#((I fuckin dare you to do this to any Lloyd
pretending-ican-write · 4 months
Cowboy Up - Pt.13
A/N: Greetings all! Apologies this isn't a massive part after all your waiting but hopefully be back in the swing soon. Let me know if you have any thoughts on what the relationship reader has with the Duttons should be like as I want to explore that more.
Pairing: Ryan (Yellowstone) x Dutton!reader
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Y/n looked up from where she was buttoning her jacket against the incoming cold to see Jimmy riding towards them with a calf across his saddle.  She chuckled to herself at his ability to fall off his horse, lose his hat and find a missing calf all in the same day.  Encouraging Comanche towards Rip and Lloyd, she gestured to them across the field.
“Told you he’d work out just fine,” She directed towards the foreman, “you dared question my teaching prowess.”
Rip rolled his eyes at her, “I learnt long ago to not question what you put your mind y/n.  The question was whether he had the will to follow through with it.”
“Ah he’ll adapt just fine,” Lloyd brushed him off, “y’know she won’t let him quit.”
Fred shouted across the fence to Jimmy, “well look who decided to show up.  You have a nice ride?”
“Shut up and just open the gate,” y/n snapped at him, “nobody wants to deal with your bullshit.”
Ignoring the glare burning into her back, she swung Comanche around to keep the cow away from the gate whilst Jimmy rode in.
“Wonder which one’s its mama?” He asked.
The cow Comanche was keeping back lowed loudly.
Rip sighed, “gee I fuckin’ wonder.  Put it in the pen.”
“That’s as cowboy as it gets Jimmy,” Lloyd assured.
Y/n smiled at him as he rode past, pulling Comanche away from the cow to return to sorting the rest of the herd.  She glanced back to watch Jimmy put the calf down and barrel straight towards his mama.
“He’ll make it,” Lloyd assured her.
Y/n smiled, “with our expert guidance.”
After finishing organising the cattle and putting the horses away, the hands made their way back to the bunkhouse.  Ryan was at the front of them, arm slung casually over his girlfriend’s shoulders despite her protests of being caught by Rip (Colby having already been given the middle finger for his wolf whistling).
Her body was pushed forward by Fred kicking Jimmy’s feet from under him into them.  Ryan grabbed her waist and pulled her into him to stabilise her.
“You’re a fucking dipshit Fred,” he muttered as the three of them carried on walking.
Y/n stopped both of the boys who turned around to see Jimmy punched to the floor.  She ducked down to help him up, “alright you made your point.”
“No no no no,” Ryan groaned when Jimmy went back for Fred.
As they fought, y/n felt herself be pushed behind Ryan and Colby.  She took that as her sign to go find Rip to break them up.  Turning her back on the boys she ran for the bunkhouse where she found Rip and Lloyd sat at the table.  Both of them looked up with concern seeing her burst in at speed.
“Where’s the fire kid?” Lloyd asked.
“Fred started on Jimmy,” she explained, “and the dumb fuck wouldn’t stay down and they’re not stopping.  He’s gonna do some real damage to him, Rip.”
Rip groaned but gestured for Lloyd to follow them out to the barn.  
When they reached them, Jimmy was face down in the dirt.  Y/n watched Rip put Fred on the floor before turning her attention to where Lloyd was helping Jimmy up off the floor.  She made for them but he waved her off, wanting to save the new hand the scolding she would give him for continuing to fight.
“You wanna fight somebody, you come fight me.  I’ll fight you all goddamn day,” y/n couldn’t help groaning at Rip’s rule and how ridiculous it always sounded.
“I’m the one who started it.  It wasn’t him, it was me,” Jimmy tried to defend the other hand.
Ryan carefully pulled her out of Rip’s path and she allowed herself to go into her boyfriend’s arms despite the foreman in front of them.  Y/n worried her upper lip when Jimmy was hauled around, just healed brand on display.
“You see this, you know what it means?  Means don’t fucking touch Fred.  Don’t fucking touch,” Rip dismissed them, “now you guys can go get the supper that you didn’t earn.”
Alongside Ryan and Colby, y/n left the situation to be dealt with by the members of the ranch involved in the dirty work.  When they reached the bunkhouse, she opted to stay out for a moment, needing to decompress with a cigarette before dealing with the hands asking a million questions about the fight.
