#(& they were right. Birdfriend & I have been together the whole time & it's been cozy & stable & just fucking lovely.)
astralazuli · 10 months
I collect divination card decks. Not obsessively, not in huge quantities, but I do have a couple different tarots & a few oracle decks that I swap between depending on what info I'm looking for & which deck calls to me on a given day.
My favourite deck is a set of Tarot Mucha (a bit of a misleading name; there is no Mucha art in it, it's all Mucha inspired). There's just something about this deck's vibe that calls to me more than the other ones.
This deck is also a right bitch. Like real tough love kinda shit. Pretty much any time I feel called to do a reading with it, it just hands me my entire ass & tells me to do better.
& it's not just me. Three years ago, I felt compelled to do readings for my Birdfriend & Bestie as well (they both consented/asked for these readings), & it succinctly told Birdfriend that if they wanted a better life they had to take a step in the right direction instead of wallowing, & told Bestie that they needed to get over their shit & accept that they were lovable & that then good love would come their way. I have no recollection of what it told me that time.
(Birdfriend now has two semesters left of their degree in web design, a field they love, & Bestie is engaged to the most lovely person & finally has the healthy polyam relationship they wanted.)
Anyway, last night I suddenly felt a strong need to do a reading with this deck. I've been going through a personal journey of realizing that I might be inclined to polyamory & also realizing that I definitely have a crush on a friend, & thought that the cards could offer guidance.
Yeah, well, I don't know what I expected, but the cards basically told me to shit down, shut up, & deal with my self-esteem shit, or everything was going to blow up in my face.
So I reshuffled & did another reading. & you know what? It started to detail all the ways everything was going to blow up in my face if I didn't course correct.
& like. It wasn't anything I didn't know already, but damn. The cards really just fucking called me out & drove the point home.
I don't know what the point of this post is beyond I love my incredibly no nonsense art nouveau tarot deck.
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