept off your feet by the effort he puts in to making you feel just as strongly about him.
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Thoma is a lot more observant than Jin. He’ll recognise his feelings almost straight away when he sees how hard you’re working both to get to know the ghouls and to break your curse.
He’s found a kindred spirit in your hard-working attitude. But he won’t act on those feelings for a while.
He’s busy with his own work and, if he’s being honest, he doesn’t think he could handle getting into a relationship with you, only for your curse to take you from him a year later.
I think it would take a life-or-death situation for him to confess. Something where he nearly looses you before the year is up and he realises he has to tell you how he feels before you’re gone.
Whether a relationship blooms from that is up to the two of you but Thoma’s a practical guy. Whatever you’re decision, he’ll make it work somehow.
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Luca is an interesting case. I feel like he’s aware of his feelings about certain things but not others. Love is one of those things he’s not super aware of.
He knows how he feels about close family like his brother. But you? He just doesn’t register his feelings towards you as romantic at first.
He finally puts it together when he sees you asleep in the library, a book open in front of you with information relating to his brother’s situation.
The rush of affection he feels towards you in that moment is so strong, even Luca can’t misunderstand it as anything else. Now he just has to confess.
He won’t drag it out and will likely pull you aside next time he sees you. He’ll be perfectly gentlemanly and explain his feelings, as well as letting you know that any decision you make, he will accept.
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Kaito is certainly in touch with his emotions, but I don’t think he would realise the depth of his feelings for a long time.
If you’re female presenting, he would just assume what he’s feeling for you is his usual affection towards women. If you’re male presenting, he’ll just assume you’re a really great friend.
He realises he’s in love with you when he gets a message from another person and realises the sinking feeling in his stomach isn’t a normal reaction.
Honestly, I feel like Kaito will be a bit freaked out by his feelings to start with. He’s not used to really caring about people and he’s not entirely sure where to start.
Once he does come to terms with his feelings and realises he wants to be with you as more than just a friend, he’ll do his best to up his game so you fall for him the same way he fell for you.
Hey, did you enjoy this? If you like my writing, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi page! This will allow me to make some money off my writing, something I enjoy doing.
Important Note: Please only donate if you are financially able to. If you are currently in a position where you can't donate, a like, comment or reblog will mean just as much.
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charmedreincarnation · 10 months
Hey, guys! I've been receiving a ton of messages in response to my last post. It's reminding me of how I first discovered shifting. I feel like doing a little story time since Ive just passed the three-year mark of my discovery, and I've been reminiscing with friends about it.
I remember being in a very dark place when I stumbled upon shifting. I was depressed, and very suicidal. Yet, there was this unshakeable optimism inside me that I was meant for an extraordinary life. Despite my mental state, I had a lot of knowledge of subliminals and the law of attraction (-_-). These gave me hope, but they weren't enough tbh. I didn't want to attract my dream life through practicing gratitude or becoming a magnet for my desires or whatever. Nor did I want to have to listen to subliminals for years on end to achieve my goals. My list of desires was so long, and I needed everything to change that going step by step and waiting years for each one to manifest just wasn't feasible.
But I refused to give up. One day, after a particularly hard day of being sad per usual, I searched on Quora for something like "fastest most powerful subliminals on YouTube ever" (Y’all 😭😭). Among the recommended sub creators, I found a video called "Desired Life: Reality Shifting". The description promised everything I had ever wanted: waking up with all your desires fulfilled permanently in short. It piqued my curiosity so much. Could I really just wake up with my dream life, family, house, wealth, all based on my scripts and imagination?
Growing up, I was a heavy maladaptive daydreamer. From ages 10-17, I created alternate lives in my head, telling myself I would go there someday. I was always doing SATs (State Akin to Sleep), and I think that's what kept me from ending it all. I was constantly in the wish fulfilled state, even though I didn't know what that was at the time.
Back to my story, I went into the comments of that video and came across a guy who claimed that after a week of using this subliminal, he woke up with a new life as a multi-millionaire living in his dream penthouse. I messaged him, and he gave me his Instagram which showcased his luxurious life. He had what seemed like a perfect relationship, he was very attractive, had so many cars, and travelled 24/7 while having a six figures amount of followers. He was living proof that this wasn't just scripting. Also the law of attraction community is known for their mad expensive coaching.. like hundreds of dollars per hour for questions and he was answering it all for free something I didn’t see the law of attraction community. And I talked to him for hours! He never got mad, he had proof, and he was kind, proof and the behavior of someone who really had mastered the art of life.
After our conversation, I spent the next couple of months doing research. I found numerous stories about glitches in the matrix, accidental shifting, people entering parallel realities, and eventually, shifting communities on platforms like Amino and Reddit. It was stuff I already believed in and did in my imagination; I just didn’t know there was a term for it.
Then I got reminded of a memory that I had seriously repressed bc it was so fucking weird. When I was 6 and my brother was 3, we were absolutely obsessed with dodo birds. One day, we were outside playing, and on god time seemed to stop. Out of nowhere, a dodo bird appeared. I know you’re probably like “maya be so fr rn you were a kid” but no, This wasn't just our young imaginations running wild - there was a bird that was huge, dinosaur-like, exactly how dodos are described in books and pictures we had.
Then things got weirder. Suddenly it started raining eggs. Big, large eggs everywhere it was so gross and my brother and I were a mess. We were young, sure, but not stupid. We knew this wasn't normal. My brother and I rushed inside to tell our dad. When I managed to drag him outside, he was furious, accusing me of throwing eggs everywhere. To this day, he tells the story of the time I "trashed the backyard with eggs." And every time, I'm like, "Dad, where would I get that many eggs?" We didn’t have eggs but so he assumed I stole them and we went inside for hours and it was magically cleaned. So he also tells the story of how responsible I am and how I took accountability for my actions even as a child. I didn’t clean that shit bro and I tell him that too and he just laughs it makes me so mad.
My brother, who knows I'm into reality shifting (though he doesn’t really believe in it), can't explain that day either. He often shrugs it off as a "glitch in the matrix," which honestly, well no duh it is a shift dummie. He does believe in manifesting but only bc he has seen me use it and he experiences the good things I manifest as well. They’re the same thing anyways but that isn’t the point
The reason I'm bringing up this bizarre childhood memory is because during my months of research into shifting, I found countless stories of accidental shifts, people entering the void, entering parallel universes, time glitches, examples of the Mandela effect first hand, glitches in the matrix and etc. It was like uncovering a myriad of experiences that confirmed what I already believed: we can change and choose our reality. I just didn’t know the phenomena had a name. Obviously in the future I came across other things like the law of assumption, the void state, etc etc but this was where it started.
I wish I had saved all those fascinating stories, posts, and blogs. I might go back and compile everything I found because they were so real and enlightening. It will probably take forever tho if I do choose to do that, but I think it's worth sharing.
In the meantime, check out this accounts of accidental shifts that my friend shared with me this account https://instagram.com/tessicavision?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== based off the Glitch in the Matrix subreddit which is also a goldmine of people experiencing similar phenomena. It helped me make sense of my own experiences and might do the same for you.
I don’t want this to be too long and I already got to the point I think! but regardless stay curious and realize you’re really not that special. I mean ofc you are, i mean this is not some tumblr thing teens girls discovered or created and isn’t even limited to “spiritually/manifesting inclined people” I think at the beginning of my journey people talking about accidental shifts and such, inspired me more than purposeful success stories because they really have no reason to lie and they were looking for answers just like I was.
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disneyprincemuke · 9 months
you’re embarrassing me * ls2
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it's never fun feeling like an outsider, so you'd sworn that nobody would ever feel the way you did all those years ago
pairings: logan sargeant x platonic fem!driver
notes: inthaf logan and femdriver live in my mind rent free like i love them and they are absolute best friends, your honour!!!
i might be at work today but you can’t stop me from thinking of logan hunter sargeant
| "wanna hang out?" | driver's parade | american burgers | american football | the thanksgiving incident | another williams adoptee | beating the heat | you’re embarrassing me | santa baby | the favourite driver | the situationship | it's nice to have a friend |
“happy birthday!” logan smiles, extending his arm to you. “sorry i’m late — i had to get benny to wrap your present.”
you look up from your spot at the other end of the table. you smile, putting your phone down. “oh, i was just about to ask you where you were. thanks for even bothering to get me something!”
you hop up from your position and push yourself through the rows of seats that are strewn lazily. “thank you.”
“of course,” logan smiles, wrapping his arms around you. he presses a kiss to your “happy birthday again. thanks for inviting me to dinner.”
“it wouldn’t be complete with you,” you giggle, pulling away.
it wasn’t until you turned back around to the table that you noticed that your friends were staring at you. alex’s jaw is dropped and george looks absolutely gutted. in the corner, lily and carmen are giggling to themselves while lando had his camera up and pointed at you.
“what?” you ask, scoffing slightly at the camera flash that goes off.
alex’s arm comes out to grab george’s shoulder. “she hugged him.”
you raise an eyebrow. “yeah, so?”
“you never let us hug you,” george says slowly, eyebrows furrowed in frustration at you being oblivious. “you damn near killed me the last time i tried to hug you!”
“yeah?” you hum, grabbing logan’s wrist to drag him along with you. “you sit with me.”
“what?” alex scoffs. “i’m sitting next to you.”
“not anymore. i’ve got a new favourite williams driver,” you beam, shaking his seat to get him off the chair. “and anyway, i already told you logan’s sitting next to me. you’d have bullied him all night if i don’t stop you.”
“and i told you first come first serve!”
“who’s the birthday girl? me or you?” you drop logan’s arm and put your hands on your hips. “who?”
alex starts to act flustered, slumping his shoulder and grabbing his cheeks with a smile. “you’re saying i can be birthday girl today? you serious?”
“ah, piss off!” you groan, shaking his seat again. when the thai doesn’t budge, you look over his head. “lily! alex is being an ass again.”
“yeah, okay. fine,” alex sighs in defeat, pushing himself off the seat. he turns to you. “you get a pass today because it’s your birthday. this won’t happen again, bro.”
logan giggles as he takes the seat previously occupied by his teammate. “what dish did you get? do you have a birthday cake?”
“no, we were waiting for you, silly!” you laugh and pick up the menu from the table and lean into him. “we also just arrived not too long ago. because somebody-“
“hey! it’s not my fault the uber cancelled on us!” george screams from your other side, reaching forward to hit you on the shoulder. “it’s not my fault!”
“it is,” alex sighs, shaking his head. he looks at logan. “this idiot forgot to tell us he booked a taxi — i was fresh out of the damn shower!”
“no, it was her fault!” george fights back, pointing at you.
at that point of the argument, you’d already drowned them out while you looked at the menu for something to order. you simply look up and press your lips together. “are we ordering cake?”
“absolutely! it’s a birthday, duh?” alex scoffs. “anyway, let’s take a picture so you can post it on your instagram about how great friends we were to you.”
you stare at alex. “sure. if you say so.”
you turn as lando gets up to ask someone to take a picture. “wait, your hair is messy,” you grumble, instinctively reaching out to fix logan’s hair. “how benny let you leave looking like this, i’ll never know.”
“what?” you hear logan mutter, pulling his head back slightly. “i did my hair. you don’t like it?”
“what?” you go up an octave as you try to laugh it off, retracting your hands. “no, it looks good.”
“but you said-“
“oh, look! lando’s found someone to take a picture,” you point over at the man holding lando’s camera. you dust off logan’s shirt and straighten it slightly. “look good — i’m announcing to the public that i’ve adopted you as my grid kid.”
“he’s turning 23 this year, you know that, right?”
“shut up, alex.”
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florencemtrash · 10 months
Flame, Shadow, Beast : Beast I
Azriel x Reader x Eris
Summary: Years after Eris frees you from his father’s prison, you’ve managed to find a new love, new friends, and build a life for yourself in Autumn. But when a certain Shadowsinger stumbles upon your home, dragging in painful memories of betrayal and longing, you’ll have to face the things you left in the past and make choices about the future you want.
Warnings: Some Inner Circle slander. Angst... like a lot of it. And a family dinner that goes horribly wrong.
Flame, Shadow, Beast: Masterlist
Masterlist of Masterlists
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Bryaxis left you to find Eris. You were sure of it. 
That is good, you thought, as you wiped away your tears and picked yourself off the floor. 
If Azriel was able to enter Autumn unnoticed, you’d both need to reevaluate the security around Forest House and send a strong message to Rhysand that your thin alliance did not mean Azriel was permitted to enter and leave at will. 
You swallowed your tears and collected your breath just as Eris rushed into the house like a tornado, scooping you up in his arms and searching you over with frantic eyes.
“I’m alright, Eris.” You murmured into his soft hair, breathing in his scent and finding it eased your aching heart, “He didn’t hurt me.” 
Bryaxis followed in behind the High Lord, gave you both a nod and ran out again, this time in the form of a falcon. He was going to make good on your promise. If Azriel wasn’t out of Autumn by now he was as good as dead.
“Physically, you mean.” Eris said, lowering you to the floor and pulling you close.
You sighed, leaning against him. He pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“I worry about you in all ways, Y/n. But I confess, if he was able to best you in a fight I’d be surprised. I’d bet my money on you any day.”
You laughed without humor. Your mind went to business, as it always did when you wanted to ignore your true feelings. 
“We should talk about defenses. I don’t like that he was able to enter Autumn unnoticed. Did you feel anything at all? Any disturbance?”
Eris’s jaw tightened. He knew what you were doing and wanted to take the time to talk through what you were feeling. But the look in your eyes told him now was not a good time. 
He shook his head, “Azriel’s powers have always been clouded in mystery. My father spent years trying to keep him out. Clearly he wasn’t successful.”
“Once Bryaxis is back, I’ll ask that he keep guard - at least for a short time. Spread his power out over the borders. He’s built from the same darkness that seeps out from the Night Court and might have a better chance of sensing when things are wrong.”
And so are you. You crawled out of that darkness and survived. Eris’s eyes said, but you didn’t like to dwell on that truth often. 
Years spent as Beron’s prisoner had changed you - made you more like the Shadowsinger than you cared to admit. Frustratingly it hadn’t made you any better at sensing when he was in your house and in your court.
“Good. I’ll speak to Halvor about increasing the guards posted around Forest House and the borders. We’ll keep it discreet and have Halvor winnow them.”
“And check for any missing guardsmen. He was wearing Autumn Court armor and either had to have stolen it or had it made himself.” You held out the patch of leather in your hand, discretely cut from the folds of his hood when you’d been speaking. Large enough for Myrah to scry with.
“It’s a good start.” Eris said, smoothing back the wrinkles in your forehead that came from irritation. He pressed his lips to your forehead, murmuring, “Talk to me, my love. And not about business this time.” 
Your fists clenched and unclenched, anger brewing inside of you. But not all of it was directed at the Shadowsinger.
“I just-” You huffed, “I didn’t know he was here. I didn’t sense him. I thought the next time I saw him it would be on my own terms. That I’d be more prepared.” You kicked at the ground, sending one of your abandoned knives skittering across the floor, “Instead I froze.”
“Bryaxis didn’t seem to think so. He told me he’s never seen you punch anyone that hard.” You frowned at him, but the pride and satisfaction that twinkled in his eyes melted away some of your sadness, like the first rays of spring on winter frost.
You dropped your gaze to the floor, “He said he and Rhysand were the only ones to know about the deal.” Flames flared to life in his eyes, like someone had shone a light through amber stones. “He asked to visit with the others. In Autumn.” 
Eris nodded slowly, carefully. He didn’t like this, didn’t like this at all. 
“Is that what you want? To see them again?”
You missed some of them more than others. You missed Cassian’s boyish humor, Nesta’s blunt honesty, Feyre’s love for all things creative, and the bright light that Mor seemed to carry around with her as easily as a torch. You even missed Amren, who’d come to tolerate you well enough in the few years you’d spent with the Inner Circle. 
But Rhysand and Azriel… You would have missed them the most if not for what they’d done. Rhysand who you’d once seen as a brother, and Azriel, who you could have fallen in love with so easily if he hadn’t constantly pined over other females. Perhaps you had fallen in love with him at one point. Maybe that’s why it hurt so badly to see him again.
“I…I don’t know.”
“You don’t have to make the decision now.” Eris said, tilting your chin up with gentle fingers, “But I would like to ask you one thing.”
“Since when do you ever ask for things?” You said, trying to lighten up your spirits by toying with your lover.
He shook his head, “I am a very greedy male. I ask for many things from you - your time, your love, your attention.” 
“And what would you like to ask for now?” 
Eris hesitated.
“For you to move to the Forest House. Today. I’ll send for the rest of your things in the morning.” 
“Today.” You looked around the house. It had steadily been emptying the last two months, coming with you to the Forest House in bits and pieces as your once nonexistent visits to Court became more and more regular. It was all part of the plan to introduce you to Court life and prepare you for the role you’d one day take at Eris’s side.
“I thought you wanted to take time. Prepare things better-”
“I know. I know that was the plan. But I’d feel infinitely better with you under the roof of Forest House with me… with me.”
“Azriel doesn’t know about us yet. The other courts don’t know.” You said. 
Eris had always been so careful, so cautious concerning you, paying the townspeople for their silence, spreading rumors of visiting pleasure houses and flirting with the bolder females in court to disguise the one person who warmed his bed. You didn’t want him to feel rushed.
“I know.” Eris steeled himself. The scars on his back flexed uncomfortably, pulling and stretching at his flesh with memories of the past, “I don’t want to be afraid of that anymore.” He said, “I’ve lived in fear my whole life, unable to protect the ones I love. You know this. I can do it now, with you standing next to me.”
“I just… I want to make sure you’re not doing this against your will because of what happened today.” You said it sincerely. Eris was all about plans and safety and heavily disliked straying from them.
Eris froze and then laughed, a full-bodied laugh that shook his sturdy frame and surprised you.
“What did I say?” You asked. When he didn’t answer, continuing to laugh, you slapped his shoulder, “What did I say?! Tell me!”
“Oh, my love.” He sighed, stealing a kiss, “I’m not asking you to come home with me because of the meddlings of another court. I’m asking you because I want you there.” 
You blushed furiously, color flooding into your cheeks.
“Don’t look so surprised.” He said.
“I’m not surprised! We’ve talked about this.”
“We have! We’ve talked about this in great detail.” You glanced around the room. It had stopped feeling like home some time ago. Home was where Eris was.
“As in right now.” 
“Well I would give you time to pack whatever you think you’ll need for the next day. I’m not a brute.” 
It was your turn to laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him fiercely on the lips. He tasted like cinnamon and cloves. 
You packed a small bag of your most treasured belongings - few in number as most had already been brought to the Forest House - and then you were off. Bryaxis would find you wherever you were and you would be able to sense if anything was wrong with him. Even now you felt his power near the borders of Autumn where he prowled about on his mission. But Azriel was long gone from the Autumn Court.
The Forest House was bustling with energy when you arrived, fae of all shapes and sizes bowing to you and Eris, carrying baskets of bread, honeysuckle, walnuts, and pumpkins against their hips to bring to the kitchens. 
Myrah, Halvor, and Aurelia - The Lady of Autumn - were there to greet you.
Myrah bowed deeper than the rest, grinning from ear to ear as she took your belongings and ran them to your room. She had served Lady Aurelia dutifully as a blademaiden for over fifty years, and now she would serve you with just as much fervor.
“My Lady.” You said, bowing your head. 
Aurelia’s scarlet hair and amber eyes were a twin to Eris’s and she smiled at you with a light that had never fully dimmed during her marriage to Beron. Lucien might have been her favored son - the one born out of love and passion - but Eris was the most like her in appearance and she thanked the Mother for that every day.
“I’ll have none of that.” Aurelia said, grasping you by the arm and forcing you to stand upright. She ran her thumbs over your cheeks before dipping her head towards her son and leading you away for a proper meal and rest.
So it went for the next few months. You dove into your court duties during the day, attending meetings with Eris and Aurelia, court dinners, and pouring over reports by the warm light of the fires that filled every room in the Forest House. Your evenings were dedicated to your research in the libraries with Bryaxis curled up comfortably in your lap. And your nights were filled with Eris, whispered words under satin covers, hands resting comfortably against your back and thighs, silken strands of red hair between your fingers.
You ignored the letters that arrived on your desk from the Night Court for as long as you could. Nesta had even made her way through Winter to visit you in person, only to be turned away at the border personally by Myrah. 
That had been the call for you to finally invite them to dinner at the Autumn Court.
The blademaiden, soft and swift as wind and more resilient than iron, brushed through your hair carefully, weaving thin leaves of gold into the braids until your hair gleamed when it caught the light.
Bryaxis was partial to her, puffing his chest out from his seat on the vanity until Myrah stopped her work to give him a quick kiss on his little black head.
“I think you might be his favorite person.” You quipped, smiling at her through the mirror as Bryaxis continued to sit ramrod straight, waiting for another display of affection. Myrah obliged, scratching him behind his ears as he closed his eyes and rumbled in satisfaction. 
“Pffft. Everyone knows he’d go mad if you so much as chipped a tooth.”
“Teeth are important! It’s less impressive when you snarl at enemies with a gap in your teeth.” 
Myrah snorted, finishing your hair and wrapping her arms carefully around you. Her hair was similarly arranged with silver instead of gold to better match her gray-blonde hair and steel gray eyes. She looked like the thunderclouds that rolled over the hills before rain. 
You patted her arm before moving over to the full length mirror, carved from a single slab of wood to look like birds in flight. Your breath caught in your throat. The wine-red dress hung from your frame as light as air, threaded with black and gold around the careful beadwork so that you rustled with light and energy. You looked otherworldly.
Myrah brought her hands to her lips, glowing with pride and happiness. For years she’d seen Lady Aurelia wilt and endure. It was good to know you would not suffer the same fate. She’d sooner die than let anything happen to you. Even Bryaxis was impressed with your appearance, shifting between shadow and flesh as he regarded you with a molten eye.
A knock on the door drew your eyes away from your reflection. Aurelia stepped inside with an ornate wooden box in her slender hands, looking like a living flame and crossing the room on light and even steps.
“How are you feeling, my dear?” She asked gently, putting the box down and taking your hands in hers. Myrah bowed and took her leave, taking up her position outside the door. The folds of her skirt concealed a gleaming silver sword and no shortage of other weapons. 
Bryaxis also followed, rubbing against Aurelia’s ankle with a gentle purr as went.
You took a deep breath after the door shut.
“Nervous.” You said honestly, “More than I would like to be.”
“That’s understandable.” Aurelia said, surveying the curve of your dress, your neck, and ears and nodding. “You look powerful. Myrah did well. Not that you needed the help.” She whispered the last few words like a secret, as if concerned the female outside would overhear and find offense. 
You smiled.
“But, I think you’re missing a few elements.” 
You blinked, smoothing your skirts and looking around. You hadn’t thought you were missing anything.
Aurelia opened the box, compartments springing outward like the unfurling of alocasia leaves. Rows upon rows of jewelry, some delicate and some that weighed as heavy as stones, were laid out neatly. 
You blushed furiously.
“Eris didn’t-I mean this is too much”
Aurelia tipped her head back in laughter, hair swaying across her graceful back like the flickering of candlelight against a window. 
“Now that you are here I am sure Eris will spare no expense. But these are from me.” 
With patience and a careful hand she helped you pick out a thin pair of bracelets that snaked up your arm like the veins of a riverbed, golden cuffs that accentuated the length of your ears, and finally a dainty necklace of amber and gold.
“This one looks different from the others.” You said, tracing the thin chain against your chest, “It’s beautiful.” 
Aurelia smiled, a quiet sadness in her eyes. “It wasn't made in Autumn.”
“Where was it-” You paused. A knowing look passed between you two. “I understand.”
The clock chimed. A gentle ring that made your heart beat faster. It was time. The Night Court would have arrived already - if they decided to be punctual that was. 
“I suppose it’s time.” You said, offering your arm to the Lady of Autumn. 
“One more thing.” She said, grasping your shoulders so you stood face to face. The crown glittered in her hair - a thin band of gold from which grew garlands of paper thin flowers and maple leaves interwoven with redwood. It was said to have been made by one of Autumn’s Old Gods, a powerful relic that spoke of traditions past that the people still honored.
It rested on your head now, laid there by Aurelia’s slender hands.
“Perfect.” She said with a smile, tilting your head up with two fingers beneath your chin.
“I can’t-I can’t wear this.” 
“You can, and you will. Your Lady commands it.” She took your hand in hers, squeezing it with all the love of a mother, and led you out the door.
