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dolgelo · 4 years
@sabazio​  ♥’d  the  s.c.
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The past few years had made her used to clothes that did allow plenty of movements -- even her school uniform wasn’t too bad on that front; formal dresses, especially traditional ones, would yet be the vivacious compromise shattering the monotony of formal blouses suits, or even Shadow Worker clothes. Elegant and unique in its textile and decorations, yet also incredibly debilitating had the necessity to run or fight arisen -- but with the prospect of a calm evening at the country festival, she tried to shoo the thought away.
Tilting her head, eyes pointing at the multitude of lights and colors projecting over them from the temple’s direction, Mitsuru broke the ice:  « At times... I feel it taking my breath away. »  she confessed, exhaling half a sigh. Happy and grateful for the company that’d have allowed her to feel more at ease in public than her maids and bodyguards from the KPS division, she had deemed that a good chance to relax. He might have needed it too. Lately, he had looked overly susceptible at work, as if tired more often, despite his college career proceeding seemingly well; that tiredness, or confusion, didn’t suit him. Those were radical changes an old friend wouldn’t have overlooked. Plus, he happened to be second in command -- it forced them to spend most of the working day together.  « Um, the obi, I referred to the obi --  »  she finished after a pause, pointing at her wrapped abdomen.
« Do you want to get closer-- where do we head first, Akihiko ? »
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dolgelo · 4 years
@miskick​    ♥’d  the  s.c.
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It was late, too late at night. And while the inhabitants of that very dorm were no strangers to the concept, the last stroke of midnight had passed by a while now; while she would have chosen to spend the few hours separating her from daybreak in her bed after a restoring shower, exams were getting closer. The weekend would have allowed her to rest some other time; there were some texts in the command room, on the highest floor of the dorm, she needed to consult. Saying it was a mere thirst of academic knowledge, though, would be wrong: the matters discussed in those books could touch the most various topics.
As she opened the door, she expected the lights to be off - as always, with only the continuously operating screens on the wall projecting an eerie atmosphere around the bookshelves and sofas. The room was empty most of the time, except during emergencies or whenever the chairman did ask them to hold a reunion. Instead, now the ambient presented a warmer lightening - the clear sign someone else was there. She almost froze, hand on the doorknob, before she recognized the occupant and could relax her stiff shoulders:  « Oh, it’s you. I thought you were asleep, is something the matter ? »
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dolgelo · 4 years
@rcborne​   ♥’d  the  s.c.
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« You look somewhat troubled-- »  she tentatively hazarded as she played with her pen, the body completely still from behind the desk, only the warm-brown eyes rising to meet the other’s form; she had averted his gaze since he had entered the room, but as the meeting had been called off and he had lingered in the room - as if he knew, or was waiting for something, Mitsuru could not remain silent any longer.
The last mission, albeit small, had been a success. The department had confirmed the absence of witnesses; a clean job, when it came to Shadows, was a top priority. Public Security men would keep telling her just how much her own public figure, her Group and all she had created over the past few years would immediately acquire a distorted light and perspective at the mere doubt on its integrity and good name. Yet, despite what could be called a flawless victory, with new data to analyze and new areas to carefully watch, he had not seemed as relieved as his colleagues.  « Forgive me, I couldn’t help but notice your silence. While I couldn’t be there in the field, I’ve been told you helped directly dealing with Shadows... did something happen I wasn’t informed of ? »
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dolgelo · 4 years
" You weren't going to say goodbye? you were just going to leave? "
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So much for her plan to go smoothly; the call received a while ago, the carefulness - almost the fear - when changing her bloodied uniform into something more presentable, the hours spent in silence, inside her dark bedroom. All for nothing, to be caught like that, a child with hands still dirtied of jam. She had made sure to talk to her phone as softly as her hoarse throat would have allowed her, checking with the driver sent by Kikuno on the exact moment the family car would have arrived before the dorm doors, to finally pick her up. When such matters and decision, usually, would have involved her companions, today it was not the case. Not a mention, not a word to Yamagishi, not even one to advise Akihiko on how to proceed: she had planned to escape the heavy air of the dorm as swiftly as a thief– instead, first Yukari, then Akihiko had intercepted her.
« Perhaps. »  she replied. It took a lot for her to speak in a calm tone; not a single note of her voice was used in defiance, it was the truth. And what use was, now, to hide behind some poorly thought-out lies; she knew him, she knew he would have not had any ill thought before her sincerity. It was a matter of minutes before the driver would’ve been there, and the dormitory lounge is silent, dimly lit, with Koromaru sitting by the muted TV, and Akihiko by the counter, arms crossed, brows furrowed.
