#(I'm trying to look at trainers for help but A I will be completely alone in paying those expenses for a while)
When you're on a time crunch but your (presumably) ADHD brain decides "fuck you I want to write"
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kurooo-is-here · 9 months
Hello, I love your work. If you don't mind, I have a request for you
How about a Kieran x reader who's really good at battles and has a great team, but low-key kinda hates it (not their team just battles). They just have more fun observing and researching pokemon.
They have fun battling friends and such, but when a random trainer starts demanding a battle, they get annoyed (like leave me alone, please, I'm looking at a cool jolkit).
Omg I love this idea 😭 Decided to be a bit of a nerd with this one and toss in some Pokemon facts, also couldn't help putting Joltik in the headcanons because I love Joltik sm ... its a little bug ... teehee
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Due to your love of observing and researching Pokemon, you sometimes work closely with Jacq, aka the Pokedex guy/biology teacher! You've already completed a full Pokedex for all 3 regions, but you've made it a pasttime to observe Pokemon's habits and behaviors.
Naturally you're also great at battling because you're so in-tune with your Pokemon, but you dislike it in all honesty-- it feels needless and almost boring sometimes since you usually win anyways.
Kieran is fond of your battling skills but he understands why you've taken a dislike to battling, so he never forces you to battle with him or anyone else. You and his Hydrapple get along really well too, since you are aware of the nature of its symbiotic syrpents and how they do or don't get along sometimes.
Your most recent favorite to study is of course, Joltik. They can only be found in places with electric energy sources, such as cities or Chargestone Cave. They're one of the shortest Pokemon out there, but they jump really high and they're absolutely adorable! They're also not aggressive for the most part unless bothered.
You're studying a little bundle of Joltiks in Chargestone Cave with Kieran, and you go to ask someone where the Pokemon Center is-- but you forget the most basic trainer rule: Never talk to trainers unless you're looking for a battle. The trainer immediately challenges you, and you try to decline- because seriously, where's the damn Pokemon Center- but they quite literally grab your arm and try to drag you onto the battle court.
Kieran steps in front of you. "Hey, let them go. They said they're not looking for a battle."
The trainer protests, but Hydrapple pops out of its ball and quite loudly hisses at the trainer. Kieran's expression is similarly intimidating-- he just stands there menacingly and pries the person's hand off of your arm.
"If you wanna battle someone so bad, I'll do it." He says in a low voice.
The trainer finally backs off, basically shaking in their pants as they flee the scene. Kieran turns back to you, his scary expression fading into slight concern.
"You alright, Y/N?"
You nod sheepishly, still mentally hitting yourself on the head for that blunder. But Kieran gives you a reassuring smile, which calms your nerves a bit and helps you get back on track.
And as it turns out, there's a Pokemon Center inside of the cave! So you book it there to use the self-healing stations and then go back to studying the little Joltik colony you found, which are thankfully still waiting for you when you get back.
They seem to have taken a liking to you, because they give you a morsel of a berry as a little present! So cute <3
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leosxrealm · 2 months
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pairing(s): prince! Arthur Leclerc x male! knight! reader
warning(s): mentions of injury, mentions of death, royal au! forbidden romance(?), angst
(a/n): a lot of backstory and angst. also this was inspired the moodboard i made. and inspired by the song– sign of the times by harry styles. also the dynamic was kind of inspired by patrochilles from tsoa.
wc: 1.6k
!not proofread!
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"Y/n! Uncle!"
You hear the high-pitched voice of a young boy. On turning around, you see him running towards you. But he never reaches you.
You let out a sigh. Seeing Arthur trip on his own feet was not an uncommon sight for you. You could never understand how a prince could be so clumsy. You walk over towards him, helping the poor boy up.
"Prince Arthur," your father greets him with a small smile.
"Uncle!" the younger beams.
"What brings you here, your Highness?" your father asks him, curious about why the youngest prince was near the soldier's quarters, which happened to be on the opposite side of the Prince's room.
