#( ♔ my sh*t. )
♔ : Finding the other wearing their clothes
♜: Shoulder rubs
♥: Reacting to the other one crying about something
♦: Slow dancing
For Sierra and Shay (you know why I sent that last one 😉)
Ah my precious human (and non-human) dumpster fire disasters I love them dearly and I know you do too... they got long so once again they're below the cut!
"Is that my sweatshirt?"
"Correction. Our sweatshirt," Sierra replies.
"I didn't realize communal property extended to my clothes."
"I did the laundry this week, so yeah."
"No fair. I can't steal your stuff on my week."
"You could, but it would be kind of funny." She chuckles at the thought of Shay in one of her t-shirts; it would look like a crop top on him.
Between her chronically broke bank account and landlords' (unfortunately still fully legal) refusals to take on a vampire with a criminal record as a tenant, she and Shay had finally decided the most practical option was sharing her place. A one-bedroom apartment isn't a lot of room for two people, but with a coffin of home earth replacing the dilapidated college-purchase futon in the living room, they're making it work.
They're splitting the rent fifty-fifty, Sierra buys food (as the only one who actually needs it) and Shay takes care of utilities. They trade off on the chores. Pete made them a literal actual chore chart for the fridge.
He sure does love his spreadsheets.
"Well, I'm not going to fight you for it," Shay says, grinning and reaching past her to the blood shelf in the fridge.
"I'd hate to have to reset the 'Days Without Incident' board," Sierra says. They literally have one of those too, courtesy of her and Shay's tendency to ruffle each other's feathers and say things that set the other off. If they make it to seven days, it's cause for celebration.
'We haven't murdered each other yet' seems like a pretty low bar for roommates, but Sierra thinks that in this case, it's actually a pretty good one. They're living (or maybe undead, in Shay's case) proof that humans and vampires can co-exist.
And in a world where that's becoming increasingly important to prove, 'we survived another day together' might be one of the most valuable statistics they have.
She's pretty sure, somewhere, Pete has all of this on a spreadsheet. ... "Isn't it a little weird to be visiting a graveyard after hours?" Pete asks, glancing behind them at the chained gate.
"Well, I sort of wanted you all to meet him, and Shay can only come at night. Besides, unless they've changed their tactics a lot in the past couple years almost no one patrols this place. My high school friends and I used to come out here when we wanted to be sure no one would catch us drinking or smoking." She shrugs. "Now it feels kinda weird knowing I could have been sitting on my dad's headstone that time Javy convinced me to try my first cigarette."
Shay laughs, a sort of harsh sound that echoes off the stones. "Okay, you have to admit, that is pretty funny."
Sierra stops in front of a rough-cut, unassuming stone. It's probably from the ranch; her dad was the first generation not allowed to be buried in the family plot on their own land, but his family clearly wanted to leave a piece of his home with them.
It's like some inverted theory of home earth. Sierra kneels down, tracing the letters cut into the stone.
"Hey dad. It's me again. I brought friends this time. Well, better friends than I used to bring." She swallows, feeling warmth running down her night-chilled cheeks. "This is Pete, and this is Shay. Pete's my hunting partner. And Shay's a vampire but I think you might have liked him." She shrugs. "If it counts for anything, your brother doesn't actively hate him."
It's supposed to come out as a laugh, but it's more of a choked sob. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Stoker. Gotta say, you've got an awfully nice grave. Take it from someone that means something to." Shay lays a hand on top of the headstone, and this time, Sierra does laugh.
She knows what he's doing, but she doesn't mind. She'd rather laugh than cry, she thinks her dad would approve.
Pete just shuffles, clearly not as comfortable with the whole joking in the presence of the actual dead thing, but he takes a sprig of mesquite bush he'd found on the ranch earlier and lays it on top of the stone, tied around with a thin bit of red string. Apparently that's something from his family.
