#(  chat.  ) || scarlett mcknight
owen-jackson · 11 months
continued from here | @scarlettxmcknight
Each strike seemed to hit harder than the last, though Jackson wasn't sure if it was just his body growing more bruised and raw. He was so fucking tired of this place and it's bullshit, but he gritted his teeth against the thought because really, where else did he have to go at this point?
"That all you fucking got?" Jackson spat out, knowing better than to egg someone on during a time like this, but when he had no other options, it was the only thing that made him feel in control. "C'mon if you're gonna hit me, fucking hit me!"
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selene-ness · 3 years
Smell of Sparks || Selene & Scarlett
Selene was seething. The fight itself wasn't really that important, over something stupid really, but Selene had woken up in a mood that morning, and Paris had made an off handed comment that turned into them screaming at each other and smashing things until she'd left in a huff. She hadn't had the chance to visit the science department much yet, but the sounds of screaming filled her ears long before she arrived, and the siren knew she was in the right place. She walked in with such purpose and authority, she almost took out some of the staff helping at the station. One of them scrambled over themselves to get her a drink that she demanded, and Selene sipped as she walked, her murderous eyes scanning the room with intent.
It took her only a few sips to finish the drink, and Selene quickly looked over some of the various toys available to her, her fingers dancing across the table. Finally the landed on a rather severe looking wand, one that when she picked it up and activated it, sparked far stronger than some of those being used around here for much more pleasurable things. This would do.
Her eyes raised again, this time looking for a target. Walking through the room, she was not unaware of the fact that slaves were cowering in an attempt to get away. Even dressed in her classic soft pink silk and heels, the expression on her face could be described as nothing short of murder. Scarlett, however, was unlucky enough to have been spotted while she was facing away from Selene. The familiar scent caught the siren's nose, and a flare of annoyance filled her, locking her onto the target like a shark would with its prey. There was no way that the human could have seen it coming when the end of the wand connected with the bare flesh of her side, sending a fairly strong pulse through Scarlett's body, not even giving her a chance to say the spelled greeting.
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theodore-stott · 3 years
[text]: go and do something nice for yourself 😊 and get your favourite snack! and go somewhere that you actually like on the island! 🌼
Scarlett actually felt relief when she read the text, incredibly grateful for a nice one to be sent to her. She didn’t try to fight against it unlike her other orders, and made her way to the sports bar she liked. She ordered herself a big greasy burger and fries and a beer and finally relaxed to watch the game that was on TV.
[text]: Thanks for the text, man.
[text]: Didn’t you used to be a slave? It’s good to know you remember how crappy it is and are helping out. I appreciate it. I’m at 8 Seconds if you want to join me.
While Theo was still fairly shy, his time off the island with Miss Jude had done wonders for him. He had a new level of confidence that, while not perfect, was a fairly big change from the terrified boy that had stepped on the island a few years ago. He was actively trying to keep it up, especially with Miss Jude not being on the island, and he knew he wanted to use his new status to do some good.
Theo had spent a couple afternoons throughout the island wide event just sending out little texts to those he knew and even to those he didn’t, trying, at the very least, to brighten a few days, and maybe even make some new friends.
When Theo got the reply from Scarlett he smiled, glad she’d remembered him. The two had bonded after one of the islands event’s both left with an uneasiness around water that Theo had thankfully been able to work though, and he really hoped Scarlett had been able to do the same.
While he could feel the familiar twisting in his stomach, both nerves and excitement about going out and joining her, he knew it would do him some good to get out, since he tended to default to spending time alone. Before he could talk himself out of it, he texted Scarlett back.
[text]: hey! I’m so glad you liked it 😊 yeah, I am, it’s kind of weird. But yeah, I’d love to join you, I’ll head on over! 🌻
So he pushed himself through his anxiety, and found himself at 8 Seconds, a place he’d never visited the last time he was on the island. Looking around he spotted Scarlett and took a little breath as he approached giving an awkward little wave and a smile. “Hey, um, thanks for inviting me! How’re you?”
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gio-vitale · 5 years
Little Fighter || Gio & Scarlett
Gio was taking an afternoon walk to clear his head when he saw her. She was putting up quite the fight for the guard that was looking rather strained trying to restrain her. Gio found himself slowing, tilting his head slightly in amusement, a brow slightly raised as he watched the girl put in a very valiant effort with trying to break free from the guards. He slowed to a halt just a few feet away from the scene, and he just observed for a few moments. Once the guard seemed to have a decent hold on Scarlett, and started to drag her away, that he cleared his throat. 