Myrah was vibrating with excitement and kept stealing glances as the crown on your head. Bryaxis curled up around her shoulders as she trailed after you and the Lady of Autumn. 
Eris and Halvor were already waiting by the steps to the great hall - Halvor in his general attire, and Eris looking like the heart of Autumn in a resplendent suit of bronze, gold, and scarlet. He stilled when you approached, eyes darting to the crown in your hair and softening. His mother only nodded, giving you both her silent blessing.
“You look beautiful.” He murmured as you took his arm.
“As do you.” 
Halvor coughed and Myrah rolled her eyes.
“You also look wonderful, Halvor.” You said, shaking your head with laughter.
He bowed deeply, “Thank you, My Lady.” 
You blushed. With the Lady of Autumn’s crown resting in your hair and the unofficial title rolling off Halvor’s tongue like it was the most natural thing in the world, it all felt like too much. 
Eris squeezed your hand in reassurance, flashing you one last smile before he would have to let the mask of the High Lord slide over his face. 
You nodded. “Ready.” 
You descended the steps, Aurelia and Myrah (and Bryaxis) to your right and Halvor to Eris’s left. They were the beginnings of a proper court. An Inner Circle of their own. Eris swallowed the emotion, the gratefulness for everyone who stood with him, for another time. 
Still, he was looking at you when you all made your appearance and the Night Court’s conversations died in the air. 
Nesta, Cassian, Mor, Feyre, and Azriel all stood to one side of the table. Cut from the trunk of an ancient elder tree, the rings spoke of the passage of two thousand years. You felt insignificant in the face of all of that history, gripping Eris’s arm for reassurance as you led the way down the last flight of stairs. 
“Welcome to Autumn Court.” Eris said, voice cold and emotionless as he swept his arm out to the side and dipped his head ever so slightly. Everyone in the room followed suit… everyone except you. You weren’t going to waste a single moment on pleasantries when you could drink in the sight of your old family… if they had ever even been your family.
Nesta noticed, never taking her eyes off of you as she searched you head to toe, lingering on the glittering crown on your head with barely concealed surprise. 
The sight of it was a dagger through Azriel’s heart, twisting and turning without mercy as Eris placed his hand at the small of your back. Protective, cautious, and ready to winnow you away at the first sign of trouble. 
It should have been him standing beside you. 
Rhysand was conspicuously absent as you’d expected. There was no way he’d drag the core members of the Inner Circle to Autumn and leave Velaris vulnerable. But perhaps it was better this way.
“Y/n.” Nesta said, breaking the awkward silence that followed. Her voice came out strangled with grief.
You blinked in surprise at the emotion in her voice. There was a hollowness beneath her eyes where dark shadows gathered, thinly covered with makeup to make them less noticeable. 
Your teeth ground together to hide the trembling in your lips. 
Nesta. Beautiful, sharp, and terrifying Nesta. Nesta who you’d dragged home from bars, stumbling and wasted. Nesta who you’d screamed at and cried with. Nesta who would never, ever let anything happen to the ones she cared about. 
“Nesta.” You said carefully. You looked at Eris and he gave you an almost imperceptible nod. 
Go on. This is for you. His eyes said. 
You let go of his arm, stepping forward like a boat slipped off its mooring. 
“Cass,” He smiled at you, warmth flooding his chest when you still used his nickname. 
“Feyre,” Her eyes glittered with starlight.
“Mor,” She let out a shaky breath.
You steeled yourself for the last, familiar face.
“Azriel.” He stood there, still as stone while his heart raged inside him.
“It’s… it’s good to see you all again.” The words flowed out of your mouth more easily than you’d expected and you found there was a great deal of truth to your words. 
The last you’d heard, Feyre was suspected to have given birth to another child - a girl this time. The gentle roundness of her figure and glow of her smile confirmed it. And Nesta and Cassian had married, twin rings of silver flashing on their fingers. Marriage was insignificant in the face of the bond they shared, but you were happy for them nevertheless. And Mor… Mor was as bold as ever, daring to race across the room and gather you up in her arms in a tight hug.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry.” She gasped, burying her face into your hair and breathing in your familiar scent. 
You stiffened in her arms.
Halvor’s arm shot out in front of Myrah, her hand hidden in the gathers of her skirt and resting on the knife strapped to her thigh. She was a coiled spring, ready to launch herself at anyone who dared touch you. It wasn’t until you slowly relaxed and returned Mor’s embrace that Myrah allowed herself to loosen, flashing a scowl in Halvor’s direction. He only smirked and winked at her.
“We didn’t know. Please believe me. Please come home.” Mor whispered the words for you and you alone. 
Come home.
You closed your eyes, breathing in deeply before peeling the female off of you. You didn’t try to ignore the pain or betrayal that flashed in her eyes when you stepped away and floated back to Eris’s side. 
“Please, sit.” You tapped Eris’s arm and with a snap of his fingers, mountains of food appeared on the table in front of you. Any other day your mouth would be watering at the sight, but today your stomach only clenched with nerves as you and Eris took your seats at the head of the table.
Feyre and Mor sat across from you at the other end, Azriel to their right and seated next to Aurelia and Myrah, and Nesta and Cassian to their left. The Lord of Bloodshed scowled at Halvor, who only smirked and dropped into the seat beside him. 
If anyone wanted to attack their High Lord and Lady, they’d have to tear through Halvor and Myrah to do it.
Aurelia was a blessing as always, pushing the conversation through the usual, pleasant motions even when tension hung thick in the air. 
How do you do it? You wondered, as she managed to draw a quiet laugh from Feyre’s lips. 
The High Lady of the Night Court wore a deep, wine red dress so dark it was nearly black. Only the warm light flickering from the three fireplaces and the faelight chandeliers dangling overhead hinted at the color of the fabric. Somehow you knew it was Feyre’s way of showing her support for you. 
She was shocked, as was everyone, when you’d appeared at the steps looking every bit like a High Lady beside Eris. And the love in his gaze hadn’t been lost on her. He looked at you the same way Rhys looked at her.
“How long have you been living here?” Feyre finally asked gently. 
You’d hardly touched the roasted quail and walnuts in front of you, carefully following the conversation and wondering who would be the first to ask you the questions they were all dying to know the answers to. You weren’t making things easy for them, sitting on your small throne of cedar and gold that was the twin to Eris’s seat and looking as impassible and aloof as a bronze sculpture.
Everyone’s eyes focused on you. Eris shifted ever so slightly in his seat, angling his body towards you and leaning on his hand with a carefully crafted expression of boredom on his beautiful face. 
“Eight years. Almost nine now.” You said, swallowing a bite of food with difficulty. The Inner Circle froze, the sounds of singing cutlery falling silent.
“Eight years?” Cassian said, his face paleing. 
Nesta’s grip on her fork and knife tightened, knuckles turning white as the silverware struggled not to bend. 
“We didn’t hear you were alive until four months ago. If we’d known…” Feyre’s voice faltered.
“You would have visited sooner? Don’t bother yourself with that. I didn’t want you to know. I wanted to be left alone.” 
Azriel seemed to shrink in his seat when you said that. After all, he’d helped set this all into motion. 
“So what changed?” Mor asked, almost accusingly. It was the first time she’d spoken since embracing you and the sting of your rejection hadn’t dissipated over dinner. “You’ve moved into the Forest House. Been seen at court. With him. If you want to be left alone, to stay hidden, you’re doing a terrible job of it.”
Before Eris could spit back a reply, Halvor growled threateningly, banging the table with his fist. “I’d watch my tone if I were you.” He said as smoke rose from between his fingers. 
If it was any other court they were dining with, Eris would have warned Halvor to control his temper. As it was, he only gave a minor nod of approval to his brother. There were many things they disagreed on, but one thing was certain - they’d both protect you to their last breath.
“You’re being awfully silent, Eris.” Mor spit out, completely ignoring Halvor and Eris’s rightful title. 
“Mor.” Feyre hissed in warning. 
Your eyes turned dark.
Eris swirled the wine in his goblet, taking a careful sip and making a point of looking languid and unimpressed. 
“I don’t have anything to say.” He paused, “Actually, that’s a lie. I have much I would like to say to you. Choice words that your precious Inner Circle wouldn’t appreciate hearing.” He looked at you, eyes softening as he downed the rest of his wine, “But tonight’s not about me.” 
“Y/n.” Mor said, half in anger and half in desperation, “Stop this and come home. You don’t belong here.” 
“And why should you have a say in where she belongs?” Myrah said. Her normally soft and lilting voice was low and deadly, “You were the ones who abandoned her in our court to die. Does the story sound familiar to you, Morrigan?” 
“Mor,” Cassian and Feyre both reached for her hands, but she ripped out of their hold, standing up with an ugly groan of her chair as it was sent toppling backwards. 
Her chest heaved with fury, fingers twitching for a weapon that wasn’t there. 
Myrah matched her anger, knife sliding into her hand with ease as she pointed it at the blond-haired female across the table, “Who’s the villain now? Or will you do what you’ve always done and blame it on my High Lord?”
The tension in the room finally snapped.
Mor screamed in fury, launching herself across the table. Before Myrah could land the first blow - a wild glee in her eyes - Azriel leapt up from his seat. He angled himself in between the two females, wrapping his arms around Mor’s waist and pulling her away as she continued to fight back and scream bloody murder. 
Feyre’s jaw clenched, slamming against Mor’s mental shields. Her commands to stop fell on deaf ears.
“You bitch! I’m going to kill you!” 
Myrah beckoned her forward, daring Mor to try. 
At some point in the chaos of it all, Bryaxis had changed form, taking on the shape of a bear and climbing onto the table beside Halvor. Cassian pushed Nesta behind him, his already pale face blanching further as he recognized the monster that bared its teeth at him and his mate. 
“THAT’S ENOUGH!” You slammed your hands against the table and stood up, your powers exploding outward in a rush of darkness and dampening the powers of everyone in the room. Everyone except Eris.
He stood up slowly and moved to stand behind you, one hand resting on your waist. His touch grounded you.
He’d felt your power before. He understood it. And he would not stand in the way of it. He would not stand in the way of you. 
And he would not let you stand alone.
Mor stilled in Azriel’s arms, gasping as the suffocating nature of your power lifted off of her. Everyone slowly recoiled back into their seats. 
Bryaxis returned to your side, inky eyes surveying the scene like a hawk.
“I invited you here so you would know that I am safe and well and happy. Not so you could insult and threaten my family. If you want to continue like this, you may as well save us the trouble and leave.” 
Mor took in a shaky breath, face hidden behind her golden blond curls, and went silent. 
“You should have told us.” There was no saving this evening, and Nesta finally took the opportunity to say her piece. “You should have told us you were alive. We would never have left you here alone. We would have brought you home.” 
“Don’t you dare, Nesta.” You seethed, “Don’t you dare make me out to be some traitor. I never told Beron anything. No matter what he did to me. No matter what he threatened to do. I never betrayed you.” 
Nesta’s eyes were two thin chips of ice and the knife she’d kept in her hand snapped in two, clattering to the floor. But the cold anger she harbored in her heart was not aimed at you. 
“We didn’t know.” She said, “I nearly killed Azriel and Rhysand when I found out what they’d done.” 
Azriel flexed his shoulders, feeling the memory of Nesta’s blade stabbing through the scar there. She’d aimed for his heart. It was only because Cassian intervened that he’d been spared. Now he wished her aim had been true, maybe then he would have been spared the look of heartbreak on your face now. 
“What kind of an excuse is that?! If Beron had asked for anyone else in the Inner Circle none of you would have dared to even entertain the idea of a trade to get Elain back.”
“There was no other choice.” Mor said weakly, trying her best to defend Azriel as he had always defended her. 
The mighty Shadowsinger looked like death next to her. Still and empty.
He’d never been quite the same after handing you off to Beron. When Elain had been returned to their family safe and sound and curled up in his arms, it wasn’t the joyous reunion they’d been hoping for. 
Azriel had left a piece of himself behind with you, something he’d never managed to get back.
The rage and heartbreak stirred within you. Never gone. Never forgotten. Only contained. 
“You would have gone to the ends of the earth to protect your own. You would have burned the world to the ground rather than agree to a trade of lives.” 
Your eyes narrowed in on the High Lady, someone you’d once respected and would have died for.
“Feyre. What would you have done? Hmmm? What would you have done if Beron asked for Mor, or Cassian, or gods forbid Nyx in return for Elain?”
Feyre’s confidence faltered, the mask of the High Lady cracking and splintering under your forceful gaze.
“What would you have done?”
“I… I would have-” Her voice broke, “I would have given myself or died trying to find another way. I never… I never would have done what we did to you.” 
“I would have done it.” You whispered. “If that’s what you’d asked of me. If that’s what needed to be done, I would have gone to Beron willingly to help you.” 
Eris closed his eyes at the admission. It burned him to see you like this. Pieces of his heart cracking along with yours. He wanted nothing more than to winnow you away from this place. From these people.
“It was my fault.” Azriel said, stepping into your line of sight and hiding his High Lady behind him. His hazel eyes bore into yours, begging you to listen to him. “I was the one who told Rhys to agree to the trade. I was the one who convinced him not to tell anyone until it was too late. If you are to blame or hate anyone, blame me. Hate me.” 
Your lips trembled, eyes burning with unshed tears as you took in shaky gulps of air. You should have hated him. You should have wanted to bury him beneath the force of your power, steal away his breath, and kill him where he stood. And with the way he looked at you, propped up by longing and shame and hope, you knew he would let you. 
If you pulled out a sword, he’d kneel down and bend his neck forward. If you tackled him to the floor and beat him bloody, he’d smile to have you so close to him again.
It was a terrible, unfortunate thing that the fiercest kinds of hate existed only a hair’s width away from the fiercest kinds of love. Because the truth was you didn’t hate him. No matter how much you’d convinced yourself that you hated him, it wasn’t true. You loved him. And that was a far, far worse thing.
The bond snapped into place for you so suddenly, so much like a blow to your chest that you stumbled back, crashing into Eris’s solid form as he wrapped his arms around you. It burned in the deepest parts of your soul, filling you with a warmth and light that should have comforted you but instead only made you cower.
“No.” You gasped, curling into Eris’s chest and ignoring the looks of horror from everyone in the room. 
Azriel was kneeling on the floor, one scarred hand clutching his chest as he felt the fullness of the bond rear its mighty head. 
It was everything that he had ever wanted. He could feel you on the other side of the bond as naturally as he felt his own being and you were bright and warm and lovely and fierce. You were more overwhelming than a winter storm. More devastating than an earthquake.
He thought he was going mad. He wanted to kill Eris for holding you like that - for holding his mate. But… you looked so scared. Scared of him. 
“No. No. No no no no no no.” You repeated over and over again, burying your face into Eris’s shoulder as Aurelia flew to your side, murmuring words into your ear that you couldn’t register.
“Y/n.” Azriel’s shadows were flying around him now, reaching out to you and desperately sliding up your arms and legs. Through the bond you felt it all - his shame, his self-hatred, his longing... His love.
Your power shot out in a wall around you at the same time that your mental shield slammed closed on the bond. His shadows beat back against your power and against the barrier you’d placed around your mind. You could still feel him there at the edges, begging to be let in. 
 The table shook and groaned, bottles of wine tipping over and crashing into waves of red over the floor as Cassian, Nesta, Mor, and Feyre slid backwards. 
Azriel stood his ground as best he could, half-crawling towards you against the whirlwind of your power. You faintly heard him roar your name over the sounds of the room tipping and turning. 
You were afraid to look at Eris. The one who’d given you a home. The one who’d promised you the world by his side. The one you loved and the one who loved you more than anything. 
Eris held your clinging form to him, fire exploding from around him and wrapping around his family members in a protective circle as Feyre, Cassian, and the rest called out to you, begging you to listen to them.
“Get out.” He roared. You trembled in his arms, clutching him tighter, but his words were not for you. “Get out of my house. Get out of my court or I swear to the Mother I will burn you where you stand.” 
His words, dangerous and unyielding, echoed throughout the room. 
Cassian pulled Nesta to his chest. 
“Nes, we need to go. Nes… She doesn’t want us here.” 
Every part of her being screamed at her not to leave you again, but Cassian was right. You didn’t want them here anymore. So after one last look at you, she took her husband’s hand and disappeared without a trace. 
Tears streamed down Mor’s face as she and Feyre shook Azriel, murmuring to him to get up. He stared, slack jawed and unrecognizable as he looked at you with more feeling in his expression than anyone had thought him capable of, silently begging at you to look at him, just once.
Feyre shook her head at Mor, grabbed him by the shoulders, and winnowed them all away. 
<- Previous Chapter Next Chapter ->
Author's Note:
This was a really tough chapter for me to write because I wanted to get the nuances of all the characters correct and give everyone their own 'moment' during the dinner scene.
I want to make clear that I really like Nesta and Mor as characters and just because I write them be more 'hostile' towards Reader and just because Myrah attacks Mor and invalidates her past trauma does not mean I dislike them or have any hate for them.
*(And by 'Myrah' I mean me because... you know... I wrote the damn thing)
They're both complicated characters and I don't always condone the actions of the characters/versions of characters I write. It's just part of the fanfiction writing process that sometimes characters you have a lot of love and respect for have to become the antagonist in another person's storyline.
I just wanted to leave a note about that because I think Nesta and Mor get a lot of unfair hate from readers and I don't agree with that.
Thanks for reading and thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.
Florence B.
P.S. I know this chapter is pretty long (I think it's 6,000+ words) but I didn't want to disrupt the momentum by breaking up the chapter. Forgive me. Or don't.
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Taglist: @nightless @mmb-09 @thesnugglingduck @cleverzonkwombatsludge @kemillyfreitas @logankemaek @the-sweet-psycho @a-frog-with-a-laptop @flameandshadowx @applerubyy @esposadomd @imma-too-many-fandoms @bubybubsters @kalulakunundrum @chasing-autumns-chill
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the-black-manor · 11 months
Summary: Your master fucks you while you both have very full bladders.
Characters: AMAB Vampire x AFAB GN Reader
Kinks: Oversized cock, excessive cum, cumflation, omorashi, master/pet, bondage, vampire, biting, primal, breeding, bladder desperation, manhandling, cnc,
Words: 2,410
Note: Putting this back on the blog for "advertisement purposes". More writing that's not posted here can be found over on my Patreon.
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“Whining already, love? I haven’t even gotten started.”
You let out a whimper as your master chuckles to himself. He tips yet another tall glass of cold water against your lips, and you begrudgingly begin to drink, your bladder screaming in protest more and more each second. You only finish half the glass before you have to pull away to breathe. Your master smiles approvingly at you from his place perched on the bed beside you.
He has you propped up against a stack of plush pillows, your wrists bound to the headboard so that you can’t hold yourself, and your legs spread and bound so that you can’t hide any leaks. You’re naked, save for the collar around your neck, with its soft leather and jingling bell. Your master rests a hand over your bladder and massages gently, and your legs jerk, trying to close to keep from wetting yourself. He grins and presses the glass to your lips once more.
“This is the last glass, darling. You can do it.”
You nod and drink. When you’re finally finished, he praises you with soft kisses to your neck and sweet words in your ear, then sets the glass on the bedside table before he rounds the bed, undoing the ties that bind you and freeing you from your prison. You want so badly to hold yourself, but you don’t move. You know he’s not finished with you. He grabs you by your ankles and slowly drags you down the bed so that you’re lying on your back, which makes the need to pee even worse than before. You look to where he’s standing at the foot of the bed to see his own bulging bladder standing proudly out from his abdomen. He’s as full as you are, possibly more-so, but he handles his desperation with much more grace.
Below that, his large, erect cock bobs eagerly as he climbs onto the bed and settles himself over you. He doesn’t give you any warning before he presses his body against yours and grinds your bladders together. You let out a squeak as a spurt of pee is pushed from you, but he’s forced his legs between yours so that you can’t close them. He doesn’t seem to mind as the warm liquid covers his cock, as he only squishes himself harder against you, grinding and humping.
He presses his lips against your neck as you let out a long moan. Fuck it feels good… It burns like hell, but the bliss that comes with that feeling of fullness outweighs any discomfort. Knowing that his bladder is full and burning just as much as yours is only icing on the cake. He follows your moan with one of his own as his cock twitches and presses against your entrance, and the next thing you know, he’s forcing his girth inside of you.
You cry out in pain as he stretches you open, his cockhead pressing hard against your bladder from the inside as he makes himself comfortable. He gives you only a second to adjust before he pulls out and then pushes back in, setting a steady pace. You clench around him, putting pressure on your bladder and sending electric bliss up your spine.
“Fuck, you feel so good…” your master breathes against your neck before pressing his lips just beneath your jaw.
He peppers soft kisses along the flesh there while he fucks you, and you tangle your hands in his hair to try and ground yourself.
“Hurts…” you whine.
“I know, pet. I know. You’re doing so well.”
It did hurt, but it felt so good, that you didn’t dare ask him to slow down.
“Fuck… Master. Please.”
He chuckles, sending vibrations through your chest.
“You don’t have to ask, darling. I’m going to fuck the piss out of you.”
His words send heat directly to your core, and your eyes roll back as the spring in your stomach tightens, coiling around your bladder. He crushes his lips against yours in a bruising kiss, and you open your mouth for his long tongue to slide languidly down your throat. His skin is cold, but you’re burning up beneath him, wound tight and ready to explode at any minute. You let out a long, low moan, and he growls in response. His hips stutter for only a moment, and then he picks up the pace, slamming into you frantically.
Your cry is muffled by his mouth as his cock hammers against your bladder. He slips a hand between your bodies and you jerk against him as it closes around your cock. He strokes you hard and fast in time to his thrusts, massaging you expertly. You can feel yourself teetering on the very edge, and you tug at his hair to try and get him to let you breathe, but he only deepens the kiss.
You don’t get to ask permission to cum. The coil snaps, and your entire body tenses as you crash into your orgasm. Your bladder feels like it’s about to explode, but everything is so tight, nothing is able to come out. You nearly drown in his scent and his touch as he fucks you through your high, marrying pleasure with pain in a heavenly dance as stars burst behind your closed eyes.
It’s when all sensation begins to dissipate, even though you can feel him still, rocking into you, that you realize you haven’t been allowed to breathe. On the edge of your consciousness, you feel his tongue slide out of your throat, and then a sharp slap to the side of the face has you gasping for air. You gaze up at your master with wide eyes as he grins down at you, still moving, grinding, humping, torturing your bladder and your cunt.
“You don’t get to check out just yet,” he grins, sharp teeth gleaming in the candlelight. “I’m not through with you.”
He pauses in his movements just long enough to hook his arms beneath your legs and bring your knees to your head, folding you in half and crushing your bladder, angling your bodies so that his cock is hitting exactly the right button.
“Oh, fuck. FUCK!” you scream as he resumes a steady pace.
The pressure in this position is agony. Just as you think you’re about to wet yourself, however, you feel something else moving between your legs, something cold and thin and slick. You don’t need to look to know that he’s summoned a shadowy tentacle to aid his ministrations. He doesn’t slow as the tentacle presses against your urethra, and it’s too much for you all at once. You clench to try and stop the flow, but to no avail.
As soon as the stream begins, it’s interrupted by a sudden sharp pain, and then ecstasy as that dark tendril forces its way into your urethra, plugging your entrance, and then deeper and deeper to coil inside of your bladder.
You struggle to free yourself from his grip, but his strength is superhuman. He has you thoroughly trapped, pinned beneath his weight and your own.
“Need me to stop?” he asks without slowing.
“No!” you reply quickly. “I can take it! I want it!”
His laugh is wicked, on the very edge of evil.
“Even if you can’t, I will make you,” he growls. “You will take it and you will thank me for it when we’re done.”
“Yes, mas-”
You’re interrupted by his lips pressing once more against yours. This time, he keeps his tongue in check, exploring your mouth with it, grazing your teeth, curling around your tongue. Your eyes roll back in your head as pleasure builds again, accompanied by that sweet, burning pain. You wrap your arms around him as best you can from this position, digging your nails into the soft flesh on his back. It burns. It burns so fucking bad, but you can’t make him stop. You don’t want him to stop.
The coil tightens quickly once it’s begun, and in only another minute, he forces you once more over the edge. Your muscles clench, body tensing as your climax hits you hard. It hurts, it hurts so fucking good, so fucking good you nearly pass out.
But your master is there, gently stroking your face, thrusting slowly, so slowly now, to bring you down from your high. You try to speak, but all that comes out is a high-pitched whine.
