#(AME) in Aurangabad
nikhilamecet · 6 months
Looking for the Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME) colleges in Aurangabad for building your career as AME in the fastest growing aviation industry. Complete details are here about the AME Admission, course, scope, fees structure, stream, etc. Top AME Colleges in Aurangabad The top Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Colleges in Aurangabad provide well-trained faculties, excellent infrastructure, placement, well-equipped labs, and workshops, etc. Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Government of India approves the Institutes of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering. Aircraft Maintenance Engineering colleges in Aurangabad provides a friendly environment for the student so that they can explore their talent themselves.
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arapuroy23-blog · 4 months
```"INDIA IS GREAT"...... Apart from though I was/am ever grateful to my PARENTS(@MOM+DAD),before/after my "GRADUATION" (Bachelor of Architecture)..... Attn!... Ladies&Gentlemen.... Boys&Girls..... Back to my year 96s-97s(in the year 1996-97),while after I just appeared at my Final Semester, SEMESTER NO-10(B.Arch),from my College Campus Address in "AURANGABAD" District, Maharashtra State(IND), Moved to Mumbai, without asking my "MOM" & my Real SISTERS.......it was at that time, quietly interesting/thrilling/expedition to me, first time, while at night boarded in a luxury bus, arrived at peak_very morning hrs at MUMBAI CENTRAL BUS DEPOT/might be "VICTORIA TERMINUS" (VT) Bus Depot.... OK... then came to "CHURCH GATE" LOCAL SUB URBAN WESTERN RLY STATION.... though at that time, both "WESTERN" /"CENTRAL" / "HARBOUR" local lines of "MUMBAI" I visited..... #@@KUCH LAMHE, KUCH YANDEIN..... I am grateful TO Mr "NAIR" UNCLE, Caretaker of Lodge, Mrs KUTTI,landlord of Lodge, who gave me shelter to stay over for maintaining my Architectural JOB/EMPLOYMENT at her Lodge/GUEST HOUSE at that time(1996-97), i am grateful to my Senior fellows, esp GUJARATI GENTLEMAN, Mr "JEETENDER" UNCLE, Mr "FERNANDES" UNCLE(South Indian Gentleman),Mr "Mohan MUDLIYAR" my Senior fellow, Mr MUSTAFA Bhai, Bidyut bhai(Mr BIDYUT SARKAR, a fellow from KOLKATA) & etc.... at that time, complete ADDRESS of that LODGE/GUEST HOUSE, while I used to did correspond to my MOM&SISTERS,as follows: "GREEN COTTAGE" /preferably "RAM VILAS LODGING", AT "CHATTRAPATI SHIVAJI MAHARAJ ROAD", VAKOLA BRIDGE, SANTACRUZ(EAST), MUMBAI-55, MAHARASHTRA STATE(IND)..... <<< any kind of feedback/Calling, without any hesitation Please Contact me, M:+91-9089149107/ 9402156929.... or mail me, [email protected] [email protected] <<<FOUNDER, "CEO"(CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER) & ARCHITECT, on behalf of "ARCH DESIGNING STUDIO" (IND), GSTIN:16AYSPR1667C1Z3........."THANK YOU"....```
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nuinindia2023 · 1 year
Day 7
July 15th, 2023
Hello from Aurangabad! My name is Scott, and I’m excited to give you all a glimpse into what has been (in my opinion) one of the best days of our trip so far! After hearing so many good things about the Ajanta Caves (a World Heritage Site) and the village visit we’d be going on today, we were all excited to hop onto the bus to go, even if it was at 7:30 AM! On our way to our first stop, the Ajanta Caves, we got to meet with and hear a bit from our amazing guide, Amod. For the rest of the 2+ hour drive, some of us took the opportunity to catch up on some sleep, while others worked on some assignments and took in the scenery!
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After a bumpy (but fun) ride, we were given a celebrity’s welcome to the Ajanta Caves! Dozens of shopkeepers spotted us from our bus and gathered around, trying to sell us trinkets like Buddha statues and magnets. After our time in the limelight, we were all ready to explore our first stop!
The Ajanta Caves were like nothing I’d ever seen before. As our guide explained, the dozens of caves were actually monoliths carved out of the hills around the site many centuries ago. We all enjoyed learning more about Buddhism and seeing the intricate carvings and paintings throughout the site.
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Once our guide had finished walking us through many of the caves and explaining their contexts, meanings, and significance, we set off for some free-time adventures around the site. Some of us took the opportunity to try some fresh pineapple treats, while others (including me) speed-hiked to the top of a hill we saw nearby, where we were able to see a pagoda and waterfall! Even though it started pouring on us as soon as we got to the top, we all still had a great time.
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After grabbing a quick lunch, we headed off toward the village of Paal! A little while (and one impromptu roadside goat-adjacent bathroom break) later, we arrived at our destination! This visit may have been one of the craziest experiences of my entire life. When we arrived at the village temple, there were only a few people around who began speaking with our group, but after a while, dozens of adults and children gathered around to see the new arrivals. We had the opportunity to hear from village leaders about aspects of local life such as governance and religion, enter the local temple, hear some children practice their English, watch monkeys jump around (and throw coconuts at some of us), and be photographed by and with locals so many times. A journalist even showed up and began recording us on his phone! Walking (or in some cases motorcycling) back to our bus, we interacted with the local residents even more and cherished the opportunity to see life from their perspectives for a short period of time. Needless to say, we all enjoyed the experience and were a bit sad to be leaving so soon.
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Later in the evening, we arrived back at the Lemon Tree and went our separate ways. Some of us grabbed dinner at the hotel restaurant, while others ordered food, napped, and continued our classwork. We are all a bit tired, but are very happy to have had such a nice day and excited to see what’s in store for our last day in Aurangabad tomorrow!
Good night from India!
- Scott Rappaport
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airnews-arngbad · 24 days
Regional Marathi Text Bulletin, Aurangabad
Date – 01 September 2024
Time 7.10 AM to 7.25 AM
Language Marathi
आकाशवाणी औरंगाबाद
प्रादेशिक बातम्या
दिनांक ०१ सप्टेंबर २०२४ सकाळी ७.१० मि.
महिलांच्या सुरक्षेसाठीचे कायदे आणखी सक्रीय करण्याची गरज पंतप्रधानांकडून व्यक्त
मुख्यमंत्री माझी लाडकी बहीण योजनेच्या निधी वितरणाच्या दुसऱ्या टप्प्याला प्रारंभ
छत्रपती संभाजीनगरला मुबलक पेयजल पुरवठा केला जाईल - गृहनिर्माण मंत्री अतुल सावे यांची ग्वाही
जालना जिल्हा सामान्य रुग्णालयात राष्ट्रीय पोषक आहार सप्ताहाचं उद्घाटन  
पॅरिस पॅरालिम्पिक स्पर्धेत भारतीय खेळाडूंची आगेकूच कायम, नेमबाज रुबिना फ्रान्सिसनं जिंकलं कांस्य पदक
महिलांच्या सुरक्षेसाठीचे कायदे आणखी सक्रीय करण्याची गरज, पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांनी व्यक्त केली आहे. काल नवी दिल्लीत जिल्हास्तरीय न्यायपालिकेच्या दोन दिवसांच्या राष्ट्रीय परिषदेचं उद्घाटन पंतप्रधानांच्या हस्ते झालं, त्यावेळी ते बोलत होते. सर्वोच्च न्यायालयाच्या अमृत महोत्सवी वर्धापनदिनानिमित्त आयोजित या परिषदेत, एका नाण्याचं तसंच टपाल तिकिटाचंही अनावरण करण्यात आलं. सर्वोच्च न्यायालयाचा ७५ वर्षांचा प्रवास लोकशाहीची जननी म्हणून भारताचा गौरव वृद्धिंगत करतो, असे गौरवोद्गार पंतप्रधानांनी काढले. सरन्यायाधीश न्यायमूर्ती धनंजय चंद्रचूड यांनी आपल्या संबोधनात, या परिषदेमुळे जिल्हास्तरीय न्यायपालिका आणि इतरांमध्ये संवादाला वाव मिळेल, असं मत व्यक्त केलं. केंद्रीय कायदा आणि न्याय मंत्री अर्जुनराम मेघवाल यांनी, ई-न्यायालय उपक्रमाच्या तिसऱ्या टप्प्यात अत्याधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानासाठी सात हजार २०० कोटी रुपये निधी उपलब्ध करून दिल्याची माहिती दिली. या परिषदेचा आज समारोप होत आहे.
