#caria baris
sutcliffe-v · 2 years
🖌 🏃💨 🖌
Put ☎ in my ask for your muses info in my muses phone:
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name: chef
; she’s his personal chef now SKSKKS. nah but she’s always cooking for him to not only feel useful, but to make sure that he EATS. FOOD. has DIFFERENT MEALS. and yeah he doesnt use people’s real names, so 🫶
ringtone: none
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; she’s cooking for him <3
last text received | last text sent
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his fridge and pantry are notoriously empty/not filled with a lot of variety. and caria is TIRED. 🙄 virek also just doesnt care very much. he’s not the one cooking anyway.
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seerpentine · 6 months
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"Forgive me, for all the things I did but mostly for the ones that I did not." - Donna Tartt, 'The Secret History'
selective & mutuals-only oc blog for Caria Baris based in the Diabolik Lovers Universe & storyline. brainrotted by Lin. ( She - They | 23 )
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
❝ I heard you like someone, so let's stop this. I don't want to hold you back from being with that person. From now on, we only talk about school related things. See you. ❞
With that Caria walked past him, a sigh escaping her lips.
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"Well you heard wrong, Caria. You can't trust each rumor and pathetic piece of gossip you hear, you know."
Before she could depart, Ruki firmly seized her by the upper arm, an indignant scowl deepening.
"There isn't anyone in particular whom I'm fond of. Now get a grip of yourself and remember the circumstances of this courtship in the first place. I highly doubt there is one more suitable to play the role of your boyfriend than me. Though I suppose that may be debatable after the encounter I had with your father, of all people. Did you know he visited my estate without any notice whatsoever? A troubled man, that one." A heavy sigh escaped the Vampire's pale lips. "Don't think you can elude me so easily, Caria. I'll see this through until the end."
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sakamaki--oresama · 2 years
It hadn't been that long since Caria began living with the Sakamaki brothers, much to her dismay. However, life became much more bearable when she realized she could hide from them if she wanted to.
Thanks to one of the other Sakamaki, Caria now knew Ayato owned a basketball that she wanted to use. However, on that day she happened to be completing a challenge she wasn't able to refuse.
❝ ...Hey. I heard you have a basketball. Can I borrow it? ❞
Deep down, Caria knew he'd either refuse or ask for something in exchange which was just so annoying. Before he could comment on her attire, she quickly spoke to explain.
❝ This is for a challenge, don't mind it. Just give me the ball and I'm gone. ❞
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"Huh. And why do you need my basketball? You demand Oresama in a very arrogant way, girly." Ayato paused for a moment to think, gently caressing his chin with his fingers as he tried to plan some way he can benefit from this.
"Well, you will accompany me to take the ball. BUT." He paused abruptly, to smile widely showing his long white fangs. "You will do what I tell you in return. Heh... Did you expect me to give in just for wearing such a revealing uniform? Be careful not to let your breasts bounce like balls too or be mistaken for a basketball."
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🥀 literally any dynamic he will ever have. 🥀
@cursed--requiem @ruki--mukami ((tagging you both bc ik your muses make good food 🫵 BUT FEEL FREE TO IGNORE SJNDND))
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mino-diabolik · 2 years
"Tell you you're the greatest But once you turn, they hate us."
"Oh, the misery."
"Everybody wants to be my enemy. Spare the sympathy. Everybody wants to be my enemy-y-y-y-y."
. . .
❝ Oh! Do you like it? ❞
She was too happy. Something was off. 
🖌 crack caria is here 🏃 🖌
Mystic cracked a smile, recognizing the song. “But I’m ready. You’re words up on the wall, as you’re praying for my fall! And the laughter in the halls, and the names that I’ve been called,” he chuckled, singing the lyrics that he recalled. “I stack in my mind. And I’m waiting for the time, when I show you what it’s like—to be words spit in a mic!” Finished with the second verse, he slumped against Caria with a grin.
