#SUPPORT. vaida
askrena · 2 years
lances and lace
lance +1 starter for @vaida
          SHE SETTLES INTO A RHYTHM WITH GRACE AND EASE; her hands braiding each colored thread unto one another in smooth, practiced motions. Black over red over silver then back, the bracelet is quick to form itself beneath Sharena's expert guidance. Her daily routine of braiding her hair has finally paid off, it seems. This is her fifth bracelet of the hour. If she keeps the pace, perhaps she could decorate the lances of everyone she's befriended and beyond.
          She smiles as she finishes it with a knot. That would be nice. Green eyes gaze fondly upon the Askran's creation, deft fingers toying with the circlet. Perhaps she'll put a charm on it— a small wyvern, if she can find one, to match the tenacity of its would-be-owner. The thought further pulls the curve of her lips.
          "This is fun, isn't it, General Vaida?" she chirps to her partner, seated next to her in the monastery grass, participating in the same bracelet-making activity. Sharena hadn't thought she would accept her invitation, but she's happy that Vaida came along. She would have given her a bracelet, anyways, "Certainly better than when we last met!"
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plagues02 · 8 months
Ridley and Vaida Supports
Ridley is my oc who takes the place of Mark, and I thought it would be fun to write him some supports. I might do some fics based on some of these supports eventually.
C Support
Vaida: Ridley, we meet again.
Ridley: … It has been a long time, Vaida.
Vaida: Yeah, nearly two years since you abandoned Bern.
Ridley: Yet you are here too. Following my guidance under Eliwood.
Vaida: I have my reasons
Ridley: As do I. Now, if you don’t mind.
Vaida: … And there he goes again. 
B Support
Ridley: Should you be staring at me in the middle of a battle, Vaida?
Vaida: … You could tell?
Ridley: I know you very well, Vaida. … Well, I did in a different life. Now, I must question you if you don’t mind. The Dragon Fang General I knew would never stay close to one person during every battle. Yet here you are. You almost remain attached to my hip. I’m your tactician, and I tell you that is not smart. Yet you still do it. So why? Why do you remain by me?
Vaida: … 
Ridley: Vaida?
Vaida: You’re weak.
Ridley: Pardon?
Vaida: You’re weak, Ridley. You have no defense, and yet you don’t keep anyone close to you for protection. You need it, no matter your dragon heritage, and I don’t think you realize it. We know each other well. You were my tactician in Bern, and you led me through many battles. Whether you want it or not, I will protect you.
Ridley: Vaida...
A Support
Vaida: Ridley, are you alright?!
Ridley: Woah, calm down. It’s just a minor scratch, nothing to worry about.
Vaida: Nothing to worry about? You’re bleeding!
Ridley: … Vaida, this is a war. I will not go through every battle unharmed, and you cannot protect me from everything. Now, stop trying to.
Vaida: Ridley-
Ridley: No, no, Vaida, listen to me. I am not as weak as you think I am. I know I’m not strong. I know I’m not a fighter. My damn leg stops me from being able to, but I will continue to help in any way I can. I will lead this army to victory with my battle tactics, and you constantly flying near me will only distract me. If this is only about this cut, I am fine. Go fight.
Vaida: … Heh
Ridley: What?
Vaida: There’s the Ridley I knew. The man would bark orders at anyone who won’t listen, the man would throw himself in the middle of a fight without a weapon if it would mean a victory. You are still there.
Ridley: Vaida…
Vaida: Yes?
Ridley: After Nergal is defeated, stay on Valor with me. We don’t need all the fighting. We can,, we can be us. Just us.
Vaida: But Lord Zephiel-
Ridley: Of course. You are still loyal to Bern… think about. I do not need an answer now, but will you keep it in mind?
Vaida: I will. Ridley, I-Ridley: Don’t… don’t give me hope. Watch your back out there, Vaida.
Ridley convinced Vaida to return to Valor with him rather than return to Bern to die. Vaida wished she could have supported her prince more, but her time soon became taken up with raising her young daughter with her beloved husband.
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pioneer-over-c · 10 months
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Winter Vaida design. She heard Prince Zephiel was taking part in the festivities and turned up to support him
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youngerfrankenstein · 2 years
I know I’m jumping the gun here, but I also know that at least a couple of people are looking to try out FE7 once it’s released on the Switch so I thought I’d make a guide to
How Supports work on the GBA Fire Emblem Games
First, the simplest question. How do you build support points?