Later that evening, after choosing to eat in the kitchen with Gator instead of deal with her family, y/n slipped away to the bunkhouse.  The chef had given her a questioning look when she left through the kitchen instead of the front door but thought better of asking and gave her a batch of cookies for the hands.
After checking in on the horses, she swung into the bunkhouse where she immediately noticed the absence of Fred and Lloyd.  A cursory glance around the room showed Jimmy asleep in his bunk and Jake gave her a reassuring nod that he was okay.  Ryan and Colby were sat on the sofa playing some convoluted card game they’d made up over their year on the ranch that nobody else understood the rules of.
“Gator made y’all cookies,” she announced, placing the box on the table and watched as they all made a dive to get the best one, “anyone would think y’all were starved.”
Ryan reached around her to pick one up, arm securely around her waist.  Y/n closed her eyes, leaning back into his chest and allowed the conversation between them to wash over her.  
“Y’all notice Fred’s bunk is empty?” Jake asked.
Y/n opened her eyes to look at him, “Rip and dad were never gonna let him stay here after all that.  Branded man and all that.  Just hope the spot gets filled before we get busy.”
“You going back to the house tonight?” Ryan asked, chin tucked over her shoulder.
She smiled, “thought I’d stay here if that suits you.”
“More than fine with me sweetheart,” he kissed her cheek, “I’d have you in my bed every night.”
Tag list: @child-of-of-the-sunshine @kendallroydefender @qardasngan @thecobraghost @little-diable @hawkeyetrained
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ofspiesandsunshine · 25 days
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The paralytic was slow-acting but Nick could feel it working. The feeling in his lower extremities went first. It was one thing to see his legs, to know that they were there but it was disconcerting not being able to move them without outside influences. Mace and her merry band of idiots had left mere moments before, the promise of his impending abduction before being tossed into a black site still ringing in his ears. He knew he had to act fast but that was clearly impossible with that damn snake venom sinking its fangs into his veins. A short burst of vibration from his back pocket alerted him that his phone was still on his person. Anger burned through him at not being able to use it. His hands twitched in vain as he tried to move them but he had no such luck. So there he sat, alone in his condo, waiting for that supposed low dose of poison to reach his heart. He knew regardless of who was coming to take him away, the reality was that he would be long dead before anyone could do anything about it.
The loud bang of someone kicking a door in startled him, but his body remained in a state of forced calm. He could only blink in confusion when a single man in tac gear and a mask slowly checked the living room with a silenced gun in his hand. He tried to speak but only the gurgling in his throat could be heard. He could only watch as the man then raced toward him before feeling around his thighs. He looked on in horror as the man dropped his gun only to replace it with a handheld device with a thick needle attached. Without any warning, he felt the sharp point pierce its way into his right thigh. He breathed out shallowly in relief as some kind of cool fluid was released into the thick muscle. The movement in his hands came back first before what he knew now was the antidote froze out any and all traces of the venom in his system. Groaning, he keeled over into the mysterious intruder’s embrace. It was then that he registered words being whispered into his ear.
“You’re alright, sunshine. I’ve got you.”
Nick stiffened slightly, he knew that voice. He also knew that only one person dared to call him by that stupid little nickname. “Lloyd?”
“You back with me, sugar?”
Pulling back to look at the man he hadn’t seen in weeks, confusion marred his features. “What are you doing here?”
“You really think I was going to leave you here to be whisked away to fuckin’ Timbuctoo or some shit?” Lloyd bit out. 
“How did you even—
“Know?” Lloyd asked, cutting him off. “Baby, I’ve been bugging your apartments since the last time you left me.”
Nick’s eyes narrowed at the pet name, he was no one’s baby. “I told you not to call me that.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, so you keep reminding me sunshine. You could be though, my baby that is, if you stopped fuckin’ around with that bitch and let a real man like me take care of you.”
A laugh bubbled out of his throat at that. Lloyd was a piece of work but for some reason, he just kept crawling back to him. Perhaps it was the third leg the man had hidden in his tac pants.