मुख्यमंत्री माझी लाडकी बहीण योजनेच्या निधी वितरणाच्या दुसऱ्या टप्प्याला काल नागपूर इथून मुख्यमंत्री एकनाथ शिंदे यांच्या उपस्थितीत प्रारंभ झाला. केंद्रीय रस्ते आणि महामार्ग मंत्री नितीन गडकरी, उपमुख्यमंत्री देवेंद्र फडणवीस, उपमुख्यमंत्री अजित पवार, महिला आणि बालविकास मंत्री आदिती तटकरे यांच्यासह अनेक मान्यवर यावेळी उपस्थित होते. या योजनेत लाभार्थी बहिणींची संख्या एक कोटी साठ लाखापर्यंत पोहोचली असून, ही संख्या अडीच कोटी पर्यंत पोहोचण्याची शक्यता आहे, ही संख्या तीन कोटीपर्यंत पोहोचली तरी बहिणींना मदत देण्यासाठी त्यांचे भाऊ सक्षम असल्याचं, मुख्यमंत्र्यांनी सांगितलं. या योजनेच्या पहिल्या टप्प्यात एक कोटी सात लाख बहिणींच्या बँक खात्यात तीन हजार २२५ कोटी रुपये तर दुसऱ्या टप्प्यात ५२ लाख लाभार्थी बहिणींच्या बँक खात्यात एक हजार ५६२ कोटी रुपये जमा करण्यात आल्याची माहितीही त्यांनी दिली.
द्राक्षापासून तयार होणाऱ्या बेदाण्याचा कृषीमालाच्या यादीत समावेशाबाबत सकारात्मक निर्णय घेण्यात येईल, असं उपमुख्यमंत्री तथा अर्थमंत्री अजित पवार यांनी म्हटलं आहे. राज्यातल्या द्राक्ष बागायतदारांच्या विविध समस्या आणि मागण्यांसंदर्भात काल मंत्रालयात झालेल्या बैठकीत ते बोलत होते. बेदाण्यावरील पाच टक्के वस्तू आणि सेवा कर रद्द व्हावा यासाठी पूर्वप्रक्रिया पूर्ण करुन केंद्रीय जीएसटी परिषदेला पत्र लिहिणं, यासारखे अनेक निर्णय या बैठकीत घेण्यात आले.
राज्य विधानसभेच्या आगामी सार्वत्रिक निवडणुकांच्या पार्श्वभूमीवर, निवडणूक आयोगाकडून मतदार याद्या अद्ययावत करण्याच्या दुसऱ्या टप्प्याचा, 'विशेष संक्षिप्त पुनरीक्षण कार्यक्रम’, २५ जून ते ३० ऑगस्ट या कालावधीत राबवण्यात आला. यानुसार सर्व मतदार नोंदणी अधिकारी कार्यालयांमध्ये, तसंच मुख्य निवडणूक अधिकारी कार्यालय आणि जिल्हाधिकारी कार्यालयांच्या संकेतस्थळावर अंतिम मतदार याद्या प्रसिद्ध करण्यात आल्या आहेत. अंतिम मतदार यादीमध्ये राज्यात १६ लाख ९८ हजार ३६८ मतदारांची संख्या वाढल्याचं, याबाबतच्या वृत्तात म्हटलं आहे.
विधानसभेच्या आगामी निवडणुकीसाठी नांदेड जिल्हा प्रशासनानं सात हजार १० बॅलेट युनीट, तीन हजार ९२२ कंट्रोल युनीट, तर चार हजार २३१ व्ही व्ही पॅट यंत्र सज्ज केली आहेत. जिल्ह्यातल्या नऊ विधानसभा मतदारसंघासाठी ही यंत्रं वापरली जाणार आहेत. या निवडणुकीसाठी जिल्ह्याची अंतिम मतदार यादी प्रसिद्ध करण्यात आली आहे. जिल्ह्यामध्ये एकूण २७ लाख ५१ हजार ६३८ मतदार आहेत.
लातूर जिल्ह्यातही सर्व तहसील कार्यालय तसंच उपविभागीय अधिकारी कार्यालयातही मतदार यादी प्रसिद्ध करण्यात आली आहे. जिल्ह्यात २० लाख १६ हजार ९९० मतदारांचा समावेश आहे.
छत्रपती संभाजीनगरला येत्या मार्च - एप्रिलपर्यंत मुबलक पेयजल पुरवठा केला जाईल, अशी ग्वाही, राज्याचे गृहनिर्माण तसंच इतर मागास बहुजन कल्याण मंत्री अतुल सावे यांनी दिली आहे. काल छत्रपती संभाजीनगर इथं राजीव गांधी क्रीडांगणावर बहुउद्देशीय क्रीडा संकुलाचं भूमिपूजन सावे यांच्या हस्ते झालं, त्यावेळी ते बोलत होते. हे संकुल उभारण्यासाठी राज्य सरकारने एक कोटी २० लाख रुपये मंजूर केले आहेत. तीन महिन्यांत ते उभारलं जाईल, तसंच गरवारे क्रीडा संकुला जवळ आंतरराष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट मैदान उभारलं जाणार असल्याची माहिती सावे यांनी दिली.
जालना जिल्हा सामान्य रुग्णालयात आयोजित राष्ट्रीय पोषक आहार सप्ताहाचं उद्घाटन अतिरिक्त जिल्हा शल्यचिकित्सक डॉ. राजेंद्र गाडेकर यांच्या हस्ते काल झालं. औषधी घेण्यापेक्षा सकस संतुलित पोषक आहार, नियमित व्यायाम, योगा, आणि सकारात्मक आचार विचार यामुळे आरोग्य वृद्धींगत होतं, त्यासाठी प्रत्येक व्यक्तीने जीवनसत्व युक्त आहार घ्यावा असं आवाहन डॉ. गाडेकर यांनी यावेळी केलं.
राष्ट्रीय पोषण अभियान तसंच आहारात भरड धान्यांचा समावेश या विषयावर धाराशिव इथं भरलेल्या मल्टिमीडिया प्रदर्शनाचा आज समारोप होत आहे. या प्रदर्शनाच्या अनुषंगाने उपजिल्हा रुग्णालयाकडून हिमोग्लबिन, रक्तदाब, रक्तशर्करा, एचआयव्ही आदी तपासण्या करण्यात आल्या. महिला बचत गटांकडून भरड धान्य पाककृती स्पर्धा, तर भारत विद्यालयाच्या विद्यार्थिनींसाठी प्रश्नमंजुषा स्पर्धा घेण्यात आली.
पॅरिस पॅरालिम्पिक स्पर्धेत नेमबाजीत महिलांच्या १० मीटर एयर पिस्तूल प्रकारात भारताच्या रुबिना फ्रान्सिसनं कांस्य पदक पटकावलं. या स्पर्धेतलं भारताचं हे पाचवं आणि नेमबाजीतलं चौथं पदक आहे. बॅडमिंटनमध्ये भारताच्या सुकांत कदम आणि सुहास यतिराज यांनी आपापल्या एकेरीच्या गटात विजय मिळवत उपांत्य फेरीत प्रवेश केल्यानं भारताचं या खेळात किमान एक पदक निश्चित झालं आहे. तिरंदाजीत महिलांच्या कंपाऊंड प्रकारात सरिता देवी उपांत्य फेरीत पोहोचली आहे.
