#((i will be Concise i prommy))
unloneliest · 6 months
i've started working on a primer for my original story universe as a follow up to a conversation with @lesbiansidney (thank you for introducing the concept of memory altering magic to ostrela, ry) and so. for anyone interested in my original story universe. at some point this year there will be a like... introductory glossary. of information about the universe and characters. i am almost 2k words in!
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the-rogue-mockingjay · 3 months
Worst Part/Best Part of Ravi’s MSQ journey so far—GO!
We're making a sandwich out of this, we gonna start with aspects of MSQ that she likes, put all the MSQ shit she hates in the middle, and then we're gonna end with which sections of MSQ she enjoyed the most! :> Buckle up, friends, and let me spin you a bit of O'ravi's tale! 🥪☕
Best part of MSQ, as in "the aspects she likes the most": getting to meet such a huge variety of people, see all these incredible vistas, making a positive impact on people's lives, the friends she's made along the way, just- the incredible depths of love that she gets to experience. In some ways, it's her ultimate dream come true- she set out to become a minstrel, she wanted to see the heart of humanity, to learn of other cultures, she wanted to just...it's hard to put into words, but she wanted to live life to the fullest. To experience fully, to understand fully, it's sort of like- you know how Y'shtola's dream is to uncover the truths and secrets that lie at the heart of the world? O'ravi's dream is very very similar, except instead of being like, based on knowledge of the star, it's centered around people- their histories, their folklores and languages and songs, the love and loss and hope, the rage and sorrow and despair. O'ravi loves the star, but her truest love has always been people, not unlike Venat. And being the WoL is the only path that allows this dream to be reality.
Worst part of MSQ, as in "the aspects of it she doesn't like": she has a whole ass list and it is LONG. Really long, and it includes watching people die, people using her for their own political ends, having to put up with people she fucking hates, being everyone's Ace In The Hole, people making her play the kingmaker, people acting entitled to her time and energy (this is the biggest reason why she currently dislikes and distrusts Wuk Lamat T^T*), having to kill people literally constantly, the pain that all the fighting leaves her in and the toll it takes on her mind and body (she used to ignore it/not give a shit but she can't do that anymore)... Long story short, there is a Reason(TM) why she's a dark knight ldfkjghdkjgh, and she might be a paladin now but that doesn't mean she's hung up the greatsword. Far from it. (She has hung up Shattered Heart (formerly Zephirin's sword) though, much to Aymeric's relief fdklgjhdkgj. Not sure what sword is her main one now.)
*IT'S NOT REALLY WUK'S FAULT, O'RAVI IS JUST REALLY FUCKED UP AND HAS BEEN BURNT TOO MANY TIMES BEFORE 😭 I believe that she means well and is just overenthusiastic but O'ravi 100% does not, tbh she almost resents Wuk Lamat for sins that she hasn't even committed yet, just on account of the way she, like, approached O'ravi like the fact that she was gonna agree to help her was already a done deal and assumed the answer would be "sure let's go" without really even considering the possibility that she could - and had the right to - say no....
Worst part of MSQ, as in "time that sucked the most": base Endwalker and Stormblood (base + patches). Somehow those ended up being a lot worse and a lot harder than post-Vault Heavensward, because at least in Heavensward she had the support of her friends and the Fortemps, it was a conflict she had very personal stakes in and no one was forcing her to be there (unlike SB), and she had hope that she could save Estinien. Endwalker was just....a different can of worms which I'm putting under a cut in a bit.
Stormblood was bad because she absolutely did NOT want anything to do with that war and she didn't believe for a second that winning it was possible (Nidhogg and the Horde had reasons she could understand and she was still semi-naive and optimistic back then, but the Empire felt incomprehensible and unstoppable and she'd become extremely pessimistic by then). She just wanted to go back home to Ishgard and be left alone to grieve her friends. To sum up her biggest issue with Stormblood: Hien found it odd that she was dead silent most of the time, and he once asked for her thoughts about his plan to flood Doma Castle. Her answer amounted to "I don't have any thoughts because there's no point in thinking, it's not my job- I'm just here to be a good obedient weapon and kill whatever you tell me to. Why would I waste my time having an opinion on something when what I feel/think/need doesn't matter to anyone?"
Yeah it was really fucked up lfdkjgfdghldk. (For the record, I do like Stormblood, this is all just O'ravi's feelings about it, and they're extremely negative because it was the lowest point of her life by a landslide. She was overwhelmed by trauma and grief and it kind of broke her, she was afforded no time to process anything that happened before she was thrown into war as the Alliance's #1 Weapon. Her opinions are not my opinions, please don't come at me FKJGLHDKGJH)
Endwalker fucking sucked because uhh.....well. She held herself personally responsible for the Final Days. The rest of this is going under a cut!
