#((so I felt like taking a short break from Vday and Wday stuff before I start the next bunch))
wild-untamed-heart · 5 years
A Place of Refuge
Kajika’s heart was racing rapidly in her chest as she slowly eased herself around the corner to check if the coast was clear before she made a quick dash to her next hiding spot. It was a tricky business escaping unseen when a whole household full of servants was on the look out for her but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t do her utmost to accomplish it.
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Her father was bringing rather... tiresome guests over this afternoon and she had absolutely no intention of sticking around long enough to meet them. The desperate calls of her name echoed though the mansion, the rushing sounds of many footsteps in accompaniment as her pursuers continued their hunt. She had been lucky thus far but her time was running out. They had already blocked the front and rear entrances and most likely her favoured climbing window as well which called for another avenue of escape.
But where...
Quickly diving behind a large ornate vase to avoid being seen by a passing manservant, Kajika took a moment to contemplate her options. A couple of doors down, she recalled there was a window that had a honeysuckle bush growing beneath it. It wasn’t an obvious choice for an escape route as there was no convenient tree to assist a climb down from the second floor but surely she should be fine if she hung off the windowsill and dropped into the bush?
It was worth trying anyway.
Silver eyes peeked cautiously over the rim of the vase and watched while two scullery maids consulted with each other on where to search next before they dashed off again. With the coast clear for the time being, the heiress seized the opportunity to dart into the room and make her way to the window. She had very little time to lose as someone could enter the room at any moment but she still tried to exercise as much patience as she could to open the window without making a noise.
Here we go...
Swinging her legs over the sill, she lowered and twisted herself to dangle down the side of the building before she let herself go. It was unavoidable that the bush would rustle upon her landing but at least it had cushioned her fall fairly decently, apart from the minor scratches and pin picks from sharp twigs. Kajika lay still a moment to determine if anyone had noticed her fall but when no servants or dogs came running she deemed her escape from the mansion successful. 
Now she just had to get off the estate grounds.
Laying low on the property was certainly not an option since the dogs could easily sniff her out but neither could she retreat to any of her usual haunts. It was a real conundrum but once again she had little time at her disposal.
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Think... think... where could I- oh, I know...
Sometime later found her quietly easing the door of Ponsol’s greenhouse shut and she breathed a sigh of relief as she finally felt the tension that had arisen upon hearing of the impending visit dissipate. She was safe at last. No one would think to look for her here and even if they did, the heiress was certain her friend’s widely known nature would scare them from inquiring about her whereabouts. 
Not that he’d be able to tell them since she hadn’t exactly asked permission...
One part of it could be chalked up to her want for discretion, a place to seek refuge where no one would find her but to some degree she also didn’t want to trouble Ponsol with her petty matters. He had enough work on his plate and was sure to be too busy to keep her company at such short notice anyway. She also didn’t want him to feel obliged to return her... Kajika herself couldn’t care less about the fuss and ceremony of the upper classes but she knew that it was important to him, he wouldn’t bother with it otherwise. She didn’t want to put him in a tight spot so she would merely quietly hide out here for a time before returning home, no one any the wiser.
Stepping deeper into the greenhouse, Kajika felt a soft smile overtake her as she took in the timeless beauty that astounded her every time she came to visit. Ponsol took such wonderful care of his plants that they truly were a feast for the eyes. The floral plantlike smell permeating the air was just as much a treat for the senses.
Strolling along among the plants she decided to pay a quick visit to the specimens she had previously gifted him, grinning in delight at their health and vibrancy. She continued her wandering. After some time, the heiress stumbled across some vegetation that reminded of that found on the Island of Giviolle and unexpectedly feelings of homesickness overtook her.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen my island...
Kajika was never one to mind sitting on the floor and she lowered herself with ease to lean against a nearby tree. Allowing her eyelids to flutter closed, she imagined herself back on the island surrounded by all that was familiar and the smell of the plants around her only aided in the illusion. 
Then, she slipped off to sleep.
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