भारतीय संविधानात दुरुस्ती करण्याची तरतूद आहे, मात्र संविधानाचा गाभा बदलता येत नाही, असं ज्येष्ठ सामाजिक कार्यकर्ते अंबादास सकट यांनी म्हटलं आहे. भारतीय संविधानाच्या अमृत महोत्सवी वर्षाच्या निमित्ताने काल छत्रपती संभाजीनगर इथं विवेक विचार मंच आणि सहयोगी संघटनांच्या वतीने "सामाजिक संवाद मेळावा" घेण्यात आला, त्यावेळी ते बोलत होते. अनुसूचित जाती - जमातीचं आरक्षण बंद करता येत नाही, याबाबत होणारा खोटा प्रचार हाणून पाडला पाहिजे, असं आवाहन अंबादास सकट यांनी केलं. या मेळाव्यातून अनुसूचित जाती आणि वंचित घटकांचे प्रश्न, आरक्षण, सामाजिक न्याय आदी विषयांवर चर्चा झाली.
महाराष्ट्र नवनिर्माण सेनेचे प्रमुख राज ठाकरे यांच्या विरोधात लातूर जिल्ह्यातल्या निलंगा इथल्या प्रथम वर्ग न्यायदंडाधिकार्यांनी काल अटक वॉरंट जारी केलं आहे. १६ वर्षांपूर्वी २००८ मध्ये निलंगा इथं मनसे कार्यकर्त्यांनी महामंडळाच्या बसगाडीची जाळपोळ केली होती, याप्रकरणी चिथावणीखोर भाषण केल्यामुळे राज ठाकरे यांच्यावरही गुन्हा दाखल करण्यात आला होता. तारखेला हजर राहत नसल्यामुळे न्यायालयानं पुन्हा एकदा त्यांच्या विरोधात अजामीनपात्र अटक वॉरंट जारी केलं आहे.
विधान परिषदेतले विरोधी पक्षनेते अंबादास दानवे यांनी काल नांदेड इथं आगामी विधानसभा निवडणुकीच्या अनुषंगाने शिवसैनिकांशी संवाद साधला. जिल्ह्यातल्या सर्व विधानसभा निहाय तयारीचा आढावा घेऊन त्यांनी, महाविकास आघाडी जो उमेदवार ठरवेल, त्याचं काम करण्याचे निर्देशही पदाधिकाऱ्यांना दिले.
छत्रपती संभाजीनगर महानगरपालिकेचे वर्ग एक ते चार संवर्गातले एकूण ३० अधिकारी तसंच कर्मचारी काल नियत वयोमानाने सेवनिवृत्त झाले. स्मार्ट सिटी कार्यालयात महापालिकेचे आयुक्त तथा प्रशासक जी श्रीकांत यांच्या हस्ते या सर्वांना सेरोमोनियल कॅप, शाल, पुष्पगुच्छ, आणि सेवा प्रमाणपत्र देऊन निरोप देण्यात आला. सामान्य भविष्य निर्वाह निधीचे धनादेशही यावेळी सर्वांना प्रदान करण्यात आले.
आकाशवाणी छत्रपती संभाजीनगर केंद्रातले भारतीय अभियांत्रिकी प्रसारण सेवेतले अधिकारी सुरेश बोचरे काल सेवानिवृत्त झाले. बोचरे यांनी ३८ वर्षांच्या शासकीय कार्यकाळात जालना दूरदर्शन, आकाशवाणी नागपूर, छिंदवाडा, दर्यापूर, उच्च शक्ती प्रक्षेपण केंद्र छत्रपती संभाजीनगर, आकाशवाणी बीड याठिकाणी जबाबदारी सांभाळली आहे.
छत्रपती संभाजीनगर इथं प्रत्येक पानटपरी धारकाला एक कचरापेटी तसंच थुंकीपात्र पानटपरी जवळ ठेवणं बंधनकारक करण्यात आलं आहे. या नियमाचं पालन न करणाऱ्या पानटपरी धारकांवर दंडात्मक कारवाई करण्यात येणार आहे.
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newsarticle4u · 3 months
Chowmahalla Palace: The Nizam’s Royal Legacy
Chowmahalla Palace
Chowmahalla Palace, once the official residence of the Nizams, is a stunning example of Persian, Indo-Saracenic, Rajasthani, and European architectural styles. The palace complex, which dates back to the 18th century, is renowned for its elegant courtyards, grand halls, and intricately carved arches. In March 2010, it was declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It's spread across 12 acres of courtyards, gardens, palaces, and fountains.
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The construction of Chowmahalla Palace began around 1751 AD under Nawab Salabath Jung, the third son of Asaf Jah I. When Nizam Ali Khan Asaf Jah II moved the ruling capital from Aurangabad (present-day Maharashtra) to Hyderabad in 1763, he added numerous Mahals during his reign.
The Chowmahalla (four palaces) are symmetrically arranged around a large water cistern, creating a grand and historically rich enclave. These buildings served various purposes, including royal living quarters, zenanas for the women, grand halls for public audiences, and administrative offices. Over the years, successive Nizams expanded and renovated the complex, adding new structures. Originally covering 45 acres, the complex now spans a more compact 12 acres. It includes the new Khilwat Mubarak, the four palaces – Afzal Mahal, Aftab Mahal, Mehtab Mahal, and Tahniyat Mahal – as well as a grand Clock Tower, the Buggy Khaana, which houses the Nizams' splendid vehicles, and several other heritage buildings.
Enchanted by Persian architecture, HEH Mir Osman Ali Khan Asaf Jah VII commissioned the construction of the new Khilwat Mubarak in 1912, which was completed by 1916. Today, Chowmahalla Palace stands as a symbol of the enduring connection to its historical roots and a commitment to preserving cultural heritage for future generations. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of Princess Esra Birgen Jah, the palace has been meticulously restored and transformed into a cultural haven in Hyderabad. It holds the distinction of being the only palace in the state to receive UNESCO's 2010 Award of Merit and has also been honored with the prestigious INTACH Heritage Award twice.
Chowmahalla palace timings:
Opening Hours
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Visiting Days
Saturday to Thursday
Friday is closed
Photoshoot not permitted
Admission Costs
Adults (Foreign Tourists)
INR 400
Adults (Indian Nationals)
INR 100
Children (Below 10 Years)
INR 40
Photography Charges
INR 50 (only mobile)
Chowmahalla Palace Address:
20-4-236, Motigalli, Khilwat, Hyderabad, Telangana 500002
Treasures of the palace:
The Chowmahalla Palace in Hyderabad, India, stands as a testament to the opulent legacy of the Asaf Jahi dynasty. Beyond its stunning architecture, the palace boasts a treasure trove of artifacts that offer a glimpse into the lives of the Nizams, the rulers of Hyderabad. Let's embark on a journey to explore some of the most captivating treasures housed within these historic walls:
The Q قرآن (Quran) Gallery: This unique section showcases a rare collection of Qurans, the holy book of Islam. Dating back to the 14th century, the collection features exquisite works created by master calligraphers and craftsmen from across the Islamic world. Visitors can marvel at the intricate calligraphy styles and the evolution of Qurans over centuries.
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source: chowmahalla.in
A Feast for the Eyes: Furniture and Chandeliers: The royal residences within the palace complex are adorned with magnificent furniture, a blend of French period styles with occasional pieces reflecting Queen Anne and Queen Victoria eras. These ornately carved chairs, tables, and cabinets are complemented by breathtaking chandeliers from Turkey, Belgium, and Venice. The combination creates a visual spectacle, reflecting the refined tastes of the Nizams.
