#(( mom do i count as an active rp blog yet/ ))
wyrdsysters · 3 years
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@lxvlss​ asked “ upset? why would i be upset? ”
Some days... Some days, Prudence had to wonder why she dealt with fickle women. Even more so, why she dealt with sarcastic women and she had to ponder more so if this is why she strictly dealt with tormenting men because it was infinitely easier to destroy a man than a woman.
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That being said, women were divine creatures and Prudence did appreciate every woman that crossed her path in her own ways. Some were hailed with the utmost of respect whilst others were revered as if Hecate, herself, embodied them.
That sounded just a little like heresy...
“Your snide reaction tells me enough, Cheryl.” Prudence sighs deep enough that she is confident that half her soul has escaped in the process. “Could you not, for once, be honest with me about how you actually feel or are you too repressed into your trauma that you feel I am untrustworthy with your heart?”
There was some certain heaviness with knowing that Cheryl kept her at arms reach and it stung that bit more in knowing that there was cause for such things but that she didn’t trust Prudence enough to let her close despite the care and affection they had shared. 
“Have I not proven myself to you enough that you do not have any faith in me? Have I not yet proven my conviction to you?” There is teeth bore briefly, frustration oozing through as searing hot memories of so called family streaks her thoughts. “You love me, Cheryl Blossom, and yet you are too afraid of where that might go to even try to commit fully and I am not willing to accept a partial devotion when I deserve more.”
“So, I leave you with this-...” Prudence exhales through her nose, eyes shutting as she watches the red-head; the beautiful yet so very infuriating red-head. “You can continue to hiss and howl at me as if your distress is my fault... Or you can admit that you are afraid and we can conquer it together.”
Her hand extends, hazel eyes narrowing to pinpricks and the weight of the world pressing down to one singular moment. “Take or leave it, Cheryl.”
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cristobalrios · 3 years
All of them. All of the joy. Spread it. Fuck you. <3
Spread the Love! Meme | Accepting!
This is an aggressive request to spread joy, but. I will take it.
Also, here's the jerk :p person who requested all of them I mentioned earlier.
1. What's a roleplay blog whose characterization you admire?
So we only have one thread but @therapardalis Thera is fun and honestly what Cris needs at this point in his storyline. He's in an extremely reclusive part of his life and Thera has quite honestly an excellent balance of light conversation ("light" as in small/not delving into details, not content-wise)/asking (and answering) questions and not pushing for details even though he's clearly got some Stuff going on. It's good for him to meet someone like Thera and know he's not the only person going through this kind of thing, and would be more so if/when he learns a bit more about her story and obviously their stories are not identical but they're similar enough in certain ways that it'll be good for him and make him feel less alone.
2. What's a roleplay blog whose writing style you admire?
@agnespjurati (@talvenhenki) Orion, both for Agnes when they RP her and the fics they've written. Also, I know this is stepping out of the RP sphere but shout out to @procrastinatorproject because I adore Lili's fics<3
3. What's a roleplay blog who always has the best plot ideas?
I'm saying Dean @assasenach again because we have the most threads and we talk ooc about ideas/headcanons all the time every day, so.
4. What's a roleplay blog whose artwork/edits/icons you admire?
@musikcr Nix! We just started following each other but her blog is so pretty, honestly. Like I said when I reblogged your promo, your edits are gorgeous.
@heartfledged Sarah's blog is ridiculously gorgeous and also her art is beautiful, whenever she'd post her stuff in the Discord I would have heart eyes. So pretty.
@assasenach Dean has great taste in aesthetic and it's simple compared to the other two mentioned but clean, efficient and pleasing, and I always like the edits he makes.
5. What's the roleplay blog you've been writing with the longest here?
Yeah obviously obviously that's Logan @manenimittliv, February was our, what? 7th anniversary of the first interaction between our first ship Erik/Anna with my Phantom blog @princeofconjurers and their OC (we'd interacted a little bit before that with their Raoul but that was like, a week or something before that, and then at sometime even before that very briefly with their version of Christine's father Gustave Daae but I didn't realize that until sometime later that that was also their blog). We've jumped multiple fandoms together and we pretty much autoship. They're my bff and the only originally online friend I've ever gotten to meet irl (three times) and I love them to death<3
6. What's a roleplay blog who's an absolute joy to talk to ooc?
The people I talk to ooc the most are @manenimittliv Logan and @assasenach Dean my current bffs so obviously I adore talking to them ooc (although I wouldn't say Dean is "joyful" talking to him does make me happy, so before you say anything, shush). I've primarily been talking with @iamselfmade PJ out of character but we're RPing now too but yeah, he's great and I love doing streams with him. I said Serena @empathicstars already for the "friendly mun" thing which honestly this question is rather similar to so maybe I should save some people for that question below, slkdjf
7. What's a roleplay blog you love whose character you didn't know until you started writing with them?
Well, besides OCs, I'm not currently RPing with any canon characters I did not previously know the character before I RPed with them, but I'll say Vasher back when Sarah @heartfledged RPed him on @cosmoshearted (which I would still love to continue/redo if/when you ever revive him as you've said you might do in the past, as well as the stuff with Resool, and I'm always up for stuff with Av<3). I did not know anything about that fandom but it turns out my brother-in-law loves it and he got my mom to start reading those books and I'm just like oh! I've heard of that! That's where Vasher is from (I realized it because my mom mentioned Kelsier who I also heard of from Sarah too) and I will get around to reading it at some point, I promise.
