#(I was on Wikipedia earlier because I forgot the theories for the end of the universe)
twilightarcade · 1 year
Would you rather. Make time faster or slower?
Its a constant increase/decrease you cant change it. How much faster/slower would you go?
OH OH!!!!!!!!! WMRMRMEMM!!!!!!!!!!!!??!?!?!!!!!!!!!
OKOK UM. IT DEPENDS ON um the logistics I think. I'm not gonna ask you though so I can jsuf keep talking needlessly. Um. Okok. Logistics. You know like??????? Superhero movies. I'm specifically thinking of megamind let's not lie to ourselves you know megamind. And super whatever his face slows down time for a bit. If it's like that I don't think I'd want to do either really. Slowing down sad would make me a bit sad and speeding up time would kill me instantly (metaphorically and literally I think. Gonna get run over by a car or something) maybe If anything just slow down time.... then I can do things but everything would still be so horribly slow. I could do a lot of stuff thoucg
ermm!! If I was just slowing down like... all biological processes n stuff of the sort,,, like the earth spins slower (days longer) and people last longer (technically the same amount of time but it feels longer because years are relatively (to before) longer) and stuff, slow down time 100%. Never have enough time to do fuck all. Remaining unaffected biologically (and therefore being shitfucked in terms of sleep schedule n such) would be really funny though.
How much well. That really depends. It seems selfish, regardless of much you slow it down, you know? dragging everyone down with me. It's not really dragging them down persay but like..... eventually the novelty would wear out for most people I suppose. Who wants to be 13 any longer than they have to be. I do wonder, though, how many people would like... take the time . slow it down or whatever. Like there's a million storylines out there about extending life n such with characters who choose not to because they've already like... lived and whatever. Basically I wanna know if this is just a me thing or if everyone's content with how time is always running out
I don't think I would want to speed up time unless it's like a.... I remaining unaffected biologically type situation. Literally if I'm just going to die faster what's the point. Don't have enough time as it is. I DO think it would be funny to watch like. Time speed by. Like one of those "character sadly sits as life zooms by them" type things. That would make me really sad though.
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satans-helper · 5 years
One Thing
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Pairing: Danny Wagner x (F) Reader
Word Count: 2570
Warnings: none; pure fluff
Written for @saywecanart <3 
You walked out of your doctor’s office with a prescription for ibuprofen and an even worse headache than when you had checked in with the receptionist. The slip of paper in your hand felt like a slap in the face--your doctor clearly hadn’t heard you when you told him about already taking ibuprofen and constantly pressing heating pads to your abdomen, trying to do yoga despite the pain radiating down your legs, and doubling over when the really bad cramps hit out of nowhere.
In your car you crumpled the paper and shoved it into the glove department, trying to ignore the sensation of a massive needle driving into your pelvis, and turned up the radio in an effort to distract you from the pain. You had to go back to campus--two more classes left in the day--and you felt awful. You grabbed your own bottle of ibuprofen from your bag and popped two of them. You didn’t want to over-do it but your whole body was aching incessantly.
Walking from your car to the atrium of the school was a little bit of relief for your body, although cramps were still radiating dully in your abdomen and your knees were aching, spurred by the cold air of November. You just wanted to get through the semester. 
No--you just wanted to get through the day.
Danny was already waiting for you at a small table by the cafe, tucked back near the hall leading to the technology department, with two coffees in front of him. You smiled when you saw him and after a moment he caught your glance, smiling back at you, and gestured to the empty chair in front of him.
“I put some milk in it,” he told you, sliding the coffee across the table as you sat down. “I forgot if you took it with anything else.”
“You got it right,” you assured him. “Thank you so much. I’ll get you back.”
“Don’t worry about it. How was your appointment?” 
You sighed. “A waste of time. I should’ve saved myself the gas--he just wrote me a prescription for ibuprofen.” You unzipped your bag and fumbled around, retrieving the bottle and placing it on the table. “As if I don’t already pop enough of those.”
Danny laughed a little. He didn’t mind talking about this stuff with you, in fact he asked you about how you were doing all the time. You two had been close for years but when things started to get really rough for you, he was the first one to ask what you needed.
“Did he say what might be wrong?” he asked.
“No, he really didn’t know,” you said cautiously. “Not that he was super thorough. I have to go see my gynecologist next week.” 
You were pretty sure you knew what was wrong. As all the symptoms had progressed, you had researched more and more and all of it had repeatedly led you to the same answer: endometriosis, something you’d never even heard of until your symptoms screamed at you to find an answer. Even your gynecologist had never brought it up before, not even with your lamenting about all the pain radiating through your body and the horrible periods, each month somehow worse than the last. 
When you read the sentence “endometriosis often gets steadily worse” you had wanted to collapse onto the floor and give up entirely. So what was the point of all the doctor’s visits anyway, if it would only become more awful? What could anyone do?
Still, you knew you had to find something, anything, to make it better. 
Danny looked at you sympathetically. “Cramps?”
“And that’s just the beginning,” you replied, managing a laugh. “But it’s okay--one day at a time, right?” Sitting down had exacerbated your abdominal pain and you shifted in the chair, trying to keep your knees from aching too much, the pain in your lower back getting worse too.
“At least you have Dr. Bisson to distract you,” Danny joked. “I’m sure her hijinks will make you forget all about it.”
You laughed again. “Oh, definitely. But how are you? Did you finish that music theory paper?”
“Yeah, finally. I was searching through the library database forever,” Danny told you. 
“When will universities learn that Wikipedia is a reputable source?” 
He chuckled. “Seriously.” He looked at his phone. “We should probably go. Did you still wanna see a movie later?”
“Yeah, definitely.” You stood up and Danny followed, giving you a quick hug. “I’ll see you later.”
Danny smiled. “Have fun with Dr. Bisson, honestly,” he said as he started to walk away, slowly turning away from you.
You thought the pain was bad before but, as soon as Danny was out of your sight, it seemed to get worse. You resisted the urge to double over in the middle of the atrium, but you did have to make a conscious effort to take deep breaths as you walked to class. You were so frustrated with everything--it had been months of doctors visits and going through bottles of over-the-counter pain relievers, herbal teas, oils, ice packs, heating pads and whatever other “solutions” Google gave you. You just wanted something. One thing to alleviate all the pain and anguish.
Your busy day had taken a toll on your already weak physical condition. You were home, lying on the couch with another heating pad on your abdomen, and a glass of mostly-untouched water on the table next to you. You wanted to go to the movies with Danny--even Sam said he would join--but you didn’t even feel able to get up and drive there, let alone sit in one of the seats, as comfortable as they were for other people. You knew you wouldn’t enjoy yourself. With an uncomfortable sigh, you unlocked your phone to text Danny:
I’m not feeling very well, I’m gonna have to pass on the movie.
Almost instantly he responded: What’s wrong? 
Same as earlier. Except worse lol.
I’m so sorry. I don’t wanna see the movie without you though--want me to come over?
You paused. Of course you wanted Danny to come over--he was the best friend someone could ever have. The fact that he even offered was enough to make you melt, especially in your vulnerable state. But you didn’t want to dampen his night. 
You should still go with Sam
Haha Sam bailed! 
You sighed again. You don’t have to. But that would be really nice.
I want to. I’ll be there soon okay, doll? 