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source: chowmahalla.in
Armoury: History buffs will be enthralled by the impressive collection of weaponry displayed in the armoury. This section houses swords, daggers, shields, and even firearms used by the Nizams and their troops. The armory provides a window into the military history of Hyderabad and the weaponry used during the Asaf Jahi dynasty's reign.
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source: chowmahalla.in
A Legacy of Knowledge: The Council Hall, once a venue for meetings with dignitaries, now houses a temporary exhibition space. This hall showcases a diverse collection of treasures, including rare manuscripts, priceless books, and historical documents. Visitors can delve into the intellectual pursuits of the Nizams and gain insights into the cultural and political landscape of the era.
The Nizam's Vintage Collection: Car enthusiasts can't miss the Buggie Khaana, which houses a fascinating collection of vintage cars used by the Nizams. These meticulously maintained automobiles, ranging from stately Rolls-Royces to sleek Bentleys, offer a glimpse into the luxurious lifestyle of the Nizams.
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source: chowmahalla.in
Beyond these specific treasures, the very essence of the Chowmahalla Palace itself is a treasure. The architectural styles, from the Qutb Shahi to the European influences, reflect the rich cultural tapestry of Hyderabad. The intricate carvings, the expansive courtyards, and the grand halls all speak volumes about the grandeur of the Asaf Jahi dynasty.
Other buildings
The Chowmahalla Palace complex itself is comprised of several distinct buildings, each contributing to the overall grandeur of the site. Here's a closer look at some of the other noteworthy structures beyond the main palaces:
The Bara Imam: This translates to "Twelve Imams" and refers to a long, two-storied structure with a series of rooms on the eastern side facing a central pool and fountain. It was originally the administrative wing of the palace complex, housing various offices and departments. The Bara Imam's architecture reflects the Mughal era with Indo-Saracenic arches and prominent turrets, creating a visually striking contrast to the neoclassical style of the main palaces.
The Shishe-Alat: Literally meaning "Mirror Image," the Shishe-Alat stands opposite the Bara Imam on the western side of the complex. This building, however, functioned as guest quarters for visiting dignitaries. While the overall design reflects the Bara Imam's style, it's believed to have been less ornately decorated.
Roshan Bangla and Council Hall: These two structures flank the central Khilwat Mubarak, the heart of the palace complex. Legend has it that the Sixth Nizam was born on the plot where the Roshan Bangla now stands. The current structure was built and named after his mother, Roshan Begum. Symmetrically opposite the Roshan Bangla lies the Council Hall, a venue for meetings with dignitaries and officials.
Clock Tower: This prominent structure houses the Khilwat Clock, a timepiece known for its intricate design and perfect operation even today.
In addition to these, the complex may also include other structures like:
Craft Centers: These areas might showcase traditional Hyderabadi crafts like lacquerware, metalwork, and embroidery, providing a glimpse into the local artistic heritage.
Gardens: Lush green spaces interspersed throughout the complex could offer a serene escape from the grandeur of the palaces.
Water features: Fountains, pools, and possibly even water channels might add to the visual appeal of the palace grounds.
Inside Chowmahalla Complex: The Four Palaces
The Chowmahalla Palace complex, an architectural marvel, consists of four distinct palaces that reflect the grandeur and opulence of the Nizams of Hyderabad. Each palace within the complex has its own unique charm and historical significance, contributing to the overall splendor of the Chowmahalla complex. Here’s an exploration of the four palaces:
1. Afzal Mahal
source: chowmahalla.in
Afzal Mahal is one of the four main palaces within the Chowmahalla complex. This palace, named after the fifth Nizam, Afzal-ud-Daulah, is known for its elegant design and intricate architecture.
Architectural Highlights: Afzal Mahal features grand arches, beautiful stucco work, and expansive verandahs. The interiors are adorned with ornate chandeliers, richly decorated ceilings, and elegant furniture that reflect the taste and sophistication of the Nizams.
Significance: Afzal Mahal served as one of the main residential quarters for the Nizams and their family. It stands as a symbol of the royal lifestyle and the architectural prowess of the time.
2. Aftab Mahal
source: chowmahalla.in
Aftab Mahal, another gem within the Chowmahalla complex, was designed to impress with its grandeur and opulence.
Architectural Highlights: The palace boasts a blend of Mughal and European architectural styles, featuring lofty ceilings, exquisite cornices, and intricately carved wooden doors. The use of marble and precious stones in its construction adds to its luxurious appeal.
Significance: Aftab Mahal was often used for hosting important guests and dignitaries. Its grandeur and opulence made it a fitting venue for royal gatherings and state functions.
3. Mehtab Mahal
source: chowmahalla.in
Mehtab Mahal, translating to “Palace of the Moonlight,” lives up to its name with its serene and elegant design.
Architectural Highlights: The palace is known for its delicate and graceful architectural elements, including fine stucco work, elegant columns, and beautiful lattice windows. The serene ambiance is enhanced by the palace’s strategic design and location within the complex.
Significance: Mehtab Mahal served as a private residence for the royal family members. Its tranquil setting and exquisite design provided a peaceful retreat for the Nizams and their kin.
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source: chowmahalla.in
4. Tahniyat Mahal
source: chowmahalla.in
Tahniyat Mahal, the last of the four main palaces, is another stunning example of the Nizams’ architectural vision and grandeur.
Architectural Highlights: This palace features a harmonious blend of Persian and Indian architectural styles. The ornate interiors, grand halls, and spacious courtyards reflect the palace’s luxurious and regal ambiance.
Significance: Tahniyat Mahal was used for various ceremonial and administrative purposes. Its grand halls and spacious courtyards made it an ideal location for hosting important events and royal ceremonies.
The Nizams of Hyderabad: Family Tree
The Nizams of Hyderabad, part of the Asaf Jahi dynasty, ruled one of the most prosperous princely states in India from the early 18th century until 1948. Here is an outline of the family tree of the Nizams of Hyderabad:
1. Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah I (Mir Qamar-ud-Din Khan)
Reign: 1724-1748
Founder of the Asaf Jahi dynasty.
2. Nizam Ali Khan Asaf Jah II (Mir Nizam Ali Khan)
Reign: 1762-1803
Successor of Asaf Jah I.
3. Nizam Sikander Jah Asaf Jah III (Mir Akbar Ali Khan)
Reign: 1803-1829
Son of Nizam Ali Khan Asaf Jah II.
4. Nizam Nasir-ud-Daula Asaf Jah IV (Mir Farqunda Ali Khan)
Reign: 1829-1857
Son of Nizam Sikander Jah Asaf Jah III.
5. Nizam Afzal-ud-Daula Asaf Jah V (Mir Tahniyat Ali Khan)
Reign: 1857-1869
Son of Nizam Nasir-ud-Daula Asaf Jah IV.
6. Nizam Mahbub Ali Khan Asaf Jah VI (Mir Mahbub Ali Khan)
Reign: 1869-1911
Son of Nizam Afzal-ud-Daula Asaf Jah V.
7. Nizam Osman Ali Khan Asaf Jah VII (Mir Osman Ali Khan)
Reign: 1911-1948
Son of Nizam Mahbub Ali Khan Asaf Jah VI.
Last ruling Nizam; the princely state of Hyderabad was annexed to India in 1948.
Descendants of Nizam Osman Ali Khan Asaf Jah VII
Azam Jah (Mir Himayat Ali Khan):
Eldest son of Osman Ali Khan.
Had two sons: Mukarram Jah and Muffakham Jah.
Mukarram Jah (Mir Barkat Ali Khan)
Grandson of Osman Ali Khan.
Recognized as the titular Nizam after his grandfather’s death.
Born in 1933.
Muffakham Jah (Mir Karamat Ali Khan)
Brother of Mukarram Jah.