She took a big breath, lungs filling not with a sigh, but of cold air – she had to say something else.  « I mean, I am in no conditions for any of that. »  she continued, recalling if all she had inside her small bag - waiting by the door, would be necessary for the drive and stay home. Home. Her gaze did lift, while for a moment, as it tried to avoid the screen of the television. By sunrise, she thought, the news would be circulating everywhere – she didn’t want to imagine it. But the thought settled in her stomach, a heavy icy boulder. She wondered, simply, how she looked like – how he was seeing her… a small comforting thought, the fact she had every right in that cursed world to not look okay–   « I must go. »
Nails dug in the palm of her hand, as silence fell over them again. Mitsuru quickly eyed him. Part of her soul she supposed  - the untamed half she so hardly had tried to repress with the years, instead wished to be louder, as wild as her Persona in a rampage. It wished to feel her own throat burn again, like back in the observation tower. It wanted to remind the boy he too had once left, with no notice – an exact month before. Lost, he had disappeared, to come back after school. How could her failed attempt be any different ?  She wished, desired to reply back and tell him, but it was useless. Her mouth gaped but the words died on the tip of her tongue; it’d have been a show of weakness.   « It’ll take me some time, but I promise to call you once I reach home. I trust you’ll take care of the others and the dorm, in my absence, Akihiko. »
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dolgelo · 4 years
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@sabazio​ :  concept: akihiko bringing her take-out or a cup of tea during a long day at the office and also....... it's her birthday.  ┇♕┇
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She would have never told or admitted to herself that, one day, she’d see Akihiko entering her workspace with a cup of flowering tea in his hand, ready to be delivered. That he knew the concept alone was truly magnific in itself -- he had been accustomed to her taste for tea, and could very well by no recognize the strongest scents and name the leaves that were used. But something like that, truly, was a surprise -- it was a delicate kind of preparation. Overall, it was a pleasant situation, that was promptly met with redder cheeks and budding red rose lips turning upward.
After all, she had been sitting there for so long, staring at her own image in the monitor with dubious eyes growing wearier and wearier by the minute. The office was empty, but her head felt dizzy for the hour, yet heavy, prepared as usual for the virtual meeting -- that was the rule. And as the influence of Kirijo had reached places distant to both mind and Japan even, the Group had to show itself in its best behaviour and most composed light. No Shadows involved this time, just notions learnt in college and notes in English lying by her computer, by her side, so that questions could not be forgotten. Waiting for the conference to start had deteriorated the woman, in a way -- and for once, she couldn’t wait to get out of the tight and formal attire and enjoy the rest of her birthday with much preferred quiet and tranquillity, in his company.
She had not considered his gentle thought, never imagining past words of apprehension for some overworking hours would have turned in such delightful golden shade of the drink, or in the flower petals drowning in it still gently moving, slowly, as if half-asleep, and delicate. They looked slightly pink, and by the smell  - way more refined than his, with the many types of tea she knew and loved, she guessed it to be a species of hibiscus. Incredibly small, yet incredibly elegant.
« Blooming tea ?  What, am I being spoiled now ? »  she said, her tone sweet but her grin growing wider as she turned around the little transparent cup in her hands. A little work of art, prepared with masterfulness; he was getting better at that, and that was a first !  She would have remembered, and made sure he could enjoy his creation as well.  « Thank you, Akihiko. You’ve made this wait way more bearable. Stay till ces ennuyeux men start talking, please. »
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dolgelo · 5 years
||  @sabazio  sent :  Drunk ||  my  muse  takes  care  of  your  muse  while  they  are  in  a  drunken  state.  
she got to wonder, that night, how come liquor would also be sometimes called liquid courage. it made no sense if it would reduce the woman in that state, but now all of those thoughts were but a mere memory. her hand dug lazily in her coat pocket. her head dropped slightly forward during her hurried search, her chin almost dragging to touch her throat. she couldn’t wait to get rid of the dress, but now she wondered when she’d have regained enough motorial coordination to do so without embarrassing herself in front of Akihiko.
she let out a nervous chuckle when her fingers caught the desired object, the metal keys ringing to accompany her voice. her other hand was occupied grabbing of Akihiko’s winter clothes, instead; he had insisted on aid her on her way back and pose as support too. the two stubborn ones had quarrelled a bit about it; yet, as it was to be expected, her pride made her refuse to depend so heavily on him - even though tipsy, unfazed in her not-so-sober situation and her overly weak mind and limbs. as she thought how lucky she had been not to have felt any nausea on their way to the apartment, a rush of sickness got the best of her. she stopped a moment. she liked alcohol better when turned into innocent euphoria... it was the first time any of that was ever happening to her.
a second later, she left of his coat and quickly approached the keys to the lock, the hole being quite difficult to center and to finally get right. a shake of her head was all she gave him, with half a smile now that the sickness was slowly subduing to the premise of that being one miserable night to live through. that, of course, only once she was to cross her threshold of their apartment and head straight for the bed -- the sickness had disappeared to turn into a big headache. 