Also, PJ made a blog of a character I don't know and followed me on it and we talked about him and Elnor doing something so I'm gonna put @fifty-one-doc here too
Shout out to the OCs who of course I didn't know until I started writing with them but who I love, Anna @manenimittliv, Lorian/Paris previously Sylar @assasenach, Ellie @mclti, Manny @perfection-reached, Thera @therapardalis, Cheryl @ckingsbury1967, Av @heartfledged, any and all of my friends' OCs! Those are just the ones I'm RPing with rn. Give me all the OCs, I love them.
8. What's a roleplay blog with a friendly mun?
Dany hasn't really been RPing anymore but @empathyvslogic still counts. @heartfledged Sarah is great too. Jeanette @ltbroccoli, Logan @manenimittliv (yes I'm mentioning you again), Jamie @livedtough / @quantumstarpaths, Courtney @starsdestined, Eros @tongowheel, Hope @astraldestiny, Fool @strings-have-been-cut, Gin @alyafae, so many people I'm sure I'm missing some (as well as the ones mentioned above). Honestly everyone is friendly and I love all my mutuals<3
9. What's a roleplay blog whose dedication you admire?
So I've answered this question several times now but I know I did not include @mclti when I talked about multis and though I only roleplay with Ellie, Spyro deserves a mention for that "multis are so dedicated" thing I talked about here. I'm sure I'm missing things again too, but yeah. <3
Also, again I have to do a shout out to Lili even though it's still not RP because @mappinglasirena is a beautiful project and although it's technically more for fics, since that's what Lili writes, I as a Cris and Holo Squad RPer use it too, for RP purposes, so I say it counts as an RP resource blog like I did with the directory. And Lili is dedicated to this and I am here for it. I love our conversations about the tiny little details dearly.
10. What's a roleplay blog that always keeps you pleasantly surprised?
As other people have mentioned, this is kind of a weird question but I'm gonna go with Dean @assasenach. I'm not surprised by anything Dean does anymore, so "keeps" me pleasantly surprised isn't exactly right (although it is for certain things like whenever he compliments me I'm like ????) but this is here because the ship caught me by surprise. Like, OC/Canon (with me playing the canon) is my sweet spot when it comes to ships I fixate on, but I did not know they'd be shipped together until Dean posted a short fic about Cris and Raffi talking about then Sylar but now Lorian, Raffi asking Cris why he accepted his reassignment and Cris asking her what "t'hy'la" means and I was like Oh. Oh I like this, they're really cute (Note: I was already really liking their thread before Dean posted that fic, they had a great dynamic and chemistry and I was here for it) and now we're here.
11. What's a roleplay blog you admire from afar?
Good question. Umm, I'm going to say Jamie @livedtough / @quantumstarpaths because we've talked plenty ooc and we're in several Discords together, I love Jamie, but we haven't actually RPed together and I would love to change that at any time (we have talked about some things in the past throwing ideas around just never got to writing them).
Kame @cadetxtilly / @maldonadonco again we're in a Discord together and ze's really sweet but we haven't RPed, so
And just. Anyone in the Discords I'm active in that I have yet to RP with/have only RPed with a little bit. I love all of you.
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maos2013 · 3 years
Get to Know Me Tag!
I was tagged by @justanalto
Name/Nickname: Ashley, Ash
Gender: female
Star Sign: Virgo
Height: 5′6.5″ (I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again - the .5″ is important.)
Time: 6:55 PM
Birthday: September 15
Favorite Bands: Paramore, The Head and the Heart, Panic! At the Disco, The Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton (does this count? Idk, but I’m listing it anyway)
Favorite Solo Artists: Taylor Swift, Lizzo, and I’m sure there are more, but my brain is empty. 
Song Stuck In My Head: “happiness” by Taylor Swift
Last Movie: Holidate it was cute!! And I watched with friends, so even better!
Last Show: The 100. I am possibly a little obsessed.
When Did I Create This Blog: sometime in 2017? I think? Maybe late 2016? Idek.
What I Post: memes, fandom content, cute animals, whatever strikes my fancy.
Last Thing I Googled: samsung galaxy book comparisons (waiting on that stimulus check to hit my bank account so I can finally get a new computer lol)
Other blogs: @theofficialagentdavis though I don’t think any of us have been active on our RP accounts in a while. Could be wrong though.
Following: 1043. Um. Wow. Had no idea it was that many.
Followers: 348 of y’all really like my random assortment of content and ramblings huh? Alright. Maybe, I am doing something right then.
Average hours of sleep: ok, listen. The average makes me look pretty sane, ok? It is almost always either 4-5 or 10-12 with very little in between. Don’t come for me.
Lucky number: Is that a real thing? I dunno. 
Instruments: I played the trumpet very poorly in middle and high school. TBH, band got me out of working on Friday nights since I had to go to all the football games, sooo. Sit outside with my friends for a few hours each Friday or work at KFC/Taco Bell? The choice was easy for me.
What I Am Wearing: a pair of comfy shorts that I’ve owned for way too many years, and free t-shirt from my dentist’s office
Dream Job: stay-at-home dog-mom
Dream Trip: go to London/ Paris with my bestie. We’ve been trying to plan/ schedule this for almost 2 years and it hasn’t happened yet for a variety of reasons.
Favorite Food: Italian!! My dad is part Italian and when h cooks from scratch it is so good!!
Nationality: From the US. More specifically, I’m from the deep South, y’all. Don’t hold it against me. ;)
Favorite Song: depends on the day. But today, I listened to “champagne problems” and “happiness” by Taylor Swift on repeat while I was out and about running errands.
