#(*by a lot i basically mean: stiles + derek + sheriff + lydia lol)
thebigoblin · 3 years
For your ask - 2, 7, 8 :)
Hi!! Thanks for the ask ❤ and I'm already sorry for the excessive rambling about to do 😂
2. Agreements - this one is a crossover between Spn and Teen Wolf. Sterek, Destiel, and a hell of a lot of other ships. Have had this idea for a year, but idk if I’ll ever write it soon. Or ever. Idk. But I have it all outlined, 14 chapters and all, in my notebook. 
So let's get the basic down for this one: ABO, Royalty, Ensemble Cast. Like really. I tried to fit as many characters as possible—from both Supernatural and Teen Wolf. It was hard, but I did it!! I think I did a good job too 😂
I tried finding the notebook I wrote the whole outline in but uhhhh I didn't find it, so I'll have to recount everything from my very bad memory. I hadn't thought of this idea in so long actually lmao, I literally just saw the doc and went: "Ohhhhhhhh."
Anyways. The idea is this: There's unrest in the Kingdoms, like it originates from the Hale Kingdom—Triskelle—and flows around to Arch (Archangels + Angels aka the Novak fam's Kingdom), Lawrence (Winchesters + Stilinski's; Winchesters are Royal Fam while the Stilinski's are important members of the council) and a few others. I told you I tried to have many characters as possible, okay, I have made many Kingdoms 😂
See, this unrest is because of the War looming over them all that has been going on for years, and obviously the Argent's Kingdom is the initiator of the war. The sudden increase in tension is because the Hales' Palace burns down to the ground. Wonder how that happened. And also John Winchesters dies in the battle, because yes lmao. But that's bad for Lawrence, they're small and they're dwindling down in numbers very fast. Cue Mary agreeing to marry herself off in a bid for power to Crowley—Dean tries to take her place because he's also an Omega, but that doesn't happen. Mary had already once married for the sake of the people, she can do it again if it means that her children can find the love that she couldn't.
That's the main theme for the fic: forging alliances through marriage. It's all very "for my [kingdom]" but they all find love along the way. Well, mostly. There's also death... but that's uhhh a controversial character anyways.
Okay, so, Arch is the most powerful kingdom, right, and the remaining Hales—Derek, Peter, Cora, Malia + Lydia—set off for there. Coincidentally, Derek and Stiles + Charlie and Adam (Dean and Stiles and Adam are Omegas, so Charlie (Dean's twin, and the eldest Winchester sibling) goes as the "protector" just to appease John Stilinski (these kids can't keep secrets smh)) are also going to Arch, and they all meet.
They're vary of each other, of course. Charlie and Lydia (endgame) passive-aggressively flirt; Derek's "involvement" in the fire comes out after it comes out who they are; Derek and Stiles befriend each other while Dean activates his older sibling mode and glares at Derek all the while. The others are just along for the ride lmao. Then for some reason they split; can't remember why exactly, but then Peter and Malia meet Chris and Allison (past Petopher was a thing), and tension just keeps on building as new apparent secrets comes out to the readers.
It's all Very Soap Opera Type, actually. But in the end everyone is happy and the Bad Argents are dead and ohmigod I love this idea so much but I don't wanna butcher what little I remember of it so I'll just end here lol. But yeah, this includes possibly every trope ever and it's kinda like all over the place? But whatever I seriously love this idea and now I wanna write this someday 😭
7. Prompt: Stiles & Derek leave BH after Monroe stuff
Okay this one is easier!! Thank God lol.
@deepestbelieverstranger sent me the prompt, and so far I've written very little for this, but rest assured Monroe is dead (thank you Lydia) and the Sheriff is sending Derek and Stiles out of BH before he follows them. Lydia and Jordan might come too.
It's basically Sterek realizing about their feelings and working through their traumas and building a quiet life together.
8. Prompt: 5 + 1 Fic - 5 times Derek showed he loves Stiles and 1 time Stiles showed that he loves Derek
This one is for @raisesomehale!! She asked for a 5 + 1 Fic and this idea has been in my head for some time now.