You’re the best <3
When Danny got to you, he presented a full grocery bag, setting it down on the couch, him sitting on the far end next to it. You sat up and peeked inside. “What’d you bring?”
“Uh, well, a bunch of things,” he told you and pulled a DVD out of the bag. “The Breakfast Club. I didn’t buy it though, I’m borrowing it from my sister.”
You laughed a little. “Good choice.” 
He removed a bottle of magnesium supplements. “I read that this can help with pain. I don’t know if you’ve already tried it though.”
You were already blown away by the deep level of caring Danny had. He’d actually taken time to look up what might help you--more than even some of your doctors had done. “I haven’t.”
He handed you three different chocolate bars. “I know it’s not actual medicine. But chocolate can solve a lot, you know?”
“I think so,” you agreed, smiling. “You even got me dark chocolate.”
Danny smiled proudly. “I remembered.” 
You opened the bag more, peering into it, a seemingly endless plethora of gifts. “Danny, you got too much,” you said, pulling out a bottle of ginger ale and then a bottle of iced green tea. 
“Just enough, I think,” he replied, still looking very proud of himself. 
You leaned across the couch, the bag crinkling under you, and hugged him. “You’re seriously the best, Danny.” He wrapped his arms around you and his warmth and sturdiness felt so nice, so comforting, so much so that you struggled to make yourself pull back.
He got up and knelt in front of the TV, putting the DVD into the player. “Anything for you, doll. You’ve done plenty for me over the years.”
You smiled, then winced--a sharp, stabbing pain returning to your abdomen. You exhaled and leaned back into the cushions, pressing the heating pad over yourself again. You would much rather be out with Danny, having a good time like everyone else. You hated that he had to see you curled up and in pain, hated that he had to spend his evening with you in a state like that. 
As he sat back down you opened the bottle of ginger ale and the magnesium and swallowed one--you were still willing to give just about anything a shot.  Danny set the bag on the floor in front of the two of you and scooched in close, resting his arm around your shoulders. You immediately felt a little better and shifted so you were lying on your side with your head in his lap. He lowered his arm and smoothed your hair back from your face gently, his fingertips lightly grazing your temples and scalp. You loved the sensation. It was the first time you had felt relaxed at all in days and, for once, you felt like you could fall asleep right there in his lap. 
Another searing shot of hot pain, rushing from your abdomen into your hips, hit you. You groaned quietly and sat up, backing yourself into the cushions. You pressed the heating pad against you tighter and exhaled. 
“You okay, Y/N?” Danny asked, looking at you a little uneasily, one eyebrow slightly raised.
“I’m sorry. Sometimes it hits really hard and I just have to breathe through it. Like labor,” you said, laughing a little. What else could you do?
“I’m really sorry,” Danny said, and you could tell he meant it. You could see that he wished there was more he could do, although the care he was already giving you was a little overwhelming, mostly because you wished he didn’t have to care that much. You two had been through a lot together, but you still couldn’t imagine him hearing about your messed up uterus was at all entertaining. “Do you need something? Ice?”
The pain subsided a little, allowing you to relax back into the couch, curling back up and resting your head in his lap again. “I’m good. I’m going to break into that chocolate soon,” you told him. “When the cramps die down a bit more.”
Danny resumed stroking your hair. You still couldn’t concentrate on the movie much, as badly as you wanted to. The pain had dulled but it was still heavy in your abdomen and radiating down your legs, making everything feel sore; your lower back was aching so deeply it felt like a rake was being dragged down the muscle; not to mention all the bleeding. But that was a conversation you’d save Danny from. 
Another sharp wave of pain rippled through you and you groaned a little, turning your head and pressing your cheek against Danny’s knee. He slowed his fingers in your hair and then rested his hand on your shoulder. You thought that within the tense silence he would ask how you were again, but he didn’t--he gently rubbed your shoulder instead, running his palm down your shoulder blade and back up again, his fingers grazing your collarbone. 
You were grateful that he replaced the same futile question with his soothing touch. It really did help, although his kindness exacerbated your already heightened emotions. You felt yourself about to cry and the physical pain suddenly got worse, causing you to break down. 
You sniffled against his leg, trying not to let out all the tears, which made it worse. Trying to withhold your sobs only made the rising and falling of your chest more intense, and his hand paused on your shoulder blade. You just wanted the pain to stop. Even for an hour. You would gladly take an hour. It was just endless.
“I’m sorry, Danny,” you said unsteadily. You could tell he wasn’t sure what to say, and you couldn’t blame him. “This sucks. For both of us.”
He laughed quietly and you appreciated that he went along with the little bit of humor you could manage. “I feel really bad, Y/N,” he said. “I wish I could help.”
You sat up, wiping the leftover tears away with your sleeve. “You are helping. More than those doctors. More than anyone.”
He smiled a little. 
You exhaled, both from being exhausted by your tormented emotions and the cramps. “I’m pretty sure I know what it is. Endometriosis,” you said and, before Danny could ask, you continued. “Which is like, extra tissue growing outside the uterus. That’s the simplest way to put it.”
“It sounds rough already.”
You managed a laugh. “Yeah. Well, it gets worse--literally,” you said and, as you did, you felt yourself starting to tear up again. “It literally gets worse with time. I might not even be able to have kids.”
Danny’s face mellowed even more, his dark eyebrows relaxing and his eyes soft. “I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“I mean, I don’t even know if I want that, ever,” you went on, fighting back the tears. “But not even having the option?”
Danny nodded sympathetically. “Do you think your gynecologist will know more?”
“I don’t know. I hope so. She never mentioned it before but--I don’t see what else it could be. Other than cancer,” you added, laughing.
“Don’t say that,” Danny replied, though he laughed too.
“I’m kidding. I just need something to help,” you said with a sigh. “But this helps a lot. It really does.”
Danny enveloped you in his arms, holding you tight against his chest. “I’m glad. You know I’ll always be here.”
You sighed again, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and resting your head under his chin. “Thank you.” You wanted to stay in his arms forever, or at least until all the pain went away. Danny’s gentleness toward you was one of the best remedies, as was his strong, warm body against yours. You felt like everything would be okay.
He ran his fingers through your hair as his other hand rubbed your back. “You know I’m gonna ask again--do you need anything?”
You chuckled against his neck, the scent of his hair washing over you. “I’m okay,” you told him and, for the first time in a while, you felt like it was true. “Just as long as you join me in eating all of that chocolate.”
“Oh, absolutely.”
You broke your embrace and reached down into the bag to take out the chocolate bars. Danny settled back beside you; you leaned against him, retrieving the heating pad and laying it against your abdomen, then unwrapped the first bar to break it in half, handing one to him. He laid his arm over your shoulder and you melted back into him, resting your head against his chest. It was definitely everything that was helping--the little bit of caffeine in the chocolate; the heating pad; the ginger ale; maybe even the magnesium--but ultimately, Danny was the one thing that helped alleviate the pain.
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@itsloveit said: I just found Polish uncylopedia about Michi and I am dying. Does someone having better skils in English than me could translate this?
I suppose I don`t have better skills in English than you, but I tried my best. I cried while translating it - oh I forgot how much I love Uncyclopedia 😂
Michael Hayböck - Austrian ski jumper, who is also called a King of Finland. 