Born in 1939.
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threedpowerawb · 3 months
3D Power - 3D Township Rendering Services
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Our team of experts provides you architectural services for Township with complete branding solution. It can be used to show that exactly how the building will look like without going in to the trouble and expense of constructing a physical model. By the same token, a home builder or developer can use these digital animations to showcase their homes to prospective buyers. 3D power visualization provides 3D views for your township project which helps you to visualize your dream project. We are experts in designing residential and commercial projects.
Contact us.
Phone : +91 9372032805
Business Email : [email protected]
Address : 61, New RH Colony, Amarpreet Square, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, 431001, India
Website : https://3dpower.in/township-design-rendering
Social media.
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/threedpower
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@3dpowerwalkthrough
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/3dpower/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/3dpower/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/3DPower
Pinterest : https://in.pinterest.com/3dpower/
Working Hours : Mon - Sat 10:00 AM To 07:00 PM ; Sunday : Closed
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sudheervanguri · 4 months
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Recruitment: Walk-In Drive for QC, QA, Production & eBMR in Daman Introduction: Glenmark Pharmaceuticals invites qualified candidates to join our walk-in drive in Daman on 9th June 2024. This recruitment event aims to fill multiple positions in Quality Control (QC), Quality Assurance (QA), Production, and eBMR. If you have experience in external preparations, sterile, liquid, ointment, inhalation, nasal spray, or related areas, this is a fantastic opportunity to advance your career with Glenmark Pharmaceuticals. Walk-In Drive Details Date: 9th June 2024 (Sunday) Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Location: The Deltin Hotel, Varkund 1, Vapi-Kachigam Rd, Nani Daman, Daman, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 396210 Job Location Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad), Maharashtra Available Positions Quality Assurance & Quality Control Designation: Officer/Sr. Officer/Executive Education: B. Pharmacy/M. Pharmacy/M. Sc. Experience Range: 03-08 years Profile: QA: IPQA, documentation, change control, CAPA, QMS, Investigation. QC: Analysis of raw materials, stability, and finished product samples. Proficiency with instruments like HPLC, GC, UV, KF, ICPMS, and IR is essential. Responsibilities include QC investigation and QMS. Production (MDI/Inhalers, Nasal) Designation: Jr. Officer (Operator)/Officer/Sr. Officer/Executive Education: B. Pharmacy/M. Pharmacy Experience Range: 03-08 years Profile: Experience in Production areas such as sterile, external preparations, liquids, inhalations, nasal sprays, and more. eBMR Designation: Executive/Sr. Officer/Officer Education: B. Pharmacy/M. Pharmacy/M. Sc. Experience Range: 05-12 years Profile: Candidates with experience in eBMR projects are encouraged to attend. How to Apply Note(s): Interested candidates with relevant backgrounds from regulatory plants should attend the walk-in interview with an updated resume, latest CTC breakup, and passport-size photographs (xerox set for submission). If you are unable to attend, you may email your CV to [email protected]. [caption id="attachment_57707" align="aligncenter" width="930"] Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Recruitment Notification[/caption] Important Notice: Glenmark Pharmaceuticals follows a formal recruitment process through its own HR Department and does not outsource the final selection of prospective employees to any individual, agency, or consultant. We do not ask for any registration fees or security deposits (refundable or non-refundable) at any stage of the recruitment process. Disclaimer: It has come to our attention that the names of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals or our group companies are being used in connection with bogus job advertisements or through unsolicited emails asking candidates to make payments for recruitment opportunities and interviews. Please be advised that such advertisements and emails are not connected with Glenmark Pharmaceuticals in any way.
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arapuroy23-blog · 4 months
```"INDIA IS GREAT"...... Apart from though I was/am ever grateful to my PARENTS(@MOM+DAD),before/after my "GRADUATION" (Bachelor of Architecture)..... Attn!... Ladies&Gentlemen.... Boys&Girls..... Back to my year 96s-97s(in the year 1996-97),while after I just appeared at my Final Semester, SEMESTER NO-10(B.Arch),from my College Campus Address in "AURANGABAD" District, Maharashtra State(IND), Moved to Mumbai, without asking my "MOM" & my Real SISTERS.......it was at that time, quietly interesting/thrilling/expedition to me, first time, while at night boarded in a luxury bus, arrived at peak_very morning hrs at MUMBAI CENTRAL BUS DEPOT/might be "VICTORIA TERMINUS" (VT) Bus Depot.... OK... then came to "CHURCH GATE" LOCAL SUB URBAN WESTERN RLY STATION.... though at that time, both "WESTERN" /"CENTRAL" / "HARBOUR" local lines of "MUMBAI" I visited..... #@@KUCH LAMHE, KUCH YANDEIN..... I am grateful TO Mr "NAIR" UNCLE, Caretaker of Lodge, Mrs KUTTI,landlord of Lodge, who gave me shelter to stay over for maintaining my Architectural JOB/EMPLOYMENT at her Lodge/GUEST HOUSE at that time(1996-97), i am grateful to my Senior fellows, esp GUJARATI GENTLEMAN, Mr "JEETENDER" UNCLE, Mr "FERNANDES" UNCLE(South Indian Gentleman),Mr "Mohan MUDLIYAR" my Senior fellow, Mr MUSTAFA Bhai, Bidyut bhai(Mr BIDYUT SARKAR, a fellow from KOLKATA) & etc.... at that time, complete ADDRESS of that LODGE/GUEST HOUSE, while I used to did correspond to my MOM&SISTERS,as follows: "GREEN COTTAGE" /preferably "RAM VILAS LODGING", AT "CHATTRAPATI SHIVAJI MAHARAJ ROAD", VAKOLA BRIDGE, SANTACRUZ(EAST), MUMBAI-55, MAHARASHTRA STATE(IND)..... <<< any kind of feedback/Calling, without any hesitation Please Contact me, M:+91-9089149107/ 9402156929.... or mail me, [email protected] [email protected] <<<FOUNDER, "CEO"(CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER) & ARCHITECT, on behalf of "ARCH DESIGNING STUDIO" (IND), GSTIN:16AYSPR1667C1Z3........."THANK YOU"....```
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shammah8 · 5 months
“One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.””
Acts 18:9-10
Paul was experiencing great pressure and persecution while sharing the Gospel in Corinth. With the encouragement of these “red letter” words from Jesus Himself, Paul gained courage to stay in Corinth for another year and a half teaching the word of God.
Known for its rich historical heritage and tourist attractions, Aurangabad is one of the very famous districts of Maharashtra, India. It has been an important place since ancient times because of its location in the famous Silk Route. The route travelled across the width of Asia to Europe. The city is named after the great Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb and is one of the fastest growing cities in India. Marathi and Urdu are the main languages spoken in the city.
During the first Standing Strong Through The Storm (SSTS) seminar, the participants expressed profound appreciation, gratitude and the need for more such seminars. So new sets of people were targeted in order to bring awareness and educate them on how to handle persecution when it comes.
The majority of the students confessed that they had never heard this kind of teaching before. Topics such as addressing religious intolerance were highly appreciated. While the participants were initially apprehensive of sharing their testimonies, they stepped forward after watching the persecution related movies and video clips, and boldly shared what God had done in their lives.
Pratima Pagare attended and commented, “I was always scared to death with the thought that fundamentalists will attack and stone us because we minister to people in the name of Jesus. I am so encouraged to come to this seminar and to hear the testimonies of people who faced persecution in their ministries and still went on. I was also strengthened by the teachings on how to stand strong in the midst of storms and this has driven away all my fears. I thank God and Open Doors for this.”
Priti Alhad said, “I did not know what the content of the seminar would be, but gradually as the sessions went by, I considered myself privileged to be present here and be blessed by the teachings. I am not afraid of persecution but these teachings encouraged me and prepared me for the times of persecution…As I go from here I want to share this knowledge that I have gained here and create awareness among my church members and utilise these teachings in my ministry. I thank your ministry for organising this seminar in our area.