“Shhh, easy love.”
Carefully, he unfolds you, allowing you to lie flat on your back once more.
“Hold it,” he orders, and you’re confused for a moment, until the tendril slowly slides out of your bladder. You clench hard, trying to keep it all in, but he’s forced to press his thumb to your urethra to keep you from leaking too much while you get your bearings.
“Hold it,” he orders again, this time more forcefully.
You’re not sure if you can, but you nod anyway. You can’t displease your master. You won’t.
You’re shaking with the effort of keeping your bladder in check as he lies down on top of you, making sure not to put pressure on the bulge in your abdomen. He presses his lips against your neck, just over your pulse point, and peppers soft kisses as he buries himself deep, forcing his oversized cock all the way inside of you. You grit your teeth and squeeze your eyes shut.
He begins again, fucking you as deeply as he can, rutting into you like a dog.
“I’m going to breed you, pet,” he purrs into the crook of your neck. “Breed you like you deserve to be bred. You’ve been so good for me.” There’s a pause, and you can feel him smile just beneath your jaw. “But I’m going to fuck the piss out of you first.”
Your walls tighten around him in response, and he groans. His cock is so hot inside of you, and it stretches and fills you just right, as if your body was made to take him. His breathing is heavy and erratic, and a thin sheen of sweat coats his brow. He’s close.
“Cum in me Master. Breed me, please.”
He bites down on your shoulder as his pace quickens, and in only a second, he’s fucking you like you’re the last breath of oxygen in the universe. The bed hammers against the wall with each powerful thrust, and he’s grabbing at you, clawing up your arms, desperate to pull you closer. He crushes your bladders together.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he pants.
The pressure of his body against yours and his cock slamming into you from inside finally becomes too much, and despite how hard you try to hold everything in, the dam finally breaks. Each time his cockhead hammers against your bladder, you lose a spurt of piss, until he’s fucking you so fast, grinding your bodies together so hard, that it’s a constant stream. Your scent fills the air as your swollen bladder finally finds some relief, and the release sends you over the edge a final time. Your master cums with you, pushing into you so hard that he forces you up the bed.
Then, as your bladder shrinks, your stomach begins to swell. You’re unable to come down from your high, your climax renewed every time his cock throbs inside of you, flooding your womb with hot seed. The burning pressure from within you gives way to a comforting warmth as you stretch to accommodate the sheer quantity of cum that he’s allowing you to have.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, he lets out a heavy groan and relaxes on top of you, chest heaving. You can feel his still-full bladder pressed against your bulging stomach, massive and rock-hard, and you grind up against him mischievously. He growls and bites down once more on your shoulder, a warning to behave yourself. You’re exhausted and soaked in piss, and your master is shaking with the effort he’s just expended, but you know he’s not finished. You know what comes next, and you want it.
His tongue slithers over the bite mark he’s given you, lapping up the blood drawn there to renew some of his strength. And then he pushes himself off of you and to his knees. Slowly, he pulls himself out. This is the first chance you’ve gotten since starting that you’ve been able to look down at him, and your mouth begins to water at the sight of his manhood glistening beneath a distended bladder.
“Master,” you breathe as you take in his beauty.
He smiles warmly down at you, then hooks his arms beneath you to raise your hips. You let out a low moan as his cum sloshes around inside of you, and then a hiss as his cockhead prods at your asshole.
“Fuck, yes, Master. Fill me. I want it all.”
Agonizingly slowly, he forces his cock inside of you, and then settles back on his heels. He takes a few breaths as he allows his muscles to relax, and then lets out a long, low moan as you feel warmth hotter than his seed begin to flood your insides. Your head drops back into the pillows and you close your eyes as he relieves himself. He takes one of your hands in his own and rests them on top of your stomach so that you can both feel it swell, bigger and bigger, until it's so big and heavy that you can't move beneath its weight.
His relief goes on for ages. Ten seconds, thirty, a minute, two minutes, until you’re once again so full that you feel as if you’re going to burst. Finally, he begins to rub your stomach, his silent signal that he’s finished. You hum, the ability to speak completely lost, and twine your fingers together.
“Do you want me to stay inside?” he asks, his voice barely a whisper.
You nod. He lowers your hips and helps you roll onto your side, then settles himself behind you and wraps his arms tightly around you in a protective hug, all the while buried deep. His cock keeps you plugged so that not a single drop of his piss can escape. He nuzzles against you, pressing himself tightly against your back and holding you close, and this is the last thing you feel as you drift off to sleep.
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dqrkoholic · 1 year
"If you win, you can do whatever you want to me." - Park Sunghoon
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WARNING: smut MDNI !!! Jealous biker bf!Sunghoon x fem!reader, cursing, oral (giving and receiving), face-fucking, fingering, scratching, making out. Tell me if there's more!
SUMMARY: Having a racer boyfriend wasn't always sunshine and butterflies, especially when he had enemies. And when one night, attending the nth race of the week, no one expected Sunghoon's enemy to arrive and challenge him to a betting race, you being one of the bet. And when Sunghoon agreed to it all, you couldn't believe him, but it didn't stop you from giving him the best motivation for the race - him doing whatever he wants to you for the night if he does win.
A/N: HELLAUR! i know i haven't posted at all in a very long time, and I'm very sorry, but I'll try and post every time I'm free. With all that said, remember English isn't my first language, and I'm sorry if there are any mistakes or typos! Hope you enjoy <3
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The sound of loud roaring of motors filled your ears, and the whole street where bikers were all scattered around while more were arriving.
It was some minutes after midnight, and you and your racer boyfriend were attending another race for the 3rd time this week. Your boyfriend was a racer, and he was the well-known Park Sunghoon. Everybody knew his name. It was no secret that everybody was afraid of him and that nobody could've beat him at his own game, and you were lucky enough to date him.
You didn't know how it happened since the two of you were quite the opposite, and a lot of girls were up his ass that matched his style, yet he still chose you. You, because you weren't like them and you were something else, as he says.
You were dragged by Mia to one of these races because she wanted to support her boyfriend Heeseung, who was surprisingly in Sunghoon's team. Her bringing you along resulted in you awkwardly bumping into Sunghoon, who was mesmerized by you the moment his eyes landed on your face and body. You wearing he tightest skirt that day and the way your shy voice let out the most softest 'sorry' really made him feel blood rushing down his dick, making it painfully hard and making it hard for him to forget you.
And now here you were, at his, actually fun bike races. His hand around your bare waist as he leads you through the crowd of people before you both end up in the area where the bikers are with their teams, all of them greeting Sunghoon as he passes by them.
You both approach his team. Your team also, as you are now one of them. Never being left out at any hangouts and always by Sunghoon's side. You got along with every single one of them, which made it even better for you to fit in and make Sunghoon very happy.
"Hey Park!" Jay smiled as he dabbed up Sunghoon. Sunghoon returning the smile as they side hugged. "Hey, pretty girl!" Jay smiled at you as you playfully rolled your eyes. Hoon didn't get mad on the other hand since it's a small joke in the group. It was no secret that Sunghoon was jealous and possessive of you, a lot, but he did not mind this interaction whatsoever.
"Aye, Hoon, watch your girl! Mr. steal yo girl is on the loose." Jake said as he greeted both of you and Sunghoon. You all laughed, and Sunghoon got pulled by the guys on the side as Mia pulled you next to her. Being Heeseung's girlfriend, she was almost always here as you.
"Those punks, I swear to god!" She rolled her eyes at the group as you both laughed. "Is Hee racing today?" You asked her as she handed you an energy drink. "Mhm. He's right after Sunghoon. He's going first, did you know?"  "Who? Hoon? No!" Your eyes widened at her words. "Yes... I thought he told you." She looked at you as you shook your head, looking over to where Sunghoon was standing and almost immediately catching his eyes staring into yours, smirking as he looked at you up and down, eating you up. You felt as if your legs were almost gonna give up on you, like all the time he's looked at you like that.
After a while of talking, the guys approached you and Mia as Heeseung pulled Mia aside, and Sunghoon caged his arms around your waist, pulling you towards him in the process. "Are you trying to kill me in that skirt, hm?" He asked, more like, whispered against your neck, his face nuzzled in it. Maybe wearing a pink checkered skirt and some high knee socks, topping it with an off shoulder white top and Sunghoon's black ass leather jacket wasn't a bad idea.
You giggled as your hands travel to his platinum long locks, softly pushing it back before placing at the nape of his neck. "No, but I'm only wearing it for you, so..." He moved his head from your neck and looked at you with dark, lust-filled eyes.
And before he can open his mouth, both your attention was was in the direction of where a loud motor noise was coming from. 
Shit, shit, shit, SHIT! Just amazing!
It was Sunghoon's biggest rival and his stupid little group full of pussies. They just had to ruin Sunghoon's mood on fun races like it was a daily routine for them. You call it obsession. Who wouldn't be obsessed with your boyfriend?
Sunghoon groans, rolling his eyes and straightening his posture, his hands still around you, holding you close. "Don't pay attention to them!" His voice louder, making sure the group hears him and not cause a scene, minded their own business, but sadly that cut short as Nicholas approached with a shit grin on his face.
Sunghoon lets out a breath of anger and turns to look at him, standing in front of you and pushing you behind him. "Came to get your ass beaten again?" Sunghoon says cockily, mentioning the last time they raced against each other.
Nicholas lost and got the beating of his life from Sunghoon because he side eyed you before even starting the race.
Nicholas chuckles and gives Sunghoon a dirty look before looking over his shoulder and right at you. "Don't be so confident about tonight Park, I'll make sure you get what i got last time." He replies, which only fumes up Sunghoon more. "Your eyes, Nicholas, you want them gone?' Sunghoon asks as he steps closer to him. Nicholas' laugh doesn't make Sunghoon any less mad as it also makes all of the people around want to take turns beating his ass.
"How about this? You win, you get whatever you want from me, and you won't see me again." He says, and Sunghoon doesn't react, just listens to him and waits for him to continue. "Now if I win..." He trails off, and his eyes once again trail back to you. "I get her." And that's when everyone thought Sunghoon would knock him out, but he doesn't react, making you furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "And her too." K says behind Nicholas as he points to Mia, who is standing next to a furious Heeseung. "I'll end you fucker!" Heeseung yells from behind and pulls Mia closer.
"Hoon, what the fu -" Heeseung yells once 6 as Sunghoon raises his hand for him to shut up, he does. You couldn't believe your ears, lowly whispering a 'what'. What is he thinking?
Nicholas smirks and moves back to his bike, leaving you furious. The group and you turn to face Sunghoon, who hasn't moved an inch from where he stood.
"SUNGHOON WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" You turn him around as you start hitting his hard chest before he grabs both of your wrists and stops your movements. "I won't give you away easily, love. Do you think I'll let you in his dirty hands? And my best friend's girlfriend too?" You shake my head, looking into his dark orbs. Suddenly, an idea popped up in your head, and a sudden feeling of boldness washed over you.
"Well then, if you win, you can do whatever you want to me tonight." The sudden boldness vanished as the words leave your mouth. Sunghoon grabs your hips, slamming them against his, grabbing a fist full of your ass, whispering a low "Fuck." And you only smile up at him. "Go." You say and he kisses you deeply before going over to his bike. Heeseung and Mia appear besides you and all of you watch the scene in front unfold.
After a small stare down between Nicholas and Sunghoon, both of them put their helmets on as they start their engines, and the loud place become louder with the sound of their engines roaring and roaring.
"I want her to give us the sign to start." Nicholas points to you, and you've had enough of his bullshit. Grabbing the flag from the girl's hands and stepping in the middle of both of them, you slowly raise your hand. You send a flying kiss to Sunghoon. And finally, you lower the flag. Both of them had sped off behind you before your hand lowered fully, cheers starting to go off. Quickly returning to where you stood before, your eyes were only on Sunghoon and his bike as he speeded off even more, a little far back from Nicholas. You curse under your breath, feeling tears build up in your eyes.
He won't let you go just like that, Y/n, it's okay. - You thought to yourself feeling Mia hugging you, your eyes still on the racers that were now with the same speed and next to each other. Your whole body was shaking as Sunghoon sped up even more than before. The roaring was probably heard through the whole city. You all would be lucky if police won't show up after this.
Cheers were getting louder and louder as they were halfway done with the race, Sunghoon leading, relaxing you and the whole group, knowing nothing could go wrong.
Or could it?
Before you know it, Nicholas played dirty as he hit Sunghoon's bike, and Sunghoon completely lost control. "SUNGHOON!" You scream, looking at your boyfriend struggling to stop his bike from falling and losing control, watching him swerving left and right. Tires were leaving black marks on the street behind him.
"GOD, NO, NO, NO! PLEASE, SUNGHOON!" "SHIT, SOMEBODY, STOP HIM THAT'S AGAINST THE RULES!" Heeseung yells as he rushes to the heads of these races to try and make them realize the situation.
Everything felt as if it was in slow motion. All watching Sunghoon finally lose control, and you closed your eyes to not see your boyfriend fall. Everything you've feared from was literally happening now, and you felt dizzy, ready to lose control over yourself and run to him.
Hearing Mia scream beside you, you knew he fell, but as you hear her starting to cheer right after, it made you open your eyes, seeing your boyfriend back on track and completely fine.
Your soul fell back into place as you started chanting his name. Sure, Nicholas was so close to winning, but you still had hope in your boyfriend. You always did. And before Nicholas could even get to the finish line, Sunghoon grabbed his pocket knife, throwing it perfectly at the back of Nicholas' tire, making him lose control now. And with a small hit of Sunghoon's bike, Nicholas fell as Sunghoon passed the finish line.
The whole crowd burst into cheers as you ran to him while he took his helmet off, jumping into his arms as he spun you around happily.
"I KNEW YOU'D WIN!" You kissed him as he held you tightly against himself, his hand under your plush thighs, squeezing them. "God, i love you so much." He says before setting you on the back of his bike, kissing your forehead before walking to the guys , quickly discussing something with them and returns with a smirk on his face.
You see Heeseung sit Mia at the back of his bike before him and the rest take Nicholas and K in the small forest, and you knew what was gonna happen next. Sunghoon fastly drove to his place, parking the bike, however, in his garage. He picks you up in his arms again, hands under your thighs and his lips on yours. His lips never left yours as he unlocked his door, and you both traveled around his house. You being pushed against every wall he could've pushed you against and soon after, finally, you reached his huge room, and he sets you down on the bed gently. 
"You're mine, only mine." He growls, his lips ghosting over yours, teasing you. You whine and try to bring him back into the kiss by pulling him down by his neck, but he didn't even budge. "Say it, love, come on." He whispers.
You gulp and let out a whine as you feel his finger trail up your leg down your thighs and finally on the wet material of your soaked panties. "Yours, sir, I'm all yours. No one else's,  just yours." And with that, his lips capture yours in a more hungry kiss, his hands finally undressing you aggressively, only leaving your knee high socks on.
Moans leave your mouth and into his as he teases your bud before pinching it, earning a squeal from you. "That's it, let out those sounds, Just for me." His deep voice sent shivers down your spine as your body was squirming under his much bigger and buffer one. "Stop fucking moving before i tie you up, doll." He says with a soft but scary tone, making you even wetter than you already were.
His finger slowly moved from your clit through your slit gathering as much slick before the tips of his fingers started teasing your entrance, driving you absolutely crazy.
Want him even more now. You bucked your hips up and let out the most angelic whimpers and moans. "This pussy is mine. Only I can fuck it, understood?" His other hand travels up to your throat pressing around it, cutting the air ways, arousing you even more.
Letting out a gasp, escape past your lips as his two fingers entered you, moving at a fast pace, not even letting you adjust to it but didn't complain. Who were you to complain about the pleasure he was sending through your whole body? You couldn't even form any kind of words, too lost in the pleasure that was now building up an orgasm, feeling your stomach tighten. "Fucking hell you're dripping baby, shit." His eyes were where his fingers were being swallowed by your pussy. And the more he lowered himself against you, you could feel his bulge grow more and more.
You smirked and brought your knee to rub against it, pressing onto it, earning moans and groans from him. His eyes dart to your face and his hand tightening around your throat. "Oh, you're teasing, huh?" He asks cockily and takes his fingers out, leaving you a whiny mess under him.
"You wanna play? I'll play too." His deep voice could've made you cum right then and there. He sits you up on your knees as he gets off the bed and unbuckles his pants throwing them away before grabbing your hair. His other hand was busy stroking his length, bringing it to your lips after. "Wanna get out of a hard punishment, doll?" You nod your head as you know that there was no staisfaction whatsoever in his punishments.
You don't take your eyes off his length in front of you, and his hold on your hair tightened more, making you look up at him. "Then stay still for me, okay doll?" He asks, and you let out a whiny 'yes' before opening your mouth for him, inviting him in.
He hisses as his length felt the warmness of your mouth and before you could do anything, he started abusing your throat, fucking your face the way he wanted.
You, on the other hand, gaged and had tears dripping down your cheeks together with spit from the sides of your mouth, too.
Sunghoon didn't hold back with being vocal this time. He wanted you to know how much of a good girl you are for him, and so he was letting out the most heavenly sounds, feeling himself getting closer and closer to his high. "F-fuck, doll, you make me feel so good. You're doing so good, my good girl." He moans out before you feel your throat being filled with his warm load. After a few more thrusts from him. He pulls out, and you swallow his load, sticking out your tongue to him. "Atta girl, that's it." He strokes your cheek and wipes the dried tears on it as he leans down and kisses you, tasting nothing but spit and himself. 
Not pulling away from your lips, he lays you down on the bed again, letting his hands pull your knees apart and he starts trailing his kisses lower and lower on your body before finally landing a kiss on your bud.
You moan out as you feel his tongue playing with your hole, letting your hand grab his hair hard. His tongue is doing wonders on you, eating you out like a starved animal. But before you could come, he pulled away with a smirk.
His lips and nose covered with you essence when you looked up at him, making your cheeks heat up at the sight. "Sir, i wanna come, please!" You whimper, and he only chuckles, finding it amusing, bringing you in yet another kiss. You kiss back as a small make-out session starts, his hands roaming your body, your hands now on his back, under his shirt. He shortly pulls away to pull his shirt over his head before throwing it somewhere on the floor and returning to the messy kiss. Your nails softly scratching his now bare back.
You feel the tip of his dick touching your now sensitive pussy, rubbing himself against it, as you whine into his mouth from the friction between the both of you, your hips snapping up to get more friction, which was not enough for you. "So fucking desperate, my desperate doll, you'll get what you want right now." He says and strokes himself before entering you slowly, inch by inch, stretching you out perfectly as both of you let out a moan at the feeling. "Damn baby you're so tight. Don't i fuck you enough, hm?" He laughs as he knows that he always finds a way to fuck not matter what. His laugh was cut short from a groan ripping through his throat as he entered you fully, his whole cock inside your gummy walls, you could practically feel every vein inside of you.
You moan at his words before he speeds up his thrusts, pounding into you. The bed creaks with every harsh thrust of his as you roll your eyes back and tears slowly fall down from how good he was doing you right now. Maybe you should make him more jealous, and this time, you didn't even try. You gotta thank Nicholas for this.
His thrust only sped up, and your moans and his groans increase as both your highs approach. Sunghoon knew you were close once he felt you tighten around him, driving him over the edge and he brought his hands to your belly before pressing down onto it, applying more pressure, doubling the pleasure for the both of you. "Oh, oh, f-fuck sir, please!" You didn't know what you were saying anymore, only focused on the way his cock was hitting your sweet spot perfectly, making you drool. The feeling in your stomach was only building up with every harsh thrust of his.
"Dolly wants to cum? Then do it baby, make a mess on me, c'mon." His lips were marking your neck as his thrust started being sloppy, finding it hard to keep up his pace but he managed so, wanting to breed you as fast as he could.
"Fuck! I'm gonna fucking breed you so good, the only thing you'll feel is my cum oozing out of you, ah~" You only moaned at his words, wanting him to do it. "Say it, doll or i won't fucking continue," He slapped your thigh harshly, bringing you back from your thoughts. "Ngh~, please, sir, come in me, please!" And that's when the both of you came together, moaning and holding each other through the high. You coming around him as Sunghoon came inside of you, painting your walls white. The feeling of his cum filling you up only brought more pleasure to you, realizing you liked the idea of being breed by Sunghoon.
He slowly pulled out and before he laid next to you, he made sure to gather his cum that spilled from inside you and push it in again, saying 'We don't wanna waste it, now do we baby?'
You giggled as he finally laid next to you, scooping you in his arms. You were feeling like you were floating. This was probably one of the best sex you've had.
"You did so good, baby, my good girl." His words brought you back to reality as you smiled up at him and kissed him. You wanted it to be nothing but a small, innocent kiss, but Sunghoon, on the other hand, had other plans as he deepened the kiss, pulling you on top of him, straddling him.
"Ride me?"
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swanlakebaby · 6 months
— car sex vol. 2 | pjm
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prompt: car sex w/ jimin (again)
⸝⸝ pairing: bf!jimin x fem!reader
⸝⸝ warnings: bj, car sex, bf jimin, accidental creampies, soft kisses, smut
⸝⸝ word count: 1.7k
⸝⸝ note: i didn’t mean to be gone for literally so long wtf 😭 but im back now! i’m going to be working on the requests people sent me :) but feel free to send more if you have ideas! i wanted to get this done before answering requests since i’ve been gone for almost 2 weeks now.
i’m still getting adjusted to posting my writings so i still feel hesitant to be extremely nsfw on here but a lot of the requests are really good so in my next ffs i’ll start adding dialogue during smut scenes! i hope u enjoyed this one though 🙂
nsfw, 18+, minors dni
tiny raindrops tap against the window of the car as it rains outside. jimin hums in boredom , his fingers hitting against the driving wheel , following the rhythm of his hums. you sit in the passenger seat , staring out of the window. the city lights are blurred by the raindrops , but you continue to stare out anyway. your jeans felt sticky against your skin as they were soaked with rain water. just a few minutes prior did you have to hurry and run to the car in order to avoid getting soaked even more.
you and jimin were on the way to meet up with your other friends a few cities over. the road trip was a drag , and felt like it would go on forever. unexpectedly , jimin places a cold hand on your thigh , making you shiver. he notices and takes his hand off , looking at you for a split second and giving you a soft reassuring smile.
you weren’t sure that you’d want to attend this get together with your friends. but after much consideration and begging from jimin , you eventually gave in. he was always trying to get you out of your comfort zone , which was one of the things you liked about him. you truly believed that had you not met him , you’d probably be locked in your apartment and bored out of your mind.
the cold AC air hits against your soaked jeans , making you even more cold now. you shut off the AC and begin slipping off your pants. jimin looks over with a confused expression on his face. “that gas station stop got my pants wet. can you reach the bag from the seat behind you?” you ask him. he comes to a stop at a red light and turns his body around to attempt to reach the bag. he grabs its handles with his fingers , but the bag slips through and falls onto the ground. “goddamnit” he says , turning back around. “i’ll pull over.”
when the light turns green , he pulls over to a nearby street , putting the car in park. you get out of the car and walk to the other side where jimin sat , looking in the side mirrors and watching you. you open the door and bend over into the car , reaching for the bag. you quickly rummage through it for a pair of dry shorts , when you hear jimin get out of the car and close the door.
you feel a loud smack against your butt and giggle. “get back in the car , you’ll get wet!” you tell him , throwing the shorts into your seat. “hand me a towel then.” jimin says. “you got out of the car for that?” you shake your head , grabbing a towel and tossing it to him. he hops back into the car and you do the same. you also slide off your panties as they’re now soaked too and put on the shorts. “stop getting undressed in front of me.” jimin says , patting your thighs.
“are you twelve? seeing a girl naked scares you? afraid you’ll get cooties?” you say , throwing your head back in laughter. “that’s not why.” jimin says grinning. you roll your eyes , knowing what he’s implying. “how about you just focus on getting us to mirages house.” you point ahead at the road. “what’re you going to do?” jimin says suggestively. “me? im going to stare out of the window and listen to my podcast.” you wave your phone by the side of his face , reclining your seat.