It's kinda hard to get into details but between the time loop and the fact that she personally slew Zodiark, not only does she believe the blood of everyone who became blasphemies is on her hands, she also believes she doomed the Ancients - and Azem, personally - and sacrificed them on the altar to save her own people, her own timeline, her own life. She considers herself the root of all Final Days-related suffering and death both for the Ancients and for modern Etheirys, and the whole time she's practically praying that she'll be killed to end the Final Days. She believes that fate demands it- that all she is MUST die to redress the balance. If everyone else were to flee on the moon, she would be obligated to remain on Etheirys until the bitter end, because she caused this. She burned the world. All of it is her fault, she deserves to die, and there is no ending to this story in which she lives. For her to survive would be an affront to the gods, to fate, to the people she's wronged, to everyone that ever lived. She adamantly refuses to listen to anyone who says otherwise or any evidence to the contrary fgljkdhk.
I know in-game the narrative treats the concept of WoL becoming a blasphemy as kind of a joke because in what world would that ever happen lol, but uhhhh, it does almost happen to O'ravi after what I call her day from hell (the Final Days of Thavnair, where Ahewann dies and Matsya's friends are killed and he and his friends' baby almost turn to blasphemies, etc). She has a breakdown after the meeting with Shirabaht and the dignitaries, and it takes the combined efforts of Ardbert, Estinien, and probably Fray to stop her from turning. The guilt and self-loathing and sheer fucking stress from all that happening just turned into wholesale despair. It only happened that once, though.
The only reason Endwalker DOESN'T rank as being a worse time for her than Stormblood is, ironically, her unshakeable belief that she had to die at the end. Because dying at the end was her best shot at redemption and atonement, and the thought of being able to atone, even if only in part, became the hope she could hold onto. She wasn't sure if she could save Etheirys, but being able to give it her absolute all without the distraction of being worried about her survival was sort of a saving grace sdkjfhlkdjgh. Idk it's weird!!! It's a lot!!! It was a bad weird time!!!
Her other saving grace was whatever the fuck she had going on with Aymeric FKGJHDFLJGHD. That's a post for another day but the tl;dr of it is they had a sort of star-crossed lovers thing going, she threw caution to the wind and decided to kiss him and be open about how much she loved him despite the fact that they'd never get to be together the way they both wanted, they were sort of just making the most of the scraps of time they had because time was running out
Best part of MSQ, as in "time she enjoyed the most": ARR patches and the first round of ShB patches. The ARR patches were her highest point for a long time, she had everything she wanted, all the adventure and purpose and thrills she could ever want. It was also before grief shattered her and she was made to pick up the pieces, before most of her idealism and hope was ripped away from her. It wasn't perfect, though, much as she used to think it was.
The first round of ShB patches were for the most part such a joyful time? Norvrandt never for a moment took her for granted the way Eorzea does, and they don't idolize her to the point of dehumanizing her either. There's a sort of kinship that she has with the people of the First, because they've known such horrible loss and kept on living anyway, same as she has. It's more of an even playing field, as it were. She can breathe easier there. She was also sort of drunk on the joy of being reunited with G'raha and the fact they both survived; the very complicated feelings she had about Emet and Amaurot were sort of buried under that fdlkgjhdgjk. She loved helping people, and then getting to go home to the Source and reunite with the people she thought she'd never get to see again (Aymeric, the Fortemps, and her family most of all!), and so that all outweighed the problems of Elidibus's Weird Stupid Bullshit by a lot. Most of the second round of ShB patches were good too, but she was so emotionally fucked up by the Seat of Sacrifice (as well as her own insecurities getting really bad) that she couldn't enjoy those as much.
tysm to anyone who read all this, and tysm for asking this meg!!!! this is probably more than you bargained for FGKJLDHGJH but you asked a very good question!!!!!!
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zombified-queer · 4 months
1 20 and 40 for the ask meme!
1. Compliment your writing!
Bestie. Darling. Dear. Who is doing it like you in terms of Number Go Up and also the conciseness of everything you do. Please stop worrying that your fics aren't long enough when you're shotgunning seven of them on Ao3. I prommy they're as complete as they need to be.
20. What was the last thing you researched for a story?
Iirc I had to go fact-check myself for my Cecelia Burnham fic for Podcast Girl's Week 2024. I think I was looking up the room key number and name of the hotel, specifically.
40. Pick one of your fics and share a quote to go with it (not a quote from the fic, but an outside quote that fits)
La Diablerie Coterie gets two you you can understand The Vibes.
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-"The Hollow Men" by T.S. Elliot.
