#( whips chocolate at your face like it's a softball )
erabundus · 2 years
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he may be contractually obligated to give you sweets, but there's NOTHING in the fine print saying he can't throw it at your face as hard as he can!
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spider-jaysart · 2 years
Colin, Maya, Damian, Jon and Kathy take on an ice cream earring challenge; Eight Softball sized scoops of their preferred flavors and eight toppings.
Whoever finishes first will be declared the winner
And with your headcanon Jon is wearing his red solar watch for this
And Kon is the judge for this sweet tooth competition and Tim is just recording it all on his phone
Kathy's not really an ice cream eater, so she gets tired of the taste real quick and begins to feel full as well after eating two scoops and puts her spoon down
Colin gets a really big brain freeze after eating 3 scoops too fast and has to let it go away for a while
Damian isn't really the type of person who eats a lot of sweets, he's always on the healthy side when eating stuff. So he gets a stomach ache while in the middle of almost finishing it and it's a very painful stomach ache, so he had to stop eating his ice cream. So Tim had to call Dick to come get him, so Damian had to try and cope with it until the competition was over while also waiting for Dick to come get him
Maya loves ice cream, so does Jon, like big time ( no joke (°¬°;) )
And since Jon is wearing his red solar watch, he can't go faster then Maya, so they're both eating their ice cream in the same speeding pace
As soon as they get closer and closer to the end of the bowl ...
Krypto jumps over the table, tackling Jon to the floor while also knocking down both paper bowls with the little bit of ice cream left in them onto the floor as well
Jon just laughs about the whole thing while Krypto just licks his face
Maya is just upset about the whole thing, since she was so close to winning
Tim and Kon are shocked about what just happened while Colin and Damian are just suffering, Damian with his stomach ache and Colin with his big brain freeze
And Kathy just goes over to pet Krypto while giggling
"Oops! Sorry about that! heh heh!"
Tim, Kon and the rest of the group see who it is that is speaking
Kara: It was your turn to watch Krypto this week Kon, sorry about that! (she giggled a little more while speaking)
Kon: Kara! We were in the middle of a very important competition!
Maya: Yeah! And I was almost going to win too!
Jon and Kathy just continued to play with Krypto while Iaughing
Kara: I said I was sorry ( she laughed some more)
Kon: Thanks a lot for ruining it (he said with an annoyed look while Tim turned off his phone from recording)
Maya: Yeah
Kara: Hey, I can replace it for you guys, I was just thinking of getting some for myself from the shop (she said with a cheerful smile on her face)
Jon and Maya lit up
Jon and Maya: Yes! (They both yelled excitedly)
Damian: No! No more! (He said in pain while holding his stomach with both arms)
Colin: I'm still recovering from my brain freeze (he said while rubbing his head)
Kathy: Eh! I don't really feel like eating anymore. I'm kinda full already
Kon: I could go for some ice cream
Tim: Me too
Kara: Then come on! (She said smiling while waving for them to come along)
Dick came before they left and took Damian home. Damian was pretty upset that he didn't get to win and the fact that stupid stomach ache pain just had to get in the way of him finishing all of his ice cream
Colin soon got over his brain freeze
Kara, Kon, Jon, Tim, and Maya along with Krypto got to enjoy their ice cream together at the ice cream shop
They would just have to redo the competition next time
The flavors they were eating:
Damian was eating cinnamon ice cream, he didn't want any toppings
Jon was eating eight multiple flavors of ice cream in his bowl. Mint, strawberry, orange, chocolate, lemon, chocolate chip, oreo and vanilla ice cream with caramel and chocolate fudge syrup. And for the toppings colored sprinkles, gummies, jelly beans, gummy worms, cinnamon, peppermint pieces and banana pieces with a cherry on top with whip cream. He loves all ice cream flavors and toppings
Kathy was eating strawberry ice cream with red sprinkles, Swedish fish, chocolate chips and marshmallows with whip cream
Maya was eating peanut butter ice cream with jelly beans, strawberrys, Hershey chocolate, chocolate sprinkles, gummy bears, gummy worms and Oreo cookie pieces with whip cream on top
Colin was eating chocolate ice cream with M&M's and jelly beans, along with a cherry on top, that's all he wanted
At the ice cream shop:
Tim ate lemon ice cream with whip cream
Kon ate mint ice cream with whip cream and gummy worms
Kara ate cherry ice cream with whip cream and a cherry on top (she loves cherry)
Thanks for the ask buddy!😃
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itsadamcole · 4 years
handsome stranger
fem!reader x drew mcintyre
Drew has just moved next door to the reader and noticed her sitting in the window alone on Christmas Eve watching the snow fall ... "hi, i couldn't help but notice you were alone."
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word count: 3.8k+
warnings: soft smut, some fluff, cute moments, idrk what else
— day fourrr. i’m doing good and trying my best here to get one christmas / holiday / winter themed imagine up everyday. feel free to send in any requests if you want one written —
masterlist || request an imagine here
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
You sit on the little window sill in your living room, holding a mug of hot chocolate in your hand. You watch as the snow falls from the sky.
Snow is so beautiful. Especially the fluffy white kind. It makes everything shimmer and sparkle, and it's the only thing that makes the holiday season bearable.
Your knees are pulled up to your chest and your arms are wrapped around your knees. You're wearing your comfortable Christmas pajamas, considering it is Christmas Eve.
Christmas music plays in the background as you remember the times you spent dancing with your fiancée in the living room, lit only by the fireplace. Now, you sit alone, with the only light coming from the fireplace.
It's been three years since he left, but it hurts knowing that you spent seven Christmases and seven New Years with him just for him to leave you for someone he met at the gym.
You watch as a silhouette walks alone in the snow on the sidewalk outside of your house. The silhouette stops at the stairs leading up to your house.
The silhouette walks up the stairs and as it gets closer, you realize that it's about six foot five with jeans, sneakers, and a hoodie. You get up when the doorbell to your house rings.
After setting the mug of hot chocolate down on the coffee table, you walk to the front door. You open it, revealing a very handsome stranger. He says, "Hi, I couldn't help but notice ya were alone."
He has an accent but you can't put a finger on where it could be from. You lean against the door as you try to figure out what kind of accent he has and say, "It's not unusual."
"No one should be alone on Christmas," the handsome stranger says.
You blink and say, "You're alone on Christmas. Well, you were walking alone, anyway."
He laughs a little bit and says, "That I was. I like the snow. It's peaceful and reminds me a lot about Scotland."
That accent did sound a lot like a Scottish accent but you weren't sure. It has an American twist to it though.
"Scotland," you echo. "You're a little far from home."
The handsome stranger nods and says, "I am. I just moved in, right over there." He points to the house right next to yours. "I can't afford to fly back home this year because I just bought the house so I am also alone this Christmas."
You look back at your empty house and say, "I just made hot chocolate if you'd like to come in. Maybe we don't actually have to be alone this Christmas. It'd be a nice change actually." You move to the side.
He flashes you a kind smile and walks into the house. You close the door, rubbing your arms to warm them up. You walk back into the kitchen, pouring a mug of hot chocolate for your guest. "Would you like marshmallows or whipped cream?" you ask.
"Whipped cream sounds nice," he says. "Thank ya." You nod and put some whipped cream on top of the hot chocolate in the mug. You offer him the mug and he takes a sip.
The hot chocolate is more lukewarm than hot so he won't burn his tongue.
After he sips the hot chocolate, he has whipped cream in his mustache and on his nose. You giggle a bit and say, "Um, you have whipped cream on your nose."
"Oh," he says. "Do I?"
You smile and say, "Here. Let me get it." You grab a clean cloth off the counter and wipe away the whipped cream. "There. It's gone now."
The handsome stranger smiles down at you and says, "Thank ya."
You put the cloth down and give him a little nod before leaving the kitchen and walking into the living room to grab your mug. The nameless but handsome stranger follows you.
"I never caught your name," you point out as you turn to face him.
He laughs softly before saying, "I never threw it, but it's Drew. Drew McIntyre."
You smile and say, "Y/N L/N. How long have you lived here? I can tell you have an American accent mixed with the Scottish accent."
Drew sips his hot chocolate and says, "I've lived here off and on since the better part of thirteen years or so, since 2007."
You've sat down on the couch by this point. Drew joins you as you ask, "What do you do that keeps you in America?"
