#(I imagine his language to sound quite guttural but maybe also a bit close to old nordic stuff? Something like that)
respondedinkind · 11 months
@paramounticebound gets a random starter from me because reasons!
Something must have gone wrong somewhere along the lines.
Ka'anh had managed to reach the hangar - managed to fight his way through dozens of his own kind, sent after him to catch the fugitive and make him suffer for the consequences of not being enough - and even reached one of the many shuttles; How his body still carried his weight at that point he didn't dare to question.
Perhaps he'd just been blessed with an impossible large amount of luck, allowing him to close the doors and start the shuttle before the military was able to catch up with him - he doesn't believe in luck, and yet there's no other reason that explains how he even got out, away into the universe, the darkness of space.
But where luck brought him away from his planet, misfortune decided to intervene, it seemed. The last thing he remembers are the blinking lights of his vessel, alarms blaring from left and right, his shuttle getting shaken and pulled on by forces he'd never experienced before.
A bright light, and then...
A grunt escapes him, followed by a moan that comes from somewhere deep within his core; Pain shoots through him like a bullet, from head to toe and back up, and he squeezes his eyes shut as the taste of sand infiltrates his mouth.
Ka'anh's here, all of a sudden. Somewhere else, somewhere he hasn't been before, stumbling away from his crashed shuttle into the nothingness of what seems to be a vast desert ahead. The wind is merciless, but at least it's breathable; His body burns from the scorching heat, his heart racing due to blood loss and the injuries he's sustained both from his previous escape and the crash on this foreign planet.
A mixture of sweat and blood drips along the curve of his forehead, into his eyes - he blinks it away, spits crimson into the orange sand and continues to move forward... one step at a time. One, one, one, one...
He's alone, he guesses, lost somewhere where there's only the horizon visible at the edge of the world. But then he spots something else... something that looks equally as destroyed as his own vessel, most likely crashed in a similar fashion he has hours ago.
There's a body lying in the sand, on its stomach, close to the mountain of ripped steel. Ka'anh is armed, thank god he thinks, and pulls his bio-coded gun as he steps closer. One step at a time...
The image in front of his eyes turns triple from the pain and he grunts, but keeps standing. His nostrils burn, his body close to giving up, but he has to... he has to---
The gun is pointed at the foreign body, the head that's turned away from him. Raven hair is all he sees, no features, nothing that can tell him whether the other individual is even alive. How did this person end up here, he wonders - and why did their ship went down so close to my own...?
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"---Tra!" (Hey), Ka'anh shouts after a while - the harsh wind swallows his voice, so he clears his throat, coughs and spits before repeating himself: "Tra, eiqe!" (Hey! You!)
He wonders if the other is alive - whoever that person is. Appears to be male, that's all he can tell, judged by the shape of the body, but... there's not much else he can work with - not unless he steps closer. He won't, not yet.
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F/M Pairing: Y/N x Hwang Hyunjin (some mentions of Y/N x Seo Changbin)
Word Count: 7.5K
Warnings: Explicit smut and language, use of vibrators, Hyunjin is kinda obsessed in this one
Genre: College AU; Professor AU
Summary: When Y/N transferred into a prestigious all-girls university, she never expected to be on the receiving end of a very handsome professor’s near-constant attention.
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It had been a difficult decision - transferring from my previous school into one of the most Elite universities in the world. I understand that it might seem contradictory, but there were several uncertainties that impeded my ability to make a decision. The first being an existential dread surrounding the idea of leaving behind my best friends, including my off-and-on again boyfriend, Changbin. The second reason involved my new university’s strict mandate that it would only accept female applicants.
Yes, the school only admitted women, and as someone who maintained a diligent sex life with previous boyfriends, I was not excited by the prospect of being forced into celibacy.
But the pressure from my parents and close academic advisors eventually forced my hand, and I found myself dragging most of my belongings out of my dorm room with a few friends helping me along. “What the hell is in this suitcase, Y/N?” Jisung asked, grunting with the effort of dragging my bag along the sidewalk.
“Probably just clothes,” I said, shrugging because I was trying to remain perfectly nonchalant about my transfer, even though I was having a total meltdown on the inside.
“I think that’s all of it,” Changbin said, and he was giving me that same somber look that I was starting to hate - the one that told me he wasn’t very happy about my transfer. “You know,” he continued, bracing himself against the side of my car. “If you ever need me, I’m only a phone call away.”
“Quit trying to get your dick wet, Changbin, and grab something!” Chan snapped. “Or, are those arms just for show?”
Changbin rolled his eyes, but he leaned down to grab my laundry basket before bringing it to the trunk. “Are you gonna miss us, Y/N?” Jisung asked. 
“Not as much as you’ll miss me,” I said. “Who else will edit your essays, Han?”
Jisung frowned as if he was actually thinking deeply about my question. “Maybe I could just email them-”
“Jisung,” Chan interrupted, knocking against his shoulder with an affectionate smile. “There’s still one more box inside.”
“I’m on it!” Jisung shouted, and I grinned at the sight of the younger boy pumping his arms as he jogged back up the staircase.
“He doesn’t really get the severity of the situation,” Chan said, leaning next to me to against my car.
“It’s okay,” I said, looking down at my shoes. “I’ll miss all of you.”
“Y/N,” Chan said, “I thought we weren’t gonna cry until after you left.”
I sniffled around the rising urge to do exactly that before tossing my arms around his neck for a long embrace. “You’ll come see me, right?”
“Of course,” Chan agreed, pulling back to meet my gaze. “Ya! Don’t cry over this, Y/N. It’s supposed to be your big opportunity.”
“Yeah,” I murmured, but it didn’t really feel like it anymore, and when my eyes connected with Changbin’s, I couldn’t help but feel a terrible weight pressing down on my chest.
Maybe this was the worst idea ever, but I was already enrolled for the upcoming academic semester. I would do my best, of course, but I desperately hoped that my parents might reconsider another transfer. Because these were my friends  (and my sometimes boyfriend), and I belonged with them.
“Don’t think too much about it,” Chan instructed me firmly. “Call us if you ever want to hangout.”
“I will,” I promised him, and he brushed a friendly kiss across my forehead. It was the ultimate sign that I had truly signed my life away on the enrollment papers for the school in the next town. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad once I made new friends, but at this moment, everything hurt and I was doing my best to hold myself together as I drove away with my old life waving goodbye from the rear-view mirror.
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Upon the start of the Spring semester, I was officially moved into my new dorm room which I was sharing with an very enthusiastic young woman named Claire. Her optimism was unmatched, and she had spent most of the day dragging me around campus while pointing out anything that seemed remotely interesting. “You’ll love it here, Y/N!” she promised, and I feigned a smile mostly for her benefit.
“It seems nice,” I told her later on after we returned to our shared dorm room.
“Oh, yeah, the teachers are great!” she said. “What’s your schedule like?”
I shrugged with vacant dismissal, reaching into my bag to hand her the folded piece of paper I had received earlier that week. “You got in Mr. Hwang’s class!” Claire abruptly squealed. “You lucky bitch!”
“What’s the big deal?” I grumbled, snatching my schedule back out of her hands.
“The big deal!” Claire shrieked like I had just committed an unforgivable crime. “He’s only the hottest teacher on campus!”