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she pointed at the door after being unlocked. sure he was occupied glaring daggers at her back for what was just going on before his very eyes, Mitsuru was a bit hesitant approaching him now. yet, she smirked at Akihiko - or maybe the wine did force her too, declaring her unlocking deed now complete. she might have needed some cold glasses of water... very soon. and a seat !  despite the tiredness and discomfort, she managed to imitate a little gracious bow  ( truly one bad idea, her stomach felt like burning a moment later ), her grin now definitely mischevious. 
she had still the image of him giving in and drinking too, at Amada’s party, by her side. how come he seemed fine ?!  she got back her keys.
         «  Where... where are my manners ?  After you, ple--HIC.  »  
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dolgelo · 5 years
if akihiko-senpai and minako-chan were both drowning ... who would you save?
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«  Both of them, without a second thought. While I’m pretty sure Akihiko is a good swimmer anyway, if he and our Leader were to both feel a terrible cramp and be unable to reach the shore and save their lives, I’d run – swim, to save them. Plus, I am a good swimmer myself, modestly speaking, I guess I could lend a hand or an inflatable to Akihiko while I evoke my Persona to do the same to Arisato, or vice versa – if freezing the source of water isn’t doable. They’d feel a bit cold but their lives would be spared.  » 
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dolgelo · 5 years
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the smell coming from downstairs was inviting. she had decided not to go investigate on the fuss right away - the one Ryoji  ( his voice was unmistakable )  had seemed to have caused in the lounge. despite being on the third floor, the noises were clearer than ever even when inside her bedroom. duty before pleasure - as usual, she had her hands full with some last preparations before the upcoming college entrance exams waiting for the third years. those were her last months as Council President and thus, she had to give her best on the very last lap, so to say. work seemed to never end and everyone did count on the girl to see the tasks being flawlessly completed.
but curiosity did indeed kill the cat, and the death of responsibilities did lie together with happy chatter in the lounge indeed, now. she had headed downstairs, to a floor lower her own to carefully understand, while standing aside by the vending machines, what was just happening over there. she had taken a small novel, had sat on the couches by the boy’s rooms and had quietly peeked at the meeting by the TV, under another set of stairs. she had been right, Mochizuki Ryoji had arrived and he had seemingly started offering some of Mitsuru’s dorm mates snacks of various kinds. his dedication was admirable, but that was understandable too; he was but a transfer student, and the Kyoto trip must have only served as a way to deepen his bond with the rest of the boys, more than with girls. 
ascertained of the sources of the mess, and food, Mitsuru had stopped there, reading her book still among the sea of noises, laughter and happy chit-chats... before someone interrupted her, followed by the sweet aroma of chocolate and parfait, could it be ?  she rose her glance to meet Ryoji’s smile, indeed, a big cheerful expression painted over his cheeks and eyes. 
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she eyed the plate, the macarons were colourful. the chocolate still fresh and inviting. too tempting for her sweet tooth, a secret she had made her best to hide from everyone else’s minds and attention. yet, how could she resist it ?  it was a pleasant surprise, the kind of ones you do not expect to find so suddenly, bared before you with so little preparations. she let go of her novel, all its words disappearing from her head as she thanked the blue-eyed peer. 
         «  Did you ransack the nearby patisseries ?  Fufu~  you know what delights a girl.  »  
a café with whipped cream sitting on top and a couple of macarons, just for her. it was more than what she might have afforded to have eaten all together, for sugary intakes had to be limited -- her life as a Kirijo heiress, and as a skilled fencer as well, had more than once reminded Mitsuru of this fact. Yukari would have probably never approved of it too... but what was out of sight, did also stay out of mind -- didn’t the famous, old saying go like that ?  she might have... 
