#( ~ marie:chat ~ )
ofsvnlightt · 5 years
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marie wasn’t rebellious. she was a good girl. never missed a day of school, got her homework done on time - sometimes ahead of time - participated in clubs and intermurals. and honestly, what she was doing wasn’t rebellious in the grand scheme of things. one professor allowed students to miss 3 classes without any explanation or excuse. she had finished that week’s homework, so she decided to skip class and go to a movie. she’d heard good things about it and had been wanting to see it.
two hours later, the movie was over and she exited the theater to the lobby. there were so many people. she threw her backpack over her shoulder...or attempted to. she accidentally hit someone. “oh goodness! I’m sorry.”
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ofsvnlightt · 6 years
@screamqxeens mary stuart
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It was cold. And Marie hated the cold. Exiting the coffee shop and holding her cappuccino close she walked to the nearest bookstore. She was still trying to figure out where she was and why she was here. She figured she could find a local map or something to try to figure that out. Entering the bookstore, she did find a map and picked up a book as well. Sitting at a nearby table, she set the book down and opened the map, looking over it. Washington DC - she’d never heard of that this place, which was strange because it’s apparently the capital. She turned to the person at the table next to her, “Are you from here?”
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ofsvnlightt · 6 years
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marie had been enjoying the festivities when it seemed the power went out. around her there were murmurs of confusion, including her own. the lights flickered a few times and she turned to the person nearest her, “what’s goi-” suddenly, the lights flashed back on and sporadically, there were screams of terror. she didn’t understand until she began looking around the ballroom and to her left there was a dog. a big dog, with red eyes and frothing at the mouth. she also let out a scream and began to back away when it started walking toward her. “d-do you see that?” she pointed in the direction of the dog in fear, barely getting the question out. small dogs usually didn’t frighten her but this one was horrifying. then suddenly two more appeared. “i don’t like this!” she yelled, she looked up so her voice would hopefully carry above the people (though it probably wouldn’t due to many others also murmuring and yelling in fear), “whoever is doing this, this is a sick joke! please stop!” at this point she was almost in tears.
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“Motherrrr..“ she rolled over on the couch to face Duchess, “When are Toulouse and Berlioz coming home? I miss them very much.“ She would never tell them that of course, but it was a little weird being the only kid still in school and not having anyone pick on her - no matter how much she hated it - as well as having no one to pick on. “And what about daddy? Is he still upset with you cheating on him or doesn’t he know?“ She knew she was probably stepping over some kind of boundary, but if she knew about it, wouldn’t he as well? 
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ofsvnlightt · 5 years
“How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it.” (from louis to anyone )
dad joke starters // not accepting
“that is terrible.“ marie says with a laugh. 
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ofsvnlightt · 5 years
“I’m not going out there. I dressed for fashion, not practicality.” ( from audrey to your choice ~ )
winter ball starters // not accepting
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marie looked at the freshly fallen snow out the window. ”i know, same.” she said with a sigh. “i just wanted to look cute today but i guess the weather decided that wasn’t a good idea.” the cut-outs on her dress were super cute and so were her heels, but that didn’t matter now. at least she was wearing tights.
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ofsvnlightt · 6 years
@postremusvirgo junior deputy
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marie had been running around all day. random errands that she hadn’t gotten to last week. however, she didn’t plan ahead where she needed to go, hence the basically running back and forth. after having a quick lunch, she took the remainder of her drink to go and haded out the door, briskly walking to her next destination. not paying attention, she ran into someone. “oof, sorry!”
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ofsvnlightt · 6 years
@ncverenoughtime frank
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after a late night in the recording studio, marie made her way home through the park. there were a few people out and about but not many. most people were either in groups or with their date. when she noticed someone by themself, she decided to go over and say hi. hopefully the other wouldn’t mind. “it’s seems late to be hanging out in the park by yourself. whatcha doin?”
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ofsvnlightt · 6 years
@rainbowmuses connor
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“umm, just a chai latte please.“ after ordering her drink, marie went to the nearest table to wait. a few minutes went by and she heard her name called. she grabbed the toasty cup and made her way to the door. she didn’t make it very far though before she ran into someone. luckily the coffee didn’t spill onto them, but unluckily, it did on the table she was walking by...and someone was sitting at it. “oh no! i am so sorry!“ she apologized to the man.
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@enchxntiiing (patty)
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After being left with nothing more than a note from her brother, Marie decided to walk though the dorms and check on Patty to see how she was doing. She lightly tapped on the girl’s door, “Patty? It’s Marie.” she paused for a moment, “I know we haven’t talked much but I wanted to see if you were okay...” she trailed off as she waited for the door to be answered.
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❧ tag dump  ☙ 
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