#((Twoey: To walk into my mouth))
Ok I’m finally gonna post this crossover. It’s not one where character is character thing no no no, it’s where the Warner siblings just... Have an Audrey Two somehow. SO, I can’t really think of anything past Twoey talking to the siblings but I’ve been teasing this for like a week now. All this under cut.
Yakko: -Does NOT trust them at all -Talks to them a lot (before they all know they talk) -Still needs therapy (if not more after this lol)
Wakko: -Kinda unaffected by them -The one that finds out what they eat -He/They because I love enby Wakko
Dot: -Really excited about them -Known as the main caretaker of them
Twoey: -Completely separate from canon -I have no idea how they get their name as of now -They/it pronouns will be used
ideas for interactions and how it generally started:
Dot: Hey look at this plant I found!
Wakko: What is it?
Dot: *turns the plant around looking at it and the pot, pausing once she finds a sticker* says its an 'Audrey Two'
Yakko: Thats odd... (he has almost all the worlds knowledge and never heard about it, naturally kinda sus) Where'd you find it?
Dot: Next to the trash, I was walking home and thought it looked interesting.
Yakko, thinking: I don't trust it but they both look so happy.. (Out loud now) Ok where we gonna put it?
--- Wakko realizes what Twoey eats ---
Wakko, vibin making a sandwich where he has to cut something, choosing to pull a giant ass knife out of no where, accidently cutting himself: Ouch!
Twoey: *perks up*
Wakko: Look at thi- what in the..?
Dot: What? What's going on?
Wakko: *at a loss for words as the plant moves awkwardly towards his cut*
Twoey: *still trying, and failing, to move*
Dot: What if.. *some blood has leaked on the counter, she grabs a paper towel, wipes up some of the blood and moves it towards Twoey*
Twoey: *snaps and movement gets more aggressive*
Dot: *hands the paper towel to Twoey, scared*
Twoey: *eats it*
Dot: Wakko, do you know what this means?
Wakko: That I need a band-aid?
Dot: No, well.. yes but no. The reason my plant hasn't been growing isn't because I'm a bad plant owner!
Wakko: Then what does that mean?
Dot: It means that my plant eats blood! *realization sets in* Oh no my plant eats blood.
--- they decide to keep this a secret from Yakko for a while --- Yakko, realizing Twoey talks ---
Yakko: I just...  I can't trust it. But it makes Wakko and Dot so happy.. Stupid plant, causing so much trouble.
Twoey: Stupid? Me?
Yakko: What?
Twoey: I'm the stupid one when all of this conflict your strugglin' with is you not likin' me? Bull.
Yakko, to himself: It's not talking, you're probably just really tired! Yeah, that makes sense.
Twoey: Yeah, cuz talkin' to yourself is SO much better.
Yakko: Shut up.
--- as you can see they do not get along at all --- Yakko gets his siblings to talk about their plant ---
Yakko: I guess you both know why I've called you to this sibling meeting.
Wakko: Yeah, it's about the plant right?
Yakko: Bingo. *pulls a projectioner out of no where with a slideshow* So it has gotten bigger over the past week. Now, the other day something happened.
Wakko and Dot: *visibly shaking and sweating, thinking hes caught on*
Yakko: The plant, has started talking.
Wakko and Dot, who have not seen any of this: *burst out laughing*
Dot: You had us worried there for a sec!
Yakko: I'm not done yet. *pointing at the projection which now had a picture of a calandar* Last week you were complaining that the plant didn't grow, now *the projection now has a picture of a height chart* the plant is doubled in size. Care to explain, Dot?
Wakko: *breaks* THEY EAT BLOOD! *covers his mouth with his hands, causing him to wince*
Yakko: What?
Dot: The plant, they eat blood. *slowly takes off glove to reveal hand covered in band-aids*
--- Yakko finds it hard to trust his siblings after this --- Yakko has enough ---
Yakko: Alright you dumb stupid little... PLANT! I've had enough of you. *throws it out of the water tower* There now they can't hurt you two.
Wakko and Dot: Thanks
-the next day-
Random Person IDK yet lol: Hey I think this is yours *hands Yakko Twoey*
Yakko: K thanks, wait WHAT?????
Twoey: You can't get rid of me that easily, Warner. *VERY smug about this*
Quick note: in this universe my idea is that the reason the reboot is doing so well is because of Twoey. (for real tho its just good)
I can’t really think of much past this point but like I said, I’ve been teasing this for a little while and I wanted to give my 2 followers what I promised lol.
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mischiefandspirits · 4 years
Doppelgänger (3/?)
Previously on Doppelgänger ~ Masterlist ~ Next time on Doppelgänger
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were just 14 when they took a look inside the portal Danny’s parents had built. From there, everything changed. They woke up with white hair, green skin, and powers they could learn to control. They were hybrids, halfas.
They were the hero Doppelgänger.
{Prisoners of Love, Part 2}
Doppelgänger only realized the van they’d been tossed into had been moving when it stopped. They looked up as the doors opened.
“Out,” one of the cops growled.
They awkwardly got to their feet, their three minds all trying to control their body. They tried to shuffle to the doors and promptly fell out of the van.
Danny started apologizing, Sam started cursing, and Tucker started laughing.
A sound came from their mouth that sounded more like television static than words.
“Get up,” the cop growled.
The static got louder and they shakily got their arms and legs under them. It took a few moments, but they eventually got to their feet. They looked up and froze.
In the prison yard next to where the van was parked were Skulker, Technus, Desiree, and quite a few other random ghosts they’d fought over the past few months.
The ghosts had been watching the van and they all took on smirks or scowls when they saw Doppelgänger.
“Well, if it isn’t one of the young whelps who helped us get locked up in this stinking place!” Skulker said, crossing his arms and giving them a vicious grin. “Welcome home.”
The static grew to a screech before finally forming words. “We’re in trouble. Do you think shankings still happen in ghost prison?”
One of the police ghosts -- guards? -- grabbed their arm and dragged them into the prison. He shoved them into a small room where a pair of striped prison clothes waited. “Get changed,” he said as their bonds disconnected from each other, keeping their powers bound but allowing for freedom of movement. “You’ve got a meeting with the warden, then you can go see your friends in the cafeteria.”
“Friends,” they growled as he shut the door to the room with a smirk. “I’ll show him friends.” They moved to grab the clothes, then jerked back violently. They collapsed to the floor. “We can’t take off the hazmat suit. We’ll get in trouble if we don’t put the clothes on though.” After a moment’s deliberation, they struggled to their feet and grabbed the pants. They haphazardly began to put them on over the suit.
“Can you believe he thought we were just duplicates? Well, it makes sense. We do look exactly alike as long as we’re wearing our goggles. Remember how freaked out Skulker was when he realized we were a trinity. And how many ghosts have actually seen all of us fighting together?” They paused, one arm in the prison shirt. “Skulker and Sidney know, but Sidney never talks to anyone but us and the chess club. Skulker obviously didn’t tell the fruit loop so he might not have told anyone else. The dragon, Technus, and Vlad have only ever seen one of us change and Technus thought we were one of us. The same goes for Boxy and Desiree, but for each of the other ones of us. Holy crow, does everyone just think we’re one ghost going around kicking butt and duplicating now and then? That’s hilarious!”
