#(( And no god nor man will save them if they hurt Hanzo ))
sasorikigai · 2 years
How does Grandmaster Hasashi feels about that thunder God? Does master think he's reliable or trustworthy? Despite deceiving his champions and omitting pertinent information... And actually inducing Grandmaster Kuai into searching the kamidogu and exposing him to unfathomable dangers and all...
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Send my muse anons about their relationships. || anonymous, mention of @indulgentia || always accepting!
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || Excruciating forlornness, combined with undying, unconditional love becomes a set of perfect words for the way Grandmaster Hasashi feels for the past gruesomely slaughtered and pulverized. Weary words for a weary feeling; the coalesced twisting of joy and hurt that comes with each thought of his beloved Harumi and Satoshi. Closing his tenebrous chestnut eyes bring forth the long-disintegrated and faded reflections of them in  their pinnacle, along with his own being, who looks much less melancholic and at ease. His subconscious absent from the hoisted torture of despair, vengeance, grief, and regrets. This version of past Hanzo Hasashi looks more agreeable and pleasant, yet so far away. 
How the pyromancer finds himself drifting into the cerulean abyss above his head, despite all the unspoken love poems and bird calls, all fading into the sky like woolen embraces with an absent lover. They remain divine poetry that forever touch his heart and soul so deeply, ardently, and passionately. Yet, there is a silver lining in all this; that his days used to be empty, sorrowful, and colorless. For everything he does even in the name of righteous justice and rebuilding of the Shirai Ryu still reminds him of so much irreversible pain and loneliness, and his defiant love is the one that saturates awestruck passion, making his heart swell with transformative gasps of divinity, crossing the realms of humanness and godhood. His hellfire could be windswept, soft-caressing, and yet simulate widespread, all-engulfing destruction. 
His complex emotion towards the Thunder God had entombed unparalleled hatred and wrath in deep mind, as Scorpion once lost himself to the pool of rhythmic vibration that was the magmatic explosive inferno. A ripping whirlwind that would even unfurl and unravel even the atoms of a demigod. For his resolute, indefatigable passion is the bridge that had taken him from wallowing in pain, to take on such a transformative change; utilizing his grief-fueled wrath and vengeance to save the world on the precipice of extinction, as the weaponized memory of helplessness sprawl of his brutalized body become the catalytic valor and strength. 
“There are things even a Thunder God cannot foresee, for he is not an omnipresent nor an omniscient God,” Hanzo believes such omittance of information could have accelerated the annihilation, along with himself drowning in the sorrows of unworthiness, afraid of receiving the very thing he craves so deeply, because the pieces of his past he doesn’t know how to let go of holds him hostage in the melancholic and morose depression of his head, as he lays awake at night with the emptiness in his chest, as chasm widens, as his soul would cry, and every night, feeling a little more dead inside (what an irony, as a resurrected man losing pieces of himself as his reflection would scream). “Lord Raiden deals with immense, incomprehensible responsibilities as Earthrealm’s Protector. However flawed and human the demigod has been in his fated role, I simply abide by what is asked of me, regardless of vices I continue to deal with affect my own responses, frequently in sudden gush of fury and vitriol.” 
“Perhaps I was loveless back then, when I sought Sub-Zero out to defeat him alive or dead; we were both cruel and perhaps heartless to some degree, as our respective hearts burned in their own light without taking regard for the different frequency and intensity, never finding the perfect constellation of words or actions as we both were wounded souls. I simply wanted to translate my pain onto the pages, but no words could ever assuage the punishing brutalization Liang took because of Kamidogu possession.” Hanzo’s fathomless chestnut eyes seem to speak to the soul of the inquirer; they remain deep, perhaps full of unadmitted revelations and secrets and dimensions that no member of mankind will ever comprehend, unless that individual was Kuai Liang. For his tenebrous darkness will shine an illuminative light upon the wise sapphire of Sub-Zero’s understanding and empathy, as pools of ink, once devouring light in their intensity would speak of Hanzo Hasashi’s subconscious and psychological torment and trauma. 
“Unless it was Sub-Zero, it would have been an impossible for anyone to endure the fatal exsanguination, lest breathing one’s last as my unforgiving rage would have suffocated, scorched, and burst one asunder.”  ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 ||
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yetremains · 3 years
∞ (Commander Hasashi and Scorpion)
Send me ∞ and my muse will tell you…
(Time for both~.)
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"Well then, Commander~."
