wastheheart · 2 months
Once Esme heals her sexual trauma, she starts to realise just how big a sex drive she has. It has to be with someone she trusts completely, but she is very open to sexual exploration. There's very little she won't try and will try anything once.
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guhamun · 2 months
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[Jianyu having to learn that people giving you flowers does not always mean that they're wanting to court you kjfdhskfdss. Kids give flowers all the time, but it's cute and endearing and it's understood as just a sweet gift. Teens / adults giving flowers, however, often meant that they were interested in you romantically with it being a rather lowkey way to say they'd like to pursue something more serious without outright saying such. Then he left home and everyone gave flowers all the time for 5435345 reasons. You broke your leg? Flowers. You graduated from some magic school or some university? Flowers.]
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sangcreole · 3 months
it's not sunday yet but I just need everyone to know that Louis doesn't spit or swallow, but does a third secret thing (discretely wipes his tongue on a towel or in the sheets like a fucking weirdo)
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ardenssolis · 2 months
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[Ozy respects all his fellow pharaohs (save one but that's very complicated), but there is one that he holds great sympathy for and that is T.utankhamun. As a prince, he had already been going through it as he attempted to find himself and figure out how he would rule without emulating someone else -- a process, he believes, does not create a good ruler. How can one find confidence in themselves and their own decisions if they constantly look back at how someone else did things? That's his thought. However, Tut never really had a chance to come into his own because his father died early and he was given responsibility as a child. His Vizier took over his duties, although when he did come of age and did truly take to the throne as king, how much was him trying to find himself and how much of it was him being akin to a marionet?]
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deathinfeathers · 8 days
//If Lute really likes you and you somehow end up dying she is very likely to try to salvage your corpse and keep it/eat it/do unspeakable things to it for however long it takes you to rot away into dirt and bones.
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sixwingedmercy · 4 months
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This is how my Emily looks as I don't really like her Canon angel design. She had wings covering her eyes which also is sort of a symbolism as she is hidden from the true nature of things. And of course more eyes. Hated the one on her chest and decided to replace it with two on the back of her hands. Technically she has three pairs of wings but I couldn't draw it lol
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darkenedpunk061 · 13 days
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secondhandmckie · 2 months
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*rings dinner bell* come get her
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fxckingmoran · 3 months
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       Sebastian had learned early on that feigning stupidity would work to his advantage. He’d sell more drugs if he fumbled the math - added the amounts up wrong and gave them extra. Acted like he hadn’t realised. They kept coming back to him time after time, thinking they were winning one over on the stupid drug dealer. The thick fucks hadn’t realised he was cutting the cocaine with creatine and robbing them blind whilst doing it. 
      Most assume that Sebastian’s job now is just to point and shoot. They choose to disregard the intelligence required to train as a military sniper, reducing it down to whatever they’ve experienced whilst playing Call of Duty. The reality is far different. 
     Most importantly, there’s the mathematics. Calculating the muzzle velocity, accounting for heat, elevation, the curvature of the earth - All of this has to be taken into consideration. Then you add the weather. In the warmth you’ve to account for the dryness in the air and the sun heating the bullets on the ground next to you. Rain presents lower visibility. Any trace of wind can throw the calculations off so any changes in direction have to be taken into consideration. Then there’s the weight of the bullets. Even if they’re the same size and similar materials, it doesn’t matter. Different manufacturers can improve or reduce quality of the flight path. It’s all about knowing which one to choose. Hence why Sebastian is very fussy about who he buys his bullets from. In an instant, he can calculate trajectory and statistical probability of said bullet burying itself between the target’s eyes, yet people mark him down to just being trigger happy. 
      That underestimation suits him because it makes the look on their faces even more enjoyable when his bullet nestles so beautifully in their skull. 
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wastheheart · 3 months
Thinking about how Edward had to suffer through Esme's accumulation of human memories. Just every time she realised what happened at the hands of Charles, perhaps the first time someone moves too quickly or speaks too loudly. The memory is so vivid all of a sudden, and unfortunately Edward has to witness it too.
The way Esme can't place why she feels so empty; then she witnesses a mother cradling her child in her arms, and the memory of Esme's own baby boy practically winds her.
And all while this is happening, Carlisle remains completely oblivious while Edward has to endure it. Esme's memories both return randomly and are too private for Edward to share with Carlisle unless he feels as if Carlisle needs to know something.
Esme struggles through too, both ashamed and conscious that Edward will know. She apologises to him every time she stumbles across another recollection, but eventually she realises that Edward is probably the person she needs to speak to when trying to understand her emotions for Carlisle.