Support points in the GBA games are gained by having the two units adjacent to each other when you end your turn. Whether they did any fighting/dancing/etc. that turn is irrelevant. They just have to be standing next to each other when Enemy Phase flashes across the screen.
How fast do supports build?
That depends! Every pair of characters who have a support chain (available list in-game) have both a starting amount of support points, and a growth rate of 1 to 5 per turn. For example Eliwood and Ninian start at 0 points (they just met) but they have a support gain of 5 per turn, making their supports easier to get. Eliwood’s supports with his best friend Hector however, start at 72 and grow by 3 each turn. Supports are unlocked at 80, 160 and 240 points. So it would take a lot more effort to unlock say, Merlinus and Vaida’s supports, who start at 0 and grow by 1 per turn.
One notable exception in FE7 are Pent and Louise, who are married and already at max support points when you get them. It’s simply up to you to decide if you want to unlock them. Speaking of.
How many supports can I unlock in a playthrough?
Here’s a pretty big difference from the newer games. You can unlock 5 supports per character in a playthrough. Not 5 support chains, 5 supports. If you want to get two characters to A you had better make sure you haven’t unlocked three other C supports with one character.
Are there paired endings?
Yes! Some are romantic, others are not. Paired endings are decided by two characters having an A support. However, not every A support leads to a paired ending. Vaida and Merlinus again, for example, have supports but no paired ending. All supports go to A. If you want to know which supports have paired endings (or how fast certain supports grow) there are guides available online.
Do supports still grant combat bonuses?
And there you have it! More or less everything you need to know about supports in the GBA Fire Emblem games! Now you know how to get the ones you want before watching the rest on YouTube. Have fun!
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lumeha · 19 days
@eiriee (a beautiful new post for you)
My confusion did indeed come from the fact that the very simply titled Fire Emblem on the GBA is FE7, and more comonly referred to as Fire Emblem Blazing Blade now (thanks to FE Heroes, the mobile game). And, uh, Fire Emblem First Of Its Name (Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light) is (was ?) also available on Switch and somehow my brain went "yeah of course this is totally about FE1", having apparently forgotten that FE7 is. just. named. Fire Emblem. in the West
'cause it's the first game we ever got !
And it was also my first ever Fire Emblem !
With this out of the way...
Do you like strategy ? Do you like cool pixel art ? Do you like a story that is a lot more personal in scope than the usual fantasy story ? If yes, then Fire Emblem is the game for YOU !
... More seriously, Fire Emblem GBA was my first introduction to Fire Emblem as games, and despite some potential criticism of the changes to Lyn's Story, it makes for a great introduction to the game and how it works. In the Western version, the game forces you to go through Lyn's Story as an easy mode tutorial, to teach you the ropes through her personal quest after she finds you, tactician, just. yeah. you were out there. She had to help you. And you decide to help her when you get attacked by bandits.
And that tutorial does give you all the tools you will need to play the game, when, once you are done with Lyn's story, you get introduced to Eliwood, main Lord of the game. And once you've done that, you can go through the story from another point of view, with Hector's mode. Which is a huge plus for me - Hector's mode is harder than Eliwood's, but they didn't just decide to give you the same old, same old - there are a lot of scenes that reveal more of what happened in the story, things you didn't get to see during Eliwood's side of the game.
So you get one really well made tutorial, especially if you don't know how Fire Emblem works as a game (only downside is that it's not skippable for people who know how that all works), and then you get two versions of the same story, from different point of views, with a cool difficulty slide. I like that personally ! that really grabbed me !
An interesting thing about Fire Emblem Blazing Blade, to me, and something that absolutely grabbed me as a teen, is that while the story does end up having beats of saving the world... it is not as grandiose as most of these stories. It starts about a son searching for his father, and it always stays somewhat in the shadows, partly because FE7 is the prequel to FE6 and its much more open war. People just kind of. Don't know what happened. And I think that's compelling.