I rolled my eyes because I should’ve anticipated something superficial. But I was beginning to understand that most of these poor girls were thirsty for anything remotely attractive, and I had even witnessed one girl lusting over a much-older professor just because he still had all of his hair. It was everything I feared about an all-girls institution, and I was beginning to experience the same mania as the rest of them.
But my thoughts usually went to Changbin, and there was no way I would ever fantasize about one of my teachers. “How old is he?” I asked.
“He’s only 27!” Claire giggled. “I’m not kidding, Y/N, it looks like he was literally sculpted by the gods!”
“That’s original,” I muttered. “Well, I hope he’s good at poetry.”
“Oh, he’s the best,” Claire assured me, but I didn’t think I could take her word for it because she was certainly biased when it concerned his looks. “He’s been published all around the world!”
“He must be decent,” I said because the school’s academic reputation wouldn’t allow anything less than acceptable.
“My friend had a class with him last semester,” Claire continued, and I regretted not changing the topic earlier. “Apparently, she could hardly concentrate on the lesson because she couldn’t stop staring at his ass.”
“Your friend sounds dedicated.”
“There’s also a rumor going around campus that he only got his position because he seduced our admissions advisor!”
I snorted at the idea. “I doubt I’ll be that interested in him.”
“Whatever you say, Y/N,” Claire sing-songed. “You’ll change your mind when you see him.”
“I highly doubt it,” I muttered, and I glanced over at the side table where my phone was waiting. “I’ll be back,” I said, and I left the dorm room and found myself in an isolated study room which I ensured was locked before dialing Changbin’s number.
Then, I settled down against the couch and closed my eyes, shoving my hand underneath the waistband of my sleeping shorts to gently graze my fingers against my clitoris. 
Graciously, Changbin picked up after the fourth ring: “Y/N?” he said. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” I said. “I just wanted to hear your voice.”
Changbin chuckled, and the static from the phone made it sound far more guttural. I bit my lower lip as I dipped one finger inside my tight heat. “How’s your new roommate?” he asked. “Chan told me that she was unbearable.”
“She’s chatty,” I said, taking a deep breath before asking him: “Changbin, I miss you.”
He was silent from the other end, and I could only pray that Changbin had read the situation correctly, especially when I offered a quiet moan into the receiver. “Are you touching yourself, Y/N?” he asked, and I nodded even though he couldn’t see me.
“I wish you were here,” I told him, and I smiled at the familiar sound of Changbin’s zipper as he tugged his pants down those thick thighs that I loved. 
“I’m here, babe,” he said, and there was a slight desperation to his tone. “What are you thinking about?”
“You,” I said, hissing around a stuttered exhale when I grazed a sensitive spot. “I’m thinking about your cock, Changbin.”
He moaned from the other end, and the slick sound of Changbin lubing up his erection was particularly raunchy. “I want you here with me, Y/N,” Changbin said, and I could easily imagine him jerking off his cock from behind my eyelids. “I’d have you on your hands and knees, fingering that little pussy of yours.”
I gasped at his words, arching my back against the couch as I shoved my fingers even further inside. Changbin had an uncanny gift for dirty talk that I attributed in large part to his irresistible baritone voice. “Tell me more,” I begged him.
“Are you wet?”
“Good,” Changbin growled. “I could just slide right in.”
“Oh, fuck,” I cursed, and I imagined everything as he continued to describe it to me - moving my fingers even faster at the phantom sensation of his cock filling me up so well like he always did whenever we had sex together. “I want to come so bad for you.”
“Then do it,” Changbin said, grunting from his end as he undoubtedly brought himself to completion.
And I eventually came with a loud moan - shameless despite the thin walls of the surrounding dorms. But I was on cloud nine, savoring the necessary heat of my well-deserved orgasm. “Call me tomorrow,” Changbin said after a while, and I had almost forgotten that we were still talking.
“Yeah,” I panted around a sigh. “I will.”
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The bell-tower struck noon when I entered Hwang Hyunjin’s poetry class for the very first time. I had already anticipated a large class, but I was still surprised by the sheer number of students who were crowding the front rows of the classroom. I rolled my eyes because I was forced to sit at the back, and it certainly did no favors for my poor vision.
Regardless, I was also frustrated because there was a small part of myself which remained curious about this mysterious teacher. I could tell that all the other students were practically gushing with excitement, but I schooled my expression and slumped down in my seat as I pulled out a fresh notebook. What the hell were they expecting? A striptease in the middle of our lecture?
However, the most frustrating part of all was the grand entrance of the elusive teacher who had enraptured most of the population. And I couldn’t be any less impressed with him as I rolled my eyes over his tall, lean form. Yeah, he was pretty to look at, but he certainly wasn’t my type. I sighed as my mind instantly reminded me of an image of Changbin; specifically, a sweaty Changbin who had just finished up in the gym - wearing nothing around his waist except for a towel.
“Good morning, everyone,” Mr Hwang finally spoke, and there was a deeper aspect to his voice that I wasn’t expecting. “My name is Mr. Hwang, and this is our poetry 278 lecture.”
There was a collective sigh over his words, and I held back my laughter at the pathetic way everyone was swooning over him. “Let’s start with introductions,” Mr. Hwang suggested, and I groaned because I loathed ice-breakers. “When I call your name, you can give me your year and intended major.”
God, was this Elementary school?
Nevertheless, I waited for my turn, listening as the other students went above and beyond the call of duty to provide Mr. Hwang with as much unnecessary additional information as they could. “I study political science,” one girl said. “I was the leader of my high school’s debate club, and I won an award at the state convention.”
“Impressive,” Mr. Hwang said, and I briefly entertained the idea of the girl fainting on the spot. “Y/N?”
I glanced up to meet Mr. Hwang’s gaze. “Third year,” I replied. “I just transferred, and I’m studying English.”
“Oh, really?” Mr. Hwang inquired. “Do you have any interest in writing an honor’s thesis?”
I blinked twice at the question because he hadn’t bothered to push anyone else for something more. “I’d like to in the future,” I told him, and I squirmed around uncomfortably in my chair when his gaze lingered for several beats too long.
Thankfully, he quietly moved on, and I was able to relax in my seat once again. The lecture proceeded from there, and I sighed when I realized that we would be talking about Emily Dickinson who I had already studied numerous times in my other classes. But I guess that left me the rare opportunity to doodle nonsensical images on my notebook while thinking about my friends, wondering what Jisung, Chan, and Changbin might be doing at that moment.
In another universe, we could be sharing this class together, and I felt a pang of homesickness for my previous school as I listened to Mr. Hwang’s voice at the back of my head. But after another hour, our class concluded and I breathed a sigh of relief as I packed up my belongings. I wasn’t able to finish my picture of Munchlax, but maybe I could work out the details later on. In the meantime, I hoisted my bag over my shoulder as I tried to fight my way around the crowd of students who were all waiting around Mr. Hwang’s desk.
And I was almost at the exit when his voice suddenly stopped me. “Y/N,” Hyunjin said, and I paused mid-step because I wasn’t expecting to hear him call my name. “Can you stay behind for a moment?”
“Sure,” I said, even as I bristled at the thought of having to wait for those other girls to leave first.