Today I will keep on speaking and not be silent trusting the Lord for His protection and blessing.
Help me Lord to lose my fearfulness and trust You when I face those who oppose me.
© 2013 open doors
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airnews-arngbad · 3 months
Regional Marathi Text Bulletin, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar
Date – 01 July 2024
Time 7.10 AM to 7.20 AM
Language Marathi
आकाशवाणी छत्रपती संभाजीनगर
प्रादेशिक बातम्या
दिनांक ०१ जूलै २०२४ सकाळी ७.१० मि.
नवे फौजदारी कायदे देशभरात लागू, फौजदारी न्याय प्रक्रियेत भारत आगामी काळात पथदर्शी ठरेल - कायदा आणि न्याय राज्यमंत्री अर्जुन राम मेघवाल
लोकसभा निवडणुकीत देशातल्या मतदारांनी संविधान आणि लोकशाही व्यवस्थेवरच्या अढळ विश्वासाचं दर्शन घडवल्याचं पंतप्रधानांचं मन की बात मध्ये प्रतिपादन
विधानपरिषदेच्या मुंबई आणि कोकण पदवीधर तसंच नाशिक आणि मुंबई शिक्षक मतदारसंघांच्या निवडणुकीची आज मतमोजणी
ज्ञानोबा - तुकोबांच्या पालख्या पुण्यात दाखल, तर संत श्रेष्ठ गजानन महाराजांच्या पालखीचं परळी इथं भक्तिभावाने स्वागत
महिला कसोटी क्रिकेटमध्ये भारताला दक्षिण आफ्रिकेविरुद्ध १०५ धावांची आघाडी
भारतीय न्याय संहिता, भारतीय नागरिक संरक्षण संहिता, आणि भारतीय साक्ष अधिनियम, हे नवीन फौजदारी कायदे देशभरात आजपासून लागू झाले. केंद्र सरकारने यासंदर्भात राज्य आणि केंद्रशासित प्रदेशांसोबत नियमित बैठका घेतल्या होत्या. या नवीन कायद्यांमध्ये चौकशी, सुनावणी आणि न्यायालयीन प्रक्रियेत तंत्रज्ञानावर अधिक भर देण्यात आला आहे.
भारतीय दंड संहिता - आयपीसी, द कोड ऑफ क्रिमिनल प्रोसिजर - सीआरपीसी आणि भारतीय पुरावा कायदा हे तीन कायदे कालबाह्य होत आहेत.
नवीन फौजदारी कायदे लागू होत असल्याच्या पार्श्वभूमीवर, न्यायाधीश, वकील यांच्यासह सर्व संबंधितांमध्ये जागरूकता निर्माण करण्याच्या दृष्टीनं विधी आणि न्याय मंत्रालयाच्या विधी कार्य विभागातर्फे काल मुंबईत ‘फौजदारी न्याय व्यवस्थेच्या प्रशासनात भारताचा प्रगतीशील मार्ग’ विषयावर परिषद घेण्यात आली. केंद्रीय कायदा आणि न्याय राज्यमंत्री अर्जुन राम मेघवाल यांच्या हस्ते या परिषदेचं उद्घाटन झालं. या कायद्यांमुळे प्रत्येक नागरिकास न्याय मिळण्यासाठी सुलभता होईल, तसंच फौजदारी न्याय प्रक्रियेत भारत आगामी काळात पथदर्शी ठरेल असा विश्वास मेघवाल यांनी यावेळी व्यक्त केला.
परिषदेचा समारोप राज्यपाल रमेश बैस यांच्या प्रमुख उपस्थितीत झाला. हे फौजदारी कायदे आधुनिकीकरण आणि आंतरराष्ट्रीय मानकांप्रति देशाची वचनबद्धता दाखवणारे आहेत, या कायद्यांच्या अंमलबजावणीमुळे मानवाधिकारांचं रक्षण, तसंच आंतरराष्ट्रीय पातळीवर देशाची प्रतिमा उंचावेल, असा विश्वास त्यांनी यावेळी व्यक्त केला.
लोकसभा निवडणुकीत देशातल्या मतदारांनी संविधान आणि लोकशाही व्यवस्थेवरच्या अढळ विश्वासाचं दर्शन घडवल्याचं पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांनी म्हटलं आहे. आकाशवाणीवरच्या मन की बात या कार्यक्रमाच्या एकशे अकराव्या भागात ते काल बोलत होते. जगातली सर्वात मोठी सार्वत्रिक निवडणूक यशस्वीपणे पार पडल्याबद्दल त्यांनी निवडणूक यंत्रणा आणि मतदारांचं अभिनंदन केलं तसंच देशवासीयांचे आभार मानले.
[$688A2450-827E-4766-B9EB-2D71F7CE9A10$AIR AURANGABAD - Mann Ki Baat - Election - ]
जगभरात भारतीय संस्कृती गौरवली जात असल्याचं सांगताना त्याबाबतची अनेक उदाहरणं पंतप्रधानांनी मन की बात या कार्यक्रमात दिली.
दहावा आंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिन जगभरात जल्लोषात साजरा झाल्याचं सांगून पंतप्रधानांनी, दरवर्षी योगदिनाचे कार्यक्रम नवनवे विक्रम प्रस्थापित करत असल्याचं नमूद केलं. लवकरच सुरु होणार असलेली जगन्नाथ यात्रा, तसंच अमरनाथ यात्रा आणि पंढरपूरच्या वारीत सहभागी होणाऱ्या भाविकांना पंतप्रधानांनी शुभेच्छा दिल्या.
राष्ट्रीय परिक्षा संस्थेनं यूजीसी नेट परीक्षा ऑफलाइन न घेता ऑनलाइन घेण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आहे. ही परीक्षा २१ ऑगस्ट ते चार सप्टेंबर या कालावधीत विविध केंद्रांवर घेतली जाणार आहे.
महाविकास आघाडीतले घटक पक्ष आगामी विधानसभा निवडणूक एकत्रितपणे  लढवतील, असं ज्येष्ठ नेते शरद पवार यांनी स्पष्ट केलं आहे. ते काल पुण्यात वार्ताहर परिषदेत बोलत होते. राज्यात बदल होण्याची गरज आहे, ती पूर्ण करण्याची जबाबदारी विरोधी आघाडीवर आहे, असं ते म्हणाले. जागावाटपाबाबतची चर्चा अद्याप सुरु झालेली नाही, असं पवार यांनी सांगितलं.
गृहविभागाच्या अतिरिक्त मुख्य सचिव सुजाता सौनिक यांची राज्याच्या मुख्य सचिव म्हणून नियुक्ती करण्यात आली असून, काल त्यांनी पदभार स्वीकारला. सुजाता सौनिक या राज्याच्या पहिल्या महिला मुख्य सचिव आहेत.
विधान परिषदेच्या मुंबई आणि कोकण पदवीधर तसंच नाशिक आणि मुंबई शिक्षक मतदारसंघांसाठी झालेल्या मतदानाची आज मोजणी होणार आहे. नाशिक शिक्षक मतदार संघाची मतमोजणी नाशिक शहरात केंद्रीय वखार महामंडळाच्या गोदामात होणार आहे. नाशिकचे विभागीय आयुक्त प्रविण गेडाम यांनी काल याठिकाणी पाहणी करुन तयारीचा आढावा घेतला.
आषाढी वारीसाठी पंढरपूरकडे निघालेल्या संत श्री तुकाराम महाराज आणि संत श्री ज्ञानेश्वर महाराज यांच्या पालख्या दोन दिवसांच्या मुक्कमासाठी काल पुण्यात दाखल झाल्या. दोन्ही पालख्यांचा ज्या ठिकाणी संगम होतो त्या पाटील इस्टेट चौकात नागरिकांनी दर्शनासाठी गर्दी केली होती.  
