#((Iconless for now))
killcdhim · 10 months
@innocencel0st // continued from here
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"Yes," Sidney said firmly, to herself as much as to Tatum. Her instinct was to isolate herself. Not even just when there was a particular reason, although she did it more now than she used to. If left to her own devices, she'd spend every weekend locked away in her room.
It was easier than constantly having to convince people that she was fine.
"Maybe we could watch, like. A nice movie. Where good things happen." She leans in teasingly. "And if anybody dies, maybe only the bad guys."
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beauclaired · 1 year
b&w supremacy
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labyriinths · 2 years
@drhart “ this is you thinking rationally? “ / for wade from zoe!
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It doesn't take longer than a few seconds before he responds, and he can't believe she has the audacity to judge him. Like she knows how things run around this town. "Look Doc, contrary to popular belief (in that lovely little diluted mind of yours) your way ain't exactly the way the rest of the world works."
He leans back and crosses his arms behind his neck. Sure, there was cause for concern, but this was bluebell. The residents ate this all up. They were all well versed in murder she wrote, and all those damn podcasts they keep recommending him. The idea of a missing person would intrigue everyone and thus...
"This type of situation calls for a little something I like to call, chaos lenses," he can't help but provide a cocky smirk for coining the phrase, before continuing. "You see, all you have to do is spread the information to the proper location, and it'll spread like wildfire. You think the internet stuff is quick in the city? It fails against the rumorville in Bluebell. The old guy will turn up in no time. I say we consider the dixie stop."
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wr1tten · 2 months
damn ive been gone a minute. but hey, im here and gonna write but i need to stop putting pressure on myself to write soooo im gonna be low activity for sure.
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mvndrvke · 3 months
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styxisms · 2 months
// wuk lamat, sphene, and bakool ja ja are test muses now. Not sure if they'll get moved to private at some point but they're here to try out.
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righthandshuttle · 5 months
finally. i finished.
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rosysins · 7 months
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♤ Asmodeus Alice has been added to the list of muses !
-> Navigation.
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talentforlying · 1 year
the hellblazer npc multi remains the best idea i've ever had solely because i am cheerfully whacking every one of these bitches with the autism stick.
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aranostra · 25 days
@platiinums // “  you ‘didn’t mean to hurt me?’  yeah you did.  like it or not,  i know exactly who you are.  ”  — Claudia
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Lestat clenches his jaw. Everytime, he is astonished by how she gets under his skin, jabs at his weak spots with her little fingers. He would be impressed if she were doing it to someone else. In fact, he finds great enjoyment when she and Louis argue, although he knows better than to show it. That shocked look on his face whenever she says something horrible to him. The way his hurt will sometimes encourage her, sometimes disarm her.
This, though. He doesn't like this. Even if, perhaps, he had made the first little jab himself, mocking that eternal youth that bothered her so. What privilege she has here in the so-called New World, to be allowed to exist and to use that sweet face to lure in those who would underestimate her.
But she has learned too much from Louis, to see advantages as curses.
"Ah. Well. Silly me, trying to fool the expert. And if you know my motives better than I do, tell me what will I say next? Or will I be a man of action, do you think."
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herstoriies · 3 months
[ time-skip plotted starter for @tophatz ]
It was an almost perfect day of the duality of reality and delusions of the heart. This time the Baroness had greeted the Prince with an embrace, delicate fingertips reach and linger a bit longer than normal and trace his jaw, before their day and conversation carried on as royalty and aristocracy do in leisure. Of the present and the future… and a future together. How beautifully ideal it could be, a powerful chessmove that could elevate her status to its highest as Princess. A prolonged thought since the Prince of the Southern Isles came courting her this expanse of time. And it was pondering the serious question of matrimony - remarriage - again the baroness crashed back to reality. Enough facade. She had to tell Hans, today. Or was it really to reluctantly stop herself?
"Your highness once promised me that I may forgo the formality of our stations and speak openly without consequence, I should like to take you up on that..."