Another cool feature you can enjoy with FE7 : having so many little guys and gals to pick from and become obsessed with. While most characters don't get a lot of dialogue, you can and will find Your Special Boy Or Guy (mine's Kent he's a boring stick in the mud and yet I love him <3 but also shout out to Renault and Vaida). Fire Emblem is often known for its support system, that allows unit to build relations and let you get fun dialogue between those units, and it has always been one of my favourite feature ! and I really like the FE7 cast and the supports ! Having so many guys and gals to pick from is just a plus for me :D
And finally : ... a bit like the point I made about NES FE, I have to say, but... it's worth checking FE7 just for the pixel art. I find myself loving it, not only because it's really pretty, and I think there's a lot of reason why people make GBA FE Style pixel art, but also because it's a genuine asset for the game as a strategy game. I always find it really easy to read and a really solid asset for the gameplay : the maps can be large, but it's usually easy to spot ennemy units VS your own, and get a sense of what's going on where !
... and yes, the game makes the calculations before combat for you, unlike FE1, which definitely makes it easier to play and find your own favoured strategy :D
So... I hope I've sold you on it ?
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Dearest gentle reader,
While this is nowhere near the caliber of complexity as a Netflix show or a multi-book series, telling this story has come with so much joy and many learning curves. So you can imagine my shock when I saw that my main save file for The Kailman Legacy was overridden and couldn't be recovered despite my best efforts. The old version of the save file was from March of this year, long before I started making content, and was saved at Dayla Ann's wedding to Tim. If you've been keeping up with the series thus far, that was ages ago. So much has progressed and changed since, so when I discovered this in mid-July, I knew my work was cut out for me. Because of this, the finale and the series may look a bit different from now on. Because I caught this when I did, what I'll do in the meantime is share the backstories I'm playing out since I will be following their story beats very faithfully for continuity's sake. So, as much as this disheartens me, I hope you enjoy watching the events that unfolded before you met these Sims and fall all the more in love with them as if I am getting to replay them again.
Thank you for reading, for your support, and your understanding,
- Yours truly,
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readyforevolution · 1 year
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The entire African continent was an extremely civilized place by their own rich cultures, the time the first European travellers began discovering and later destroying her people and cultures.
“When they arrived in the Gulf of Guinea and landed at Vaida (in West Africa) the captains were astonished to find streets well laid out, bordered on either side for several leagues by two rows of trees; for days they travelled through a country of magnificent fields, inhabited by men clad in richly coloured garments of their own weaving! Further south in the Kingdom of the Congo, a swarming crowd dressed in `silk` and `velvet`; great States well-ordered, and down to the most minute details; powerful rulers, flourishing industries-civilized to the marrow of their bones. And the condition of the countries on the eastern coast- Mozambique, for example- was quite the same.”Leo Frobenius, `Histoire de la Civilisation Africaine`, quoted in Anna Melissa Graves, `Africa, the Wonder and the Glory,US, Black Classic Press, (originally 1942),pg4.
Portuguese missionaries wrote of the Kongo…” a well-organized political system with taxes and rates, there was a brilliant court,(and) a great civil service. The state constructed roads, imposed tolls, supported a large army and had a monetary system-of…shells, of which the Mani Congo…had a monopoly. The Congo Kingdom even had a few satellite states, for example the state of the Ngola (ie Ndongo) in present-day Angola. The original kingdom was about the size of France and Germany put together”.
“There is no doubting…the existence of an expert metallurgical art in the ancient Kongo; only the competition of objects from abroad and the slow deterioration brought about its decline. A further proof is provided by recent ethnographic documents. The Bakongo were aware of the toxicity of lead vapours. They devised preventative and curative methods, both pharmacological (massive doses of pawpaw and palm oil) and mechanical (exerting of pressure).
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mannatea · 1 year
Found, a Fire Emblem 7 ‘fic
Words: 2,641 words Summary: Unlike Lyn, Hector couldn’t simply leave it all behind, and he didn’t have the luxury of visiting old friends. But Farina did. And, she said, she could at least carry letters to them—quickly and much more efficiently than any Ostian courier. So he hired her. (And she touched lives.) Pairing/Character: Farina-centric, Hector, Eliwood, Lucius, Fiora, Natalie, Dorcas, Lyn, Vaida, Wallace, Serra, Priscilla, Lilina, and mention of a couple of others. Extra Info: This was originally written and posted sometime in January 2013. Rating: T Genre: Friendship, Tragedy
The title is the link to Ao3. If you read it please take a second to drop a comment!
Notes below the cut as usual:
I found this story on my hard drive and have reviews for it saved so I know I wrote this but until I reread it I’d completely forgotten I’d ever written it. I thought, “Wow, 2013 wasn’t that long ago! I should definitely remember this.” And then I remembered that 2013 was 10 years ago. COOL.
The date the story was last saved in my files was January 5, 2013, but I have no idea if that was the post-date or not.
