#((he IS my MPN Arena mode character so-))
deisbookofdemons ยท 7 months
I'm aware...and I'm still not sure how to stop it or what happens if it's stopped.
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"And those that see or witness the machine usually end up going crazy." He showed a visual of Hank... and Smasher when he was the Disquieted One.
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"And we met face to face for the first time in a long time when he was like this."
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voltrixz ยท 2 years
*puts on fake mustache* hello voltrix uhh what's your favorite little sillies yknowalso whats your favorite games please put a long detailed list i will totally not do anything with this info
Hello random tumblr user with a fake mustache that isnt my good friend lime
However yes I will tell you about my favorite little sillies (which im guessing is favorite characters) and my favorite games all in a long detailed list
Ok for games its probably ( not ranked)
I've always heard of it and how good it is for like a good 2 years I'd say but never checked it out until like I'd say in the summer of this year. BEST CHOICE OF MY LIFE TBHHHH, its so so GOOD. So many of the characters are so memorable and honestly have rlly sad stories that made me so so so sad and AQUGHHHH theres so so so much of the story to analyze. I LOVE ANALYZING ITS STORY and the little like details of each character. For a game I put off due to the supposed difficulty and my non existent experience or skill with these type of games, I did not expect for me to enjoy that much. BECAUSE I DIED SOOOOOO MANY TIMES early game and even later on but I HAD to keep on coming back to play because the game is just so so so PRETTYYYYY, like aughhhh eye candy and as I mentioned before, the characters and story are really really awesome
MPN!!!! (Madness Combat:Project Nexus )
Honestly was really excited to play this game when i finally could but also feared I would give up since it isnt the usual type of game im used to and would probably find it difficult. (they had a tourist (easy) mode, cant believe they planned this just for me) EITHER WAY I FUCKIN LOVE MPN!!!!! However i think the interactions/dialouge for each character in this game is my fave part. DEIMOS' LINES ARE SO FUNNY (and fruity) AND I LOVE HANK'S DIALOUGE TOO, he's just a tiny bit silly but very insane. Also love how you can just move the mouse around and the characters will just spin in circles, its so silly, go gay boys go!!! ALSO!! love just in general every character's dialouge AND TRICKY'S LEVEL AUGHHHH, died a few times but ITS SO GOOOOOOODDDDDDD AUGHHHH, still need to finish the storymode (gave up on the last boss when I died on the last health bar) (my computer was about to explode either way (the got into hk and kinda forgot about it) HOWEVER I DO RLLLY RLLY want to get back into it, complete storymode and go through arena mode
Would I consider this a favorite game soley because of nostalgia and because it was my first actual pokemon game? Maybe. But did I have fun with it? YES Plus the game has Popplio (FAVE POKEMON EVER) also AUGHHH got so attached to my team in that game. Also I love the alola trio so much (Lillie, Hau and Gladio) and THE PROFESSER, he is so silly, shoutout to him and his wife for being the best bi4bi married couple ever, also heheh LOVE SOLGALEO SMMMM, its so cool. ALSO GUZMA, AUGHHHHH banger character. Rlly wish my 3ds worked so I could revisit the game tho :(
Thats all the favorite games for now (would add endacopia but I'll wait till the full game releases)
This is super obvious BUT AUDITOR AND PHOBOS
AUGHHHH LOVE THEM SO SO MUCH, love the both silly and really interesting trivia about them
The duality of Auditor canonically having a sweet "tooth" compared to how Krinkles sees Auditor as inferior to the rest of the employers since they level themselves down to the mortals in Nevada and picks fights with them
Along with the duality of Phobos having his size (around the height of a half MAG) because he's on a GOMAD diet (a lot of milk) and then his descent into insanity and how his egomaniac tendencies took over his sense of judgement
I just think they're really really cool and honestly REALLY REALLY interesting characters if you dig deep enough (and become morbidly fixated on them and understand them on different levels)
Other characters would be NOISEMASTER!!! (silly funky guy that is actually quite fucked up and rlly fuckin tragic when you think about it), another would be QUIRREL!!!!! (also rlly fuckin tragic but aughhhh geniuely such a kind and caring character love him) and uhhh SNIPER AND PYRO (THEY ARE LITERALLY ME FRRR)
Maybe have rambled a bit much but I sure hope you totally dont do anything with this info
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