1. Derek notices Stiles' absence from the Pack
2. Derek brings lunch to Stiles at work
3. Derek lets Stiles snap at him
4. Derek forgives Stiles (with some sass)
5. Derek tells Stiles not to come to fight the MOTW
+ 1. Stiles takes a bullet near his heart that was meant for Derek. (cue love confession scene)
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ok but your thoughts on a sterek prompt where derek wakes up frim an injury and asks about stiles bc he was hurt too but everyones just like who tf is stiles? obviously some witch mojo or dryad but imagine the hurt and confusion oop
So a situation where everyone forgets Stiles except for Derek? Because isn’t that the Ghost Riders (or whatever they’re called) story we all deserved? I never got that far but basically as far as I know everyone forgets Stiles exists and then people remember him because someone remembers him? Idk, Lydia or Scott or his dad? Idk |D lol
But that aside, dude. Anon. Yes. This would be amazing. Because Derek would be adamant that Stiles exists and go INSANE trying to fix it because like, no no no. It’s Stiles. He must be real. And he MUST come back. But like, everyone else would think he’d lost it, and THE SHERIFF WOULD BE SO BAD because (again, didn’t see the season where Stiles didn’t exist but I imagine:) I feel like the sheriff really only pulled himself together after Claudia because he had Stiles, but if there is no Stiles... then maybe sheriff drinks a lot? And like, is an angry, drunk deputy who hates everyone and everything and doesn’t take his job seriously because what’s the point? (Angst? Me? Never >) ahuehue)
I feel like I’m kind of mixing in Stiles NEVER existed with he doesn’t exist ANYMORE but I mean, basically if you’re saying “who is Stiles?” then you’re saying he was erased like he never existed. Man, that’d be fun. Derek dreams about him and Stiles is just like “DEREK PLEASE DON’T FORGET ME OMG HELP ME!” and MORE ANGST because angst is my jam ._.
Anon this was a fun ride for my brain, so much of the angst, all of the yes.
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thisgirlsays22 · 4 years
QuaranTeen Wolf Viewing: S1 EP8 Part 1
Stiles gets Scott drunk to help soothe his pain over the break up with Allison. Stiles’s voice cracks adorably while he is wasted, it is precious. 
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This is all very cute, but it seems like another drawback of being a werewolf is that either you can’t get drunk or it’s a lot harder to get drunk. Scott soberly broods. 
Stiles talks about Lydia and also about being alone, BUT THEN BULLIES ARRIVE ON THE SCENE!
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Harsh. But I like that this continues the theme of dangerous human villains being marked by their hats. Recall that the rando who beat Scott up (when he believed Scott had keyed his car) was wearing a flat cap. 
The bullies steal the booze! But then Scott flashes his were eyes, gets the bottle back...and then throws it against a tree. We scene jump to Scott and Stiles heading to their car, so I guess the confrontation ended peacefully after the alcohol was destroyed.
But wait a minute. We return to the bullies who are still roaming the woods, looking for other victims to bully! When the Alpha shows up and straight up throws one of them into a fire!! And murders the other one offscreen I think??
If anyone dares to try to pin this on Derek too so help me god...
Scott wakes up later in the week. His radio tells us that school has been closed for two days and that the police are looking for Derek. 
Scott’s mom comes in and continues to be very likable and offer support to her sad son. Scott rebuffs her. 
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Scott :( 
Chris & Kate Argent drive Allison to school. Chris is being overprotective and basically not letting Allison out of the car until Kate intervenes. 
I have to say I’m impressed by the way Kate and Chris are being portrayed as characters. I’m so so wary of both of them but then also the fam interactions can be really fun. The writing here feels a bit more organic than with some of the other threads going on. Like hey these people are horrifying menaces to our main characters but also they are a family with real desires and cares in this world. Yay for some nuance!
Kate tries to say something to Chris and he babbles defensively about how Kate was right, they should have acted sooner, he put Allison in danger. Kate’s like, “I was just gonna say u need gas.” 
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Argent comedy hour over here. 
Allison and Lydia chat and let the audience know that no one knows they were the ones at the school the other night. Allison is concerned she made the wrong choice breaking up with Scott, but Lydia points out that he locked them in a classroom and left them for dead. “He’s lucky we’re not pressing charges or making him pay for our therapy bill.” LOL. 
Sheriff is also at the school, and Stiles asks him if they’ve found Derek yet. He warns his father to be extra careful (bc of the full moon), and his father assures him that he’s brought in the big guns in the form of a state detective. 
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Well, I for one feel safer already.  
Scott/Stiles/Allison all take a test. Scott can’t concentrate bc of his Allison angst + werewolf senses going into overdrive (presumably intensified as the full moon approaches. Good detail!)
Scott flees the classroom. Stiles goes after him immediately, test be damned! That is friendship, y’all. 
He finds Scott in the boy’s locker room (the favorite set location by far) having a sexy breakdown. I’m not complaining that we have had a lot of shirtless Scott this ep, but it feels bittersweet given the circumstances.
