#(( dfkngjdkgfd ))
not-bcring · 2 years
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🥃// for kaz, gun will do one with him owo
-  ✩   「 @from-across-the-stars 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」   Kazuichi has drank before. Probably more than he should and definitely starting younger than he should have been… but he still could never get the hang of it. Apparently, practice does not make perfect sometimes. From what he’s heard and seen, it’s supposed to be enjoyable. Yeah, there are downsides to it. Like the massive fucking hangovers that make Kaz feel as if someone’s taken a wrench to his skull. But before the inevitable shittiness, he’s supposed to have FUN.
Emphasis on ‘ supposed to ’.
Taking hold of the shot he’d ordered on reflex, Kazuichi’s stomach already twists in anticipation of the horrid taste and sensation. He can’t stand these fucking things… Who had the grand idea to make something that HURTS to drink? Thankfully the pain usually numbs once he’s gotten a few more in him. He’s found a tried-and-true method of surviving going out for a drink. Slam down as many as he can, power through how overly-emotional ( even by HIS standards ) and stupid he gets when plastered, and trust in the blackout that will come soon enough. As uncomfortable as Kaz is with the idea of not remembering large chunks of the evening, it’s still preferable to being aware when he’s getting shit from others…
Although, he doesn’t have to worry about that this time, huh? Gundham isn’t the type to ridicule him for what a mess he becomes when drunk. Or to dare him to do dumb or dangerous things when he’s teetering on the edge between impulsive and unintentionally-suicidal. There’s probably no need to drown himself in drinks just to make it through the night without wanting to crawl into a hole and cry himself to sleep. Or at least, without having to remember that feeling. Kaz doesn’t doubt that every drinking binge he’s been a part of had its rock-bottom moments. That’s just a part of it. Just as integral as the liquid in his glass. Deceptively-small for the punch it’s going to pack, Kaz tenses as he looks at it with distaste.
Fuck it. Might as well get started… Whether he’s going to throw up tomorrow morning or not, he still needs to stomach at least a few of these to keep from seeming like a loser.
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Downing the shot in a practiced motion, body stiffens as soon as the taste hits his tongue and is forced down his throat. Muscles tensed as he swallows it with a barely-contained grimace, shot glass is hastily slammed down on the surface in front of him in a mimicry of what he’s witnessed from others. Throat burning from what he requested, Kaz coughs into his fist, knowing the discomfort is something he’ll have to deal with until he’s gotten used to the stinging again. How long has it been since he’s gone out for a STRONG drink? Honestly, he hasn’t dealt with this since being accepted into Hope’s Peak and distancing himself from his former so-called-friends. Not that they even tried to keep in touch.
His dad’s stash doesn’t have quite as potent of a burn— and Kaz is careful not to overdue it around him anyway —so it’s been a while since Kazuichi has coughed like this. Whatever. He got it down and kept it down. Which is a victory in itself with how mercilessly his stomach has been churning since it was first suggested that they go out for a drink. Internally chastising himself for being such a bitch— it’s just a bit of alcohol… with Gundham; how bad could a drunk Gundham possibly be? —Kaz runs a hand through his hair, ignoring how uneasily his drink has settled in his gut, and asks Gundham with a glance that he hopes doesn’t look as uneasy as he feels,  ❝  You ready for another one?  ❞     「 ☆ 」
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