Arthur stills for a second, gathering his thoughts. "My father has requested your presence. He said something about- about-" He trails off, not remembering the rest of what his father had said.
Your father smiles down at him. You didn't know what he found amusing about him. Your father turns to you, giving you a small smile, "I have to go. Please take care of Prince Arthur and escort him back to his room."
"Yes, father."
You look around the hallways as you walk behind the youngest prince. The royal quarters were completely different from what you were used to.
Arthur's room soon comes into your field of vision. It was only a few paces down Prince Charles'. "Do you want to come in?" he asks excitedly, eager to show you the new toys his father had brought from his recent travels.
You accept his request. It's not like you could say no to a Prince; you were a nobody compared to him.
You had been practicing your sword skills near the river bank before you were disturbed by the presence of another person. It took you a second to recognize him. After all, you didn't expect him to be here. 
"Hello!" he said after spotting you, his eyes full of innocence and with the biggest smile on his face. 
"Your Highness," you bow, just like you were taught to. He frowned, he never liked how you treated him like a prince. He wanted to be your friend, and friends don't bow to each other. Or act like one was superior.
He quickly changed the topic, asking you to teach him some of your sword moves.
"You have a trainer already," you pointed out, "appointed by the king."
"But I don't like him," he replied, pouting like a child. You sometimes forget that he's a prince. From what you were told, a prince shouldn't act this way. Maybe he got away with it because he was the youngest, you wondered.
"I'm not a teacher," you replied, hoping the annoying boy would go away already. "But you could teach a friend!" Arthur replied happily. You take a moment to answer. "You're a prince. We can not be friends." You walk away from the river, going back to the soldier's quarters.
Arthur watched you walk away from him. He didn't understand why you disliked him so much. All he wanted was a friend.
You were appointed to accompany the youngest prince while he went to the local bazaar. He wouldn't let anyone else accompany him and of course, the king couldn't let him go alone.
Arthur had made it known that you would be the only one he would allow to be near him. So upon receiving direct orders from the King, you couldn't exactly say no.
His eyes beg you. Trying to covey the words his mouth couldn't. Was it selfish of him? To want you to stay when the kingdom was under attack? He searches your eyes. What was he trying to find?
You step closer to him. Your hand gently cups his face, bringing him closer, till your foreheads touch.
"I have to go," you whisper, your breath tickling his face. A lump forms in his throat. He doesn't want you to leave.
His stomach churns at the thoughts that cross his mind. The 'what if' scenarios running through his mind. He can't shake off this feeling he has.
"Don't." It's so quiet you barely hear it. "Please."
"My Prince." You pull him into your embrace, gently tucking his face in the curve of your neck. One of your hands around his back, the other supporting his head.
"My love," you try to console him. It hurt you to see him like that. It hurt you the most to know you were the reason for his current state. 
"At least..." he tries to say before his own sobs cut him off. "At least stay the night." 
You look at Arthur. He was clutching your vest, scared that if he let go, you would leave. He reminded you of the young boy you had met all those years ago. 
The clumsy little boy, who used to run around the palace barefoot, tripping so often that his arms and legs were scattered in scars. 
The determined little boy, who used to beg you to teach him how to fight because he didn't think he was strong enough to deserve the title of prince. The smart little boy, who taught you how to read and write, something you had never learned because a soldier had no use for such things.
The caring little boy, who stayed up all night once to look after you after you had caught a severe cold.
The sensitive little boy, who cried when he found a dead butterfly in the garden. You didn't have the heart to tell him that those things barely lived for a few weeks. The brave little boy, who fought his father, the king, because the king forbade him from spending time together with lowlifes.
You smile at the memory. Arthur had fought his own father all because he called you a lowlife. You knew your place in the system. It wasn't the first time you had heard such a thing. It's what you were so you didn't ever consider it an insult. 
But seeing Arthur defend you like that, against the king of all people, had really made you see him in a new life.
You tighten your arms around him. You didn't want to leave him here. But this was a war the kingdom couldn't afford to lose. Things had been especially tough on the frontlines. 
