#(Haru Miura 2k24 Bday)
queenharumiura · 2 months
"Haru ~" The local sweet boss called her friend out before walking toward her. Smiling, she gave her a bag with her friend's birthday gift inside. A handmade white cat ears hoodie she made herself. "Happy Birthday ~ Hope you'll like this little gift." :3
[Haru Bday 2k24 Ask] ||Accepting|| @alexandraxsuoh
"Hahi? Oh~ Alex-chan!" She waves at her approaching friend. She curiously accepts the bag to see the cat ears hoodie. It didn't look like something that was bought in a store, so maybe it was handmade?
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It makes her feel all warm and fuzzy in her chest at the thought that her friend made a hoodie for her. "Uwaaa! Thank you, Alex-chan~ Haru will definitely wear it. It looks so cute! Adorable-desu!"
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queenharumiura · 2 months
Yamamoto wanted to return a gift. She made something for him so he would make something for her! One of the things that could be made was handed out to Haru with a shy smile. "Happy birthday, Haru." Inside a green bento box was some types of sushi he made with his dad. With it was wooden chopsticks with pastel pink flowers.
[Haru Bday 2k24 Ask] ||Accepting|| @musessinabag
Haru accepts the bento box and she admires the wooden chopsticks with the pastel pink flowers, how cute! Inside the bento box was sushi! Coming from Yamamoto, it had to be good (and delicious) quality.
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“Thank you Yamamoto-kun~ Haru will gratefully eat the sushi. The chopsticks are really cute too!” Haru was such a foodie that food was often a very safe choice to give her as a gift. She did love sushi, so it was good thinking on Yamamoto’s part. It was probably good practice for him too! Win-win! “Haru appreciates you thinking of her on her birthday~”
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queenharumiura · 2 months
He knew Mont Blanc was out of season right now so he purchased a strawberry shortcake and an anpan for them to share. "Oi, Haru. Happy Birthday." He knew how much she liked sweets, so if she didn't care for the anpan, Gokudera would at least have something not overly sugary to enjoy. It wasn't much, but it was sweet and simple and befitting of the Tsundere Storm.
[Haru Bday 2k24 Ask] ||Accepting|| @whiskeysmulti
"Hahi? Oh, Hayato, hello!" She greets him and she accepts the treats that he handed to her. She knows that he wasn't very fond of sweets, so it made sense why there was only one slice of cake. The anpan though, was something she curiously stared at.
'Oh! It must be his.' She hands him the anpan and takes the strawberry shortcake for herself. She wouldn't be able to enjoy the cake on her own, because she'd end up feeling bad if she was the only one eating something. How considerate that he found something for himself to enjoy.
A smart guy indeed.
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"Mn! It's good! Thank you, Hayato. Cakes always taste better with company." Really, Haru didn't need much. Feeling appreciated and knowing that someone thought about her was more than enough. There were times in the past that she felt overlooked or ignored, so being noticed meant a lot more to her than people realized anymore.
"Spending time with you is the best present Haru could ask for." She leans her head on his shoulder, taking another bite of her cake.
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queenharumiura · 1 month
Chrome decided the streamers were good enough. She looked over at Kyoko who was telling her to hide. Haru would come in shortly with Bianchi. Chrome's visible eye widened and she hurried down the stool and ran toward the kitchen, just in time to close its door.
Kyoko went to the front door to answer it.
And as soon as Haru came in Chrome opened the door to shout. "Surprise! Happy birthday!" Along with the others gathered for Haru's birthday. It was a day late, but they figured Haru wanted to celebrate privately with her significant other before celebrating with friends.
[Haru Bday 2k24 Ask] ||Accepting|| @astrxthesiai
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"Hahiek!" She almost trips over Bianchi at the sudden surprise. She had expected somehow that she was being invited over because of her birthday, but she wasn't expecting a surprise greeting.
She looks throughout the room to notice that there were a lot more people in wait than she expected. Guess it made sense? She celebrated her birthday with her family and her lover, and she didn't see many of her other friends-- so it was because of this.
They were all waiting to surprise her today.
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"Haru was so shocked! She wasn't expecting such a surprise!" She looks at the preparations everyone had put together for her sake, and she beams happily. It was always so lovely to feel loved by your friends and family.
Being the kind of person who loved to spend time with people, it made her happy to be able to hang out with her friends today. While she normally was the one taking care of people and doing things for them, it was almost surreal to have a day where everyone came together to do things for her. It always made her feel awkward at first, since she normally was the one doing things for others-- but this was nice.
"Thank you, everyone. Haru feels so loved right now~"
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queenharumiura · 2 months
Sweeter Than Cake (Haru's Birthday Fic Gift 2024!)
He didn’t know what to do for her, but knew he sucked at cooking. Therefore there was no way in hell Gokudera was baking Haru’s cake himself. Thus the Smoking Bomb found himself window browsing the shops of Namimori for the perfect cake within price range. He knew her favorite was a Mont Blanc but it was out of his budget seeing he barely made ends meet as it was by working in the same grocery store he had since school. It was not his fault the customers were rude and caused him to get rude in return. Luckily for him though Haru liked all kinds of cakes.
Though Gokudera wasn’t much of one for sugary sweets, he knew Haru would enjoy it for her appreciation day and for her birthday as well, one day every month when she could have as many sweets as she wanted. Girls and their stupid self invented holidays. Could he have an appreciation day and drink as much as he wanted? No, Haru would kick his ass.