They all insisted that they had so many questions to ask Mr. Hwang, and I was left to stew in the corner while crossing my arms over my chest. I had another class in half an hour, and I couldn’t afford to stand around all day while I waited at the behest of a teacher who had somehow won the affections of every student in this stupid school simply by being the prettiest in the room.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Mr. Hwang said with a bright smile to the last girl who scampered out of the room with a breathless giggle.
Finally, it was just me and Mr. Hwang, and I hesitantly walked over to his desk. “You needed to see me?”
“Yes,” Mr. Hwang said as he looked up at me from his grade-book. “Is there something wrong with the way I teach?” Mr. Hwang asked, and I was surprised to see him pouting at me with his lower lip sticking out.
“Uh, I don’t know what you mean, Mr. Hwang,” I said, adjusting the strap of my bag.
“Well, it didn’t seem like you were too invested in my lecture,” Hyunjin explained.
Oh, great, he caught me daydreaming about Changbin. 
“I’m sorry, sir,” I said, searching for an excuse. “I’ve been having a hard time adjusting.”
“Ah, that’s right!” Mr. Hwang nodded. “You transferred here for the new semester.”
“Yeah,” I agreed, and I chanced a step back towards the doorway. “I’ll do better in the future.”
“Well, hold on for just a minute, Y/N,” Mr. Hwang said. “I’m here to help my students when they’re struggling.”
“It’s not really a struggle,” I said, but I held my tongue when he pulled out a piece of paper and scribbled something at the top.
“Here,” he said, holding out the paper for me to take. “It’s my personal phone number,” Mr. Hwang added with a wink. 
Personal number? “Oh, thank you, sir,” I offered in return because I wasn’t sure what the appropriate response might be in that situation.
“Call me anytime,” Mr. Hwang insisted, and I couldn’t help but notice the mischievous gleam in his gaze like we were playing some kind of game and I was the one who was losing. “I’ll see you on Thursday.”
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One Week Later
Despite my new school’s formidable reputation, I was doing exceedingly well in all of my classes. Most of my instructors were greatly impressed, and a few English teachers had already brought up the prospect of mentoring me for the honor’s thesis. Yet, there was one class that I couldn’t quite get a handle on, and I was shocked to see another giant C- written across the top of my latest essay. 
I swallowed hard when Mr. Hwang returned to the front of the room to conclude his lecture. What the hell was I doing wrong? I had even sent this paper to a former TA at my previous school who offered to look at it before I submitted the damn thing.
But instead of feeling disappointed about my failure, I sensed a rising anger directed at the man standing in front of the room. Everyone else around me celebrated their A’s while I was left with a nasty letter grade that would hardly reflect well on my GPA. What could the rest of my classmates be doing differently?
“That’s it for today!” Mr. Hwang announced. “We’ll pick up on this again next time!”
I frowned as I stuffed the essay at the bottom of my bag. It still wasn’t too late to switch out of this stupid class, and then I could finally re-orient my focus. “Y/N!” Mr. Hwang called out when I passed by his desk. “Can I have a moment of your time, dear?”
Dear?! “Sure,” I grumbled, once again waiting for the masses of Mr. Hwang’s admirers to leave the room before I confronted my teacher.
“Well,” Mr. Hwang began with an exaggerated sigh. “What will we do about these poor grades of yours?”
I bristled at the comment because it sounded strangely hostile - perhaps even threatening. “Don’t worry, sir,” I said. “I’m transferring out your class. You don’t have to concern yourself with me.”
I turned my back on Mr. Hwang as I started for the exit. “Don’t be silly, Y/N,” Mr. Hwang said. “I’ve spoken to your other teachers, and they tell me that this a requirement for your major. And I’m the only person who teaches the subject.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I hissed under my breath, but I did my best to retain a neutral expression as I returned to his desk. “What’s the problem, sir?” I asked. “I had the last essay peer-checked by a former instructor.”
“Our grading standards are much higher, Y/N,” Mr. Hwang informed me haughtily. “I think the real issue is your attitude.”
“My attitude?” I repeated - completely dumbfounded by the accusation.
“You don’t really show any engagement with the material,” Mr. Hwang elaborated. “You always come to class, but I can tell that your attention is elsewhere. And you don’t even bother to come to my office hours to talk about the topics we cover.”
“I didn’t realize, sir,” I said, and I was shocked that he considered me disinterested in my studies.
“It’s okay to ask for help, Y/N,” Mr. Hwang explained. “You’re the only student who never stays behind to talk to me.”
Because I have better things to compliment your face! “I have another lecture after this one,” I offered as a response.
“Then it seems to me like I should make an effort to meet you outside of designated hours,” Mr. Hwang said. “I have an apartment off-campus. Maybe you can come over this weekend?”
For a moment, I was completely stunned by his proposal. “I don’t think that’s appropriate, Mr. Hwang,” I said, taking a step back away from him.
“Why not?” Mr. Hwang asked. “It’ll just be me and you.”
“Uh, I don’t know...”
“Oh, Y/N, I have to insist,” Mr. Hwang said, and I watched him open his grade-book. “You won’t even muster a C in this class if you keep going at this rate.”
It seemed preposterous that I could make straight A’s in every other class but still fail this one at the same time. “I’ll think about it,” I said while doing my best to ignore his pleased smile.
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It was late that night when my phone lit up with an incoming notification. I groaned in response because I wasn’t expecting anything from the boys, but then again, maybe Changbin needed fresh jerk-off material, and I could always send him a picture of my tits. But I was surprised to realize that I was wrong on all accounts, and my heart started beating faster when I read the message:
From Unknown:
Y/N, it’s Hyunjin from your poetry class.
Hyunjin? Oh, right, that was Mr. Hwang’s first name.
To Unknown:
Me: How did you get this number?
From Unknown:
H: The student profiles.
“It’s still an invasion of my privacy,” I grumbled.
H: We can be very casual with one another outside of class. Wouldn’t you agree?
I narrowed my eyes at the informal suggestion. 
To Unknown:
Me: If that’s okay with you, sir.
I waited for several moments, but it seemed like Mr. Hwang was finally done texting me. I shrugged at the unusual conversation, but before I could place my phone back on my nightstand, it vibrated with another incoming message. This one had a picture attached....
“Holy shit!” I gasped, dropping my phone onto the bed as my heart started to thud violently inside my chest.
From Unknown:
H: Do you like it, princess?
“Is he crazy?” I decried, and my hands were trembling when I brought my phone screen closer. Because the attachment contained a very obscene picture of a dick, and I didn’t need more than two guesses to assume that it was Mr. Hwang’s. 
My fingers were shaking as I stared at the image - zooming in closer to observe the delicate bead of precum glistening at the tip. There was also a hand wrapped around the base, and even though I didn’t have much experience with sex, I could still acknowledge that it was a very nice cock. But did I really just get a dick pic from my poetry teacher?
To Unknown:
Me: I’m not sure what you expect me to say.
I sent the message before attempting to fan my flushed skin - feeling overheated because this was not what I had been expecting when Mr. Hwang sent me the first message.
From Unknown:
H: It’s alright, princess. I’m not much for talking either. Why don’t you come over this weekend so you can show me your reaction instead?
