#((I went SO much longer with this than I meant to rfidvuhljkm.))
heavensentofficial · 7 months
Early Birthday Present for Lettie!
A 60cm Ball Jointed Doll that looks Exactly like her!! Down to Every Last Detail.... :3
A card with the doll assures Lettie that it isn't haunted, but somehow the doll can never be left with the intention of abandoning it. It's fine if she leaves it in her room during the day, but if she tries to give it away to someone else it reappears in her room :)
And after a through inspection, no cameras! It really is just a Doll that looks Exactly like her and Loves her Very Much!! :)
[As Lettie sat at her desk, relatively sure that she was alone, she quietly unwrapped the most recent surprise gift she'd gotten in the mail. A little late for Valentine's day she thought, but upon checking the note, she soon found it to be more of an early birthday present. That and a bunch of other stuff that confused her, but would soon make more sense with context.]
[Once the wrapping paper was binned, Lettie would be faced by... Herself. Considerably smaller of course, but that was without any shadow of a doubt her. The horns and the thin ribbons adorning them, the hooves, the precise peachy shade of her hair, the lace-trimmed surplice she usually wore over her dress about the temple, her rosary and even the gloves she wore. It was really... Uncanny. As she looked into the thing's big, green doe eyes, she wondered if the discomfort she felt was how she made others feel. Someone clearly spent a lot of money or a lot of time on this... Or both. Probably both, in fact. She couldn't help but produce a tiny, wry chuckle as she noticed that even the embroidery around the hole in the surplice for her tail was completely on point. Lettie wasn't aware of there being much point in staring at her rear end with how she dressed hiding so much and all, but clearly someone had done their extensive research on that front regardless.]
[It all seemed to be removable. Even the gloves, she noticed. Just a quick, grim curiosity fueled peak up her own skirt... Great. The underwear was accurate too. Of course it was. She wasn't wearing that pair of bloomers right now, at least. Shuddering, she put the skirt back down and set that worry aside. As she fiddled with a tiny glove, she frowned to herself. Surely it can't be that accurate... That would be absurd. Still, a feeling of dread bubbled in her that she hadn't felt something quite like in a while, now. As she slowly pulled the glove off of the small hand, she found herself holding her breath in... Horrible anticipation, she supposed.]
[Then, that breath got caught in her throat. How did they even get the scarring on her palms so accurate on such a small scale? And to what end? Specifically to terrify her? By now, panic began to well up in her as she flipped the doll onto its front with uncharacteristic frenzy and pushed the dress up, revealing its back. ... Yup. Scars to match there, too. She'd not seen enough of that sigil to confirm it was a perfect match, but it seemed like a fair assumption. Biting her lip, she attempted to control the building nausea as she pulled one of her own gloves off to delicately run a finger over it, a sickening, throbbing phantom-like pain spreading across her back as she felt shape carved into the doll's body. Then with a gasp, she pulled the dress back down.]
[Frankly, she was almost impressed. At this point, she'd not felt nearly this utterly violated in quite some time! Just thinking about it, she wanted to wash and then hide under her blankets. Her first thought was that this might be the work of a particularly deranged member of the clergy... Someone with the level of access required to be peeping on her as she bathed or perhaps changed so regularly as to get this mimicry so perfect. Or perhaps it was one of the ones who'd put those scars there to begin with. A sickening thought. Did they just want to see her naked at this point? Her next suspect was one of the initiates. She'd had some close scrapes herself, in regards to being walked in on by them and she knew she wasn't the only one. But... Who at the temple would even have time for such a thing? And as she re-read the note, it was clear there was either magic or the work of an extremely dedicated stalker at play. She... Wasn't actually sure which would be worse. Or if she even wanted to know at this point. Right now, it felt like she'd seen enough.]
[After steeling herself for the most thorough look-over she could manage for some kind of camera - thankfully she'd been spared that much at least - Lettie breathed a heavy, trembling sigh and gently picked the doll up, straightening its dress out and putting the glove back onto its hand. It was a shame she couldn't gift it to someone else, truly. Not that she'd even consider such a thing, with her very own quite personal secrets etched into the damned thing, but she could name more than one person that might actually like this more than they liked her. Yup. Whether through magic, or the will of a stalker, this thing was staying with her. ... At least it wasn't as if she disliked staring at herself, usually. Maybe she'd get used to it, she hoped. If nothing else, she could use it as a tiny model for dress designs she lacked the time to make properly.]
[Right. This was fine. It was just more of the same. Just... Scarier. She'd have to do a little investigating, just to make sure the temple's secrets were safe, but that was all. With slightly shaking hands, she found the doll a comfortable spot to sit on her desk, taking a moment to move its hands into its lap neatly for reasons she couldn't quite explain. Then she patted it gently on the head with two fingers. Whatever this was, it wasn't its fault. Probably...]
"Keep an eye out for creeps for me?"
[She asked it quietly as she rummaged through her desk drawers, narrowing her eyes when she produced a razor sharp pair of miniature wool clippers. ... She couldn't possibly be seen to resort to violence. Especially at the temple. But... They did make her feel that little bit safer whenever she held them. After slipping them into her belt, she took a deep breath, pulled her own glove back on, plastered on a smile and made her way out of the room to return to her duties. And also to embark in search of something to help with her sudden feeling of illness. Mostly that one, actually.]
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