His surename has two forms (Hayböck, Hayboeck) and their correct depends only on the fan's keyboard. The name of this young ski jumper remains a mistery, no one is sure how to pronounce it correctly. Even Stefan Kraft - his best friend - has problem with it. Although in season 2015/2016 Michi won three gold medals [it means three WC victories] in a row in the World Cup, Wikipedia still doesn't tell about it. That means Michi's succeses are kept in secret for this part of world where people are "occasional fans" and watch ski jumping only "when Małysz is jumping".
Career In season 2013/2014 there was a breakthrough in Michael's career. Before that season he was regarded as a total dissapointment of his team. Because of weaker disposition of Team Austria (if other Team were in such disposition it would be a succes for them, but not for Austria, for Austria such disposition was a disaster) caused by falls and the earlier ending of the seasonby Morgi; and weaker dispositin of older ski jumpers Loitzl, Koch and Kofler; Hayböck was quite regulary appointed to the team for World Cup competitions, also with other young jumpers as Diethart and Kraft. He achieved pretty good results, he was 6th in world cup standing, despite the fact that most of time he was jumping in Continental Cup. He took part in the Olympic Games in Sochi where he was the best (!) austrian ski jumper (Schlieri's shape didn't impress in that season; after fall in Kulm Morgi came back to ski jumping only for Olympic Games; Diethart's good disposition easy come easy gone; and Kofi.. well it looked that he went to Sochi only as a tourist). In season 2014/15 Michael won a competition in Bischofshofen, there he experienced passionate moments with his friend and life partner, who won Four Hills Tournament.
Love life
There are few people who still doubt in Michael's sexual orientation. those people are fanatics fangirls, who are trying to fool themselves convincing themselves they have any chance with Michi. But the truth has been revealed by more inquisitive fans. Hayböck is almost officially a gay. He doesn't have to come out, because thousands of pictures with him and Kraft speak for themselves. Stefan previously called “Michi's best friend” turned out to be someone more. Young Austrians feel really good in their own company, they spend their free time together, and it's evidenced by the enormity of photos uploaded by them, and their significant behaviour during ski jumping competitions. They had a time of their lives during 2014/2015 4HT, and during previously mentioned three competitions in Finland in season 2015/2016. Young ski jumpers are not ashamed to show their feelings in public, however they are inhibiting their behaviour to not to cause scandal among intolerant society. The issue of Michael and Stefan's girlfriends is is just a matter of paperwork. On the Internet there are many theories about those amazing girls - Claudia and Marisa. However, we can be sure that those boys aren't in heterosexual relationships.
About this unusual couple we can hear almost all the time. On Internet not-stopping-sniffing fans make thousants of memes, fanfics, and videos about this couple called by them „Kraftböck”. Here we can see, so characteristic for fans, international integration: you can find informations about „Kraftböck” in most of common languages.
It was also noted by tv commentators from various parts of the world. Polish commentators Sebastion nieSzczęsny (Sebastian "the luckless") and Marek Rudziński really like to talk about Michi and Krafti relationship. They both are really tolerate man and they wish all the best to this new blossomed love.
Michael in last seasons gained a lot of of fans, especially screaming teenage girls who daydream about taking a photo with him. Michi is one of the few Austrian jumpers who cares about fans, so they won't leave him as quickly as they surprisingly started to support him. The fact is that if this young ski jumper won't stop to rise in the general classification of World Cup, soon he will intercept all Peter Prevc's fangirls. Some people think that in the near future Michi will try to repeat achievement of Tepeš, and took over Prevc's victory in World Cup overall standing. People hope Hayböck is a future of austrian ski jumping. Unfortunately, no matter how much Michael tries, he still has to watch his life partner's back, who needs only to win a gold on Olympic games to complete "Great Slam of Ski Jumping".
And some photos: 
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There is a gold medal, but unfortunately it is not enough to get to the national Team Austria. Come back when you will jump even better.
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“It's just a win with a new hill record, the tenth time this season. I must try even harder.“
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plush-anon · 5 years
plush reviews: pirates ahoy! (collected)
for my own personal reference, decided to collect the singular posts into one, w/ breaks between each original post below the cut
I will say this, the opening credits for this one are pretty dang good - nice visuals flow together with some wonderful music to create a compelling overview of the Bermuda Triangle and some of the wild theories commonly associated with it, as well as how far back these myths go. Kudos 🤗
also, I did not realize how short this movie is - paused it for a second and it’s only 70 minutes long apparently. huh
oh man, good times - I forgot how stilted and choppy the WNSD animation could get in some shots.
annnnnd there’s the cotton candy fog. it moves like it’s on a skateboard being pulled across the screen XD
finally cut to the gang - i honestly like this shot of everyone in the car. daphne paints her nails like my sister used to when we were young - on the dashboard on long car rides 😅 the nausea from the smell led to some “fun” trips, lemme tell ya 
oh Casey Kasem, even in old age your Shaggy was memorably good
also the joke on Fred’s age never gets old XD like, you guys grew up together as kids in this continuity, how could you not know his age, much less that he’s obvs not in his 40s? still a fun one tho
another thing i forgot about WNSD continuity - Shaggy’s character model being like 2 feet taller than Fred in some shots
also the gang being legitimate friends and liking each other and getting along, unlike some portrayals *side-eyes sdmi*
i think this is my fave version of fred’s parents, although i do love Professor Huh from be cool scooby doo. they are EXACTLY how i picture the people who raised the sdway/wnsd version of Fred to be 
holy crap, i forgot Kathy Najimy was in this 
actually, here’s a thought: why haven’t they graduated Frank Welker to playing Fred’s dad in a show, and hired someone else to play Fred?
granted, the man still (uncannily I might add) sounds exactly like he did in the 60s (hOW?!?) but it’s strange they haven’t tried to do that yet apart from maybe pup named sd, where he played fred’s… uncle, i think and i guess kind of with the new scoob 2020 movie, where he only plays scooby
…i think the captain of the ship just got beamed aboard the Enterprise o_O 
the alien has the general head shape of the ones from Alien Invaders and the claw hands of dr claw from inspector gadget
also, whoever designs fred’s facial expressions in this movie is having waaaay too much fun (although kudos for actually… you know… making them. some characters have very minimal face movement and it’s rather unsettling, especially when the voice acting is actually pretty decent)
i gotta say, good on fred’s parents for encouraging their son’s interests and talents, as well as getting him a birthday gift that he can not only enjoy, but also inviting his friends along for.
…unlike SOME incarnations *glares at sdmi*
holy fcuk shaggy just brought back the ghost of captain cutler, glow-in-the-dark diving suit and all O_O 
dang, velma’s lounge wear looks cozy. i’m glad they haven’t tried to force her into something weird
camp scare put her in a white bathing suit, which was… really odd for her, color scheme wise. altho the storyboard artists reaaaaaally wanted to do a drawn out, slo-mo play-in-the-water thing with velma and daphne in that one, so maybe that contributed to it? idk
i do like that the gang inadvertently solves every mystery on a mystery cruise - that cracks me up 
cripes, they keep cutting back and forth between a decently animated shot of the gang on a polished background, and this almost MS Paint looking rough animation of the castaway being guided on the deck, which is all flat colors and rough black lines. it looks terrible
the animation quality is all over the place here
and suddenly man in a jetpack
how the FRICK did they get him on this movie cast?! this is post-hellboy!