Last Book I Read: I think it was P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han. 
Top 3 Fictional Universes I’d Like To Live In: Probably His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman - I’ve always wondered what form my daemon would take. Then of course Harry Potter (but like @justanalto said, without the JKR bullshit.). And finally the Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini - I just want a dragon, ok? Don’t remind me that I’m afraid of heights, it’s fine.
tagging: @browneyedgenius @aleksandrachaev @sapphicsgaia @immhungry @queen-of-love-and-beauty @ussjellyfish or anyone else who might want to participate. :)
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thelittlestcheshire · 4 years
Hello! I’m Katie, and I play this demon, Balo, and Zander! I’d like to start this off by saying I am sorry for her ahead of time. If you’d ever like to thread or plot, feel free to come scream in my dms here or on Discord, I don’t bite. I might get over-excitable but hey.
She has a full bio on her about page, which you’ll find a link to at the bottom (or on her sidebar of her blog). Alongside with a timeline (there’s one on her about page too, it’s the RP History tab).
TWs:  Gun Violence / Murder / Death (not by Ches), Blood, Abuse (Relationship), Cheating, Mental Illnesses, Drugs/Alcohol, Overdoses (also not by Ches / did not result in death), Alcoholism 
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Is that HAILEY CHESHIRE “CHES” ELSWOOD? Wow, they do look a lot like KATHERINE MCNAMARA. I hear SHE is an EIGHTEEN year old FRESHMEN who is studying ENGLISH at Luxor University. Word is they are a(n) ARISTOCRAT student. You should watch out because they can be IMPULSIVE and STUBBORN, but on the bright side they can also be ENERGENIC and LOYAL. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself.  [KATIE, 23, EST, SHE/HERS]
Full Name: Hailey Cheshire Elswood Preferred Name: Ches Elswood Age: 18 Birthday: July 19th, 2002 at 03:22 am Sexual Orientation: Biromantic bisexual Year: College Freshmen (Major: English) Occupation: Youtuber (two channels, a theme park history channel that uploads once a month (documentary style) and a DIY channel she shares with a friend she posts on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month) Relationship Status: In a relationship with Elliot Mills
Place of Birth: Paris, France Hometown: Manhattan, New York, New York Country of Citizenship: United States and France [dual citizenship] Languages Spoken: French (first), English, Latin, she's learning Norwegian (she doesn't think it's enough to count yet) and she just started Russian Health Issues:
Borderline Personality Disorder
Severe Allergy to the Perciformes family of fish (tuna, mackrel, perch , and bass). Shellfish and salmoniformes (Salmon and Trout) are fine, but she won’t try any other kinds of fish just in case.
Face Claim: Katherine McNamara Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Red (naturally). Ches dyes her hair from time to time so she has a current hair color thing. Height: 5′3 ½” (not at fc height quick side note) Body References (for moles, etc): ONE & TWO Face References for moles, etc): ONE & TWO Tattoo References: ONE & TWO 
MBTI: ENFP Enneagram: 7w8 (The Enthusiast with The Challenger wing) Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Zodiac: Cancer Percy Jackson Parent: Aphrodite
Hobbies and Talents (list format):
Singing (Voice Claim: Perrie Edwards)
Fun Facts about Ches:
Ches speaks English and French fluently, her mother was born and raised in Paris so she learnt them both at the same time
If you call her Hailey, you will be on her shit list. She also won’t respond to you, past glaring at you.
She’s the mom friend if your mom friend also goes “I HAVE THE BEST IDEA” and drags you into trouble. Literally, the one who frets over you and proceeds to get you into trouble.
This muse does what she wants, I just write it down I apologize always for her
Doesn’t really... seriously date too much because of past situations (Her older brother slept with the first person she truly loved) and she tries to avoid falling in love
That being said platonic I love yous are her shit, she loves her friends a LOT
Ches is very serious about her studying (and wanting to be among the best of the best because - this girl has Ivy league college dreams and she has no intents on fucking those up), so like expect her to do shit like read an entire textbook at the start of school and study at midnight when her insomnia is kicking her ass.
That being said she used to party a LOT, she hasn’t done that in months though
She’s a bit of a closet nerd - if you look under her bed she has a chest of comic books, she’ll just lie if you ask her about them
She got her first tattoo while she was away from school, using a forged note of parental consent in New Jersey.
Quick History:
Ches’s mother was murdered on her 8th birthday in front of her
She was raised by her oldest brother, Logan, and is NOT close to her father really. She also helped raise her younger sisters and is very protective of them.
The Elswood she is closest to is Emmett, Jonah and her grew apart after her mother’s death.
Ches’s first real love was James (an NPC), they dated (entire)Freshman-(mid)Sophomore years, it was abusive (much more than Ches will ever discuss unless she gets majorly close to someone and they HAVE to know (cough still hasn’t happened though cough)) and Ches is now terrified of falling in love again. Her messy as fuck relationships & exes all start after this point.
Ches left Luxor because of her oldest brother, Logan, overdosing. He is alive but she stayed in NYC until he was out of rehab / stabilized in order to take care of her younger siblings and her niece, Belle.
Ches is in the standard English Major course load currently, with a bonus introduction to Russian because she’s picking up a new language.