Hesitantly, he says, "I'm a professional wrestler for WWE. I'm actually WWE Champion right now."
"WWE," you echo. "My brother has always wanted to wrestle for WWE and has gone to every tryout but never got signed. He's in Ring of Honor and PWG right now. I've never been into wrestling. I'm more of a softball person. I played in college."
Drew says, "Maybe I get help get yer brother through the door in WWE. I might be able to get him signed to at least NXT but he's gotta prove himself."
You smile and say, "You'd do that for him?"
The handsome stranger nods as he takes another sip of his drink. "Yeah," he says. "I'd like to see him wrestle though so I know that he can actually wrestle."
"He'd love that," you say. "Thank you. I'll call him tomorrow."
Drew nods and says, "Of course."
You smile and take another sip of your hot chocolate.
It's quiet for a few moments before Drew asks, "What do ya do? Like work-wise."
"I'm a fashion designer," you say. "For Gucci. It's a job that I love and it's kept me sane in the past few years. I'd like to open my own shop one day."
He takes a sip of his hot chocolate and says, "That sounds like a lot of fun. Ya must have a very creative mind in that pretty head of yers."
Your face heats up a bit and you say, "Yeah, you can say that." You let out a light laugh. "I try to be creative, anyway."
Drew looks at you for a second before an idea pops into his head and he asks, "Would ya like to design some new ring fer me? I've been needing some new gear and have never really found anyone that I'd trust enough to design some new gear."
You raise your eyebrows at the Scot and say, "You just met me and have already offered to help my brother get into WWE and now you're asking me to help design new ring gear for you? I don't know you well enough to design gear for you."
The handsome stranger says, "It's just an offer. Ya don't have to take it."
"I'd love to but I'd like to get to know you a little bit more before I design anything," you say.
He smiles and says, "I can agree with that. We have all night."
You smile and echo, "All night."
Honestly, you don't mind spending all night with Drew. All night with Drew is better than being alone. Especially on Christmas.
The two of you sip hot chocolate for hours. He explains his journey to the WWE, getting fired then working his way back to WWE, becoming NXT Champion and eventually WWE Champion. It's a long journey but his hard work paid off in the end.
You explain how you got into designing and everything. You always were into fashion and clothes. You majored in fashion design in college while minoring in business and accounting. You omit the part about having a fiancée and him leaving you three years ago.
Drew listens to every word you say and you answer every question he has. You do the same to him, and he answers every question you have for him.
After about two hours of sitting and talking, Drew asks the question you've been dreading.
"What made ya end up alone on Christmas? Don't ya have family?" he asks.
You sigh and say, "I lost both my parents when I was in college in an accident. I have no aunts or uncles or cousins. I have my brother but he's married with kids. I had a fiancée but he left three years ago so I've kind of just been alone on Christmas since."
He waits until you're done talking to say anything.
Once you've said all that you want to, Drew says, "Ya have just been through the wringer, haven't ya?"
You scoff a bit and say, "Through the wringer is an understatement."
Drew asks, "What can I do to help? I can't imagine how ya feel with it being Christmas and ya sitting here alone in this house."
You stare at Drew and say, "You want to help me?"
The handsome stranger nods and says, "Name it and I'll make it happen."
You think for a moment before you say, "Show me some of your matches. I want to see you wrestle. Distract me."
He smiles and pulls up one of his matches on his phone. You move closer to him so you can see easier. It's from Wrestlemania 36. Night two.
"This was when I won my title for the first time," he explains as both his and his opponent's entrances are made. "It's my favorite and the most important match of my career."
You watch as he wins the match and the title in about five minutes. You're a little distracted by the fact that he's wearing practically nothing.
Drew looks at you occasionally as you watch to see your eyes fixated on him on the screen, almost watching in awe. He smiles a bit.
Once the Wrestlemania match is over, he puts on the Royal Rumble match. You ask, "What's this match?"
"It's the match I had to win to face the WWE Champion at the time at Wrestlemania," he explains as it starts. "If I won, which I did, then I can challenge whichever champion I'd like. I chose Brock Lesnar and the WWE Championship."
You watch the long match. When Drew enters, you find yourself biting your lip. You can't help it. He's attractive when he's in the ring. He's attractive just sitting in a hoodie and jeans beside you.
Around entry number 25, you look up at Drew. He's looking down at you.
"You should show me some of these moves one day," you say quietly. His face is close to yours because of how close you are sitting to him.
He smiles a bit and asks, "Which ones?"
You meet his eyes and say, "The ones where you'd pin me to something." Drew's tongue swipes across his bottom lip.
Your heart rate has picked up as you get closer and closer to kissing the handsome stranger.
Drew's voice drops a tone and says, "Now, now, Miss L/N. We've only just met."
He just got a thousand times more attractive by doing that with his voice. Not to mention he's the most selfless human you've ever met. He's obviously very kind. He saw you were alone and offered to spend all night with you.
All this has happened in a span of three or four hours.
You tilt your head up and say, "I said to distract me." You bite your bottom lip gently.
"That's very true," he says, putting his phone down. The eye contact continues.
Drew licks his bottom lip again as the tension continues to build between the two of you. Your heart continues to race in your chest.
You have no idea what's about to happen but it's been three years since you've been this close to anyone. You won't mind whatever comes next.
Your voice has almost dropped to a whisper. "So," you say. "How about showing me some of these moves?"
Drew gives a little smirk before, in one swift movement, he gets you on your back. He's straddling your waist and pinning your wrists to the couch. You stare at him with wide eyes.
"Woah," you gasp.
He laughs a bit and says, "Ya did ask me to show ya some of the moves where I pin ya."
You say, "Mhm. I did ask you to do that."
Drew smiles and gets off of you. You sit up and face him.
An idea pops into your head and you literally pounce on Drew, pinning him on his back on the couch. You know he could very easily flip you over so you try to put all your weight onto him. All 130 pounds of you.
"Hm," he says. "Not too bad."
You giggle and say, "My brother did practice on me a little bit. Just a little bit."
He smiles and says, "I know a move that he definitely didn't practice on ya."
You raise your eyebrows and ask, "What would that be?"
Drew leans up and kisses you. You gasp a little bit before kissing him back.
As you share the kiss with Drew, he rolls so he's pinning you to the couch again. You stare up at him, pouting. "That's not fair," you whine. "I was distracted."
He laughs and says, "Ya told me to distract ya."
You pout some more as Drew looks down at you. "You can't just kiss someone then pin them to the couch," you say.
The kiss was something you haven't experienced since your fiancée left. Yes, you've kissed people since your fiancée said goodbye but none of those kisses felt like the kiss you just shared with Drew.
Speaking of Drew, he sits up and pulls you up with him. You throw your legs across his lap and look at him.
"Can I kiss ya again?" he asks. "So I can make it up to ya?"
You say, "You don't have to ask to kiss me, Drew."
Drew's lips come down to yours. The kiss is as soft and as slow as it was before. Hesitantly, you put your hands on his face, cupping his cheek.
That's when you feel the soft ache in your core from Drew pinning you to the couch. It was so hot. You could barely contain yourself when he pinned you not once but twice to the couch.
One of Drew's hands rests on your thigh extremely close to your core. You take his hand and pull back from the kiss. You both look at his hand in yours before you move his hand so it's resting on your core.
Hopefully, the handsome stranger can't feel how wet you are for him over your pajama pants.
"What do ya want, Y/N?" he asks softly, his accent thick. "Tell me what ya want."
You meet his eyes and say, "I want you to kiss me, touch me. I want you."
That's all Drew needs to hear before he pulls you onto his lap. You straddle his thighs and your lips are on his. You gently grind against him, a soft groan escaping his lips into your mouth.
Your hands snake up the front of Drew's hoodie. You find he's wearing just the hoodie on his upper body. You can feel his toned stomach and hairy chest. You run your fingers down his chest before you decide to pull off his hoodie.
Drew helps you pull off the piece of clothing. As soon as it's off, you press kisses to his neck and chest. His fingers run through your hair.
His fingers have found their way up the back of your shirt, pushing the fabric up. Nervously, you pull off your pajama shirt, fully exposing your upper body to Drew.
You watch as his tongue swipes across his bottom lip as he eyes your naked upper body.
This is very nerve-wracking. You haven't been with anyone since your fiancé left. This is the first time you've even been half-naked around anyone else.