"Of course, my love," you reply softly, pressing a lingering kiss to the top of his head. 
Arthur woke up the next day to an empty bed. You were nowhere to be seen. Deep inside, he knew you had already left. You were probably about to reach the battlegrounds.
He rolled over to your side of the bed. At least that's what he had been calling it ever since you had started spending the nights in his room. It was already cold.
He tried to sleep again, to get away from the thoughts clouding his mind but to no avail.
Something caught his eye. It was sitting on top of the nightstand. He reached out grabbing the small piece of jewelry.
He recognized it. It was a simple silver chain with your birthstone hanging from it. It was the most precious thing you had. You had told him once. A gift from your late mother.
He carefully wrapped his fingers around it. He knew how much it meant to you. It was your treasure and you had left it in his care. He brought the necklace closer to him. Like he was holding a piece of you. 
He curled up in a ball, weeping quietly. The reality of the situation hit him. There was only one instance he could think of where you would leave behind your most treasured necklace.
The Sun had already settled for the day. The stars, shining like little gems in the blanket of darkness. It had been a long day for the two young boys. Sweaty and tired, they laid in the freshly trimmed grass. 
"You did good today." the shorter of the two turned  his head to look at his companion. You had never been the first to start a conversation with him, much less compliment him. Arthur felt himself turning red as you laid there oblivious. 
"Thanks," he meeked out. He turned to look at you once again. Your had laid comfortably on the ground, your eyes closed, the moon that had previously been hiding behind the clouds was now shining its luminance onto you. 
Heavenly. You looked heavenly. It was the only way he could describe you. He closed his eyes, taking in the smell of the grass surrounding him, and of the blooming flowers through the wind. the sound of the leaves rattling, and you.
"I want to learn life with you."
You opened your eyes slowly. It had been so quiet that you barely heard it. You turned to the boy next to you. Or rather the man next to you. He was fifteen, turning sixteen in a few weeks. 
He was no longer the clumsy little boy you had met. He fitted into his role as the prince perfectly. He knew how to fight now. He was attending meetings when his brothers couldn't. His opinions were heard in the council. Everyone had acknowledged him as a man, as a dutiful prince. 
He had even changed physically. He was taller than you remembered. Stronger, even. His muscles were starting to show. His voice was slightly deeper. His hair was longer. He had grown. Before you knew it, a smile had appeared on your face. 
He holds the letter close to him, the edges of the paper crumbling under his fingers. The tears staining the paper. It was written in a hurry, he could tell. Addressed to him, sitting neatly on the nightstand next to your necklace.
He wailed.
Please forgive me, my prince. I would not be there to accompany you till the end. I wish it didn't had to end like this. I wish I got learn more of life with you.
I hope we can meet again somewhere. Somewhere far away from here. Maybe in the after life. Until then, take care of yourself, my love.
Your Knight
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(a/n): i've written after soooo many months so its kinda weird and all over the place. and a little rushed. I'll get better when i start writing more eventually i promise🤞🏼i still hope you guys enjoyed it
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prove-it-or-lose-it · 3 months
@wayward-wren that other post was getting to be a chore to scroll through, so I hope you don't mind that I'm moving my responses to a new one. If I've missed something you'd really like a response to, just remind me about it and I'll do my best. I think I've pulled everything that I wanted to go over here.
> Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 1:22-23  "For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles..." You're not alone in your skepticism, and that's why we have to rely on God.
I understand why you think that way, but my skepticism means that I can't rely on god. I can't appeal to something that hasn't met its burden of proof in order to explain other things that haven't met their burden of proof either. This just doesn't work, it's not a logical conclusion to make. In the absence of evidence for the claims, I must reject them until they can be shown to be true.
> Where does your morality come from? You can't claim God is evil without defining what evil is. Is evil hurting others? Then being a personal trainer would be evil, because exercise hurts.
This is hard to explain briefly. I mean, philosophers have been trying to nail down morality for about as long as all of written history. But what we see is that morality is an ever shifting social construct. There are things that we understand now to be morally bad which were seen as good or neutral in the past. And in the future I'm sure there are things we won't look upon favorably that are totally fine today.