“sometimes i wonder how someone can be as dorky as you.” he says. you furrow your eyebrow. “you shouldn’t be talking.” “i’m not dorky.” jimin protests. “right.” you scoff. he looks over at you. “what does that mean?”
you turn to face him , “you literally giggle like a school girl compliments you. plus , don’t you remember how red you’d get when i’d kiss you when we first got together? you’re a dork. i rest my case.” you turn on your phone. “i’m not , i’m just charming.”
you look at him , playfully disgusted. “even you know that’s a lie.” “what?!” he reaches over tickling you between your thighs. you feel ticklish and begin to laugh. “i take it back! you’re so annoying!” you grab onto his wrist. “thank you.” he grins mischievously , not taking his eyes off of the road.
about an hour later , you feel drowsy and wanted nothing more than to take a quick nap. as you’re almost asleep , you feel the car stop. jimin puts the car in park and reclines the seat. he sees you open your eyes. “i’m taking a quick eye break. we’ll be back on the road in like 15 minutes.” he says reassuringly.
you nod , closing your eyes once again. suddenly , he whispers your name. “hm?” you say tiredly. “i’ve been holding it all day.”
you laugh. “we’re parked , there’s trees all around us. you do the math.” “i don’t have to pee.” you quickly realize what he means and look down at his pants. the car is dark , but you can tell he’s hard. you almost want to laugh at the sudden shift of energy. you stretch rubbing your eyes and rubbing his thigh. “you’re unbelievable.” you say. “i’m not saying you have to do anything.” he says , becoming embarrassed.
you smile , noticing his embarrassment. you begin to rub his pants , watching as he tenses up. he slowly pulls down his pants and boxers , his hard cock springing up. you take off the shorts you had just put on and somehow climb into the drivers seat. an accidental honk goes off , causing you both to laugh quietly. you stuff your face into his neck , adjusting yourself into him. he holds onto your hips as you slowly slide down on his cock.
the rain seems more violent now , as cars swish past the car at a high speed , unaware of what you were doing in the car. you sit still for a moment , afraid of moving. you hold jimin close to you , kissing his neck softly. he wraps himself around you , slowly rubbing your back from underneath your shirt. you didn’t really have sexual inter course as often until you got with jimin , and your body was still getting used to it.
jimin slowly grinds you on him , taking things slow. you follow his motion , sitting up and resting your elbow on the driving wheel. jimin grazes your stomach with his hands. you feel uncomfortable , not liking the awkward position. jimin taps your sides , motioning for you to get up. you crawl back into the passenger seat , moving your hair out of your face. you get on the seat , propping yourself up with your knees before bending forward. you grab his cock and stuff it into your mouth.
he softly exhales and places his cold hand on the back of your neck. your head bobs up and down as you suck him off. this part of him feels warm compared to the rest of his body. jimin reaches over and rubs your butt softly , before giving it a harsh smack. you jolt forward at the sudden sting and he does it again and again until he’s satisfied. he grabs onto your neck and takes his cock out of your mouth.
you begin to pump him and his chest becomes heavier as his breathes become deeper and huskier. he slightly bends over , kissing the top of your head as you look at him lovingly. he grabs onto your wrist and reclines the seat even further , patting his thigh.
you crawl back into his lap once again. this time , he easily slides into you. he lifts his legs up , beginning to fuck you , holding onto your body. you take off your shirt and toss it aside , revealing your breasts. your nipples are hard and cold. jimin grabs onto your left breast , licking it in circular motions , not slowing down.
your eyes are half lidded , enjoying the feeling of being fucked. you grab onto the head rest behind jimin’s head as you use it to fuck your self onto jimin. he stops , letting you take control. he holds onto the bottoms of your thighs , moaning and cursing under his breath. you beg him to go faster , not wanting him to stop.
sticky sounds can be heard beneath you as your cream begins to coat his cock. he looks up at you , pleasure in his eyes. he holds onto you , stopping for a moment in fear of accidentally cumming inside of you. you smile , wrapping your arms around his neck and slowly grinding on him , rotating your hips. this motion makes him curse as he digs his nails into your hips. you grab his wrist , the pain of his nails in your skin gives you a burning feeling.
without warning , jimin lets out a load moan , his eyes fluttering open as his body goes still. you giggle , feeling as he fills you up. he curses , running his hand through his hair , out of breath. he grabs into your butt , lifting you up and sliding out of you carefully. you hold onto his neck , hovered above his lap , as you feel his cum slide out of you.
you get back into the passenger seat , naked and out of breath. jimin pulls up his pants and starts the car back up , ignoring the cum on the seat. his breath is heavy and his face shows a tired expression. you sit back on the seat , not moving to put your clothes back on. you slowly rub on your stomach , your legs closed tightly , looking out of the window at the darkness and rainy night.
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written by swanlakebaby™
188 notes · View notes
Hi love! I hope you are feeling/doing better! I was just thinking about the Days of Our Love series. Any chance we might get an update soon? I miss it!
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Oh, New York. How I Love You. (1)
Summary: Austin's best girl comes to visit him in New York to cherish the time they have together before he leaves to Australia, in what becomes a very eventful two weeks together.
Word count: 8.2k
Warning: LONG POST!
Contents: Lots of fluff. Mentions of childhood trauma. Sexual Content (Oral: Fem receiving, hand job: Male Receiving), emotional situations.
A/N: Hello beautiful humans, it has been a minute. Don't drag me please. I just always take so long because I want to always put out the best content. Would you believe me if I said this went through TWO edits. Geez! But all in all, I hope you enjoy.
PS: Everyone feel free to comment, send more letter, and reblog! Much Love *hugs* Tags: @purejasmine, @wacoshuffle , @flyestvenustrap , @louisejoy86 , @unicoreads, @incorectly
“ Are you seriously going to take all of that to New York with you? Why don’t you just take one suitcase and then buy some outfits to wear there, ya’ know. “ Phoebe chirped from her spot laid out across your bed while flipping through a HG magazine. 
“ I agree. Buy some cute outfits and surprise him that way. Then you’ll have room to bring back the clothes you buy for you and us.” Alex continued to play a riveting game of tug of war with Magnus on the floor.
Her last comment made a laugh erupt from you in the closet, “ Yeah nice try, buddy. I’m not bringing you heifers anything back but some damn keychains and the lasting scent of the smug and smoggy New York air on me the next time we see each other.” You yelled back. “ And plus it’s gonna be cold outside.” 
Phoebe laughed while Alex scoffed, “ UM! Excuse me ma’am, but as a friend, need I remind your ass that this was a part of the deal. Since you’re abandoning me, The Travel Buddy, to go FORNICATE with Mr. Goldilocks in New York instead of HOME with me for the Winter Wonderland Festival. You promised to bring me back something nice to add to my outfit for the Warner Bros. charity event next month.” She recalled the promise that you did in-fact make to cease her tantrum at the time. 
“ And on top of that, I’m also the one silk pressing your hair for this trip, ma’am. AND taking care of my fur nephew that you’re abandoning as well. Therefore,  I DESERVE SOMETHING.” She added. 
“ This is true.” Phoebe co-signed, continuing to flip through the pages. 
You cut your eyes at her when you entered the room again to walk a pair of shoes over to your bursting suitcase.
“ Yeah. Yeah. I’ll make sure to bring you back something for your pain and suffering. Brat.” You muttered the last part. “ AND fyi his hair is black now.” 
Alex grinned while blowing you an air kiss that you grab and pretend to smush in your hands. 
“ You know you LUHHHHH me, girl.” She teased. “ Now hurry up because I don’t have all night to do this. I don’t know why you didn’t just get braids or some passion twists put in like a normal person going on a trip .” 
“ What’s love got to do with it?” You sassed. In return you were met with a pillow to the side and giggles around the room. “ And don’t rush me! I’m almost done.” 
“ What time is Austin supposed to be coming to get you from the airport? Phoebe questioned. 
“ Noon.” You answered fighting to try and fit a scarf into your luggage. “ My flight leaves at noon and I should be there by evening. I’m not exactly sure when, I just know their three hours ahead. 
“ Okay. Cool, just make sure you let us know when you’re in the car and everything. “ Phoebe noted.
You scoff, “Like yall asses won’t be watching me on 360 anyway. Stalkers.” 
“ Hey! You should be happy that somebody cares enough to stalk your ass. People go missing everyone, B.” Alex mocked the line from Paid in Full. 
“ Yeah. I know. I do the same thing with ya’ll.” You huffed, “ Okay. I think that’s it.” 
“ Good! “ Alex jumped up, “ Now go and grab my hair bag. So we can start on this head, honey. All this dang hair.” She looked at the long blow dried mess on your head. 
“ I know damn well that is not a damn hot comb.” You deadpanned. 
“ Do you want the hair straight or not? We have heat protectant, so relax. Whenever we both get back I’ll come over and we can do a treatment to make sure your curls revert back right. I got this. Now tilt your head down..” 
Phoebe giggled watching the two of you fuss at one another, “ Yeah you better sleep pretty tonight, babes. Head on hands, silk scarf, and turn a fan on so you don’t sweat.”
“ I'm aware.” You sighed, settling into the chair and began to listen to Phoebe as she started her descent into her plans while you would be away.
“ OW! ” You jumped at the sudden sharp burning feeling on your scalp, “ Alex really.”
“ I barely touched you! It’s the steam.” She giggled at the scrunch on your face, “ Hehe. My bad.” 
The Next Day…
After a couple goodbyes to your fur baby and helping your driver wrestle your large suitcase into the back of the car Austin had sent for you against your wishes, you found yourself tiredly weaving about through LAX. 
You’d already pre-checked everything, so once you went through security and went to make sure your gate existed, you’d found a very overpriced coffee place and ordered a little danish and iced chai to settle the nerves.
It wasn’t until you were in a seat by the terminal happily scrolling away on your phone that you got a text message from Austin. 
Sweet Baboo: can’t wait to see you. enjoy your flight. love you. :3
Once you boarded, the flight had been fine and you’d done exactly what was predicted of you.
You’d read for a good couple of hours and then slept a good chunk of the rest of it. The flight was smooth with no delays.
When the pilot announced your descent, anticipation began to build up in your chest
Quickly you pulled out the mini mirror from your carry on bag and went to fix your minimal makeup and undid the head scarf on your head to reveal the flowy silk press that fell down your shoulders. You combed it out and fixed your little cute airport outfit in preparation to get off.
Seeing as you were in first class, against your wishes also,  you were one of the first to exit the plane. You made it to baggage claim where a nice older gentleman with a sign had begun setting your luggage up for you on a cart and offered to push it down to the terminal.
“ For Miss Y/L/N.” He’d smiled.
“ Yes, I’m her.” You nodded. 
“ Wonderful I’ll be helping you with your luggage. Compliments of a Mr. Sweet Baboo.” He told you with a grin on his face.
You stifled a part of your laugh as the two of you began walking through the airport, “ Did he really ask you to say that? “ 
He nodded, “ Yes, He did. But I don’t mind. One of the more milder things I’ve been asked to say in my time doing this job.” 
“ I can only imagine.” You laughed. 
“ Quite cold outside. But you look bundled up.” The man smiled.
“ Oh yeah. It’s the Sahara in here. I think the breeze will actually help cool me down.” 
The sharp chill of the evening wind swiped at the little exposed patches of your face as you made it to the extremely congested pick up and drop off area. It felt near impossible to try and find which car belonged to your boyfriend in the sea of what felt like a thousand black SUVs littering the street.
It wasn’t until you spotted a familiar head of slicked back raven hair stuck out one window that you recognized your boyfriend as he made his way out the car.
A squeal unintentionally left you and Austin smiled a mile wide as he opened his arms up to you, “ There’s my girl.” He laughed, catching your body that was flung into him. “ Hey there. Mr. Sweet Baboo.” You giggled into his neck, placing a kiss there.
He’d taken his time unlatching you from him until he offered to quickly help the man load the trunk since he’d spotted what he believed to be the shine of a camera in the distance. 
You didn’t have time to breathe once you both were inside and the door shut. The partition was already rolled up and once the car started to move, and so did Austin’s lips against yours. Your body had suddenly felt like it was on fire with a flame that only he could put out. 
Your hands were attached to his face while his own were free to roam the parts of your body he’d missed in his absence. 
A small moan escaped you at the sensation of his hand kneading your thigh under his touch and pulling you further into him to the point of being in his lap now. 
“ Fuck, I missed you, Baby.” He groaned.
“ Not as much as I missed you.” You mumbled in-between kisses, hands feverishly grabbing at anything on his body that would keep him tethered to you. 
He smiled into your lips, “ Is that a challenge? Because believe me, before this car even hits the main streets I can prove that I missed you most.” He whispers, hand sliding to rest just under your abdomen. Your breath hitches and the most indecent thoughts begin to pool around in your brain. 
You giggled feeling his fingers sliding up your cardigan, “ Okay..okay..okay. I believe you.” 
“ I can’t wait to get you home, all to myself.” His words came out muffled, but had all the same effect as you found yourself pacing your breath and clenching your legs together. 
“ You look cold, sweetheart. Let me warm you up.” 
The ride had been agonizingly long with Austin teasing you every chance you got. 
When the two of you arrived at Austin’s brownstone, your eyes couldn’t register just how beautiful it looked from the outside. Almost like something you’d see in movies like Autumn in New York or Maid in Manhattan. 
“ Aus it’s beautiful.” You mumbled out taking in the glistening snow that littered the cement steps beyond the black steel gate.
“ Thank you. Can’t wait to get you inside of it.” He smiled, pecking your lips before getting out.
To your protests, he’d gotten all of your bags himself and took them inside as you huffed and whined, “ I wanna help! It’s my stuff. Aus! It’s too cold for you to be out here doing this by yourself.” 
“ Nope. Just get your cute ass in the house. ” You rolled your eyes at his smug grin.
The minute you stepped inside the foyer of the home Austin had literally swept you off your feet, dipping his face into your neck to administer kisses. 
You laugh and thrash in his arms the entire way to his gorgeous couch, ridding yourselves of your coats. 
“ So, first, “  He plopped down next to you, instantly reaching his arms out to pull your body into his lap. “ Are you hungry? I know you didn’t eat on the plane. And before we do anything else I wanna get you fed if need be.” 
“ No, not really. “ You leaned back against him, “ I think I’m just hyped up on the adrenaline of getting to see you.”
“ Yeah me too.” A finger traced along your neck just where your hair fell past, , “ Damn. Look at your hair. I knew it was long, but I’ve never seen it like this. It’s beautiful.” 
“ Thanks. I wanted something a little more manageable since our itinerary is a bit packed. It’s not big and unruly like usual.” You played with your ends. 
“ Stop it.” He scolded, “  Big? Yes. Unruly? No. I love your hair in its natural state babe. It’s cute. I love watching you take care of it. It reminds me to stay up on my shit.” 
“ Yeah, no 2 in 1 conditioner for you buddy.” You reached to pick at one of his dark locks close to his ear. It was still taking some getting used to. 
“ Hey.” He turned to nip at your hand, “ There wasn’t any 2 in 1 shampoo before you and there damn sure won’t be any now that I’ve been exposed to the good life.”
And a good life it was! You’d exposed Austin to all the skin care, shea butter, oil pulling, essential oils and everything else needed and now mysteriously you had products coming up empty all the time.
“ I know babe I’m just teasing. Excited for this weekend with you.” 
“ So am I. Gonna’ feel good spending time with my girl. Kinda miss my little buddy though. “
“ I know me too.” You pout, “ But I promise you he’s living his best life with his Aunt Alex. He’s already had a pup cup, two treats, and last I knew was taking a nap in her office on a pile of heated blankets.” 
“ You’re going home to a diva, baby.” He smirked, imagining the little dog buried in blankets fast asleep. “ So, back to this itinerary that was mentioned.” 
“ Yes! It goes by day to optimize experiences and time.“ You pronounced proudly, bouncing on the couch.
“ Really? “ 
“ Truly. I wanna make the most of our time together.” You replied. 
“ Okay, do tell. “ His eyebrows raised in amusement, “ What’s on today? “
“ Today’s agenda is light because it’s the first day and I already knew I’d be tired. So the only two major things on the list are having dinner with my Sweet Baboo and unpacking.” 
“ Nice! And we can make all that happen. Let’s take a look at the other days.” 
And you did, together you examined the well planned and thought out itinerary in front of you.
He nodded , “ Looks good. We may have to make a couple of adjustments if that’s okay with you. I have some surprises in store.” 
“ Ouuu! What?! Tell me.” You practically bounced in his lap. 
He smiled, “ If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise then, would it.”
“ Not even a hint.” You whine, slightly puckering your lips, and playfully batting your mascaraed eyelashes. 
“ No. Nuh uh. Not gonna happen. But you’re cute though, baby.” He pecked your lips.
You groan, “ Fine! On second thought I am hungry. Feed me seymour.” You goofed trying to imitate the rich voice of Levi Stubbs. 
The lines of his lips curl, “ C’’mon then Audrey II. You can keep me company while I start dinner.” 
And you did just that perched on a chair at the island while the two of you made small talk.
“ That can’t be all.” He softly laughed, “ I haven’t seen you and I wanna really know how my girl is doing? Tell me. I know there's something.”
“ I mean there really isn’t much to tell, baby. I told you. It’s just been work..writing…Magnus..and missing you.”
“ How about that lease? “ Austin said, rolling out the dough in front of you.
Your shoulders tensed, “ What about it?” 
“ You talk to your building manager about whether you're renewing or not this spring, yet? ” He inquired about your plans for your apartment, which was really his not so subtle way of asking if you’d thought anymore about his offer to move in with him after Elvis was estimated to wrap this summer.
Although you and Austin had been together for almost six months at this point, you weren’t exactly sure if you were completely ready for that kind of commitment yet. Granted when the projected time of wrapping would come around the two of you would be coming up on a year, you still had some things holding you back about the whole ordeal.
“ It’s on the to - do - list…” You stretched, “One of the many adult things to eventually be handled.” 
“ Uh huh. I see. “ He mused,” Well like I said before. I wouldn’t mind coming home to you and Magnus every night. And when I’m home you're either always at my place or vice versa. In my eyes it would just make sense.” Austin explained. 
Your hands fidget with the brown place mat in front of you, “ I hear you and I understand, babe. And I promise I’m really taking all of this into heavy consideration. “ You settled. 
“ Good, I can live with that. Now get up, come over here and help me by cutting the sheath on these asparagus.” Austin instructed, while heating up his rosemary and pepper butter mix in his skillet.
Your eyes widened at the opportunity to help, while you could cook you were unashamed to say that you had hard limitations of what you could and couldn’t make. Whereas Austin on the other-hand was practically a chef with the way he could make his assortment of dishes. Which in turn made him the primary cook of the relationship while you were always happy to be captain of the clean up crew. 
“ Oh yay. I get to help.” You hopped up, “ And you're going to let me use a knife! Sick! “ 
Now becoming skeptical, Austin cocked his head rethinking his offer of a sous chef position, “ On second thought maybe you should stick to being my honorary taste tester. Quite good at that job, peaches.” 
“ Nope. I’m helping. “ You rolled up your sleeves, “ Now prepare to see some clean beautifully mutilated asparagus, babe. “ 
“ Jesus.” Austin groaned, placing the steaks in the sizzling pan.
Your dinner of sirloin, seared asparagus, garlic and herb mash potatoes, and bread you couldn’t pronounce right was absolutely splendid. 
And now being presented in-front of you was just the dessert to top the night off: A thick and nice slice of strawberry drizzled NY cheesecake.
Favorite of yours.
As you began to indulge in your sweet treat you teased yourself by wondering if there was any way the night could possibly get better. 
Then it hit you…you could knock one of your tomorrow's itenary items off tonight without any worry.
So, yes. It definitely could. 
“ You know what would be really good, right now.” You mused aloud at the island. 
Still turned Austin asked, “ And what would that be, sweetheart? “ He continued loading the dishwasher. 
“ A nice hot relaxing bath. “ 
“ Uh huh.“ He sounded
Grabbing the towel off the stove handle, Austin walked over to the island to lean in. 
“ Okay. “ He simply said, “ Your wish is my command.” 
“ Really? “ You nervously scraped your fork against your plate.
“ Of course. This trip  is all about you. So, if the best girl wants to end the evening with a bath. Then it’s my job to make it happen.” He washed his hands. 
“ Just stay here and finish your dessert. And then come up. Alright? “ He instructed, coming around to stand in front of you, taking your face into his face.
“ Okay. “ You nodded.
He returned the gesture and placed a chaste kiss to your forehead on his way out before heading upstairs. 
You could hear the faint sounds of water running as you struggled to calm your weirdly nervous stomach and finish your dessert. 
By the time you made it up stairs and into the bathroom the lights were dimmed and  the aroma of jasmine bath salts and vanilla bubble bath filled your senses.
You weren’t spooked when you felt him appear behind you. 
“ Let me take this off of you.” His fingers danced along the curves of your side as his hands moved along to lift your shirt over your head. 
You sucked in tiny breaths the rest of the time he took to undress you. Ever so often you’d catch his eyes and smile, turning away to blush.
Once you were as naked as the day you were born, he gently helped you step into the creme claw foot tub.
“ You wanna get in? “ You sheepishly grinned.   “ Plenty of room.” Kicking up your feet over the side to expose the suds and bubbles that dripped down your legs.
Knowing that he’d already restrained himself while helping you undress, Austin wasn’t too sure he’d be able to handle any accidental slips of the hand or touching by any means without immediately yanking you out the bath and into the bedroom for some extremely intentional touching of his own to you.
“ No, I’m okay. This is about you. So, enjoy your bath, babe.” He smiled leaning over to grab at the loofa.
, “ Stop it. You’re fine.” Austin playfully scolded, watching the pout spread on your face.
“ If you want we can both sit on opposite sides. “ You offered just as a lightbulb went off in your brain, “ OH! Or you could lay with your back against my chest and my arms around you like Vivan and Edward in Pretty Woman. I’ve actually always wanted to do that.” You confessed your little fantasy. 
“ Plus. You did say this weekend was about me.” You moved to place your hands on the tub and rest your head on them, “ And what I want right now is for you to come in here with me. Now,“ 
Austin’s cheeks warmed in affection and amusement as he watched a twinkle appear in your eye at the idea of getting to live out another one of your little rom-com fantasies. And how you’d suddenly gotten a bit bold in your request. 
He sat there for a moment contemplating when ultimately he decided who would he be if he couldn’t be the person to fulfill your fantasies and desires. 
He blew out air, “ Fine. I’ll be the Edward to your Vivan, babe. But just know the accidental touching and moving needs to be kept to a minimum. “ You watched as he stood up to pull his shirt above his head and shimmy his pants. “ I mean it. I am a man of virtue after all, honey. A delicate flower you could say. So, I expect to be treated as such.” He teased.
You didn’t have a smart remark to quip back at him because your mind and eyes had both been polluted with the images of him bare before you in all his glory.
Instead you mustered a playful cat call, “ Yeah take it off! Look at those cheeks! “ 
All Austin could do was smile and shake his head as he walked over and maneuvered himself to get in and sink in between your legs. Your arms found a home around his shoulders and your lips made quick work of placing innocent enough kisses to his skin in places you knew may be less…inflammatory than others.
And you could tell by the low and almost soulful groan Austin let out once he was fully  submerged in the calm of the warm water that this was something he needed too. “ Feels good..” He mumbled letting his head back to rest in the valley of your naked breasts. 
“ Good.” You replied, as you too were enjoying the warm intimacy of the atmosphere. 
“ We don’t do this enough at home.” Austin sounded as you used the soft silicone loofah to scrub and wash his chest.
“ What? “
“ Relaxing…soaking like this.” He rubbed at your knee that was exposed out of the water. 
 “ I agree.” 
“ So..” He squeezed the sponge he’d grabbed and dipped into the water on your back, “ You excited for tomorrow? “
You nodded, “ I am. I’ve visited here once on a family trip and another time for a work thing. But I’ve always felt like I’ve never gotten the true experience. And since Aunt Kiki lives here now I’ve been wanting to visit her. But of course she’s away on a work trip this time of year.”
“ Mhmm.” A hum can from Austin as you move your hand lower.
“ Watch yourself.” Austin mumbled, grabbing that hand to interlock it with his. 
And you did, you made it a point to keep your hands clear of the southern equator of your man. That was until you felt him let guard with a sigh and push back into you. 
This was the moment you took your opportunity.
A breath hitched, “ Y/N…what are you doing? I thought I made it very clear the stipulations of this arrangement. “ 
You crane your head down to rest your lips just above the shell of his ear as your hand continues to move toward its desired destination. 
He tensed against you when you went to lightly grip at his now half-hard cock in your hand. You moved it up and down a bit before stopping and using the pad of your thumb to quickly run across his tip.
Involuntarily Austin lets out a small hiss at the sensation, “ Alright, that’s enough of that. “ He hand comes to try and halt yours. But you use your leg to stop him.