Drew sees your hands begin to shake and he takes them in his. "We don't have to do anything, Y/N," he says, meeting your eyes.
"No I want to," you say, sighing. "It's just, I haven't been with anyone like this in years. It's making me nervous."
He smiles at you and says, "Ya don't have to be nervous, Y/N. I don't bite unless ya ask of course."
Smiling, you say, "I might just take you up on that." Your nerves begin to wash away as Drew leans up, kissing you passionately. His hands are on your bare lower back, pushing you into him and holding you there.
"Drew," you mumble. "Let's not make a mess on my cushions."
He pulls back and asks, "Take this upstairs?"
You nod. He picks you up as he stands up. You giggle and wraps your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. You leave soft kisses on his chest as he carries you upstairs.
Drew asks, "Which room?"
You look behind you and say, "The door at the end of the hallway. That's my room."
He walks quickly to your room before he walks in, quickly but carefully dropping you on the bed. You sit up and start to undo his belt and the button on his jeans before you pull the jeans down.
Drew is straining against his boxer shorts. You look up at him with your eyes before you trace his erect member over the thin piece of fabric.
You hook your fingers in the waistband of his boxers before slowly pulling the fabric down. You watch as his member pops out of the boxers, slapping up against his stomach. Your eyes widen as you wonder how you're going to take all of Drew.
Drew runs his fingers through your hair as he stands in front of you. You glance up at him before you take him in your hand. You lick his tip before starting to take him in your mouth.
Slowly, you bob your head up and down, going a little deeper every time you go down. Your hands are on his thighs and groans escape his lips as you start to suck.
His fingers run through your hair as he begins to thrust into your mouth slowly. You groan softly as he hits the back of your throat. Your nails dig into the skin on his thighs as you move your head.
After a few minutes of this, Drew pulls himself out of your mouth. He leans down and presses a kiss to your saliva covered lips. It was a messy job that made saliva drip down your chin and cover your lips.
He pushes you onto your back and gets on his knees at the foot of your bed. Drew hooks his fingers into the waistband of your pajama pants and panties before he pulls them off of you. You throw your legs over his shoulders as he kisses your thighs, moving closer and closer to your soaked folds.
You hold onto the blankets on your bed as Drew kisses your wet core. You sigh softly and arch your back off the bed.
Drew's tongue runs through your folds before he slips a finger into you. You moan softly as he pumps his finger in and out of you. He sucks on your clit and you moan louder, your hands finding their way into his long hair. You grip lightly as Drew adds a second finger.
"Drew," you moan. "Please."
He looks up at you with his eyes and asks, "Please what?"
You look down at him and say, "I need something other than your fingers. Please."
You pull lightly at his hair, wanting him on top of you. He smirks before taking his fingers out of you, making you whine slightly as you watch him step out of his jeans.
"Um," he says. "Protection."
Right. Protection. "Top drawer in the table next to the bed," you say. He nods and walks over to your bedside table. You move backward and sit up. Drew pulls a tiny shiny blue package out of the drawer, opening it up and sliding the contents on his member.
Drew crawls over to you and kisses you. You can taste yourself on his lips as he moves, laying on top of you between your legs. He positions himself outside of you and pulls back from the kiss.
He looks down at you and asks, "Do ya really want this?"
Nodding, you say, "I do. I really want this. I really want you."
After leaning down and kissing you again, he slowly slides himself into you. You moan into the kiss as he slides himself deeper into you.
Drew puts his hands on either side of your head and props himself up with his arms, breaking away from the kiss. You stare up at the Scotsman as he starts to thrust into you. You gasp and moan, gripping onto his arms and digging your nails into the skin on his arm.
His thrusts get faster and deeper into you. Your moans get louder and your back arches off the bed.
It's when he starts to slam into your g-spot you start to scream his name. Your hips chase his and your moans are loud.
"Drew!" you moan. "Don't stop, oh God. Please don't stop. Please."
You feel him start to get faster as your legs start to shake, being pulled closer and closer to your orgasm. You make a little 'O' with your mouth and Drew kisses your neck, marking it up a little bit.
Drew grunts and groans on top of you as his thrusts get harder. He continues slamming into your g-spot, making you moan louder than you have before. "God, Drew," you almost scream. "I'm close."
He mumbles against the skin on your neck, saying, "Come with me, Y/N. In three, two." Both of you release before he gets to one. You both moan out profanities and you moan Drew's name.
You lay on your back and catch your breath. That was amazing. You had no idea that Drew could do that.
A layer of sweat has formed on both of you as Drew rolls off of you, pulling off the condom and tying it off before throwing it away. You crawl under the blankets and Drew joins you.
"I never want to be alone on Christmas ever again after that," you sigh out, finally catching your breath.
Drew looks over at you and says, "Ya don't have to be. Next year, come over to my place and we can make a mess on my bed instead of you."
You giggle and press a soft kiss to Drew's lips, cuddling up to him and soon falling asleep in his arms.
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eerythingisshaka · 6 years
Going Up?
[Trevante Rhodes x Black!PlusSize Reader]
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Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings:  Smut of some kind
A/N:  I FINALLY have a bday fic present for @nickidub718!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Happy Birthday to you, I hope you had a good one and see a many more!  You’ve been a great internet fam member to me, supportive, engaging and I couldn’t rest until this fic was finished (sis, this was a challenge lol I ain’t written smut in so long).  This is my first Trevante fic, so hopefully it suffices!
The elevator dings after what felt like an eternity of waiting after you pressed the call button.  You stand by the gold gilded doors, patiently standing by until finally opened.  You do an internal fist pump at the sight of an empty car, strolling in quickly and punching your floor number and the close door button to make a clean getaway.
“Wait, hold up!”  A deep voice calls.  A hand comes between the closing doors, followed by a strong arm pushing them back forcefully.  You jump at the action breaking your peace, watching as a man exhales in relief, walking on to the elevator with a smile that would make a turkey on Thanksgiving feel at ease about their life.  
“Hey, sorry about that.  I’d hate to wait for a new one.”  The man stands across the way from you as you look ahead, giving a tight smile.  As much as you were looking forward to a ride up alone, you see out of your peripheral his wide shoulders under his dark colored jacket, beautiful dark skin tone, 6 ft at least with a voice that can make a maniac sane.
“If you don’t mind me asking, you live here?”  He asks bluntly.  You look at him in confusion.
“Um...yeah, it’s a hotel.”  You say.
He scratches the back of his head.  “Yeah I know, I just wondered were you visiting or staying.”
You watch the numbers light up as the elevator travels.
“What’s your name?”  He asks.
You scoff.  “ I honestly think you're doing a lot right now asking all these questions.”
He shakes his head.  “No...no I’m not.  It’s just….a beautiful woman like you, going home alone….must have a name.”
His smile does you in this time, making you smile back but you look away.  “Yeah, well, I wouldn’t if it weren’t for me getting stood up.  I don’t know what’s gotten into him, but work comes first….it always does.”
He clicks his thick tongue at you.  “That ain’t right.  If you were mine, I would leave work early just to see you.”  His voice drags the sentence out deep and slow.
He makes a face of disbelief.  “Hell yeah!  Dinner ready, table set, bath ran, the works!”
You shuffle anxiously, feeling yourself get warm from all of this complimentary conversation from a stranger.  “Well,  I appreciate that.  I’m sure a guy like you has his pick of the litter when it comes to women.”
He cocks his head to the side, closing the space between you ever so carefully.  “I don’t pick them, they pick me.  And I’m hoping you do tonight.”
You look up at him, studying his eyes as he becomes just inches away from your face, his soft cucumber scented cologne wafting.  You can tell in his face he was a cutie as a kid and for some reason that makes you feel safe next to him.  You can tell he is a problem, but in this moment, you really don’t care.  As long as he wasn't starting an issue with you, why not walk on the wild side for once.
“What’s your name?  You ask.
“I asked first.”  He retorts.  You give your name, and he gives his: Trevante.
“What floor are you on?” You ask.
He shrugs, eyes beginning to wander your body.  “Whatever floor you’re on.”
You decided in that moment to take a chance on him.  Your night was not going to be ruined by some asshole who wanted to neglect you on your night of much needed romance.  If another man as fine as this one comes along to volunteer to give you what you needed, who were you to look a gift horse in the dick.  
