#(( and for the length 😞 my sprites still aren’t finished 😞 ))
🖌 I come bearing a gift. Caria would disagree 🏃🏻‍♂️💨 🖌
Dusk skies illuminated the sky as a dark-haired girl wandered around the streets of Kaminashi City, for once not hanging out with her friends. Sometimes she needed to have some time to herself, although being alone with her thoughts was as scary as her abandonment issues.
Caria could feel eyes on her, possibly admiring her looks, much to her dismay. A roll of her eyes and the turn of her head happened to catch the attention of a guy moving forward to talk to her.
Trapped against the wall of a building with the same guy leaning dangerously close, Caria drew her pocket knife which usually slumbered underneath her clothing. The guy nearly fell back as the knife pressed right against his throat, a singular movement being able to take his life.
Her lips parted to finally speak for the first time that evening.
❝ Get lost. ❞
The guy soon disappeared from sight, Caria sighing as she put the knife back where it was supposed to hide.
Feeling another pair of eyes on her, she glanced around the area before noticing a person. She couldn't tell if they were watching her or if it was just a coincidence.
❝ Have you been watching me? ❞
She called out to them, an eyebrow raised in confusion.
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As this was occurring, a young teen was making their way home from a meeting. Not from any kind of royal official, or something regarding those Sakamakis. But merely a request, from a student in one of their classes. It was quite a strange one, to have them coming out to school grounds long before their classes were supposed to begin. Thus they were dressed casually. A black, skin tight turtleneck— Over it being a short sleeved dressed shirt. Black jeans that were cuffed at the ankle, and black boots. A black coat, with fabric that reached their mid-calf, dawned their shoulders as their gloved hands rested in its pockets.
Dull black irises scanned their surroundings. A force of habit, to count and monitor the gazes around them— And thankfully there weren’t too many. Except for the one clearly lingering upon a young woman, whom if they recalled correctly was their student council president. They generally avoided the student council— After all what would they want with one of, if not the worst, students? As for the other way around? They kept tabs.
The teen’s eyes didn’t follow the pair so obviously, though that wasn’t an issue for them. Gwen’s range of vision was beyond that of human capability— With a simple removal of their glasses their horizons broadened significantly. All they really needed was their peripheral view, to gaze upon the woman’s assaulted like so. Walking pace gradually slowly, mimicking that of someone looking fondly upon the sunset.
It was quite interesting, to see the woman so casually armed, though not quite surprising. She seemed to be skilled with a blade, given her movements. Skilled enough to have the man walking swiftly away, evident fear in his eyes.
( ❛ That man seemed to have been quite the coward.. ❜ )
Expression not replicating something other than casual indifference, Gwen’s attention turned to the girl as she called out for them? Watching her..? Well, yes. Although they would never admit to such a thing. Their form did a complete turn, the only thing changing on their face was a raise of the brow, to allow her to know they had heard her.
❝ I haven’t, no. ❞
A simple answer, that left no room to allude to any kind of lie or deceit. They noticed that her once handled knife was gone now— Likely hidden somewhere on her body.
( ❛ I suppose she isn’t a beginner. But work could definitely be used. ❜ )
❝ Though if I may: What’s the student council president doing out in the city like this? I would have thought you lot had work to do, especially during weekdays. ❞
They decided to inquire about her business, though not expecting any kind of honest answer. After all anyone cautious enough to have weapons hidden on their person would never share their business so casually.
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