If I Think They Are: Ugly || Plain || Alright || Cute || Freaking Adorable || Pretty || Beautiful || Hot || Stunning || Irreplaceable
If I Would Go On A Date With Them: Not even if we were the last two one earth || No || Maybe || Eh….Sure || Yes || I'd also ask you out on one || WILL YOU MARRY ME
If I Trust Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || With My Life || Unflinching Loyalty
If I Care About Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || Deeply
If I Would Sleep With Them: Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW! || Wrecking Each Other every Weekend, This is just fact
My Comfort Level With Your Muse: Keep a Distance || Okay You Can Stand There, But Don’t Touch Me || Let’s Get Coffee and Talk || Let’s Cuddle || I Can Change In Front of You || Let’s Take a Bath Together || Will Lounge Naked
If I See You As: A Stranger || An Acquaintance || A Friend || A Close Friend || My Best Friend || A Crush || The Love of My Life || My Missing Half
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"If we're being honest as I tend to do, Scorpion."
If I Think They Are: Ugly || Plain || Alright || Cute || Freaking Adorable || Pretty || Beautiful || Hot (pun intended) || Stunning || Awe Inspiring
If I Would Go On A Date With Them: Not even if we were the last two one earth || No || Maybe || Eh….Sure || Yes || Anywhere Anytyime || WILL YOU MARRY ME || Would you be comfortable with that-
If I Trust Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || With My Life || Would Accompany Anywhere
If I Care About Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || Deeply || Is this even a question???
If I Would Sleep With Them: Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW! || Snuggle Me After
My Comfort Level With Your Muse: Keep a Distance || Okay You Can Stand There, But Don’t Touch Me || Let’s Get Coffee and Talk || Let’s Cuddle || I Can Change In Front of You || Let’s Take a Bath Together (I'll clean your hair)
If I See You As: A Stranger || An Acquaintance || A Friend || A Close Friend || My Best Friend || A Crush || The Love of My Life || Completion I didn't Know I Craved
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swordsxandxshadows · 3 years
✖ + Kazane's neck scar, from Hanzo
☯ Send ✖ + a body part for my muse’s reaction to yours touching a scar they have on that body part. ☯
It was an old wound, one that had been dealt onto her centuries ago under a tense situation that had turned deadly quickly, ending with the scar that now adorned her neck. Almost being fatal in nature if it hadn’t been for the quickness and haste from Fujin and Raiden, both distraught in what had transpired and rushing to save the young child deity. The whole ordeal leaving Kazane unable to use her own vocals after, the strain of trying having been tested in the past and only brought a hurting strain when she tried to form even simple sounds or words. Having learned after to rely on other means now to communicate to those around her, luckily finding such means in which she could speak to others.
She never really though much about wearing things that covered up her throat, she wasn’t ashamed of the scar itself nor found it ugly in nature. Vanity the farthest thing from the reason she kept it so hidden as she did. More she did it out of habit, noticing the reaction from Fujin and Raiden in turn when they saw it, not wanting them to feel the guilt and sadness that came with the memories of how the scar had come into existence. The failure they felt not being able to protect the tiny Goddess and avoid the loss of her voice, even if she never blamed them for not preventing such matters. No, nothing could ever mar the feelings she felt towards either of them, even if they probably thought differently at times. She loved them both unconditionally and without falter, they were her family after all and nothing would ever change those feelings for them. It was an inevitable event that none of them could of foreseen. Still, she covered it as to avoid those feelings she had noticed upon each look. Both had taken care to try to conceal them, not vocalizing or showing the feelings on the surface but it hadn’t escaped her notice. The subtle hints that both Storm Gods were unaware of themselves, she read loud and clear. Never hating the scar, except for how it made them feel.
So, when the Grandmaster had seemed to take notice, reaching out in a delicate way towards the injury she had lightly jerked away subconsciously. Not even realizing she had done so till she noticed the ever subtle look of worry and concerned that graced his features and the way he held his hands as if to reassure her that he meant no harm in the action. Watching every movement with intensity after, as if reading her carefully now and gauging her reaction if he continued his approach or if she’d allow it. One of her own hands resting against the collar that concealed the scar just below, events flashing ever so slightly in the back of her mind. Taking a moment before they faded again into the back of her memories, burying the tragic event best she could again. Wishing it would just fade already and be forgotten, but she knew that was impossible. 
‘S-Sorry...I didn’t expect you to notice...’
Her hand lingered for a moment, gripping ever so slightly in nature for just a while longer before moving away. It wasn’t like Hanzo had reached out to invade her personal space on a whim or frighten her, in fact the look had been one of concern. Checking her in the instance like a parent would a child trying to hide an injury from them. It was a kind reaction in her mind, the Shirai Ryu Grandmaster almost having taken on a father role with the young Goddess. A protective nature blossoming from the man ever since he had the fortune of meeting her and become a constant in her life.