Instead you ignored him, keeping your attention focused on guiding your hand to stroke him up and down. The water of the tub has begun to sway from the movement, “ I’m not done.” You whispered in his ear.  “ You said this weekend was about making me feel good.” 
Your tongue darts out to lick and bite at his ear,  “ You wanna know what would make me good? 
“ Yes.” His answer sounded strained against his voice. By now he’d ever so slightly begun to move his hips upward into your hand, beginning to get lost in the sensation of his touch.
“ What would make me good right now is for you to be a good boyfriend and cum all over my hand for me.” You say, mindful to increase the pace of your hand. “ Please can I have it, baby. Will you give it to me? Will you give your cum, baby? “ 
“ Oh fuck.” Austin’s head dives back against your breast and his eyes are tightly shut as his  body begins to become overwhelmed with pleasure. Your words doing something to him, of course he’d heard you be verbal during exchanges, but never like this. “ I’ll give you anything you want.” He groaned. 
“ That good, Aus? “ You used your free hand to come from its place on his chest, to grip at his chin and guide his head to loll to the side. It gives you access to attach your lips to his in what could only be described as a sloppy exchange of love. You swallowed his grunts and groans in your throat while he allowed your soft whimpers to enclose his lips. 
By now the water of the tub began to slosh with bits beginning to fly out of the tub and onto the floor from the impact of Austin’s hips coming to meet the pace of your hand.
He reluctantly forced his mouth away from yours, saliva collected on his cheeks. “ Fuck, just like that. Baby you’re gonna make me cum if you keep doing this.” 
“ Yeah? That’s what I want, baby. Give it to me, Aus. Show me how much you missed my touch, baby.” You moaned dipping your head to suck on skin you’d long ago identified on his neck to be his “ sweet spot.”
With that he couldn’t contain himself anymore and you watched as his face contorted into a beautiful display of pleasure and angst,  his eyelashes fluttered as he shot his thick ropes of cum in your hand. You keep stroking him through it until a hand shoots out to stop you. This time it succeeded as you ceased your movement, and watched his chest heave up and down.
Your hand rubs at his shoulder to help ground him and bring him back to you.
After a couple of minutes with a huff he speaks, “ Was this your plan all along? To get me in this position, baby. So you could use me this way, as your play thing?  “ He accuses. 
“ Guilty.” You whispered, thinking about how this all was in-fact a long game in getting him here. You knew had it been in the bedroom or anywhere else he would have undermined your advances and made your own pleasure the main focus as usual. But you figured that if you could essentially “ trap him “ into a smaller more controlled environment where you could take the reins a bit, you could finally have a moment to adore your boyfriend the way he always makes sure to adore you. 
“ What am I gonna do with you?” He groans and you smile, placing a kiss on his head. 
Eventually with no more funny business involved, you both take turns cleaning each other off before he gets out and wraps a towel around his waist. And then comes back for you, plucking your wet body out of the water. 
Routines are done and pajamas are thrown on quickly before he ushers you both to lay in the big king size bed. 
You relish the opportunity to sleep in his arms after so long. It seemed like it’d been a day and forever. When really it’d been about five and a half weeks. 
“ Quite the little show you put on there in the bathroom.” He whispered.
“ What can I say, I missed seeing the faces you make like that in person. All those facetime calls just don’t do those flushed cheeks or sweet strangled moans justice,baby. Needed to see it.” You shot back, and went to lightly play at the dip in his shoulder.
“ I see we’ve grown quite bold in my absence.” He muttered, trailing his eyes to your thigh that peaked out from the slightly raised shirt.
 “ So what about me? When do I get my own personal refresher of your moans and the way your body arches off the bed when I use my fingers to touch your spot? “ 
At his words, you could feel your heartbeat begin to race and the all too familiar aching and yearning you’d been feeling throughout your body return.
“ I don’t know. I haven’t felt like that in a while. I’m not as good as you with my hands, baby. “ You casually say.
“ Well. I don’t particularly plan on using my hands tonight. I’ve got a bit of a different approach since we’re so eager to try out new things. “ He said.
And then he said something that knocked the wind out of your chest.
“ Instead I want you to come and sit that pretty pussy on my face.” 
It would take you many moments and labored breaths of shock before you mustered up your bewildered response, “ You want me to what?! “ 
“ You heard me.” Austin laughed from underneath you. You were straddling his lap while he lay flat on the bed and you were pretty sure that maybe he wasn’t getting enough oxygen down there as it was.
“ Aus. You can’t be serious. I-I’m not a Polly Pocket sized girly, babe. I have a nice amount of meat on these here bones.” You countered, “ I’m not sure this is a good idea.”
“ What? You don’t think I can handle you? Is that it? “ His voice purred, fingers dancing up along the curve of your spine. 
“ Of course not! “ You clarified, “ It’s just that…that.” You huffed trying to gather the right words together.  “ I want you to be able to breathe , babe. HOW WILL YOU BREATHE?! “ 
You watched his face turn in amusement at your flustered state, “ Don’t you worry about that, babe. I’m a big boy. I’ll figure it out. And if not…. when they find me you tell them I died happy and stuffed in-between the sweetest place on earth.” He said, immediately you felt your cheeks flush, “ These thighs.”
“ AUS! “ You softly slapped at his chest, “ Be serious.” 
He laughed ,“ I am. They’ll find me with a permanent glistening smile.” 
You groaned trying to shimmy off of him but his hands at your sides stopped you. “ Uh huh. From when good ole’ Rick and Mortis set in.” 
“ I’m not asking again, darling. “ You yelped when he grabbed your thighs and moved you further up his chest, close to your neck, “ Get up here.” 
“ But Aus I- “ You cut yourself off with moan when you felt his hand come to fondle at your breast. 
“ What was that? I’m sorry I may not have caught that.”
“ I-w-well-” 
He had your virgin ass absolutely flustered. 
“ Take em’ off. I want em’ off of you.” He mumbled,scooting you further and tugging at your night shorts. 
Obliging, you somehow managed to rid yourself of your shorts and his shirt. At that moment it took all the courage not to fold right there. 
You leaned forward against the pretty dark wood headboard to grip at its edges in a fair attempt at stabilizing yourself in your squat. 
The plan had been to lower yourself down nice and slow, but leave it to your boyfriend to be an absolutely impatient brat to knock the wind out of you by slamming you down against his face. 
You went to make a remark of protest but soon found that the second his tongue touched you, you’d been left unable to form long coherent sentences. A simple moan of, “ Austin!” Was all that was mustered. 
He groans as he begins to eagerly lap and lick at your drenched pussy. The vibration alone makes you tighten your grip. 
Using his hands he bares down pressing you further into him as you cry out from this new intense feeling. He's calculated with how he uses his tongue to tease the entrance of your opening before gliding it back to suckle at your poor throbbing clit. 
The more and more sucks, the more your juices uncontrollably leak from you, until now the sounds of lewd slurping and your moans come together to echo off the walls. 
“  That feels so good.” You mewl, unable to control how you begin to grind your pussy against his face. 
He lifts up a little bit to mumble, “ Yeah? Am I making this pussy cry with my tongue? She talking to me, honey?” He sends a long lick up your slit making you jump. 
“ Yes! Your tongue is so good, baby. It feels so good.” You cried out. 
You could practically feel him smile into your pussy when he closed the gap, obviously satisfied with desensitizing you this way. 
From there he really started to lay into you, when he laid his tongue completely flat on your clit you couldn’t help the pleas that spilled from your mouth, “ Yes! Yes! Yes! Just like that! Aus, PLEASE.” You began riding his face with more urgency. 
A hand came to smack and grip at your ass to help you with your motion, by now your stomach had begun to build up into that all too familiar knot of delicious agony. 
“ Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! “ You squealed, “ Aus I’m close! I gotta get up.” You tried scrambling off him and out of his grip, out of fear he truly wouldn’t be able to breathe from how hard you were about to flood his face. 
Little did you know that was all the motivation he needed to go harder, using his tongue and mouth to take a grip on your clit that outta to be illegal. He sent a series of smacks to your exposed ass to let you know that you had better not go anywhere. 
Tears sprang in your eyes, “ I-I. It’s too much! “ 
You white knuckled the headboard as your body began to heat up and spark with your impending orgasm. “ Aus I’m about to cum all over your fucking face!” 
“ That’s it, baby. Let go for me.” He moaned out against you. 
Gripping your ass harder he helped grind you faster against his tongue until he felt your body begin convulsing above him, “ I’m fucking cumming! Aus! Yes! Yes! Yes! “ You hissed, feeling the floodgates overtake you. 
After cleaning you up with a couple more licks and slurps, he catches your limp body and gently lowers you to lay next to him. 
Through hazy pleasure ridden eyes you look over to see that previously mentioned glistening smile set across his face as he lays triumphantly next to you!
You feel the bed dip as he disappears into the bathroom and returns with two damp towels: one for you and one for him. 
He goes to really clean you up before hoisting you in his arms and carrying you to the bathroom to pee. 
After everything is said and done, he brings a now sleepy you into his chest, arms creating a warm cage of comfort, “ So, will I be doing that again this weekend?” His hands rub your back. 
You nod and he smiles, “ That good? “ 
Voice cracking you whisper back, “ Could you not tell by the way I left Lake Erie on your face that it was fuckin’ amazing.” 
“ Just checking. “ He laughed, “ Next time we’ll try for the Mississippi, yeah?” 
Next Day
Madison Square Garden 
New York Rangers vs Philadelphia Flyers Game 
“ I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. I’ve always wanted to go to one of these.” You squealed looking out at the crisp white ice while you were surrounded by thousands of other people.
Cup of water in hand and popcorn in lap, you’d dressed in thick wool lined jeans , a Flyers jersey, converse, and had your baseball cap to the back in spirit of your first time seeing a Flyers game in person. 
Austin laughed and took a sip of the wine he’d gotten. “ I’m glad we’re enjoying ourselves. I keep forgetting you told me you were a little hockey fan. Would have never guessed.”
You laugh, “ Yeah. When I was little my Aunt dated the guy who did the sound at the games for the Blue Jackets so we always got tickets. She’d go and take us up on the weekends and I can remember just always having the best time. Ever since I’ve become quite fond of hockey. The smell of the wet ice when they redo it, the chill of the arena, the way the glass rattles when the players zip by. I love it.” 
Austin noticed the way you hadn’t taken your eyes off the ice the entire time you were talking about this little passion of yours. A smile passed his face in satisfaction that he’d learned something new about you. For most of the rest of the time he got more pleasure from watching you watch the game then actually paying attention to what was going on himself. 
The way your nose scrunched when a shot was missed, your little squeals when your team regained the puck, and even how you held your own and  weren’t afraid to get back with surrounding audience members who may have said something to you out of the way.
This was hockey after all.
By the time halftime rolled around you were content at watching your favorite little segments. 
Kid of the game, celeb look alike, and your personal favorite: The Kiss Cam. 
The cliche track by Sixpence None The Richer echoed throughout the arena as you watched couples old and young peck each other and giggle for the camera.
It warmed your heart, but what happened next made it drop to your ass and roll onto the ice.
Because suddenly, your face made up in about a million pixels on the big kiss cam screen, there you and your grinning boyfriend were on display for the whole world.
People around you had begun to cheer and you could see Austin’s face was turning a shade of candy apple red. 
“ Aus.” You whispered, half covering our face.  The encouragement and cheering only grew louder and you felt Austin’s hand come to remove yours from your face. “ Hey. C’mon we can’t let everyone else have all the fun.” 
“ Just pretend it’s you and I. Only us. Okay?” He whispered, taking your face into his hands. 
You nodded and took a deep breath closing your eyes with a mixture of excitement and nerves pinging through you as your lips connected with his in a sweet little innocent kiss. 
The whoops and cheers intensified around you and when you pulled away you saw the wide smile Austin had his arm around your waist and you both waved to the camera one last time. 
After you were off Austin wrapped his arms around you, placing a kiss on your head, “ Always wanted to kiss a pretty girl on one of those things. Never thought I’d ever get the guts to do it.  Guess dreams come true.“ He laughed.  
You could still feel your heart pounding in your chest a bit thinking about how you’d replay that moment in your head for who knew how long to come, “ Yeah. They really do, they really do.” 
He placed a kiss on your hand and the both of you returned your attention back to the screen just as an older couple appeared. 
Eventually after some shouting, another small bag of popcorn, and twenty autographs from Austin to some fans later, the game was over, the Flyers beat the Rangers, and the two of you happily walked along to the car. 
“ Home for a nap. “ Austin suggested. 
“ Yes Please.” You yawned, feeling the excitement of the day beginning to catch up with you. 
Austin’s Brownstone - 8:23pm 
“ Well, Good Evening sleepy-head.” Austin greeted your groggy figure as you sat up with a pile of blankets sliding from you. 
“ Evening?! “ You yawned while looking around at the dimming sky outside the big bay window in the living room. “ My gosh, babe. How long did you let me sleep? What time is it? Don’t we have reservations? “  
You looked over to the loveseat where Austin had his feet propped up with a book in hand.
“ Woah. “ He held up a hand, “ Slow down. Take a breath.”
“ I let you sleep because you needed to rest, Babe. It’s about eight-twenty five right now and I called and canceled the reservations we had because truth be told I’m a little tired too. “ 
Your bottom lip stuck out and you went to protest but he held up a hand. 
“ So, instead I thought maybe you’d want to order in. Your choice. Thai, Italian, Mexican…”  He threw out the options. Nothing sounds good.
“ Do you know any good sandwich places? “ 
Forty five minutes and two wrapped hero sandwiches later…
“ Two-truths and one lie go.” You randomly said, reaching for one of his fries. 
“ Hmm. Alright. Well, I once shared the same production lot with Beyoncé and met her. “ He began, “ Two, I used to come home every single day in elementary school to eat lunch with my mother, and I once played a sad tree in my acting group’s play when I was younger..” 
You threw up your grease ridden hands, “ Automatically I'm gonna assume that the Beyonce thing is unfortunately untrue because I don’t think you would’ve held out on me like that. And I’m almost positive from that picture your sister showed that you were a sad bird in that play. So,I don’t know…maybe the lunch thing. I wouldn’t think an elementary school would let a kid walk home like that? Right? “ 
Austin smiled, “ Well my dear. Unfortunately this one you’d be wrong because all through elementary school I did in fact have a standing lunch appointment with my mother everyday.” He revealed.
“ Really?! And the school just let you go? “ 
He nodded, “ Yeah. We started doing it because of how shy I was. I couldn't really make friends at that age because of it, so sometimes it was hard being in school. Everyone knew everyone in town so the walk home and back was a breeze. We always ate P & J’s and watched cartoons or old westerns.” He recalled the fond memories. “ I know with work and other things at the time I’m sure her doing it wasn’t exactly ideal, but she still always made it work.” 
Your heart swelled for him as you reached out to rub his shoulder.
“ Awe, Austin, that sounds so sweet. She seemed amazing. “ 
“ Yeah, she was.” He sighed, “ She really was.” 
“ Wish I’d had a mom like that.” You sighed, “ I wish I would have had a mom period. “ 
As soon as the words left your mouth and you saw the look on Austin’s face, you instantly felt embarrassed. 
It wasn’t like Austin didn’t know about your situation, it just wasn’t something that you had in-depth discussed before. And you also really weren’t trying to make this seem about you either. It was just a little slip of word vomit.
You backtracked, “ I mean I do have a Mom. Just, it’s rather I just…have no idea where she is. Sorta…” 
Noticing you were about to say more but held yourself back, Austin encouraged you to continue, “ Hey. It’s alright. Tell me.” 
“ Okay well. From what I know, my Aunt said after I turned a year my mother wasn’t really around much. Started going out and hanging around with friends all hours of the night, and she just really didn’t seem that interested in Gracie and me anymore. Even disappeared for days at a time.” 
“ She left my Dad a note one night. On it she explained that she couldn’t imagine another day of being a mother. Specifically she said that it was draining something out of her that she was afraid she’d never get back. That we’d all be better off without her being there, herself included.” 
 “ I was only a year and some change and Gracie was almost five. And Dad did the best he could raising two girls by himself. He didn’t date much or anything really. Just was a devoted GM Plant worker and an even more devoted Dad.” 
“ A couple years later he found out that she’d remarried, moved to a part of Spain, and had more children. So, he made the decision to go to court and officially file for full custody of us. Which she didn’t contest, naturally.” You continued, “ I don’t think he ever really got over it, unfortunately.” 
“ He never talked about her at all.  And when he passed away when I was thirteen from congestive heart failure we went to live with our grandmother in Georgia. Gracie graduated and decided to move to Texas to pursue a career in public service. And after graduation I got a scholarship to Arizona State, so my grandmother moved and then decided to travel the world.” 
“ If you don’t mind me asking, has she ever tried to reach out? “ Austin questioned. 
You nodded, “ Only once. Not to me though.” You clarified.
“  When Gracie got married. Somehow she’d found Gracie’s address and sent a letter. Gracie read it but never responded. And she never told me what the letter said either. Her silent way of still protecting her little sister. I guess.” 
“ Would you have wanted to know what it said? “ 
“ I don't really know. Maybe? Maybe not? “  You answered. “ She wrote it just to Gracie. So, I'm sure there’s a reason for that.” 
“ Being honest….” You started feeling your lip begin to quiver and eyes water at the incoming thought. “ I always wondered if I was the reason she left? Like maybe I was hard to take care of or if carrying me did something negative to her. I-I *sniffle* It doesn’t sound like she wanted to leave when she had Gracie, so why after me? Why didn’t she stay? “ 
Your vision had full on fuzzied out now and your cheeks were slick with tears, turning his head to look at you all Austin could do was feel his heart ache. 
He tried to reach out  but you instinctively moved away trying to cover your face, “ Don’t. It’s fine.” Your voice cracked. 
He frowned, “ No it’s not, babe. You’re upset. My best girl is crying. Nothing is ever fine when my best girl is crying. It’s very far from fine actually.” He fussed moving toward you still. 
“ Hey.” He cooed, while reaching over to gently grab you and pull you onto his body, “ Hey. Shhh. It’s okay. Let it out.” He encouraged, rubbing your back and placing a kiss to your head as small sobs still escaped you. 
A hand went to your head to hold against him as he offered you all of his love and comfort.
After a while you’d began to settle and quiet at the warm feeling of being enveloped in his arms and calmed by his words. He hated that you were feeling this way. In situations like this it truly made Austin appreciate his mother, he couldn’t have imagined ever having any other maternal experience then what he had. He wished everyone could have had that. 
“ Hey, look at me.” He cupped your face and wiped at the tears while you sniffled, “ Anyone would be lucky to have you in their life, sweetheart.” 
“ I’m lucky to have you in my life.” He affirmed while making sure your eye contact never broke, tears forming in his.  “ You hear me? I love you.” 
You nodded, clinging to his shirt, “ I love you too, Austin.” 
He smiled, “ Of course. Snot and all.” He teased making you giggle and shriek away from him. 
He went to lean over and hand you the tissue box he’d snatched.
“ Now, let’s get into bed. How about a shower and a movie? Any movie you want.”
At this declaration you perked, “ Any movie? “ 
Now a bit skeptical, Austin still nodded, “ Any movie.” 
“ Okay, I changed my mind. Any movie but this one.” He groaned.
“ Austin.” You mirrored his groan. 
“ Fine.” He mumbled dragging you into his arms as the beginning of Lilo and Stitch played on the screen.
“ You really like this movie, huh? “ Austin chuckled into your headscarf. 
“ It’s my favorite! I was obsessed when I was little. I had a lilo and stitch lunch box, bed set, and all kinds of stuff.” You explained.’
“ And have you ever been to Hawaii? “
“ Nu uh. Haven’t gotten around to it. Maybe one day.” 
“ Uh huh.” Austin yawned.
Maybe one day real soon…
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elfiewhore · 5 months
Mommy domme elf story
Hello my dears and darlings! Finally, the long promised elf mommy domme story is here! Or at least, the first two chapters. As I began writing I realised that this idea had a firm hold on my mind and I want to write a slow, lewd and enticing tale. So that means this will be part 1 of ? - The first two chapters.
Please feel free to give me any feedback and/or tell me what you'd like to see next! This story is written from the perspective of the reader as the member of an adventuring party. The gender and name of the protagonist is purposefully left vague which, while it does mean some specific descriptions will be a little nonspecific, hopefully means that you can easily identify yourself in the story <3 This story is strictly 18+ and contains/will contain content including but not limited to: Humiliation, peeing, diapers, AB/DL, gfd, age regression, crossdressing(depending on how you identify), chastity and monsterfucking. All that out of the way, without further adieu I give you the first two chapters of my as-yet-unnamed story!
Chapter 1: An unexpected parting “I’m afraid I cannot continue along this path. To be quite frank you are all far too reckless. The strain it places upon me is far greater than any I have faced before. I wish you well, but I must depart.” That was the last words of your party’s healer, a priestess sworn to a god of healing. She was your last resort, having had to beg for the mercy of the church to provide her services free of charge. And she wasn’t wrong. Your party are notably reckless, charging headlong into combat without a second thought. This devil-may-care attitude had at first earned you some renown, as your bravado led to taking on the most dangerous of missions posted in the Adventurer’s guild. Slaying harpies, undead, and even a gryphon! The stuffed head of which is now resting within the guilds’ storage as collateral for your replacement arms and armour after the last debacle. Not that it was your fault, mind! You were always good. You listened to the numerous healers that had come and gone through your party. Standing where they wished, protecting them, ferrying potions. You were always their favourites, it wasn’t fair that the others always dragged you down. But you couldn’t leave either, the reputation stuck. You sent out subtle enquiries to other famous bands only to be rejected at each turn. Even the less reputable groups required steep entry fees as ‘insurance’ should they require costly resurrection magicks. Truly it was a terrible situation. And now here you were sitting in the foyer of the guild. The wooden walls of this esteemed establishment groaning under the weight of trophies and banners of heroes long past. They did little to inspire as you sat with your chin in your hands, waiting for a representative from the guilds’ treasury so that you can convince them not to repossess your equipment. “Just give ‘em the puppydog eyes. No one can resist those!” Your group had told you. And this was also true. It wasn’t your fault that you weren’t especially strong or imposing. It was useful for fulfilling your role but unfortunately led to you often being underestimated or treated childishly. Your mind swirled in a thunderstorm. Travelling without a healer was tantamount to a death sentence. Out in the wilderness, even the smallest cut could lead to a life-threatening infection. Not to mention mummy rot, lycanthropy, wyvern stings. Everyone had a role to play and you were missing one. “Excuse me. Is this the Adventuring Guild?” Came a breathy, soft spoken voice. Airy and light. You glanced up to see a woman standing before the desk, speaking to the clerk. Your breath caught for a moment in your throat as you took her in. Long, beautiful hair the colour of spun gold and braided with gems that glittered like stars tumbled down her back like a waterfall, framing the back of this curvy, enchanting figure. Every movement, no matter how small, was performed with effortless grace as she rested a staff of living wood against the desk. Atop it rested a crystal so pure one could see right through it, and silvery threads of magicked metals intertwined with the knots and whorls of the staff. Pretty (and valuable) as that staff may be your eyes refused to be pulled away from this woman. Clad in a robe of forest greens that flowed about her as if pulled by an unfelt breeze. Trumpet sleeves made of thin, almost translucent fabrics revealed pale and unblemished skin. But most notable of all, perhaps, were her ears. An unusual thing, one might thing, to focus upon. But the tips were long and pointed. 
