#(Castiel was splattered all over the house oops)
qapsiel · 11 months
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@g-dlaughs liked the starter call (still accepting)
                             CASTIEL WAKES UP WITH A WHEEZE. He turns on his stomach, forehead pressed to the hardwood floor, and inhales air in big gulps even though he doesn't need to breathe. Maybe it's his vessel's auto-response to— He sits up, grace pushing against his palms and the back of his eyes, making his body glow faintly in a bluish light. The archangel. Raphael came to punish him, and Castiel remembers the burn of his grace, the sickening ozone smell of righteous anger, he remembers his vessel and then his true form dissolving into atoms, and yet— 
                         A noise to his right; Castiel directs his glare at the intruder, hand outstretched, light pulsing, but it's only the prophet. He lowers his arm. "Chuck Shurley," he says. "What happened?" And then, more urgently: "Did Dean stop Sam from killing Lilith?"
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