They finished buttoning up the shirt and their bonds disappeared.
Energy blasted out of them, scorching the walls and leaving flickering fires surrounding them.
They collapsed as they forced the energy down, shaking. They spewed static as they tried to get their energy under control without the bonds to inhibit it. They tried to figure out why the ghost prison would allow them their powers, then they felt it. There was something in the prison clothes trying to inhibit their powers, emphasis on trying. The clothes were obviously only designed with one ghost in mind. They could feel the power of the clothes wrapping around Sam, then Tucker, then Danny, then Sam. Always trying to lash them down, but only managing one at a time.
The energy of the others was spilling out, trying to fit into the too-small space their body made.
They were about to separate, but then Sam got an idea. The boys hesitated and went over the idea. Slowly, they perked up with excitement and all three pulled themselves in, shrinking their power as much as they could without transforming. Even still, white-blue-purple light flickered at their waist and energy buzzed across their skin, hidden mostly by the prison clothes.
Danny and Tucker allowed their minds to go blank, allowing Sam to take control of them. She quickly put out as much of the flames as she could and placed herself in front of the door so that the guard couldn’t see much of the room when he came back.
Thankfully it worked and he didn’t say a word as he led her through the halls to an office, where he chained her to a chair.
“Doppelgänger, is it?” the white ghost from before said as he marched in and the guard left.
“That’s us,” Sam chirped.
He glared at her and opened his green book. “Trespassing, loitering, creating a disturbance, and possession of real-world contraband.”
She opened her mouth to comment, then her eyes widened as a gift box floated past. “The gift! Mr. -”
The warden grabbed her by her shirt. “Walker, son. Kn-”
“Not a boy,” she said.
“Don’t interrupt me, girl.”
“Not a girl either.”
Walker threw her back onto the chair and she barely stopped it from toppling over.
“You better learn quick that your jokes won’t earn you any favors here.”
“It wasn’t a joke,” she muttered.
“I am your judge, executioner, jury, executioner, jailer, and, if necessary, your executioner.”
She stared blankly at him. “You said executioner three times and we’re ghosts. If you’re going for scare tactics, then we should point out we kind of already did the death thing so executioners aren’t exactly scary.”
Walker smacked her across the face with enough force to knock over the chair.
“Son of a bi-iscuit,” she growled into the floor, barely keeping a hold on the three’s power as Danny and Tucker swirled back into consciousness. “We’re feeding him to Audrey II. No, she’s got better taste than that. True.”
“Seeing how this is your first offense, I was willing to be lenient. Now though… five thousand years!”
“Ok boomer,” they snorted.
He scowled and waved at the door. “Get it out of my sight!”
“Wow, we’re an it now. Just call us they you coward,” they said as a guard came to unchain them. “Did we have to antagonize him that much? No, but it was fun. Yeah, that’s fair. We're insane.”
The guard dragged them up and out of the office. A few halls over they were shoved into a cafeteria. “Chow time! Move it out!”
“Huh, so ghosts do eat,” they said as they stared around the too familiar settings. “It’s kind of like school.” Their eyes landed on the table where Skulker, Technus, Desiree, and Boxy were sitting. “Wow, heh, pretty much everyone who hates us all at one table. It’s exactly like school.”
As they tried to get themselves back into some semblance of order, they watched Skulker stand up and march up to them. The others stood, but stayed behind to watch.
“Hey, Skulky, question before we do this: Does everyone really think we’re just one ghost duplicating?”
Skulker cracked his metallic knuckles. “As far as I’m aware.”
He stopped in front of them, towering over them as other ghosts began to gather around. In a low voice, he asked, “So which one are you then: the hunter, the geek, or the girl?”
Doppelgänger gave a smile that was all fangs for Sam, crossed their arms and tilted their head mockingly for Danny, and laughed in Skulker’s face for Tucker. “Yes.”
Skulker gave a confused frown, then his eyes widened and he backed away.
Their grin grew and they tapped at the tight rubber band-like feeling that had been growing in them since they’d been forced together. It snapped and the prison clothes were disintegrated as they split apart in an explosion of energy that knocked down every ghost in the room.
The trio instantly went to work. Tucker and Sam fired plasma blasts at the guards near the doors and on the catwalks while Danny opened his Space Fold, allowing six of Audrey II’s bathtub-sized heads to emerge. He set her upon the guards, then he and Tucker turned their attention to their fellow prisoners.
The lot looked caught between horror and excitement.
“Are you all going to try to fight us or are we getting out of here?” the trio asked. Danny raised a hand to shield them from a guard’s blast and Tucker took control of all the guard’s batons, forcing them to stop working.
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend, for now,” Skulker said, eyeing the flytrap head that had just scooped up two guards and began dissolving them in the acid dripping from their lobes.
“No, don’t eat them, Twoey. They’re bad. They’ll give you a stomach ache. We’ll feed you when we get home,” the trio said, Danny turning to wag his finger at the plant.
The flytrap spat them out then started grabbing and tossing the guards around instead.
“You feed your plant ghosts?” Desiree asked, looking ill.
“No, we feed her ectoplasm. She’s still learning the difference between pure ectoplasm and inhabited ectoplasm though,” they said and Sam scratched one of the plant’s lobes. “Now are we going to get out of here?”
The prisoner ghosts nodded quickly and started rioting.
“We should probably send Twoey back before she accidentally eats one of them,” they said quietly and Danny flew over to lure the stalks back into the fold. “We’ll go for the gift while we lead these guys out of the prison. Alright, meet up on the other side.”
Sam flew out of the cafeteria and transformed. Humming, she made her way through the halls until she reached Walker’s office. She slipped through the door to see the warden yelling into a microphone.
“Guards, what’s going on down there? Somebody answer me!”
She rolled her eyes and walked over to the present.
“You? What are you doing here? Who are you?” Walker growled as she grabbed it out of the air.
She set it on her hip and turned to the warden. “I’m Doppelgänger, duh.”
He snarled and tried to grab her, only to pass right through.
She ignored him as she grabbed Tucker’s phone off his desk.
“Why can’t I touch you?” he asked as he kept trying for her.
“I’m a halfa, moron. Half-ghost, half-human. And humans are the intangible ones here.” She gave him a wink and walked through the wall.
She kept going until she passed through the outer wall, then paused. “Now where are my boys at?”
“Have fun?”
She smiled and turned to Tucker and Danny. “I got your parent’s present and ticked off a prison warden. Today was a great day.” She passed Danny the box, then handed Tucker his phone before transforming to join them in the air.
“My baby,” they said as Tucker nuzzled the phone. “Don’t make us say that! Come one, let’s head home.” They paused. “Do we know how we know how to get back to the portal? Maybe because we died there? Or formed there? How about we not think about that and just head home? Yeah, alright, it’s interesting though. Interesting as in morbid? Yes.”
