#((HERE WE GO!! forgive the lateness wahahah))
askrena · 2 years
lances and lace
lance +1 starter for @vaida
          SHE SETTLES INTO A RHYTHM WITH GRACE AND EASE; her hands braiding each colored thread unto one another in smooth, practiced motions. Black over red over silver then back, the bracelet is quick to form itself beneath Sharena's expert guidance. Her daily routine of braiding her hair has finally paid off, it seems. This is her fifth bracelet of the hour. If she keeps the pace, perhaps she could decorate the lances of everyone she's befriended and beyond.
          She smiles as she finishes it with a knot. That would be nice. Green eyes gaze fondly upon the Askran's creation, deft fingers toying with the circlet. Perhaps she'll put a charm on it— a small wyvern, if she can find one, to match the tenacity of its would-be-owner. The thought further pulls the curve of her lips.
          "This is fun, isn't it, General Vaida?" she chirps to her partner, seated next to her in the monastery grass, participating in the same bracelet-making activity. Sharena hadn't thought she would accept her invitation, but she's happy that Vaida came along. She would have given her a bracelet, anyways, "Certainly better than when we last met!"
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ticklishtypings · 4 years
True Quirk (Todoroki x Midoryia)
A/N: This took me TWO days to write :’) do forgive me if it doesn’t seem coherent lol. Here it is though! I hope you enjoy <3
Disclaimer: This is a sfw tickle fanfic (I do not do nsfw for any fandom)
Summary: Todoroki has been noticing that Midoryia has been acting strange lately, specifically when tickling is involved. He decides he wants to figure out why. 
Word Count: 1,517
Todoroki and Midoriya had been dating for about 5 months now, and frequently spent time together outside of the academy. Recently, Midoriya has been acting strange around his boyfriend. While he is usually a little awkward, it seemed to be at an unusual rate. 
“Midoriya, what is your problem?” Todoroki questioned, when the latter’s face got tightened and red in the middle of class. 
“Oh! Nothing! Nothing!” He freaked, covering his face in a horrible attempt to hide his expressions. 
While Todoroki thought it was odd, he let it go thinking Izuku was just being weird in thought like he usual is. But eventually, it happened again when they were hanging out. His face turned a familiar shade of crimson, gently squirming in his seat. He decided to ignore it, for the sake of his boyfriend, but he wouldn’t forget it. 
The third time was when he pieced it all together, the class of 1-A had been in the lunch room together. They were all engaging in small talk, before Kaminari and Kirishima got into an argument, they all peered over at the developing. 
“Take that back Kirishima!” He growled. 
“No way! You know damn well I exceeded in that test and got a better score than you ever could!” 
“Take. That. Back.” Was Kaminari’s final warning, before pouncing on the blonde haired boy. 
They all thought there was going to be a fight involving quirks, and weren’t expecting laughter to come out of the boy. Peering over the table, the scene was hilarious. Kaminari was on top of Kirishima, fingers wiggling all over the poor boy’s sides, causing him to let out little giggles. 
“Dohohon’t do this!” He pleaded, face reddening. 
“Then take back what you said.” 
“I dohoho! I tahahake it bahahahack!” He pleaded, little sparks zapping off of him. 
The tickling halted, and they joined the others back at the table as if it was a normal occurrence to them. 
“Wow, who would of guessed Mr. Electric was ticklish.” Todoroki snickered, looking around at the table to unconsciously see if his boyfriend laughed. 
He didn’t see him laughing though, instead he saw him covering his face with his book. Why was he hiding? Nothing bad had happened, just a small tickle fight between..OH. It made so much sense now, thinking back to the other times Izuku had freaked out as well. The class was learning about weak spots, and someone snorted about just tickling the opponent. The night when they were hanging out, there had been a tickling scene on during the movie, and that’s when he got all spazzed out. Why did tickling cause him such embarrassment? 
“Midoriya.” He walked over to his side of the table, and tapped his arm, causing the boy to jump. 
“AH! Uhm, yes Todoroki?” He started stuttering, face still flushed from earlier. 
“Wanna do homework at my place?” His voice remained steady, he wanted to figure out why he reacts the way he does.
“Oh, sure thing!” And with that, Izuku grabbed his backpack and said goodbye to the rest of the gang. 
The walk there was silent, Izuku kind of thought he upset him based on it, but Todoroki was actually planning how he wanted to go about this. Was he going to be blunt about it? He didn’t actually know how he wanted to approach this, especially since it makes his boyfriend embarrassed. His intent wasn’t to embarrass him, he just wants to know what tickling makes him feel. 
After what seemed like an eternity, they arrived at his house, and they made their way to his bedroom. The silence between them was awkward and unbearable before Izuku finally spoke up. 
“Are you mad at me? Are you going to break up with me?” Worry coating his voice, avoiding eye contact. 
“What? No. What made you think that?” 