Morality can't exist in a vacuum, so it needs a goal in order to sort of ground it. For me, it starts simply; the goal is to promote human flourishing and well-being while mitigating as much harm and suffering as possible. The evidence that this is a worthwhile goal is this: we, and even other mammalian species, have an awareness that individual suffering diminishes the chances of group survival, so in order to make sure we all flourish we ought to care for one another.
So I really don't believe in evil, though this might be a semantic point. With respect to my goal stated above, how can I see any moral value to a commandment that tells me that people should be used as property? This degrades and dehumanizes both subject and master, maybe even irreparably, and does nothing to promote human flourishing.
And this view is capable of accounting for nuance, whereas "don't look at someone and think they're sexy," is a harsh, black and white statement that amounts to thought crime, which is something that has no use other than to mentally dominate people and make them subservient. And for what? Thoughts like this cause no harm as long as the thought doesn't lead to any external, non-consensual action, and most of the time if not all, they're completely involuntary. It's control for the sake of control without even approaching being a moral value.
The nuance comes in as well with your personal trainer example, though I'd argue that the trainer is not harming directly but guiding a person through a process that will indeed cause some self harm, but with a positive goal. It's contractual and the recipient knows that the slight harm is to their benefit. Similarly, we consent to surgery which can be very risky harm, with the goal of becoming well. Absolute, black and white commands don't leave room for this and should ultimately be rejected in favor of a reasoned approach that takes all available information into account.
If god commands us not to lie, did he know that in 1930's Germany a great number of compassionate people, often devoted believers, would hide people in their homes who were taking refuge from a fascist regime? Did he expect those people who lied to the officers banging at their door, in order to protect innocent lives, to beg his forgiveness for misleading men with murder and torture in their minds? If my friend is in an abusive relationship and they've come to my place to call for help, and their enraged partner comes to me asking where my friend is, what forgiveness do I need for telling them that my friend isn't there? I've done no wrong, but this imperative given with no caveats or grey areas allowed brands me with the title of sinner and I object. Real life application of morality is rarely, if ever, as cut and dry as these ancient edicts would imply.
> If there is a God who created the world and is so much more powerful than the beings He created, why can't he make the rules?
I don't think that there is a god, or that the world was created, but to entertain the hypothetical; of course, I'd have no choice but to accept that those are the rules, but I'd also have no obligation to follow the rules if I have the free will you say I do. I don't necessarily believe in free will, but I would never follow an immoral command. If a god told me to go and do a genocide on the Canaanites or to keep slaves, for example, I would have all the information I needed to conclude that this god is a tyrant and undeserving of obedience or worship. I'd be damned, but my conscience would be clear.
> The thing with Christianity, is it's a story of God reaching to man. Every single other religion is man reaching to God. Every single other religion is a works based religion. Every single other religion is focused on how we can be Good Enough for God.
I don't have much to say here, except this: do you know every single other religion that has ever existed? Have you studied the Vedas of Hinduism, or whatever texts are foundational to Shintoism? How about ancient religions of fallen civilizations lost to time? Is it not more than a little bit dishonest to make broad, sweeping claims about "every single other religion," especially when your own's adherents can hardly agree among one another on what the official doctrine demands? These things are complicated and we shouldn't make such generalizations given the vast amount of study one would have to go through in order to truly know what you're claiming to know here.
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smolwritingchick · 5 months
Be For Real
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This randomly popped into my head so I typed it. I guess jealous Jennie? I know people want to see jealous scenes between JenKook, so this became a brainstorm. I'll make another custom chapter of a party or something and this could happen. I'll add on and edit whenever I decide to put it in the story. 
"You alright, Jen?" Hayoon asked as they stood next to each other with drinks at the party. 
As they stood across the room, Jennie raised an eyebrow when watching a girl ogle over Jungkook. It was ridiculous. The chick knew good and well they were dating and yet was still trying any little trick to charm him which was not working. Jungkook may not have been able to see through the facade but Jennie saw it a mile away with the way the girl had been staring at him all night.