संत श्रेष्ठ गजानन महाराजांच्या पालखीचं काल बीड जिल्ह्यात परळी इथं आगमन झालं. पालखीचं भाविकांनी उत्स्फुर्तपणे स्वागत केलं.
पैठणहून निघालेली संत श्री एकनाथ महाराजांची पालखी काल अहमदनगर जिल्ह्यात दाखल झाली. आज मिडसावंगी इथं पालखीचा पहिला रिंगण सोहळा होणार आहे.
राज्यातल्या गड किल्ल्यांच्या संवर्धनासाठी दुर्गप्रेमींनी पुढे यावं असं आवाहन, राज्याचे माजी मुख्य सचिव नितीन करीर यांनी केलं आहे. नाशिक इथं काल गिरिभ्रमणकार अविनाश जोशी यांच्या स्मृतिप्रीत्यर्थ सह्याद्री मित्र संमेलन पार पडलं, त्यावेळी ते बोलत होते. यावेळी पुणे इथल्या आनंद पाळंदे यांना सह्याद्री रत्न जीनवगौरव पुरस्कार, तर सातारा इथल्या प्रियांका मेाहिते यांना सह्याद्री युवा रत्न पुरस्कारानं गौरवण्यात आलं. गिर्यारोहक उमेश झिरपे संमेलनाच्या अध्यक्षस्थानी होते.
राज्यातल्या सर्व जिल्हा परिषद कार्यालयातल्या दिव्यांग कर्मचार्यांना सहायक तंत्रज्ञान उपलब्ध करुन देण्यासंदर्भातला शासन आदेश नुकताच जारी करण्यात आला. यासंदर्भात मुंबई उच्च न्यायालयाच्या औरंगाबाद खंडपीठाने निर्देश दिले होते.
नांदेड इथले ज्येष्ठ पत्रकार कमलाकर जोशी यांचं काल हृदयविकाराने निधन झालं, ते ७० वर्षांचे होते. जोशी यांनी आपल्या पत्रकारितेच्या कार्यकाळात जिल्ह्यातल्या अनेक प्रश्नांना वाचा फोडली. दैनिक लोकमतमध्ये त्यांनी प्रदीर्घ काळ काम केलं. जोशी यांच्या पार्थिवावर आज अंत्यसंस्कार होणार आहेत.
महिला क्रिकेटमध्ये, भारत आणि दक्षिण आफ्रिकेदरम्यान चेन्नई इथं सुरु असलेल्या कसोटी क्रिकेट सामन्यात भारताकडे १०५ धावांची आघाडी आहे. काल सामन्याच्या तिसर्या दिवशी दक्षिण आफ्रिकेचा पहिला डाव २६६ धावांवर संपुष्टात आला असून, त्यांना फॉलो ऑन मिळाला. स्नेहा राणा हिनं आठ बळी घेऊन इतिहास घडवला, तर दीप्ती शर्मानं दोन खेळाडू बाद केले. कालचा खेळ थांबला तेव्हा दक्षिण आफ्रिकेच्या दोन बाद २३२ धावा झाल्या होत्या.
भारताचा अष्टपैलू खेळाडू रविंद्र जडेजा याने टी - २० क्रिकेट प्रकारातून निवृत्ती जाहीर केली आहे. जडेजाने ७४ सामन्यांमध्ये ५१५ धावा केल्या, तर ५४ बळी घेतले.
भारतीय क्रिकेट नियामक मंडळानं टी-ट्वेन्टी विश्वचषक विजेत्या संघाला १२५ कोटी रुपयांचं बक्षीस जाहीर केलं आहे. बीसीसीआयचे सचिव जय शाह यांनी ही घोषणा केली. कर्णधार रोहित शर्माच्या नेतृत्वाखाली भारतीय संघानं दक्षिण आफ्रिकेचा पराभव करत टी-ट्वेन्टी विश्वचषकाचे जेतेपद पटकावले आहे.
मध्य रेल्वेच्या पुणे विभागांतर्गत दौंड - मनमाड रेल्वे मार्गावरील विकासकामांसाठी लाईन ब्लॉक घेतल्यानं पुणे एक्सप्रेस आणि निजामाबाद डेमू रेल्वे गाड्यांच्या मार्गात तात्पुरता बदल करण्यात आला आहे. निजामाबाद -पुणे डेमू रेल्वे आज परभणी, परळी, लातूर, कुर्डुवाडी मार्गे धावेल, तर दौंड-निजामाबाद डेमू रेल्वे कुर्डुवाडी, लातूर, परळी, परभणी मार्गे धावेल. तसंच, पुणे - नांदेड एक्सप्रेस आज दौंड, कुर्डुवाडी, लातूर, परळी, परभणी मार्गे धावणार आहे.
छत्रपती संभाजीनगर शहरासह जिल्ह्यात काल दुपारच्या सुमारास समाधानकारक पाऊस झाला. या पावसामुळे शहरातल्या अनेक भागात पाणी साचलं होतं, त्यामुळे नागरीकांची तारांबळ उडाली. सिल्लोड, सोयगाव तालुक्यातही काल मुसळधार पाऊस झाला. अजिंठा लेणीतल्या सहस्त्रकुंड धबधब्यासह लहान - मोठे नाले खळखळून वाहत आहेत.
हिंगोली जिल्ह्यातही आठवडा भराच्या विश्रांती नंतर काल जोरदार पाऊस झाला. या पावसामुळे सुकत असलेल्या पिकांना नव संजीवनी मिळाली आहे.
वाशिम जिल्ह्यातल्या कारंजा, मानोरा, वाशिम, रिसोड आणि मालेगाव तालुक्यांतल्या काही गावांत आठवडाभराच्या विश्रांती नंतर काल पाऊस झाला. या पावसाचा फायदा सुकू लागलेल्या पिकांना होत आहे.
नाशिक शहरासह जिल्ह्यात काल जोरदार पाऊस झाला.
येत्या दोन दिवसात मध्य महाराष्ट्र आणि विदर्भात अनेक ठिकाणी तर मराठवाड्यात तुरळक ठिकाणी पाऊस पडण्याची शक्यता पुणे वेधशाळेनं व्यक्त केली आहे. मध्य महाराष्ट्रात तुरळक ठिकाणी जोरदार ते मुसळधार पाऊस पडण्याची शक्यता आहे.
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srsly ... fuck you , wow i am a proud hindu , and i love the fact that a ram mandir was built do i like that a place of worship was destroyed hell no, but ill tell you one thing, its a place of hindu historic significance which by teh way muslim invaders built a mosue in ( not debating whether a temple was there or not tho i do think a temple was there as archeological evidence suggests) i hate people were killed and injured over it (we all know what teh whole mughal line did by killing torturing people who btw built and endorsed it to be built "1528 when Mir Baqi, a commander of Mughal emperor Babur, constructed the Babri Masjid"). India is the only place where hinduism as a worldwide relegion is followed, and islam is followed as teh main relegion in many places which have their places of worship at mecca , there is golden temple at the auspiscious place of historic and religious significance of amritsar "pre-eminent spiritual site of Sikhism", (i am sure you are going to give a bullshit answer base don secularism and what not, but it is a hindu place of relegious significance and there is nothing wrong with a temple being built there was a lawful process followed and i agree with the judgment. and what about the muslim invaders coming in and destroying our temples ages ago. furthermore it also really wasnt being used a place of prayer in the mosque from the reports that i have heard, so why shouldnt we as hindus be able to build a a ram mandir than a small shed with the idol at a place full of ruins, for which hindus have been fighting for and waiting for to be built since 1800's when actually the first time this situation was brought forward. i mean there are places which have been names aurangabad named after a aurangzeb who killed looted and tortured people of this country to the extent of completely handicapping the country. so yes i am happy that the place of worship of a god that i have grown up praying to ( am i happy a place of worship was destroyed no but should that place of worship should have been there ... idk my relegious half says no , but my rational part says that it is a country where muslims live too but that part also says there is an archeological evidence which says that it was built on ruin of a temple devoted to a god , and that side also thinks that hindus shoudl have a right to build a temple at a place which is histroically significant to us unlike muslims which can have a mosue at other places and do have them at places important to them. plus another thing yes hindus are in majority and should be too, it was a place where hinduism and other relegions were birthed not where other relegions came and conquered and tried to remove any semblance of hinduism, who btw have many other places where they are in majority, but hinduism and hindu people are only safe at one place in this world and where they can follow a relegion fearlessly - HERE. (where in certain muslim states they are killed still) (afterall people meet extinction and have new traditions like the native indians in america ) and it isnt A hindu god, it is a god that we are brought up hearing about and praying to. so yes secularism is imp but certain things like these which are historically relegious and sacred to a lot of people who are native to this land are also imp.
