#(I also have some more icon combos for her but I'm saving them for other icon sets in future!)
koushirouizumi · 1 year
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DIGI-ADVS KIZUNA ~ P r i d e + Head-canons ~ MENOA BELLUCCI [from Last Evolution: Kizuna]
Made w/All bases by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi {DO NOT re-post} {ASK TO USE} {'LIKES' OK} {Please read my F.A.Q. Before Asking}
My Commentary:
- These are specifically / varying Head-canons for my own personal {main} Fic-verse{s} (depending on the 'verse), but I won’t mind if anyone else enjoys these icons/ideas! (However, please ASK me before using any.)
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returnofahsoka · 2 years
Aaahhh yes yes yes, okay get ready 🌈
Sun Wukong 🌻
Fives 🌻
Esteban 🌻
Katara 🌻
Love you, sweetheart ❤
Yesyesyesyes thank youuuuuuu
sun wukong
First impression - fun fun fun!! a trickster god! i can't believe some dude 400 years ago could write such a character, he's so cool and funny!
Impression now - i love him. i would fight him. he's my son, he's my enemy, etc. i can't believe some dude 400 years ago could write such a character, he's so human, so flawed, so perfect. he feels so deeply and he's so alive he almost steps out from the pages. he's still VERY fun though
Favorite moment - OKAY im gonna gO OFF. so they are on this pilgrimage to the west, ordered by buddha, with his found family master and fellow disciples and sure, tripitaka gets into trouble a lot, but there's a time when wukong is tricked into thinking he straight up died. and he blames buddha. because the whole pilgrimage was his idea. and wukong blames him for tripitaka dying. and he goes to him, to finish the mission, their mission, alone, if buddha lets him. he's grieving, he's hurting, he's tired and he wants to go home, but he still says, i will finish the pilgrimage, if they let me. if not, i'll just go home. let me go home. he still tries, he doesn't give up, even then
Idea for a story - this is where i should be exposing my current wip, huh? well, maybe i'd say another idea instead, one that i won't write but i would really love to explore the concept of him helping out his teammates whenever they are injured and then just once have it turned around and have him be the one who needs to be taken care of (either the red boy chapter when he's burned or when he's stung by the scorpion-demon)
Unpopular opinion - he's ace!! he's an aro-ace icon!!! it's right there in the book my dudes (and god bless the 96 series for explicitly portraying him that way)
Favorite relationship - uhhhh difficult question, very difficult, but i'm gonna say with bajie. they are best friends. they also hate each other's guts. they banter, they fight side by side, they pull pranks on each other. they are brothers, they are rivals, and of course, they are foils.
Favorite headcanon - this is canon in some adaptations but basically, he laughs like any regular monkey when he gets really giddy
First impression - which one was fives again? seriously, he was a minor side character when he was introduced, and also a clone, so i didn't really remember him
Impression now - HE'S SO IMPORTANT! he grew so much and he showed a deep side of the clones that we didn't get to see before him and he saVED SO MANY PEOPLE (he could have saved everyone, if tcw wasn't a tragedy disguised as a cool cartoon for kids)
Favorite moment - mhmmm the entire umbara arc. brain go brrrr
Idea for a story - yeah so now i'm exposing a wip i kinda stopped working on. it was mostly about echo, but there were some stories about fives and the domino squad too, about how they used to go out after their deployment on rishi and just watch the stars and the meteors
Unpopular opinion - this is only unpopular with the show writers but WE NEED MORE OF HIM
Favorite relationship - with echo of course!!!! they are so so so important!!!! they are brothers and they mean so much to me!
Favorite headcanon - he would love omega and he would reenact his adventures as he tells them to her as bedtime stories. he would love ezra and think his lightsaber+blaster combo is sick
First impression - baby boy. baby
Impression now - i would die for this child and i would follow him to the ends of the world. please give him a break with his family
Favorite moment - bro i'm still thinking about the first time he flies the condor 😭
Idea for a story - some fix-it story for the finale for sure, because i will not let this found family split up and everyone go their separate ways. they belong together and if there's someone who knows this and who will do something about it, it's esteban
Unpopular opinion - he deserved so much more than the generic chosen one protagonist story arc the later seasons gave him
Favorite relationship - yeah okay i'm gonna have to say with mendoza. i'm not immune to mendoza going from "this kid i kidnapped and i'm trying to keep alive" to loving esteban as his son, i'm sorry!!
Favorite headcanon - he glows. literally, he glows when he's excited, but usually they aren't in a dark enough place to see it. it's still there
aaand katara
First impression - she was yelling at her brother for being annoying, so what can i say? relatable
Impression now - growth growth growth. she grows so much, she's so strong, she's so kind, she's so amazing and she's so imortant. still one of the greatest role models for little girls to grow up with, really??
Favorite moment - when she decides not to kill that fire nation soldier. truly, that means so much, so so so much
Idea for a story - i would love to write some kind of a girls' day out story, like in ba sing se, but post-finale. suki is also there. mai and ty lee too. i just want them to have fun and get to be normal teenage girls
Unpopular opinion - her relationship with aang was so well developed and yah i love them together
Favorite relationship - with sokka! sorry i'm a sucker for sibling relationships, they make me so so happy!! and sokka and katara have a very realistic brother-sister relationship, like they literally could be me and my brother
Favorite headcanon - that she becomes the ambassador of the water tribe? or is that an actual thing in the comics? idk but the point is she gets to travel the world (in peacetime too), she gets to be part of the rebuilding, she gets to be with aang who is needed everywhere and who is a nomad and yeah. she deserves it :)
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