( also apparently arsenio hall voices the captain. who the heck had all these high rollers on speed-dial at the studio that day)
actually, here’s a thought: given the voice cast we have, and how i’m actually able to follow this without having to look at the screen all the time (i’m folding laundry rn), this could make for a really decent comedy mystery radio show.
think about it! get a decent voice cast and writing team, and there’s a lot you can do with Scooby on the radio. you may not be able to do the chase scenes as well, but those can be worked around pretty easily with a solid writing team. i’d be interested in seeing that come to reality in all honesty - it could be fun!
another thing i just noticed: Scooby hasn’t talked NEARLY as much in this one as he does in later shows/movies. I forgot how much I missed that from him 
wait a tic that’s Dan Castellaneta as the hypnotist
seriously, who was able to get all these people on board for a Scooby Doo DTV about pirates
now here’s an interesting moment/snafu: Shaggy and Scooby canNOT be hypnotized, according to this movie, but the clown in SDWAY was able to hypnotize them both using the exact same method - a gold circular object on a chain swung back and forth.
then there was Legend of the Phantasaur much much later able to hypnotize Shaggy so successfully he overcame his panic disorder
was it because they weren’t allowed to eat prior? their meal was continuously interrupted before they were dragged onstage. maybe being actively hungry and denied food when it’s right in front of them blocks them from being hypnotized properly…?, idk but it’s food for thought, for sure 😁
ehehe, one of the background guests is wearing a Tin Man costume from the Wizard of Oz
alas, this is prolly as close to a crossover as I’ll ever get between my first two fandoms ever and maybe that’s for the best
(honestly kind of surprised there's never been a scooby themed oz-related adventure tbh public domain and recognizeable)
it took about half an hour into the movie for the title villains to actually encounter the gang, or almost exactly halfway through the movie. that’s actually pretty odd for a scooby movie, isn’t it?   especially when they haven’t encountered any other mystery except the fake-y ones (a lot start off with an in-progress mystery to finish up before being introduced to the main)
welp, villain’s been spoiled, it’s ron perlman’s character as the pirate captain…
*sighs* Pirate Captain Skunkbeard
like… you get freaking Slade from the teen titans, Hellboy Himself, to voice your baddy… and you give him a name like Skunkbeard.
could have been something cool like Capt Barnaby Bones, or Cuthbert Butcher the Red Pirate, or SteelHook Slater, or Morgan “Moonscar” McWright (okay, that one’s been used before, but the point stands dammit!)
holy moly, one of the pirates just tried to cut scooby and shaggy’s head off with an actual blade
it cut clean through their costume heads with one swipe
jesus christ on a bike, what is WRONG with you?!?!
(sometimes these scooby dtvs have moments like this. moments that explain how it is shag and scoob have what is likely ptsd for days)
*gang follows trail of oozy green liquid sheen to the pirate ship*
now see, i thought those wooden ships weren’t supposed to pollute the oceans back in the day
(tho it does work as a solid clue i’ll grant em that)
shaggy, why aren’t you more excited to go into the cotton candy fog? it’s clearly grape and green apple flavored! 
…i think one pirate just killed another one during that sea shanty there
so i didn’t mention earlier, but tim conway is fred’s dad, and i think he’s the only voice star in this i’m not surprised at - he’s been on the new scooby doo mysteries as their celebrity guest of the week, so him coming back is more like a belated reunion
that being said, his voice work here varies wildly between ‘what the heck take was that’ and ‘hysterical’ - it’s quite odd
and suddenly the cruise ship is sunk, and the gang is on an island
alrighty then
the captions are cracking me up right now - not a single one has spelled “bananas” right
it only spells it as “banas” 🤣🤣🤣
“Prepare to suffer the wrath of Capt Skunkbeard!”
…nope, that’s still not intimidating. try again sir.
(truly i am made to sail the seas, for i am salty af on this name)
‘Seize them!’
fade to black
come back in on gang tied to the pirate ship mast
…really? the gang has escaped far worse than a group of pirates before (and usually to some funky tunes), and you’re saying they were captured just like that?
fred, please tell me this is a plan of yours, otherwise this is just dumb
sooo the pirates want to find a place that matches a painting of stars from 200 years ago… without ever stopping to consider that the painting could just be a pretty picture?
it’s a small painting, and i don’t think that star maps were really used like that back in the 1800s when it was purportedly made (at least not from what they look like on wikipedia… none of them look like pretty wall paintings)
these pirates are kinda dumb, methinks
the ghosts of the bermuda triangle, including world war fighter places, old exploration ships, and a sea monster are apparently trying to stop the pirates
because the pirates want to time travel and rule the sea throughout time
and they needed the pretty pretty picture to lead them to the time travel macguffin they want to retrieve… which is also the sole reason the Bermuda Triangle is all bermuda triangly to begin with, when it fell to earth from space itself.
…say what now?
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...that has to be one of the dumbest time travel plots i've ever heard and i sat through endgame twice
the macguffin is a solid gold meteor
a giant hunk of gold literally as larger as twenty of the pirates put together, and you want to use it to time travel instead of selling that shit and being made for life
why are none of you smart
yet again i see scooby shoot someone with an item that should have killed them outright and ended the mystery right there
moon monster madness had scooby shoot the alien with a missile on the moon, and pirates ahoy has him shoot a cannon at someone point blank with only a wooden door immediately between them
shrapnel should have shredded that pirate to bits, if even that much was left after that
okay, the time travel thing turns out to be a hoax the hypnotist uses to convince the billionaire to finance his search for the literal meteor of solid gold located in the heart of the Bermuda Triangle
that’s a relief at least - Scooby Doo has done some weird shit in its days, but time travel does not need to be one of them
well, at least we finally have the answer to who would win in a fight - homer simpson or scooby doo?
(obvs scooby, of course :D)
according to velma, everyone on the cruise was hypnotized into believing they were pirates (including fred’s mom), but doesn’t hypnotism only work if the person actually subconsciously agrees with/goes along with the suggestions?
does that mean that at least one person on the cruise ship wanted to behead someone, since they nearly succeeded with Shag and Scoob? does that mean the fred’s mom secretly wants to kill her husband, since she tried to have him thrown overboard the ship while she was hypnotized?
the questions this raises, they are unsettling thoughts indeed 😨
“Wouldn’t you like a nice ski trip to the Himalayas?”
“And risk a run in with the Abominable Snowman?! Forget it!”
exactly one year later (no joke, it came out exactly one year later):
“Join Scooby and Shaggy as they run in terror from the Abominable Snowman in the Himalayas, in Chill Out Scooby Doo!”
And that was Scooby Doo Pirates Ahoy!
That was a relatively fun, if dumb, done-in-one mystery. What really saves this one (especially given the REALLY inconsistent animation quality, from acceptable to ‘someone used MS Paint didn’t they?’ levels) was the voice cast. I don’t know what blackmail they had on these guys, but the voice acting was really dang good.
Probably too good - the bad guys’ voices are so memorable you know immediately who they are when you hear them.
The time travel spiel was unbelievably dumb, only saved by the fact it was a hypnotic ruse, and some of the stuff doesn’t quite mesh that well? Like the padding on the desert island, and some of the really weird plot contrivances like the painting being the exact map to a giant ass solid gold meteor :/
Still, a solid set-up (mystery cruise in the Bermuda Triangle) with some new elements (Fred’s parents, an absolute delight) make it a fun film for the wee ones. I’d call this a keeper at the end of the day.