Oh, god, I was definitely teetering on the precipice of very dangerous ground. I’m talking the same kind of inappropriate that could get him fired and me expelled. What the hell was he even thinking? Was Mr. Hwang trying to hit on me?!!
I shook my head because it was suddenly very difficult to concentrate, but I was also feeling the vestiges of panic creeping around the edges of my vision. My hands could barely hold the screen long enough for me to type out a quick response:
To Unknown:
Me: Maybe some other time.
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The next morning, I was still shaken from my unexpected text conversation with Mr. Hwang. For most of the night, I simply stared at the ceiling while my phone continued to vibrate with incoming messages. Eventually, I was forced to mute his number, and I still couldn’t fall asleep.
I was barely functional the next morning, but I was also strangely horny, which is why I didn’t hesitate to encourage Changbin when he sent me a message asking if he could come visit. I waited and chose a time when my roommate would be gone - sighing in relief when I heard him knocking on the door. I threw it open quickly, and he was clearly caught off-guard by my eagerness. “I’m so glad to see you,” I said, and I didn’t hesitate to lock my lips with his, kissing Changbin with all the nervous energy that I had tried to keep to myself all weekend. 
“Wow,” Changbin managed when we both pulled apart for air. “The no dick policy at this shithole has fucked you up.”
“Yeah? I need you to fuck me, Changbin,” I said, and he must’ve saw something in my eyes that changed his mind. 
He pushed us both into my room, turning around to lock the door before reaching down for the hem of his t-shirt. “Bend over for me, baby,” he said, and his voice was husky as I took off my clothes and braced myself against the desk.
“I really need this,” I told him from over my shoulder - shameless as I explored every inch of his toned form.
“I got you, baby,” Changbin said, and he moved behind me to spread my legs, taking a few moments to finger me with his long digits, stretching out my opening while stimulating my clitoris with his thumb. “You definitely need to be fucked,” Changbin remarked. “Your pussy is so tight.”
“Please,” I whispered, and Changbin was quick to replace his fingers with the same cock that I often drooled over when I masturbated late at night. He set an urgent pace from the start, grabbing my hips between his hands to hold me in place as he filled me with his cock over and over again. “Changbin,” I whined, burying my face in my forearms and trying to ignore the pain in my stomach from where he knocked me into the wood on every thrust. 
It wasn’t equivocal to one of our more passionate rounds of lovemaking, but it was everything that I needed. Enough to wipe all consideration of Hwang Hyunjin clear out of my head as I enjoyed the delightful friction of Changbin’s cock rolling against the constricting walls of my cunt. “It feels so good,” I whispered, and I closed my eyes in pleasure.
“Tell me when you’re close,” Changbin said. “I wouldn’t want your roommate to come back.”
However, the inherent risk of being caught by my roommate was also a factor in my rapid ascent to orgasm. “Coming!” I shouted while feeling myself unravel around his cock as he rammed himself inside. 
Thereafter, I settled on top of my bed while Changbin tied off his condom and tossed it into the trash. I smiled when he crawled in next to me, reaching for his jeans hanging from the edge and pulling out a package of cigarettes. “Open the window,” I instructed him. “I can’t have you polluting my room.”
Changbin chuckled, but obeyed nonetheless. He also drug the ashtray on the windowsill closer before lighting the cigarette and bringing it to his swollen lips for a long inhale. “I really missed you, Y/N,” Changbin said, taking another drag from his cigarette before placing it in the ash tray next to the open window. 
“I missed you too,” I told him, closing my eyes for a moment as I relaxed against the pillows - savoring the warmth of Changbin from next to me.
“I had a nice time with you,” Changbin added. “Maybe we could...try dating again?”
I froze at the words I had been dreading to hear. You see, Changbin and I had been dating off-and-on for many years at this point, and we both knew that we didn’t work well as a couple. Yet, that never stopped him from encouraging us to try again, and as much as I loved the sex, I couldn’t tolerate the complicated feelings involved.
“I don’t think so, Changbin,” I said, wincing when I heard him sigh. “You know that never ends well for us.”
“Yeah,” Changbin agreed, although it hurt my heart to see him look so sad. “I can’t help it, Y/N.”
“We can still keep doing this,” I said, reaching over to place a tender kiss on his bicep. 
“Maybe,” Changbin agreed, but something in his tone told me that this might be the last time I ever enjoyed Changbin’s company in bed.
“Could I at least show you around campus?” I asked him. “I’ll even treat you to lunch?”
Thankfully, Changbin managed a smile at my offer. 
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By the time Changbin had left campus, I was feeling strangely alone when I settled at a cafe in the student union to work on some homework. I couldn’t help but feel like I had disappointed Changbin, and I prayed to anyone who was listening that we might still be friends. Because we had been close well before the sexting and late-night phone conversations that always ended up with an orgasm or two.
Changbin was the epitome of the type of guy I usually lusted after: strong, handsome, and intimidating. But we always argued too much whenever we tried the whole couple thing, and that was enough to ruin any preconceived notions I held about a relationship with the object of my most intimate fantasies. “You always manage to ruin everything, Y/N,” I muttered to myself, and it was suddenly way too difficult to focus on homework.
But I was still distracted enough that I almost failed to recognize the man who had just walked into the cafe...until he was standing right next to my table. “I always enjoy seeing my students outside of our lectures,” Mr. Hwang said with a smirk. “Do you mind if I join you?”
It took me a while to respond to his simple inquiry because my mind instantly returned to the picture of his cock that still sat in my messages. “Sure,” I eventually mustered, willing my stomach to settle down while ignoring the harsh smell of his cologne. 
“Is that my assignment you’re working on?” Mr. Hwang inquired as he took another sip of his coffee.
Is he just going to pretend like everything is okay? “Yeah,” I said, sliding my laptop screen closer. “For the author essay.”
“Do you mind if I take a look?” Mr. Hwang asked, and I shivered at the dark look in his gaze.
“I guess so,” I said, and I passed off my computer screen, observing the way he read over the words before sighing.
“You just don’t seem to understand, Y/N,” Mr. Hwang said, and I could feel myself almost snapping.
“What don’t I understand, Mr. Hwang?” I asked with barely constrained frustration.
“Oh, please call me Hyunjin,” he replied. “Mr. Hwang makes me sound so old.”
“Fine,” I huffed. “But the essay?”
“It lacks passion,” Mr. Hwang explained. “Your writing is decent, but it’s very by the books, you know? I’m looking for my students to play around with their words and have fun! We read enough academia as it stands.”
“Passion?” I repeated. “And how do you suggest that I learn passion?”
Mr. Hwang smiled, and I felt like I had just walked right into a trap. “You’re a very young and attractive woman, Y/N,” he said. “Have you ever been in a relationship before?”
“Several,” I said, keeping my responses short and vague on purpose. Because i couldn’t figure out where he was going with this strange conversation.
“Several?” Mr. Hwang repeated. “Well, that’s a shame then.”
“What do you mean?”
“The sex must be very boring,” Mr. Hwang said. “If you’re still writing this way.”
I didn’t even bother trying to stop my mouth from falling open. “I really don’t think it’s any of your business!”
“I have to make it my business when your grades are this atrocious,” Mr. Hwang insisted, and his eyes rolled over my form. “I find myself quite attracted to you, Y/N. Perhaps I can help solve this little dilemma of yours.”