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Scott tells Stiles he can’t breathe, so Stiles roots around in Scott’s backpack for his inhaler. I find it charming / a really good detail that Scott is still carrying his inhaler. He’s not fully confident about his new powers and not fully accepting of the changes IN HIS LIFE AND BODY. And I love that Stiles knows exactly where the inhaler is. And that Stiles is like ‘hey actually you’re having a panic attack, but I distracted you by making you think it was an asthma attack!’ and he talks about how he had panic attacks after his mom died. My heart.
Stiles suggests that the heightened senses / reactions / panic attack are because of the full moon. Scott says that they need to do more during the full moon than just lock him in his room because if they don’t he might kill someone!
In the next scene, there is some sort of big hunter meeting going on AND STATE DETECTIVE IS THERE!!! 
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They talk about whether or not Allison will be a target and how they have to protect lives during the full moon. 
Chris explains, “An Alpha is like any other werewolf on a full moon. It struggles under its sway, which means tonight is our best chance to catch it—when it’s unfocused.” 
They discuss that it’s unlikely Derek will show up tonight. Allison’s mom enters the room with cookies and says they should cut Derek in half if they see him. She then offers cookies. EEEK!
Jackson finds Allison eating lunch and...wipes food off her lips and then eats the food...I know he’s trying to be sexy, but yuck! Instead of fleeing in horror, Allison thanks him. 
Jackson’s neck continues to bother him. In my haste to worry about Scott, I forgot to worry about how Jackson would be handling the full moon.  
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Scott is eavesdropping outside the cafeteria as Jackson tells Allison she did the right thing dumping Scott/that he got what he deserved. Scott cracks a wall with his head!?!?!
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We then switch to a comedic scene in the locker room (again, the fav set piece) where, thanks to a pink eye outbreak, there are some new folks on first line. Stiles is overjoyed to find he is one of the lucky guys!
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Scott is made co captain with Jackson, much to Jackson’s chagrin. 
Danny, the voice of reason, tells Jackson that it doesn’t matter who the captain of the team is. He tells Jackson to get a grip. Danny is great, can we get more of him?? 
Stiles and Scott discuss this dramatic turn of events, and Scott reveals he can smell jealousy. Stiles is like CAN YOU ALSO SMELL DESIRE? The answers to these questions are crucial because they could potentially form the basis to an enormous number of fics. 
Stiles asks Scott to go talk to Lydia about him and see if he can smell desire from her. 
In a strange turn of events, Scott takes Lydia into a private classroom and asks if Allison is still into him. Lydia says that Allison will always like him as a friend, but that Lydia knows Allison made a huge mistake. Scott was protecting them, and Lydia is into that...so she starts making out with Scott?? This has to be connected to the way Jackson has been acting with Allison, right?? Or can Lydia smell that new Lacrosse Captain smell on Scott?? Is she somehow also being affected by the full moon? 
Scott makes this face at Lydia: 
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bhadpodcast · 5 years
So I’m not really sure you should post this because I’m gonna name the title and author of the fic but I’m just a little confused by this fic so here goes:
[redacted by request]
This was like Schrödingers Scott stan for me?
Ok so the first pairing in the tags is Stiles/Derek but then there is the “slow burn Sceo” tag and I’m like Sceo? but ok. It’s a re-write of season 6B, so all other seasons should apply (I’ll come back to that one).
So the fic starts with Siles and Derek already a couple (which has become like a little red flag for me? Now domestic fluff is great, I love that stuff. But lately a lot of not-really-Sterek fics have used that. Tag the fic Sterek, Sterek is already a couple, couple X/Y is the acutal main story) and Stiles is training with Deaton to be Dereks emissary (Derek is an alpha, either again or still). Stiles and Derek don’t really turst Deaton so they bring in an emissary from a different pack to help Stiles. So far standard fare.
This guy comes in and has practically a villain sign flashing over his head. Not only that but in his first interaction with Deaton he basically says “I’m the villain of this fic”.
Then Stiles sees Scott killing his dad and (the fic kinda lets it open ended, at first, if it really was Scott being controlled or something that looked like Scott) goes “I’m gonna use ALL my power to kill Scott” *record scratch* wait what? and Derek goes “whatever you say, honey” *eyebrow raise* ..ok?
So then Scott gas to go on the run from the Hale pack (which includes Lydia, yay, and Malia, ugh) with only the help of Deaton, Liam, Corey (who? lol), Mason and Theo. And I admit, this is the part where I started skipping. I basically only read the Sterek parts of the chapters (or the “not Scott” parts) which became less and less, so my knowledge of the fic gets kinda wonky.