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-"A Smaller God" by Darling Violetta
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encursed · 2 years
at the snap of a string
w/ @amitieos​
      IT'S A SECLUDED ENOUGH CORNER THAT VERONICA thinks she's safe. Though crimson eyes flit from one side to the other, scanning the area for anyone who could possibly see her. She wouldn't want any witnesses here, after all. And passing glances can’t be trusted.
      Once she's finally certain that she's alone, she relaxes, and sets the violin she brought with her upon her shoulder. Veronica can play the instrument, but to say she knew how to make music was… being generous. Still, she's learned the importance of being a cultured leader. Relearning the violin would bring her closer to the artists of her homeland. Each callous on her finger was a connection to them; a witness to their work. As it stands, however, her playing is… atrocious. It's almost a blessing that she’s alone.
      But things are never that simple, are they? No. Fate likes her fun. Which is why when Veronica swirls on the balls of her feet, her skirt swirling as her bow sweeps downwards, her eyes are met not with the blur of her surroundings, but with that of a familiar Crimean princess'. Because things are never simple; because she always ought to be mocked!
      The imperial princess bites back a curse as the lowermost string of her violin snaps beneath the tension of her pinky. She lifts her head to the sky, as though to curse the gods for this moment, and groans. "Wonderful. This is simply wonderful."
      Her face aligns with Elincia’s, red and blossoming with frustrated humiliation. Veronica lowers her violin. So potent is her annoyance that she can't find the grace to stop her sarcastic snarl. "NO, PLEASE. CONTINUE TO BOTHER ME! BE ENTERTAINED BY MY SUFFERING!"
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sunnetrolls · 2 years
do you have any advice to someone who is new to / wants to have more of a presence in the fantroll community 👉👈 i think you and your friends are so cool and your characters are so interesting, but running a blog and interacting with people seems so intimidating?? if not its ok to just ignore this :0
Oh!!! Oh hi!!! Enrichment for sunne enrichment for sunne!!!!!!!!!
FIRST OFF !!!! It's really not as scary as it looks!!!! At least to me :imshy: Tumblr is really nice bc there's no recommended bullshit it's all people you follow so you can curate your dash to be like, just your fantroll friends or whatever else you wanna see yknow yknow.
Plus, I've been here for like yeaars not like YEAAAARS like. Chase or someone. But like a handful! I've been here for a little over 4 years hehehe. So like. It gets easier with time once you make a little spot for yourself and get into the swing of things, take ur time its ok we'll be here
Always remember your blog is for you and everyone else just looks at it sometimes though. Like you're not a ✨content creator✨ you're just having fun with your friends and anyone else who might click follow and peruse what you post. You don't owe anyone jack shit unless you wanna
To get into the swing of things if you're like New New here's some stuff you might wanna do/have:
- A select page!!! A place to see your ocs!!! Critical importance, if people can't find your characters it's hard to get invested
- A promo post!!! One concise post with important links, info about you, etc etc makes it really easy for us to find your blog!! And that way we can pass it around and all check your blog out :3
- A really good way to show off your characters is to respond to judgement memes!!! Plus the people who do them at least in my experience appreciate tons of responses, the more the merrier
We are almost certainly as scared of you if not more than you are of us. We all just have anxiety and draw that's IT
Except me. I'm powerful. I love talking to people so much it makes me so happy I'm always thrilled to talk to new people and potentially make new friends!!!!!! Sometimes we just don't vibe though and thats ok. Can't win them all :(
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING THIS AAAAAHHHHHHHH I still think of myself as one of the small blogs who doesn't get much attention even though I'm realizing that's becoming less and less true by the day............... I'm so flattered to be sent something like this like omg... Sunne know how do fantrolls???? Really???? You prommy?????
Jesus christ this got so long and it's probably barely coherent
Good luck anon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I care you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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marbleheavy · 3 years
literary/book opinions that i won’t negotiate on:
ya is not meant for adults. adults can read it but it is not a genre meant for you. i prommy there are adult/new adult books you’ll like if you tried to look.
poetry is meant to be read aloud! but some poetry is never meant to be read at all. (not in a “you suck!” way but in a “poetry is one of the purest expressions of self and sometimes that can’t ever be shared” way)
if you’re off put by the idea of diversifying the literary canon, you can quite literally eat my shorts about it (and adding atlas shrugged doesn’t fucking count as diversity)
if the only stories you value/read from marginalized groups are stories about trauma/oppression, you aren’t an inclusive/diverse reader.
if you don’t read nonfiction because you say you don’t like it, you’re bad at picking books.
concise ≠ simple
you should read. please just read. i genuinely do not care what you read as long as you read something. it can be fiction or nonfiction or poetry or graphic novels or newspapers or magazines or fanfiction but please just READ
translated literature will never be as good as the original text
if you say you don’t like poetry, you haven’t read enough poetry. seriously, tell me what you don’t like about it and i will find you a poem/poet you’ll like
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