         «  Thank you, then, Mochizuki. I may start with the sweet. Aren’t macarons just cute and petit ?  Hmm, I’ll join you all soon enough, I promise.  »   
@enshijou  ||  unprompted
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dolgelo · 5 years
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the kiss is not sudden, while unexpected would be a more appropriate word it does not startle the heiress. and she accepts it with one placid smile and cheeks coloured of fresh cherry, while embarrassingly new to the experience per se. those are details she would gladly omit speaking of, but when gestures did overcome loquacity as much as a child would have preferred - just like the sweet Nanako too, there really remains pretty much nothing to hide.
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she accompanies the sweet kiss with a little pinch, delicate in its gentle nature, of the girl’s cheek, now getting distant from her with a cute little smile. just how hard can one must be, to resist it ?  perhaps, she’s the only one who could pride herself of being so close to Mitsuru, to have kissed the cold tip of her nose even and to have come out of the experience with happiness painted over her lips. well, not that there is any pride in it – and kids do not think in such an egoistical way, she thinks.
      «  You’re getting more silent by the day. My reflexes are quite the sharp ones, I need to admit it; but you sometimes make me seriously doubt the veracity of my own statements.  »
her hands travel to Nanako’s slim shoulders to gently lifting her up from her legs and leave her standing up next to her seat - the one she soon abandons. oh, how light she is !  truth is Mitsuru has been waiting, idly over there, for way too much time. while the sofa is definitely comfortable, she has never been the lazy type. instead, the two could use their spare time to do something funnier, before dinnertime. Nanako has mentioned earlier how she’d have liked to practice making riceballs for his cousin and guests. Mitsuru has never tried anything of that genre, looking at the kid at work could help; denying such a pure desire isn’t typical of Mitsuru.
she eyes the small kitchen and points at it while stretching her legs junctures and muscles.
      «  You talked about onigiri, non ?  Shall we see if yo--we can make some ?  »  
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dolgelo · 5 years
😘 phbbbbttttt
he leans forward, grabbing very delicately of her waist as if he’s scared she’s about to break under his touch, like an antique bisque doll – nothing further from reality, in truth. trepidation has taken over her mind already and leaves her hanging, wondering among the softness around her how it’ll all go and how it’ll all end too. nothing but his visage occupies her sight, which is fine by Mitsuru, somehow – that’s what the voice tells her. and she smiles, accommodating almost, cupping his pale cheek in her hand and blinking fast. the voice has told her to give in, and so must have been for him too - because they do not need words to move and understand each other even there, even now. 
while she wonders how does she appear to him, laying on the unknown bed with her clothes still, her uniform being almost to tight now – she really needs that shower and peace, her thumb strokes his cheek. yet, it feels quite wrong, that is not what the voice tells her to do. she’d need a moment, she’d excuse herself soon and make a run for the bathroom, alone. she’d not take much, she never did - don’t people say absence made a heart grow fonder ?  even a small shower would do, in their case. they have all the time in the world, the voice assured her they truly do. and she can tell by a glance he knows as well, his eyes generally never lie. 
the mattress has sunk a bit when he had joined her, a detail she has barely noticed. it feels strange to have him so close, she can almost feel him breathe on her cleavage and neck, heavier than usual – through the fabric to her skin, that while covered in her blouse do feel slightly hot. cold water, cold water. fast, fast. to convey such urge with a glance should have been way more difficult. she closes her eyes, and the voice speaks again, clearer and more insistent this time around. 
      Such is my wish: let your desire free from your shackles…
how does the voice know that ?  she does not mind much that one of her innermost secrets and longings could be now clear to the boy – now when so close. he is an open book for the girl too, now, and the flush of his cheeks is there to confirm it. she gently pinches his chin, and a second later a sense of fulfilment pervades her as she feels his lips over hers. the eyes she has just opened a moment ago shut again, his hand still on her waist. 
      Pleasure is what you seek… you stand on the doorway of bliss…
chaste as a small spring blossom, the kiss barely presses against her. the newborn sentiment in her chest takes the best of her, as the voice numbs her reason and pushes for instinct to take the lead. he has been almost towering over her, but that changes the moment she gently props her up from the round mattress, to meet his kiss. bliss… ?  her lips slightly part in response, and he follows. the kiss continues, just like the voice suggests. no, it commands. the uniform is definitely way out of place now–  now, with him being more vehement. what if–
      Embrace your desire, you can’t deny your instincts…
one of her red nails presses gently against his throat, like a knife to the jugular as she stops the contact. there’s red lipstick on his mouth. she pants, once. he does not seem puzzled, he almost looks transfixed. she does too, after a moment of rational lucidity. she then nudges with a smirk at the black ribbon at his collar  - she did not feel like undoing his clothes herself, the voice almost makes her feel too tired to even talk, think or move -  and then slips from under him, fast, away - to stands up and head to the bathroom. cold, cold, where is it ?