Stiles gets more and more corrupted by evil!emissary (he had some funky name like Moody, Modhi, Moudi? idk, evil!emissary it is) and Derek is an alpha that goes “I don’t know what to do, lets just make my boo happy, I guess”. Evil!emissary and Peter kill Satomi and Derek just grumbles about it.
And this fic could’ve still been something if the author had made them villains. Like a dark!fic where Stiles and Derek hunt down Scott could’ve been interesting! but no.
I don’t remember which came first but Derek meets up with Scott and goes “I know evil!emissary is evil but I’m worried about Stiles, so could you plan something while I keep Stiles save?” and Theo arranges a meeting between Stiles and Scott and Stiles like “I know it seems ooc for you to kill my dad (and ooc for me to not have *any* questions, like at all) and that evil!emissary is evil but I will observe evil!emissary while you make a plan ok?”
I skipped a lot and still wasn’t complety sure if the author was a Scott stan. Stiles and Derek were dumb but not the villains?
Then it gets weird (I know, I *know* now? wait for it). The “ghost” of the Sheriff shows up and Stiles meets with him. The “Sheriff” informs Stiles of a spell that could proove that Scott is guilty and avenge the “Sheriff” (Stiles of course doesn’t question any of it because he knows that’s not how his dad sounds so why question it).
Derek tries to stop Stiles but is too late. Stiles does the spell, sees Scott didn’t kill the Sheriff (wow, what a twist, I’m shocked) but also turns Scott into a beta til the next full moon.
Then evil!emissary reveals that he was evil (dun dun dun!) and in a really surprising twist that the mute apprentince he had was actually a hexed Cora in disguise that he had turned into a alpha and manipulated the pack bonds to make Derek obsolete and him in control of the new Hale alpha (this fic could’ve been good! dammit).
Then he orders Stiles to kill Derek and Lydia and Stiles has no control over his body because he let evil!emissary manipulate him for 15 chapters. Now normally I would go “Dereks not really dead” but with this fic? I really didn’t know but I also was 2 chapters to the end and still not sure if this was a Scott stan, a twisted Sterek or a new!pack fan including Sterek for the hits.
Evil!emissary and Deaton have a showdown (btw before the showdown the fic “earns” it rating by having Liam/Brett and Scott/Theo bone) while Scott inacts his plan (since I skipped, idk if this plan was told or not).
Derek and Lydia are not dead (ha!), Deaton helps Stiles free himself from evil!emissarys control, the “Sheriff” is a vampire called Ennis, Scott and his pack subdue the other wolfes and evil!emissary dies (and meets up with a guy in the afterlife? apparently I skipped a tragic backstory, oops).
Stiles profusely appologizes to Scott and Scott gracefully accepts while remebering the Nogitsune (which brings to my other peeve, the *whole* fic when it comes to Stiles/Scott conflict they only mention the Nogitsune but not *Donovan*! Theo it there and they mention the Dread Doctors so season 5 must’ve happened but no Donovan?!).
The remaining alphas (Deucalion is there, I didn’t mention him because he does as much as he did in the real season 6B, and Brett became an alpha somewhere?) decide to have a peace summit and Scott gets to hold it because he’s the best.
The end
From chapter to chapter I was unsure. Is this a Scott stan? Ok this is pro Scott but is it anti Stiles? Why is there Sterek? Why even use it if not going full dark!pack?
Sorry for giving you this wall of text. Hopefully you found it even parts amusing. I don’t think you’ll read this fic but if you are: this isn’t written badly but here there be epithets, you’ll get a lot (a lot!) of the wolf/the older one/the dark haired one etc.
Thanks for letting me vent *kiss*
SK: Actually, I looooove this!  I could have warned you about EK though.
He pretends to be neutral and basically think sterek are hot and dumb. So he tolerates them, but can’t stand the attention they get over Scott. He’ll swear up and down he’s unbiased, but as you can see in this fic…. lol. 
A Good Guide for recognizing Scott stan nonsense in Sterek fics:
1) Scott is paired with someone who has a bigger following with Stiles (usually Theo, sometimes Liam and Peter). 
2) Established Sterek so they can throw it in the background
3) Stiles is extremely black and white. No middle ground, he wants to kill evrything, he’s recklessly impulsive, he acts like he suddenly hates Scott
4) Maliuggh is in the Hale pack
5)  Deaton is good and never questioned or he is and there’s an undertinge of racism
6) Everything *happens* to Scott, he never is the producer of action towards him
7) All the commenters are from the Teen Wolf Legacy discord
Again, they can have that fic, I’m not against it. I don’t even mind them tagging Sterek. Just as long as they know they’re not fooling anyone. *shrugs*
The main thing that bothers me is that without the pettiness there is a good and interesting story in there. I saw someone ask about the lack of communication and the reasoning EK gave for Stiles not questioning are the same that they try to give to Scott when he messes up. 