They laughed and flew off.
{My Brother's Keeper}
Sam checked her watch and frowned. Danny? What’s taking you so long? Did a ghost show up?
Yeah, but that’s not the problem. The thing got away and left me in the smoking remains of the new guidance counselor's office. Lancer and Jazz found me and now they’re making me talk to her. Apparently, Jazz convinced him it would do me some good to talk to her because I’ve been “pulling away from everyone except his partners” and she’s worried we’ll become “overly dependant.”
Yikes, sorry, dude, Tucker said.
If she only knew, Sam snorted. Want us to bring you some lunch?
Yes, please. I don’t know how long she’s going to keep me here.
On our way.
The two stood up and Tucker grabbed their lunches while Sam went to grab some for Danny.
“You know, Jazz might have a point,” Tucker said as they headed to the office.
“I mean, when was the last time we did anything apart?” Tucker pointed out. “I know I haven’t hung out with the computer club since the new school year started.”
Sam frowned and tried to think of the last time she’d been to a poetry night. “Oh.”
“Yeah. And how much do you want to bet Danny’s been skipping out on time at the observatory?”
“Okay, yeah,” Sam sighed. “Maybe we should schedule more personal time.”
“Before we really do become a hive mind,” Tucker chuckled, only half-joking.
“We wo-” Sam cut off as heat flooded her cheeks. She looked to Tucker to see him staring down at his arms. “Hair standing up?”
He nodded.
They stuffed their lunches into an empty locker and transformed.
Sam pointed at the counselor's office.
“Think the ghost came back? Wouldn’t one of us have noticed? Even if we did, we wouldn’t be able to do anything with the counselor there.”
The two shrugged and turned invisible.
When they stuck their heads through the wall, they saw Danny sitting in a chair looking miserable while a perky redhead came up to him.
“I'm not saying you're a loser, Danny,” she said, stepping behind him. “I think you're a great kid!”
She grabbed his shoulders and their eyes widened when they saw a flicker of green energy passing from Danny to her.
“Then why do I feel so miserable?” their partner asked, slouching down.
The two snarled and Sam blasted her away from him.
“Woah!” Danny said, jumping up as they landed in the room.
Tucker immediately placed himself between the redhead and Danny while Sam had a nearby potted fern grab the ghost.
“What are you doing, uh, ghosts?” Danny said, backing away.
“Get somewhere safe,” they said. “She’s not what she appears.”
Danny nodded and ran out the door.
Suddenly a blob ghost tackled Tucker. “I thought you said it was the Fenton kid, Spectra,” it hissed.
“I thought it was!” she growled, phasing through the plant.
“Stay away,” the two snarled as Sam ripped the blob off Tucker. She punched it and sent it crashing into Spectra.
It helped the redhead back up, then turned to them with a furious glare. It transformed itself into the shape of a bee, only to be sucked up by the thermos.
The two looked up to see Danny poking halfway through the ceiling, waving.
“No,” Spectra shouted and black clouds formed around her. They rose to cover her, then dispersed, leaving her as a literal shadow of herself.
Unimpressed, the three blasted her before Danny sucked her into the thermos as well.
He gave it a hard shake as he dropped down next to his partners and they all transformed.
“That’s what you get for trying to mess with my head.” He gave it another shake then put the thermos in his Space Fold.
“Feel better?” Sam asked.
“Much.” He pressed into her side and she wrapped an arm around him.
“Good, now let’s get out of here before we get blamed for this,” Tucker said, gesturing to the upended plant and cracked wall.
Jazz fidgeted slightly as she made her way down the hall. She really should leave this to the professional and let Danny work through things without her intervention, but she couldn’t help but want to check on him. Her brother had been closing himself off from the world and that wasn’t healthy. His partners were no better, but she didn’t have any authority to help them. Hopefully, when they saw how much Danny benefited from it, they’d consider getting help too.
She turned the corner and then ducked back around when she saw Danny come running out of Ms. Spectra’s office. She peeked out to see Danny looking around then he held his arms up. Her eyes widened as she saw him transform into a green creature in a flash of white rings.
“What was that?” she whispered as he floated up and pulled a Fenton Thermos out of nowhere before diving upwards. She ran up to the office and looked through the window to see two people that looked just like the… whatever Danny had turned into facing off against a green blob and Ms. Spectra. The blob suddenly turned into a giant bee, only to get sucked into a thermos held by a third green creature -- Danny? Wait, he used the thermos! Does that mean they're ghosts? Ghosts are real! -- that emerged from the ceiling.
Then all three took down Ms. Spectra -- Who was also a ghost? Maybe? She turned into a shadow! -- before they all transformed. Danny from the one with the thermos using white rings like before. The one next to him turned into Sam using purple rings. The last turned into Tucker using blue rings.
Are they all ghosts? Why did they look exactly alike? Is this why they’re always hiding away together?
“Feel better?”
“Good, now let’s get out of here before we get blamed for this.”
Jazz eye’s widened and she ducked down and ran for the corner. She slipped around it just as she heard the door open. She looked back to see the three come out of the office, Danny still tucked against Sam’s side while arm-in-arm with Tucker.
He smiled up at them and kissed them both on the cheek. “Thanks for the save back there.”
“Of course, dude.”
“You’re our partner, we’re always going to take care of you.”
Jazz smiled and left the three.
“Nothing,” Jazz said quickly, turning her gaze back to her food.
Her eyes slid back to her brother.
“Ugh! What?”
“Nothing!” She shouldn’t say anything, should she? He’d get defensive. But a little push couldn’t hurt, right? “Uh, so, uh, Danny, I know I've been kind of hard on you lately, but you know I think you're great, right?”
He looked surprised before ducking his head. “I-I guess. I mean, I thought so, but I’ve been hearing things.”
“Then you've heard wrong,” she said, grabbing his shoulder and squeezing it. Well, he certainly feels solid. Human. And he’s breathing so-No, focus. “Look, I know you think I'm pushy and I'm a know-it-all. I know you think I can be a jerk sometimes…” she trailed off as he saw the dorky smile on his face. “You know, you can stop me at any time.”
“I know.”
She sighed and let go of him. “All I'm saying is I'm your sister and I care about you. And even though you don't think I'll understand, you can talk to me about anything.”
He bit his lip and looked away. After a moment, he glanced at her, “I -”
An explosion sounded in the family room. They ran to the door to see the couch was smoking and their dad was holding up some new device while their mom watched on.
“I'm just saying, if we can find that ghost at Jazz's school, we can peel that ghost like an onion!” their dad said.
“Well we can't completely vaporize it,” their mom reasoned. “Don't you want to at least examine the remains?”
Danny’s shoulders hunched up and he went back to the table. “I don't feel like talking about it.”
“Yeah, I'd imagine not,” she said, holding back a glare. Why did her parents’ obsession with ghosts always have to ruin things? She followed him back to the table and kissed him on the head.