“Well, ain’t ya awfully giddy, Caria? What’s gotcha chirping about?”
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iricathel · 2 years
💅  :    your  muse  paints  my  muse’s  nails .
🖌 🏃 🖌
❥   𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍     [   𝐀   𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐁𝐎𝐋   𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄   ]  .
💅  :    your  muse  paints  my  muse’s  nails .
Watching with a fixed determination, the young blonde turned her hands from front to back, bending and stretching her fingers to get a good look at the nails.
"Agh..." Irina sighed in annoyance, realizing that the red enamel paint was patchy, so she would need to fix them soon but she hadn't booked an appointment at a beauty salon for a manicure yet.
Raising her green gaze, the Owl glanced sideways at the brown-haired girl, then smiled softly and gently cleared her throat. "Caria." She let out like a wind-snatched whisper to get the girl's attention.
"Wouldn't you mind to help me doing my nails, pretty please? They look like a disaster right now." Irina complained puffing out her cheeks in a childish pout to show Caria her nails. "If you can...my gel polishes, violet light, nail files and all the necessary supplies are in that drawer." She asked while pointing to a drawer of her retoucher.
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
🖌 hi ✨ i‘ve moved to this blog from golden--requiem to start over with my new oc. time for a first meeting, again 🏃💨 🖌
Breaks were usually a boring period to Caria, having nothing of importance to do. Therefore she decided to sit on the stairs, a sketchbook on her lap which she was sketching in.
Sitting on stairs was a habit she picked up from childhood, getting herself into trouble multiple times. However, there were no signs of any chance.
She didn’t even think of anyone having to pass to get upstairs. So when people asked to pass through, Caria was starting to grow annoyed at the frequency of their asked favors. This time, Caria decided not to move, should another person decide to want to use the stairs to get to their classrooms.
❝ Annoying… ❞ The girl mumbled to herself, resuming her sketching.
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// Oooh~ I'm looking forward to our interacts with a new OC~! ^^
[ Descending the stairs, Ryuuto smelt Caria long before he saw her. Step, by step, by step... He drew out his descent, giving the girl plenty of warning of his presence, and of his eventual need to pass her until he finally reached her. ]
. . .
[ Without hesitation, nor daring to stop, the toe of Ryuuto's shoe kicked Caria's mid-back where she sat on the staircase, a rude awakening to let her know she was r~ight in his path. ]
Oh, pardon me. I didn't see you there.
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🖌 I come bearing a gift. Caria would disagree 🏃🏻‍♂️💨 🖌
Dusk skies illuminated the sky as a dark-haired girl wandered around the streets of Kaminashi City, for once not hanging out with her friends. Sometimes she needed to have some time to herself, although being alone with her thoughts was as scary as her abandonment issues.
Caria could feel eyes on her, possibly admiring her looks, much to her dismay. A roll of her eyes and the turn of her head happened to catch the attention of a guy moving forward to talk to her.
Trapped against the wall of a building with the same guy leaning dangerously close, Caria drew her pocket knife which usually slumbered underneath her clothing. The guy nearly fell back as the knife pressed right against his throat, a singular movement being able to take his life.
Her lips parted to finally speak for the first time that evening.
❝ Get lost. ❞
The guy soon disappeared from sight, Caria sighing as she put the knife back where it was supposed to hide.
Feeling another pair of eyes on her, she glanced around the area before noticing a person. She couldn't tell if they were watching her or if it was just a coincidence.
❝ Have you been watching me? ❞
She called out to them, an eyebrow raised in confusion.
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As this was occurring, a young teen was making their way home from a meeting. Not from any kind of royal official, or something regarding those Sakamakis. But merely a request, from a student in one of their classes. It was quite a strange one, to have them coming out to school grounds long before their classes were supposed to begin. Thus they were dressed casually. A black, skin tight turtleneck— Over it being a short sleeved dressed shirt. Black jeans that were cuffed at the ankle, and black boots. A black coat, with fabric that reached their mid-calf, dawned their shoulders as their gloved hands rested in its pockets.
