#((casey please take this seriously u-u your being rude even if hes digging the attention on his neck uwu))
ducknotinarow · 1 year
[2k3/7 Rasey]   send  [hickey] : sender’s muse leaves multiple hickies on receiver’s skin
| nsfw, kinda kinky symbol prompts 
Casey took the lead on the way back into his apartment. Raph followed behind as they scaled up the fire escape together so they could just get in through the window. Raph was beyond tired. Tonight, they hit the jackpot of busting skulls and kicking ass across the city. Seemed mkre than dragons were out causing trouble, keeping the pair hoping around the city till about dusk. Honestly. Felt like the night would never see an end to it. Body felt so worn down, though even if he would push it to act as if he wasn't tired, Raph was glad that things finally clamed down for the night. Muscles were sore, legs giving all they could just to climb up the ladders and stairs. Near about collapsing on his way through the window. Thankfully, Casey was stood by for him to fall into.
Though that might not have fully been unplanned on Raphael's end. As he stayed limp against Casey, face happily cushioned by their shapely pecs. Content to stand like so even when Casey opens his mouth to point out what Raph was doing.
"Wah nah course not, jus'" He let a yawn naturally work in between his sentence as he soon smirks and lets his body lax in against Casey a moment. Soaking in their warmth as he just about hold back from nuzzling his head against them.
Casey didn't seem to mind the rare moment of affection from Raph, but still manged out a breathy laugh that Raphael realized he adored the sound of the second it came out of Casey when telling them they can't sleep standing up. Eh, Raph might just be able, though, in this moment. He grumbles slightly when Casey grabs his wrist and starts dragging him to follow. Not a single word needed to be exchanged. It was just assumed Raph could stick around for the night instead of heading back to the sewers. Ready to drop on the couch, but Casey kept walking till reaching his bedroom.
Raph stayed back a way as Casey's hand let go, eyeing his boyfriend as they drop back on their bed seeming comfortable as the springs even seemed to bounce the man a little as they went and got comfortable on the bed, Raphael just tilting his head a little, Observing Casey a moment the bonehead only then seeming to notice he was alone as they moved to look at Raph giving him a look that said what his mouth didn't need too, what are you doing over there. Raph sniffed a little and shifted on his feet. It was dumb but eyeing the bed just didn't settled right to him slightly turning himself away. to head out of Casey's room. With his hesitation it could easily come off as him being reluctant to sleep in the same bed as Casey. In only, that might be far more reasonable actually. If Raphael simply felt cold feet about sleeping in the bed with his boyfriend and the possibilities that could lead into. Maybe if Raph was smart he could have even spun things around to say that, expect well that clearly wouldn't make a lick a sense even if he lied and said it. So when Casey moved to sit up and asked where they were going.
"Couch." Was all he offered in response, trying to ignore the look on Casey's face. Usually sleeping on the couch was the punishment after all. All it takes is a glance too see the look on Casey face and Raph huffs annoyed as he steps over to the side of the bed a moment. "what?!" he snips a bit annoyed he had to explain anything about his current actions right now, and by how all Casey had to do was look at him for Raph to feel like he had to defend himself in the first place. Quick to get defensive as always. "It ain't 'ike I gotta share the bed with ya jeez, the couch is closest to a window for when I gotta dip back out." Even Raph knew how lame that sounded as a reason double so when he was just cuddled up with the guy before they came over here. God he really hated how Casey just fixed him with this look. They didn't get what he was covering but they just knew Raph was making excuses here. Dodging the matter at hand as if his whole self was being threatened in some way. But a lift of a brow from Casey and lips shifted and quirked. Fuck Raph hates how this dumbass seems so well versed in speaking Raph. Even if it was also what he liked most about them. He sighs and looks away.