He squirmed away with a glare, but she ignored him as she went back to her meal.
“I… Jazz?”
“Yeah?” she said, head popping up. Maybe her parents hadn’t messed things up after all.
“Sam, Tuck, and I were talking and… Maybe, maybe, you were right about us spending too much time together so… Would you want to go to the observatory tomorrow?”
She blinked, then smiled. “Sure, little brother.”
Not exactly what she’d been hoping for, but it was a step in the right direction. He could tell her when he's ready.
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clownsgobeepbeep · 4 years
What would anyone’s reaction be to stepping on a lego brick? (IDK why I ask X3)
This isn’t everyone ‘cause...meh X3
Cosmos would surprisingly remain still for a moment, take it all in with a deep sigh and clench of his fists. He’d look around first, take in a deep breath before yelling out the loudest FUCK.
Jelly would scream loudly, unintentionally use one of the super screams while hopping around and holding her foot. Has to punch a wall or something after that, all the rage gathers up in her fist.
Pepper would give a shriek and jump in the air like a cartoon character before falling to the ground. Lays there while sobbing probably.
Cuckoo would wince before picking up the leg, giving it a small glare and then poofing it away. Lego never existed.
Ace yells out a curse word, and then says a whole lot of others before grabbing the lego and breaking it with two fingers.
Ferry would stop walking and stand still, takes in the pain with a smile on her face and wide eyes. Shuts her eyes and takes a deep breath before walking away, after having picked it up of course because nobody else should suffer.
James would give a yelp before looking down at the lego, wondering what the heck it is and immediately discard of it. Nobody should be around such dangerous items. He’s gonna freak out when he discovers how many legos exist.
Zeta would’t realize it. She didn’t step on the lego, the lego stepped on Zeta.
Stripes merely looks down at the lego before giving a snicker, then picking it up and slipping it into his pocket. He’s gonna go put it on the floor for someone else.
Velvet would give a bit of a curse before clasping a hand over her mouth, then flicking the lego away. She hopes whoever left it there steps on it.
Ula would give a tiny scream before glaring down at the lego and stomp on it either several times or with a single stomp that’ll break it.
Jeff would immediately cry. He’s been betrayed!
Bubbles would scream and then throw herself to the floor, hold her leg while crying out for either of her parents and be babied.
Basil would have felt something, then he’d look down to see the lego. Well, at least the bits and pieces left.
Flora...impossible. Flora has never stepped on a lego in her entire life. Twoey is always there to remove such danger from their tiny one.
Frankie would flinch before looking down at the lego, blinking down at it like...what. Then he’d tell his...peeps, to make sure these things are never in his presence again. If alone, he’d smash it with his hand.
Rowan would give a scream like his grandmother, holds in the tiny tear in his eye while picking up the lego and slipping it into his pocket. He has to use it...somewhere...
Willow would suck in a breath and clench her fists, then pick it up and give it to Dahlia. Then she’ll go with her father and climb on his chest to bury her face. She needs comfort, she was just viciously attacked.
Dahlia...she’ll gasp, pick up the lego, and eat it. Problem solved.
And I’ll also do these ‘cause once I’m done with my story they’ll finally be making their appearances 
Richard would squeeze his lips together and contain a cry of pain. Would possibly shed a single tear.
Garden Bud would shout all kinds of curses while hopping on one foot. Absolutely angry that he felt that. He’s a doll, how is that possible. Would go around with the lego and interrogate everybody to figure out who gave him such a fate.
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themelonsins · 5 years
Whirlwind [sickfick holla]
okay this is based on this post I made a while back u know but it was so cute that I had to write something for it now anyways i love dimitri but i love torturing him much much more. theres also a lot of canon events mentioned and if theres any confusion of those im v happy to answer
Warnings: stuffing, emeto, mentions of decapitation (?)
Things for the University of Supers Honors College were in a complete spiral. The constant villain attacks, Scarlet going missing. The most devastating occurrence was the death of Audrey’s second head-Twoey. Not only did this leave Audrey out of commission for weeks on end, but severely depressed as well. So, the gang-save Scarlet and Xavier who, upon her return, decided there was much they needed to discuss as a couple-decided to take Audrey to a nearby amusement park to brighten her day. They’ve missed her smile oh so dearly. Dimitri orchestrated the whole thing-spoiler this day doesn’t end well for our well meaning Russian baby.
“Ready to go, Audrey,” Dimitri slung his shoulder around his green-tinted, mutant friend. The top of her head was wrapped with a sort of bandage, for safety precautions. The female smiled, her sharp canines glinting brightly. 
“Yeah, I’m ready to have some fun after being cooped up in the infirmary for weeks,” Audrey breathed deeply, watching as Jesse came forward, Audrey’s purse slung over his shoulder. “I’m gonna ride with Jesse, do you mind? I mean, I know this was your plan.” Dimitri just waved his hand, giving Audrey his most handsome grin.
“Nah, of course. Jesse’s a handsome guy, of course you want to spend a car ride with him,” Dimitri winked at the two, a blush forming on the apples of Audrey’s cheeks and a slight one on Jesse’s. “Don’t kiss him too hard, he’ll make you never want to stop.” Audrey burst out laughing, and Jesse froze in his tracks, face exploding in a bright red shade. Rie hit Dimitri’s chest as he laughed in a rhythm with Audrey. Pulling Audrey’s arm, Jesse let out an embarrassed blush as he pulled Audrey down to the door. 
“You’re dead Romanov,” Jes yelled as he was opening the door, Audrey’s giggles loud from behind him. 
“Love you!” Dimitri called back. “Ready, Rie?” Dimitri’s electric gaze followed Rie as she skimmed through her purse.
“Yep! Let’s go.” She beamed, skipping out the door. Dimitri smiled at her while she skipped, though something was bubbling in the pit of his belly as he followed suit.
The car ride to the amusement park wasn’t doing the dull ache in his stomach any favors. Any bump in the road only made it worse. The heavy rock music, altering between RnB tracks provided a nice distraction from it. Listening to Rie’s beautiful voice belting to the track of No Scrubs by TLC, Dimitri chuckled while his stomach let out a loud, ugly gurgle. 
“Whoa,” He breathed, a smile on his face though that gurgle forced a ripple of pain to pull through his stomach. Turning the music down, Rie looked at him with a devilish grin on her face. 
“Wow, Romanov, hungry?” She teased, waiting until they were stopped to start poking at his, already, sensitive tummy. He giggled a little, though the poking provided more pain than a ticklish sensation. “Do you want to stop and get some food?” 
“Nah. Nope,” Dimitri shook his head, starting to drive once the light turned green. “I can wait, don’t worry about it.” Rie snorted.
“Whatever you say, Sparky.” Her smile was almost contagious, yet he definitely felt that whatever war was raging in his tummy wasn’t due to hunger.