Miss Bangtan began to feel herself getting angry when the girl giggled and touched his muscled arm.
"Oh, so now the bitch wants to touch my man? Yoon, can you hold my drink? I'll be right back," she requested and gave Hayoon her cup.
"Oh dear," Hayoon watched with nervousness as Jennie strutted right over to them. 
"You go to the gym frequently?" the girl asked Jungkook with a big smile.
He nodded politely. "Jennie and I like to go together. It's been a routine for us,"
"Wow, that's amazing! And you look soooo strong! Your arms especially! I mean, I may have to get some personal training lessons from you, sometime,"
"I'm sure you can have someone else as your personal trainer instead of asking him for tips," Jennie cut into the conversation, standing next to him.
The girl glanced at her in annoyance. "I was speaking to Jun-"
"Yeah, well, I'm speaking to you. And I'd appreciate it if you stopped talking to my man as if I'm not here. He's not available to personally train you and never will be. So, if you're done trying to come up with some bullshit excuse to be alone with my man, I suggest you see your way out of our faces," she tilted her head and smiled.
The girl narrowed her eyes and turned around, storming off.
"Yeah, like the fuck I thought," Jennie said, watching her leave.
Jungkook watched Jennie, surprised. He didn't think it was that big of a deal but she completely told the girl off.
"Babe, you all right?" he asked.
She glared at him and rolled her eyes. Ignoring him, she began to walk away.
"H-hey! Jennie!" he called out and rushed after her. 
The two ended up outside the party, in the backyard, as they began walking through the gardens.
"Are you going to keep ignoring me? What's wrong? What was all that about?" he asked as he caught up with her.
"Oh, you're soooo strong, Jungkook. Oh, maybe you can teach me some time," she mocked and fake laughed.
"She was just being nice. I don't think she meant it like that," 
"Be fucking for real. She was deadass flirting with you," she exclaimed as she stopped walking and stood in front of him with a frown. 
"Yes! The way she grabbed your arm and giggled, smiling all in your damn face like some loony tune? Giving you the bold, flirty stare and everything. Like girl do you really wanna get slapped, right now?"
Jungkook began to chuckle softly as he watched her rant, understanding where this was headed. This was the last thing he was expecting tonight. Her being jealous. 
He watched as the warm wind blew her hair while she continued to express herself. He couldn't help but cross his arms, admiring her as she remained annoyed. She arrived at the party earlier than him and this was his first time seeing her as he got a good look at her short bodycon dress. His eyes began to wander down her body, smirking softly.
Meeting her eyes again, he thought about how lucky he was that she was his. She looked gorgeous under the moonlight as the stars appeared in the night sky. The urge to kiss her increased as he continued to listen to her rant. 
"These girls do not know how to act. What is it with these bitches trying to be all over you? Like I get it. You are fine as hell and a walking green flag but you're mine. My man. Bitches need to come correct. I'm deadass, Jungkook. I hate this. Like does she not understand you're with me? She lucky I acted the way I did-oh so you think this is funny?"
"No, no, not at all," he quickly answered with an amused smile as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Then why are you laughing?"
"I wasn't,"
"You know what? Forget it," she waved him away and walked past him, in the direction to the party.
"Wait, come here," he laughed softly and gently reached out to grab her, wrapping his arms around her waist for a back hug.
"No, get off. You're not even listening," she complained.
"I am listening. I hear you. I just never would have thought of you acting jealous, tonight," he kissed her cheek.
"I'm not jealous..." she grumbled while he released her.
"Yes, you are,"
"I'm not..."
"And what do you call this, babe?" he grinned.
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. She couldn't even think of an answer as he smiled triumphally. Jungkook uncrossed her arms and pulled her to him, placing his hands on her hips while she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Don't worry too much about her. She'll back off now after what you told her," he reassured.
"She better,"
He smirked and leaned down to kiss her deeply, putting all her frustrations and worries to rest.