Dull black irises scanned their surroundings. A force of habit, to count and monitor the gazes around them— And thankfully there weren’t too many. Except for the one clearly lingering upon a young woman, whom if they recalled correctly was their student council president. They generally avoided the student council— After all what would they want with one of, if not the worst, students? As for the other way around? They kept tabs.
The teen’s eyes didn’t follow the pair so obviously, though that wasn’t an issue for them. Gwen’s range of vision was beyond that of human capability— With a simple removal of their glasses their horizons broadened significantly. All they really needed was their peripheral view, to gaze upon the woman’s assaulted like so. Walking pace gradually slowly, mimicking that of someone looking fondly upon the sunset.
It was quite interesting, to see the woman so casually armed, though not quite surprising. She seemed to be skilled with a blade, given her movements. Skilled enough to have the man walking swiftly away, evident fear in his eyes.
( ❛ That man seemed to have been quite the coward.. ❜ )
Expression not replicating something other than casual indifference, Gwen’s attention turned to the girl as she called out for them? Watching her..? Well, yes. Although they would never admit to such a thing. Their form did a complete turn, the only thing changing on their face was a raise of the brow, to allow her to know they had heard her.
❝ I haven’t, no. ❞
A simple answer, that left no room to allude to any kind of lie or deceit. They noticed that her once handled knife was gone now— Likely hidden somewhere on her body.
( ❛ I suppose she isn’t a beginner. But work could definitely be used. ❜ )
❝ Though if I may: What’s the student council president doing out in the city like this? I would have thought you lot had work to do, especially during weekdays. ❞
They decided to inquire about her business, though not expecting any kind of honest answer. After all anyone cautious enough to have weapons hidden on their person would never share their business so casually.
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daughter-of-royalty · 2 years
🎹 Reverse + Violin🏃
🖌️let's get this party started ✨🖌️
Send 🎹 for your muse to find my muse playing an instrument. (Send “🎹 Reverse” for my muse to find yours).
The hallways void of students, the light tapping of Kazuha’s shoes as she paced down the hallway were the loudest sound around her. Or so it was for the longest of time, until a long high-pitched cry from strings made her ear perk up. She looked up from the book in her hands, scanning the empty hallway for the direction the sound brewed from.
While she would have usually ignored it and continued on minding her own business, Kazuha’s felt like entertaining her curiousness. She tucked the bookmark between the pages and pressed the hardcover against her chest. She kept an ear out as she followed the sound of what she would eventually realize was a violin. The manner of play was slightly out of her comfort, but it was lovely nonetheless.
She turned on the following corner and leisurely approached the marginally open door into the music room. She stood just slightly out of view behind the threshold and watched in silence. She inspected the figure playing with interest, judging her stance. This young lady certainly knew how to play, however.
Once over, Kazuha finally spoke, “Your stance is atrocious, miss.”
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pierced-by-eros · 2 years
🖌 I'll have you know that Julia is the cutest ship name 😤 Juliet is so cute I have no doubts that those two could get along splendidly even if Caria is hesitant to love 🤲🏻😭 🖌
✰ OH YOU ALREADY KNOW IT 💪💪💪 im living for the “hesitant to love X helpless romantic” dynamic they got goin on! I think it could be especially interesting when Juliet’s curse comes into play 🤔 ✰
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hanagormley · 2 years
The Second Quiz: Results
“My, my! It seems that people did better on this quiz than the last. I’m very proud of everyone~! But prepared, for the next subject will be about the Sengoku Period of Japan. Here’s the general overview of the results.”
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People who got an A: 5
People who got a B: 4
People who got a C: 1
People who got an F: 1
“Perhaps I made the quiz too easy...or you actually studied thoroughly. Although...I did get a duplicate exam that has a bizarre aura about it...like if it was submitted through a rip and space and time. In any case, unless you failed you won’t be need to see me after class. I will give you back the answer key, then go around the class and hand back your paper.”