When Dimitri told you getting off that first roller coaster was the worst experience of his life, he wasn’t exaggerating. The twists and turns, the loops, only made the nausea so much worse than it was in the car. He hid it fairly well with cheering and yelling, yet he stopped a good way through because he was too scared that bile or vomit would fly out of his mouth and onto Audrey who was in front of him. Walking off, the after effects of the coaster were hitting him hard. He felt dizzy and like he was about to throw up everywhere.
And Audrey jumping on his back with a loud giggle didn’t make matters easier. Yet he mustered through with a smile. 
“That was so so so much fun, Dimitri!” Audrey laughed loudly, Rie and Jesse trailing behind her.
“Yeah it was,” Smiling, he held his hands on her waist to set her down gently. Yet she couldn’t help but bounce. Hahnna and Ezra found their way to the group. Both of them decided sitting out on more endorphin rising rides would be best for their weak stomachs as they both had really bad motion sickness. Maybe Dimitri should join them. 
Nah. Nope. Not gonna be a pussy. Not today.
“How bout a few more rides before we go get something to eat?” Rie suggested, which was met with an agreement from the group. Dimitri remained silent, the mere mention of gross, greasy amusement park food made his stomach churn in a not so fun way. 
“Can we go on baby rides, please?” Hahnna requested with a smile and absolutely no one could say no to that girls sweet smile. Honestly, Dimitri never loved a suggestion more. 
The baby rides, as Hahnna called them, provided a really nice relief onto his struggling tummy. Every time they walked to a new ride, he’d rub small circles into his abdomen, hoping to provide more comfort. To no avail, but the heat of his hand radiating through his shirt felt lovely. 
This was the part of the day he didn’t want to happen. Dimitri didn’t want to eat anything, he felt so awful. While his friends were ordering food, he had every intention of paying for Rie and not actually getting anything. 
That idea received a good amount of backlash from his dear friends.
“Dimitri you haven’t eaten anything all day,” Ezra pouted, putting his hands on his friends shoulders.
“Yeah, besides, your stomach was growling like a caged animal this morning,” Rie teased, rubbing a circle into his belly. Dimitri had to hold back a groan from how nice her hand felt on his achy stomach. He watched her brows furrow, yet didn’t think anything of it. Swallowing back whatever he was feeling, Dimitri caved. He ordered chicken tenders, the lightest thing they had and what would hopefully be gentle on his stomach. 
The laughter and conversation they had while they ate was such a wonderful distraction from the pain. Though, every time he swallowed food into that absolutely pain filled belly, Dimitri could feel the ache grow and feel the bloat starting. His part in the conversation started to dwindle. Instead, he focused on rubbing his belly in smooth circles, and doing his best to not unbutton his pants in public. Though it wasn’t long before a loud belch rippled past his lips. In response he covered his mouth, a blush forming on the apples of his cheeks.
“Bless you!” Hahnna smiled, doing her best to joke around with Dimitri’s no-doubt embarrassment. Rie looked over to Dimitri, concern glazed over in her eyes. Audrey laughed, waving her hand back and forth.
“I’ll give that like an eight point five,” She joked with a smile.
“I’ll take it.” Dimitri joked.
Dimitri’s walking pace to the next ride most certainly slowed down, and the only one who noticed was Rie, who kept her speed low to match Dimitri’s. When she was this close, she could hear how angry his tummy was. It was gurgling loudly. 
“Are you okay?” She asked, sliding her arm across his waist. He leaned into her, grateful for the balance she was providing. “Something not agreeing with you?”
“I’ve felt so sick all day, honeybee,” Dimitri admitted, running his hand across his bloated belly. 
“Sweetheart! Why didn’t you say anything?” She gasped. “Sit out from this next ride Dimitri, now.” Dimitri shook his head, getting in line for the ride against Rie’s will. 
That was the worst mistake Dimitri made on this day. Everyone had their endorphins rushed due to so many loops and turns, but all Dimitri felt was the urge to yak. They were all talking and laughing, but all Dimitri could hear was white noise. He spotted a trashcan and that was it. That was the end for our smooth as butter Dimitri. Instantly, Dimitri began to vomit. The little he ate coming right back up along with bile and water.
“Oh my God, Dimitri,” Jesse yelped, running to his best friends side, a cool hand running down his back. This only helped everything come up easier. “What the Hell, man?” 
“Dimitri are you okay?” Audrey asked, running to his side. Her hands felt up and down his stomach, feeling the bloat. “Oh, Sparky you’re so bloated.” Dimitri couldn’t respond, the vomit coming up his throat prevented any words. Tears began rushing down his cheeks. “Don’t cry. Oh sweetie, don’t cry.” When Dimitri pulled away from the trash can, his hands felt numb and he slid onto the floor, groaning in absolute and utter pain. 
“How long have you been sick?” Hahnna asked, kneeling in front of him.
“All day,” Was his hoarse response, hand raising to wipe his lips with the back of his hand.
“Baby,” Jesse huffed, pushing Dimitri’s bangs out of his sweaty forehead. 
“I’m so sorry Audrey,” Dimitri choked, and he felt like crying more. He ruined this day for Audrey. “I didn’t want to ruin this for you.”
“You didn’t.” Audrey hushed him, cupping his cheeks. “Rie will you please take him back to the dorms?”
“Like I’d do anything else,” Rie smiled softly down at the sickly boy in front of her.
The car ride home was silent. Dimitri was curled in the back seat, trying to sleep but, like earlier, the bumps in the road made him feel so much more sick. She lead him back inside, and lay him gently on the couch. This was all in silence. She grabbed the heating pad, plugged it in and laid it on Dimitri’s aching belly. It was still so bloated, even if it was empty. Kneeling beside the couch, she ran her fingers through his hair.
“Feel any better?” Rie asked.
“Slightly,” Dimitri breathed. “I still feel like my stomach was wringed out but,” sighing he curled into the couch. “My tummy hurts.”
“I know,” She cooed, rubbing circles into his lower belly, not covered by the heating pad. The doors to the common area opened and the group rejoined Rie and Dimitri in the common area. Audrey held a giant teddy bear in her arms as she walked in, Jesse with ginger ale.
“Hey,” Audrey smiled. “I’m so sorry your sick, sweetie,” She sighed. “So I got you this bear. You’ve been so sweet with what happened to me. The least we can do is take care of you.” Jesse set the ginger ale on the table.
“This is for when you feel a little better. Just to get something in your system,” Jesse offered, arms crossed. Dimitri smiled.
“Thank you guys, I appreciate this but,” Dimitri burped in the back of his hand. “Can I just take a nap out here?”
“Of course you can!” Audrey beamed. “But expect a load of belly rubs and cuddles from us when you get up!” 
“I’m looking forward to it.”
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clownsgobeepbeep · 5 years
39.)Booping the nose 
Sorry if this seems rushed or anything, I’m just...trying uwu
An introduction, and technically in another timeline...
The day was a rather beautiful one.
Flowers were blooming and birds were singing, spring time was now approaching. It was the perfect time for a picnic, a family picnic.
In a tranquil, open space deep in the forest of another planet was the family that included a family, not exactly the smallest one. It was made up of three wonderful parents and their children, two new ones having been added to the family, and a plethora of creatures.
