#(( [steals Hayley's 'lyrics as character tag' tactic and runs] ))
muckduckgoose · 2 years
@bonkersdbobcat​ (source)
Honker watched the officer as the latter read over the mayor’s note. Despite the feline’s confident assessment of himself, he seemed to give off a rather ‘new guy’ aura to him. Not helping was the fact that Honker couldn’t seem to recall seeing this particular officer outside of the occasional appearance in W.A.N.D.A.’s city surveillance footage, none of which exactly showed him having a good time.
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Of course, someone at least deemed him fit to be his official escort, and Honker usually gave most people he met the benefit of the doubt regardless, so he nodded along respectfully before responding. “Oh, most of it’s just analyzing the layout based on building schematics Mayor Owlson let me download to my tablet,” he reached around to pat his backpack, indicating where the tablet in question currently rested, “and calculating the most cost-effective renovation plans to convert the existing structures into living spaces for the homeless community.”
The homeless situation had, unfortunately, worsened since the catastrophe select few called ‘the Ramrod Incident’. Honker could’ve asked that Darkwing Duck have been allowed to be his escort for this, but the masked mallard had been a bit too busy as of late dealing with supervillain copycats that’d begun to spring up not long after the fictional Fearsome Four were flushed back to their home reality.
“I’m told City Hall is already looking into a building firm to take on the actual architectural work once I put together a concrete proof of concept.”
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