In a regular fan, you can hand wave this, but what they’re doing is creating a dynamic where we forgive Stiles for his actions and then when we rag on Scott they can point to it and be like “See? You’re racist! It was ok when Stiles did it, context doesn’t matter!”
That obvious lack of transparency is what makes it so you can’t enjoy a simple fic. Like is it worth their time to write 93k of petty fic? 
Maybe, but that doesn’t mean I have to read it. It’s even harder when it’s a WIP. Once I see the story going south I’m like PAUSE and wait until it’s done. 
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*this will probably be a multi-part ask* I had a thought last night & I'm curious what your answer would be. If something like tiktok was big in tw which person do you think would either be popular on it, or most likely to be popular? I know irl Colton Haynes is active on it (I haven't checked to see if any of the other cast are), but like out of the fictional characters, who do you think? I kinda like the idea of Peter being one and the rest of the pack are confused because like (1/3?)
'How does peter f-ing hale have that many followers' and like, nobody knows how it happened. But I'm not sure who else. Like just because somebody is popular in school that doesn't guarantee they'd be a popular tiktoker. Idk I mean I like the idea of Stiles being good at it bc he's just a personable guy, but I'm not sure how that would play out. I've just got a lot of ideas pinging around my head for this. Like maybe Jackson tries to get Danny to hack him in followers or something? (2/3)
Anyway, thoughts? (Sorry if this seemed rambly). (Also, I'm not sure if the camera glare eye thing would be an issue or not, since I think it's only triggered by flash, so I don't think it'd be an issue, but like 🤷). (3/3. I forgot to tag the last ask I sent as 2/3, so sorry about that).
Okay, I am going to say something people will judge me for, but I don’t really use/watch TikTok >.> NOT BECAUSE I DON’T LIKE IT! More because I don’t actually use that much social media in general, and I feel like if I had a TikTok, or watched it, I would... never write. Like, YouTube is bad enough for clicking on video after video after video for me, so TikTok would probably be worse. 
That being said, I mean, I know what it IS for the most part (it’s basically a weird version of Vine, right? >.>) So with that in mind, agreed that Peter would 100% be the most popular. And not because he’s good at it, but because people love weird shit or people getting hurt doing stupid things, and Peter is surrounded by idiots. Like, he’d be the kind of guy to say, “How long can I make Isaac try and pick up this quarter I glued to the ground?” and then proceed to tell Isaac something like, if he can get the quarter off the ground he’ll, idek, leave him alone forever, and Isaac would 100% be like “FUCK YES!” and proceed to spend hours trying to pry the thing off the ground while Peter’s recording from the shadows. 
And like, just be a fucking DICK (as usual) and record the most obnoxious things ever. People are making out? He’ll record it and then like, blow an air horn in the Werewolf’s ear and think it’s hilarious. IDK, this is probably too juvenile for Peter, but like, he would 100% be the bane of their existence for all of eternity. No one let Peter get TikTok. 
I don’t know if this works as well on TikTok or if I’m channeling too much YouTube, but I actually think the next most popular would be Lydia. She’s smart and has a dry wit (and is gorgeous so, YOU KNOW...) and I feel like she’d gain a pretty good following. Snappy comebacks, yas.
And next would be Erica and Stiles, but like, as a set/unit. Because if dumb shit is going down, they are the two my brain comes up with for said dumb shit and they would be the ones daring each other to eat ten ghost peppers in twenty seconds without dying (please don’t actually do this, pretty sure you WOULD die...) or like, streaking through the police station (with a closeup of the sheriff just burying his face in his hands and wondering what he did to deserve this). 
Though I also want to say I feel like Derek would be unintentionally popular too. He wouldn’t have his own TikTok (he’s Derek, he doesn’t have time for TikTok, with all that brooding he does pfft) but I feel like he’d show up on the pack TikToks a lot and just be like, unintentionally funny about things. Like, someone would show him a meme and he won’t get it and say something completely logical and the internet would just LOSE IT because how does this guy not know that meme and how does he react so CALMLY?! 
“Then perish O_O”  “What about Parrish?” -pack loses its collective mind- 
Anyway... That was fun lol Thanks for this XD Hopefully you had fun, entertaining TikTok ideas in your head starring our favourite group of misfits XD 
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