Fuck it! I thought to myself as I leaned in closer - ready to risk it all because I wouldn’t tolerate his attitude for another moment! “To tell you the truth, Mr. Hwang,” I said, feeling triumphant when his eyes flashed in annoyance at my blatant dismissal of his earlier request. “You’re just not my type.”
“And what is your type?” Mr. Hwang snapped. “Certainly not that little jock you were walking around with on campus?”
“Changbin?” I said without really thinking, but then I found myself wondering how he even knew about that in the first place. “How did you know?”
“I saw the two of you,” Mr. Hwang said like it wasn’t a big deal. “I couldn’t help but notice, Y/N, and that poor boy was following you around like a lost puppy.”
“This is crossing a line,” I said, slamming my laptop closed. “I can see anyone I want.” 
“You’re not interested in doing better?” Mr. Hwang asked. “Trust me, Y/N. I was there once, and most college boys like him are only interested in sticking their dicks into something warm. I think you need someone mature who isn’t only interested in their own satisfaction.”
“Changbin’s sweet to me,” I insisted, and Mr. Hwang scoffed.
“I bet he is, especially if you’re always willing to spread your legs for him.”
“Like you could do any better!” 
“Wouldn’t you like to find out?”
I fell back into my seat as I slowly processed his words. “Sir, I-”
“You can’t possibly know if I’m your type, Y/N,” Mr. Hwang continued. “I think I deserve a fair chance to prove you wrong.”
I could scarcely believe how casual he was acting - like this wasn’t completely against thousands of school rules. It was entirely scandalous, and there were so many inherent risks if we were to ever get caught....but, yet, somewhere deep down inside of me, I felt the familiar heat of arousal.
“You’re thinking about it.” Mr. Hwang smiled. “Come over this Friday, Y/N, and I’ll show you what a real man looks like.”
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I had never been this nervous before in my entire life, wiping my sweaty palms against my jeans as I walked up to Hyunjin’s apartment. There was a far more rational part of myself that was screaming at me to run in the opposite direction, but the incessant desire to knock on the door far outweighed the consequences. And my breath hitched in my throat when I saw him standing in the doorway dressed to the nines in tight skinny jeans and a white, button-up shirt while I looked like I had just woken up,
“There you are,” Hyunjin said with a sultry tone, and he reached for my hand to pull me inside. “Sit down for a moment,” he encouraged me, smirking at the look on my face as I took in his lavishly decorated apartment. Still, I managed to obey him as I sat down on the leather futon in the center of the room.
“Your apartment is nice,” I commented, and I held my breath when Hyunjin sat down next to me - stretching out his long legs while he studied me with an impenetrable gaze.
“I have a few rules tonight, Y/N,” he said, and I forced myself to nod. “Are you aware of the color-light system?”
“Color-light system?” I repeated.
“How adorable,” Hyunjin said with a mocking tone. “You’ve made it seem like you know your way around a cock, but you’re clearly more innocent than I assumed.”
My eyes widened at his filthy language. “Sir?”
“That’s a good start,” Hyunjin said. “You will refer to me as sir tonight, do you understand?”
“Yes, sir,” I said, and Hyunjin smiled at my easy compliance.
“As for the color system,” Hyunjin said. “I want to make sure that you’re comfortable, Y/N. Green means that you can handle whatever we’re doing, yellow means that I need to slow down, and red implies that we’ll stop completely. Is that clear?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good,” Hyunjin purred. “Would you feel more at ease in the bedroom?”
I offered him a timid nod, and Hyunjin held out his hand which I accepted - hoping that he wouldn’t notice the evidence of my nerves. But I was half-way expecting something truly horrible, which meant that I was also genuinely surprised to discover a normal bedroom - sparsely furnished with a king-sized bed with a beautiful silk comforter. “Why don’t you take your clothes off for me, princess?” Hyunjin asked, and I shivered at the familiar pet name. “Lay down on the bed, and I’ll grab a few things before we start.”
I waited until Hyunjin turned his back to me before undressing and leaving my clothes in a neat pile on a nearby chair. Then, I hesitantly lowered my body onto the mattress while resisting the urge to cover myself. Especially when Hyunjin returned with a bundle of interesting items, placing them aside while he looked me over from head to toe. “Oh, princess,” he said. “What a beautiful body.”
I could feel myself flushing at his words and Hyunjin laughed. “Where’s that feisty attitude from before, princess? Or was it all for show?”
“Mr. Hwang-”
“Sir,” he quickly corrected me, and I stiffened when he presented a bright red blindfold. “We’ll put this on first,” Hyunjin said, and he ordered me to sit up long enough for him to secure the tie in the back - taking away my sight and leaving me anxious for his next move. “This will make everything feel so much better,” he said, and I jumped when his fingers started to trail down the smooth skin of my stomach. “Oh, you must be very sensitive,” Hyunjin remarked, and I didn't quite know what to do with my hands when he parted the delicate folds of my pussy. “Y/N, are you already wet?” he asked, and I tried to hold back a moan when he inserted one finger, moving it around before leaving me feeling empty once again. 
“Let’s try this,” Hyunjin said, and I gasped when I heard the familiar sounds of a vibrator. “You’ve probably used this plenty of times,” Hyunjin continued. “When you had to finish yourself off after those little boys tried to please you.”
He started with my nipples - moving in small circles around the hardened peaks. It wasn’t anything overwhelming, and I enjoyed the pleasant sensation. However, the soothing action didn’t last for long, and I gripped the silken sheets between my fingers, spreading my legs wider on instinct when Hyunjin trailed the vibrations down to my sensitive pussy lips. “Oh, shit,” I said, nearly exploding when the vibrator made contact with my clitoris. Especially when he increased the power - turning the damn thing up to its highest setting as he held it there in the same spot.
I was gone before it had even started, convulsing around nothing as I came hard against the sheets. And I fully expected him to stop since he had gotten his way, but Hyunjin only surprised me when he continued to move the vibrator against my throbbing clit, refusing to relinquish the stimulating vibrations as everything started to burn with the threat of yet another orgasm slowly building.
“Fuck, you’re leaking everywhere,” Hyunjin said, but there was only awe in his tone, and I could practically feel the weight of his gaze. “Such a good girl,” Hyunjin added, and he started moving the vibrator in faster circles while he refused to take it away from my poor, aching sex.
I moaned around my second orgasm - coming hard again, but there was also an undeniable sensitivity that had me trying to escape the cursed vibrator, but Hyunjin only used a firm grip on my hips to hold me in place.
“Please stop!” I cried.
“Color,” Hyunjin growled, and he continued to press down even harder.
“Y-yellow,” I stuttered, and the vibrations slowed down to a more acceptable level as Hyunjin circled the head around my clit.
“I want one more from you, Y/N,” he said. “Then, I think you might be ready for my cock.”
I almost fell apart at his words, and I found myself unable to deny that everything was so good with him. There was also a strange and foreign part of me that desperately wanted to please him, and I started rolling my hips in time with his circles, chasing another high as I nearly screamed from the intensity. “Look at you,” Hyunjin sneered when he turned off the vibrator, and I could feel the bed dip beneath his weight. He snatched away my blindfold, and I blinked rapidly at the returning light before focusing on the obscene image of Hyunjin jerking himself off in front of me. “You have to be honest with me, princess,” he growled. “Is my cock better than his?”