The elevator finally makes it to your floor and you both step off to walk down the hall.  Your room isn’t far as you take your keycard out to open the door.  It appears your man had intentions on making an effort, but abandoned it halfway through.  The plush carpet now has the pattern of scattered rose petals leading to the comforter of your bed.  You stare in awe of the candles on you bedside dresser and table waiting to be lit, 90s R&B playlist musing your soul as you clutch your pearls.
Trevante looks around making a low whistle with his lips.  “You really know how to wine and dine a nigga.”
You scoff at him.  “This isn’t me, this is FOR me.”  A card rests on a pillow with your name on it, handwritten by someone else obviously because your man had no good writing capabilities.  
“Read it out loud for me.”  Tre asks, coming up behind you.
You roll your eyes,, tearing open the envelope to read the note.
“‘In this place you’ll find great jewels, but these rubies were once a fools.’  Oh my God, this dude was sending me on a scavenger hunt.
Trevante looks at the note front and back.  “Huh.  Seems kinda lame but it might be fun.”   He hops on the bed, causing the rose petals to jump, stretching out like an alley cat.  “Let’s see what he got for you.”
You roll your eyes, kicking off your heels and taking off your jacket.  “Fine!  It better get tougher because this one is real elementary.”  You say as you walk over to your beveled glass jewelry box, lifting the handle to find a box of large, juicy strawberries from the farmer’s market.
“Oooh, these look delicious!  Mm, can’t wait to wrap my mouth around these…”  You moan in delight as you pick one up to enjoy.
“Aye!  Let’s make a bet?”  Trevante says as he flicks a lighter on, kneeling on the bed as he works on the bedside candles.  “Find these clues he giving you before I finish lighting these candles, and you can set the rhythm for what we do tonight.  But if I win, I do.”
You look back at Trevante, who has taken off his jacket and shoes, getting real comfortable, but agree because what else was there to do?  You pick the strawberries out the box to find a familiar looking card along the bottom of the box.  Opening it up, you read the next riddle.
“‘The city lights look so bright, good enough for an evening delight’....Ok, question.”
“Answer.”  Trevante retorts, lighting the last candle on the table and walking over to the ones on your dresser.
“You think all the riddles related to things in this room?  Cuz I’m not trying to look like a fool looking for shit on the street.”
Trevante guffaws, throwing his head back as he sets a candle down gracefully.  “It wouldn’t make sense to set all this shit up here and make you leave.  Use your head, you on the clock.”
You nod, looking at the note again.  “Ok, then I’ll check this window and see…”  Your windows were closed with heavy bamboo blinds, rolling one up you find a bottle of chocolate syrup and a can of whipped cream.
Picking them up, you turn to him, making a confused face but laughing all the same.  “I hope you not lactose, because I will definitely make a split outta you in a minute.”
Trevante had two candles left on the dresser.  “You soundin a little nervous over there, tryna tell jokes and shit.  You got one more clue before I win my night with you.”  He wiggles his eyebrows at you tauntingly.  
You roll your eyes, peeling a card off the back of the syrup bottle.  “It’s fine, I’m not a sore loser.”
“Yeah, you bout to be though.”  He mutters.
“‘Treats aren’t sweet until they are in the right wrapper.  Open this door to find yours.’  Ok, I don’t think they’re making this big of a deal for a condom, so let’s see...Should I go ahead and check my closet?”
Trevante is holding the last candle in his hand, unlit and tossing it up in the air like a softball repeatedly.  “Couldn’t hurt to check.”
You put the cream and syrup down, making a beeline for your closet, pulling back the doors to find a black box with a red ribbon wrapped around it.  Your mouth fell open as your fingers traced the embedded Savage x Fenty label on the top.  
“You got two minutes to put that on before I order you forfeit.”  Trevante’s voice carries across the room as a warning.
“This isn’t a very fair game, I gotta say.”  You whine, picking up the box to head to the bathroom.
“Where you goin?”  Trevante questions your path with a quickness.
You freeze in place.  “I’m goin to change…”
Trevante shakes his head slow.  “Uh uh, I want you to change out here.  Make sure things are fitting right.”  He sits on the edge of the bed, wide legged to study your every move.
You balk at him.  “I don’t know you and you’re just being really extra right now, but I fucks with it so lemme shut up.”
You see Trevante’s white teeth like the Cheshire cat in the shadows as you untie the knot and open the box.  You’ve been eyeing some new shit from Rihanna’s line for a minute but didn’t have the courage to bite the bullet for fear of disappointing quality or sizing problems.  Past the wrapping paper, you find a royal purple bra and panty matching set.  Both have a satin applique embroidery across the material that made the sexy set so cute.
“Aww, look!  This is one of the ones I wanted to try!”  You exclaim, tossing the items on the bed to proceed to snatch your shirt and skirt off without shame.
You hear the flick of his lighter as he ignites the last candle.  “Yeah, you got good taste.  That color gonna look bomb on you too.”
You turn away from him as you take off your tired bra to replace it with the new Fenty certified one.  You felt your girls lift with pride as you clasp the hooks behind you and adjust the straps.  A little recalibrating of your titties and BAM!  You were ready to work work work!  Next you drop your draws kick them off to the side and pull up the matching new pair.  These also have an adorable peekaboo lace up right above your booty that you quickly admire as you run to the mirror to turn and look at.  
The panties have little charms on either side, no bigger than your pinky nail:  a dice block, heart, x and o’s, and a cherry.  You couldn’t help drinking in your reflection in the mirror, sliding your hands across the material holding up your breasts, running your fingers down your cleavage over your belly to the top of your waistband.  The material leaves little to the imagination due to it being sheer as well as tightly fitted around your waist and thighs.
You barely notice Trevante walking up behind you in the reflection, feeling yourself get shy again as he breaks your trance in your own world.
“How you like em?”  He asks, licking his lips as he stands just inches behind you, lightly twirling a charm between his fingers against your hip.
You nod biting your lips.  “It’s perfect, so damn sexy and cute, just my speed.”
Trevante breathes in deeply as he wraps his arms around you, putting a steady squeeze on your frame as he chin rests against your shoulder.  “I don’t think we hit your speed yet.”
“No?”  You ask quietly, resting your hands on top of his.
He shakes his head, spreading his hands wide across your stomach, appreciating the softness of your lingerie and body under his grasp, squeezing your hips roughly, you feel his presence against you even more.
“I like this on you, for sure.  But I think you could use a few extra...toppings to set you off.”  He looks at you in the reflection mischievously.
Your eyes squint as the gears start to turn in your head.  “And that means…”
Trevante pecks your cheek lightly as he points to the table with your scavenger items lined up:  whipped cream, strawberries, and chocolate syrup.
You laugh out loud, bumping your butt against him to push him off you.  “I’m not trying to be a sundae for you,  I just wanna fuck.”
Trevante’s mouth hangs open in a wide as he struts slowly across the floor to pick up the items.  “You see the room right?  Lit up, aromatic, turned down just so that we can turn up, yeah?”
You nod in agreeance.
“But, the bet at the beginning was that if I beat you at putting on the final touches, i.e. the candle lighting, then I get to use this on you as I so choose.  You remember that?”
His tone is cocky, conniving, yet so charismatic as he convinces you of the deal you agreed to.
You cross your arms defensively.  “I ain’t into food fights man, this just seems extra complicated and boring to me.”
Trevante shakes his head, smiling all the same.  “You don’t know me well enough.  I’ll make it interesting, I promise.  Just sit back on the bed there.”
You scoff at him walking in the direction hesitantly.  “If you get one drop of that chocolate on these good sheets, I swear.”
“You better be glad you look good walking away, or I wouldn’t make this as fun for you no more.”  Trevante says,  putting the goods on his side of the bed, untucking his shirt, opening each button one by one.
“I don’t want fun, I want the business.”  You mutter, laying back with a plop on the pillows.
Trevante shrugs his shoulders as he reaches to untie his tie.  “Put your hands up.”
You look at the tie in his hands and back at his face, shaking your head.  Trevante tuts at you, gripping your forearms firmly as he swings his leg over you to straddle.  He brings lowers himself over you, eyes moving slowly over your face, studying you.  
“You said you wouldn’t be a sore loser.  Now you know I won’t hurt you, so quit acting silly and relax for once.”
You mull over his words.  “You know you haven’t kissed me since I got here.”