I tried very very hard to take into consideration a couple of criticisms I had about the original story, namely that the “painting” scene didn’t feel like it belonged. When I reread it, I couldn’t take it out entirely (I loved it, honestly), so I connected it far better and shortened it so that it wouldn’t stick out and slow the pace as much.
I also had someone get confused about who Lilina’s mother was in the original, and it was always Florina to make this story work, so I added in a few more bits for that (and fixed a bit of awkward wording).
Finally, @markoftheasphodel was actually the only one to point this out (and she was 100% correct): the order of the scenes was erratic. She circled it back to the portrait scene being the problem, but on my reread I think part of the reason the portrait scene didn’t work was specifically due to the order the other scenes were presented in, so I rewrote them and rearranged them to feel more natural: almost like they’re going from one character to another as they learn the news and continue to write to one another.
One thing I think a lot of people forget about is that Farina’s supports with Dorcas end with her sharing some of that 20,000 gold she got from Hector with him so that he can get help for his wife’s bad leg. This is extremely important context since Farina’s personality in-game comes off pretty different. The braggart behavior is totally a mask, but without this context you lose that, and also lose that “selflessness” that comes up in the story.
Also, honestly, credit for this story has to be shared with @arthoure too, since it was our RPs with Hector and Farina that cemented her as a glorified postal employee and also friend of Lucius. Pegasus Express, GO! (I’m very attached to some old headcanons, I suppose.)
As for completely new additions, I added in more letters from others and tried to add details to show the passage of time toward the end of the story.
I hope this new and shiny version of this story is indeed the better one. I was pretty happy with the ending as it was, but wanted to add in enough to really make Farina’s death in isolation and loneliness feel like those are simply her own feelings: in adding some scenes, in particular Serra’s, it’s much clearer that her friends knew exactly where to find her—in their hearts, and in one another. 🤍
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furryprovocateur · 1 year
it is mildly funny that one of my absolute favorite FE characters (canas) is like. not only is he prohibitively shitty to use in basically any context, but also there's one support dedicated to him getting humiliated by a girlboss (vaida) and having her feed his books to her wyvern. and unlike most FE7 supports it never goes anywhere and neither learn anything about each other. he just like. gets bullied and accepts it. also there's the infamous epilogue text
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flydotnet · 2 years
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card!
(Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled. I don’t have any request left, so feel free to send in suggestions for this card!).
But I will be fine. I must be.
Unofficial Gay Fates has made me super partial to both Scarlet and ships with Scarlet. I'm a Ryoma/Scarlet girly too, but also, the Scarlet-Xander support chain was too good for me not to get into the trenches and write something for it too. I may've read the official Scarlet/Chevois lore doc a little too many times compared to how faithful to UGF my Scarlet ended up being? Oh well. You never get anywhere if you never try! I don't like how Revelation handled... well, most things, and the thing with Valla is stoopid as it's written there, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy playing with a zombie country of sort. There's a kind of horror to it and I had to set a mood y'know?the number of times I had "Deessu. Kurimuzon." in my head while writing this fic is obscenely high.
Bride of Crimson
Summary: Guilt will come later - for now, Scarlet needs to escort a prince to safety.
Fandom: Fire Emblem Fates (Revelation route) Ship: Pre-S-Support Scarlet/Xander
Wordcount: words
Event hosted by @badthingshappenbingo
AO3 version.
Vallites don’t bleed.
That’s because they don’t have a soul anymore, Scarlet has been told. They’re corpses haunted by the mindless desire to do something. Ryo has compared them to a lizard’s tail once cut from its body, trembling as if alive yet dead all the same; and she didn’t really question it. If Ryo believed Corrin, then she had no reason to suspect anything either: Ryo knew what he was doing, then why would she go against him? As far as she was concerned, nothing had contradicted what his sister had said.
 Vallites don’t bleed, which makes it oh so much more noticeable when it’s her comrades who do. It smears on the fluorescent grass of Valla and it smells like iron – not the sort that results from weapons clashing against each other, but that which has kept her on alert for so long, back in Cheve. It looks out of place right when she thought she had finally gotten used to bloodshed.
Scarlet has been through worse, though. It takes a special kind of guts to rise against a kingdom so much bigger than your country, whose nobles seem so adamant to hurt people they can’t see while they laze around and live in luxury (and someone may’ve helped with her perception of that, but one man can’t change an entire life experience of conclusions), but it’s this special kind that’s now allowing her to cut through ghosts that play pretend with everyone’s emotions and distress alike.