However, just this once was the family only consisting of the eldest siblings and their mother, the fathers and younger siblings having their own time back at home.
The eldest sat alone on the large picnic blanket that had been laid out for the family, happily enjoying the lovely day as their mother hummed to herself, patting the head of her first axolotl companion.
“Could you pass me the macaroni?”
“Haven’t you had enough?”
“Don’t patronize me Basil.”
They both ate from the food that had been brought, one of course eating much more than the other which was why there was an even greater amount of food brought than what was technically needed.
“You’re not going to let us have any.” the one with orange hair signed to the other, watching his mother continue to hum and stare at her axolotl.
“Basil.” she called out, still not looking up from the axolotl who let his tongue slightly pop out of his closed smile. “Give Rowan the mac and cheese.”
The deer clown playfully stuck his tongue out at his brother, then being handed over the macaroni container that would soon be empty.
“Sorry mommy.” Rowan smiled at his mother who now turned to him, smiling back before turning to the small basket that was in the center of their picnic area. 
“Twoey?” Ula called out in her sweetest tone. “Be a dear and hand me the melons please.”
At the sound of this, Mana’s eyes shot open before he lifted his head up in joy. His tail was now wagging as he saw a tendril reach out of the small basket with a container filled with melons. Another tendril soon followed, now handing a large bowl to Ula who then placed it beside her.
“Come on Mana.” she giggled as the axolotl excitedly jumped up from his spot, tail wagging even more before he was served up his freshly sliced melons that he immediately began to gobble up. However, Mana soon stopped to lift his head quite rapidly, his eyes squinting before he sniffed the air with his head up high.
“What is it Mana?” Rowan stopped eating his own food as well, everybody turning to the axolotl who barked into the distance.
Basil slightly tapped Mana who in turn licked his hand, and in somewhat of a protective manner.
“Mana?” Ula now asked, surprised once she saw Mana dash away.  “Mana!”
“I’ll get him mom!”
“No, no. You guys stay here.” Ula stood up before dusting her dress, giving the boys a stern look. “And I mean it. Stay here.”
Basil then stood up as well, but Ula shook her head, prompting him to reluctantly sit back down with his brother.
“I won’t be long, Mana probably just saw a squirrel or something.” Ula carefully made her way off the picnic blanket. “Just continue eating. If your fathers call just tell them I’m playing with Mana.”
“Aye-aye, captain.” Rowan nodded, Basil repeating the action before they watched Ula walk away to find the axolotl who was now heard barking. “Wonder what Mana saw.”
Rowan turned to look at Basil, realizing that he was not looking back at him. Instead, Basil looked up into the trees surrounding their secluded picnic area, right into an area that was somehow dark.
Rowan’s eyes trailed to the area, his eyes widening once he caught sight of what Basil stared at: another pair of eyes, these soon being followed by a grin that spoke only malevolence.
“What a sublime creature, is she not?” the grin purred before its owner came down from the tree branches, a figure presenting itself in a pompous manner. 
“Who?” Rowan squinted his eyes at this new shape, Basil glaring at what eventually became the form of a boy no doubt their age. 
“Mother, of course.” the boy smiled as he held an arm behind his back, the other being held in front of him. “Golden, silky locks with streaks of chocolate. Hazel eyes, what a beauty she is.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Were you checking out our mom?” Rowan furrowed his eyebrows rather protectively. 
“I would never do such a thing. I’m not that kind of son, pursuing my own mother.”
“Excuse me,” Rowan blinked a few times, noticing that Basil now stood up. “Mother?”
“Oh yes, how rude of me.” the third boy chuckled to himself, taking hold of the long train of his coat before giving a bow and then turning his head to look at the boys. “My name is Junior, named after my father. The mother you both have, is also my own mother.”
“You’re saying you’re another one of Ula’s kids?” Rowan made a weird face. “Pretty sure-”
“In another timeline, yes. In this one, she is not with my father so I will not be birthed.” Junior claimed as he fixed his outfit. “And now that I see the two of you here, I imagine you have different fathers?”
“Yeah.” Rowan nodded. “Mom married both.”
“So it is true,” Junior tapped his chin with claws the other boys never realized were there at first.   “You do share certain timelines together...Rather interesting, I must say.”
“By the sound of that, I’m guessing you’ve already known about us.” Rowan now stood up, staying close to Basil as his frown deepened. 
“Well of course, curiosity gets the best of us.” Junior took a step towards the boys, taking notice of how Basil stepped towards him, almost as if to keep Rowan behind him. “I heard that there were possibilities with mother’s dear friends, and I had to see the results for myself.”
“What for?”
“Oh well, you know.” Junior gave a chuckle as he walked closer to the boys, stepping over the food prepared by them and their mother, not caring for any of it as he loomed dangerously close to the boys and with his finger booped Basil’s nose. “I had to meet my prey.”
At this, Junior jumped back in an instant with a laugh after having felt a gush of wind before.
“Don’t think I don’t know about your little knife, Basil.” he grinned. “It has nothing on a being like me. You may be Schrader’s son, but that doesn’t compare to my elder.”
“What the hell do you want from us?” Rowan exclaimed as he too stepped forwards with a stomp.
“I wanted to see you both up close.” Junior snickered. “Learn everything there is to know about you. Take in your scent and know what I need to track to feast upon the flesh of the offspring I’ll make sure my mother never bears.”
“You wouldn’t happen to be related to that thing Ryder, would you?” Rowan clenched his fists as Basil held onto his knife even tighter.
“Ryder is also another one of those who has nothing on my family line.” Junior started with his grin remaining. “I will rid of all of you, starting with your newborn siblings.”
“I learn everything about you at every given chance. I will know everything about you, I will take everything from you before you take my mother away from me.”
“You’re pretty damn sick.”
“Mother tends to love those, does she not?”
“No, you’re the type of sick person she hates.” Rowan shook his head, feeling one of Basil’s arms hold him back. “Basil, let me-”
“Heed my words, Rowan, Basil.” Junior took a step backwards. “I understand neither of you have ever done any wrong to me, you do not deserve such treatment from me.”
“But, I enjoy the feelings I emit from you. This anger and aggressiveness only satisfies me more.” Junior’s face turned into a rather sadistic and disturbing one. “But those who stand between my mother and I, deserve the worst kind of treatment.”
“You-!” Rowan curled his fists up before teleporting to the opposite side of Basil’s arm, being too late once he realized that the new boy was no longer in their presence. “Where…!?”
The two soon turned to look behind them, now spotting their mother who was walking back from the deeper parts of the forest with Mana running in front of her.
“What did you guys do to the food? I’m gone for five minutes and you make a mess of the food.”
“Mom! Are you okay?” Rowan rushed towards her, Ula giving him a confused expression.
“Rowan, what did you do to the food?”
“Mom, it wasn’t me!”
“Basil?” Ula glanced at the other boy, as did Rowan, seeing as Basil gave a nod while looking at Rowan.