“I don’t know why you’re laughing.” Lloyd rolled his eyes. “I warned you about Mace and yet you went after her like a damn fool. She threw me under the bus one time and I kicked her ass to the curb. Haven’t looked back since.”
“I guess this is your way of saying ‘I told you so’?” Nick asked as he flexed his hands before bracing himself against Lloyd to try and stand.
“Of course not, sunshine. Just that we should never share exes again and you should probably kill her on site the next time you see her. Whatever you two had was toxic anyway.”
“So now you’re going to try and convince me that we should also be on again,” he said trailing his freshly moveable hand up Lloyd’s chest.
“I thought that was obvious, baby. This on again off again shit is for losers!”
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, he looked up at Lloyd through his lashes before mumbling against the crazy man’s lips. “I may have missed you a little…”
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Part 2 [coming soon]
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blackwood4stucky · 8 months
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of spies and sunshine | aspen blackwood
lloyd hansen x nick fowler | gray man x 355 fusion au
masterpost | mini playlist
🆃 | word count: 750 | complete
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The paralytic was slow-acting but Nick could feel it working. The feeling in his lower extremities went first. It was one thing to see his legs, to know that they were there but it was disconcerting not being able to move them without outside influences. Mace and her merry band of idiots had left mere moments before, the promise of his impending abduction before being tossed into a black site still ringing in his ears. He knew he had to act fast but that was clearly impossible with that damn snake venom sinking its fangs into his veins. A short burst of vibration from his back pocket alerted him that his phone was still on his person. Anger burned through him at not being able to use it. His hands twitched in vain as he tried to move them but he had no such luck. So there he sat, alone in his condo, waiting for that supposed low dose of poison to reach his heart. He knew regardless of who was coming to take him away, the reality was that he would be long dead before anyone could do anything about it.
The loud bang of someone kicking a door in startled him, but his body remained in a state of forced calm. He could only blink in confusion when a single man in tac gear and a mask slowly checked the living room with a silenced gun in his hand. He tried to speak but only the gurgling in his throat could be heard. He could only watch as the man then raced toward him before feeling around his thighs. He looked on in horror as the man dropped his gun only to replace it with a handheld device with a thick needle attached. Without any warning, he felt the sharp point pierce its way into his right thigh. He breathed out shallowly in relief as some kind of cool fluid was released into the thick muscle. The movement in his hands came back first before what he knew now was the antidote froze out any and all traces of the venom in his system. Groaning, he keeled over into the mysterious intruder’s embrace. It was then that he registered words being whispered into his ear.
“You’re alright, sunshine. I’ve got you.”
Nick stiffened slightly, he knew that voice. He also knew that only one person dared to call him by that stupid little nickname. “Lloyd?”
“You back with me, sugar?”
Pulling back to look at the man he hadn’t seen in weeks, confusion marred his features. “What are you doing here?”
“You really think I was going to leave you here to be whisked away to fuckin’ Timbuctoo or some shit?” Lloyd bit out. 
“How did you even—
“Know?” Lloyd asked, cutting him off. “Baby, I’ve been bugging your apartments since the last time you left me.”
Nick’s eyes narrowed at the pet name, he was no one’s baby. “I told you not to call me that.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, so you keep reminding me sunshine. You could be though, my baby that is, if you stopped fuckin’ around with that bitch and let a real man like me take care of you.”
A laugh bubbled out of his throat at that. Lloyd was a piece of work but for some reason, he just kept crawling back to him. Perhaps it was the third leg the man had hidden in his pants.
“I don’t know why you’re laughing.” Lloyd rolled his eyes. “I warned you about Mace and yet you went after her like a damn fool. She threw me under the bus one time and I kicked her ass to the curb. Haven’t looked back since.”
“I guess this is your way of saying ‘I told you so’?” Nick asked as he flexed his hands before bracing himself against Lloyd to try and stand.
“Of course not, sunshine. Just that we should never share exes again and you should probably kill her on site the next time you see her. Whatever you two had was toxic anyway.”
“I guess now you’re going to try and convince me that we should also be on again,” he said trailing his freshly moveable hand up Lloyd’s chest.
“I thought that was obvious, baby. This on again off again shit is for losers!”