"Okay. We have two more to visit before we leave." Sierra leads the way to a pair of low graves with simple small stones at the heads, in a weedy, neglected corner.
"Who's here?" Pete asks.
"These were the graves of the vampires I staked." Sierra traces a finger over the stones. "When they died in a gang war, they were unclaimed and ended up buried here." Their ashes are scattered somewhere in the desert now, but it still means something to her to see the place they should have been laid to rest.
"Most hunters believe, on some level at least, that killing a vampire is simply freeing their soul. Like those stories about ghosts who are only trapped because they have unfinished business, and solving it helps them cross over." Sierra says. "But I didn't know that then. I didn't care about giving them peace, or freeing them. I just wanted them dead because I thought they were monsters."
"So what do you think? Am I a tortured soul you're doing a disservice to by letting me live?" Shay smiles a bit, fangs showing. "Would we both be better off if you freed me?"
"I think you could say the same thing to justify killing a human," Sierra replies. "As long as this life is what you want, I have no right to take it from you."
Pete taps Sierra on the shoulder and then points toward the entrance. "Lights."
He's right, a car is coming, and the way the road curves is going to send those lights right over all three of them.
"Okay, let's get out of here." ... Sierra parks in the lot of the library and glances at her passenger. The sun has been down for at least an hour, but Shay still looks nervous about getting out of the car.
"You still want to do this?"
He just nods.
Cody has been supplementing the LAPL's "Human Library Books" program with his suggestion of "(Non) Human Library" since they got the event off the ground. Robin's gone to almost all of them. Uncle John says Emma has gone a few times, when the events are in the evening late enough for her to feel comfortable going out but early enough she doesn't have to run her club.
But it's Shay's first time.
"I'm pretty sure half of the agency's going to be here. If anyone tries to harass you or pull something we'll deal with it." She's heard stories of people 'checking out' vampires only to try and poison them with garlic or expose them to UV light. There's a security process now, to make sure they're not carrying stakes or any other harmful items, but that doesn't mean someone can't get disturbingly creative.
"I'm not worried about that." He shrugs. "I just...I don't usually tell people about my past. Before I turned. They either pity me or start looking at me like somehow being an addict was worst than being a vampire." He tugs at the cuff of a sleeve. "If they ask what it's like to be me now, I can answer anything, but if they ask how it happened or what that was like..."
Sierra reaches across the car to rest her hands on his shoulders. The tension in his muscles is vibrating like an idling engine, and she rubs her thumbs into the back of his neck, hoping to ease it.
"You told me. And Pete."
"And we don't treat you any different."
"Well, to be fair, I don't think it was going to get worse than handcuffed in the back seat of a Camaro."
"You are never going to let that one go, are you?"
He laughs. Halfhearted, but still real. "Nope."
"My point is, the people coming here, if they're being genuine, want to understand other people. They're not coming here to judge you. They're coming to learn what it's like to be you."
"Okay." He opens the car door. "Maybe you're right. I mean, I got to ride up front this time."
Sierra slaps his shoulder. "Okay, go on, get out of my car. I'm right behind you." ... "I don't think I fully realized what finding out I was a Stoker was going to involve," Sierra mutters, tugging at the flowing skirt of her gala dress. "Apparently I'm expected to represent my family name by showing up to this shindig in an evening gown." 
"Well, you are basically ribbon-cutting this program," Pete says, adjusting his own tie. "It was your idea."
"I threw it at Maira and ran out her door. Figuratively. I had nothing to do with the past two years." She swishes the extravagant skirt around her ankles. It's not terrible, it's only ankle length and the slit side allows her both freedom of movement and access to the stake holster on her thigh, but she still doesn't have to like it. "They just want me here because I'm the legacy name with a connection to it. I'm going to trip over this thing and make a fool of myself."
"Well, that would certainly liven things up around here," Shay says.  "Stop it." Sierra slaps his arm gently. 
"Okay, go on, they're waiting for you." Pete says, tapping her arm and pointing her toward the stage.
