#(I’m feeling like a review writer JSJS)
yuikomorii · 1 year
I don’t know if you answered it already but I don’t remember you ever talking about Ayato’s Chaos Lineage route, so what did you think of it, if I may ask?
// My bestie really liked it but I can’t say I feel the same. It wasn’t bad, because there were some moments I truly enjoyed but it wasn’t great either. ^^”
I believe Ayato was extremely sweet and I don’t know how to feel when characters are written to act so cheesy. I do appreciate when they show their gentle side but he was literally made of sugar there and treated Yui like she was made of glass, which doesn’t sound like something Ayato would do because he is aware Yui is a strong girl. I understand that he’s caring but he was too desperate and worried for her there to the point that I didn’t get that playful teenage couple vibe for 80% of the route.
Can’t complain about the cgs, since I really love the CL ones! I just think the context behind some of them could have been better. This one is really cute but I’m sorry, the whole conversation made me cringe so much and the fact they were watched made matters worse. 😭😭
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If there’s a scene that deserved a kiss then it is THIS one. The way Yui cheered Ayato up was one of the most precious things ever and I regret so much the fact they didn’t smooch or at least hug. :<
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Maybe it’s just me but I feel like CL was merely made to hide or fix what happened in LE, after becoming the lowest rated DL game and getting a bunch of critics regarding the triplets’ (mainly Ayato’s) routes. Rejet most likely attempted to redeem the relationship between Ayato and his brothers in his CL route, but in my opinion, they didn’t do a great job. Something I can't stand anymore is how Rejet instills new insecurities in Ayato game by game, because it's getting really frustrating, especially since in LE and CL he starts disliking and belittling himself due to his brothers' treatment of him. They called Ayato selfish in CL despite the fact that, after regaining his memories, he put Yui on the first place and clearly stated wanting to protect everyone— On top of that, they took Ayato's idea of breaking the glass floor of the church while not allowing him to participate?? In the end, they acted like “good brothers” and granted Ayato permission to use his OWN idea but this still feels forced because that was the bare minimum. ://
I really liked the Good Ending though, since I love the scene where Ayato confronted his father and said“I decide my own fate!”; that was undoubtedly badass.
Overall, his route was kinda boring to me. It’s the most overly romantic route in DL, because there are too many cheesy and ichaicha scenes, so it might make you cringe a lot. But if you’re into romance and fluff, it’s perfect for you! :”)
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