Tre’s lips curl back at your words before landing softly on top of yours.  This is just enough to get you started as you parted your lips quickly to let your tongue loose across his lips.  You wanted him badly in between you but his straddling you made that impossible.  You allowed him to move your arms back as your tongues teased one another, he moans into your mouth while sucking down hard on your bottom lip, intoxicating your senses before you realized his hands worked the scarf around your wrists and the headboard.  
His hands run down the soft parts of your arm, reaching just above your armpit you begin to squirm.
“Tre!  Stop!  You not supposed to be tickling me, DAMN!”  You giggle between protests.  
Trevante laughs triumphantly as he reaches for the hem of his tank top to stretch it over his body, tossing it across the room safely away from the flames.  Your breath catches in your chest as you view his body.  He was not playing fair keeping you strapped down from feeling his beady curls decorating his proud chest, and not allowing your palms to caress the defined mountains and canyons that made up his abdominals.  If chocolate cake turned into a man with the snap of your fingers, Trevante would appear.  He looked just as succulent, rich, and left you licking your fingers wanting more.
“Ok, what now?”  You ask breathlessly.  Trevante gets up to walk casually to the end of the bed, grabbing the whipped cream.
“Open your them legs for me.”  He commands you, shaking the can as he growth in his pants.  You do so eagerly, feeling slight relief in letting your pussy breathe from the building pressure on her.  He walks on his knees toward you, laying prone between your thighs, aiming the can at your inner right thigh.  The air pressure sound of the can makes you jump a little as the white cream fluffs across the darker skin if your inner thigh, contrasting well for Trevante’s view.
He sets the can down, unfurling his wide tongue, spreading it across you skin to lap up the sweet indulgence between your legs.  Your leg jumps at the sensation making your core throb as you bite your lip at the sight, you laugh nervously.
“Do it taste good to you?”  You ask meekly.
Trevante nods.  “Of course you sweet to me.  You wanna try it?”  
You nod, opening your mouth as he grabs the can.  He tips the can to his mouth, filling it with cream before meandering his way up your body.  You try to hold back your laughter as you toys with your mouth, nudging it with his nose and lips to feed you the cream.  
“You are ridiculous!”  You exclaim but eventually opening your to his, he uses his tongue to give you a taste, letting you suck the sweetness from his mouth.  The action becomes more natural as his hips instinctually rock against your heat, stiffening against you.  You get excited from his quiet ‘shit’ you hear him say as he breaks away from your mouth.
He shakes his head to clear his mind, blinking a few times as he straightens up to grab the syrup.  “Ok, punishment almost done.”
You stick your bottom lip out.  “Darn!”
His muscles flex as he breaks the seal of the bottle, popping the top.  “Where should I put this?”
“Do I get a say in that?”  You ask.
He smirks shaking his head.  “It was rhetorical.”  His wide hand lays flat against your throat, not applying pressure but caressing the sensitivity of your windpipe and what could be.  His chest rises and falls while his eyelids grow heavy.  His hand travels down your neck to massage your titty, thumbing across the peak of one of your nipples, your back caves toward him begging for his touch to deepen.  
He tips the bottle bottle over your midsection, making a circle around your belly button.  He bends down to bring his tongue across you, enjoying dessert on your belly.  His tongue linger over one area of your stomach.
“I like this scar here.”  He says softly, tracing the bolt of stretch marks across your belly like a treasure map.  
You grow anxious from this intimacy.  Noticing details about your body, worshiping the ‘imperfections’ made you feel more beautiful than he could ever understand.  
“I earned them.  This thickness doesn’t come cheap.”  You quip.
Trevante looks up at you with a look of desire you barely had time to decipher.  
“I’m glad you’re giving me a chance to enjoy it.  It’s so damn sexy.”  His tone drops an octave causing you to writhe under him.
“How sexy am I to you?”
His eyes lock on your as his fingers reach the tops of your cups, to free your breasts from their binds.  He brings them together gently, kissing around your areola slowly.  Each audible peck, seeing the softness of this hard boy over you made your senses go into overdrive, threatening your shoulder sockets as you begin to buck your ties when his mouth locks onto your nipples.  
You gasp, melting yourself into his mouth as much as possible as you encourage him through gritted teeth.  Your legs rub along his sides, hooking him closer to your core as you hope for more of him to come soon.  
Trevante pulls himself from your chest to crawl downward, firmly but carefully pulling down your charmed underwear.
“Tre, wait!”  
Trevante wasn’t looking for that reaction as he peered at you in confusion.
“I mean, just untie me.  I can’t take anymore of this without some control of my body, and I know that mouth will make me dislocate my arms.”
Trevante shakes his head as he crawls over you to turn you loose.  “Aight, but don’t be wildin on me.”
Soon as you felt the loosening of your wrists, you tore yourself away pushing Tre on his back.
“Whoa, the fuck?  I thought I -”
“That’s not what I wanna hear.  Get to work!”  You adjust yourself across his face, splaying your pussy above his mouth.  “You wanna eat so damn bad, eat something good for you.”
You pat his head between your legs as he looks up at you playfully while you unhook your bra to free your titties completely.  His hands wrap around your thighs before dipping into your treasure, spreading your lips with his tongue, painting his name inside of you.  
Your jaw drops at first lick, contracting your stomach as he teases your clit with a smart occasion flick that makes you putty in his hands.  Your dare to sit yourself down further on his face, which Tre moans gleefully over.  The sucking, tasting sounds of his mouth against you make you shiver as you connect it to your orgasm building.  
“Stay right there, that’s….the rhythm I….OH!”  You grip his skull like a bowling ball as you become unhinged.  Tre smacks your ass, shaking it to and fro while you ride your orgasm out arching backward on a high.  You work your hips into his mouth while reaching backward. Finding the top of his trousers.  
Expertly, you undo his top button, sliding his fly down carefully as his erection threatens the room left in his pants.  You look over your shoulder seeing his dick resting against his stomach, thick and heavy, and jerking every so often.  Taking the tip in your hands, you massage his already moistened head, stretching the wetness along his shaft.
Tre smacks your ass again.  “You gonna kill me with this pussy of yours.” He says with a southern drawl.
You laugh breathlessly as you feel him grow under your grip.  “And imma bring that ass back to life just so I can ride this dick again.”
You smile to yourself proudly jacking him off while he eats you out, a happy prequel to your love making.  
But Tre isn't one to keep you comfortable in one spot too long.  Before you knew, his grip on your backside grows stronger.  You feel his thighs tightening and soon you're up in the air.  Tre went from completely flat to lifting you in the air with nothing to hold onto but his head.  Your hands and thighs grip around him with a death grip.
“Tre! Don't you EVER do that without telling me first!”  you scold him, thank God and cursing him.
Trevante’s hands find the center of your back and leans forward.  Your thigh grip lessens but you keep a firm grip on his head as your legs roll down his shoulders.
You look up at him petrified in this circus act while he just grins at you all goofy.  “If I told you, you wouldn't wanna do it.”
Your heart rate begins to calm down some.  “Yeah you right!”
Tre shrugs.  “I can't help but want my baby sitting high on her throne.  That pussy motivates me to do some crazy shit, and that look on your face was worth it.”
“That so? Or you just tryna make sure you don’t cum too fast on me?” You rebuttal.
He looks up a moment in thought.  “nah, i don't think that's ever happened.  That was a cute trick though.”
“You're not the only one with em.”  You say, stroking his beard shining with your juices embedded in his curls.  You couldn't help but want a taste as you kissed him, hungrier than before with the whipped cream.  You couldn't take much more foreplay and Tre read that too as you feel one hand playing with his dick between you, slapping it across your pussy lips.  He exhaled sharply through his teeth as you massage his scalp, scooting to line yourself up with his dick more; a feat more difficult given your legs on his shoulders.  But once he found his way inside, your extremities unanimously degraded under his girth.  Your back bent outta shape as your neck gave way to moan.  He hadn't even made his way completely inside and you were already a mess.
“Shhh, don't start acting up.  I ain't even started with you yet.”  Tre says, kissing your chin softly.
“Just go slow, gatdamn.”  You wince.
“Don't worry, I plan to savor every surface of these walls.” He groans as you feel him stretch you out more and more.  The first stroke took forever to complete before he was deep inside you, your muscles contracting around his dick without control to become used to him, now you needed him to move.  Knees in your chest, dick in your gut, you could barely breathe.