‘It’s an old injury...from long ago...it’s why my voice is lost and no longer useable.’
The words on the wind sounded less of the cheerful nature that what often was heard from the young deity. Clear that the scar was a bit of a sore subject even after all these eons of having it. A small smile forming on that face, a bit of sadness to the usual cheerful aura that accompanied the look that often adorned the child’s face.
‘I can assure you I am not hiding a new injury...I am sure if I was Fujin would’ve taken notice and not let me out of his sight so easily. Sorry if I worried you in anyway.’
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sasorikigai · 4 years
BLOOD TIES - Prelude Meta
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Years ago, a great war between realms brought the universe to the brink of destruction. In their most desperate hour, Earthrealm's champions rallied in strength and spirit—saving their world from the forces of evil. In the years that followed, there existed a peace between realms for the first time since the Mortal Kombat tournaments began. But peace did not last for long...
The story begins in the Himalayan wilderness with Kenshi Takahashi battling infamous Red Dragon member Hsu Hao and other Red Dragon members with Takeda Takahashi, his son. While Kenshi is quick to attempting to subdue his enemies in order for Takeda to escape, Kenshi incites by trespassing the Shirai Ryu Territory, which smoothly transitions forth Hanzo Hasashi’s abrupt intervention, which quickly disposes of Hsu Hao by a skewered kunai to his chest, with a flaming fist impaling the Red Dragon’s head. 
Even in this brief fighting scene, it could be referenced that Kenshi and Hanzo has been close friends, who would reciprocally save each other’s lives, and acting not only on vengeance, but justice (but this parallel and ongoing concept when it involves Hanzo will come later on, repeatedly, in fact). 
"Good is not nice, polite, well-mannered, self-righteous, or naive, though good characters may be some of these things."
Hanzo Hasashi may be a redeemed character who has gone through hell and back to experience growth and redemption, but he is a natural loner - a lone wolf throughout the franchise, ever since he lost his family, his clan, along with his life. His senses of duty may force him to perform heroic acts, but he does not consider chitchat or politeness to be parts of their obligations, lest someone really deserves it through mounted trust and reciprocation as it is extremely hard to downright trust anyone. Also, he may want to be an affable person, but Hanzo believes that being nice does not always get things done, and that doing good requires them to be harsh and cruel, particularly if he has to teach something. This may be an intermittent effect, applied only when necessary; to train Takeda, who wasn’t obviously handpicked by Hanzo himself, but taking care of him on Kenshi’s behalf. 
Hanzo may be no longer an Anti-Hero, nor Vigilante Man, but he still harbors that significant dualism in a sense that he could be a genuinely friendly, sociable, caring person, always looking out for his friends and family and trying to do the right thing. It's just that this niceness doesn't extend to giving free passes to the truly vile and horrific among his enemies (Quan Chi in canon, Havik in the comics). They are the reason why the villain should Beware the Nice Ones, especially since Hanzo is not gonna wait to be angered or snap before the inevitable beatdown/killing begins. Hanzo will find them, will stop them and (if they're lucky) will kill them before they can hit that Berserk Button (where Hanzo fails, which will come later on with Hanzo vs. Havik fight). 
The Shirai Ryu Temple is full of Shirai Ryu warriors who lost their families in the Netherrealm War, sole survivors like Hanzo Hasashi himself. It’s a jarring reminder of his death, and resurrection as Scorpion, as he would serve as the Enforcer of the Netherrealm on Quan Chi’s leash... With all things past him, as Kenshi Takahashi helped Hanzo to get him out of the darkness, Hanzo reciprocates the good deed upon them. Kenshi has his own vengeance as Kenshi was performing a deep covert cover mission to eradicate the Red Dragon’s cult leader, Daegon. When his cover was blown, his son living in Thailand was also blown and Suchin (Kenshi’s wife) was killed in gruesome matter before Kenshi could get there, but Suchin was smart enough to hide Takeda in the next town, to escape slaughter. Hanzo takes him in, as he sought revenge and find death. Takeda fears and resents Hanzo, because he is a wraith from hell. Kenshi, intimately knowing of Hanzo’s demons, tells his son that Hanzo conquered his own years ago. When Hanzo catches Takeda running away from the Shirai Ryu Compounds, he catches up to the boy and tells him. 
“You are a survivor, Takeda, like me. But Shirai Ryu do not run. We fight.” 
This philosophy, the strong, iron-willed Sasori Hanzo wears will be a continued ouroboros that will repeatedly return as the comics’ events continue. It will also become the catalyst in Takeda’s harbored strength as he grows from a weak boy to a formidable warrior. 