"bugs." He mumbles as if that alone was going to explain everything, of course Casey just questions the wording. Was he saying their were bugs on his bed? that's insulting Raph huffs and rolls his eyes hard to tell with the white membrane covering over the green though. "It's why I hate bugs, okay. Jus' went to bed once as a kid and my bed was infested with them!" he admits a slight shiver working over Raph as he idly scratched at his arm a moment thinking about it. "Why do ya think 'm the only one who don' use a bed?" well Splinter didn't either but that was different. "Jus' go ahead an' laugh 'm goin' home!" Raph snaps soon after when he lifts his gaze to look at Casey taking in the smile they were wearing at what they were just told. It wasn't the usual teasing smirk something a tad softer. But still clearly called Raph stupid all the same. Raph ready to leave he didn't care how tried he was he was being prideful now and going home
The turtle proving to the sayings on his kind being slow because Casey's quick to catch him. Raph can just near about hear the roll of their eyes when they speak finally. Swiftly and easily pulling Raph back, balance lost as he falls back on to the bed. Scowl would be fixed on his face if he wasn't taken by the motion as Casey rolled over to hover over his ridiculous and stupid turtle. Raph felt his heart kick up a second before he did let his scowl settle over his face, not made convincing by the hint of red tinting his face at the same time. A sad attempt to save face. Casey having them where he wanted though settle into the bed and started curling his arms around Raph in a nice firm comfortable hold. Their warmth easily seeping into Raph as he could feel their skin against his own. Pushing away the thought of wanting more of Casey to be exposed in that moment. If Raph wanted he could just kick Casey off and leave but clearly he wasn't going to do that and Casey knew that as they simply tease Raph for being stupid, some condescending assurance that Casey will keep him safe from any bugs. So he don't gotta be scared of anything creeing and crawling over him. Raph growled slightly at the reminded as he turned his head to look away from them. Far from amused or willing to play into Casey teasing.
Till hot breath is set over the slit where his ear would be, Casey's tone was still thick with teasing but low as they tell Raph the only thing that's going to bite him in this bed was Casey. Another one of Raph annoyed growl come out of him as he knows the wording alone got his face to heat up allowing it to color his face in a nice faint blush. "Shut it. Thought ya were tried." Clearly never too tried to mess with his boyfriend though.
As if wanting to make his point, Raph notes the shift of Casey's head makes, shortly fallowed by the sharp sting of teeth against his skin. A staggered moan escapse him at the soothing pain, tough leathery skin meant Casey had to bite hard. As their teeth pressed in deeply against his neck. Soon followed by the feeling of lips against his skin as a warmth settles in on that spot Casey settled on Raphaels neck. The heat from Casey's mouth was made more intense with how their lips pressed in against the turtles skin. Making Raph crave more of that warmth thar Casey seemed to just have in bluck to spare. Slightly feeling their tongue drag over his skin sends shivers down Raph. Shudder in pleasure. Okay, maybe this part he didn't mind seeing how it led to a mouth on his neck. Letting his eyelids grow heavey as he let the pleasant feeling buzz over his mind. Low soft churr working out from the back of his throat.
The sound seeming to signel to Casey as sudden the grip on his neck looseness up. And that spot Casey has been occupying feels far colder than ever. Raph let's his eyes open partly. Doomed to face that stupid expression on Casey's face. Claiming some sort of win here over Raph from how smug that gorgeous face of his was wearing. Raph unable to help himself as his hand lifts up to idly tap his fingers to their cheek. Stupid instincts getting to him, Casey likely unaware what the touching was about as they teased Raph further. About seeing how he didn't need to worry about no bug bites now.
Hand falls and lands back on the bed, nit saying a word because yeah, he kind of forgot about all of that. His mind went blank and just focused on this dickhead instead. It was stupid that he knows that, but it's hard to be comfortable in bed when you feel like something crawling all over you. Nit that he had a chance to when once more teeth seem to press into his neck. A low hiss escaping his beak slowly turning into a pleasant humming of a churr.
"Startin' ta think pissin' me off is better than ya stupid enegry drinks." Raph retorts with clearly not against the attention he seems to be getting. Loving how he can feel Casey's mouth curve into a smirk, his hand lifts again as fingers find home in Casey's hair. Threading the digits into thick, long locks of blue. There was some tangling from knots that Raph started to comb free. Letting Casey bite his neck again as his head rolls back. Casey releases his neck again, and Raph looks at him as they lift thier head to look at him.
"Yeah yeah shut it." Raph simple states to prevent whatever remark Casey had working in his head.
Watching Casey shift over to lie down now. Reflex made Raph move to lie on his side near about chasing after Casey as he let an arm fall over their side. Fingers gripping the back of their usual red tank top. Curling in tk hold on to them. Head finding place to tuck under their chin a moment. Happy to ignore Casey's tease about them still being scared about bugs. As he settled in against them. Raphael's body felt like it was humming still, and yeah, there was some stiring in his shell, but he was far too tried to try to get some right now. The room is warm. Casey's blankets were soft under him, the low sound of the city working from outside with no other noise to drown it out. Filled the air. Along with the nice stead beating of Casey's heart.
This was nice, was the last coherent thought he recalled, even when Casey's low tone broke through the quite he's not even sure what theh are saying, just taking in the low vibration that worked out from Casey when they spoke. Raphael happily pressed in against Casey, who was surely going to hold this over his head for who knows how long. Worse, he would be insisting he did get bug bites on his neck later when he showed up for training the following morning.
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