“You want me to hit that pussy fast or slow?”  He asks, gripping your hips to move you on him slowly.
You feel flush and anxious.  “Just hit it daddy, please.  I need it.”
He nods laying his forehead against yours.  “Whatever you want.”  Sounded more like a warning as he splayed your legs wider to wrap around his body.  You rub his neck gingerly as he pulled in and out of you slow at first, your pussy makes soft, wet noises, pleasantly accepting his dick within you.  
Soon his pace begins to quicken, spreading his lap under you for stability as his hips rise against you.  His strokes create a recoil in your body, bouncing against him erratically.  You hold tight to his shoulders for dear life feeling yourself on the edge.
Trevante’s face fights for a stoic appearance but you make it hard for him.  “Who you been hiding this pussy from?”
You run your hands along his chest; soft skin over a hardened interior, your own personal human stress ball to squeeze.  
“I haven’t...hid from nobody…”  You say broken up by your passions.  
Trevante’s  pulls you into him, holding you tightly as he suckles on your neck and chest, using his full arm strength to bounce you on top of him vigorously.  The sudden change in position shocked the hell out of your clit, now getting direct stimulation with his rhythm.  
“Mm, that ass sounds nice bouncing on me.  Make it sing baby.”  Tre encourages you as you attempt to keep up before your climax makes you almost tap out.  But Tre wasn’t a quitter, making sure you whimpered his name like it was your final wish.
Tre groans loudly, taking your hair in his hands to pull your mouth on his once more, his tongue dances inside your mouth so strong you knew it wasn’t over yet.
A smack on your left booty cheek brings you back down to earth again.  “Get on your hands and knees, I wanna see that ass bounce on me in real time.”
Before your could protest for a break, he picks you up with one arm wrapped around your waist before turning and tossing you on the bed.  
“Oh shit!  Damn you too strong!  You hulking out on me when I’m vulnerable.”  You whine as he twists your leg to turn you over.
“There you go talking again.  The game is over, and I ain’t come here to play with you.”  He lays on top of you starting at the nape of your neck, sliding kisses down your back.  Your muscles twitch with each massage of his mouth over your back, not missing a nook or cranny around before reaching your backside.  Tre creates an arch in your back, pulling your hips back and knees forward for the perfect position.
Tre chuckles as he rubs on your cheeks.  “I think we got this pussy going rabid now.”
“The fuck does that mean?”  You ask, face down in your comforter.
“Pussy lookin like it’s foaming at the mouth, it’s so creamed up.  Ain’t no dick like new dick for you, huh?”  Tre emphasizes his point with a simple stroke of his tip against your pussy lips
You nod, looking back at him sheepishly.  “Mhm, it’s my favorite.  You’ve been a big surprise.”
“We gotta make this happen more often…”  Tre pushes himself inside you again, renewing your arousal.  Gripping the sheets you steady yourself for him to pound away, but instead are met with a slow, almost lazy stroke.  
You whine.  “What’re you doing, give me something.”
Tre  just stands behind you rubbing your back.  “I said I wanna see that ass dance, make it dance.”  
You smirk as you catch his drift, pushing back into him until you feel your limit being reached, sliding down his shaft again.  You make a slight wind of your hips as you maintain a rhythm, bumping your cheeks against this pelvis.
“God, you feel so good.”  You moan as your head drops.
“Uh uh, come on, that shit looks too good, pick your head up and throw it back.”  Tre demands, sliding his hand up your back to pull your head back.  You seethe from the new pressure but fall in line with his encouragement.  Retaining your posture you bounce against him thoughtfully, squeezing around him periodically for good measure.  Tre leans over you keeping ahold of your hair as the applause of your bodies in motion raises in volume.
“That’s it, put all that shit on me.”  Tre  says, biting down as your pussy yanks his dick over and over again.
“Yes, daddy, mm hurt me please.”
“You say hurt you?”
You nod, grabbing your breasts to stabilize their bounce as he pounds against your ass, slapping you over and over.  You knees begin to give out, falling down on the bed as Tre follows behind you.
“I don’t know what you running from.  You want this ass whipped, Imma give you that.”  He says, throttling your pussy as you lay on your stomach, fingers clawing into your linens, toes gnarled in arousal as you scream into the mattress.
“What was that?”  Tre asks, pausing his assault as he lifts on leg to twist you around on your back while still inside you.  Putting one leg on your shoulder.  He leans over you with hands on either side of your body thrusting harder within you.  Your hand presses against his stomach,trying your best to remain in control.
“What were you saying when I had that ass in the air?”  Tre asks.
You stifle your moans, gritting your teeth.  “It.. wasn’t...nothing…”
“You look like you got a lot to say, so say it.”  Tre breathes hard over you, grabbing your titties as his strokes doesn’t relent.
“It’s...too….good…”  You squeak.
“What is?”  His hands find your throat.
“That...dick...ohhhh, it’s too good!”
“You ain’t telling me shit I don’t know.  This pussy takin it well.”  He squeezes his hands around you.
You sigh loudly feeling your arousal climb as your breathing shallows.  “You make it feel good daddy!”
“You gonna save this pussy for me later?”  Tre asks.
“I’ll save it for you again and again and-AH!”  You smack his chest in frustrated bliss as he makes you cum hard, strangling his shaft between you, your leg threatens to cramp up as he bears down on you, keeping you hollering at the top of your lungs as your hands fall, surrendering to his body.  
“I want stay in this.” Tre groans.
“Cum in me baby, please cum.”  You beg, holding his face carefully,  He turns his head to kiss your palm, digging you out dramatically as his pressure climbs.  Soon his body falls on top of you, filling you up.
“Ah, fuck. Oh shit, girl.  Damn….”  You both remain still a minute, heartbeat to heartbeat still excitedly beat as your bodies catch up to the current intermission.  
Tre rolls off of you and on his back, watching the ceiling.  You carefully roll over in his area, kissing his chest, twirling and rubbing the hairy, soft, firmness that is his magnificent body; feeling the rise and fall of his tightening stomach.  
“How long you want me around for?”  Trevante asks, running his fingers along your face.
You rest your chin on his chest, thinking.  “I would feel bad if I didn’t get you some room service by the time morning comes.”
“What about ole dude?  He not coming back tonight?”
“Honey, he’s not coming nowhere near me after this.  My pussy got a whole new muscle memory that he is no longer eligible for.”