She doesn't trip on anything, or mix up the notecards on the podium, but she's still glad when her speech is over and the actual party gets started. Even if she's not much for the dancing that picks up once dinner is over.
At least John convinced their DJ to include some Tejano in the mix. If she closes her eyes she can almost see her parents dancing to it playing on the Camaro's radio, in some empty field.
She's still in her seat, watching Pete tripping over his own feet trying to keep up with Saanvi, one of his fellow forensic accountants, when Shay pushes his own chair back from the table, stands up, and holds out his hand. "Would you like to dance?"
"Do you know how?"
"Do you?"
"Fair point. I know line dancing." Sierra motions to the room full of people. "And this is not it."
"Then it's perfect. Neither of us knows what we're doing and I think we're both coordinated enough to avoid stomping each other's feet." 
The current song ends just as they step out onto the floor, and the new one is slower and softer. Sierra curses under her breath. She could fake her way through something high energy and upbeat. She's not good at calm and graceful.
She settles for sort of leaning into Shay's arm and swaying, moving incrementally like she's trying to keep the floor from creaking under her shoes.
It's actually not terrible, once she catches onto the rhythm and the music's tone, and eventually, as it grows louder and stronger, her steps gain confidence, until by the last few powerful notes she feels confident enough to spin out to the end of their connected grip and then whirl back to finish the song how they started, leaning against each other but not quite touching.
She looks up, wiping back an errant strand of hair that's escaped her neat bun, to see there's a circle of several feet of space all around them and most of the other people on the floor have stopped dancing.
Shay seems to have realized the same thing.
"Are they all watching us?"
"A vampire and a Stoker sharing the dance floor, as partners no less. This is probably real life 'Beauty and the Beast' to them," Sierra says.  Shay chuckles, and Sierra leans into his shoulder as the song ends.
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idolsxheadcanons · 3 years
friend group for the song Blue Hour by TXT? can be from any source! thank u so much!! 💕
  I’m sorry for the very long wait, I clearly remember when you sent this ask because I was listening to blue hour when I received it! I love TXT so much, their music are so pretty and colourful. Blue hour is one of my favourites! Hope you like your group of friends!!
Here’s your group of friend based on Blue Hour  by TXT
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The friends:
  Adonis, Rinko, Misaki, Saaya, Tetora, Himeru, Hiyori and you :D
  This group of friends is the idea of a forest illuminated by blue lanterns, waves of fresh air and brushes of guitar strings. Whispering between members to annoy others; silly mood; lots of teasing, this group is just ‘air’ in human form. So blue but light blue in a dark blue way.
  They dream big; about leaving everything behind, go visit idealistic dimensions and meet fantasy creatures (for some) or live a calm life by the sea (for others) and more. Adonis likes to shake his head fondly at the more idealist ones, and shares ideas of a more modern look with Rinko, who has a hard time sharing her fantasy imagination with others at first in fear of disappointing everyone.
  I hope you like taking pictures, because the silly selfies this group of friends take… Saaya has a full album after one day of hang out (without counting those Misaki keep in hostage from embarrassment). If you don’t, you’ll probably play the photographer. Rinko will join you behind the camera when she doesn’t feel like taking any and supress the giggles bubbling inside her throat from the silly faces Tetora and Hiyori try to get Himeru and Misaki to do. Saaya points out Adonis has a signature way of looking in most photos and compliments his smile. Now, every time Adonis takes a photo, his smile gets wider from remembering the interaction.
♔ Random facts!
·        This group is known for stealing each other’s fries (when ordering, even those who don’t like fries HAVE TO get them. More fries for those who like them to fight over basically bahaha)
·        The idea of matching tattoos comes from Tetora, and spreads immediately around the group the next hour. Everyone shares their drastically different designs, it’s still up in the air if they’re even going to get matching tattoos, but Hiyori likes to dream big (and so does everyone else, even if less than the others)
·        When this group fight, it’s either short-lived or takes an incredible amount of time to resolve. (Tetora got frustrated by Himeru’s privateness which divided the group for two months, even if some tried to get the same vibe again, it never worked. If you’re the kind of person to stay away from conflict, those two months will feel like a whole lifetime. If you resolve them as soon as possible, Saaya probably ends up teaming with you and Adonis to lead the thing and bring everyone together to try to remain civil.)