“S-sir?” I questioned, having trouble focusing because of the thick haze surrounding my frazzled brain. 
“That little prick you were with,” Hyunjin said. “Is his cock better than mine?”
I was smart enough to know the right answer, and I shook my head from side to side. “Your cock is better, sir,” I said, and Hyunjin brightened with a grin. 
“It’s big, isn’t it?” Hyunjin asked, and he was shuffling over me with a sardonic grin. “Why don’t you touch it?”
I swallowed hard, but quickly acquiesced, wrapping my hand around his impressive girth before allowing myself to give him several strokes - making sure to give some attention to the head. “Oh,” Hyunjin moaned, looking down at me with sultry eyes. “That feels good, princess, but would you rather have my cock somewhere else?”
I whimpered at his words. “Yes, sir.”
“Tell me where,” Hyunjin demanded. “I want to know exactly what you want me to do, princess.”
“I want your cock in my pussy,” I said. “I need you to fuck me, sir.”
“Shit,” Hyunjin snarled, and he moved my legs apart to expose my cunt. “How can I possibly say no when you asked me so nicely?”
But I was a complete mess at this point - debauched and overcome with pleasure. Yet, when I felt the tip of Hyunjin’s cock penetrate my weeping sex, I could already feel myself growing excited all over again. He wasn’t gentle either - spearing me with one harsh plunge of his erection against the resisting walls of my pussy. 
“Oh, fuck,” Hyunjin said. “Are you sure you’re not a virgin, princess?”
There were tears in my eyes when I reached out for his shoulders, holding on for dear life as he started moving himself around inside of me. Pulling back to leave just the tip of his cock at my entrance, before thrusting forward with unrelenting strength. In spite of his skinnier stature, Hyunjin wasn’t to be underestimated. He knew exactly how to use his hips, and he continued to breach my constricting cunt with everything that he had. 
“You’re taking me so well, princess,” he said, forcing my legs even further apart, and finding a better angle to attack the delicate g-spot that rapidly sent me hurtling for my fourth orgasm of the night.
I was completely spent, barely holding on to consciousness while Hyunjin finally came with a hoarse cry of my name - dragging his cock in and out of my pussy as he milked himself for every last bit of cum. Then, he pulled himself out with a far more gentle touch, leaning down for the first time that night to connect our lips in a surprisingly warm kiss.
“Is that what you were expecting, Y/N?” he asked with a playful smile. “Am I still not your type?”
I shook my head because words were the last thing on my mind. But Hyunjin simply chuckled at my speechless state, and I watched him move around the room completely naked as he cleaned up the mess we had made. Meanwhile, I held up my hands to make sure that my vision had returned to normal.
Eventually, Hyunjin settled back down behind me, and I was somewhat surprised that he hadn’t kicked me out of his apartment. Even more so when he started to run his fingers down my waist. “I think you finally learned passion, Y/N,” he said, and I couldn’t help but agree with him.
“Can I start writing acceptable essays?” I asked him with a more confident tone.
“Of course,” he agreed. “But Y/N,” Hyunjin added, and I groaned when he cupped the heat between my legs. “You better call me Hyunjin from now on.”
“Yes, sir,” I said, grinning when I heard him growl in warning.
“You’re asking for it, aren’t you?”
I gave him a coy smile in return, watching as he rolled over top of me to spread my thighs again.
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The next day in class, I smiled when I saw an A+ written at the top of my latest essay assignment. One that I had stayed up late to complete while sitting at Hyunjin’s desk with his cock buried inside my wet heat. Apparently, my first lesson was complete, but I couldn’t help but think that there was still a lot more left to learn.
“Everyone did well,” Hyunjin said as he paced at the front of the room. “I’ll see you all again soon.”
The dismissal was met with the beginnings of several conversations throughout the lecture room, and I simply organized my things before tossing my bag over my shoulder. Yet, on the way out the door, I couldn’t help but smile when I heard Hyunjin’s voice from behind me. “Y/N?” Hyunjin called out, and I could already feel the arousal gathering between my legs. “Why don’t you stay after class?”
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raibebe · 4 years
Teach me
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Genre: soft smut Words: 2.120 Prompt: Seungcheol teaching an inexperienced reader Warnings: corruption (?), handjob, blowjob, repetitive use of the words fuck and baby
A/N: In case anyone is familiar with the story of the last accidental smut I wrote… It happened again. It was 12:30am and no one stopped me and suddenly it was 2am and I had written 1,7k smut in @min-inu​ ‘s dms again. I wish I could say I was sorry but I’m really not. Like last time I edited it a bit and hopefully fished out all spelling and grammar errors. Please remember that english is not my first language. Also this might be the softest smut I have ever written.
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You had been to Seungcheol’s studio before, he had shown you his songs and then you two had cuddled on the plush sofa and watched a movie under the neon signs as the only form of lighting.
But today something was different and you couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was. Earlier your boyfriend had shown you some of the songs he was working on before he had put on a playlist and joined you on the couch, your thighs pressed together and an arm around your shoulder, pulling you against his strong chest.
“Hey beautiful,” Seungcheol hummed, gently taking your chin between his fingers to tilt your head up from where it was nestled into his chest. For a while he just admired your face, his fingers gently caressing your skin, causing you heat to rush to your face. A bright smile spread across his features before he closed the gap between you two, his lips gently pressing against yours. Your lips moved against each other lazily, absolutely no hurry in any of your moves when you buried your hands in his thick black locks and Seungcheol gently cupped your jaw, tilting your head so he could kiss you more comfortably. Relaxing further into him, a soft sigh left your lips, which he took as his chance to slip his tongue past your parted lips. Another gasp left your lips. You had never done anything like that before.
Just when you were tensing up, Seungcheol gently took your clenched hand in his, rubbing soothing circles along the back of it while his tongue kept exploring your mouth. Slowly he coaxed your own tongue to slide against his, groans leaving both of your parted lips. He quickly grabbed your waist and lifted you onto his lap, a little squeal leaving your lips before he claimed them again, kissing you passionately.
Meanwhile he let his hands roam over your body, caressing your waist, running along your spread thighs and eventually grabbing your ass firmly to pull you against the bulge in his jeans, a groan leaving his parted lips. “Do you see what you do to me?” He asked you breathless when you broke the kiss to look between your bodies where his growing erection was stretching the tight fabric of his dark jeans. Experimentally you slid a hand down from where you had buried it in his hair, down his strong chest and gently palmed his cock. You could feel the warmth radiating off of him and the way it twitched slightly as it grew.
“I’ve never done anything like this,” you confessed, your voice barely more than a whisper, your eyes searching Seungcheol’s. A soft smile spread on his lips before he quickly pecked your lips. “I’ll teach you,” he promised, catching your lips again, kissing you until you were relaxed again, the hand that was still gently palming him almost forgotten. “You can push harder,” Seungcheol whispered into the air between you, canting his hips up to grind against your palm. With wide eyes you let him rut against you, amazed how his eyes darkened, the pink lights of the neon signs reflecting in the dark orbs. “Please touch me properly baby,” he sighed, “Make me feel good.”