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, he looked up at Lloyd through his lashes before mumbling against the crazy man’s lips. “I may have missed you a little…”
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cattles-bians · 3 years
exes au part 15
post directory
em: viola teas i am like. incapable of sleeping in
em: i woke up 10:30 on the dot and i thought. what the fuck
em: 10:30 is especially offensive bc it means the mcdonald’s breakfast is done
obsetress: brain immediately said viola up and about doing all the chores vacuuming with no sympathy for her constantly sleeping in snoring girlfriend dani clayton
obsetress: but nah i'm sorry for you that sucks
em: inspiring deranged viola behaviour is
em: the greatest gift of all
obsetress: god so true when u think about it
obsetress: not that viola vacuums, she def has cleaners but
obsetress: actually no
obsetress: she has cleaners but she's prob not satisfied and gets out her expensive vacuum she has no idea how to use and is clattering n making such a fuss
obsetress: and poor dani
em: she’s up and about rearranging things, she’s causing a ruckus,
obsetress: dani's like "you have just as bad insomnia as me and you're just... getting up? that early?"
obsetress: viola shrugs "i don't need that much sleep"
obsetress: "you do, though"
obsetress: she shrugs and disappears into the kitchen
obsetress: insomniac gf and insomniac gf
em: insomnia gfs
em: viola runs on like
em: supernatural element carrying over: viola is a little too good at running on no sleep and no one knows if she ages
obsetress: YEAH
em: i love a sorta, grounded real life show w like one or two unexplained ambiguously supernatural things that no one blinks at
obsetress: i was gonna be like
obsetress: i wonder what dani and viola do when theyre up not sleeping at night and then i was like
obsetress: Well,
obsetress: no they do that but they also do the most random borderline unhinged shit like
obsetress: dani tries new baking recipes and they sit on the countertop in their pjs or underwear or nothing and eat scones at three am
em: go for night drives
em: night drives aren’t even unhinged but they’re nice
em: but they don’t listen to music they listen to fucken podcasts
obsetress: that fuckin lorde song
[em note: it's supercut]
obsetress: they go to the roof and dani lays her head in viola's lap and stares at the stars while viola reads to her in french
obsetress: ugh i put it on oh god why did i put it on
[em note: it's still supercut]
obsetress: in my head.........
obsetress: i do everything right............
obsetress: when you call............
obsetress: i'll forgive and not fight.............
obsetress: ours are the moments.........i play in the dark OH MY GOD VI'S INSOMNIA AFTER DANI LEAVES AND SHES ALONE
em: ur a MONSTER
obsetress: i need to lay on the floor and put this song on repeat
obsetress: anyway um
obsetress: another thought from when i was thinking about the vacuum like
obsetress: viola has a degree of learned helplessness that all rich people have but she's not an idiot like the rest of them yknow and i think like
obsetress: she had to do a lot when she and perdita were kids!
obsetress: after her mom died
em: hannah......
obsetress: and then after her dad died before she married arthur and like
obsetress: then being a single mom (viola lloyd single mom i'm drooling) even w all the help she can afford
obsetress: she has a chip on her shoulder and Does Things For Herself but also just
obsetress: sometimes it happens! there's never enough time and never enough help!
obsetress: and she loves isabel so much like
obsetress: viola making isabel her lunches
obsetress: oh god
em: making her little lunches at like 2am bc it’s been a busy day and she’s tired and she’s sore and she’s sad but the one thing viola will never skip is like
em: making sure isabel gets her lunches
em: hey what is wrong with us
obsetress: GOD YEAH
obsetress: EXACTLY
obsetress: anyway um yeah viola making isabel her lunches at two am
obsetress: i know that i wrote jamie leaving flora notes on her napkins but like
[em note: read 'and she taught me a lesson alright']
obsetress: i just think it's something a mom who really loves her kid and wants them to feel safe and okay would do so i want to say vi does it for isabel too!!! and what of it they're different universes it's fine
em: ur just building the hannah obsetress cinematic universe
em: building up some Themes and Motifs
obsetress: themes motifs and symbols
obsetress: anyway viola packing isabels lunches she writes little notes and puts on lipstick n kisses them
obsetress: so isabel can get a kiss from her mom
em: im going to kill u w my bare hands
obsetress: cut to vi in the bathroom wiping it off later à la jennifer check
em: im GONNA
obsetress: sometimes when vi has to go out of town for business or w/e she leaves a stack of napkins with arthur to put in isabel's lunch so she can still get a kiss from her mom even when she's gone
em: thats so extra??