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keijay-blog · 6 years
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Old-Fashioned Peanut Butter Cookies
My mother insisted that my grandmother write down one recipe for her when she got married in 1942. That was a real effort because Grandma was a traditional pioneer-type cook who used “a little of this or that ’til it feels right.” This treasured recipe is the only one she ever wrote down! —Janet Hall, Clinton, Wisconsin
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Gran’s Apple Cake
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Pina Colada Icebox Cake
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Caramel-Pecan Apple Pie
You’ll love the smell in your kitchen—and the smiles on everybody’s faces—when you make this scrumptious caramel apple pie recipe. It takes me back home to Virginia and being at my granny’s table. —Jean Castro, Phoenix, Arizona
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Grandma’s Carrot Cake
My Grandma was very special to me. She had a big country kitchen that was full of wonderful aromas anytime we visited. This was one of her prized cake recipes, which continues to be a favorite from generation to generation. —Denise Strasz, Detroit, Michigan
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Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Zucchini Cake
Years ago, I added some zucchini to a peanut butter bar I had created, and this time I wanted to try it with a cake. The zucchini makes it super moist, but doesn’t get int the way of the chocolate and peanut butter goodness. —Marilyn Blankschien, Clintonville, Wisconsin
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  Cherry Coconut Treats
My great-grandmother created this recipe more than 100 years ago, so it’s made many appearances at family parties. Make the treats even more fun for the holidays by using both red and green maraschino cherries. —Anne Mullen, Windsor, Ontario
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Nana’s Chocolate Cupcakes with Mint Frosting
My Nana used to make these cupcakes at Christmas every year. Even though she is no longer with us, the cakes have special meaning and it brings me joy to bake them. For a more indulgent version, double the frosting and pile it high on top of each cupcake. —Chekota Hunter, Cassville, Missouri
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Apple Pie
I remember coming home sullen one day because we’d lost a softball game. Grandma, in her wisdom, suggested, “Maybe a slice of my homemade apple pie will make you feel better.” One bite, and Grandma was right. If you want to learn how to make homemade apple pie filling, this is really the only recipe you need. —Maggie Greene, Granite Falls, Washington
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Blackberry-Orange Cake
My grandmother made luscious fruit pies and cobblers using blackberries from her garden. I decided to follow her lead and create a blackberry cake that’s always lovely with a summer meal. —Lisa M. Varner, El Paso, Texas
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Fudge Nut Brownies
There’s no brownie recipe or mix I’ve ever tried that’s better than this! And it’s so easy—you can mix it in one bowl in just a few minutes. My husband’s grandmother passed the recipe on; now our son makes these brownies for after-school snacks. —Becky Albright, Norwalk, Ohio
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Carrot Cake
This wonderful recipe for carrot cake dates back to my great-grandmother! My family and I make sure to bake up a few of these carrot cakes for special occasions to make sure there’s enough to go around. You’ll love the texture this pretty, moist treat gets from pineapple, coconut and, of course, carrots! —Debbie Terenzini-Wilkerson, Lusby, Maryland
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Irresistible Coconut Cream Pie
My husband and I grow 500 acres of wheat on the farm his family homesteaded in 1889. I grind my own flour and love to use it in this recipe. The easy, pat-in crust has a rich grain flavor. It’s irresistible filled with old-fashioned coconut cream and topped with a fluffy meringue. —Roberta Foster, Kingfisher, Oklahoma
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Shoofly Cupcakes
These moist old-fashioned molasses cupcakes were my grandmother’s specialty. To keep them from disappearing too quickly, she used to store them out of sight. Somehow, we always figured out her hiding places! —Beth Adams, Jacksonville, Florida
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Cookie Jar Gingersnaps
My grandma kept two cookie jars in her pantry. One of the jars, which I now have, always had these crisp and chewy gingersnaps in it. They’re still my favorite cookie recipe. My daughter, Becky, used this recipe for a 4-H fair and won a blue ribbon. —Deb Handy, Pomona, Kansas
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Banana Bread Pudding
When I visited my grandmother in summer, I always looked forward to the comforting pudding she’d make. With its crusty golden top, custard-like inside and smooth vanilla sauce, this bread pudding is a real homespun dessert. Now I make it for my grandchildren. —Mary Detweiler, Middlefield, Ohio
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Sugar Cream Pie
I absolutely love Indiana sugar cream pie; especially the one that my grandma made for me. Here, we serve it warm or chilled and call it “Hoosier” sugar cream pie. —Laura Kipper, Westfield, Indiana
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7UP Pound Cake
My grandmother gave me this 7UP pound cake recipe. On top of being delicious, this 7UP cake represents family tradition, connection and love. —Marsha Davis, Desert Hot Springs, California
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Glazed Strawberry Cookies
I learned to bake with my grandmother and mother. I knew I was giving them a sweet new family tradition when I shared this recipe with them. —Andrea Zulauf, Livonia, New York
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Grandma’s Tandy Kake
My grandmother made this for all our family gatherings. Everyone loves it now I make it for every party we attend or host. —John Morgan III, Lebanon, Pennsylvania
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Italian Lemon Cookies
Christmas wouldn’t be the same without my grandmother’s cookies. A plate full of these light and zesty cookies is divine!—Elisabeth Miller, Broadview Heights, Ohio
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Buttermilk Pecan Pie
This is the treasured “Golden Oldie” that my grandmother made so often whenever we’d come to visit. Grandma grew her own pecans, and we never tired of cracking them and picking out the meat when we knew we’d be treated to her special pie! —Mildred Sherrer, Fort Worth, Texas
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Chocolate Cupcake Cones
I experimented with these cupcakes when my girls were young. Now, I’m a grandmother of nine, and these are still our favorites. They’re a great treat for kids to bring to school.—Betty Anderson, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
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Banana Skillet Upside-Down Cake
My grandmother gave me my first cast iron skillet, and I’ve been cooking and baking with it ever since. Sometimes I add drained maraschino cherries to this banana skillet dessert and serve it with a ice cream. —Terri Merritts, Nashville, Tennessee
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Iced Orange Cookies
I usually make these bite-size cookies at Christmastime, when oranges in Florida are plentiful. Every time I sniff their wonderful aroma, I remember my grandmother, who shared the recipe. —Lori DiPietro, New Port Richey, Florida
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Apple Roly-Poly
Apple Roly-Poly isn’t very fancy, but it’s genuine Down East fare. It came from my grandmother. With 13 children plus the men at Grandpa’s sawmill, she had to do lots of cooking each day! —Megan Newcombe, Cookstown, Ontario
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Pinwheel Mints
Both my grandmother and my mom used to make these eye-catching confections as a replacement for ordinary mints. When I offer them at parties, guests tell me the candies are wonderful, and then ask how I created the pretty swirl pattern. —Marilou Roth, Milford, Nebraska
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Crisp Sugar Cookies
My grandmother always had sugar cookies in her pantry, and we grandchildren would empty that big jar quickly because they were the best! I now regularly bake these wonderful cookies to share with friends. —Evelyn Poteet, Hancock, Maryland
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Moist Chocolate Cake
This cake reminds me of my grandmother because it was one of her specialties. I bake it often for family parties, and it always brings back fond memories. The cake is light and airy with a delicious chocolate taste. This recipe is a keeper! —Patricia Kreitz, Richland, Pennsylvania
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Martha Washington Candy
Passed down by my grandmother and mother, this recipe is a cherished family tradition. We’ve even had each grandchild and great-grandchild take a turn stirring the candy mixture! —Cindi Boger, Ardmore, Alabama
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Lemon Custard Cake
This custard cake recipe comes from my grandma and is nice to whip up when unexpected company stops in. It’s a cool, creamy dessert that tastes like you fussed. —Sue Gronholz, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
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Caramel-Apple Skillet Buckle
My grandma used to make a version of this for me when I was a little girl. She would make it using fresh apples from her tree in the back yard. I’ve adapted her recipe because I love the combination of apple, pecans, and caramel. —Emily Hobbs, Springfield, Missouri
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German Black Forest Cake
As far as I know, this cake recipe can be traced back to my German great-grandma. When I got married, my mother gave me a copy and I hope to someday pass it down to my children. —Stephanie Travis, Fallon, Nevada
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Date Swirl Cookies
My granddaughter nicknamed my mother Cookie Grandma because she made wonderful cookie—including these crisp and chewy treats. —Donna Grace, Clancy, Montana
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Winnie’s Mini Rhubarb & Strawberry Pies
Every spring, we had strawberries and rhubarb on our farm outside Seattle. These fruity hand pies remind me of those times and of Grandma Winnie’s baking. —Shawn Carleton, San Diego, California
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Grossmutter’s Peppernuts
Before Christmas, my grandmother would bake peppernuts and store them until the big day. When we came home from school, the whole house would smell like anise and we knew the holiday season was about to begin. —Marilyn Kutzli, Clinton, Iowa
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Apple Cornbread Crisp
With its hearty ingredients and quick prep time, this warm apple crisp makes a smart dessert for any fall night. It reminds me of the recipe my grandmother would serve after our big family seafood dinners. It’s absolutely wonderful topped with ice cream. —Julie Peterson, Crofton, Maryland
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Pennsylvania Dutch Funny Cake