He looked up at you from below his long eyelashes, searching your face for some kind of discomfort. When he found none, he quickly unbuckled his belt and pushed his pants down, leaving him in dark blue boxers. He gently kissed the knuckles of your hand before he guided it back down to his cock, the outline now clearly visible through the thin fabric. Curiously you cupped his length with your hand, running it along the shaft. Like this you could feel how hot and heavy it must be. He wasn’t small and you would lie when you would say that it didn’t excite you to see how he had gotten like this just because of you.
“Take it out,” Seungcheol’s breathy voice broke you from your thoughts. His big hands had crept below your shirt and settled on your hips, rubbing soothing circles into your flesh. Shyly, you nodded and slowly hooked your fingers into the elastic of his underwear, gradually revealing inch after inch of skin until his length sprung free and slapped wetly against his stomach, the bulbous head glistening under the neon lights. For a couple of moments none of you said anything, while Seungcheol was studying your face. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from his hard length where it rested heavy against his abdomen.
“Don’t be shy now, I’ll tell you how to touch me,” your boyfriend promised, bringing one of your hands up to his lips, licking a broad stripe up your palm. “Makes the glide easier,” he explained before guiding it back down until it was just hovering over his hard cock. “Wrap it around me, baby,” he instructed. Taking a deep breath you wrapped your hand around his thick length, feeling it twitch under your soft touch. Your fingers could barely touch and the smooth skin felt so hot and heavy against your palm, unlike anything you had ever felt before. When Seungcheol stayed quiet, his eyes glued to your hand around his dick, you slowly started to move it up and down, feeling the prominent vein on the underside against your fingers. “Twist your wrist a little when you go up,” he guided and you eagerly complied, earning you a deep groan. “And grab it a little tighter, I can take it.” When you followed his instructions enthusiastically, a soft moan fell from his parted lips. “You’re doing so well baby, making me feel so good.”
More and more precum began to leak from his tip and after he advised you to gather the sticky liquid as well, the glide on his cock became even easier and you could move your hand even faster on him, causing more and more moans spilling from him, his hips bucking up into the tight circle of your fist. “Fuck baby,” he cursed when you experimentally squeezed your hands just below the head, admiring how it made more precum leak. The sight suddenly gave you the urge to taste it. Slowly you took the index finger of your other hand and gently traced the slit of his cock with it, gathering some of the fluid before pushing it between your lips, tasting the salty liquid. Seungcheol had watched you with wide eyes, a guttural groan escaping him when your pink lips closed around your finger to suck it clean. “You’re going to kill me, don’t look so innocent while sucking on your finger like that. Makes me imagine what your lips would look like stretched wide around my cock,” he breathed through his parted lips, his head thrown back against the couch, but his eyes never leaving yours.
An involuntary moan bubbled from your throat at his words. “You wanna try that baby? Want to know what my cock feels like on your tongue?” He asked, pushing his own thumb between your lips when you had released your finger with a wet pop. Another groan left his chest when you hollowed your cheeks and sucked on it before swirling your tongue around it. “I think you’re made for this baby, please blow me.”
Nodding hazily you shifted around until you were seated between his strong thighs, one of your hands still pumping his cock while the other one was nervously fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. Mesmerized you watched the flush tip moving between your fingers. Leaning in you pressed an open mouthed kiss to the head, not really knowing what would make Seungcheol feel good. “Just be mindful of your teeth,” he reminded you, gathering your hair up in his hand, so it wouldn’t hang in your face, holding it loosely. “Take your time.”
Taking a deep breath, you held his cock steady at the base, sticking your tongue out to trace the vein on the underside. It didn’t taste bad like you had worried it would, it just tasted like skin, a little salty maybe. But not terribly unpleasant. When you reached the head, you kitten licked at it shyly, the salty taste intensifying slightly. “Fuck, you look so good sitting there between my legs,” your boyfriend groaned, his dark eyes fixed on your pink tongue that you swirled around his head, teasing the sensitive underside of the head which earned you a deep groan. “Close your lips around it, baby. Wanna see them stretched out.”
Taking another deep breath to calm your furiously beating heart, you parted your lips and took the head of his cock into your mouth, sucking slightly. The drawn out curse that left Seungcheol’s lips made you feel proud, you wanted to hear more of those melodious sounds. Eagerly you altered between sucking on the head and swirling your tongue around it, careful to not let your teeth touch the sensitive flesh.
“Can you take more, baby? Try bobbing your head,” he breathed, gently adding pressure to the back of your head, coaxing you to take more of him. “Fuck baby, your mouth feels so good,” he groaned when you gently started to bob your head on his cock, taking a little more each time. “Hollow your cheeks when you go up. Yes. Just like that, your mouth feels so good and hot around me. Fuck. You’re such a fast learner baby. Keep stroking what you can’t fit.”
With the added saliva you could move your hand almost without any resistance, you hadn’t even noticed how much you had drooled on him, your lipstick smeared around your lips in the most obscene way, and your lips glossy from spit and precum when you came up to take a few deep breaths, looking up at Seungcheol to look for confirmation whether you were doing good or not. The look he had in his eyes said more than any words ever could: His lower lip was red and swollen from how hard he must have bitten down on it and his eyes were hazy, his chest heaving with heavy breaths.
When you wanted to swallow him down again, a little overeager for more of the gorgeous deep moans he was letting out, you felt the head hit the back of your throat, causing you to cough violently. “Careful baby,” your boyfriend cooed, gently wiping away the tears that had escaped your eyes, “You’re doing great, no need to choke on me.” Nodding, you slowly eased him back into your hot mouth, gradually building up a steady rhythm again.
“Fuck baby I’m close,” he cursed after a while when your jaw started to ache a little. But you wanted to make him feel good. Eagerly you bobbed your head faster, paying a little more attention to the head, sucking on it like it was the most delicious popsicle you had ever tasted. “Baby, look up.” When you met Seungcheol’s dark eyes, his gaze heavy and eyes hooded, his face flushed, a moan tore from your throat, the vibrations going straight to his cock. “Fuck, keep that up and I’m going to cum any second. You look so good. You like sucking my cock? Making me feel good?” You hummed in affirmation, making him moan loudly, throwing his head back into the back of the couch.
“I’m gonna cum baby,” he breathed, using the grip he had on your hair to pull you off of him, his big hand covering your smaller one on his cock. He quickly jerked himself a couple of times before a long drawn out moan of your name left his lips and he coated both of your hands with his release, his strong thighs shaking next to your head and his eyes screwed shut. You swore you had never found your boyfriend more beautiful than in this moment.
“Fuck, that was good,” he giggled, high on the feeling of his orgasm, letting his hands fall to the side, his chest heaving with heavy breaths. “Thank you for trusting me enough to do this with me,” he added, smiling lopsidedly.
“Of- Of course,” you stuttered, surprised by how wrecked your voice sounded. “I gotta clean this mess or I’ll get in trouble,” he giggled, pulling you back to your feet and onto the couch before he walked over to his desk in all his half naked glory, searching for some tissues. But before he could find anything to wipe the cum off, you curiously looked at your own hand that was covered in his release, slowly licking the salty liquid off.
“Fuck baby, you’re gonna be the death of me,” he cursed when your eyes met again.