·        Sometimes the group keep secrets from each other but end up saying them all at once when they let themselves feel vulnerable (aka the day when every conflict if they are any get resolved.)
·        Strong tears + bear hugs. Tea for everyone or your favourite drink! Hiyori reminds everyone to drink water on the daily to the point of making special edits of his selfies that reads ‘Ii Hiyori! Drink water to be as fresh as Hiyori! (May contain as side effects raise in attractiveness and popularity)’ The last part has been vandalized by Misaki (by MS painting that sh*t away, as she put it. Asterisks and all, so Tetora doesn’t freak out (it became a joke that any time someone swears in the group Tetora screams in agony because he was deemed ‘the youngest’ no matter if he really is the youngest or not)
·        Overall, good vibes! People outside the circle hear a LOT of stories from this group. Some find them weird, others want to join, but it’s all good vibes, good vibes
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moonlitely · 7 years
「  :・゚♔ CLOSED STARTER: @bornconvicts 」
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         mina had fallen asleep in the ten minute uber journey from her friend’s apartment to the bar they were headed for, immobilised by the seven cocktails she’d swilled within an hour. but they were homemade - mina’s margaritas! - how could she not consume as many as possible within the short timeframe she’d been granted? she awoke abruptly to two coiled paws shaking her lithe shoulders, ornamented lids flying open. ❝ alexis, ❞ she mewled slowly, a grin draped across glossed petals. ❝ we’re here! get the fuck out, mina! ❞ a laugh burbled from between cherry chapstick lips and tight limbs tumbled from the sköda. ❝ sh, sh. i’m coming. where are we? men? everywhere - men? what is this place? ❞ her laugh turned into a howl as alexis slung mina’s arm around her shoulder, giggling along. a THRONG of barely - clad girl bodies joined them in a row until they resembled mercenaries. perhaps fatally injured ones with the way their knees knocked together and their heels teetered. ❝ oh, shit! i forgot we were coming here. i love this bar. is that guy on? the one with the hair? ❞ her other friend, priya, jabbed her playfully in the ribs. ❝ i told you he’s mine. ❞ mina raised an eyebrow pointedly as they breezed by the bouncers, who stepped aside for the regulars with a smile. ❝ did you? well, it’s invalid because - uh, i want him? and i said i did? in fact! ❞ she huddled her friends together. ❝ if i don’t get him to take me home by the end of the night then i’ll, uhh. i’ll pay for the next night out. ❞ an eruption of half - screams tore from their throats and she lead her troop to the bar.         ❝ hello-o, ❞ she greeted sloppily, hanging her figure over the bartop. the bartender passed quips her way - suggestive flirtations, the same trawl of things she heard every single time she visited. he was RELENTLESS, but it was flattering. she quipped back and he passed her her regular - another margarita. ❝ mina! ❞ she glanced in the direction of the call, only to see three of her friends pointing aggressively to the stage as her mystery man mounted it. she grinned to herself. they’d met in passing before, but she’d never gotten him alone long enough to sink her teeth in. she knew nothing more than his name, and that she made her friends visit the bar religiously each time he played a gig there. by now, she even knew the words to his songs. alexis hoisted her from the bar stool. ❝ stop being a lazy bitch and eye - fuck him, front and centre. ❞ mina smacked her hand playfully. ❝ you always did know how to oil my engines. ❞ alexis screwed her nose. mina cackled. ❝ you’re so weird, shut up. come on. lets push to the front. ❞ alexis used the sharp of her elbow to form a path to the barrier before the stage. the crowd closed in behind them and mina’s hipbones pressed into the metal bars, her hands clawing around it. she watched him set up, gloriously drunk, F A N T A S I S E D as he pushed his lips against the microphone and let his heaven - sent voice throb through the speakers. she sang along to each lyric, danced against her friends, swept sweat - slicked tresses from her face, and caught his eye whenever she could.
