#((and on this holy day (ADWM anniversary) i give you this))
egotisticle · 2 years
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@lvckyflannel​​​: ❝ .. Was I just destined to be the most troubled person in the multiverse? I don't know if I can go on further with believing I am not exactly that.. ❞
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                     ❝ no suffering goes unnoticed but often is the  witness  beyond our control.”  
     A DARK  air of melancholia swathed the human without a shred of  clemency,  not unlike an ominous storm cloud threatening to  tarnish  their long overdue tryst in the light. the question was just as  lachrymose  as the engineer’s demeanor and  worry  etched itself in fine lines upon the entity’s countenance. not even those with a stoical acceptance of  anguish  would’ve fared well in mark’s situation, much less tolerate being condemned to play the same passive role over and over again. being a  victim  to the captain’s volatile whims wasn’t a fate that the being flippantly discounted but no one better deserved his  empathy  more than that of his counterpart. ire alighted within him whenever mark’s bouts of desolation came about, thawing the  wintry  cavity in his chest to further inflame enmity for the source; had the suited entity possessed a heart, its impassioned solicitude for mark would have catalyzed its aggravated  expungement  long ago.      
     the faint twinkle of stars throughout their  vantablack  surroundings made the atmosphere less severe as unblinking eyes held steady on the other, opposite each other at a neatly set table seemingly plucked from a lavish restaurant. the twin wine glasses in front of them remained largely  untouched,  existing as a little more than a pair of props meant to further dramatize the romantic setting --- a  paradoxical  constant amidst innumerable variables. there was  opulence  in oblivion, and there was  penury  in perpetuity. in the  sanctitude  of their isolation, the cyclic patterns and  tedious  timelines couldn’t wear the human down any further. akin to the distant years of mark’s childhood and adolescence, the shadow’s  companionship  was readily proffered and a defensive disposition emerged. in spite of it all, it was still them and they were entwined by the red threads of fate until mark burned out like a dying star; given the frequency of their  dour  discussions, privately did the suited being fear that the day was drawing ever nearer.
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     ❝ leave it all behind, mark. let’s go elsewhere and leave the captain to  answer  for their actions. you don’t  owe  them anything. ❞
     a duplicate image of the entity flickered faintly in the void’s abyss, a  hellish  red to complement a countenance etched with  undisguised  antipathy. heroics and a self-inflicted sense of  nobility, there was an obvious solution to mark’s plights. the engineer could be extracted from the multitude of narratives, painstakingly carved out until all that remained was a  phantom  feeling of nostalgia.
     white noise  purred  its hymns throughout the void as echoes of the entity’s voice joined the choir and a single  spidery  crack formed on the wine glass from unseen pressure. pallid fingers reached across the table to lace themselves with the engineer’s, a sturdy snare and silent testament to their symbiotic relationship. even the most fanciful stories became tedious with enough repetition and revisions were long  overdue.
              ❝ despite your best efforts, you can’t fix everything. it’s too  late  for that now. it’s time to  re-evaluate  your priorities. ❞
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