"Wanna get out of here?" he whispered in her ear as his hands began to roam down her body.
She smiled and pulled away. "Yeah. 10 minutes. Let me say bye to Hayoon and the girls, first,"
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team-mavericks · 2 months
Makoto's Video Confession (on some made up forum)
The video starts with Makoto's arm adjusting the camera, getting herself into frame and sits politely in her chair. She takes a deep breath, sighs, and then looks at the camera with a soft smile.
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"Hello. This is MadBatBiker. Weird time for a face reveal, huh? Forgive the appearance, I know it doesn't match the posts I usually make. I wanted to try a new look for someone... and... I figured I should use this new look to come clean."
"I can't say my name... not yet. I don't know if it's safe. You see, I've been hiding from my past for roughly 6 years. I came from Kanto... As a Rocket Grunt." Makoto looked away to check if anyone was listening in before she resumed talking to the camera.
"I was born into Team Rocket. My parents found each other in the team, and had me. I grew up witnessing Team Rocket enter what they call their prime from the inside. All my life, all I've ever known was the life of a criminal. And I didn't even think what I was doing was wrong, I just wanted to make my parents proud. And then... I met someone."
Makoto can't help but chuckle to herself for a moment thinking about how she met the Mavericks. "A complete clown of a man. He knew I was a criminal, he knew I had no good intentions, and he had me in the palm of his hand ready to turn me in... And then he let me go. He saved my life, and then invited me to have a second chance. I was very reluctant to take it, but I was so confounded to be shown genuine kindness that I ended up leaving with him to figure out what makes him so... happy."
Makoto started to feel tears well up in her eyes and she tries to play it off with a gentle wipe without removing her sunglasses. She resumes speaking, but her voice is noticeably shaken.
"I was shown that there were other ways to live, better ways. Life outside of Team Rocket is so beautiful... And I haven't gone back since. I ran away from home. I left everything behind. I wanted to make amends and make things right. I even tried to form a proper bond with my Pokémon... and... some of yours."
Makoto reached into her bag and held up four pokéballs. She looked at them as if hoping the Pokémon inside could feel the sincerity of her words. "Houndoom, Tepig, Darmanitan, Alolan Marowak... These are Pokémon that I have stolen from other trainers in my time with Team Rocket. They resent me for separating them from their trainers, I know they do. I've tried and tried so much to make them at least tolerate me enough to help me find their trainers... I want to bring them home... But they don't trust me, and I don't blame them."
Makoto starts to hang her head down, her forehead touching the balls and is now unable to hold back her tears. "I want to atone for this so much, but I feel so helpless. Too scared to walk around in Kanto alone in fear that I'd be taken back to Team Rocket."
Makoto removes her glasses and looks at the camera, sadness and regret filling her entire being.
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"I don't normally do this. But please... please... If you or someone you know had one of these pokemon stolen by a lowly Rocket Grunt... Please message me... I beg of you... The guilt is becoming too much... And I just want them to be happy again."
There's a solid 30 seconds of Makoto cradling the balls to her chest and crying over them. She can no longer look directly at the camera as she delivers her final say in the matter.
"I now know how beautiful life is, and how important it is to be where you want to be. I regret my life and can only apologize and atone until the day I die. And if there are any Rockets watching... I hope you don't recognize me. I don't want to go back. I'm sorry."
Makoto looks back up and reaches to the camera to turn it off, but before she turns it off she smiles very softly through her sad, desperately begging eyes.
"And to all my friends on this forum... I hope you can forgive me."
[ End of Video ]
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saendra-m · 3 months
(There are gonna be spoilers below the cut, of course.)
So, I've spent past three days leveling new classes and doing their quests.
Viper was fine, but nothing particularly special.
Pictomancer though... the way it started made me groan. A furry little shite is being a nuisance, what's new, right? But then it caught me completely off guard.
And as an enjoyer of a *cough* certain other job I simply can't keep silent about it.