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v-xnya-blog · 7 years
Type Families
Module: Type Families
A type family is a range of typeface designs that are variations of one basic style of alphabet. There are hundreds – maybe thousands – of typeface families. This module will provide information and insight into the most important
About Typeface Families
When typefaces were first invented, the notion of having a family of type hadn’t occurred to anyone. All fonts were simply roman designs. In the early 16th century, cursive – or italic (named after Italy, where the idea was popularized) – type was introduced. There were still no typeface families; romans were one style of type and italics were another – much like serif and sans serif.
Guide to Typestyles: Didone Typefaces
The term Didone – a combination of Didot and Bodoni – aptly describes Neoclassical (or Modern) typefaces. First popular from the late 18th through the 19th centuries, they have inspired many contemporary interpretations. We showcase a sampling of seven well-designed options we find both useful and versatile.
Guide to Typestyles: Old Style Typefaces
A wide array of popular old style type families is available in digital form today. In addition to old style figures, many of them offer small caps, swashes and other distinctive characters. We present our selection of seven of the most useful and well-designed families.
Guide to Typestyles: Slab Serifs
Slab serif typefaces, with their block-like appenditures, project solidity, style, and confidence. We survey seven that are particularly well-designed, to help you select the best slab for the job.
The Letter A
No one knows why ‘A’ is the first letter of our alphabet. Some think it’s because this letter represents one of the most common vowel sounds in ancient languages of the western hemisphere. Other sources argue against this theory because there were no vowel sounds in the Phoenician language. (The Phoenician alphabet is generally thought to be the basis of the one we use today.)
The Letter B
Many people consider shelter to be the second most important ingredient for human survival. Coincidentally, the second letter in our alphabet evolved from the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph signifying shelter.
The Letter C
For much of their history, the ‘C’ and ‘G’ evolved as the same letter. The Phoenicians named this letter gimel, meaning “camel,” and used it to indicate the sound roughly equivalent to our present-day ‘g.’ They drew the character with two quick diagonal strokes, creating something that looked like an upside-down ‘V’ that is short on one side.
The Letter D
When the Egyptians used the symbol for a hand (their word “deret”) to indicate the sound value of “D,” it served its purpose adequately. However, when the Phoenicians adopted much of the Egyptian hieratic system of writing (a kind of abridged form of hieroglyphics), they didn’t know which objects many of the signs actually depicted.
The Letter E
As any Scrabble player will tell you, ‘e’ has always been an important letter in our alphabet, used more often than any other. In the Internet age, however, ‘e’ has achieved near-ubiquitous popularity, since it can be tacked on at will on to almost any other word to imply the white heat of the technological revolution.
The Letter F
In its earliest years, the letter that evolved into our F was an Egyptian hieroglyph that literally was a picture of a snake. This was around 3,000 B.C.
The Letter G
Generally speaking, there are no launch dates for the letters of our alphabet. For the most part they’ve come down to us through an evolutionary process, with shapes that developed slowly over a long period of time. The G, however, is an exception. In fact, our letter G made its official debut in 312 B.C.
The Letter H
Frankly, of all the letters, the H is the most boring. Stable and symmetrical, with both feet planted firmly on the ground, the H has been predictable in its design and use throughout much of its history.
The Letters I and J
The letters I and J follow each other in the alphabet and look a lot alike. So it comes as no surprise to discover that our ninth and tenth letters started out as the same character.
The Letter K
Some letters are slaves to fashion. They’ll change their images for any number of reasons: to satisfy the whim of some snazzy new writing utensil, or even because they’ve taken up with a different language. The K, however, sticks to the tried and true. It’s remained virtually unchanged for the last three thousand years or so.
The Letter L
The Egyptian equivalent of our L was first represented by the image of a lion. Over centuries, this image evolved into a much simpler hieratic character that became the basis of the letter we know today. When the Phoenicians developed their alphabet around 1000 B.C., the ‘el’ sound was depicted by several more-simplified versions of the hieratic symbol. Some were rounded and some were angular.
The Letter M
Historians tell us that our current M started out as the Egyptian hieroglyph for “owl.” Over thousands of years, this simple line drawing was further distilled into the hieratic symbol for the ‘em’ sound. Eventually, the great-grandparent of our M looked a bit like a handwritten ‘m’ balanced on the tip of one stroke.
The Letter N
The early form of the N was always closely associated with water. When the sign was used by the Phoenicians more than three thousand years ago, it was called “nun” (pronounced noon), which meant fish. Before the Phoenicians, the Egyptian hieroglyph (or picture sign) for the ‘n’ sound was a wavy line representing water.
The Letter O
Some believe that our present O evolved from a Phoenician symbol; others vote for an even more ancient Egyptian heiroglyph as the source. The most fanciful explanation, though, is offered by Rudyard Kipling in his Just So Stories. “How the Alphabet was Made” recounts how a Neolithic tribesman and his precocious daughter invent the alphabet by drawing pictures to represent sounds. After finishing the A and Y (inspired by the mouth and tail of a carp), the child, Taffy, asks her father to make another sound that she can translate into a picture.
The Letter P
New words are being invented all the time to keep up with changes in technology and daily life. This may have been one of the reasons the Phoenicians came up with the innovative notion of a phonetic alphabet: one in which the letters represented sounds. It was an elegant and practical idea, and it’s obviously had a huge impact on the nature of writing to this day.
The Letter Q
For as long as there have been Qs, designers have been having fun with the letter’s tail. This opportunity for typographic playfulness may even date back to the Phoenicians: the original ancestor of our Q was called “ooph,” the Phoenician word for monkey. The ooph represented an emphatic guttural sound not found in English, or in any Indo-European language.
The Letter R
The letter R is a more exceptional character than it first appears. It’s not a P with a tail or a B with a broken bowl; when drawn correctly, the R is rich with subtle details and delicate proportions. It can be the most challenging letter for type designers to create, and the most – dare we say – rewarding.
The Letter S
Any way you look at it, the S is a complicated letter. Not only is it one of the more challenging characters to draw, but the story of its evolution has more twists, turns, and reverses than its shape.
Letter T
Four thousand years ago, just as today, people who could not write used a simple cross to sign letters and formal documents. One might logically assume that this common signature stand-in was the origin of our present X. But what looked like an X to ancient writers eventually gave birth to the Roman T.
Letters U, V, W and Y
The story of U is also the story of our V, W and Y. In fact, the origins of U even have something in common with the F, the sixth letter of our alphabet.
Letter X
Though the origins of this letter are actually somewhat "fishy," the X made its way into our alphabet by way of the usual suspects: the Phoenicians, the Greeks, and the Romans.
Letter Z
Nowadays we can't imagine a parade of letters without a Z bringing up the rear, but our 26th letter almost never made it into the alphabet at all.
Punctuation marks tell us when to slow down, stop, get excited or lift a quizzical eyebrow.
Like many letters in our current alphabet, the ampersand probably began as a convenience. The Latin word et (meaning “and”) was first written as two distinct letters, but over time the ‘e’ and ‘t’ were combined into a ligature of sorts.
Roman numerals can be quite attractive in chapter headings, but aren't you glad you don't have to do your taxes with them? Thank the Arabs for that; if not for their numbering system, Western mathematics would be X times as hard.
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