Clubs and Activities:
Archery Club
Theater (Actress)
Concert Band (Piano)
National Honor Society
Wanted Connections:
Exes (when Ches dates it’s not for long, but she’s definitely the type to be like “I’ll go out with you” if asked and then... dump you if she thinks she’s getting too attached. So her exes are either on good terms, neutral terms, or they probably dislike her a lot)
Former friends with benefits - while Ches is no longer taking on new ones because of Elliot (and is starting to wean off her current ones), I’m always willing to headcanon past things!
Friendships (I am weak af for a good friendship plot, never be afraid to be like “hey can our muses be friends” the answer is legit always yes)
Enemies (Ches can... be a lot so it’s not unlikely she’s pissed people off ok)
If you’d like to know more about Ches here is a link to her about page (that has way more information on it, including her bio). You can also learn about her family (and her baseball team of siblings) on her family page here. Furthermore, here is a link to a timeline for notable Luxor events for Ches so you can have a quick recap of anything you may need to know that has happened to here during the roleplay.
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pumpkinhorror · 3 years
tagged by @b52cores thanks dahlia!
RULES: Answer these “30″ questions and tag “20″ blogs you are contractually obligated  to know better
name/nickname: michael lapis! some people also call me mikey, lapi, joey, danny, etc,
gender: *plays a sad song on the world’s tiniest violin*
star sign: cancer
height: 5'0″
birthday: july 22nd
time: quarter after 4 am
favorite bands: mcr, fall out boy, imagine dragons, mumford & sons, queen, panic at the disco,  muse
favorite solo artists: aurora, lotus juice, bonnie tyler, regina spektor, mystery skulls, bon jovi
last movie: soul
last show: watching teen titans as we speak
when did i create this blog: a month or two ago, as a remake of a personal blog id had since june 2017, which was a remake of the personal i made in december 2013
what do i post: persona, horror films n games, anything i see on my dash that activates my neurons
last thing i googled: "persona 4 golden social link availability”
other blogs: im teamchaosprez on twitter if that counts? i dont currently have access to my old sideblogs and my rp blogs are on hiatus
do i get asks: once in a blue moon
why i chose my url: i saw a youtube comment on a halloween ost that just said “mikey myer” and i was like. hey i wonder if that’s available. and it was
following: 60
followers: 17
average hours of sleep: about 7.5-8 almost every morning night
lucky number: 42
instruments: i have owned a ukulele since i was 19 but have yet to actually learn how to play it
what i am wearing: light blue jammies
dream job: cultural anthropologist.......
dream trip: i wanna go to japan and spend time in tokyo, kyoto, and hokkaido
favorite food: the swedish meatballs my mom makes, fried chicken, chocolate, beef tips n noodles
nationality: american (unfortunately)
favorite song: changes on the daily but right now it’s probably “miracle” by the score
last book read: the way of the house husband vol. 2
top three fictional universes i'd like to live in: persona, scott pilgrim, dc
tagging: uhhhhhhhhh you
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frozenriver · 4 years
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Can be used to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
1. FIRST NAME: Just call me River ;) If we talk on discord you may eventually find out what my name is, and in that case it’s fine to use it!
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I’m super allergic to nickel so I can’t wear most jewelry, belts, or things with metal buttons like jeans.
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: On a person...? I care way more about personality, but if it has to be physical, I love clean, soft, shiny hair, well kept hands, and a real genuine smile.
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: A warm, buttered small baguette with ham and cheese.
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Tacos. I’ve never liked them. I think it’s something about the spice?
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: Fruits Basket and Ouran Highschool Host Club. I just. Really like them.
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: A bed  Nothing usually
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Serious relationships. I don’t want to date anyone who can’t see it being long term/ forever. I’m too old to play those games.
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: Only one?? The biggest thing I would probably change is doing better in school altogether. I was NOT a good student...
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: Um? Kinda? I’m very affectionate with my mom and sister, but not so much with my dad and brother or closest male friends- but then again I am with girl and non-binary friends?? So... maybe it’s a gender thing?? Idk there’s probably some deep psychological reason.
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: Dr. Horrible’s Singalong Blog
12. FAVORITE BOOK: I don’t know... I loved +anima which is a manga, does that count?
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: ...Can I say a Bulbasaur? If not, assuming it’s completely domesticated through generations of breeding and won’t cost me anything, I think it’d be great to have a bear.
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: Red x Green (as in the rival, Pokemon), Niles and Male Corrin (Fire Emblem), Shion and Nezumi (no.6), Kokichi and Shuichi (Danganronpa), aaaand idk Pikachu and Ketchup
15. PIE OR CAKE: CAKE Unless it’s chocolate pie!
16. FAVORITE SCENT:  Rain, clean moving water.
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: This isn’t really a crush but boy do I love me some JackSepticEye.
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: Both?? I’m not a shy person, but I’m not a big party guy. But I also throw parties?? And I don’t think I talk too much, because people say I’m quiet but I don’t think I am?? I’m smack in the middle.
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: Yes. I am such a jumpy person, and I do not do well with horror. I am literally too afraid to play Luigi’s Mansion. I am one of the biggest wusses I know. ...Please don’t take advantage of this, I will get upset.
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: I have an iPhone, so I guess that? I don’t really care to be honest.
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: YES! I have my switch, xbox one, and some pc games. Fire Emblem games are a favorite~
23. DREAM JOB: I work in CAD, so I’d love to expand on that and do much more complex designs than what I do now. As for what kind of designs... I’m not sure yet!
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Buy my sister a car, get a nice fence and garden for my brother, send my parents on a vacation to Alaska, and get a house. I’d donate to organizations I support, and the rest is going into savings most likely.
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: I. I really don’t like Misty. Never have.