Hanzo trains Takeda, as the young Takahashi battles Forrest Fox, who comes on top as he gets beaten over and over again. Years later, Takeda simply feints using his speed, instead of countering Fox when he attacks. Hanzo immediately calls Takeda out for playing around, even when he could have utilized his advantage to strike at first opportunity given. Hanzo does not hold back with his criticism, be imposing and charismatic when he needs to be, while also offering protection towards Takeda, as he assigns Fox to protect him. 
"Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death."
Imposing, intimidating and austere, Hanzo Hasashi, at least before the events of MKX storyline still harbors the duality of his personality (Hanzo and Scorpion), Scorpion being that of vengeance, hatred and wrath, while Hanzo is his humanity and compassion. One of the worst things Hanzo’s enemies can ever do with him is to do something that gets him well and truly furious, because rage makes him close to being unbeatable despite him being a mortal being now. He will go into a frenzy and become stronger, faster, braver, more agile and more indestructible than he has ever been, and he will annihilate anyone who stands in his way. In Takeda’s training, Hanzo is most definitely harsher with him than any of the other handpicked ninjas, for Forrest Fox comments on “If you thought Hanzo was a harsh master before, wait until you meet the real Scorpion.” And Hanzo regards the Shirai Ryu as his blood and family - For Hanzo Hasashi is a Grandmaster, a commander cares deeply about their men and exhibits it constantly. A mentor to the officers (generals and ninjas) under them, Hanzo takes a deep personal interest in their welfare and try to keep them out of harm's way. Even those non-kombatants, who stay behind the front defense line (those that work in infirmary, women who take care of the ninjas, as being a traditional Japanese setting, there still are more women non-kombatants than their male counterparts) will be treated with utter respect and made to feel as valued as the ninjas on the front line.
Hanzo thinks of being abruptly interrupted by Raiden - unexpected and unwelcomed - as the Thunder God warned Hanzo of the Netherrealm Invasion damaging cosmic barriers that protect the Earth from realms beyond. A powerful demon from another realm broke through before Raiden could repair them. Hanzo comments that it is Raiden’s fault, and as he recalls his memory, comments to Takeda that if this demon shows up, warns that warriors don’t dance around it, but kill it before it kills him. Forrest Fox, corrupted with the Blood Code, massacres almost all of the Second Shirai Ryu and takes Takeda to Grandmaster Hasashi, who is in a mental entropy; a state produced by a psychedelic from Hanzo’s own poison collection, reliving old times to stroke the fire until vengeance consumes him. He struggled years to control his vengeful spirit, and now he’s lost yet another family, corrupted Fox waits for what Hanzo will become. 
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In his poison-induced delirium, Hanzo remembers the tragic, agonizing event, seemingly from a lifetime ago, Hanzo fights against Lin Kuei warriors, and comes across Harumi (Kana) and Satoshi (Jubei), who are solid frozen with Sub-Zero before him. That day, Hanzo has lost everything - his family, his clan - as he thinks himself becoming Scorpion, the hellfire never being able to burn him whole. Takeda refuses to kill Hanzo, and Fox calls on an occasion where Hanzo has been especially hard on him, considering Hanzo handpicked every fighter he trained, except Takeda, and calls him a runner, not a warrior. Hanzo gives into Scorpion’s persona, burning Fox in hellfire, then Takeda splits him in half, killing corrupted Fox as they burn the Shirai Ryu Compounds, and plans to visit Raiden, to have him beg for mercy. 
Since Hellfire is often explicitly magical in nature, it may also have other affects or the way it does what it does is different from conventional fire. While normal fire might melt something with heat, Hellfire may just disintegrate it entirely, or even go against the annihilative nature of the fire itself, as it was shown with corrupted Forrest Fox under the Blood Code. Maybe whatever normal fire affected will be hot after but eventually the heat will die down but with Hellfire, the object may stay hot or even feel cold. More than that, when used on a living creature, Hellfire might not hurt it the same way as normal fire. Instead of burning the body, Hellfire may burn the soul and physical injuries are the result of a wounded spirit that may never heal. And this also goes along with how Hanzo faced his violence; immoral, thriving on hatred rather than love, not only it destroyed communal sense of his wholeness, it left his world in monologue, rather than dialogue. 
Hellfire itself was a stark metaphor of his violence ending by defeating itself, Hanzo Hasashi’s own triad of body, mind and soul. For it had created bitterness in a sole survivor within him and brutality in destroying them as his cruel madness pulverized so many innocents. 
At this point, Hanzo’s hatred towards Raiden is rampant; for he blames the Thunder God for giving him the Kamigodu Dagger, then having the Second Shirai Ryu massacred, to come close to losing almost everything, save for Takeda and his own life. 
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