They have a lot of heart to heart conversations about her past and how it attributes both to her self-worth and the fear of it impacting how Carlisle will see her. And it also means that talking to Edward helps him feel more comfortable speaking to Carlisle about things she has revealed to him.
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guhamun · 2 months
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[Jianyu's dog, Khasar, is often a bit wary around people he doesn't know well. This is primarily simply due to the nature of the breed as guard dogs and that wariness being normal to them for working reasons, but also, he tends to take a lot of cues from Jianyu himself. If his master is suspicious of someone, wary, or merely tolerates them, then Khasar will reflect that in his own behaviors as he is quite observant and intelligent. However, because he is observant, chances are if you're a decent person, give him treats, and call him a good boy then he will definitely like you in time.]
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sangcreole · 6 months
thinking once again about my headcanons re: Louis being a lil fucked up because he was so malnourished during his first few years as a vampire (on top of, y'know, Lestat's blood being Weak AF after popping out so many other fledglings).
like, I headcanon that he has really poor circulation now, so his hands and feet are always freezing, even if he's fed enough.
also I've always headcanoned that his fangs never developed to their full potential so even though they're still deadly to humans, maybe he has to bite down a little harder whenever he drinks from other vampires.
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ardenssolis · 3 months
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[I really like the thought that if you ever meet Ozy, you instinctively know that he is different. This isn't canon to F.ate itself aside from in Proto Frag when his eyes were glowing when he was preparing an attack, but I like to think that even outside of this, when you look at his eyes you can see the intensity of the gold, especially beneath certain lighting like the sun, for example. It is very distinctly Ozy as if the essence of the sun's fire runs through his veins, so even if he attempts to 'hide' himself, he will still stand out in some manner or form.]
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deathinfeathers · 9 days
//Another thing abt why Lute is so fucking tired of the council's shit is the way they allow the same goddamn issues regarding the booming mortal population and the negative effects it has on the native-born that is plaguing hell to run rampant in heaven as well. She lowkey genuinely sympathizes with the imps and hellhounds of the pride ring bc bro, that's her—being shoehorned into the fringes of society by a bunch of human souls who are just there to live it up and take up space. The excorcist unit isn't being kept a secret for the sake of other angels but for the sake of human sensibilities.
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ashestxashes · 5 months
ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ɪɴғᴏ sʜᴇᴇᴛ
tagged by: @trelonkan tagging: just steal it! i dare u
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Name: 家入硝子 Ieiri Shōko
Name meaning: her surname contains the kanji for "house, family" (家 ie) and "to enter" (入 iri), and her first name contains "nitrate" (硝 sho) and "child" (子 ko)
Her surname is a reference to the TV series House, M.D.,
Her first name can be read as (硝 (しょう) 子 (し) shōshi), which translates to "glass" (I'm especially partial to this bit ngl!)
Alias: nah
Ethnicity: Asian (Japanese)
ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴs ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴛᴏʟᴅ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ :
She's very much social... eater; meals were *the* time she and her family spent together when she was little and even though that time is far in the past now, she still struggles with her appetite a lot when she's completely on her own.
Doesn't use perfume ever.
Her one big ambition was to find a way to imbue objects with reversed cursed technique, cursed tools style, so those can be used for healing; she's now pretty confident it'll never happen, if only for lack of time to truly conduct studies on it.
ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ᴛʜɪɴɢs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ʟɪᴋᴇs ᴅᴏɪɴɢ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ғʀᴇᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ :
Riding her bike(s); cross-country as well as through the city. It really helps her calm her mind.
Drinking herself silly.
Reading, non-fiction and fiction.
sɪx ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ʟɪᴋᴇs / ʟᴏᴠᴇs :
Herself. She's no wolf, but no sacrificial lamb either; while not particularly vain, you'll find her valuing her life and her time rather high. Satoru and Suguru, the creator and the destroyer to her preserver; she will always love them even when she can't like them. Utahime, technically older than Shoko, but you better believe she's protective about her. Nanami, possibly the only sane Jujutsu Tech alumnus. Ijichi, total catch.
ᴛᴡᴏ ᴛʜɪɴɢs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ʀᴇɢʀᴇᴛs :
Never making sure Suguru was unsalvageable before or after his death.
Having to sleep at all, really. If she could stay up 24/7, she would.
ᴛᴡᴏ ᴘʜᴏʙɪᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ʜᴀs :
Astraphobia - the only proper one she has; just yeah, let her hide herself somewhere without windows when there is a storm coming, pls and thank.
People taking correlation for causation. Fr fr
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soldiersscream · 11 days
Erwin's the type to have a million accidental screenshots of his home screen in his photos
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