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: ...I can’t think of one? I’m only “active” in the Pokemon fandom, with a bit of Fire Emblem.
TAGGED BY: @unimpressivethief​
TAGGING: @consacro​ @hiddcnmasks​
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gis-snakeman · 5 years
tagged by @abbeyplusultra (honestly I was kinda shocked, but thank you!)
Tagging: @killerqueenskillerclaws @sleepisafuckinglie @waddle-like-a-penguin @pzos13 @i-have-rp-blogs @apinklion01 @skeledetective
Bold what applies!
I’m over 5’5” // I (should) wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes  // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my (toe)nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument (not sure if I still can, but I used to play flute) // I am artistic (YEP need to art and stuff more tho) // I know more than one language (English, a good grasp on welsh and whatever remnants of french from school) // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing (you don’t even know how much I love it) // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing (even if I suck) // I could survive in the wild on my own (for awhile yes) // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for 10/15 years // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends (I try) // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online (not yet but hopefully soon)
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days (sorta?) // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // The sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean (what kinda funky creatures are there ooo) // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower (sometimes) // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial (if being a 1/4 Korean counts) // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs
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diveronarpg · 5 years
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Congratulations, KASS! You’ve been accepted for the role of HORATION. Admin Kaitlin: Kass!!! I was so flippin stoked when I saw that you decided to reapply for my favorite resident of the soft squad, even if they’re not exactly full soft. There’s just something about your version of Horatio that I have always been in love with, and I think you do a fabulous job of really getting across all of those unabashed emotions that plague him. I cannot wait to see them back on the dash!! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Out of Character
Alias | Kass
Age | 23
Preferred Pronouns | they/them
Activity Level | i’m currently in the process of moving so things are a little crazy right now, but i can usually be on a few times a week for replies !
Timezone | est
Current/Past RP Accounts | this one baybee
In Character
Character | Horatio, Hector Rivera
What drew you to this character? The way he loves and feels things so strongly, and is so unashamed of those feelings, is something that drew me in to the character. There was also a lot of things regarding his past I felt like I could play with in his present relationships, and is something I’m excited to write out. Also the way his loyalty in the mob would so easily falter were Hassan to switch sides, making him fundamentally unloyal to just about everyone else, I think would be an interesting dynamic in a group like this. Where loyalties are what comes at the forefront of most characters’ minds.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
I think while a part of him feels a closeness with Roman, I do think another part of him is jealous too. He isn’t as close to Hassan as he is, of course, but they have their own jokes, have their own relationship outside of him. He doesn’t feel on the outside often when he’s around Hassan, but when he does, it’s when all three of them are together. I want something between them to blow up.
His relationship with Orion I see exploding. Hector isn’t good at controlling his feelings, he has always followed his heart over his head. I think at one point, Orion will push him too far, and Hector will snap. But immediately after, he’ll regret it, and potentially some bond there could form.
I would like for him and Genevieve to get closer, for her to show him what it’s like to have a mother who can actually love, and, when things get bad, when it’s revealed what has happened to Hassan’s father, he has to choose between a love that runs deeper than his blood, or the love of the mother he never really had.
I think seeing Hassan get so lost in himself is going to eventually drive him a little mad. He gives so much of himself to other people, to Hassan specifically, and feels peoples pain as though it is his own. He’s always there to keep him grounded, and on occasion, the favor is returned, but what happens when he gets so lost in himself and his own impossible task that Hector has to take the burden for all that has happened? All that will happen? He feels things inwardly as to not let it bother other people, this is especially the case for Hassan, especially since his father died. I think slowly but surely, his emotions will start to eat him alive. I’m not sure what that looks like yet.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? Yes
In Depth
In-Character Para Sample:
cw: alcoholism mention
Sitting by his bed, counting the bottles, watching him as he mumbled in his sleep, it was all he could do at times like this. His heart sunk to his stomach, his arms wrapped around it tightly as though it would help keep him together. As if taking his arms away from himself would mean he would completely unravel. He had to know what this did to him, he had to. The smell, the mumbles, the occasional groan, it was all too familiar, and it brought him back to a time he wished he could forget, his stomach once again twisting at the thought.
The countless days and nights he would watch his mother float through the house after the death of his father, walking around as if she had nowhere to go, no son to take care of. She would sit, and look out at nothing, then stand back up and continue walking, as if she had something else to do in the chair across the room. Hector would spend hours watching her moving back and forth, and back and forth, all while holding whatever her drink of choice was for the day. She would go hide in the bathroom whenever she did anything else.
He would sit by her bed at night, just like this, making sure that she didn’t go off too far, reaching over to see if he could still feel her breathing on the back of his palm. His father always said he felt as deeply as she did, loved as fiercely when things were still good between all of them, when they were still a family. It is still something his carries with pride, for this version of his mother was not the mother he knew. Was not the one he remembered now that she was gone. His mother was kind, and loving, and gave all of herself to people. That was who his mother was, and he had lost her long ago. So, when she died, when her body finally gave out on her, he didn’t go through the grieving process he should have. If anything, he felt relief. Relief that he could say goodbye to the pain that came with seeing a once great woman withering before him.
But that was not what he wanted for Hassan, that would not be Hassan’s fate.
He got into bed, when he was still fast asleep, and curled up in a ball beside him, leaning on the headboard and looking over at him, watching his chest move up, and down, and back up again, putting the back of his hand over his mouth, just to be sure, then rested it back on his knees. He knew, if he were to wake up, he would tell him he wouldn’t have to stay, that he could go home if he wanted, that all he had needed was someone to bring him home. But Hector wouldn’t ever dream of leaving him there on his own. And he imagined Hassan knew that about him by now. Knew that the oath they made when they were younger to always take care of each other was stronger now than it ever was before.