 A strong, belting voice screams from behind her, prompting her to briefly turn around.
“Scarlet, look out!”
She barely has the time to crouch before a sword dark as the night pierces through a Faceless’ chest. If the voice wasn’t a giveaway, then the weapon alone would be a dead seller for the ages.
He walks his horse to her, Siegfried still in hand. (A beautiful weapon, if sinister… and plain. Unfortunately, her offer to spruce it up has already been turned down).
“Are you hurt?”
“No, no I’m not, in no small part thanks to ya.” She shines him a smile.
“Very well,” he replies with stiff shoulders and a smirk just as uncomfortable to look at. “Where’s your wyvern?”
“Errrh… Vaida got injured earlier, so I’m lettin’ her a nice rest back at camp! Can’t let my ride get worse under my watch!”
“I see. I trust you can handle yourself on your own, right?”
“Of course! Dun take me for a fragile lil’ flower, Dandy-Lion!”
He blushes like a tulip at the remark, “p-please keep this silly nickname off the—”
Xander stops dead in his tracks, eyes opening wide.
“Get down!”
 A hand axe cuts through the air, flirting so close to her pauldron that it tears it off from her, taking it in its course.
 Once the initial shock passes, she clutches her own axe to her and swings it at the culprit – some Vallite soldier with empty sockets for eyes, in a vague human shape, glaring at her with an expression just as soulless. Yep, no sympathy to be found here.
She slashes it in a single blow and doesn’t bother with delicacy, almost cutting the creature in two clean halves, looking around just enough to tell Ryo and his little brother have taken care of their left flank and Corrin and company the right one. The battle’s almost over, so she gets back up, straps her axe back onto her. She’ll polish it once they have downtime again.
 With an excited step, Scarlet turns around again.
“Good job spotting that, Dandy…”
A black horse is staring back at her with a nervous breath.
It happens to have no rider.
 Urgency hurries through Scarlet’s every fibre, until she finally thinks about checking the ground. When she does, her jaw almost drops, but she clenches her teeth and runs to a crumpled body on the ground. Ignoring every feature, she puts her hand in front of the person’s nose and two fingers on their neck – air, a pulse, a groan of pain.
Good, he’s still alive (she doesn’t quite know what she’d have done if he hadn’t been). Now, for how long, she doesn’t know, and she doesn’t wish to find out. Time to bring him to safety and have someone who knows their way around with a staff do their magic.
 As delicately as she can, she picks Xander up in her arms as if carrying a bride. The irony isn’t lost on her, as removed as it is from the situation: she renounced to getting wed when she picked up a banner and threw her life into fighting for her land, yet there she is, carrying him like she’d have expected to be, when she was a little girl and she was allowed to dream.
Oh, but that was so long ago, she doesn’t know what she’s thinking about it. It’s not like she’d have looked as limp as Xander is right now, breathing almost impossible to see with how small the movement of his chest is. His skin is pale, the rings under his eyes darker than Siegfried, his limbs limp and fingers loose. In ways, she’s carrying a shadow, in others, a statue. In either case, her fingers feel like they could break something.
 Drops dripple down her shoes as she walks. The colour of her armour makes it hard to tell what it is, but the smell of iron never mistakes her. Xander’s would make it just as difficult, but whatever slashed him pierced through what was where, leaving skin and muscle naked for all to see and blood – a river of it, in fact, trailing behind them, and she wishes she could run.
The battlefield seems bigger than it was before and how does she regret not having Vaida by her side right about now. Xander’s horse can’t help them now, not with the sort of injury he has. For all she knows, it’d just make the blood loss happen faster – and gods, he’s already pale as is. Come to think of it, maybe his pallor never reminded her of the sheltered life she imagined the Nohr royals to have…
 A feeble voice calls her back to the sound of her footsteps crunching dying grass.
“Keep your strength to yourself… Dandy-Lion.”
To her surprise, she sees him smile – one as delicate as his breath. It’s good enough, she thinks.
“I’m not too heavy, am I…?”
On second thought…
“You’re lighter than I expected, honestly.” She snickers. “Heh, if I had been told the High Prince of Nohr would worry about that on his deathbed, I wouldn’t have believed it, yet here we are!”
She hopes that, if he can focus on something else…
“I can’t be too worried if it’s you, can I…?”