Then again, I really have forgotten how nice it is to see the gang as actual supporting friends and have it feel sincere. Be Cool Scooby Doo was mostly for humor, but the kids still felt like they liked each other well enough.
WNSD on the other hand really made them feel like actual friends, based on body language around each other, general closeness, and a warm comradery that’s hard to replicate. For the flaws this show has, this is certainly not one of them.
That’s all for tonight folks. Sleep well, me hardies yo ho!
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0 notes
ok, i’m rewatching TST and writing down everything that bothers me. part 3
1:00:00 onwards
part 1: [X]  part 2: [X] 
long post
-sherlock is easy to follow apparently. aj was not able to follow mary, but he found her through sherlock. is that sherlock blaming himself?
-john watson always wanting to talk about everything. john?!
-when mary tries that “it was always the four of us” spiel aj responds very cynically. not that much of a family then?
-considering her earlier outburst, mary looks pretty chill after being told someone out of her ‘family’ was tortured to death
-his captors forgot about him for six years, but he didn’t starve or died of thirst? and was still able to pick up ‘whispers’? why didn’t they kill him after he wasn’t “fun to torture” anymore? i’m calling psychological reconditioning.
-”every day as they tore into me. amo amo amo” yeah, reconditioning.
-was all of this based on a misunderstanding or was it conscious misdirection to make aj act like this?
-mycroft, walking wikipedia, not picking up a word in latin?
-john obviously sees that he’s being hypocritical about the ‘so many lies’ thing.
-john is always so much more smug, cocky and flirty in sherlock’s mind. is sherlock really making all of this up?
-btw who took the pic from john’s lockscreen? it wasn’t mrs hudson, bc they’re not looking into the camera. did sherlock take the pic with his phone and sent it to john?
-what is that smug little playa grin supposed to mean? john is NOT like that.
-e... eeeeee... are there any female characters from doyle canon starting with e?
-he sends hey, not hi.
-the texts from bed don’t start with ‘hi’ either. but sherlock usually ends his with SH. maybe it really is harry watson? then again the ‘miss you’ reminds me of moriarty’s ‘miss me’
-i don’t think it’s sherlock sending these, but maybe they’re something he wishes he could send?
-the texts he sends from the bus sound waaay guiltier and not playful at all. but ‘it was nice to get to know you a little’ implies at least some correspondence. so maybe the texts in bed really were from the woman?
-she looks dejected and understanding even before he sends the last text, she couldn’t possibly have read it yet.
-also the big bad of this season LITERALLY looms from the poster behind her. can’t ignore this
-what doesn the poster say? HE’S BACK; Business; it’s murder (?) in the...???
-mary is the key to solving the case, “They know eeeeverything”
-was john going to tell mary about the bus woman before they got the texts? also: why did they get the textx almost simultaneously??
-sherlock send a riddle to mary, only john got the exact location? but both knew where to go? how did mary know?
-so the old lady also has an obsession with sharks and just so happens to be sitting there waiting for agents all the time. what a feckeng coincidence.
-the lady sees agents as sharks. sherlock sees sharks as predators. agents are predators?
-”couldn’t have chosen it better myself. then i never could resist a touch of the dramatic.” sherlock is calling himself out. is this the confirmation that all of this is just happening in his head?
-how many times does someone say “i knew this would happen someday” this ep? the destiny thing again.
-”you are very sure of yourself aren’t you?” “with GOOD reason” ouch this hurts when you know what he’s going to say later on.
-and again the samarra thing. to me that’s the biggest proof for the mind palace/coma/dream theory. they cannot possibly all have this story at the tip of their tongues at any given moment. that just makes no sense.
-sherlock is too cocky in thinking he can manipulate the secretary and it ends badly.
-”maybe i can still surprise you” this is either sherlock @ himself: don’t be to sure of yourself or it is the authors telling us to suspect a big twist.
-”come on, be sensible!” “nah, don’t think so.” boy, they gonna do something big.
-why is sherlock not moving? mary had the time to jump, why didn’t sherlock move? is that him scolding himself for hesitating?
-norbury says “surprise”, but doesn’t look surprised at all that mary would do something like this.
-john didn’t see anything and doesn’t have any context.
-mary’s goodbye sounds incredibly textbook. like she practiced it.
-what is she saying? “hey sherlock, i still like you, did I ever say?” is she saying that?
-look, i love mary, but this death doesn’t make me sad, because i knew it would happen and it just feels so..... weird? idk how to explain it.
-”you were my whole world. mary watson was the only life worth living.” i’m sorry but ive heard that exact sentence in different versions at least 20 in different movies. its so ...fake?
-I needn’t say how ooc john blaming sherlock is to me, there have been a lot of posts about this
-lestrade’s and mycroft’s looks though. we know from tab that sherlock instinctively knows that the both of them will always be there for him, i think you can see this here as well
-we don’t see the funeral, just a coffin burning (blue flames) and john walking across a graveyard, pacing in his home, ignoring his phone
-then, almost like waking up, we hear ella’s voice while still seeing john’s face. maybe we are just now waking up from the ‘reoccuring dream’
-so i have two theories. either most of what we see in the ep was a dream or mindpalace and ella is real or it’s the other way round and sherlock is hallucinating her in his mindpalace, trying to help himself cope with everything (would explain why the office looks different). it looks like they’re in an attic, maybe a metaphor for ‘head’?
-mycroft’s fridge is pretty empty, but he has lots of stuff sticking to it, what’s ‘13th’ supposed to mean? or is it 13.00, can’t read it
-yay sherrinford. who may be a girl.
-the baloon john is still there, but deflated, hanging from the table
-ouch, sherlock using ‘norbury’ to keep himself in check, bc he’s so afraid of fucking up again
-miss me? is moriarty’s catchphrase and mary knew that. was kind of cruel to use it.
-judging by mary’s hair this video is not very old at all
-telling that we do’t get to see john’s note, but molly’s ‘you don’t need to read it now’ makes me think that the content is either hurtful or should be kept a secret
-the way molly repeats ‘anyone’ makes it sound like john also stressed it when he told her what to tell sherlock. maybe it’s a clue? or maybe im just grasping straws here
-again samarra and sharks
-idk, but her ‘go to hell, sherlock’ doesn’t sound all that hateful to me.
soooooooo, in conclusion. the major motifs of this ep were: sherlock feeling insecure and hating himself for his arrogance, is destiny inevitable? and an upcoming plot twist. oh and that everything is impostant, but should be taken with a grain of salt.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 5 years
MD3 watches Carole & Tuesday season 1 part 1
9:34 PM 9/1/2019 Carole and Tuesday ep1
Watch Shinichiro Watanabe and Studio Bones go fully into revolving a series around music.  
I was going to say something about how this entire exposition dump is too blunt, that everything is falling into place too easily. But not only is it the natural thing for these 2 characters to do when they're introducting themselves to each other, but the tone of these scenes are really nice.  Just the thing for someone who's been watching almost exclusively iyashikei for a while now.  
I'm surprised they're using actual terms like "Google" and "INstagram".  I wonder if there's a real Instagram account named "carole_and_tuesday".  Well, if Netflix didn't, the fanbase will have.  