Answer Key: 
Cat Fugue
Because it could predate Vivaldi's visitation to Mantua's court in 1718/It could’ve been written in 1716 - 1717
Unknown and/or All of the Above
1397/14th Century
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
A commentary of Jesus Christ's life
[slithers from behind her desk and hands back exams]
Rei Sakamaki - 10/10 (A)
Sharon Won - 8/10 (B) “Nice Job!” @strawberry--bride
Ruki Mukami - 8/10 (B) - “Your exam had a bizarre aura to it” @ask-ruki-mukami
Yui Komori - 7/10 (C) “Getting better!” @yui--komori​
Yuriko Tsukino - 8/10 (B) “Most Improved!” @yuriko-tsukino-rp​
Irina Avenel - 8/10 (B) @iricathel​
Josephine Ako - 5/10 (F) “See me after class” @thatonefrenchwitch
Ruki Mukami - 10/10 (A) “There was an another exam with your name on it, but I think I figured out the issue” @ruki--mukami
Scarlett Wakahisa - 9/10 (A) “You have your seat back.” @kindan-no-kanojo
Nunnally Sakamaki - 10/10 (A) “Please don’t put anything more than your name on the name section, ma’am” @lured-into-wonderland
Caria Baris - 10/10 (A) “Good Job!” @cursed--requiem​ 
“Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful summer! This heat wave is quite pleasant, so enjoy it while it lasts! You’re dismissed.”
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
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❝ I am more than half pure, hm? What do you think of this? Taking this test has inspired me to try sleeping with men as well. Though I will be selecting carefully... ❞
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"You truly have no shame whatsoever, Caria. Perhaps you should try asking one of those men to be your pretend boyfriend instead. I'm sure your father would be pleased with some unknown cur with the sole intent of getting in your pants than someone like me... Not that you would require my assistance. Isn't that right?" Mockery dripped with each word he uttered. "Quit the charades already. Yes, someone like you, a prestigious student council member, would clearly risk your reputation over a one-night stand indeed—as if I don't hear enough insipid gossip at the academy anyway."
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444names · 2 years
american and german forenames + persian names BUT excluding "h"
Abdia Abdokri Abdoste Aberreedya Adieein Adjmas Ageena Ajdan Akbardo Akbarnoour Alarica Aliltaexis Alin Alisaman Alistone Alliamani Almiriuss Altenes Alvara Amierd Aney Anie Anjacy Anoun Anvane Arabakelse Arames Arge Argisti Armaran Armone Arse Asad Asirni Askard Aula Aurickylla Awjidil Azizad Azus Azusie Bageenjbad Bamon Bandang Bard Bari Barmoz Barrin Batam Bean Begzaridi Beri Bert Blaque Bleydanni Bone Bora Boram Braf Branie Breenes Broudo Burma Calilavine Cami Camy Cari Caria Codysa Cole Colilto Coni Cryles Cyri Cyroz Darbet Dard Dardai Darjazi Darlegan Dason Davi Derna Dick Diney Dory Dossus Ebari Ebazi Eber Ebtella Ebti Eftabida Efte Eftie Elenel Elmannin Elmuel Elnazza Emarl Enazama Ergan Ertois Esfara Esgandy Essago Evadie Fafaq Fafarna Fafi Fara Faravid Farbord Farce Fari Fario Feebba Fertazi Ficki Firiellipp Fran Franie Frava Fredualey Geed Geedoll Geessiegis Gelmegan Geodorana Geri Gisabbi Glene Glole Glomella Goanei Golf Golilifte Golla Golloumi Golna Goon Gord Gorselip Gravoosava Gren Guaggy Guani Guia Guina Hajace