Her face burns.
“What’s that s’pposed to mean?!” She snorts and chuckles. “Don’t make me laugh like that, there may still be enemies ‘round!”
Huh, his smile is loopy…
“Your presence… is reassuring…”
…and his cough isn’t getting better.
“What the…”
There is a thin trail of blood going down his lips and chin. Oh no.
“Scarlet, you’re…”
The good thing to do would be to make him spare his energy, but… despite it all, his voice…
“Shut up, I’m bringing you to a healer! You can tell me all ’bout it later!”
 She quickens her pace, despite the soreness in her legs and the way carrying someone tugs at her arms. Her pains are a minor thing compared to the man bleeding to death drop by drop in her embrace; and yes, she can’t call it anything else. Not when he calls her presence reassuring, not when she sees the way he makes her feel.
She clutches him closer to her, letting rust dripple down her breastplate, uncaring for any sort of aesthetic. Of course, this is a battlefield, and there’ll never be enough gemstones to make death and blood beautiful… but this is different, Scarlet finds. Everything around her is crimson, now, from the air she breathes to the skin she feels under soaked cloth.
If she could, she’d leave a peck on the forehead of a man who’s absolutely making it out of here.
 The rest of the road back to camp is long and silent. Xander’s breathing is a fragile thing, or so it feels, and he doesn’t rouse back to wakefulness. She regrets telling him to shut it, now, but if it’s so he can get some rest… then so be it.
She wonders what the scar she’s left him looks like – half out of pride, half out of shame… and a little bit of general curiosity. It’s impossible for her to tell what part of his silhouette is armour and what isn’t, sometimes, and she blames it on being starstruck.
…oh, she never even thought of Ryoma like that.
 The camp is now in view, with its white smoke and warm banners.
“Hey, Dandy-Lion…”
“Is there someone you’re coming back to once this war’s over?”
He spits out some blood on the side. It’d have disgusted many, she supposes, but she appreciates the eternal reminder that, for all of his royal-ness, Dandy-Lion’s still a mortal at the end of the day. Makes him more approachable, more… lovable? (Oh gods).
“You mean… as a spouse…?”
“Yeah. So?”
“No… I cannot see myself take a wife… and neglect her as my father has…”
“You’re not your dad, ya big doofus. Pretty sure we’ve gone over that already.”
She isn’t quite sure what she expected he’d reply.
“Has someone… ever told you your honesty was refreshing…?”
She chuckles. For all of his princely ways, he isn’t above being embarrassingly adorable.
“Yes, you, that other time.”
“And you…?”
“Is someone… waiting for you back in Cheve…?”
She chuckles. Had the man she’s carrying in her arms the High Prince of Nohr, she’d have seen a reciprocal response there.
“Not in that way, no.”
“I see…”
His head lulls against her breastplate.
“You’ll be okay, Dandy-Lion. Just ya wait.”
“Oh, I know, Scarlet, I know…”
 She quickens her pace one last time, heart jumping up and down.
Xander lifts his head, painfully slowly, grunting under his breath. Aww…
“The camp’s not far. You’ll be fine.” It’s a little hard to believe when you see him bleeding, white like a sheet and eyes foggy, but if she isn’t here to believe in his recovery, then who will? “Sorry, by the way. If I hadn’t lost focus…”
“Peace, Scarlet… An injury is better than a death…”
“That’s true…”
“Isn’t it funny?”
“What would be?”
“That this is the second time you’re carrying me to safety…”
“Does the first time count, when it was just fixing my own mistake?”
He coughs when he chuckles with her, but he’s still with her.
“I’d say so…”
“Then guess it counts!”
 She steps into camp and, as gently as she can, gives her charge to a worried Camilla of Nohr, who, not unlike her, can carry Xander without grunting (gods, what little firecracker said really holds water). The horse, who she abandoned without meaning to, follows Camilla inside the camp, as diligently as it behaved when it was mounted.
Speaking of mounts, she’s missed Vaida very much. Maybe she can pay a visit to Dandy-Lion later, once she’s had a good conversation with her trusted wyvern about what to do when you seem to have a thing for the crown prince of the kingdom you’ve spent most of your life fighting against… oh, and once Dandy-Lion isn’t covered in crimson anymore. It’s not because beauty is never truly tarnished that she doesn’t want to see him soaked in his own blood.
She should start with cleaning her armour and weapons, actually… Blood doesn’t suit them either.