      You can’t deny–
         «  I need a shower, I’ll be quick. Then we can continue…  »  
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dolgelo · 5 years
Can I take your picture to prove to all my friends that angels do exist?
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that was odd, as a request. when months ago it had come to the council attention that some boys did use to spy on girls changing for Physical Education hours, no one of the group could prevent the tremendous news to become a sort of scandal. yet, it had happened last spring, when Mochizuki still was not a student of Gekkoukan High. that was why the request, instead of seemingly bizarre, or worse, suspicious, simply sounded innocently apt to compliments and flattering. to compare her to an angel might have still been an exaggeration…
yet she was made of flesh and blood too, like any other girl. her cheeks flushed of bright red for a brief instant, as she gently tucked away a loose strand of hair. 
         «  By all means, then… if this picture must prove something this important, I won’t mind, fufu~ just make sure to get my best angle, please. And not to use this picture with any future ill intent. I’m not that angelic-looking anyway.  » 
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dolgelo · 5 years
♕ ♕ONE  WORD  PROMPTS||  accepting  ||  @hermisent 
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she would have never agreed to go there anymore, ever !  following the happy bunch there, inside  ‘ Mandragora ’  had proved to be a mistake in more ways than she would have ever thought - perhaps a sudden divine sign she was not meant to enter that place at all. her first and only experience at the karaoke place had happened when still attending middle school, in a timid attempt to blend in with her ex-classmates; it had not gone too well for the heiress, who had found herself more alone than what she’d have been anywhere else – but watching the other girls having fun, and simply stare at them singing some songs she had never heard had felt honestly depressing. since then, the local was accurately avoided. 
but she had met Iori, Akihiko and Arisato strolling around the Mall as she passed by as well, and they couldn’t have not invited her to join their karaoke reservation. as it was a Saturday, it was truly impressive they had managed to book a room for an entire hour; the place was usually too crowded for comfort in the weekends. although pouting at the idea, Minako’s insistence had been too strong to resist, and from her chores, Mitsuru had found herself entering the small, dark room and narrow her eyes at the lyrics on Tv. 
at her protest, everyone had responded joyously. the girl could not understand, though, the reason why Akihiko was left to sit comfortably on the couch and stare at the screen, silent as a fish, but she had to be teased and teased about her silence– !  it must have been Minako’s plan all along, her and Junpei were challenging one another on pop songs the Empress had never heard before. having too much fun. she had timidly decided to wait for the hour to pass nibbling the snacks in the room as Akihiko was doing, when suddenly Iori’s hand grabbed on her arm and dragged her. almost literally, out of her seat to the screen’s proximity. she could not even yell, the music was a tad too loud and his off-key vocals were–  !  a second later, she was holding to a pink microphone, the exhortations of her companions pushing the redhead to complete the song they were now singing. oh, she knew that one. Featherman-R’s opening; Amada watched it in the lounge at times. the song was rather catchy… and, worse, familiar even.
the song was about to run out, the images on the screen getting faster and faster, the colours almost blinding her. the pink utensil was forcefully raised by Junpei’s hand to her lips. she was thankful her last line did not require for high notes. why was she doing that ?  couldn’t time flow just a little faster ?  she glared with shock at the smiling Junpei, before her line came up...
         «  Let’s go... Featherman~  » 
my muse pulls your muse up on stage with them to sing some karaoke songs.
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dolgelo · 5 years
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«  By what I’m gathering around, here and there, it almost looks like being, and I quote, da wo-man seems an incredibly tiring job. A role not so easy to fill in.  »
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«  Honestly, I’d like to do it for at least 24 hours, and see how I find myself wearing this role. It does seem it’s something similar to a self-declaration. If nothing major changed in these hours, then I’ll gladly leave the title for some other girl. Iori seems cheerful repeating it, so it must at least bring me positive waves. I’m curious...  »
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dolgelo · 5 years
ryoji kun and i are ordering some fish and pinapple pizza, would you like to try it?