“Rowan, clean up this mess.” Ula gave a sigh as she walked back to the spot where she had been sitting. “First you smother your face in cake, now this.”
“But mom!” Rowan exclaimed, closing his mouth once he saw Ula lift a single finger at him. He gave a huff and groan, glaring over at Basil before realizing that he brought a single finger to his lips.
So much for a beautiful day...
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clownsgobeepbeep · 5 years
134.)Unseen Evil
Let’s have a playback on the angst you read, but from another perspective.
“That’s not true!”
Oh dear, here it went...
“Yes it is! Now stop pretending that this is your Wonderland where we can all be happy and go back as if things were normal!”
Why dare life be such a awful way?
“You and I, we can’t be friends. I especially can’t be your friend if I see deer boy following you around like he’s some lost puppy.”
Especially to them...especially to him.
 “I’m sorry Ula, but I’m leaving. And for your and your family’s sake, I hope that it’s for good.”
There was the sound of a motorcycle starting up as a plethora of eyes watched it go in disbelief, one pair belonging to Ula who stood alone on the street where the motorcycle once was. Two other pairs of eyes soon glanced at her, their owners feeling their stomachs turn as they could not act, but only watch from afar while being unseen.
“I’m sorry, but I want to be left alone.”
They watched as Ula disappeared after she glared at a window and bubbles engulfed her, popping away while the remaining ones hovered over the deer clown who stood where Ula was.
“This is so terrible. He never deserved any of this.” one of the unseen figures whispered, slumping against a tree while still remaining hidden. “It’s that idiot’s fault...right?”
The unseen figures were of course the children from the future, watching as the past selves of their parents were hurting, and rather badly. Flora looked at her gloved hands, fiddling with the lacy ends of the gloves before a tendril wrapped itself around her wrist.
“I know Twoey...it’s really sad...but you...you have nothing to worry about.” Flora breathed out before turning to her brother who was perched on one of the branches belonging to the same tree. “Basil?”
The boy turned and looked down at his sister, his face the same as always.
“We should go visit mommy now, right?”
Basil shook his head before jumping off the tree, crouching down while watching the crowd in front of Ula’s home going back inside. Meanwhile, Walter came out of the house, hurriedly walking away before teleporting elsewhere when nobody was around to see him.
“Then, where?” 
Basil lifted a single finger as if to tell Flora to keep quiet, and she closed her eyes before a sound hit her ears. It wasn’t just a sound, it was a song. It was a guitar being played, and something the siblings recognized.
Basil placed a hand on the ground which caused a large rabbit hole to appear, and his sister jumped in before him. For a few seconds, they fell upside down until their positions were changed and they landed right on their feet.
“Where are we? This isn’t uncle Walter’s apartment.” Flora asked, holding her brother’s hand while in her other hand was her basket. She scanned the area, only finding trees and flowers everywhere, almost like a forest that was mainly flowers. Basil started to walk as Flora followed him, listening to the music that grew closer with every step. 
Her brother reached into what was like a wall of flowers, gently moving only a few as Flora did the same. They looked into their peek holes, eyes landing on Schrader who was sitting alone with a soda by his side and a guitar in his hands.
“I want to go to him so badly.”Flora whispered, squeezing Basil’s hand as he gave a nod. “I hate that idiot for this...so much...”
“Do you now?” the siblings immediately turned around, standing in defensive poses while looking around the area. “Why so?”
“You know why...bastard.”Flora clenched her fists before bringing her basket close to her chest.
“I have told you once. I have told you twice. I have told you many times younglings, stay away from them.”
“You don’t tell us what to do.”Flora deeply frowned, her and Basil still scanning the area for the evil speaking to them, yet it remained unseen.
“There is nothing you can do to prevent my prevention.”
“That’s not how you really feel and you know it. “You’re scared. That’s why you do what you do.”
“A being such as myself...scared? Now child, don’t make me laugh.”
“You’re scared! You’re terrified! That’s why all of this is happening! This is why you hurt my father so much! Ever since he was born!”
“Hurting him?” the voice asked, a dark chuckle following after right before Flora heard a choking sound, so she turned to her brother who was now on the ground. He attempted to hold himself with one hand while the other held his chest.
“Stop it you bastard!” Flora yelled into nothing, panicking as Basil now start to convulse on the ground. “Stop it! Please!”
“Why are you telling me? I am not the one causing this.”scoffed the voice while Flora panicked, not knowing what to do. This was completely new, but not unexpected with how things were going. Flora grabbed her brother in attempt to stop what he was going through, turning him onto his back while he continued, blood pouring out of his mouth before she finally thought of something. 
Flora ran through the wall of flowers and towards Schrader who she now recognized was being the problem. Immediately, she jumped behind him after having removed a glove, smacking her hand onto his forehead. Flora’s hand started to glow and before Schrader was able to react, Flora’s fingers dug into his skin like a plant’s roots, and he fell to his side.
“Basil?” Flora called out with her hand still on Schrader’s forehead, and after moments of waiting, Flora saw the flower wall move as her brother walked towards her. He did so weakly, but he managed, wiping the blood on the corner of his lips before falling to his knees next to Schrader and Flora.
“I did what Mama Jelly taught me.”Flora whispered, her lips quivering before Basil reach out to wipe her eyes which had begun to tear up. “I’m...I’m giving him good thoughts...thoughts of him and mom, when they were happy and in love.”
Basil nodded before going over to his sister, placing an arm around her shoulders to hold her close.
“Like this, he’ll be happy...even if it’s for a little while.”
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clownsgobeepbeep · 5 years
14.)Can’t get out of the building
With a break from the Mafia AU , we go back to our OG universe in the future...
I was going to add something else to this, but decided to keep it out for another fic
After having received a letter delivered by a small bird, Atlas was a little more relieved if he was being honest with himself. The letter was from Ula, handwritten as he recognized her writing and flowery scent coming off it, so things were finally looking better after their last conversation. In the letter, she requested that he meet her in the woods after she was done with her band practice, so that was where Atlas went once the time came.
The deer clown walked around as he heard leaves and twigs crunching beneath his shoes, scanning the area as birds were heard singing and there was a soft breeze all around. Atlas stretched his arms out as he was careful not to drop the latte in his hand before he lowered his hands once again, continuing on his way before stopping as he came across a large building.
It looked like an abandoned cottage alright, so that meant he just had to wait for Ula now. And then, a sweet flowery scent hit Atlas’ nose  meaning that she was already there, and Atlas playfully rolled his eyes as he walked towards it, making sure the letter was still in his pocket. However, it never left his mind that he had never seem this cottage before.
“Is anybody home?” he called into the empty home, only hearing the ancient planks creak beneath him with every step he took. Atlas continued walking deeper into the building, looking everywhere for Ula who he guessed must have been hiding from him. Trying to scare him as always.
“Does a Shortcake happen to be somewhere around here?”
That’s when he heard a giggle that was Ula’s so he sneaked over to a room close to him. He peeked inside the room, catching a quick glance of long blonde hair which made him smirk before he jumped into the room.