 It suits nobody, really.
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Lesser Known Waitu #12 - Vaida (Fire Emblem)
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So, this is a reinterpretation of Vaida letting the Wyvern she rides in battle, Umbriel, have a morsel at a magic book she pilfered from Canas, a dark mage she has a funny in-game support conversation.
I thought of it as a unique concept so I painted it, beause it is a funny concept.
Vaida is a very stern character, but I thought it would have been funnier to depict her as childish as she feeds Umbriel the pilfered magical book.
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plagues02 · 8 months
Fire Emblem OC Supports Masterlist
Ridley - Blazing Blade
With Vaida
With Uther
With Lyn
With Zaria
With Eliwood
With Rath
With Hector
With Sain
Zaria - Blazing Blade
With Ridley
Rose - Engage
With Alear
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unearthlytwilight · 8 months
you know if Nino gets a chapter title referencing her she can't be all bad. right? right guys?
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hey it's Vaida. there's a little light shed on her motivations but still not a lot. anyway Sonia tells her to get out
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Sonia talks about human garbage a lot. in an alternate universe she is living her best life as a garbage truck driver
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they really do have that sitcom frenemy energy huh. anyway, we get to eavesdropping. Sonia tells Nino she's going on a mission to assassinate Zephiel
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shockingly, no one else thinks sending the fourteen year old to kill the twelve year old is a good idea. Sonia says that in Lloyd and Linus' absence (oof) she'll have to do and tells Jaffar to take her along. I'm sure this won't backfire
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back to plot. this dude, Kenneth, teleports in and starts rambling about false gods, Shin Megami Tensei style. he also talks about how much he loves to watch people suffer, which I guess is just for the extra evil bonus points. then he teleports away. rude
so! there's two characters that have a chance of showing up. on this map, you get Harken if you don't kill two promoted enemies before turn 10, and Karel if you do. I went for Harken here, but will get Karel on my other file for completion's sake
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Geitz we gotta talk about you starting sentences that way. he's talking about being deployed but still
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little known benefit of promotions: hair extensions
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surprise depressing first-person plural! let's get you to some therapy stat, man
you can recruit him with Eliwood, Hector, Oswin, Marcus, Lowen, or Isadora.
100% sincerity: this is an excellent first impression. it's not over-explained. you can infer what the unaddressed commands and usage of the first-person plural mean easily, and it adds that extra punch to his characterization. it's just a really good showing of who Harken is as a character. anyway, enough of me gushing
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the fuck did I just say
100% sincerity again: this recruitment is also excellent. quickly establishes Harken and Isadora's relationship. him vanishing after realizing it's her is top-notch non-verbal characterization. Isadora's appeal to his sense of duty fails not because he's lost it or found it broken, but because he honestly feels that his duty is best served by dying, which is so interestingly fucked up. she has to appeal to his love for her. Isadora is really aggressive because she's trying to get him to not roll over and die. he even couches his eventual acceptance in terms of his lack of concern for his life.
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anyway! newly promoted Heath putting in work. also he has swords now. Wyvern Lord go brrrrr
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I agree with Hector, let's blow this pop stand
loot list:
- 1x Blue Gem
- 1x Guiding Ring
- 1x Talisman (consumable, raises Res by 2)
- 1x Bolting
Bolting is long-range anima magic, like Eclipse for dark magic or Purge for light. it's shown up earlier, but this is the first time in the game it's been usable. we'll be seeing it again very soon
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twist of the century: Sonia is the worst
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this is why the context of memes is important. like Nino is hyped to murder the twelve year old
next time: supports!
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gaoteeshirt · 1 year
Jelly Roll I’m only one drink away from the Devil shirt
Vaida Tomasetti so you’re point is what? They knew how cold it is, they knew what they were up against, they knew they couldn’t make it, and chose to freeze to death? What is your point? That they are so stupid, they were chattering their teeth and said “boy is this hot or cold?” Did it ever occur to you, they might not have had a choice? That they had no support, weren’t resident in Canada, and if they refused to go that day, they would not be smuggled to the Us and would be stranded in some rural hickville in Manitoba? Exactly what are suggesting they should have done? 
Buy it here: Jelly Roll I’m only one drink away from the Devil shirt
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pioneer-over-c · 2 years
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Speaking To Men 101: Show Them Who's Boss
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troofless · 2 years
Just finished Blazing Blade Eliwood Hard Mode! Here are my thoughts:
Lyn is ok I guess but I don’t get the hype around her especially when her stats are like /that/
Her Sacae story and her pride in it is pretty cool character tho
Pretty cool design too I must say, that ponytail, outfit, and thighs?