I am quite okay with my position on this issue. If you are okay with yours, what are you so pissed about? Please continue your celebration.
A link to the original post
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myworldmypride · 9 months
My World My Pride
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My World Phase 2 is the 1st largest township project of 18 acres in Aurangabad. Having 80% of open space with 50+ amenities and 1000+ 4, 3, and 2 BHK homes. The township has 58,000 Sq. Ft. of open space and its large-scale discrete podiums offer more than 1,15,000 square feet of prime leisure, social & sporting space. There are a total of 10 flats and 90 shops in My world and is one of the best projects by Pride. It is constructed smartly and has all the advanced features and amenities. All children’s activity areas are monitored by CCTV with live feed access. And the township is spread over 18 acres in one of the most investment-friendly locations, My World is the largest residential enclave within Aurangabad city limits. This Project is located Opposite Aurangabad Airport and gives you the best Comfort. 75% flats are booked here.
Address: Touch, Opposite Airport, Jalna Road, Chilkalthana, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431001
Phone : 7378983690
Business Email : [email protected]
Website : https://manjeetpridegroup.com/projects/my-world-my-pride/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/AbdPride
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@manjeetpride
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/pride-group-aurangabad/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/manjeet_pride_group/
twitter : https://twitter.com/AbdPride
Pinterest : https://in.pinterest.com/prideventuresgroup/
Working hours : Monday To Saturday 10:00 AM To 08:00 PM
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vxlresidences · 9 months
VXL Residences
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Pride group has recently launched VXL residences opposite the Aurangabad airport. The project is having 5,4 & 3 BHK luxurious residences. This is the first project in Aurangabad with the 5 BHK flats. As we know luxury has many facets, and the most enduring of them all is Space. VXL Residences gives you all the room you need to bring your lifestyle aspirations to glorious reality. In addition to the large living spaces, every apartment in VXL comes with a servent’s separate room to accommodate your live-in help.
VXL Residences offers a lifestyle that’s in tune with nature, as prescribed by the ancient science of Vastu Shastra. From the layout that orients each room’s location according to its utility, to the generous windows, sized at more than 30% of the carpet area, every residence is designed to invoke and harness the positive forces of nature. 50% of FLATS are sold out. Address: Touch, Opposite Airport, Jalna Road, Chilkalthana, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431001
Phone : 7378983690
Business Email : [email protected]
Website : https://manjeetpridegroup.com/projects/vxl-residences/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/AbdPride
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@manjeetpride
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/pride-group-aurangabad/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/manjeet_pride_group/
twitter : https://twitter.com/AbdPride
Pinterest : https://in.pinterest.com/prideventuresgroup/
Working hours : Monday To Saturday 10:00 AM To 08:00 PM
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myhomemanjeetabd · 9 months
My Home
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My Home is a newly launched residential project by Pride group, which located at Garkheda, Behind Podar International School. The project is having 4, 3 & 2 BHK City Central 5G Homes with Great Location, Great Luxury, Great Amenities, Great Price & Great Neighbourhood, Behind Poddar International School, Aurangabad. This opulent apartment is having plenty of amenities to live a peaceful life with 132 flats built and 75% of FLATS are sold out IN a VERY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME.
Address: Garkheda, Behind Podar International School, Aurangabad Maharashtra 431005
Phone : 9145 48 3690
Business Email : [email protected]
Website : https://manjeetpridegroup.com/projects/my-home/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/AbdPride
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@manjeetpride
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/pride-group-aurangabad/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/manjeet_pride_group/
twitter : https://twitter.com/AbdPride
Pinterest : https://in.pinterest.com/prideventuresgroup/
Working hours : Monday To Saturday 10:00 AM To 08:00 PM
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sudheervanguri · 4 months
Harman Finochem, a leading manufacturer in the pharmaceutical industry, is conducting a walk-in interview on 26th May 2024 at their Shendra, Aurangabad facility. seeking talented and experienced professionals to join our production team. This is a fantastic opportunity for candidates with qualifications in B.Sc., M.Sc., Diploma, BE, and B.Tech in Chemical or related fields. Walk-In Interview Details Date: 26th May 2024 Time: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Venue: Harman Finochem Limited, Shendra, M.I.D.C. Fivestar Industrial Area, Plot No. A-100, Chh. Sambhaji Nagar (Aurangabad) Maharashtra, 431154, INDIA. Contact: +91-240-6605580/6605581 Please bring your updated resume for the interview. About Harman Finochem Harman Finochem is renowned for manufacturing high-quality Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and intermediates. Our commitment to excellence and innovation has made us a trusted partner in the pharmaceutical industry. Open Positions and Qualifications Production - API and Intermediate Position: Assistant Officer/Sr. Officer/Executive Experience: 2 to 12 years Qualifications: B.Sc./Dip (Chemical)/BE/B.Tech (Chemical)/M.Sc. Desired Exposure: Good knowledge of API/Intermediate, plant operations, PP area, reaction area, DCS, hydrogenation, pilot plant, and kilo lab operations. Production (Sterile) Position: Assistant Officer/Sr. Officer/Executive Experience: 4 to 12 years Qualifications: B.Sc. (Chemistry)/M.Sc. (Chemistry/Organic Chemistry) Desired Exposure: Experience in API sterile/aseptic area (filling area), CIP & SIP, autoclave, isolator operations, and documentation. Production - Documentation Position: Assistant Officer/Sr. Officer/Executive Experience: 3 to 7 years Qualifications: Dip (Chemical)/BE (Chemical)/B.Tech (Chemical)/B.Sc./M.Sc. Desired Exposure: Knowledge of API/Intermediate QMS documentation, SOP preparation, and LMR/BMR. Production - Apprentice Trainee Position: Apprentice-Trainee Experience: Fresher Qualifications: B.Sc. (Chemistry)/M.Sc. Desired Exposure: Interested in working in the production area as an apprentice trainee. [caption id="attachment_57885" align="aligncenter" width="930"] Harman Finochem Limited Recruitment Notification[/caption] General Requirements Interested candidates must bring their updated resumes. Candidates with experience in pharma and chemical manufacturing are preferred. Willingness to relocate if necessary. Male candidates preferred. Those unable to attend the interview can send their resumes to [email protected]. How to Apply Attend the walk-in interview at the specified venue on the given date and time. Ensure you bring all necessary documents for verification. If you are unable to attend, please email your resume to the provided contact. For any queries, feel free to contact us at +91-240-6605580/6605581.
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masinat · 1 year
Hi everyone! I am submitting my documentary Atypical Learning to film festivals. It screened at the Rising Sun Cinema Fest in Tokyo in 17 August 2023 and has been selected by Reels International Film Festival in Aurangabad India to screen at 11 February 2024.
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