He browsed the stores, window shopping and searching, and cursing when his efforts were useless. Could he bake her one? He could hardly cook on his own without burning it, when the girls went on strike in the future, the boys would have starved after they ran out of cup noodles.
He knew his sister loved baking, but Gokudera would never in his life subject someone to Bianchi’s poisoned cooking when he himself had suffered enough of it. Why would he make Haru go through that torture when he loved her? He could run and beg Kyoko to help teach him? No, he had too much pride. Yamamoto was a good cook, but did he know how to bake? He wasn’t sure how Haru would accept a cake made of hand rolled sushi. Probably not well unless it was all expensive fatty tuna.
There were some smaller single slices and cupcakes he could get her, which seemed much cheaper at average prices of 650, 675, and 399 yen. A strawberry shortcake slice, a small Mont Blanc cupcake, and a cream puff, were the specials at the cake shop he found. Purchasing all three, he wasn’t certain what drinks went well with sweets like these, but usually in Italy, dessert comes with a coffee. Now he had to find something affordable. He stopped at the Conbini and got a few cans of cold coffee. He wasn’t one for sweets, but he’d have a drink with her.
Arriving at home, he sent her a message and waited for Haru to arrive. When she did he handed her one of the coffees and all three cakes and explained. “I wanted to do something for your birthday and wasn’t sure which cake you liked best, so I got you all three slices.”
“Hayato, you didn’t have to. The only thing that would make this day better is a kiss and cuddle from Uri.” Haru smiled as she walked in.
Taking her request literally, Gokudera called the cat out of the Storm Buckle and was met with a flurry of hisses and swipes and a loud “Nya!”, as she jumped out and ran over cuddling Haru like she was her cat and not his box weapon.
Gokudera was undeterred. He wouldn’t lose to a damn box weapon, not even his own. However, every inch closer to his girlfriend that he made, Uri let out another growl and hiss. And every time he reached for her, the cat reached for his arm, claws extended with a soft and sing-song “Nya-nya” which if Gokudera, the U.M.A expert, remembered the translation of the language of felines, then that was a “fuck you” in cat if he ever heard one. He’d let it slide off his back for now. Their friends were coming over to celebrate anyway, but he knew when they left he’d have her all to himself tonight and that was sweeter than any kind of cake he could have bought her.
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queenharumiura · 2 months
Yamamoto wasn’t really sure what to get Haru for her birthday.  He honestly wasn’t even sure what she liked anymore.  He spent much more time thinking and looking around stores than he would like to admit.  Something so simple shouldn’t have been so hard to decide on.
With time running out, he eventually ended up buying her a slice of chocolate cake along with some fabric and sewing notions that he thought looked useful.
Yamamoto handed the bag of things over to Haru a bit shyly.
“I didn’t know what you would want, so I hope this is ok.  Uh and Happy Birthday.”
[Haru Bday 2k24 Ask] ||Accepting|| @arealmunited
Haru looks at the bag curiously as she accepts it. She glances at him, noting how it seemed like he was feeling shy about something. When he mentions her birthday, it clicks that he had prepared something for her birthday.
A smile graces her features upon realizing that he had gone out of his way to prepare a gift for her. “I hope it’s okay to look inside now,” maybe he would prefer her to wait until he was gone to look inside. She looks over the supplies inside that looked apt for sewing projects—perfect for her hobby, creating costumes!
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Of course, there is also a dessert in the bag. It was one of her top three cake flavors: chocolate. “Thank you, Yamamoto-kun, Haru loves it! Haru is surprised by the fabric you chose, it’s quite nice. It looks like it’ll be a lot of fun to experiment with so Haru’s excited to make something with it! Yamamoto-kun has a good eye~”
It was a shame that she noticed that sometimes it felt like he was a bit awkward with touch, perhaps because of how he felt around the others. Otherwise, she would've given him a big bear hug!
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queenharumiura · 1 month
Kyouya leaves a laminated four leaf clover bookmark on his desk where Haru would often entertain his birds at. Written on the Namimori Middle School notepad nearby is: Miura Haru
She should know what this is for.
|| ooc: A happy bappy gift from Kyouya 🫶
[Haru Bday 2k24 Ask] ||Accepting|| @ukigumos
Haru was playing with the birds at Hibari's desk as she finds herself doing every so often (after school hours, mind you. She did make an agreement). She didn't have a habit of checking out what was on the desk because that'd be rude.
Though, when one of the birds hopping along the desk hopped over the note, her eyes caught sight of her name. She may not want to be a snoop, but curiosity killed the cat and she must know why her name was written! Next to the notepad was a laminated four leaf clover bookmark and she tilts her head in confusion.
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Was this a gift for her? For what reason? Was he... 'Is this a threat that Haru is coming too close to dying and so she needs luck if she wants to survive!?' Gasp! No no, she shakes her head. Haru's luck stat had to be higher than that! There's no way she was close to death that many times, right?
Did Hibari-san know of her birthday? 'Ahhh Tsuna-san must have said something about it!' Haru (delusional) Miura, everyone. She takes the bookmark with a smile. It was cute and she appreciated the sentiment.
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She writes a small message [thank you! Haru loves it!] on the notepad. "It's a good thing Haru already has plans for his birthday, ne?" She pets a small bird on the head.
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