Every slight movement, even in his sleep, felt calculated. The way he would turn, but only when Hector looked away, or mumble something that made him worry, done with an indescribable grace and poise that Hector would recognize from miles away. It was what drew him to him in the first place. He reached down to run his fingers through his hair, something he could only do on certain occasions, most of them being when they were alone. It was moments like this, moments when he looked so small, that Hector wished he could take his pain away, give it to himself. And it was moments like this where he saw him as the broken man he hid from everyone else, that Hector wished he knew how to piece him back together again. But more so, that he felt an irreplaceable feeling of complete and total devotion, something that, for him, was more than love. He would do anything to ease his pain, his worry, his doubt. Anything. Even if it meant erasing himself completely.
Extras: Pinterest board here! (Blood tw) https://www.pinterest.com.mx/kassharoun/ch-hector/
Hector’s always loved to draw, and usually would in the corner of his notebooks. Now, he’s taken to carrying a small, leather-bound notebook with him. Something to help him pass the time, and get out whatever emotion he’s been holding in.
He’s a particularly skilled fighter, but is much more talented when it comes to not leaving behind a trace. He’s learned to walk around people, to make himself invisible. He knows people and he knows what they want to hear. And he uses that to his advantage.
He has intense separation anxiety. Something about losing his parents the way he did makes him fear he’ll lose other people he cares for too. At night, it’s all he can think about. It completely encompasses him and stops him from being able to sleep.
When he was a kid, and he would have to spend nights alone, he would go out on his roof and look out at the stars, and pretend that he had a family like the ones he saw on TV. And that his mom would come in and yell at him, like a mom should, and his dad would tell him he needed to be more careful and listen to his mother, like a dad should. It never happened, of course, but those are some of his most cherished moments.
A lot of people like him, because it’s so easy for him to mold himself based on who he’s around. Sometimes, depending on the person, he feels like he completely loses himself. There are very few people in his life who he has ever felt like himself around.
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reprobii · 7 years
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Can you tell I made this header image in 5 minutes with MS Paint?
Anyway, I hit 101 followers somehow while on hiatus. I’m not back yet, but I’m in a sappy mood and wanted to appreciate all of you who have stuck with me!
I don’t want to clog everyone’s notifications, so @ everyone who’s for some reason decided this blog was worth following, I want to let you all know I’m super glad you’re here and I hope you’ll continue to enjoy my (rare) content! Even if we don’t interact, I’m always open for ooc chat or plotting. You’re all lovely and I can’t believe this many people share my love for this bratty demon child! <3
some special mentions under the cut:
@mxlignxnt I swear one day I’ll actually act on our threads and the asks from you festering in my untouched inbox. Thank you so much for having the patience to deal with me and my many absences! I can’t wait for Amelia and Sitri to bond more over... serial killers. And cookies. Many cookies. If she ever wants a bodyguard against Jackson, she knows who to summon!
@gaeuul you, friend, have the patience of a saint. thank you for following me across blogs no matter how good i am at blog hot potato. We haven’t talked but I do remember you’re super sweet and I wish I was online more to bask in your warm presence <3
@mysaldate If I ever go to Germany, I swear I’ll hit you up! I’m still jealous that you live in a CASTLE. and actual castle! but anyway thanks for the follow! If you ever decide to rp a MO character on a blog lmk! sorry I’m such a bad conversation holder! But feel free to pop in my IMs anytime!
@solomonseal We haven’t talked much since I found you like. the day I disappeared but your portrayal of Solomon is A+ and I hope to interact more in the future! Keep up the good work!
@craveii/ @goldenvelleity My gosh, you’re one of my go-to friends in rp. From makeup advice to life venting to angst/fluff plotting, I love you and Janna (and sometimes Ignes) so much! Your writing is Quality and so is your portrayal! Janna is a fabulous character and I look forward to seeing you develop her more! I’m also warming up to Ignes, but that’s thanks to you and how you keep sending me pics of her cute af outfits. Thanks for sticking around... in inactivity and in prolificness. That’s not a word.
@aevyntyri  @bruciared / @vetrorosa / @aigida Did I miss any??? HROKI u are my love and I will love you across time, between the gaps of our absences. I hope you’re doing well and being happy and loving life, wherever you are! You get my angst and you’re such a good writer? I gotta lie down to recover every few paras when I read your replies like god those metaphors. what a gem. i adore your muses and you, hroki!
@kapisola / @ara-memoriae ANGST FRIEND. We really need to stop making our muses suffer. Doesn’t mean we will though. Seriously, though, you’re an A+ mun with A+ muses. Literally I randomly think about your muses throughout my days sometimes. I will defend Nero to the end of time and love Allisae enough to emcompass galaxies. I love our plots so much and I love you more <3<3 I hope life becomes as beautiful for you as you are lovely. Also you are an A+ artist. mmm those Alli sketches. what a goddess.
@occultmisfortune / @therapcn CAE another love. My student friend, I look forward to the day we can talk and not be StuDying. I go to you with my awkward stories from school, OCs, problems, and you’ve somehow decided to not block me yet. Truly, I appreciate your presence in my life, both ic and ooc! <3 I know we don’t interact on this blog but... I would feel bad if I didn’t mention you anyway!