I like that the episode begins with narration explaining that Carole and Tuesday will become famous musicians.  Because if the tension of the episode/series is based on already knowing their ending of their story, then that means, it won't hurt me to have already seen some spoiler scenes from later in the series.  ^-^  
That ending theme really sounds like a Cyndi Lauper or at least a 1980's song, with all that synthesizer.  Tuesday was talking about her earlier in the episode.  Do I have to go research Lauper to understand future references?  
9:59 PM 9/1/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep2.
Is there a setting on Netflix that automatically lets me always see the ending and opening credits?  I just don't feel complete when those opening songs and ending themes get skipped.  And often, I can't scramble for the remote in time to ensure I get to watch the credits.  I'm pretty sure there's science behind the benefits of staying for credits and easing back into the next episode with an opening song.  I mean, that whole Interest Curve theory works pretty well for overall plots, scenes, videogame rising tension, Star Wars, Haikyuu, etc.  I need that cool-down after a story for an optimal experience.  That's why I always stayed in movie theaters during credits, even before the MCU.  
I forgot to note during ep1, but I like the future-ized version of vocal synthesizers liek Hatsune Miku, and there's this whole company that has had exclusively virtual/artifical singers for its entire successful history so far.  Did that Tao guy mention the name of his company?  
I also liked that Angela's mom is going to represent that Stage Mom archetype and how that's destructive and contributes to the cliche of "child actors" ending up badly.  If we're going to have a series about the entertainment business, it's good to at least mention that.  
Oh yeah...Did Carole's uni-wheel skateboard exist before the real life version that's been advertised on YouTube lately?  
Something tells me Tao's business is going to be a better example of the highly manufactured music process, than Black Mirror's "Rachel, Jack, and Ashley Too".   These chats that Carole and Tuesday have, while her owl gets sleepy, are realy soothing.  It's reminds me of iyashikei genre's tone.  And Carole's seiyuu has a soothing voice that's also more interesting that just the typical bishoujo voice.  
So the title is based on Bruce Springsteen's song.  
Carole wants to try a grand piano, and I was thinking of those pianos inside shopping malls.  But would malls even still exist in the future?  LOL  And why is there a piano in a place called "Mars Immigration Memorial Hall"?  Sounds like a federal administrative building.  ...Except for the "Memorial" part. ��Yeah, what would a building like that be for?  Maybe a piano will make sense there when I see it.  
DJ Ertegun is getting a pretty big introduction.  Ok, I'm curious.  Did he produce that talent show I've seen spoiler clips of?  
I feel kind of bad for Carole's security guard friend, but I like that one of the people in charge of the venue is cool with them just using the piano.  LOL  
Did I mention yet that I really like the music in this series?  The songs I've seen in spoiler clips, anyway.  
LOL  omg Roddy recorded them running from the security guard too.  LOL  ^o^!
omg and he totally uploaded it.  LOL
I'd be funny if anyone, not just people with more computer experience, but I mean idiots like me, could so easily use facial recognition software, find someone's Instagram, and just use the geotagging to find anyone.  
I know it's cliche for the has-been agent/manager/scout to find a new talent and it gets him out of his self-destructive patterns, but it's still nice.  I'm glad to see Gus not drinking his liver to death and picking fights.  
I really should stop after ep2, but I'm really curious to see how they'll deal with a manager out of no where.  
10:43 PM 9/1/2019
Carole & tuesday ep3
Tuesday's brother sounds really familiar.  I know that the bishonen/biseinen voice is a common archetype, but still.  Is that Takahiro Sakarai?  He voices Cloud in Final Fantasy VII.  Or maybe...No.  Not deep enough for Hikaru Midorikawa.  That's just wishful thinking for my old favorite.  
I feel bad for Tuesday's brother.  I don't know how, but there's a sense that he feels bad about how their mom treats her.  Maybe it's camera lingering on his reponses to her, like he's hesitating to go along with her commands.  Maybe that kind of direction implies he questions her and is reluctant to follow.  Well, if not, then that completely askewed fireplace behind him in this ep's early scene definitely is saying something.  
It's really funny how this pizzeria scene used reading Wikipedia as not just exposition but showing everyone's funny reactions.  Just like when people read a real Wiki!  LOL  I hope more movies do this kind of integration of believable internet use.  
"Teen Vogue"?  
It's funny now durian has become the popular flavor.  
Is the currency "oolongs"?  LOL  That's really close to "woolongs" from Cowbow Bebop.  I wonder why they didn't go ahead and use "woolongs" as a direct reference.  
Ok.  This laundromat scene and a random stranger getting involved in their unfinished song, is pretty endearing.  ^____^
I just realized that everyone is walking around with these AI pets, like the All-Mates from Dramatical Murder.  
It's the partially-shredded Banksy!  LOL
I thought he expected them to do a nude drawing of him or something.  Now does he think they're athletic trainers?  ...Groupies.  He thinks they're groupies.  Ok.  That was a lot of weird misdirect.  But I guess that confusion is teh point of this scene.  LOL  
She's actually burning her sheet music?!  I'm pretyt sure Ertegun was being metaphorical.  So are they portraying Tuesday as the oblivous literal type?  Or was she trying to activate the fire sprinklers to get back at his insults?  
They're pretty lucky that everyone takes their shenanigans well.  
This "running again" running gag is starting to grow on me.
So Ertegun mentioned, like Tao, that he also constructs his music from computer-analyzed trends.  So is this the theme of this series?  Music by computer calculations vs music by humans?  
They're funny.  ^____^  Turning back at Ertegun's house just to yell at him without him even hearing.  I wonder if they're going to go the old fashioned route of gigs at bars, like Gus was talking about.  
11:12 PM 9/1/2019
Maybe I can watch ep 4 without taking so many notes.  I just want to watch it.  
11:13 PM 9/1/2019
Carole & tuesday ep4
Good gobs, this series is much harder to stop watching than Violet Evergarden.  Proably because Violet Evergarden was a cry fest and that's easier to drop.  I can't do that much crying all the time!  At least Carole & Tuesday is soothing and fun.  
Roddy is still there. LOL
Isnt' there something wrong with it if it's only 19 oolongs?  
Ziggy likes Tuesday now.  ^u^
Ooh, poor Ziggy.  
Heh.  Maybe I don't actually want to stop writing reactions.  ^^;;;
This whole episode is uneasy.  You know they're not actually going to be able to make this crazy music video.  That direction AI robot is going to turn out to be worthless.  And in any case, a big action music video doesn't fit their type of songs.  It's like going up the roller coaster, waiting for the fall, when you don't liek roller coasters!  x~x!  Ok.  After this episode, I'll call this binge a night.
This montage of them trying on clothes woudl be a good music video for them.  
I wonder why they didn't start with giving the robot budget restrictions or any kind of limitations first, before it told them what was possible.  
I really like that Marie is just so casually asking these young people if they have boyfriends or girlfriends. You never see that in anime!!!!!!!!!!! ;u;  It's usually a big deal and used for comedy because of the heteronormative expectations!!!!!  but here, she's just being normal about it!  ;U;!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!  
I don't collect Gunpla, but I call figure collection abuse!  lol
Why is this robot talkign out loud to itself?  
Dude, the bartender is super stressed, watching Gus and Marie.  Do they have a history of big arguments that could wreck his bar?  O_o???