An elf.. you think to yourself. A rarity to be sure. These reclusive, powerful creatures lived for millennia within their enchanted forests and reclusive holds. To see one traveling the world was an unusual sight indeed, for they often cared not for the affairs of men, halflings and other mortal beings. Content to remain within their own communities and spend their time plumbing the depths of the arcane and the nature of the divine, among others. “Yes this is the Ad-” the clerk stops, their eyes widening as they look up at this woman. “H-How may I.. Help you?” “Hehe! Oh please don’t be alarmed, sweetie. I don’t bite!” The woman’s voice again, a soft whisper. The susurration of a blanket being draped around you. “I’m only here to see if any parties are in need of a.. Oh what’s the word in this era.. A physiker? No..” “A healer?” Your eyes widen. That was your voice. Why did you speak? You groaned internally. Drawing attention to yourself never ended well. The figure turns, blessing you with a radiant smile. “Yes! Oh thank you!” Her eyes regard you from above as you are given a chance to look upon her face. Flawless as the rest, her eyes were a strange cavalcade of colour. At once purple, then gold, then blue as they took you in. Though no wrinkles could be seen, for elves are forever youthful, her countenance held a certain age to it. A wisdom beyond your own. You attempted to be polite, to meet her gaze. But that was difficult at the best of times and you were somewhat distracted by the revelation that her dress did little to contain a bountiful chest. The creamy pale skin stark against the deep green dress. It did not look ill-fitting, mind. Simply.. This woman’s bust demanded attention. Her ruby-clad lips draw your eyes northward once more. “My my! Let me help you with that!” She coos, in a voice tinged deeply with maternal concern. She reaches down and cups your cheek with a touch so delicate and warm you at once wish to melt into it. Your face had been rather beaten up in the last adventure, and with none to restore your vigor now you simply had to patch them up. But now the aches subsided more swiftly than they had ever before. Not just those upon your face, as the elf whispers her magic, it travels through your body. Soothing the woes of fatigue and injury. Even old wounds you had long since accepted receded before her radiance. Her hand pulls away and you can’t stop your face from following. Unbalanced, you collapse upon the floor with an embarrassed groan as you are snapped back to reality. A sound graces your ears. Like a babbling brook meets the chime of crystals. You realise she’s giggling. Your cheeks flush red as you rush to your feet. 
Her laughter stops as she looks genuinely apologetic. “I am sorry, little one. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. It was simply.. Cute.” Normally being called such a thing enraged you, frustrated you. But now… It felt comforting. “It’s okay.” you mumble.
“A-hem!” a stuffy voice draws your attention. You see the stuffy mustache first, like a hateful caterpillar resting upon the craggy face of a mountain filled with debt. The treasurer. “You again. I told you before if your party cannot prove to this guild that you are capable of finding a consistent and reliable healer to prevent any further deaths we will be forced to repossess the equipment we have graciously provided! I shan’t hear any more arguments or delays! So I ask for a final time. Have you a member capable of sealing wounds and ensuring your survival?” their stern gaze pierces you and your words wither in your throat. You tried to muster some kind of response but all that begins to croak out is a pathetic “N-no..” “Now now!” A scolding voice rang out. “There’s no need for that! No matter how urgent you feel your issue may be there’s no excuse for snapping! Or being impolite! If you must know ‘tis I that has joined this worthy band of warriors and, personally, I believe you would scarcely find a better purveyor of magicks and mending than one of my people. Now unless you would doubt the provenance of my ability, I have matters to discuss with my noble companion!” It was the elf. When did- You didn’t ask her to join you?! You barely spoke a word to her. And yet here she was, standing beside you with an arm protectively holding you against her side. Your cheek presses against her soft, warm breast through the thin fabric as you are held with a surprisingly firm grip. 
Chapter 2: Mommy’s home
The elf, whom you learned was named Nimue, was true to her word. Requesting (or gently demanding) to be taken to where your group were staying to introduce herself. She was apparently a mage of great renown amongst her own people who had left the isolation of her home to travel amongst the younger races as, in her own words, she ‘missed the energy and vibrancy of youth’ You couldn’t very well say no. You needed a healer. Furthermore elves legendarily had little need for riches which was a source of great frustration for any trader that fancied trying to arrange a trade deal for their crafts. So payment seemed not to be an issue. Dutifully you returned to the house your party had purchased many moons ago. Now somewhat dilapidated, the garden overgrown. It made you well up with shame to bring such a perfect and ethereal figure to this place. But her face remained impassive as she was led inside not that the interior fared much better. Broken bottles, dust, overturned chairs. Too often had your party returned here either too tired or drunk to care about cleanliness and it had become simply a part of the decor. First to meet you were the leaders of your band. A pair of twins, one a swordsman named Krennan and the other a channeller of barbaric rage named Mithra. “Well now, pipsqueak. Who’s this you brought with yo-” Began the swordsman, only to be cut off. “I think that’s quite a rude nickname to give someone, don’t you think?” The elf’s voice came in clipped tones, her hands on her hips. “How would you like it if someone called you pipsqueak, hmm? Just because you’re bigger doesn’t mean you get to bully others you know!” The twins look stunned. Confused. They hadn’t even exchanged names and already this lady was scolding them like a schoolteacher. “Well? Not to mention the absolute state of this abode. I’m told you are the ‘leaders’ of this little group? Hmm? Well I don’t see much leading if you leave this place in such a mess!” You couldn’t help but smile, though you attempted to hide it. To see these two being taken down a peg was… Wonderful. You glanced up at this woman, this saviour and your heart leapt just a little. You clung to her side even though you technically could have left at any time. Nowhere felt safer than right here, especially after her gentle arm almost habitually draped itself around you. “Now do either of you have anything to say for yourselves?” Her voice never raised, not once. But the tone, the power, the authority. It was all that was needed. The duo mumble and hang their heads, somehow cowed by this beautiful stranger. “Now apologize.” She commands. Krennan begins to mumble but withers under her gaze. “S-Sorry for calling you a pipsqueak.” He says a little more clearly. “That’s better. Now dearies. Thanks to a certain someone here-” she announces, rubbing your arm affectionately. “-I am your new… What was the word again in this era?” She asks you. “Healer” You say back up to her, feeling an utter rush of pride that you could be helpful to her. Especially as she beams back down at you. “I am your new healer! I’ll make sure you’re all back in bed safe and sound each and every night!” Her words are accompanied with a happy giggle. “But first sweeties, I think we need to do something about this mess, don’t you? After all. Cleanliness is next to godliness! So come along, pick up a brush. No dillydallying!” She ferries you and the other two further into the house, ushering you like children.
The next few hours consisted of chores. Cleaning the house, trimming the garden, dusting every inch that could be dusted. Your other companions - A scout named Callie and a sorcerer named Ilnax, were roped into the affair with sleepy confusion. That they fucked regularly was the worst kept secret in the group and today was no exception. But Nimue had some kind of.. Allure. Power. Nothing magical, you don’t think. Simply an aura of maternal authority. You found yourself eager to please, trusting that she knew best. And before long, the house was transformed. No longer a dilapidated sty, it looked somewhat close to actually livable! “Okay sweeties! Well done! I’m so proud of you! Teehee! And now it’s bath and bedtime for all of you!” That snapped some of them out of the strange spell she had woven. “Bedtime? We’re not-” Began Callie, only to find Nimue’s smiling face gazing down at her. “I am responsible for your health and that begins with a good and consistent sleep schedule! I’m told you four are constantly staying up far too late. This won’t do, so long as I’m here you will sleep at a reasonable hour! You wouldn’t want to die because of a silly mistake you made because you were cranky, would you?” 
As usual, you were last for the bath. You were used to it. The others simply barged their way past you to take the hot water for themselves. As you stepped into the bathroom you blush as immediately you realise that Nimue is also in there, standing near-naked before the tub. You never thought you would see an ass that perfect but you could probably bounce a gold coin off that thing as silken underwear are nearly swallowed by the cheeks. She turns with a yelp, covering her bare chest but then chuckling and dropping her hands revealing perfectly pink nipples. “Oh, it’s just you! Hehe! Close the door silly.” She says with a chuckle. Your cheeks burn, not just because of her nudity but how somehow you don’t count as someone she would be embarrassed by. As if she doesn’t see you as an adult that would find such a sight enticing. But you find yourself closing the door. “It’s getting late, so I thought I would join you in the bath! That’s okay, right? No one changed the water so I did it myself and added some firestones. It should be nice and warm! C’mon!” She beckons, turning and slipping off her panties before climbing into the tub. You debated leaving, but why should you? She was inviting you in. And the water was literally steaming hot. You hadn’t had a warm bath in so long. You realise that while you had been debating internally your body had made the choice and you were already sinking into that warm, steaming water. The tub, small as it was, would only fit if you sat between her gorgeous thighs. They cushioned your hips like pillows as she wrapped her arms around your stomach, pulling you back against her to give you a hug. Her breasts squishing against the back of your head as she does so. “I’m so glad I found you, little one. This was just what I needed! Oh this is going to be a wonderful, wonderful time!” She coos, bringing some water up and beginning to wash you. Overwhelmed, you simply sit still. It was nice, finally. To have someone stand up for you, take care of you, protect you. Finally you could just relax. Just.. Relax.. “Ooop! It looks like someone’s having a bit of an accident!” She titters. Your eyes flutter open as you look down and to your utter horror you see between your legs a definite tinge of gold in the water. Did you- You pissed yourself! You immediately try to scramble out, stammering an embarrassed apology but again those powerful arms keep you still. “Shhh…” She soothes, softly petting your head. “It’s okay. I understand. You were relaxed. Don’t worry, I won’t tell.” She whispers into your ear. “I’ll take care of it. I promise. But for now.. We should make sure there’s nothing else in there, hmm?” Unsure of what she meant, you simply settled back into the water as her hand trailed down between your legs. You tense as she touches your most intimate place, but quickly relax as her gentle hands slowly start to rub and tease you. “W-What are you…” “Helping you relax.. Shhh..” She whispers into your ear as she continues just gently touching you. Holding you in a motherly embrace as her delicate strokes make you shiver so sweetly. You had never been touched like this. So carefully, tenderly. Not trying to simply get you off as quickly as possible. But wanting to fill your mind with a haze of pleasure. It was overwhelming. It was everything. You settle even more comfortably against her chest, half turning to nuzzle into her breast as she holds you close. “That’s my little champion. My brave heroic adventurer! You’ve done so much, such a good job! Now just relax. Let me take care of you. Let mommy take good, good care of you now…” Those words reached your ears and swirled into your mind. Soothing all worries, caressing your anxious soul. You didn’t even realise when you felt your hips lift and grind against her hand as you cum for her. She was taking care of you now. You were hers, happily and hopelessly hers. You could never have imagined how far that would go. 
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masterjedilenawrites · 5 months
Take Me Out
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Bad Batch x Reader Exchange 2024
Crosshair x fem!reader | 4.7k words
Content: drinking, light angst, introspection, fluff, light humor, crushes, relationships, friendship, mentions of war and death, weapons (practice setting)
Prompts: "What am I even looking for?" - "I don't know" & "Sometimes I think some work on your communication skills wouldn't be such a bad idea."
My gift is for the event host - @ghostofskywalker! I was so excited to draw your name and I really hope you enjoy the fic. You put so much work and care into hosting these events for the fandom, it really is appreciated 🤗
I've actually had this story concept in mind for quite a while. I love that pretty much all of your prompts/wish-list items were able to fit in! We've got some platonic Hunter, romantic Crosshair, a little angst, a bit of fluff... Perfect!
Oh, and to keep things spoiler free (on my blog and for the event), this takes place before Order 66 and Omega.
Please go check out the @cloneficgiftexchange blog for all the other contributions to this great event! Fics are being posted all throughout today (4/13/24). Spread the love for fandom writers/creators by reblogging!
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Vandor-3. Clone training facility: recreation sector. Winter.
You sat slumped over the bar, a drink cradled in your arms. You took lazy sips at the liquid, long past its effervescence, in between chewing on the straw. You could smell the evidence of your waning hygiene, being curled in on yourself like this. It disgusted you but not enough to do anything beyond self loathing. To say you were miserable was an understatement.
"Morning, Captain. A bit early for a drink, isn't it?"
The husky voice of the bar's newcomer was unmistakeable in who it belonged to. There were clones abound on this small moon, hundreds of identical-sounding men. But every once in a while you had the pleasure of hearing the one that was different.
You sluggishly swiveled your head and gave Sergeant Hunter a mock salute. He leaned against the bar beside you, seemingly torn between being amused and concerned by what he was seeing.
"Back so soon?" you asked, ignoring his own question. Though your speech wasn't slurred, your voice still betrayed some of the numbness you were working to surround yourself in. Which helped your friend make up his mind on how to feel.
"Easy mission," Hunter shrugged off the topic. "You okay? Did something happen?"
"No," you sighed and forced yourself to sit upright. Best to appear more in control and not give him reason to drag you to the med bay. "That's the problem. Nothing's happened."
Hunter frowned and slid onto the barstool next to you. You caught a whiff of soap as he did, a harsh contrast to your own odor that made you even more upset.
"I don't understand."
Your hands cupped around your glass, condensation pooling around your fingers, and you stared at the melting ice wishing to be as frozen and unfeeling.
"I don't understand, either," you whispered. "Why I'm still so... alone."
"Ah." Hunter placed a sympathetic hand on your shoulder. "That's right, you had that date you were going on. Another dud, then?"
You nodded, still refusing to look away from the ice cubes.
He hummed in thought. Your poor friend. How many times had he now had to come up with some sort of reassuring comment after another one of your failed attempts to find love? At least you were grateful you had such a friend, though. Where others would have made you feel guilty for admitting to loneliness, would have insisted they were company enough and all you had to do was ask for it, it's as simple as that, how dare you feel lonely when you aren't actually alone... Hunter was the one who always saw through to what you really meant. You were not what the other wanted, but you were both wanting, craving that kind of deep, romantic connection that seemed to allude you both. For Hunter, it was obviously his schedule that got in his way. For you... well, that was the mystery.
"You have to keep looking," was the sentiment Hunter settled on this time. He rubbed at your shoulder a bit, as if trying to smooth out your misery.
You huffed. His attempts to comfort were sweet, but not enough. You couldn't help but protest. "But with everyone I meet, I just find out what I don't want. What am I even looking for?"
"I don't know," Hunter shook his head sadly. "I don't know if anyone knows until they find it."
You groaned and slumped back forward, facepalming the bar top and wishing you could sink right into it. Sink down, down, down until you disappeared completely.
"Sorry, Cap," Hunter's now muffled voice attempted to chuckle, lighten the mood. "If I could track down your soul mate, I would. You know I would."
That comment was sweet enough. You forced yourself to stop sinking, lift yourself up again, and face your friend properly.
"I know. And I appreciate that. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be such a bummer today. It's just... it's been getting harder, is all."
He nodded and you nodded back and nothing further needed to be understood on the matter.
"Were you needing something from me?" you changed the subject. "Or did you come to day drink as well?"
"Ha, ha." Hunter started to get up. "Yeah no, I just wanted to let you know we were back for a few rotations, see if you'd have some time to finally come out and meet the boys."
You lifted up your glass and shook it a bit. "You're too late, I'm afraid. If I'd known you'd be back so soon, I wouldn't have started on this journey of self destruction."
Hunter titled his head at you, some of that trademark concern still showing. "This isn't going to be an all week thing, is it?"
You shrugged. Truthfully, you had no idea what to do with yourself. Making decisions even a day in advance seemed like too big of a commitment in your fragile state.
"I'd rather not meet any more new people right now, if it's all the same to you."
"I wouldn't consider them new. You've heard enough stories about each other by now. It's starting to get weird that you're not meeting, quite frankly."
You wanted to laugh, but the thought of introductions, stiff pleasantries, awkward small talk... It reminded you of every first date that never turned into a second, every dating app chat thread that went nowhere, every high hope you watched turn into disappointment. Even with a group like Hunter's brothers, the Bad Batch, with a reputation of being unconventional, who you'd only be making friends with just like you had with Hunter and every other clone on this moon... it was still too much for you to stomach.
"Sorry, maybe next time."
Hunter frowned, but he didn't overstep. "Suit yourself. Door's still open though. You know where to find us."
He made to walk out but paused to turn back to you for a moment.
"And hey, don't lose hope. We'll find our people soon enough. In the meantime, take care of yourself, alright?"
You waited until the bar doors closed behind him to let your tears fall.
* * *
Vandor-3. Woodland outskirts. Spring.
You were here. Finally.
You weren't able to pinpoint exactly where the turning point occurred, between crying yourself to sleep every night and being able to wake up with a smile on your face. A small one, of course, but a smile nonetheless. You weren't even sure it was something that had happened overnight. Slowly, eventually, the frost over your heart melted, the shadows in your thoughts grew thinner and lighter. Without even realizing you were drawing back the curtains and dusting off the shelves and each day being a little more open than you were the day before.
Your loneliness still existed. It came and went in waves, so while still devastating at times, you were at least afforded with periods of relief. Periods where you could smile again, find fulfillment in your work, and even dare to allow yourself to dream again. And not to mention taking more regular showers. It was always the little things that made the biggest difference, wasn't it?
And now here you were, standing in the early morning sun out in one of the training fields, the Havoc Marauder silhouetted against the sunrise as you shook hands with its crew in a meeting long overdue.
Hunter's stories had done the boys justice. Wrecker was just as larger than life as you'd pictured, aptly choosing to push past your outstretched hand and go in for a bone-crushing hug instead. Tech, who you'd come to know as the brains of the batch, only spared a second to be properly introduced before returning to fidget with some gadget. Echo was all politeness and disciplined respect, with his scomp-salute and ma'ams. And Crosshair... well, he was still on the ship asleep, which you supposed fit with the few facts you knew about him, too.
Hunter beamed beside them, clearly happy you had finally made the effort to meet his squad. His family, really. As a Captain overseeing drill training for the GAR, you knew better than anyone the close bonds these clones formed even before they stepped foot on a battlefield. This meant a lot to him, you being here. You felt awful for postponing so many times.
Once introductions were out of the way, and some pleasant conversation had passed, you eventually ventured out to the part of the training field that actually housed elements for training - your excuse for coming out here to meet everyone. A munitions crate full of shiny new blasters was carried between you and Wrecker while Hunter ran ahead to set up some targets. Tech and Echo went back to the ship to work on repairs.
"Aaaaugh. Only blasters?" Wrecker lamented upon opening the crate.
"Sorry, more budget cuts. This was all I could scrounge up for you guys."
Hunter was much more excited by the new weapons, though Wrecker still picked one up to try out. You held one as well but only used it to demonstrate different techniques. Just because you were good at training didn't mean you were the best at actually fighting.
The three of you picked off the various bottles, pots, and pans that Hunter had set up amongst the tree branches at the edge of the field for a short while. And on more than one occasion you found yourself pausing to breathe in the air and remind yourself that life was good. Maybe not how you wanted it, but it was still good and you'd need to continue to work on appreciating what you had.
After about an hour, there were only three bottles and a pan left, all proving tricky targets due to distance and angle. Hunter had even tried slinging a few knives to no avail.
"Okay I'm calling it," Wrecker announced with a huff. "One more missed shot and I'm blowing them up."
"I'll take that bet."
A new voice, one you'd never heard before, carried across the field. It was delicate and drawling and confident. Hunter chuckled and Wrecker rolled his eyes. And you... you had no idea that everything was about to change.
It was like he was moving in slow motion. Your surroundings blurred as the lanky figure caught the corner of your eye, your heart rate slowing as you turned and took him in. One confident step planted firmly in front of the other as he inched across the field. A sniper rifle perched on his shoulder. A toothpick between pursed lips. An eye surrounded by a reticle and narrowed in determination. He didn't even spare you a glance, and thank the gods, because if he had, you were sure your heart would've stopped beating altogether.
He squared off as soon as he reached the marks, bringing his rile forward to aim in a swift and careful motion. His head rested against the shaft, his tattooed eye squinted through the scope. You imagined him taking this stance a thousand times in his short life. It looked as natural a position as curling up on a couch might look for you.
You couldn't look away, not wanting to miss a single second of whatever this mesmerizing man was about to do. He was still for a moment, impressively so. You realized you were holding your breath as you watched, not wanting even your exhale to interfere with his process.
And then he fired. Once, twice, threefourfive times. Bang, bang, bang. Each in a different direction but no less precise than the one before. The first ricocheted off the pan and hit the green bottle, just as the second hit the red bottle. The three-shot volley was aimed at the branch the bottles sat on, causing it to crack and dangle even closer to the ground. And just when you thought the show couldn't be more over the top, the sniper swiveled his rifle toward the sky at a passing bird, clipped its wing with a shot, and then whipped out a pistol from his hip and fired at the remaining blue bottle just before the branch snapped and fell to the ground.
A few seconds later, the bird tumbled on top of the pile of shattered glass and splintered wood.
"Aaaand training is now over," said Hunter with a nod of his head. He raised his voice as he called out to his brother. "You'd better clean that shit up!"
The sniper flipped him the bird before sauntering off to clean up.
"Uh, you alright?"
Hunter paused in his own packing of gear to give you a concerned look. You were still staring after the newcomer, undoubtedly the lone Batcher you had yet to meet. Crosshair. Your brain had short-circuited with what you had witnessed him do, yes. But it was more than that. There was something about him. Something intriguing and attractive. Different than anyone you had ever known, and yet, somehow feeling so real and comfortable at the same time.
After a few waves of your friend's hand in your face, you snapped back.
"That," you breathed.
Hunter cocked a confused eyebrow.
"That is what I'm looking for."
* * *
Vandor-3. Clone training facility: recreation sector. Summer.
You were insanely busy. Separatist activity was ramping up in almost every corner of the galaxy and the GAR was responding to each new threat with full force. Rotations of new clone units were frequently arriving at the facility, one after another. You'd cycle them through a few trainings to get them certified on whatever was needed and then ship them right back out. And in between were all the additional tasks that needed to be taken care of. Piles of paperwork and coordinating schedules and ship inspections and updated security debriefings.
And yet through it all, you still had time to entertain the one thought that buzzed in the background of your mind: Crosshair. Every meeting, every meal, every training sim, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. He was there. Crosshair, Crosshair, Crosshair. On your mind, in your heart, driving you absolutely mad.
In the beginning you'd pretended it wasn't about him, specifically. You were simply happy to know what you wanted now, that you had a type and it existed. That was all. Hunter had turned up his nose, completely bewildered as to why that would be your type. You hadn't been able to give him much at the time; it would take you many rotations more to start describing the details of your newly discovered attraction.
But over time, it became harder to push aside the nagging thought that you hadn't found what you were looking for, but rather who. Specifically. Exactly. Why try to find someone like him when you already liked... him?
Oh there were plenty of ways you could answer that question, all of them self-deprecating and none of them productive. You could count on one hand now the number of times you had been in the same room as him, let alone interacted with him. The Batch may be frequenting the place more often as the war picked up, but not nearly as often as you needed to gauge whether someone like Crosshair would, could, or honestly even should be as interested in you as you were in him.
Today they were back on the grounds so Hunter could fill out some paperwork, and your heart had not stopped racing all morning. It was practically threatening to punch right out of your chest and run away. You weren't sure why, considering you'd probably only end up seeing Hunter this time. The rest of the Batch usually didn't venture into the facility unless they were staying overnight. But it seemed even knowing Crosshair was on the same planet as you got you worked up these days.
You carried Hunter's stack of paperwork with you now, intending to drop it off to him in between some meetings you had. As you hustled down the halls, you rehearsed a few ways you could subtly ask him how Crosshair was doing.
But as it turned out, you would have the opportunity to ask him yourself. If you could get over your frazzled shock at finding him in the rec room instead of Hunter.
The room was conveniently empty, making the silence between you that much more potent. Crosshair was standing awkwardly to the side, just behind one of the battered sofas, as if he had already been confused about what he should be doing before you pushed through the door. He stared at you and you stared at him and the moment only lasted for a few seconds but it felt like an eternity.
"Oh, um. Hi. Crosshair." You averted your gaze, despite having prayed the past several nights that you could see his face again soon. "I was... expecting Hunter."
That didn't sound right. You hoped he didn't take that to mean that you'd prefer if Hunter was here now. Obviously you didn't.
"He stepped out," Crosshair responded in that cool, even tone of his. Your eyes couldn't help but snap back to his as he talked. You wanted him to say more but he never did.
"Oh, okay. I just had some paperwork to give him."
Crosshair only hummed at first. You shuffled your feet a bit, debating whether you should make an attempt at small talk, try to coax more out of him, maybe even hint that you were interested in him. The thought terrified you, but not as much as the thought of being alone. You couldn't complain about that if you continued to let these opportunities pass by without at least trying to make a connection.
You shifted your weight again, intending to keep your feet planted so you wouldn't make a run for it, and Crosshair uttered your name hurriedly.
"Wait," he said. He'd thought you were leaving. You widened your eyes at him, waiting to hear what he'd wanted to tell you first. He seemed to hesitate before finally saying, "I was wondering if you knew what soup they were serving today?"
"Oh. Uh, potato, I think."
"How boring."
You smirked. "I know, right? They could at least serve it with some hot sauce."
Crosshair hummed.
The silence settled back in, though now you felt better about things. You'd practically had a conversation. Learned a little more about each other. It was a good start. 
Your commlink suddenly beeped at your side and you blanched, remembering the meeting you were supposed to be heading to.
"I uh, I've got to go. It was nice talking to you."