Looking the prince dead in the eyes, she pulls him closer almost interrupting him, a breath, and searingly kissed. It wasn’t the first time, and who knows if it would be the first of the last. She breaks slowly, there's a certain glow and vulnerability to her. But in her haunted blue gaze of longing, she turns and … - did she just wipe tears from her eyes? - she faces him again, fully resolved and realized, and has the biggest call-out for both of them.
“What do you taste when you kiss me, Hans?” she paused, searching his face, “Passion, yes. That fire, unmistakable… but I also taste a certain sadness, fury, hatred. A hatred to conquer… for autonomy. A hatred we share towards others but nevertheless we stand in its crossfire.”
Her face dared him to disprove her.
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enavant · 6 months
damn i wanna come back... :thonk:
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multiicolor · 8 months
i'll give it a shot- at least as a warm up for writing in general and also her character sOO-
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starter call? it'll be small and maybe barely a paragraph depending - if ur a multi, pls specify for your end !
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ofcrossrcads · 5 months
sometimes, with great power came getting really fucking cocky. it seemed she'd fallen into that trap after many long years of feeling nigh untouchable, no threat of demotion hanging over her head, and no one to answer to but her own desires. a nautiloid crashing through avernus pursued by gith dragonriders had been spectacle enough to draw her in, close enough to be snared by the ships ever-seeking tendrils, landing her in a damned tank, and a writhing tadpole in her skull.
she could still feel it, wriggling about behind her eye if she lingered on the thought -- and remaining confined, she had little to do BUT linger. she had thought herself above such petty mortal concerns as ceromorphosis at the hands of an illithid -- and now she would pay for her hubris, it seemed.
the illithid were more impressive than she'd known; despite all the power that had been at her fingertips mere moments ago, she found herself frustratingly and truly stuck. her magic could not breach the pod, and she could neither escape nor summon help. hells.
she had abandoned her futile attempts, resting a claw-tipped hand against the glass of her capsule, trying to discern the source of the sudden lurch and heave of the ship -- the gith perhaps ? had their assault grown more successful since her ----
------ her thoughts were interrupted by an explosion of flame through the room, one that seemed to destroy whatever mechanism had been keeping her prison sealed ! she could escape, and bring the fury of the nine hells down upon these thrice damned mind flayers that had thought to take her.
or that had been the plan, until the devil took a single step out of the infection pod, the sudden sensation of weakness hitting her like witchbolt from the blue, sending her crumpling to the nautiloid's floor, fangs bared in a silent snarl as the reality of the situation began to sink in: it was not just the pod that had restricted her. it seemed all but her most basic abilities were beyond her, at the moment.
cursing, she pulled herself to her feet, groaning with the effort she was so unused to spending. to be caught like this in the hells was a death sentence. lips curling in disdain, she pulled what power she had left to her, taking on her decidedly less devilish form and heading off towards what she was fairly certain was the sound of another pod hissing open. . .
( open bg3 starter ! let her meet your tav/muse on the ship so they can escape together? )
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lxmitlxss · 1 month
CHARACTER ROULETTE @sohn-der-felder got... ╰┈➤ Finnian
Finnian was doing very Finny things, like 'gardening' - which really just amounted to the boy planting, pruning, and pulling weeds ( and other unwanted plants ) out of the ground. He did his best to be careful, but there did seem to be a good bit of floral carnage left behind. While on pest control duty -- of the faunal type, not bugs -- he found himself crouching down to get into a bush, slowly crawling his way in until he found himself in a little enclosure within the shrubbery. Had this always been here? If so, he would likely need to tell Sebastian -
But what was more concerning than there being a whole plant-like shelter within the shrub was the person who lay passed out on the ground a little ways away from Finny. That was definitely something he needed to tell someone about. But the first order of business was to determine if the person was okay, so he shuffled himself forward and sat himself next to the person.
" 'Ello? " He very, very gently grasped their shoulders with his hands, shaking with even less force. " Are you okay?? "
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tvrningout · 9 months
what if you let me write a lil something for ciaran... i can easily place him in a modern setting if your muses aren't meant for fantasy! whaddya say (´。• ᵕ •。`)
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