Just say "congratulations" if you're going to burst in like that.  LOL  Takes the edge off your eavesdropping.  LOL
"I hope you're happy this time."  Awwwwwwwwwwwwww~  That's so sweet.  ;u;
Who's that random dancer in the video? LOL
Wait a sec...The car was blown up?!?
Where is the AI scammer getting returned to?  
Ok, that was funny at the end.  Maybe I can stick around for another episode.  ^^;
11:42 PM 9/1/2019
I'm going to switch to dub, so I can get some stuff done in these 20 minutes before 12am.  o~o;  
11:46 PM 9/1/2019
Carole & tuesday ep5
Wow.  Roddy's dub actor is Michael Sinterniklaas?  ...Or maybe Yuri Lowenthal? ...Hm...  Then again, there are so many new dub actors that I often find myself confusing older A-listers I'm familiar with.  ^^;  
Wait.  The dub Tao said "woolongs"!  So it's a direct reference to Cowbow Bebop in the dub!  
"You're not as cool as you used to be"?  Really?  *That* cliche?  Listen, I've liked a lot of tropes used in this series so far, but that was mean and hackneyed.  
Only 1 song?  Good.  They only have like 3 songs.  
So the Martian environment caused Angela's mom to become androgenous?  Is that why the media lost interest in her as a child actor, once she hit her 20's?  It always creeps me out how when these child actors turn 18/legal, everyone give this sense like they're leering at him in anticipation.  I guess once Angela's mom wasn't able to transition from child actress to "specifically-female sex pot" they gave up on her career.  That's kind of weird, huh?  When child actresses get old enough, as soon as they're legal, everyone expects them to sell sex with their image, even when they just _barely_ became old enough.  I don't pay enough attention to non-geeky entertainment media, but are male child actors expected to become sex symbols as soon as they turn 18 too?  That's kinda sad.  
Well, Roddy explaining to Beth why likes their music, explains why he's sticking around.  
How did Tuesday's luggage find her?  ^.^
I like how cool Carole's landlord and Tuesday's brother are being about leaving them alone to continue pursuring music.  
12:16 AM 9/2/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep6
It's funny how they're all hanging out at Carole's place all the time now.  
Well, that Skip guy was pretty cool.
Oh~  Skip was talking about Crystal forgetting the type of music she originally wanted to play.  I thought he was talking about himself or something.  First time I saw this clip of him talking to Crystal, he said "it's your song".  I thought that meant he wrote it for her.  But now hearing the same line dubbed, I finally understood it means that Cyrstal wrote this song and it was her original sound, that she's forgotten now that she plays music that sounds more like manufactured pop.  
Is that why they call alcohol "liquid courage"?  ^^;;;;;;;;;
Oh, they really did write a faster song just for this festival?  No, wait.  This is that laundromat song.  ^_^
Wow.  They're really throwing stuff at them while they play.  I feel like I've seen this portrayed only once before in an idol series, but then it had that stereotypical "somoene stands up for the protagonists" moment.  It's kind of refreshing for this more realistic portrayal, then the encouragement come in a more practical way.  
Aw, Crystal is giving them a pep talk.  There are so many nice mentor figures at this festival.  ;u;  
12:37 AM 9/2/2019
I should stop here and go to bed.  ^^;
It occurrs to me that I keep expecting an episode preview, full of joke narration, like you usually hear after an ending theme.  LOL  I guess Netflix really does expect you to binge everything.  ^^;;;  No need for previews and omake, huh?  
Ok.  I'll save ep7 for tomrrow.  
Good series.  ^____^
5:03 PM 9/2/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep7
I'm so glad all these video essays on YouTube have been teaching me to pay more attention.  Or else I wouldn't have noticed how round-table Gus/Carole&Tuesday/Roddy are together, in contrast to Tao/Angela/Angela's mom.
Angela *better* have her own category.  I can't imagine having American Idol and suddenly back-in-the-day Miley Cyrus show up as just a regular contestant.  C'mon.  
I know I sound like an old fogey, but I really like when modern media shows people streaming their life.  Because it's actually happening, and there was such a long time when movies/shows would go to lengths to not show technology even when it's become a daily part of life, just for fear of free product placement.  Seeing Pyotr streaming himself and everyone say he's "Instagram famous" may make this bit dated in 10-20 years, but I feel like it's a better representation of now, vs just avoiding portraying it all together.  
Is that native Maritan at the auditions a reference to Space Channel 5?  LOL  Naw~  LOL  
"I won't do things like that anymore. It happened because of the medicine's side effects.  I'm stable now."  Did this just get even darker than "stage mom" drama?  o~o!
Ok.  Physical abuse.  As long as it doesn't go into incest sexual abuse territory, I think I can handle this character development.  
Also, Angela's mom looks like she used to be her dad?  That photo looked very male-presenting.  I thought she was her mom, who just looked/sounded "manish" because of the androgenous effects of the Martian environment?  
I really like how this whole cast works together.  It's really sweet and warm.  I know that this scene of Carole, Tuesday, and Gus running into Roddy are supposed to portray that but in a bittersweet way, like Tuesday is contemplating all of this warmth going away if her identity is discovered through the Mars Brightest audition, but let me just enjoy it as a "slice of life" moment for now.  ^-^  
Oh, Tuesday was sad about not knowing much about Carole's background.  Wow, I feel like there was only 1 moment for that setup. I totally thought she was afraid of this found family of hers being taken away when her identity is revealed.  Ah, well.  Let's see where this goes.  
Carole *is* cool and to be envied.  ^_^
Time for a song!  I thought that if Tuesday was going to keep feeling so sad, they'd have to vent it in a song.  lol
I like how just random people get involved with Carole & Tuesday's lives.  I just watched a spoiler clip of one of their future concerts and looking at the background "finger snappers" I thought they totally found those guys on the street and asked them to snap their fingers for their song.  LOL  But isnt' this guy teaching them special handshakes the same guy from the laundromat?  o.o?  That was funny.  LOL
Ah, so this is about Tuesday learning to be "bold" like Carole.  
Dog race betting!?  ;o;
Ack.  TV crews.  
Oh, this is about Tuesday not needing the sunglasses anymore.  
5:43 PM 9/2/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep8
The heck?  That's a lot of doing BEOFRE asking!  Even if it's 2 seconds late, that's too late!  o~o!  
Cybelle is always liking their Instagram posts.  lol  I was just reading this [https://twitter.com/_le_hibou/status/1168178112007458818] "To people who follow artists: It may not be obvious but artists do notice followers who regularly interact or reply to their art!! I don’t always know the proper way to respond but I do know who all my “regulars” are if you will lol"  Reminds me that I recently had someone who often likes my IG posts, come meet me in real life and have so many expectations...Now I keep worrying about having said all the wrong things, just being a disappointment, and not having helped enough.  @_@;  
That's mean, Gus.  Don't just assume Angela is going to embarass herself.  Even if we didn't have all these background scenes of her singing well, don't say junk like that.  ~.~;
Ah, when death metal becomes the classical music of old fogeys...  ^____^
"I feel like I've gained their approval to exist."  Sheesh.  To think someone ouwl dsay it so directly and so casually.  o_O
When I first saw this YouTube clip of Pyotr performing I couldn't stop marvelling how this seems like it's completely hand-drawn.  Remember when all the idols shows started to just CGI all the performances and it looked horrible.  Like compare UtaPri's first season vs 3rd.  Or the earlier Idolmasters vs the recent ones.  It's amazing to me that anyone is fully hand-animating this anymore.  