It pained you to cut off your moment with him so quickly, but alas you were left with no choice. You shuffled back out into the corridor, though you only made it a few steps before realizing you still had Hunter's paperwork and could just leave it with Crosshair.
The rec room had an old school door that swung in and out on hinges. It was slightly ajar from when you passed through, and already in the few seconds since something was happening on the other side of it. You could hear more voices.
"...the kriff was that?" First, the deep tones of Hunter, equal parts annoyed and weary.
"That wasn't the plan." Then, the resolute voice of Echo, backing him up.
"What?" Crosshair bit back at them.
"You were supposed to ask her out," Hunter clarified.
"No, that was not the plan," Crosshair countered. "I needed to lay some groundwork first."
"You call that groundwork? You were talking about soup."
"And she agreed. No one ever agrees with me on the soup around here."
"What a special connection," Echo said.
Hunter sighed so hard you swore you could feel the breeze through the doorway. "You know, sometimes I think some work on your communication skills wouldn't be such a bad idea."
"Never mind. Do what you like. Keep pushing away anyone who tries to love you and see where that gets you. Just know that it's exhausting, watching the two of you dance around each other like this."
"And kind of pathetic," added Echo.
You were against the wall by the door, holding in your breath for so long you were about to pass out. Or maybe it was the euphoria of knowing Crosshair was interested that made your head sway. Regardless, you had mere moments to make a move or let the opportunity pass. You dug into your pocket, fished out a pen, and scribbled a note on the top page of paperwork. Was it professional? Absolutely not. But the GAR would get over it. You left the papers by the door, making sure your note was turned to face it.
There's better soups on Coruscant. Let's go out sometime.
* * *
Vandor-3. Woodland outskirts. Autumn.
You were alone, standing in the middle of the training field, the early setting sun behind you casting a dim shadow across the remains of your latest training exercise. A chill was just starting to set in, causing you to tug at your jacket and pull it around you a bit tighter. You liked these moments, rare as they were recently. A quiet time to yourself. Not even to think, but simply to be. Present and comfortable. And you.
The wind picked up and sang through the taller blades of grass as a ship approached for landing. Your moment was over, but a new happiness settled in its place. Minutes later, the Havoc Marauder was opening its hatch and spitting out its soldiers.
"Captain," Hunter gave you a two-finger salute as he passed by.
"Sergeant," you returned with a smile.
Echo was close behind, giving you a respectful nod. Wrecker hauled a munitions crate in one hand and hit you up for a high five with the other. Tech was oblivious as he hunched over a data pad.
They filed by, one after the other, headed straight for the barracks, and what you hoped were the showers. They all knew not to linger, that you'd catch up with them later. This was your time with Crosshair.
The sniper was leaning up against the hatch opening, arms folded across a plastoid chest and a toothpick lazily perched between slightly curled lips. He took you in for a moment and you could feel yourself glowing in response to his soft gaze.
"Showing those clankers who's boss, I see," he said as he made his way down the gangway. He nodded his head toward the mess of scrap metal behind you.
You gave a half shrug. "My reaction time is getting better, but I still can't get the angles right with those pucks."
Crosshair inched up to you, gently resting his hands on either side of your waist. "Have you been doing the breathing exercises like I showed you?"
You nodded. Your hands instinctually came up to his run along his arms until they found the crook of his elbows, the only place not barring your touch by armor.
"And using the laser sight?"
You nodded a little slower and Crosshair tsked.
"I want to be good without it. Like you." You added a little extra honey to your words so he wouldn't reprimand you too much. It had been an adjustment for the two of you at first, he stepping into a training role and you stepping back to receive instruction for once. Thankfully the frustrations seemed to diminish the more your relationship progressed.
"You have to be patient," he said, giving your waist a slight squeeze to accentuate his point. "You aren't like the regs you train. You're building your skills, taking care of yourself."
You hummed, more in thought than agreement. "Will I ever have to use these skills someday, do you think? Is it really getting that bad out there?"
You tried not to think about how many soldiers you had trained only to be sent to a battlefield to die. How many of the shinies you were drilling right now would likely be killed soon. How many more would be brought in to take their place. You'd thought you'd known what you were getting yourself into with this job. But the relentless cycle of it all was getting to you more and more, especially as the Republic continued to be challenged in larger scales and higher stakes. It never seemed to end.
"It's hard to say," Crosshair responded. "We have to prepare for the worst."
You hated that answer, but you wouldn't let him see it. Not yet. Your fears and your displeasures, anger and sorrow, were things yet to be fully explored in this new relationship. All in due time. So you simply smiled, plucked the toothpick out of his mouth and tossed it aside. 
"And hope for the best, right?"
He smiled back, or at least moved his mouth in the direction of a smile, as much as you could usually get from the reserved man. "Yes, of course."
He leaned forward and rested his forehead against yours. You both closed your eyes and breathed each other in. There was warmth in his embrace. A promise in the steady hands he held you with. Vulnerability in the skin that gently touched yours. To have someone this close, someone who was still more stranger than friend, though no less beloved, was what you had always wanted. And for once, what you wanted was just as lovely and fulfilling as you'd hoped. No catch. No deals. No unintended consequences. Just you and him and happiness.
All too soon he pulled away. His hand sought yours as he turned in the direction of the barracks. The longer you stayed behind, the worse the teasing from the others would be. They were only respectful of your relationship to a point, and after that it was fair game for a laugh. So you willingly followed.
"I was thinking about Hunter...."
The sniper glanced at you suspiciously.
"Well, you know he and I have been friends for a while. And he's confided a few things in me before. About what he wants. Or thinks he wants. He's changed his mind a few times on the specifics. But all in the same gist."
"Where are you going with this?"
"I don't know, I just feel like I owe him for helping me get through a tough time. And if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have ever met you. So--"
Crosshair cut you off with a groan. "If you're trying to get me to play matchmaker..."
"It would get some of the attention off of us," you quickly offered. "If Hunter had someone he was bringing around, too. Or even just interested in."
Crosshair frowned in thought. "There was a bartender on Scarif he kept checking out..."
You grinned and squeezed his hand affectionately. "See? Just keep an eye out and nudge him a bit. Who knows what could happen."
You could tell he was trying not to roll his eyes for your sake. Instead he squeezed your hand in return. "Or you could come with us and nudge him yourself?"
Your walking slowed, right as you were about to cross the facility boundary line. You would have to let go of his hand once you crossed it, keep a professional distance, share your company with others. And once the Batch's business here concluded, then you would have to let him go and watch him disappear into the sky with all the prayers you could possibly send with him. And then you would be on your own. Waiting, waiting, always waiting. And maybe he would return, and maybe he wouldn't.
And heaven forbid you would ever end up alone again.
"Or you can stay," he said. The quietness of his voice betrayed what he really meant, what he really wanted. 
And you knew what you wanted, too. Without you realizing, it was getting easier and easier for you to define your desires. And not only that, but to pursue them, too. To know your happiness was worth the risk of disappointment. It was clear to you now that you were not only worthy, but also capable. The man standing before you, holding your hand, gazing at you like nothing else mattered, was proof enough.
And so you said, "Take me with you."
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Oh come on Bella Rewrite (Fem!swan reader x Felix volturi) pt 1
A/n: This is the first reinstallment of my oh come on bella series, I really hope everyone likes where I am going with this, first chapter is still mostly the same just more detailed now and a bit more polished than before. please feel free to request, I am rebranding my blog and need some fresh prompts.~kenzie
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Pairing: Fem reader x felix
type and warnings: M for mature due to mentions of murder, suicidal thoughts, edwards a bit of a dick, Bestfriend alice!
word count: 3584
date posted: September, 9th 2024
Life has the tendency to fuck people, I experienced this firsthand. My life has been anything but easy, in fact it has been rather difficult. It all started when I was about 5 years old when my birth parents were murdered. I’m not sure why the culprit left little old me alive, but they did. I woke up in the middle of the night for a glass of water when I found them bloody and lifeless in the kitchen. At the tender age of five my life turned upside down. Chief Swan was the responding officer to my 911 call. I remember when he found me, I was cuddled up next to my bloody mom and dad hyperventilating.
Charlie decided then and there to adopt me out of the system I was about to be put into. Charlie welcomed me with open arms into his life yet despite this I still feel like I don’t belong in the Swan family, I feel like an outcast due to how long it took for Bella and I to get along. Bella was about seven when I came into their life. As any seven-year-old would be she was jealous and scared that this meant her dad didn’t love her anymore. Though I do owe my life to Charlie, if it wasn’t for Charlie whom I now call dad I would most likely be dead in an alleyway by now.
I am two years younger than my adopted sister Bella, which makes me sixteen years old. She and I are learning to get along better as we grow up. I remember the first time she referred to me as her sister, it made my heart feel full, she was thirteen and I was eleven.  Bella and I are relatively cool, but oh my fuck I hate her boyfriend, Edward. He has caused my sister so much pain and so much heartache, plus he reads my mind without my permission. This leads us to where we are now, in a stolen car speeding down the roads in Italy heading to rescue her sparkling boytoy. The only reason I agreed to go is because Alice asked, and I have a hard time saying no to the pixie like girl. She’s one of my best friends.
“Bella, you need to go! He won’t see you coming.” Alice exclaims and lets her out to run the streets of Volterra.
Once we are parked in a parking garage Alice freezes eyes slightly glazed over. “Alice what do you see?” I asked, getting out of the car.
“y/n/n stay here in the car,” Alice pleads with me.
“Hell no! They have my older sister in a room full of less than friendly vampires! Alice, I love you to death, but I am not staying here with Bella in there.” I state looking Alice in her Golden eyes.
“I am not going to win this one am I.” Alice sighs out.
“Nope, not a chance sorry.” I say as we start to walk in the shadowed streets of Volterra towards the castle.
We look down over a ledge and see Bella and Edward talking to two men in grey cloaks. Alice takes my hand in her cold one, “stay behind me.” she quietly whispers to me and jumps dragging me with her.
“Now boys we wouldn’t want to cause a scene now, would we?” she asks purposely shielding me from view of the two men even though they could more than likely smell me, they know I am there.
Curious and tired of standing behind Alice I move very slowly so I am standing slightly to the left but still behind her.  I get a good look at the two men; one is short yet still taller than me with sandy blonde hair and striking red eyes. My gaze switches to the other man who is very very tall, at least 6ft 3, if not taller. He has broad shoulders, nice biceps, and a strong face with the same striking crimson eyes. My breath catches in my throat when his hard red gaze lands on me and I swear I see his eyes soften, “Wait! I told you to stay behind me!” Alice grabs me to gently push me behind her again. She freezes when the tall man growls at her.
‘Wow he’s hot for a vampire.’ I think in my head
“y/n No!” Edward scolds me like a child
“Dammit Edward, I told you to stay out of my Fucking head.” I yelled angrily at him.
“Language little Dove.” I hear a sultry voice say, it sends a slight shiver down my spine and relaxes me at the same fucking time.
“Sorry, but Seriously Edward, stay, out, of, my, head! You are not ruining this trip for me; I was pulled out of bed to rescue your stupid ass, the least you can do is let me have my thoughts in peace.” I sternly grit out.
“You didn’t have to come.” He spat out at me 
I walk towards Edward in anger, “Edward you know better than anyone else as to why I must be here, you are always reading my thoughts, I know you heard them that night and yet you didn’t say anything, I was hospitalized because you couldn’t use your gift for good. If you had told Bella what I was thinking about I could been helped but you only tell her my secrets when it is amusing to you. I am not allowed to be alone until my therapy is up.”
“Watch yourself.” he growls standing tall a bit in front of Bella.
“No, you watch yourself! Mr. I’m too good to stay with my sister, if you wouldn’t have left her like you did none of this would have happened.” I find myself walking closer to Edward until I feel arms go around my waist not allowing me to move further.
“at least Bella doesn’t find a heartless killer attractive.” he states
Shocked I let out a laugh and remove the arms from my waist, “Seriously, Y/n!” Bella exclaims
“Oh! Come on Bella! Get over yourself Edward isn’t a saint either. I know he’s killed people too” I state still in the arms of the strong man I don’t know.
“y/n, he kills innocent people.” She whines out like a child.
“And Edward hasn’t?” I question
“don’t talk about him like that.” I roll my eyes at Bella comment. I love my sister but she can be such a hypocrite at times.
Bella comes stepping towards me with fire burning in her eyes. Bella starts to raise her hand when I am pulled behind a strong body and her hand is grabbed. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”  A rough voice states.
I see Bella become even paler as she walks back up to Edward. Before anymore commotion could happen, I see a young-looking girl walk towards us, “Demetri, Felix, Aro sent me to see what was taking you so long. “  She stops walking and glances over us, “I can see why, the Masters will be please with this, this way.”
In silence we follow the girl though I am stopped by a cold hand gingerly pulling me back and to face him.  “Are you alright, little dove.” the tall man asks bending down to my height to look me in my eyes.
“Yes, I am alright, thank you.” I feel my face get warm yet I maintain eye contact as I respond.
“Does he always treat you like that?”  he asks as we start to catch up with the others, my cheeks are flushed warm.
“Yeah, he’s a dickh-” “Language Little one.”  I am interrupted by the gaint man whose name I have yet to learn.
“I’m Sorry Giant.” I say shyly walking forward not looking at the man.
“Giant?!?” He questioned sounding a bit offended, maybe.
“Well, I don’t know your name, so Giant it is.” I smile at him softly
“I’m Felix Volturi, what is your name little Dove?” He finally introduces himself to me
“Nice to finally put a name to a face, I'm y/n swan, Bella's adopted sister.”
“A pretty name for a Pretty girl.” he says, and I blush so red, I'm probably redder than Felix’s eyes.
I notice that we are outside the throne room, and I start to get nervous, “Don’t be scared little Dove no one will harm you. He gently leads me into the throne room with his head on the small of my back in an oddly comforting way. I know that deep down I should feel frightened, but I feel very safe with the tall vampire who could kill me with only his pinky finger. We walk in and stop a little bit behind Alice and the blonde vampire.
“Felix how nice of you to finally join us, and you brought another human with you.”
“My apologies masters.” He marches forward leaving me behind Alice to give this other vampire his hand. After a few moments he starts to laugh, “magnifico.” he turns his red gaze towards me, “may I?” he asks as he slowly makes his way to me.
Frightened I look around the room for Felix, “little dove I promise it’s okay, no one is going to hurt you with me around.” Felix says as he gently rubs my back to soothe me.
With one last glance at Felix, I just nod and put my hand out for the vampire to take. “Aro reads thoughts y/n kind of like myself.” Edward states
‘Edward, I thought I told you to stay out of my head.’ I think and then I hear Aro giggle a bit at that thought. He turns to the tired looking vampire and the tired vampire just nods his head, “True mates they are.”
Bella seems to connect the dots faster than I do. “NO! I will NOT allow it,” Bella roughly grabs my wrist and pulls me behind her, I let out a wince of pain. I can see that this visibly upsets Felix, he marches towards Bella with eyes blazing red with anger.
“Keep your hands off of her and get away from her!” he growl out on his way towards her.
Before he can get to Bella, Edward maneuvers past me to push Bella behind him. This causes her to knock into me in the process and I fall to the hard ground, putting my hands out to catch myself before my face hits the hard ground with a groan. The short blonde vampire gently helps me back to my feet, “Are you okay little human?” He asks softly checking on me
“Thank you, I will be fine.” I say with a nod and turn back towards the commotion.
I can see Edward trying to take on the giant Vampire himself which is kind of pitiful to watch as I see Felix throw him around like it was nothing, “wow.” I whisper under my breath memorized.
“Y/n Y/M Swan!” Bella scolds me after they are done fighting, and Edward is back near her.
“What, it’s not my fault!” I exclaim, He’s hot I think in my head
“He kills people Y/N!” Bella tries to argue
“Oh, Come on Bella get over yourself! Edward is no saint either.” I shoot back, this makes Felix look at me with pride and Edward glares back at me.
“Cullen, you better relax your gaze when you look at her before I relax it for you.” Felix shoving a cloak into his arms roughly before making his way to me.
“Are you alright?” he asks me wiping some hair out of my face and placing it behind my ear.
“yeah, I am fine Felix, thank you.” I say blushing
“Demetri please escort them out.” Aro states going to sit back on his throne.
I start to walk towards the door behind my sister, “Not you y/n, we have a lot to discuss.” Aro states
Bella stops walking and turns, “I’m not leaving her alone, what needs to be said can be said here and now.”
“Y/n you are to stay here in Volterra with Felix.” Aro bluntly states
I feel my face get hot and my hands start to shake, my breathing quickens; I am going to have a panic attack. Felix can sense my accelerated heartbeat and brings me into a comforting hug. A gentle almost nonexistent humming rumbles in Felix chest starting calm me down.
“She can’t stay, she’s only 16.” Bella tries to reason with the old vampire king
Once I am calm enough, I turn in Felix’s arms looking up into his eyes, “Please allow me to return to Forks long enough for me to graduate, after my graduation I am more than willing to come back and stay with you no complaints.” I plead with the gentle giant.
“Do I have your word?” Aro questions
“Of course, I never break an oath.” I state sincerely
 Aro waits a moment “Very well, you may go back...but only until graduation, in two years Felix will be coming to bring you home.”
“Thank you I am so grateful.” I say with a serious tone.
“You may all leave at sundown until then you will be brought to a different room. Dinner will be here shortly.” The blonde king grumbles out.
I turn and look up at Felix, I wrap my hand under his arms as I am to short to reach his shoulders with my 5’4 frame. I squeeze him as tight as I can which doesn’t do much to him, after a second he gently places his arms around my waist, “When will I see you again?” I ask meekly resting my chin on his chest straining my neck a bit
“I will try my best to visit you when I can Little one but I am not certain.” He says and gently kisses my forehead with his cold lips, “Now go with Demetri.”
Demetri leads us to a different room, “Don’t leave here until sundown.” He states and turns to leave, smiling at me softly on his way out.
I am stuck in this room with Alice watching Bella and Edward being all lovey Dovey. After about an hour of the torture of watching the couple, the door opens and a person walks in, I don’t pay it any mind as I think it is just Demetri. I am very much pleasantly surprised when I hear the voice of the one and only Felix, “Little Dove, will you please come with me.”
Bella and Edward both perk up at this question, “No she isn’t leaving this room with you!” Bella exclaims
“Bella let her go, Felix won’t do anything to hurt her, in fact she is the safest with him than anyone else, vampire or otherwise, there is no one safer for her to be around.”  Alice comes to my aid by saying this.
Without another word from my sister or Edward I take Felix's outstretched hand and allow him to gently pick me up off the cold stone floor.  He doesn’t release his gentle grip on my hand once I am standing. He keeps my hand in his as he leads me through the castle. We stop as he opens a new door, “Lady’s first.”
I walk into what seemly is a bedroom, I can feel my nerves slightly rise when he shuts the door behind him. “Hey, it’s okay, relax cara mia it’s okay. I figured that you would want to talk somewhere more private.” He says while sitting at a table by a huge bookshelf. Amazed, I walk over to the bookshelf and gently run my fingers along the leather spines of the books as I walk past them in fascination. Most of these are first editions kept in pristine condition, these books are very much loved.
I stop when I hear his voice, “Do you like read?”
I turn my attention to him, back now to the bookshelf and I answer, “Very much so,” I pause, “Have you read all these?”
“Yes, I have actually, you have a lot of extra time on your hands when your immortal.” he jokes, “so tell me, what’s your favorite genre of book.”
I kind of giggle out of embarrassment, “As ironic as it sounds, I really enjoy fantasy.”
Felix nods his head and makes his way over to the shelf directly in front of me. He gently places one hand on my hip and with the other he reaches to the top of the bookshelf with minimal effort. He pulls a small but thick leather book from above my head.
When he brings the book down to my height his cold hand releases my hip to present the book to me, “Here little Dove, this one is called The Bloody Chamber, it was published in 1979 and it is a collection of short stories.”
I gently run my fingers over the leather cover with gold writing across it. “Felix, this is a first edition, I can’t take this back to Forks with me.”  I make eye contact with his memorizing red ones, which I noticed are brighter now that he has fed.
“yes, you can, I trust you to take care of it.” He states like it was the most obvious thing ever.
With a smile I pull him in for a hug “Thank you Fe! I’ll take really good care of it.”
“I know you will.”
“Fe?” I question
“Yes Dove?” he replies looking down at me
“How tall are you?” I question
“I’m 6 foot 7.” he replies with amusement
“How is that even possible.”
“I was a gladiator before I was turned by Aro.”
“Really? That is so cool!” I pause before questioning. "Will you help me with my history test next year.”
“Of course, once I figure out contact information that is.” Felix states
My smile dropped slightly, my phone... I left it back in forks, “I left my phone in forks, and I don’t know my new phone number yet.”
“you’re okay, I need to get myself a phone anyway, until then how about I write to you.”
“I would really like that a lot Felix.” I look and see that the sun is starting to set over the horizon.
“I should probably get you back to your sister before she thinks I ran away with you.” he jokes and leads me back to the room we were waiting in.
I giggle as we head towards the small room, “Yeah that’s probably for the best unfortunately.”
“Don’t you worry Dove soon I won’t have to give you back.” He smiles out.
“I really hate goodbyes, so I’ll see you later Felix.” I say feeling my tear ducts start to swell with tears as I already feel such a strong pull to him.
“See you later Dove, Stay out of trouble for me okay.” He says handing me the book from earlier.
“I promise, stay safe please.” I say grabbing the book with our hands accidentally touching.
Before I go, I stand on my tippy toes and place my hands on his shoulders to help steady myself; he places his hands on my hips to steady me further. I gently kiss him on the cheek as a goodbye gesture. I make my way over to alice with a small smile. As I walk away arm and arm with Alice, I see his eyes widen slightly in shock.
Alice and I let Bella and Edward go in front of us, “So did he follow through with kissing you?” she asks teasingly
“What no, we just talked and he gave me a book. It was really sweet” I smile sweetly
“You like him already, don’t you?” she asks
“I’m pretty sure I might, I do feel safe with him.” I state
“You and him are going to be really happy, I’ve seen it. You both are going to bring out the good in each other.” she finishes her statement fondly. “It was honestly what I was wishing for Edward and Bella too but it’s not looking very good.”
When Bella and I finally make it home we face the wrath of Charlie Swan. It was more so pointed at Bella than myself. This is because she left me no choice, I had to go. Bella had to be home by 4 pm every day, I however got to stay out until 5pm. Our punishment is going to be in effect until the end of the school year. I run up to my room after we are done with Charlie’s lecture, and I sit on my queen size bed. I gently opened the book that Felix had given me. I let my eyes scan the words on the pages only carefully turning them with the softest touch to not transfer too much of my skin's oils back on to the original parchment.  
I read the first short story before putting my bookmark into the book and gently placing it on the bookshelf where it will remain safe. I crawl into bed and place my head on the pillow as I start to drift off into a deep sleep thinking of Felix. I hope I get a letter from him soon.
@small-town-wayward-daughter @venusdelaroix @trashy-panda777 @kezibear143 @smithmallory13 @im-as-mad-as-a-wax-bananna @sunsetswurve @believinghurts
@xcastawayherosx @iloveslasher @yikeskatz
@melinsk1 @ssa--holmes @artaxerxesthegreat @jenfox25 @lacychick @smileykiddie08 @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx
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seriesxwriting · 1 year
W Klaus Mikaelson <3
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Warnings- swearing, flighting, kissing.
Series- the vampire diaries/ the originals
Summary- After being prisoner to mikael for a century your finally free and can find your soulmate again… once you’ve sorted out a few issues about why you left in the first place. Presuming the Mikealson’s don’t kill you first.
Recreating a post I deleted from when I first started writing<3
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I’d just arrived in New Orleans. It had been a long ass time since I’d been here. It had been a century. I was here for only one reason. Id been dwelling on if it was a good idea or not for a while. It wasn’t, I’d probably lose my head as soon as I got into town. But I grew some balls and followed my heart. And that lead me to New Orleans.
I stepped off the train and just looked around for a second breathing in a deep breath of New Orleans air. I remember how this place looked since I was last here. It hadn’t changed much apart from the vending machines and new benches made of metal now.
Working up the courage, I left the train station and went into the square which wasn’t a long walk. It was kind of refreshing. Being back was scary almost but it was home, I knew I was risking a lot coming here but I had to. For myself, for him. I walked down to my favourite bar, I needed to be a little intoxicated before I faced him. Rousseau’s.
