#(After reading 58+ books last year 😳)
learnelle · 1 year
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feelingofcontent · 2 years
DNP Rewatch: Phil is not on fire 8
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Date video was published: 11/29/2016 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 330
Time for another PINOF! I can’t believe this is the third-to-last one. This one was posted exactly a year after PINOF 7. Phil asked for questions on Twitter as usual, and he posted the Instagram promo photo.
0:00 - random noises, a fringe check, and a synchronized “heck” ...what a start. Also, Phil wore that same shirt for so many things at the end of 2016
0:05 - Phil giving himself the letters instead of Dan as Dan just stares in confusion lol
0:15 - intense concentration for the whisker drawing...until Dan ruins it, lol
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0:25 - how was Phil not expecting that?!
0:30 - they really are crooked this time...”a bit wayward” aka not straight
0:37 - this might be the most time they spend on showing the whisker drawing in any PINOF so far
0:45 - Dan has just fully grabbed him by the back of the neck
0:51 - creepy wink
0:58 - “mate-er-ino” ...sure. also editing Dan’s face onto his own thumb for some reason
1:00 - Dan’s whiskers are so faded here; this question must have been towards the end of filming. Phil’s eyes are so blue in this.
1:07 - I am disturbed. can’t say Phil isn’t creative though
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1:18 - Dan knowing he just has to accept what’s going to happen here
1:26 - pushed-back-hair Dan! They talked a lot about how good the koala smelled in DITL Australia
1:36 - sometimes Phil just thinks of something else and goes with that rather than considering the original question
1:47 - Phil keeps losing it to laughter in this one
1:50 - lol at Dan’s minion sock. also, pretty sure this is how their whiskers got really faded during this
1:54 - Dan looks scared about the Yuri on Ice question. this is what he pushed his hair back for. those are an older pair of Phil’s glasses, not his newest ones at this point
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2:05 - dancing interlude
2:10 - very close-ups and angles of that room we don’t usually see...I spy TABINOF and the blob-fish plushie on the bookshelf
2:25 - Dan just fond about Phil’s strange noises and then impressed with his answer
2:37 - touchy-touch. This is before Phil started drinking out of an actual vase, haha
2:51 - Dan is immediately disturbed. 😂 lawn mowers on Phil’s mind after that question earlier
3:00 - pillow right to the butt
3:13 - “too soon” after the pistachio muffin as part of the I Nearly Blinded Myself incident. Phil is impressed
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3:15 - love the random interludes. quiff-Phil!
3:27 - of course it’s their own book. the sexy music addition definitely adds to it. also obsessed with Phil’s little eyebrow raise as he’s reading
3:47 - when one of them starts laughing the other immediately follows
4:00 - I love Phil hiding when he’s embarrassed by something he just did đŸ„ș
4:02 - Dan with his legs in the air...why 
4:12 - overdramatic Dan and Phil just laughing at him
4:23 - Phil is so pleased with himself
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4:32 - king of comedy Phil 😂
4:39 - is Phil...attempting to wink
4:42 - BONCAs jackets! and great question choice for this...and the jazz hands at the end!
5:04 - they both felt the need to have “stripping” music there...okay
5:14 - Dan opening the drawer with his toes in the background
5:18 - I mean...there was no stipulation that one of them had to give birth to the other...
5:26 - Phil has obviously thought about this ahead of time...also foreshadowing of Interactive Introverts
5:50 - Dan does a lot of grabbing Phil in various ways in this one
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5:56 - “now you can ride and charge at the same time” um. 😳
5:59 - zoom in on Dan’s crotch...both of these emoji descriptions are hilarious
6:28 - Dan is not doing a good job of hiding that
6:34 - Dan licking his own foot in the background...wtf
6:40 - what even would anyone use that stock photo for 😂
7:01 - the “you are now aware of your own breathing” thing! I always forget what PINOF or bloopers that’s in, but I think it comes up multiple times
7:12 - I mean...both of them have met the prompt successfully. oh, I thought there was more with the banana, but I guess that’s in the bloopers
7:39 - Dan came up with that fast
7:58 - Phil stealing the 7 second challenge theme for his horse song is great...and thinks it’s “quite sexy though”
8:24 - wtf is Phil’s face here
8:26 - that is a LOOK for Phil...also the noise at the end there 😳
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8:32 - well they have brought the other bedspread in...I’m still not entirely sure what joke or implication they are making here. Dan’s look at the camera at the end...
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8:48 - good breath control from Dan...also no significant reaction to Phil touching his neck a ton
9:10 - Phil with the pun 😂 this must have been before the screaming into pillows question
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9:21 - Phil is scared. would love to know what conversation led to who would pick up who. Dan just GOES for it and I’m impressed that he can lift him that high and hold him there. also Phil’s “not again” implying this has happened before
9:33 - love that you can see the end bit in the mirror
This is one of my favorite PINOFs. Dan also posted bloopers, but not until Christmas. I might like that video even more than this one, actually. They had a lot of great clips to choose from!
This was the last main channel video for either of them in 2016; there were no December videos, which is strange. This was the first year they did Gamingmas which kept them very busy and is probably why they didn’t have main channel videos.
Also in December, they performed the final TATINOF show in Sweden, put up the rave tree, Phil went to a family wedding while Dan did...this, had a friendmas, and a candle incident. Phil was with his family for Christmas by December 22, playing board games and hiding presents...interestingly. He also posted this food photo that Dan mocked him for. 😂 Dan went to visit his family briefly too (after editing a lot of final Gamingmas videos). Both DNP were back home and “hibernating” by December 30.
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