“Bring her to me, I’ll take care of her from here.” He said in a tone that was clearly an order, his self identified superiority practically oozing from him towards not only Scarlett, but the guard as well. He held out a hand, waiting as the guard dragged Scarlett close enough, before gripping onto her arm. “You’ll be coming with me, Miss--?” 
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selene-ness · 4 years
New Management || Selene & Scarlett
Not long after she’d taken over, it had come to her attention that many of the slaves that worked at Vitale’s didn’t do so voluntarily. That didn’t bother her, but it had cost her a few employees that had figured out they were no longer under the management of their old boss, and had just stopped showing up. That just wouldn’t do. 
She’d had her management staff send out notices to the fighters that were currently employed, letting them know that the compulsion previously placed on them to keep the fight club a secret, was no longer required and they should come in to have it taken away. Personally, she thought all the rules and secrecy around the place were stupid--a missed opportunity for more marketing. Who wouldn’t want more mouths talking about it? But the previous owner had opted for a more grungy, underground fight club aesthetic, and Selene had a vision of something more bright, showy and dazzling. 
As the slaves came in to get the compulsion lifted, Selene had each of them pulled aside to make sure they would continue working. Some staff seemed easier to intimidate than others, those that scared easily complied without even having to meet the new boss herself, but others weren’t so easily convinced, thinking that with the new owner, they’d be able to stop working by just saying so. Those pesky stubborn slaves were brought to Selene’s office, already remodeled to match her personal taste. 
One such slave stood before her as Selene clicks her tongue, giving the girl a look over. “Mmm yes, I remember you from the ring, you’re quite scrappy, aren’t you?” She says with an almost sickly sweet smile as she continues to look the girl up and down. “Come now, sit down. Let’s talk about your employment.” 
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theodore-stott · 5 years
Water || Theo & Scarlett
Things had been looking up lately for Theo, with the claim going through and leaving cells, he really was a lot happier than he’d been in a long time. But there were still things that weighed on him. The event had left scars that he didn’t even realize were as deep as they were. Theo was always someone that loved water, finding solace around it, back home and on the island. The waterfall was one of his favourite places to be, but now, as he stood there, hearing the water rush down and crash into itself, he couldn’t help the way his chest felt strained. He was standing far from the water, fingers of one hand clenching and unclenching in fists, the other idly fiddling with his new claim necklace, eyes fixated on it, but the stress he felt was written all over his face. He didn’t want to be scared, but it was like he just couldn’t help remembering the torture in the ballroom, feeling like he couldn’t breathe all over again. 
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owen-jackson · 6 years
Scarlett was buried in her assignment for class, her headphones blasting music so she could block out anyone who planned on bothering her. She had been making decent progress when there was some commotion outside her cell that even she couldn’t ignore. Looking up from her book she watched an unfamiliar new slave get dragged in and tossed into the cell across the hall. She pulled out her headphones to listen, shaking her head a little at the arguments and grumbling from the man. “Unfortunately arguing and smashing things only entertains those assholes.” she pointed out, tipping her head towards the guards who were walking away.
She thought she heard him mumble something about prison, which admittedly piqued her interest, so she watched him throw his fit in the cell a moment before speaking again. “Welcome to the cells, where they can window shop for which one of us they wanna mess with. Zero out of ten, would not recommend. Well maybe one out of ten, sometimes it’s the tiniest bit safer in here than being out. But most of the time it sucks.” she offered. “You eventually get used to the collar.”
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Jackson scowls out towards the cell door as the guards leave, eyes shifting to a girl sitting in the cell across from his who spoke. “Fuckin’ fantastic.” He mutters, pushing some hair from where it was dangling in his eyes, wiping his nose along the side of his sleeve. He wasn’t exactly one who was good at keeping his cool, figuring this place would be no better than prison. Eyes fall back towards the side, looking at the woman who continues to speak to him and he lets out a bitter huff, shaking his head. At least she wasn’t sugar coating it. “What kind of hell hole is this place.” He says, both to himself and the unnamed woman. He fingers the collar again for a moment, before bringing his hand up to touch his nose again, blood still dribbling from his nostrils. “And people actually stay here?” He asks, as if he really had much of a better option if he were to leave. 
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