There it stood, proudly if anything. I’d missed this place. That feeling was very short lived as a hand tightened around my throat dragging me into an alley next to the bar. I struggled against them but could only use vampirism after I was out of sight from the humans. I elbowed the man but he managed to push me against the wall.
I looked up to see who it was and the colour left my face. “So it really is you” he scoffed shaking his head. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t removed your head and give it to him in a box?”. Elijah Mikaelson. Always a pleasure. “Get off me!” I hissed as the tears started forming in my eyes. He had never been hostile to me before. I’d only seen it when he was fighting his families enemies. Now I was an enemy of the Mikaelsons.
He threw me against the wall again after letting go of my neck. “I came to explain not fight” I scoffed rubbing my neck from the throbbing pain. “You shouldn’t have come here if you didn’t expect a fight” he mocked shaking his head. “I assumed it would be on the table” “why are you here? After what you did?” Elijah asked squinting his eyes at me.
“I didn’t do anything!” I hissed trying to contain my tears. “Will you hear me out or not?”. Elijah looked like he was debating it. “Fine I will hear you out but I can’t promise I won’t pull your heart out mid conversation” “I’m not a fool Elijah- I know you don’t trust me I know you don’t want to see me- he won’t want to either but I owe it to myself to explain what happened” I told him pushing off the wall now.
“Let’s have a drink shall we, be civil about this?”. He looked like he was holding back a laugh but he nodded his head once and then followed me into the bar. We took one of the back booths so we could talk without being heard or seen. “You look different” he told me sitting across from me. “You look worn out, skinnier” “where do you want me to start?” I asked swallowing, feeling even more intimidated now it was really happening.
“Start from the fire” he told me bluntly keeping his eyes on me. “1919, we were in the Oprah house” I began thinking back to that terrible night. “Klaus had gone to get our seats while I went to the bathroom, when I exited I saw a face that still horrifies me to this day” “mikael” Elijah exhaled as he began to realised there was much more to the story. “I ran to get away from him but he caught me quickly over powering me”.
“He told me all these things- everything he was planning on doing to klaus, I struggled but he was too strong” I shook my head as the tears started forming again. “He compelled me- to leave with him- compelled me to say what I said to Klaus- I told him I was done I was leaving and that i couldn’t stand the sight of him- those words rang in my head for years” I sniffed as the first tear fell down. “After that mikael snapped my neck and left me in the trunk of some car” I explained.
“He did what he did in New Orleans- and kept me prisoner for years on end, he thought he could use me to help find Klaus as I knew him so well- I refused and that’s when his violence appeared”. Elijah looked horrified. That was the only word to describe his face. He reached over to my hand and nodded sympathetically. “You can compel me if you don’t believe me” I made very clear.
Elijah shook his head vigorously “I believe you’ve had enough compelling to last you for a lifetime” he told me rubbing my hand gently. “I believe you y/n” “thank you Elijah, truly” i gasp nodding my head agreeing I’d had enough. “I’ve heard enough about mikael- how’d you escape”.
“He didn’t come back to where he left me for a while- I had the chance to escape with him gone, but I don’t know where he is- he must be looking for me” I shook my head not wanting to think about it. “He’s not” Elijah squeezed my hand as he plunged in abruptly. “He’s dead y/n, Klaus killed him”. I sat back in the chair as my eye brows knitted together.
A weight off my shoulder literally lifted off me and I felt as if i could breath again. The tears leaked out my eyes without permission as I laughed from happiness. Elijah moved round to my side and embraced me. It was nice having him back, he was always so caring towards me. I’d truly missed him. “It’s over y/n- you done it, your home- and I am so! So sorry that my father put you through that, that he turned us against you”.
“You weren’t to know” I shook my head not wanting an apology from him. “What happened? When I left- Klaus- what happened?” “He um…” Elijah started before his eyes drifted to the table. “He hasn’t been okay since” Elijah shook his head vigorously. He must have been thinking of the events because I practically saw them flashing in his eyes.
“I didn’t think he ever would be again” he smiled before looking at me. “But you both will- I assume that’s why your here” “I’m here to explain- I understand it’s been a long time- I don’t expect him to feel the same way about me now” “do you want to see him? I’ll take you to him- help you smooth things over” “yes please” I nodded feeling my heart patting against my chest. “I’d like that very much”.
“Let’s go” Elijah nodded with a smile getting up from the table. I was afraid to face Klaus. I knew what his temper was like, once upon a time I was the only one who could control it. Though I didn’t think now would be one of those times. Elijah walked me over to the house. I stopped at the threshold taking a deep breath. “It’s going to be fine” he whispered comforting me. But that was when I heard his voice.
“Brother! Bout time you were back we have business to discuss” klaus called out as we walked into the house. His back was turned to us and he was pouring two bourbons. “Yes brother, we do indeed” Elijah told him forwardly. “We have much to discuss”. With that Klaus turned around. His smirk dropped off his face as he locked eyes with me. How the hell do I feel right now? I didn’t know myself.
He clearly didn’t. It took a few seconds but his face hardened just as I remembered, just as I’d imagined it to do. “You were foolish to step into this house” he told me seriously. “Thank you for delivering her to me brother but I have no intention of looking at her for more than two seconds, your welcome to let her out” klaus crushed a glass in his hand. The glass scattered everywhere.
“I thought- you’d want me dead for sure” I told him in a wavy voice. “I want you dead believe me, I just don’t want to watch it” he frowned as his jaw locked together watching his cuts heal up. “Brother, I haven’t delivered y/n to you to inflict any sort of harm” Elijah stated making Klaus look at him with the hard look now. “Explain yourself now Elijah” his hand flew out and I saw his eyes getting watery. “You should sit down and let y/n explain herself” he nodded taking a step forward.
I guess he knew Klaus was about to attack him as that’s exactly what happened. Klaus vamp ran towards him knocking Elijah off his feet. Klaus turned to me, his eyes orange now. That was new. “Get out, before I change my mind” he told me without a wave of anything but anger. “Klaus please- that night didn’t go down how you think it went down” I told him with tears in my own eyes now.
“Don’t think you can lie your way out of this one” he scoffed, the veins seemed to run further down his eyes onto his cheeks as his teeth came out. He had another set now, that was new too. “Klaus, she’s not lying- she was compelled” Elijah explained as he stood back up fixing his suit. “Oh really and by who exac-.” Klaus trailed off as a moment of realisation hit him. “No” he shook his head as his eyes went back to normal and he took a step back.
He looked me up and down before shaking his head and walking off toward the bourbon again with his hand pointing out. “I will not hear these lies!” “I’m not lying- I’ve never lied to you” I told him confidently, it was working he was realising. “If so, why didn’t you come back? Why didn’t you look for me?” Klaus asked me with a frown. “Because you had no interest in it!”.
“I came as soon as I escaped from mikael- well- a week after- I was debating whether i should come or not, I wasn’t sure if you’d hear me out”. Klaus’s face dropped. “What do you mean… escaped from Mikel” he asked me walking slowly towards me. “He- he kept me prisoner, he wanted my help to find you” “he- no I would have known- I- no” klaus shook his head but I knew he was just in denial about it now.
I slid my hand up to his face. “Klaus, I never would have left you” I told him when his eyes landed on me. “You don’t have to believe me- I didn’t come and see you to make things go back to how they were I just- i couldn’t live with you thinking I hated you” I told him softly holding eye contact with me. I slowly took my hand away but he caught it holding it bringing it back up.
“He- hurt you?” “It’s over now Klaus I’m free” I shook my head not wanting to give any details. “He hurt you?” Klaus asked me again in a much more authoritative tone. I nodded losing eye contact with him drifting to the floor. Klaus moved forward wrapping his arms around me tighter than I’d ever felt a hug. He didn’t want to let go and I was okay with that.
“You two- you should talk, clear everything up” Elijah told us with a smile on his face. “It’s good to see you again y/n” he nodded before wondering out of the door. “Elijah!” I called out before he got too far. He turned innocently looking at me under his brothers arm. “Thank you- seriously thank you” I nodded with sad eyes. “Who am I to keep soulmates apart” he chuckled as he walked off backwards.
Klaus didn’t say anything more to me just led me to the sofa and looked at me. He scanned me for a minute or two. “Klaus- it’s me” “I know” he nodded still looking at me. “I’m savouring it” he answered a few seconds after. He was holding my hand and hadn’t let go since we sat down. “What do you want to know?” “Nothing gorgeous- I believe you, Mikael is a bastard always has been, I presume Elijah told you he’s dead”.
I nodded frantically. “I’m free” I smiled again as it really sank in the the nightmare was over. A hundred years later. “I’m tempted to bring him back so I can kill him again for the years he kept us apart”. “I’m glad you came- I’m glad you chose to come” he told me fiddling with my fingers. “So am I- I don’t- expect anything from you Klaus not for you to take me in, take me back, nothing, I have peace knowing you know the truth”.
“Y/n, You are the queen of New Orleans and you are never leaving my side again” klaus told me putting his hand on my cheek. “Does that mea- mean you’ll have me back?” “Your my always and forever” he chuckled kissing my hand softly. “I should have knew something was off- I should have looked for you” he tutted, I spotted a tear falling down his face. “No don’t do that” I warned him.
“Don’t not make this your fault- you were hurt and you had every right to be” “y/n I know you better than anyone- I should have known something was wrong” he clutched my hand to his chest. “Can we- stop talking about it please- we can tomorrow just…” “…it’s done- I just want to make up for lost time, my love” he brushed my cheek with my thumb.
“Then there’s no better way” I smiled as I moved my head towards his attaching his lips to mine. Klaus didn’t hesitate for a semi second. He was right there with me, we’re truly were soulmates. We moved like we were made for each other because we were. “Now, nothing can take you away from me” he whispered holding me close.
“I’ll never get tired of hearing you say that” I smiled putting my head in between his shoulders and neck. Klaus kissed my head gently. Heaven.
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For more like this
Masterlist of masterlists
The vampire diaries Masterlist
Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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hotteoki · 1 year
drunk bf ateez headcanons - 2k celebration!
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pairing: ateez x reader (no prns used)
cw: mentions of alcohol (obvie)
genre: fluff, established relationship, headcanon
notes: after watching drunkteez on wanteez and having yunho on my mind i just had to write this ( ˘ ³˘)
notes: this is my second celebration post! happy 2k followers!
he seems fine
at first
he's downing shots, glasses, bottles
at flash speed
but he's fine
even he says he's fine
"i just don't feel anything"
"well i mean some people just don't get drunk"
"maybe i'm just reeeeeally talented"
you're like thinking 'oh! he's not too bad'
did the 'reeeeeally' not give you warning signs in your head
you spoke too soon
next thing you know he's trying to shove his head down the billiard/pool/snooker table holes
it's more of gently ramming his head against the table edge than shoving his head tho
you were dying laughing by the time you reached him
"joong what are you doing???"
"i'm looking for thissssss"
"what is 'this', joongie?"
it's silent for a while and you're rubbing his back
then he just pops up
(ಠ ಠ)
he thinks he's sooooo funny
you had to stare at him for a good few minutes before processing what the hell you just witnessed
he's upgraded from terrible dad jokes to terrible rizz jokes
i don't think i can decipher which is worse
he's also balancing the shot glasses on the back of his hand
which had you PANICKING
a whole migraine just from that
forget a hangover
your fear of him breaking one of those is enough for you to want to die
surprisingly he didn't break any
"see baby? i'm just tooooooo talented"
he's giggling so much
it's so cute :(
but add the worst aegyo in the world to the list
it’s near bang chan level of horrifying
i mean sure
joong is NATURALLY a giant tiny cutie
but when he’s doing it on purpose???
have fun!
no thoughts behind those eyes
just blink blink (0_0) (-_-) (0_0)
i'm pretty sure he's on mars
and out of nowhere he starts singing along to i want it that way playing in the background (b99 ref (ʃƪ˘ﻬ˘))
singing along very loudly if i may add
as soon as the song ends
he's back to his (0_0) (-_-) (0_0) agenda
at one point
you’ve just gotten used to his giggles and clapping out of the blue
yeah he just applauds randomly
to whom and why?
he just wants to i guess
"hwa, i think we should go now it's like 4am-"
oh he's singing again!
will not stop for the next twenty minutes
in his head it's a free karaoke bar
and he's just singing to his heart's content
he can also get pouty very quickly
and is very, very clingy
whichever one of your arm is nearer to him is not going to hear the bells of freedom for the rest of the long night
to be fair
if any of the other members are near him
he's also going to be clinging to them
a little less than you
he loves you the most after all! ><
all in all
he's pretty chill
every now and then
this is a bit short cause i don’t know what else i could say i’m sorry (╥_╥)
i'll make it up with a seonghwa drabble soon promise
where did this man's energy come from???????
one minute he's on the dance floor
he's 'boogying', as he said
the next he's running laps around the bar
you're just shocked he hasn't crashed into another poor innocent person yet
oh and now he's on the stage! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
are you ripping out your hair yet
( ˘ ɜ˘) ♬♪♫ (yunho!!!!!!)>ヽ(‵﹏´)ノ
he's singing what seems to be halazia
except it's literally just the word halazia being repeated
you're pretty sure he sang 'hala-hala-hala-hala-halazia' like about seven times
stream seven by jungkook
you had to physically drag him down from the stage
“nooooo baby you don’t understand i still need to sing hips don’t lie they need meeeeeee (ง'̀-'́)ง”
“yeah ok shakira let’s go”
his hand slips from yours and he’s sucked into the wardrobe of narnia
cause even tho he’s a literal giant
you can’t seem to find his usually sticking out head
the reason why?
he’s squatting while doing the dougie
why? i don’t know
i don’t think he knows either
but he’s dougieing!
he’s also spitting BARS
starts rapping to mingi’s part in guerilla while you’re trying to drag him out
at this point you’re beginning to suspect that he’s not actually drunk
maybe a little tipsy
but mostly just staying to cause chaos
and to give you a headache
but his little pout as you’re pulling him away
“yuyu come on we have to go >:(“
“but baby i don’t want tooooo”
does this face 🥺
yk that one time when ateez made faces imitating the emoji signs they were holding
and yuyu had the 🥺 one
and how can you deny this golden retriever :,)
(if you can resist it you’re just a maniac frankenstein cheoreom georeo maniac maniac ha ha idk i don’t make the rules)
“okay fine… but no-”
“YAY i’ll be back”
he does in fact come back a few minutes later
“i made a friend! :D”
you’re certain he took a few years off your life in just one night
since we've never actually seen him drunk
cause he's a fairy
i'll go by what joong san and hwa were saying in their vlive like ages ago
cause apparently yeosang gets all cute
so let's imagine a very clingy sangie
just tugging and snuggling into your arm
mumbling your name too
his cute nose scrunches up whenever you try to move
he whines about how you don’t love him anymore
literally just because you moved to scratch an itch on your neck
“sangie what do you mean i don’t love you anymore of course-”
“you don’t LOVE ME ANYMORE :-(”
near tears because he’s convinced of his point
“baby why do you think i don’t love you anymore?”
confused blink blink
he’s forgotten what he was even saying
your hand brushing through his hair is just too distracting!!!!
he’s a simple man ok?
( ๑>ᴗ<๑ )
that’s how i imagine he looks
with a flushed face
but still looking like an angel sent from heaven
but yk
don’t forget about his muscles
atp he’s fed up with you moving around while trying to take care of the other members
so he just tightens his iron grip on your arm
good luck moving a literal koala clinging onto your arm
like hwa’s situation
you’re not moving another inch until he’s satisfied with the amount of love he’s showered you
he never will be
again very short cause i have nothing to come from ;-(
literally the LOUDEST mfer in the bar
you can expect everyone within a twenty meter radius to be staring at the two of you
you just standing there like (ಥ‿ಥ) and he's just like ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ
he's not doing it on purpose
but like
come on
how can you NOT stare at the gorgeous man that is your boyfriend
what snaps you out of your daze was san suddenly pointing at you
"san what are you doing?"
"youuuuuu... are soooooo... not me"
oh he's so far gone
i don't think even he knows what he's doing
bro's just saying things
he's literally the walking epitome of speaking to speak
the worst, and i mean absolutely WORST case of asian flush ever
every exposed square inch of his skin is bright red
you're like
panicking trying to get him to sit down
cause he's stumbling around into every person in the bar
he's practically knocking them over like bowling pins
then immediately apologising in the cutest way possible
the second he's made it out of the human mosh pit tho
you're like (ಠ ''ಠ)
"sannie, honey, why are you crying?"
"i don't know"
"i just love you soooooo much..."
"thank you i-"
"like SOOOOO much"
"okay thank you baby-"
"i love you like thissssssss much"
he's holding out his hands
and he's stretching them out as far as possible
and before you know it
oop! he's bear hugging you
his cheek is squished against the top of your head as he's mumbling incoherent words
the only thing you can make out tho is
"i love you so much"
you guys are such goals (;-;)
okay since we’ve never seen drunk minki
i’m going to go by the endoscopy ep
where he was breakdancing
at first he was convincing gaslighting you that he was fine
because fine means stumbling around and not even being able to walk in a straight line
but whatever suits him! :p
no seriously
he could not walk properly for the LIFE of him
he was crashing into strangers and waiters alike here and there
and by crashing
i mean practically throwing himself onto them
but the second he stands back up
he’s back to yelling into their faces that he’s sober
like mingi…
no one believes you
you were following him right on his tail
frantically apologising to everyone he disturbed
and he’s bopping his head
he’s jamming!!!!!! 乁( • ω •乁)
he’s in his own little world
which is so adorable you almost want to cry :-(
but by the time you have to leave
and he’s STILL dancing around
you have to start pulling aggressively on his arm
he won’t go otherwise
he could stay there all night just to prove a point
the point?
that he’s sober
yes he’s still on that topic
because he’s 100% NOT drunk!!!!!!!!!!
“mingi we have to go-”
“…o yea! ヽ(・∀・)ノ”
sigh moment from you
“i want bruno mars thoooooo do you fink i can request for bruno marsssss??????”
“why not!!!!!! ;-(”
“cause we have to go (˘∀˘)/(ㅠ~ㅠ)”
pushing him out of the bar now
he’s a fun person to be around when you’re drunk as well tho
witch cackle amplified by 2611%
it’s so funny tho
he laughs over literally NOTHING
a stranger walking in the bar?
someone passing by?
howling on the floor
the toilet door opening?
he’s wiping away tears
hongjoong tripping over a chair in his drunken state?
he’s getting a 10 pack at this rate
to be fair
you also cackled at poor hongjoong pretending like his dignity didn’t just get absolutely annihilated
at the same time
he’s also just fumbling around
he’s not very sober
not sober enough to recognise you
“oooooooh you’re soooooooo good looking we should go outttt”
“wooyoung this is the fifth time tonight we’ve been together for over a year”
“say whaaaaaaaaaat???!!!!?!!?!”
starts coddling you after that
he’s so sweet but in a loud way
louder than usual
cant stop kissing you (ノ´ з `)ノ
no literally
i’m not exaggerating
he will CHASE you around the pub to kiss you if needed
he has done that before (in my head)
“wooyoung people are staring-”
you might be thinking
skits, why would i ever deny kisses from wooyoung????
yeah see
he thinks he’s kissing you
he’s not
he’s biting you
it’s not even cute lil :3 nom noms
so unless you want a chunk of your skin gone
start running! :p
you really think he's going to be the drunk one?
bro has not seen a day of being drunk
he could be downing bottles of every kind of alcohol known to mankind
and still be fresh as a daisy
(≖ᴗ≖) ✿
he'd be the one challenging the entire bar into drinking too
he handles his alcohol very well
let's be honest, you're probably the one drunk
he's going to be taking care of you instead
BUT you never told him how he once drunkenly went up to the bar stage
and started shooing off the performers
before flaunting off his vocals
so that was fun
let's say he hypothetically was wasted tho
i'll use the endoscopy ep as an example like mingi
he's just going to be asleep
snore mimimimi snore mimimimi
he might wake up like every half hour
and get all confused
but it's so cute :(
like he's just lifting his head up from your lap
probably definitely drooling tho
it's going to be pretty short for him cause he just doesn't get drunk
he's invincible
networks - @kflixnet k-labels kbookshelf neverendingdreams-net straykidsland @k-films
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gurugirl · 8 months
ex-boyfriend's dad!harry part 2 up on Patreon!
A part 2 sneak peek below for my Tumblr babes!
(all parts for ex-boyfriend's dad will be posted to tumblr at a later date - if you want to read it now join my Patreon!)
His boxer briefs hugged tightly to his erect cock and you kept your eyes on it as he pushed those down his strong thighs. When he stood upright after getting his briefs off you slid from the bed and got to your knees, as if by some invisible force. You didn’t even make the conscious decision to kneel in front of him and sit back on your calves with your eyes dragging over the healthy cock attached to the man standing in front of you.
Healthy. Sure. You could see that much. All of him was strong and healthy. Virile. But it was big. Thick, long, pretty. You hated that a small section of your brain compared him with Tyler instantly. But you couldn’t help it. It was stunning and it was just yet another thing that Tyler lacked that his father made up for.
“Look at you. Didn’t even need to tell you what to do,” he ran a hand over the back of your head, petting you like you were a well-behaved puppy.
You looked up at him with rounded eyes and parted lips. You couldn’t wait to get him in your mouth.
Harry smiled proudly down at you as he gripped his shaft and slowly stroked himself in front of your face. He watched your eyes dart from his cock to his face as you waited for him to tell you what to do next.
“Who’s cock do you wanna suck, honey?” His deep voice penetrated your skin and you were simply vibrating from everything he did and said.
“Your cock, Daddy.” You kept your eyes connected to his as you answered him. Your mouth was already pooling with saliva at the anticipation of tasting him. Of feeling him in your mouth.
His knuckles ghosted down your cheekbone with his free hand as he continued pumping his cock with his other. His tip dangerously close to your lips.
You wiggled in your spot and swallowed as you blinked up at him and he watched you wait patiently for him to start. Because he was in charge. And you knew he was.
“Go on then. Take a little sip,” he smeared the bit of precome on his tip over your lips and you nearly fainted as you grasped around his hand over his cock and closed your eyes, parting your mouth. You stuck out your tongue, cupping the underside of his head before you wrapped your lips around his tip and it was heaven. To have your mouth and tongue on him. Knowing he was going to give you another experience you’d always longed for.
You suckled and curved your tongue under him, feeling his smooth skin in your mouth as you looked up at him before attempting to go deeper.
He was glorious standing above you with his eyes on your face as you sucked him. His abs and the dark tattoos, muscled pecs, broad shoulders… All you wanted to do was choke on him. Give him the best head he’d ever gotten, feel him pushing down your throat, and hear him groaning.
He moved his hand away from his cock as you began to use your palm as an extension of your mouth, warming yourself up to take him deeper.
“You gonna slide down further, honey? Want to know what it feels like?” He softly placed his hand at the back of your head as you bobbed over him, your saliva coating him as you spread it with your hand over his shaft.
Bringing your lips back to his tip you swirled your tongue around his frenulum and pulled back, continuing to pump him with your hand in long strokes, “I want to make you feel good. I’ve never done it like this before. I’m worried about my teeth hurting you…”
He grinned down at you and rubbed your head, “That’s a good sign that you don’t want to hurt me,” he chuckled. “We’ll take it slow. Get some practice. See how deep you can handle it, okay?”
You nodded and puckered your lips to kiss his cockhead and then pressed devoted kisses down his shaft and back up to his crown before wrapping your lips back around him and cradling the bottom of his cock with your tongue as you slid down further and back to his tip.
His gravelly sigh egged you on. It sounded like he was enjoying what you were doing and that was exactly what you wanted.
Parts 1 & 2 already on Patreon! (to be posted on tumblr at a later date)
tags: @michellekstyles @yousunshineyoutempter @tenaciousperfectionunknown @golden-hoax @swiftmendeshoran @luvonstyles @tiaamberxx @lukesaprince @closureesny @justlemmeadoreyou @itsgigikay @angelbabyyy99 @lanadelharry @novasblogofstuff @gills-lounge @damnasstyles @malwtilda @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @0oolookitsme @babybunharry @anothermannharry @love-letters-to-uranus @itjustkindahappenedreally @kelly-fushiguro345 @ssaama @onlyangellucifer @harryistheonlyoneforme @butdaddyilovehim-hs @reveriehs @lc-fics @mema10 @carmenxharry @hannahdressedasabanana @babegoalsreads @icumforbaldrry @harrrrystylesslut @straightontilmornin @elidoho @bananabk9756 @gotdrxnkonu
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