“I found you!”
“Oh, you sure did.” came Ula’s voice as Atlas now saw her, and she held a hand on her lips as she gave a giggle. “I thought that you wouldn’t end up coming, Bambi.~”
“Did you think I would get scared or something?”
“Maybe.~”Ula asked as she placed her hands onto Atlas’ chest, giggling once again while fluttering her eyelashes. “But I also thought that Basil would scare you on the way here.”
“What?”Atlas furrowed his eyebrows before feeling Ula pull herself away, giving a snap of her hands as Atlas heard something creak behind him. He turned and slightly flinched at the loud sound of the bedroom door shutting, this being due to a hand that slammed it shut.
“I thought we would be...”Atlas turned back to Ula who reached up to grab her hair that, starting from the top, turned into an orange color as her eyeshadow disappeared and blue markings under her eyes turned into purple curved-like triangles with a yellow circle. “...alone.”
“Good afternoon Atlas.~”spoke Ula with a giggle, though it was no longer her voice as she completely changed into a shorter figure, one Atlas recognized as being Flora, with Basil behind him and in front of the door.
“No...I, I gotta go-”
“There’s no leaving here Atlas.”Flora fluttered her eyelashes while fixing her gloves, then turning to look at Basil. “You can move from the door, you know.”
“After what you guys did last time, I don’t want to talk to either of you.”
“Oh don’t worry, Basil won’t talk.”
“Where’s Ula?”
“Oh please.”Flora looked over at Basil who continued staring at Atlas. “You really didn’t think Ula sent you a handwritten letter, did you? The last letter she wrote like that was to somebody else who actually sent letters to her.”
“I’m not hearing any of this.” Atlas shook his head before turning and heading towards the door, being slightly startled as one of Basil’s green claws slammed itself on it. “Let me through, I am not afraid of either of you.”
“Basil, let him go.” Flora smiled before Basil retrieved his hand, Atlas watching it slither behind him which made him even more nervous than he already was. He turned back to the door, turning the doorknob as he now opened it. However, his eyes widened at the sight of razor sharp teeth and a long, slithering tongue before he shut the door in a panic.
“What the hell was that thing!?”
“Excuse you, that was Twoey.”Flora rolled her eyes as she spoke in a matter-of-fact-y tone. “They’re there making sure you don’t leave of course.”
“A giant...whatever it is! That thing, you think nobody’s going to notice that!?”
“Oh posh Atlas, nobody ever really notices a pocket dimension that exists inside a little girl’s basket.”Flora giggled as Atlas’ eyes widened. “But the point here is, we brought you over because we want to talk. And talk only.”
“If I listen and am not treated like last time, will you let me go?”
“Of course.” Flora nodded before Basil snapped his fingers, chairs appearing behind him and his sister which they sat down on. At the same time, another appear behind Atlas before it moved behind him, making him fall back on it as he now sat in front of the siblings, divided by a table full with a tea set as Flora served.
“No thanks.”
“Hm, your loss.”she shrugged before taking her teacup. “Mother makes the best teas ever, she’s practically a witch with what she adds to them.”
“What do you guys want with me?” Atlas interrupted as he glared at the siblings, though he knew he was no match against Basil’s expression that never ceased.
“Well, first of, we want to say that we no doubt started on the wrong foot. Especially with Basil being petty to you since the day you met those many years ago.” Flora started before taking a sip from her tea. “And we have been treating you rather badly.”
“Yeah, thanks for telling me. I never realized that.”
“Anyways. Our point here is that we wanted to...well, let me say this before anything. My brother and I have a certain goal that we hope to achieve, no matter what we must do.”
“Okay, and what does this have to do with me?”
“Now, that’s the thing. It doesn’t, but you’re in the way.” Flora stated before Atlas furrowed his eyebrows. “And don’t even try reading our minds, we’re so far past those funny party tricks.”
“Our goal we will not share.”Flora interrupted Atlas who frowned a little deeper. “But, I can tell you that as we attempt to reach it, we don’t want anymore...conflicts.”
“So, we want to apologize.”
Atlas’s eyes widened as he stared at Flora and then Basil, shaking his head as he tried to comprehend what was just said.
“Wait, what?”
“We want to apologize.”Flora repeated before Atlas checked the teacup he had been offered, realizing it was still full.
“You guys didn’t do anything weird to me, right? I mean, besides putting me in a pocket dimension with some creature making sure I don’t get out.”
“No, Atlas. We want to apologize to you, unless you don’t want it nor the truce we offer.”
“No, tell me.”
“Well as I’ve already said three times, we want to offer you an apology for all the trouble we have brought upon you. Mother nor father never taught us to act in such a way.”Flora served herself some more tea, taking a sniff of its sweet scent. “And so, we offer a truce. You stop being a jealous deer every time Ula talks to any other person that is not from your family or friend group. You especially refrain from feeling any sort of jealousy when she talks to Schrader who she wants a friendship from. And, you stop feeling like a damn rebound, you idiot.”
Atlas’ eyes widened at Flora’s words, raising a hand to speak before she lifted a finger to silence him.
“We know how you feel about the whole situation, and we find it hurtful that you blame Ula for this.”
“Blame her!?”
“Yes, Atlas, blame her! Maybe you don’t realize it but you think to yourself,” Flora cleared her throat before her voice changed into Atlas’. “Ula didn’t tell me that her ex-boyfriend was back, I had to learn from her friends! Ula didn’t accept my comfort when she needed it, she instead went to some kids I hate! Ula didn’t tell me that she was going to go talk to her ex-boyfriend before going to him! Sound familiar?”
“Exactly Atlas.”Flora shook her head while taking a sip from her tea before hissing at him. “So selfish. Ula doesn’t have to tell you everything she does, and she doesn’t always have to rely on you for everything. She has other friends and family, yet you feel like the top priority for being her boyfriend. Was she your priority while you were on trips with your grandfather?”
“I, no...wait, I, I don’t-”
Flora waved a hand before Atlas’ mouth was closed shut, and he struggled to open it.
“I don’t want to hear it. I just want to know, if you accept this truce. In turn, we will respect your relationship with Ula and not interfere. Though, I can’t promise Basil won’t be all over her like a baby to its mother.” Flora waved her hand once again, letting Atlas open his mouth. “Now, what about it?”
Atlas stared in between the siblings who stared at him, both radiating disturbing vibes...if they were being honest...
“And what if you do continue on with this behavior?” he asked before the siblings turned to each other, then glancing back at him.
“We’ll be out of your lives. For good.” Flora spoke, whispering the last part before she nudged Basil, and he lifted a hand towards Atlas. “Now, let’s shake on it, yes?”
Atlas squinted his eyes at Basil’s hand, slowly lifting his own and bringing it towards Basil’s. He didn’t want last time to be repeated yet, it sounded like a pretty good deal. After what seemed like hours, Atlas’ hand finally grabbed Basil’s, feeling how it was rather rough. Soon, they shook hands as Atlas gave a quiet sigh of relief.
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