em: its so viola
obsetress: exactly
obsetress: she definitely has a fear of isabel favoring arthur over her (abandonment issues etc etc)
obsetress: gestures at canon
em: dani 'its casual' taylor
obsetress: leave the typo
obsetress: dont you dare change it
em: i need u to know that i DO fuck but
em: hgfngjkyhGJBJKFHD FUCK
em: ruined my own joke
obsetress: in the most spectacular way
em: dani 'i need you to know i DO fuck but im accepting offers' clayton
obsetress: she takes care to drop that like
obsetress: it's just casual SHE'S not anything serious. i'm not dating HER or anything
obsetress: jamie's like dani i know you're gay you literally stare at my lips every time i talk
em: dani getting off the phone and dramatically rolling her eyes like 'ex girlfriends, am i right? whats up with these women i-' and jamies like love i get it
obsetress: jamie raising her eyebrows "how many ex girlfriends do you have"
obsetress: dani's like "well, just the one, but"
em: but i COULD have more. if i wanted to. bc i am looking to date more women
em: jamies like ok cool
obsetress: jamie, a little too casually: oh? any, uh. prospects?
em: danis like (patented nervous dani lip bite) maybe but
em: jamies like drat
em: jamies like darn
em: and then she gets home and shes like
em: wait
obsetress: jamie calling dani back "when you said maybe"
obsetress: and dani immediately is like yEAH?
em: jamies like do you think you could ever be interested in me and danis like umm. yeah.
em: jamie hangs up like ok cool
em: long beat
obsetress: oh my GOD
obsetress: ok last thing i was gonna say
obsetress: i meant to say this earlier and got distracted a hundred times over
obsetress: but um imagine dani helping isabel with her english homework
obsetress: vi helping isabel with her math homework
em: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
em: SOFT
obsetress: well,
em: oh no
obsetress: isabel needing help w her english homework post dani and vi's trying to help and vi's smart n all but
em: get HELP
em: dani 'hooking up w my ex is actually a v girlboss of me' is SO funny to me
em: when they get together danis like, oh but havent we all- and jamies like nooo i have very good boundaries
em: except for the perdi vi psychosexual power play ig
obsetress: moment of weakness
obsetress: who wouldn't want to hook up w their hot boss
obsetress: when dani goes up to london whatever weekend like friday night to get her closure dinner with vi
obsetress: boom haircut and therapy reveal
em: 3 day bender u say
obsetress: all of a sudden it's sunday night and
obsetress: YEAH
obsetress: they spend
obsetress: all fucking weekend
obsetress: in vi's bed
em: sighs dreamily
obsetress: dani playing with her hair
obsetress: "this is nice"
obsetress: "i'm gonna miss your bun though"
obsetress: vi's brain is short circuiting at "i'm gonna miss"
em: later danis like look. jamie. what would you have done? and jamie chokes on her beer and splutters 'not fuck my ex for 3 days straight?!'
obsetress: dani "well you've never fucked v–– oh wait"
obsetress: "you really can't blame me, jamie, you KNOW" jamie: (grumbles)its different... dani: well i mean i guess, technically, you didnt,
obsetress: unrelated in some bad fight at the end vi is like "you can't go isabel needs a–– you're like her–––" and dani's like "a what? say it" and viola's too stubborn and proud and hurt to say it
em: just perpetually bouncing back to the worlds angstiest break up
obsetress: i don't know WHY
obsetress: as someone who HATES ANGST
obsetress: i am so DRAWN to these two
em: its ummmm weirdly cathartic??
em: the whole exes au is based on a joke about them being friends and exes. we are v firm in like. viola and dani reconcile!
em: idk i love a catharsis moment! i love it when a character claws their way to happiness. or even begrudgingly goes to therapy
em: viola can go through a little hell as a treat
obsetress: turns out the only one who could fix her in the end
obsetress: was the one who said it's not my job to fix you
em: dani transformative power of (platonic) love
obsetress: "Platonic"
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