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it was true Yamagishi’s cooking skills weren’t the best – her onigiri balls were barely edible and they wouldn’t have satiated anyone’s hunger inside the dormitory. and that both Yukari and Mitsuru had never approached the kitchen with the intentions of preparing a meal – Mitsuru would usually order food, eat outside or arrange herself her own food with whatever else her dorm mates would be having for dinner
         «  The combinations of ingredients is just the worst, Iori, let me tell you.  »
wouldn’t he have preferred to just eat pineapple. or just fish. or just pizza, or whatever it was called ?  amazingly, someone, just now, seemed to have surpassed in craziness Akihiko’s very own tastes, and he stood proud in front of the heiress. she couldn’t tell if she had to be fascinated by the boy’s boldness or disgusted.
         «  I’ll pass. I may feel sick… just imagine how bad it would smell !  » 
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dolgelo · 5 years
[ retrieve ]
♕ ♕REVERSING  DOMINANCE||   your muse requesting mine to retrieve something  ||  @crossxskulled  
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why did he have to throw it so far away from the spot ?  as the question lightly floated in her thoughts and impression, alongside with the oppressing hot air all around, she cursed herself for having chosen to accompany the bizarre group of people till there. the narrowest streets of the city weren’t still as clear as daylight for the heiress; she had, in fact, let the blond guy guide them there. the local was small, claustrophobic and the steam around her frame did not help either. warmth and summer seasons had always felt insufferable for the Empress, anyway. she doubted Akihiko would spill such private matters to a high school student: her silent prayer was that it would have all ended soon enough for Mitsuru to call it a night and return working.
Sakamoto’s voice had reached her, cheerful and bright in volume, doing one great length of distance to touch her ear, at last – followed by an eerie echoing effect. they might have been alone, but somehow Mitsuru felt billions of pairs of eyes lurking, hiding anywhere, pointing at her. her form, her curves… each basket, each semi-open locker did provoke a sense of desolation mixed with shivers. a public bath in a sketchy alley ?  at that hour of the night… ?!  so nice of him to invite both Akihiko and her to such a place. yet the moment she had peeked inside, the Empress had sensed something about the building was off – heat and steam apart. if she were to describe it, she’d have said it felt way too rustic for her tastes; yet Akihiko had sounded excited at the prospect. she had followed the effectively happy duo, with way less enthusiasm and smiles. they had run to the male section, Ryuji instructing her on which path to follow for the girls’ showers.
she thought it was already nice enough that the two compartments were separated, men and women… or she would have never heard the end of it. they did both probably were aware of it; they knew she would have never bathed among naked individuals of the oppos– !  but yes, the moment she had peeked innocently inside, to see two old men leaving the place, all her good intentions had disappeared into thin air. patiently, way, way too patiently, Mitsuru had found a stool to sit on  ( covered by a clean towel, naturally )  and decided to wait for the two to finish their bonding and leisure time in the weird location, in their hot water tub. she knew way many more refined hot springs in the most famous areas, inside hotels and spas, that did value privacy and decency more than that very place. all of the remains of Mitsuru’s desire to, perhaps, relax in the water a bit, had gone all down the drain…
and now he was calling for her to throw them an extra towel ?!  with a corner and a small glass door separating the boys from Mitsuru… they had forgotten it ?  it might have been too much for the heiress. she hoped, in the bottom of her heart, that no one would have ever known of finding out that the CEO of one of Japan’s most famous conglomerations, was asked to retrieve a bunch of towels for two men with no clothes, wet and probably inebriated by the hot fumes !  it would have meant the end of her career. 
         «  You will pay for this…this is too much. HOW– um, you two, how am I going to throw the towels without entering the male area ?!  »
she raised her voice, so that they could hear her protest, when she promptly got up and started looking around in the lockers room. the one she had been sitting on wouldn’t have done them any good. she quickly started opening random ones, grabbing all she could find useful inside them. with heavy steps, she approached the corridor and door. muttering more protests, her body moved without even realizing: she slammed the door opened with a loud noise, her right hand moving to quickly throw its content towards the two shadows. the smell of herbs and steam made her almost cough; so once the deed was done, the girl shut the door close again… she wondered if the towels had fallen miserably on the floor or had just landed into the very same water they were using. 
         «  Get ready and dressed, now !  »  
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dolgelo · 5 years
Do you put pineapple toppings on pizzas?
♕ ♕TEN  TIMES  THE  TRUTH||  8  remaining    
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«  If I may be honest, I never ate that kind of meal. Yet I know what it’s made of and how it is prepared and cooked, and I feel sure to say that putting something as pineapple on it feels wrong. You must consider the aesthetic and the tastes; for example, I admit pineapple tastes delicious… but the combination sounds and feels wrong in my mind.  »
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