@desiderium-eden Suzu! You are a Gem. Honestly reading your writing makes me laugh every time, without fail. Plus you’re such a talented artist! Much jealous here. Eros is... 80% of Sitri’s impulse control and I love it. Let my boy fight someone. Something. Anything.
@blasianbutterfly what an actual sweetheart! I love Sam! She is so Soft and just... ahhghfhhfh I’d patronize her bakery just to get my daily dose of positivity from her. almost as Soft and sweet as you bby
@positivepianist I don’t even think we have a thread on this blog but again, whatever, I’ll take any opportunity I can get to love on you! You are honestly one of the kindest, sweetest people I have ever had the honor of knowing. Please have more confidence in yourself! I love your writing, love your portrayal, love chatting with you! I hope you’re doing amazing!!! Take your time with activity!
@tsundere-yurio gosh, one of my oldest rp partners from wayy back when I was just peeking into the rp community. even if we both have spotty activity, I’m super grateful to you knowing that I can disappear for a few months and come back and still have our threads intact, or at least the Ship with Isa and Yurio. Your threads are easy for me to write with and honestly are such good chicken soup for my writer soul, like your prose is somehow both easy to understand and vivid and ic? Minty, you’re the genuine article! I love to write with you and look forward to future interactions ic and ooc! <3
@embersiisms jack is... a pure Soft Boi and so are you! idk how you’re so active on here. it’s incredible tbh how one can be so quality? and so prolific? Unsolved Mysteries. i don’t like cake but Sitri will eat...all the cake. all of it. he will singlehandedly keep Jack’s bakery afloat... once he decides to cooperate with me as a muse.
@yurvtchka @blue-eyes-white-kaiba idk if you’ll see this since you’re on hiatus but! i will always be appreciative to you for being one of my first rp partners too! I’m still shocked that someone so Quality is still a mutual? amazing. your icons are beautiful and so are you <3 your writing is super captivating and i hope you’re doing great wherever you are!
@cruelseraph omg, you’re such a great example of the mun is not muse mantra! your portrayal of Michael is absolutely flawless, and yet you somehow are as nice and chill as Michael is... not XD. We haven’t talked in a while but I every time I see the little green dot next to your username I hope you’re doing well! If you come back, I would love to interact again!
@diaboliktheology Val was my third try at an rp blog, and honestly I was so not confident with my portrayal of him that if it weren’t for you, idk if he would have even been a main muse, short as the duration was! I love plotting with you and just chatting ooc! I consider you my tumblr rp Mom tbh, and your writing and blog is? goals? Yui is such a darling, and it’s easy to see why you write her so well - you’re just as kind as she is! I plan to return to Val at some point... even if it’s just for the Val-Yui friendship bc that’s.... pure, good stuff right there. I love it so, so much.
@inferno-principe/ @theo-cratic / @count-glenstrae you’re a super cool person with an amazing muse! Si is so well-developed and I love his sass tbh even if Sitri doesn’t. It’s admirable that somehow you can do both very interesting prose threads... and hilarious crack ones. I’m grateful for your follow and I look forward to future interactions!
@oshikakei yuuto is a Good Boy. I love your writing and your character, he’s very well-rounded and has a lot going for him! thank you for tagging me in stuff! can’t wait for sitri to get stabbed
@amorettos your muses are A+ like they have. so Much Backstory and yet are incredibly likable despite their flaws. as a mun you’re very approachable and also I envy the SoCal life based on pics of your food. somehow you can Art AND Write? unbelievable. anyway thanks for following me across blogs and! thank you for gabe
some more special mentions to the people who have stuck around! thank you for everything! your follow means so much to me!
@electorofhell @archxviste @shatteredtoxins @thepaganking @sclbstmord @vasilciix @imey-chan @pozbilind @noxiivs @backstagebaae @sunshowxr @grand---duke @otxme @g--cnocide @dxllisms @nocturnalbun @underhisdivinity @raguel-angel-of-justice @basicallyuriel @distortedfairytaledreams @thelambsofiscariot @of-rivia @locksfate @skullcrxsher @conseille @unladylikc
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badheart · 7 years
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No appreciation list this time, so I can mention here only some true friends, people who I seriously would always follow back, who mean something to me and without them I wouldn’t be here. Meanwhile soon is the 1st April and then is my blog for Grimm one year old, SO EARLY CONGRATS for myself - I mean, I was never that long active on a blog, also damn proud of the number, considering I never promoted my lame ass, so yeah, nice BUT NOW some positivity for my darlings <3
@deusuprema :  My sun, my moon, my stars, damn you ila, what would I be without your ass here?! Seriously with you became my two top otps true and I forever love your Aizen and your writing, cuz it suit this fucker, also I can talk to you each fucking day and when I don’t, frigging mood drop, ain’t kidding. Seriously I am so glad I have you here <3 HECK I just wrote a few words now and I am already crying, seriously ila i love you.
@blackcuttingmoon :  I can talk with you about anything, SERIOUSLY ANYTHING, even about the most sensitive topics and I love you so much for this, also you are seriously the sun here, ain’t kidding because you always brighten my day, also I am fucking gay for you Cris and your Ichigo who always manages to amuse me, while Shiro B))) Anyway I am so glad for your existence Cris, srsly I feel truly blessed to know you and call you my friend.
@xyuuken :  Eli, the most kinkiest person here, I am sure of that and yet you look always so innocent and serious, ANYWAY I love you so much and your wisdom, seriously the stories you can tell and your writing, love it. Also you are one of the best ship partners ever and your muses are so awesome and well written, I am so happy that I know you ;w; And just, thank you so much and by god, can’t mention it enough but you are such a blessing to us all, or well the bleach community, considering who you rp and all and damn, love you for this.