Also her Str is pathetic she can’t one round stuff in late game so I ditched her, and the fun part is that she caps Spd so early on, but as they say, 2 x 0 is still 0
The cutscene with Eliwood holding Ninian and barging in like a hero: WHOOOOOAAAAHHH YEAHH
Boss abuse in that one Lyn chapter ftw
haha cheesing 80% of Lyn’s maps because enemy is only 1 range and don’t move
Hector best character in the entire game by a stretch, also his conversations with his retainers Serra, Matthew and Oswin are so lively and fun
Priscilla is the Cerrine inheritance of dodge tank but worse
She’s still good tho
Immediately A supported her with Raven kek
save state abuse heh ‘hard’ mode
Oh the struggle of wanting to use Pent, Lucius, and Canas all at the same time
Sain cap Str so early on my homie
So when does Marcus fall off again
Why isn’t Steal mechanic a thing in later games :(
What do you mean I can’t promote Matthew because he can’t steal stuff as an assassin :(
Shoutout to my homies, Javelins, Hand Axes, Killer Lances, and Killer Axes, you guys carried the game (oh and Fire/Elfire and Flux if I must)
Wow Heath is kinda shit for a Wyvern Rider, why are you getting doubled by everything in existence
I love Hector so all my stat booster items went to him (and Canas cos I heard he was good)
Hector... does not do the punching skill animation and I learnt that it was fanmade :(
Umm so I killed Vaida but she comes back as a recruitable unit right? (she does not)
also I managed to kill her by tanking with Hector and bum rushing her with Sain and Marcus (should have used Luna ugh), and she lived but Eliwood dodged one of two of her double hits lmao so lucky 
oh wow we have to save Zephiel... that’s cool we get to see what he’s like before Binding Blade (except for the sad part where even though Hellene makes up with her son he still becomes evil so)
Zephiel and Guinevere as kids are precious and must be protected, they are siblings that love each other even though they are not and that’s so precious too
ah shit Ninian and Eliwood are semi-canon but I’ve already got an A support for him and Hector I AM SORRY
and yes Eliwood/Hector should be a bigger thing but it is not so :( I’m just gonna sit here and sigh
what do you mean Ninian is a dragon
so if Eliwood and Ninian have Roy, and Roy gets Durandal... does Durandal compel Roy to stab himself
and just when I was wondering ‘the final boss has to be a dragon, right? but so far there’s been no mention of a dragon in the game’ there it is
So semi-canonically Eliwood fucks a dragon. I feel like this is important Fire Emblem lore
I have never used any of the Dancer rings at all, surely Hector Hard Mode will rectify that when I come to it 
Oh wow we got Sol Katti and promotion for Lyn, still gonna ditch her
Is... Athos... strong? I don’t think he’s that strong in the final map, he’s strong but has a real chance of getting killed
I now understand the power of Luna Tome Cheese against late game  and final boss
Final boss being just a random ole dragon is like :/
wait what out of nowhere Hector is marquess what happened to his brother yo
Starting Hector Hard Mode thoughts:
Boss abuse in that one Lyn chapter ftw, Sain gets promotion cos I’m trash
Also I made have no save states and I restart the chapter when I make a mistake so that was a thing
Oh no we get to the first map with only Hector and Matthew? Fck I should have trained Matthew more
The cutscenes with Matthew phasing in and out of existence was so funny and I loved it, pls more interaction with Hector and Matthew
Oswin tank ftw
why is the AI so smart that they retreat to forts to heal instead of diving in to be killed huh
oh bosses move now time to play hide and seek with them
literally shuffling hector back and forth between choke points because no one else can tank other than Oswin (Marcus goes to the village and returns to find himself blocked off from rejoining the centre island for the rest of the map :/)
Amazing how Hector Hard Mode makes you turtle every map cos no one can tank more than 2 hits but Oswin and Hector (and yeah Marcus goes to Villages and kills a bunch of people on the way)
gonna A support Lyn and Hector because that’s how I planned it (Eliwood/Hector and Florina/Lyn in Eliwood and Hector/Lyn in Hector Mode even if Lyn is suboptimal lmao)
I Am Literally Fearing Battle Before Dawn
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