I can still remember my grandma serving this delicious cake on the big wooden table in her farm kitchen. Every time I bake this unusual cake, it takes me back to those special days at Grandma’s. —Diane Ganssle, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
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Upside-Down Apple Cake
Baked in a bundt pan and drizzled with icing, this breakfast cake will be a highlight of your holiday menu. I adapted the recipe from one of my grandmother’s. —Shaunda Wenger, Nibley, Utah
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Peppermint Brownies
My grandmother encouraged me to enter these mint brownies in the county fair many years ago—and they earned top honors! They’re a chewy treat to serve during the holidays. —Marcy Greenblatt, Redding, California
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Oma’s Apfelkuchen (Grandma’s Apple Cake)
My husband’s German family calls this Oma’s apfelkuchen,, which translates to “Grandma’s apple cake.” They’ve been sharing the recipe for more than 150 years. I use Granny Smith apples, but any variety works. —Amy Kirchen, Loveland, Ohio
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Coconut Creme Chocolates
I’m a proud wife, mom of three and grandma of many. I’ve cooked many things over the years, including these marshmallowy chocolates. —Dolores Wilder, Texas City, Texas
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Apricot Pinwheel Cookies
My grandmother always made these cookies for the holidays. The recipe has been passed down through generations to me, and now from me to you. — Robert Logan, Clayton, California
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Nanny’s Fruitcake Cookies
My grandmother always made a holiday fruitcake. I turned her recipe into cookies that are perfect any time, especially with a cup of tea. —Amanda Digges, South Windsor, Connecticut
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Chocolate Pear Hazelnut Tart
As a teenage foreign exchange student in the south of France, I was horribly homesick. Then my host family’s grandmother Miette arrived and asked if I’d like to help her bake this nutty tart from scratch. It turned my trip around and inspired my lifelong passion for baking. Weighing ingredients, roasting nuts, kneading dough…the art of baking transcends language. —Lexi McKeown, Los Angeles, California
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Buttery Orange Sugar Cookies
My husband’s grandmother made a variety of cookies every year for her grandkids at Christmastime. She would box them up and give each child his or her own box. This crisp, orange flavored cookie is one of my favorites from her collection.—Heather McKillip, Aurora, Illinois
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Caramel Rhubarb Cobbler
I came up with this recipe after hearing a friend fondly recall his grandmother’s rhubarb dumplings. My son especially likes rhubarb, and this old-fashioned dessert lets those special stalks star. -Beverly Shebs, Pinehurst, North Carolina
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Mint Chocolate Wafers
My grandmother gave me a cookbook stuffed with recipes. This is a slight twist on one of the first—and best—recipes I made from the book. It’s best to store these in the refrigerator. —Mary Murphy, Evansville, Indiana
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Icebox Cookies
This cookie recipe from my 91-year-old grandmother was my grandfather’s favorite. She still makes them and sends us home with the dough so that we can make more whenever we want, I love to make a fresh batch when company drops in. —Chris Paulsen, Glendale, Arizona
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Apple Crumble Pie
The crumb topping of this apple crumb pie recipe is awesome, which may explain why dessert always disappears fast. Or maybe it’s the chunky apple filling. Either way, it’s a family tradition. —Vera Brouwer, Maurice, Iowa
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Chocolate Chip Red Velvet Whoopie Pies
Baking a fun treat is a must when my four grandchildren come for “Grandma Camp.” This year I’ll recruit the oldest, Henry, to help pipe the cake batter. —Linda Schend, Kenosha, Wisconsin
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Cranberry-Almond Apple Pie
My grandmother made this treat every year for Christmas. It’s much better than everyday apple pie. The recipe is a family treasure. —Maxine Theriauit, Nashua, New Hampshire
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Red Velvet Marble Cake
I watched my grandma prepare her red velvet showstopper many times for family get-togethers. The fluffy butter frosting perfectly complements the flavor of this gorgeous cake.—Jodi Anderson, Overbrook, Kansas
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Meringue Snowballs In Custard
My family has passed down this elegant dessert generation by generation. It started with my Russian great-grandmother, who traveled to America more than 100 years ago. I love continuing the tradition with her recipe. —Tonya Burkhard, Palm Coast, Florida
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Lime & Spice Peach Cobbler
This was my grandmother’s favorite recipe to make when they had bushels of peaches. Now I love to bake it whenever I can for my family and friends. —Mary Ann Dell of Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
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Gingerbread Meringue Bars
The best of both worlds, I combined my grandmother’s gingerbread recipe with my aunt’s special brown sugar meringue to make these lovable bars. —Eden Dranger, Los Angeles, California
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Granny’s Spice Cookies
Granny always had a batch of these delicious, crispy cookies waiting for us at her house. When I miss her more than usual, I make these cookies and let the aroma fill my house and heart. —Valerie Hudson, Mason City, Iowa
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It’s tradition for my family to make these German treats together. The recipe came from my great-grandmother’s cookbook, and judging from the amount of requests I get, it has certainly stood the test of time.—Esther Kempker, Jefferson City, Missouri
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Triple Ginger Cookies
My dad loved ginger cookies. I’ve tinkered with the recipe my grandma handed down by using fresh, ground and crystallized ginger for more pizzazz. —Trisha Kruse, Eagle, Idaho
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Six-Layer Coconut Cake with Lemon Filling
I found this recipe when going through my grandmother’s old files. It was originally made with an orange filling, but using lemon pudding in the filling makes it easier to prepare. It is simply the best. —Angela Leinenbach, Mechanicsvlle, Virginia
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Minty Chocolate Cream Cheese Bars
I always looked forward to my grandma’s gooey bars when I was growing up. This chocolate version includes mint, which is one of my favorite flavor add-ins. —Jill Lutz, Baldwin, Wisconsin
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Italian Pineapple Trifle
My grandmother made this rich, tempting trifle every year for our family’s Christmas Eve celebrations. Now I make it to carry on her special tradition. It’s an easy, delicious no-bake dessert everyone will love. —Ann-Marie Milano, Milton, Massachusetts
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Gingersnap Crumb Pear Pie
This basic recipe was one my grandmother used for making crumble pies from fresh fruit. She simply substituted oats, gingersnaps or vanilla wafers depending on the fruit. Pear was always my favorite. I added the ginger and caramel to give it a new twist. —Fay Moreland, Wichita Falls, Texas
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Banana Butter Pecan Kabobs
Desserts with bananas remind me of Grandma. She and my mom taught me to cook. I rarely measure. For this dish, I set out pecans and butterscotch with kabobs so everyone can customize. —Crystal Schlueter, Northglenn, Colorado
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Lemon Slice Sugar Cookies
Here’s a refreshing variation of my grandmother’s sugar cookie recipe. Lemon pudding mix and icing add a subtle tartness that tingles your taste buds. —Melissa Turkington, Camano Island, Washington
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Pumpkin Chip Cake with Walnuts
My grandmother gave me this family recipe. After a few changes, I made the treat even healthier and tastier. Holidays wouldn’t be the same without it!—Amy Bridgewater, Aztec, New Mexico
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Zucchini Cupcakes
I asked my grandmother for this recipe after trying these irresistible spice cupcakes at her home. I love their creamy caramel frosting. They’re such a scrumptious dessert you actually forget you’re eating your vegetables, too! —Virginia Lapierre, Greensboro Bend, Vermont
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Frosted Spice Cookies
This recipe has been handed down through many generations of my husband’s family. The cookies were always in his grandmother’s cookie jar when he’d visit. Today, he enjoys them more than ever—and so I do. —Debbie Hurlbert, Howard, Ohio
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Cherry Nut Cake
My grandmother made up this recipe for her children. Using Ozark-grown cherries and walnuts, she invented one they all liked. Granny always used cream from the dairy farm near her home, but the half-and half works well and is easier to find. —Diana Jennings, Lebanon, Missouri
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Mexican Chocolate Sugar Crisps
My grandma loved these so much, she would hide them from my grandpa! I think of her every time I make a batch. Like Mexican spice? Try stirring in a little chili powder. —Michele Lovio, Thousand Oaks, California
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Triple Berry Shortcake
My great-great grandmother handed down her shortcake recipe. I’m sharing it because it’s way too fabulous to keep it a secret! —Sara Kingsmore, Vadnais Heights, Minnesota
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Honey-Lime Almond Cookies
Decades ago my grandmother passed this buttery lime cookie recipe to me. Through years of baking, our cookie memories keep the family connected, although we’re miles apart. —Paula Marchesi, Lenhartsville, Pennsylvania
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Dipped Chocolate Logs
When my sister and I were little, we used to beg my mother and grandmother to make these buttery chocolate cookies during the holidays. Now, as moms ourselves, we get together every year to make Christmas cookies and the chocolate logs are always on the top of our list.—Deanna Markkos, Western Springs, Illinois
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Anise & Wine Cookies
My grandmother did not speak English very well, but she knew the language of great food. These wine cookies are crisp and best eaten after being dunked in even more wine.—Julia Meyers, Scottsdale, Arizona
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Raisin Pecan Pie
I remember my Grandmother Voltie and Great-Aunt Ophelia making this southern-style pie for Thanksgiving. It was always one of the many cakes and pies lined up for dessert. —Angie Price, Bradford, Tennessee
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Grandma’s Pecan Rum Bars
My grandmother handed down the recipe for these gooey bars, which we all love. The candied cherries are a must. —Deborah Pennington, Decatur, Alabama
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