“You didn’t talk to me the whole way here. We always talk about our day walking over.” He fiddled with the hem of his sleeve. 
“No. I was just thinking.” 
“Do you swear?” His voice was a bit smaller now. 
“I do.” But his worry didn’t seem to leave him, and now was his opening. 
With one swift movement, the bi-colored hair boy straddled Midoryia’s waist, causing a small yelp from the boy. 
“T-Todoroki! W-what are you d-doing?” His face seemed to flush a small bit, nervousness in his voice, but also a hint of excitement. 
“Tickling you.” He responded calmly, watching the now squirming boy’s eyes widen in realization. 
“Wait! waHAHAHIT!” Fingers descended upon his sides, causing his to squirm harder now. 
“EEP! COHOHOLD!” He tried to escape the evil fingers, half heartedly grabbing at his arms, to no avail. 
Todoroki noted the fact that his boyfriend didn’t seem to ask him to stop, or even attempt to truly get away. A smirk grew on his face at the thought of him possibly liking being tickled. 
“Tell me, why does tickling make you embarrassed?” He stilled his fingers, awaiting a response from his panting lover. 
“I-it. No. It d-doesn’t.” Cue the blushing. 
“You’re stuttering.” He pointed out, causing Izuku to shrink down a bit, “I’ve noticed the way you react when tickling is involved, you blush, you hide. Why?” 
The only response he got was him covering his face, and in his defense he felt like he was going to explode with flusteredness. Was he that obvious? If Todoroki knew, did the others? He was brought out of his worrisome mind but gentle scribbling against his ribs. 
“Plehehease!” He giggled out, his face contorting into a smile again, this time not bothering to pull at the torturous hands. 
“You know it’s fine to be ticklish, everyone’s ticklish.” He began skittering all over his stomach, making the tickling unpredictable. 
“Dohohon’t sahahay thhahat wohohord!” He cried out, his face a new shade of pink. 
“What? Ticklish? Why?” Todoroki smiled, so it was true, tickling made him flustered because he liked it. 
“BeheheCAUHAHAH-” His words were interrupted by his boyfriend squeezing his thighs, causing him to began kicking his legs wildly. Even at such a spot, he he never once asked for it to stop. 
“Oh, this seems to be an extremely sensitive spot.” He halted his tickling, looking at the boy below him, a stream of drunk giggles flowing from his mouth. 
He bent down real close to his ear and whispered, “If you wanted to be tickled this badly, you could of just asked,” hearing an audible squeak come from Midoryia’s mouth. He tried to mutter out objections, but nothing coherent could come out. 
“Arms up.” Todoroki commanded, gesturing his finger upwards. 
“Shoto-” He protested, but obeying, slowly putting his arms up. 
“Don’t let them come down, or else you’re dead.” His voice was ice cold, but Izuku could tell there was playfulness in it. There was no real threat in the tease other than to cause flusterness. 
He began to spider down starting from his wrists, slowly and tortuously making his way down to his underarms, but stopped right before. Midoryia let out a tiny whine out of impatience. To his dismay, his underarms didn’t even get any attention, they were totally skipped over and his ribs were attacked next. 
“Nohohoho!” The sensation was weird, somehow Todoroki’s ice touch made it tickle ten times worse. 
“No what? No tickles? Okay.” He looked almost smug as he stilled his fingers, watching Midoryia’s face look like a kicked puppy. 
“I didn’t mean that..” He whispered, still refusing to make eye contact, grabbing Todoroki’s hands shyly and placing them on his sides before putting his arms back up. 
His heart almost melted, but he remained composed, moving his fingers once more to please his boyfriend, who began giggling and squirming again. His laughter started to get higher-pitched and louder the closer Todoroki got to his navel. Curiously, he traced it, watching the younger boy start to thrash harder, before dipping his finger inside. 
“WAHAHAH! NAHAHAHA THEHEHEHERE!! ANYWHEHEHERE ELEHEHESE!” He begged, thrashing his head side to side, continuously arching his back to escape the single finger in his navel. His arms still not coming down, but strongly gripping the sheets above head. 
“Anywhere you say?��� And with that, he shoved his hands into his underarms, causing the boy to shriek and clamp them down.
“SHOHOHOHOTO!!” He got so red in the face that Todoroki thought his face was gonna pop. 
“Midoryia~” He mocked back, gently scratched at the soft skin, resulting in the cutest snorts. 
“No teases? Like if I were to call you the most ticklish hero in all of class 1-A?” The laughter got louder, and then decreased. 
Todoroki realized he should probably stop once Midoryia’s laughter went silent and tears of mirth flowed down his cheeks. 
He sat on his waist as he calmed down, post tickle giggles coming from his mouth, hands protecting his tickle spots. 
“Mehehean.” He tried shooting an evil glare to his boyfriend but came off harmless with the smile attached. 
“You’re the one who likes it.” he stated, “Maybe that’s your true quirk Midoryia, wait until the pro’s hear about that.”  
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