Ok.  I'll admit.  I've been watching "Bulldog Anthem" repeatedly even before starting to watch this series.  I just like opera mixed with modern music, ok.
Was Gus the one squeezing his hand nervously when the announcer mentioned that Carole & Tuesday don't use AI to compose their songs?  
I thought it was weird to choose between different music genres represented by each contestant.  Like I love death metal, and fushion music, and pop is fun too.  But I love that whole acoustic singer-songwriter genre.  ^_________^
It's weird that they're judging OG Bulldog on his identity lies, vs his singing.  Is that how these music audition songs go?  I don't really watch those.  I mean, it's off-putting after he called everyone in the audience/judges fake and made up so many outrageous things about his background, but his song was still nice.  
But maybe that's the contrast represented between OG Bulldog vs Carole & Tuesday.  Bulldog was building this whole identity/persona to sell along with his music.  Whereas even the judge noted how Carole & Tuesday were presenting their music in and of itself alone.  I guess that was the point.  
Maybe it's been a long time since I watched battle anime or the martial arts genre, or Pokemon, but do rival always start introducing themselves to the protagonists by telling them they hate them?  The latest rival I remember being really nasty about their introductions was Yuri Plizetsky from Yuri on Ice.  I guess I'm too accustomed to the old fashioned formalities of martial arts anime, where you send a letter of challenge and formally show your opponent respect, even if it annoys you that they offer you genuine challenge.  In fact, it's because martial artist characters usually recognize the importance of being challenged, that they revere their worthy opponents and recognizing someone as a "rival" was always a sacred thing.  Even rival who hated each other like Ryouga and Ranma are still very respectful towards each other.
And talk about Shadow projecting.  If anyone is the "amatures who get carried away with themselves" it's definitely Angela.  I mean, she can sing, but everyone recognizes her as a model and is calling her a music amature.  
6:25 PM 9/2/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep9
Cybelle's really storng on the stalker vibes.  
omg Did the guest judge just get killed?
Did Cybelle just bite Tuesday?????  O~O!!  This is getting into extra weird levels of stalker!  ;o;
I'd feel kind of hyprocritical if I don't admit that Angela's songs are nice.  Even though I said that OG Bulldog's background doesn't effect the quality of his song, knowing how nasty Angela has been for most of this series has infused watching her performances with bitterness.  But her songs are nice, in and of themselves.  
I'm glad Tuesday was able to reject Cybelle so soon.  And I'm glad Cybelle lost, so her creepiness can exit the series sooner.  But I'm afraid a violent stalker subplot is going to start.  o~o!
6:49 PM 9/2/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep10
Ertegund judging Carole & Tuesday.  I should have seen that coming.  
Is this what they call "emotional blackmail"?  When someone threatens to suicide or hurt themselves if some girl doesn't like them?  Notebook stuff?  
So I didn't react much on ep10 because I was trying to multi-task.  I even tried switching to dub.  But I'm switching back to sub for ep11.
7:54 PM 9/2/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep11.
I guess Angela is doing the sleuthing in the background for this ep.  
These pre-song interviews are fine in fiction, but I can't believe if they do it right before in an actual show.  Then again, reality TV really over-inflates drama where ever they can.  ~.~;
I want to get an album of Carole & Tuesday and listen to it before I sleep.  ^___^
Ertegun taking cheap shots.  Tuesday DID preform.  
I can't help but deflate the stakes in this Mars Brightest arc since Carole & Tuesday started so low, that any kind of exposure seems fine.  And I like lower stakes for an iyashikei-like tone.  Anyway, look how hyper stressed all the overly ambitious characters are, who absolutely have to win or lose everything.  I'm fine with middle stakes.  
I like that Catherine stated her judgement as "If you asked me who I'd want to hear again...".  That's an interesting factor.
Again, I'm glad Carole & Tuesday keep running into people who are just cool with all the craziness that follows them.  Pyotr could become a nice side character.  And apparently, his stakes were also low enough that all he really wanted was some exposure.  He's already IG famous anyway.  
Are they really going to leave the crime pinned on Angela's poor manager?  
So much for low stakes and low ambition.
At least this show always resolves its issues quickly.  So far.  
Blocking is really nice in this scene.  Them sitting on opposite sides of this weird bench, really makes them seem far apart.  Appropriate.  Gotta remember this technique.
Dude, is Carole going to get a bad injury too?  o_o
Oh, yeah, she still didn't give Teusday her birthday gift.
8:27 PM 9/2/2019
Carole & Tuesday ep12
Well, I'm looking forward to the last-minute escape in a week, to get to Mars Brightest.
Always running with Carole.  LOL
"I should have brought her back no matter what she thought."  Hang on, Gus.  That should be "I should have tried to bring her back and ask her again what she thought."  
I'm glad Tuesday's brother Spencer is cool.
Already sent the instruments to the venue?  Gonna be cutting it close, huh?  ^o^
That's packing a lot of "endearing backstory motivation" into one scene for a so-far less palatable character.  I guess this really is the last episode of this season.  Is there a 2nd season of Carole & Tuesday?  
MOre cool random people they meet on the street.  LOL
Oh wow.  Angela's manager came back.  Aw.  Forgiveness is wholesome.  ^______^
I'm glad they're not driven by ambition.  That's fine for martial arts anime and battle anime, where winning represents something about honing your skill.  But I think Carole & Tuesday are more about just having the chance to sing and enjoy music.  
It's like, "You can have all the high-production concerts and collaborations with Ertegund.  Carole & Tuesday are here to play good music."  
Even got that jerk Ertegund to cry, huh? LOL  
Wait a sec.  Does Netflix USA not have season 2 up yet.  Because I've seen clips on YouTube that weren't in this season.  Wow.  I heard about Netflix withholding episodes but this is just weird...Or maybe that was nother streaming service?  
I guess that's it.  I'll go re-watch the spoiler clips on YouTube then.  
9:03 PM 9/2/2019
"Flying Dog" was involved with Carole & Tuesday?!  They worked on my favorite Sengoku Basara 2009 series!  *O*!  
Ok.  So season 1 was split into 2 parts.  And these 12 eps I just watched were part 1 of season 1.  And there's a part 2 of season 1 to come.  And season 2 is teh one that's iffy about production.  
9:08 PM 9/2/2019
Wait a sec.  Ertegun is freaking Mamoru Miyano?!  LOL!!!!!!!!!!  Well, after Tamaki Suoh I'm convinced he does "over dramatic self-agrandizing" characters well.  LOL  Isn't the manager of Zombieland Saga like that too?  
Roddy is freaking Miyu Irino?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  *O*  I guess he finished his hiatus abroad.  O.o  Wait!  That means whenever there's a Ertegun/Roddy scene, it's Riku and Sora together again!  LOL
Megumi Hayashibara is in this series too?!?!  *u*
Oh, Watanabe is the supervising director with someone else doing the usual directing?  
Looks like season 1 part 2 is still airing in Japan. Netlflix is probably going to wait until the season is done before they send it to Bang Zoom Entertainment for dubbing, AND THEN it'll be on Netflix.  
0 notes