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morganbelarus · 6 years
Here’s How The Celebrity College Admissions Scandal Actually Worked Betches
Get ready for all of your Full House fantasies to be shattered because Aunt Becky is in hot water. Lori Loughlin, Felicity Huffman and many other wealthy families were indicted yesterday on charges of mail fraud for using bribes to get their kids into elite colleges. On paper, these celebs were merely donating to charities that help “disadvantaged students,” but in reality the students they were helping are the opposite of disadvantaged. It was their own f*cking kids.
Here’s how it all went down: rich people paid a man named William Rick Singer thousands of dollars to finagle their children into elite colleges like Harvard, Yale, and USC. Singer had a number of methods for rigging the system, including hiring crooked SAT proctors who would correct a student’s wrong answers after the exam, or just straight up hiring a smart person to take the exam in their place. Singer also arranged to bribe coaches to accept students as athletic recruits in sports they never even played, going so far as to create fake athletic profiles with photoshopped images of the student.
So how much did this sh*t cost? Loughlin (aka Aunt Becky) paid over $500,000 to get her daughters into college while Huffman (and her husband William H. Macy) paid $15,000. I really wouldn’t want to be their daughters right now. “So, what was your SAT score?” “Oh, my parents are rich!”
According to the United States Attorney’s Office in Boston, Huffman was arrested Tuesday morning in Los Angeles. After a court appearance, she was released on a $250,000 bond. William H. Macy wasn’t charged despite there being evidence that he was involved through phone conversations. Without ever participating in the sport, Loughlin’s two daughters were classified as crew recruits for University of Southern California. You couldn’t have gone with a sport that’s easier to fake? Crew requires a lot of upper body strength. While both Loughlin and Huffman have declined to comment, University of Southern California released a statement on Twitter:
Here is USC’s statement regarding the college admissions investigation: pic.twitter.com/IwZUuWfWA5
— USC Trojans (@USC_Athletics) March 12, 2019
And now for the best part of the story: Aunt Becky’s daughter is none other than Olivia Jade, a YouTube and Instagram “influencer” who once posted a video to her YouTube page saying she didn’t really care about school, and only went to “experience game days and parties.” Yikes. Jade has since had to shut off the comments on her page and let’s just say, people are being pretty mean. It’s unclear whether the students knew what their parents were doing for them, but this is insanely embarrassing regardless. Especially since one of Olivia Jade’s recent Instagram posts is literally sponsored ads for Amazon prime for students.
Lori Loughlin bribed her daughter’s way to school..and it shows #loriloughlin pic.twitter.com/EcwlYvLi7y
— ♚ Don Dada ♔ (@D0neDeal) March 13, 2019
On behalf of everyone who got into college to old way: crying every day of senior year, Loughlin and Huffman should be ashamed. All this teaches your daughters is that money can buy hard work, skill, and merit which I suppose is the anthem right now considering our president is a reality TV millionaire. Some people have also noticed that this tweet didn’t age well:
What are your best “hacks” for the back-to-school season?
— Felicity Huffman (@FelicityHuffman) August 25, 2016
Study hard, kids!
Heads up, you need to keep up with the news. It’s not cute anymore. That’s why we’ve created a 5x weekly newsletter called The ‘Sup that will explain all the news of the week in a hilarious af way. Because if we weren’t laughing, we’d be crying. Sign up for The ‘Sup now!
Original Article : HERE ; This post was curated & posted using : RealSpecific
Here’s How The Celebrity College Admissions Scandal Actually Worked Betches was originally posted by MetNews
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