Haki Hala Hamaine Hamzandrie Hedren Henn Histabai Home Hoody Hoond Hooy Horang Hosa Idzad Irana Isant Issina Izaeed Jacky Jadi Jami Jance Jandy Jang Jangari Jani Janu Jassa Javy Jeanjad Jefi Jerton Jidrei Joanda Joandri Joayne Josam Joseffamda Josel Juni Juntoy Kaler Kalina Kalle Kamil Kang Karia Karlakt Karlen Kaspames Kassa Kavabily Kaybi Kayed Kazi Keilbarg Keleefi Kelimine Kelina Kelivaldon Kena Kessavi Keyvene Klad Kliff Koksani Koos Kooydagne Kous Krani Lace Lamon Lassi Lavizbad Legar Lekzad Lilaini Lilyn Llicamda Lone Loresstarg Lour Lourtrab Ludawilica Luli Lutaba Luttert Lytos Mablanz Mada Mago Maina Malianus Mami Mamys Manbatel Mancien Mandica Mandors Mandredien Mani Manne Maredela Mari Marz Mascoraj Maste Masver Mawred Mazd Meenati Megaeene Mesey Messi Mesum Mico Mirani Mirgar Mirin Miris Mist Mitz Moad Moandrasse Moni Mony Motta Mour Mozoo Mozosam Muada Mudia Muita Mumiri Nabi Nadi Nald Nargin Nasa Nasem Navan Navy Naza Nazadzalle Nazdim Nazi Nazie Nazma Nazuss Nedd Negaman Nejmeli Nemargis Nexisa Niavi Nimin Noonjanna Nourina Oeon Oley Omelam Openne Oxana Paki Pala Pald Paley Palians Palvie Pammy Panter Panza Parennitan Parmaioser Parne Paromeckla Pary Paud Paudegelie Pegableo Pelistie Perwie Pettery Pirice Pistra Poulabi Prenarani Prian Price Pujidi Qolna Rafi Rakel Rambyzur Rami Ramzadi Rasi Rasis Rasti Razd Rentsyla Rezaeid Rifar Roge Rolinattsy Ronac Rose Rosey Roubar Rouz Rouzgon Roxamino Roxani Rutlenni Ruza Ruzad Saack Saad Sabani Sabis Sadegari Sadi Saee Saisavi Salacedri Sald Samannel Samarie Sames Sammenelie Samys Sand Sandad Sang Santon Sean Sine Sinna Sirace Sisoune Solle Soudel Sourain Staeundar Stal Stedamby Stelli Surian Syarcur Tabarie Tabenri Taee Talaqi Talk Tallam Tallaurt Tarandan Tean Teri Tiroo Torenar Torz Tosebilie Toudolfred Tour Tradre Tricy Trid Triedy Trisoplek Tyrutty Udiane Uksa Ulli Ulrin Undy Vada Waynna Wenad Went Wiana Wilakzari Wolberna Wollind Xercusesl Yvalby Zakim Zalda Zania Zargam Zarri Zavoori Zerne
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🥀 Caria: “Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
Virek, overthinking the question: “… I don’t like where this is going …” 🥀
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mino-diabolik · 2 years
‘You’re staring’
🖌 🏃 🖌
send ‘You’re staring’ for my muse to get caught gazing at yours
The cool air of the ice-cream shop was a refreshing from the otherwise scorching outside. He really should’ve brought something lighter for the day, Mystic thought. He wasn’t used to walking around while the sun was up at its hottest point, so perhaps wearing something had simply just slipped his mind.
“Am I now?” There was mock in Mystic’s query; cheek resting against his fist as he leaned over the table. The shit-eating grin plastered on his face simply added more into the smug expression in his face. The hand he’d kept resting over the cool surface of the pastel-colored surface lifted swiftly, reaching across until his thumb brushed just an inch away from Caria’s lips and wiped something from her cheek.
He returned to his place, licking off the smudge he’d cleaned off her face, he grinned with a quiet chuckle. “You seem more distracted, though. Since you’re getting food on yourself at this age. Hahaha…”
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