@yuriinne :  YOU ALWAYS MAKE ME LAUGH, YOU ALWAYS KNOW HOW TO MAKE ME HAPPY OR GIVE ME THE NEEDED ATTENTION; seriously Messi without you would be tumblr so shitty and gray and god, I appreciate you so much and your OC. AND THERE IS ALSO TONY, @zzinder, who always amazes me how well they write their muses and how funny they can be, and a meme, though Messi is the bigger meme. And asdfg, srsly guys, I am glad I have at your side, you better never leave, ESPECIALLY YOU TONY who occasionally went amiss, and asdfgh ‘m glad to have you, both of you.
@boargored :  MAriiiii, seriously I forever love your name and god, I am always hoping you are doing fine and believe me or not, but I love you so much and I am so glad you still manage to be active, I seriously count you to one of my oldest friends, even though we do not really talk anymore but you are definitely part of my life and important to me, always <3 Also your writing is my favorite one, like absolute number one, love you ♥
@crusader-of-time :  Very important meme, I mean, I seriously need you on the dash, and god, life would be boring, we ain’t that close, but when we talk or so, I always have my fun B) Also gonna appreciate right here @perpetuuity, who is basically tumblr mom <3 
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dirthelgar · 7 years
1, 3, 5, 7, 8.
1: How’s your day?
It’s been a very good day! This morning we got a phone call we had been hoping for, long story short when my grandma passed away two years and mom got a small inheritance, her ex lulled her into buying a mobile home in a camping, the first year was okay because we had money saved, but last year we realized we had to rent if we wanted to pay the (rather big) fees for have the mobile home stay where it was (and of course it costs to have it removed), but we didn’t expect that the rents don’t cover it all (when they let us believe it did). Things have been really tight this past few months, but now that the sale happened, we’ll be secure for a few months, and my mom will officially be retired in september.
So that phone call removed a big weight for us, and I’ve just been happy all day, if lurking on online game and watching animes!
3:  Are there any inactive muse(s) you wish to bring back?
The real question should be: which inactive muses do you wish to bring back. Because that’s pretty much 90% of my inactive ones.
She’s not officially inactive, but I wished I had more stuff going with @arynladyofice. She had a lot of interactions before in two fandoms, but most of those I rped with have left, and since then it’s been hard finding again new stories that stick around. She’s been the first muse I’ve had, and she has stick around since then, so sometimes I really feel the lack of writing her.
There’s @aonotamashii that I am hoping to bring back sooner or later, although it’s still likely it’ll be mostly 1x1. There’s a partner I have build soooo much, and that’s why I’m not letting go of Satoshi. It’s honestly the story (well stories) that I developped the most out of all my blogs (not counting plotted stuff, just what has been written).
Then there are two blogs I still feel sad thinking of their inactivity, it’s @mixedbloodchild and @chaoticriders. I love so much the muses there, but the main reason they ended up closed (for now) is that I lost inspiration after the main partners left. But gosh, I miss my boys, and even as I’m writing this I’m wondering if maybe, I should offer some rps with them again. But its more of offering to partners I have here, and I’m not sure anymore how much they interest.
I don’t necessarily want to rp again, but I feel a little bit sad I didn’t even have the occasion to write on @blackwingthief. I barely have the confidence for the fanfics, but if I linger thoughts on it, I wished I had seen how he is as a muse.
And while I don’t think I’ll ever be able to write on @eternitynotsobad again, I do wish i could bring him back. But then again, in a sense that did happen. I think I only mentioned this once or twice, but the muse there is Mika’s original “appearance”. I made my elf Mika to look like my Mike/Mika on that blog, and when I created dirthelgar, even though I inspired myself on decisions for personality, I ended up reworking a lot of the original Mika in this new one. So in a sense, I did bring back eternity’s Mika as the Mika you know now.
5: Which muse(s) do want to rp as in the future?
A few weeks ago, I would have said none, because I’m not sure that would be a wise choice, and I didn’t have muses in mind. But recently, I’ve been half curious about writing Rin from Ao no Exorcist. I’ve even looked a bit around, but I haven’t seen active rpers. Or maybe, write an OC inspired by Ao no Exorcist, but honestly I don’t see myself picking any of these up. If I pick more muses, it’ll be first bringing back old ones.
7: Is there something you wish you can change about your rp style?
Regular activity, for starter. Ironically, I’ve been working to stop feeling as if I never reply fast enough, because I logically know it’s not healthy on the long term. I just wish I could write more often, especially as I used to do that.
As for writing stuff, not really? I like how I write, I improve by writing more and being faced with different people’s writing, so I don’t feel any need. Although, I kind of miss using icons, but I never feel satisfied about those I have (my poor son has trouble looking good, between XBOX not making him look the best, and pictures rarely capturing his exact looks).
8: Which Harry Potter house do you and your muse belong to?
I know I took the test at least twice, yet I never recall the house I end up with. I think it’s Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff? I think I got both (on separate days) soooo. As for Mika, I’m not sure. I sought a test and it says Ravenclaw. I’m not that big on HP though, or sorting in houses. I don’t feel like will stay true to Mika (or even me), as in Mika’s case, I feel he displays traits from all houses (courage, wisdom, tolerance, determination, but also reckless, very interested in all knowledge, hopes for equality, and hides a lot).
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