So, quick introduction: the story follows a moogle called Kupopo (hmm) on a quest to find his disappeared pictomancer friend Beruru, and to train a successor to their master Janquetilaque (please don't ask me to repeat that).
At the face value, this quest is pretty much a road trip explaining what it means to be a pictomancer: go around, help people, make new memories to fuel your imagination. And also about how bad memories are just as important as good ones.
I almost had a whiplash when I saw that dialog option in the Camp Dragonhead in the middle of what seemed to be a pretty lighthearted quest (though in the hindsight, I should've heeded Kupopo's warning about emotional baggage).
And then we learn that Janquetilaque had passed away, and I'm, like, HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
This is when I also realized that something about my moogle trainer is a bit unusual: his name, while not unlike common Gridanian moogle names, also follows Lalafellin naming pattern.
But it wasn't until Kugane, where we learn that Beruru might also be dead, and, more importantly, might have actually killed herself, when I, a seasoned Dark Knight, figured that yeah, I know exactly what this is about.
What I didn't expect even at this point is for this quest to literally mirror DRK's experience.
Beruru, it turns out, locked herself up in a picture to try to relive her time with her dead master. Literally buried herself in a coffin, too, just to drive the point home.
And looking at that sad girl, sitting alone in an empty hall, I couldn't help but think: "We've been here before".
We shared that anger and desire to detach from the world that we poured into Fray, we shared that grief and survivor's guilt, that made its way into Myste, a simulacrum made in the image of two friends Warrior of Light had lost recently.
Only, Beruru was even farther in the abyss, because even Kupopo, her only friend, was a figment of imagination that she brought to life to cope with her loneliness.
So we help a lonely girl, stricken with grief, to deal with her emotions... by murdering a simulacrum of her old master. Who also looks kinda like an Ascian Prime with thorns sticking out from under his robe, for some reason. And then she goes on her journey... alone.
Yeah, the way that quest ends kinda falls flat, and, I think, suffers from lacking another ten levels worth of questing, now hand in hand with Beruru, teaching her this time - teaching how to deal with her emotions in a healthy manner. That is, not by trying to paint over them, but by slashing them with a big fucking sword, because that's more cathartic.
Still, a pretty nice and unepected reprise of DRK's story.
Ah, and it lowkey serves in that capacity in another sense as well: just like DRK's quest was dipping into trip down the memory lane, this quest, too, serves as a reminder of WoL's adventures - both by explicitly querying you about their feelings, and by subtly showing people recognizing you for your deeds.
Yeah okay, this quest, while could be better, is now around the top of my job quests ranking list.
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tarabyte3 · 2 years
No question, just wanted you to know that you're lovely and talented and I hope you're doing ok (hopefull better than ok, you deserve it). ❤️
This is so fucking sweet and I appreciate it so much that every time I look at it, I start crying. Thank you for checking up on me 💖😭 I am struggling to find words to express how much it means to me.
So I am going to use this answer to post an update for everyone.
Short answer: I'm not doing great.
BUT I believe that anyone who is able and willing to share their mental health journey should. Both to normalize the struggle AND so that anyone else quietly going through the same thing doesn't feel so alone or as though it's their fault. Because it isn't our fault! We don't deserve this, and it's cruel our own brains tell us we do.
Also getting it out is just therapeutic sometimes!
Therefore the long answer under the cut.
CW: discussion of mental health and depression
I want to preface this with: I'm safe. I have no intrusive or physically harmful thoughts. 💖
But I'm really struggling. I feel like shit most of the time. Mentally, emotionally, and physically.
The winter blues have me in a chokehold and are preventing me from doing things that I enjoy doing to help me feel better.
When you're depressed, it can be difficult to do basic tasks. It can feel impossible to do things like self-care, exercise, or to work on creative projects.
I thrive on creative projects. I need enrichment in my enclosure!! When I don't have them or can't do them, it makes me feel actively worse.
I haven't been able to work on my fic because right now my brain is an undercooked scrambled egg in a mesh colander. I get about 100 words out (I'm at ~2.5k words for this next chapter, which is about half done, I would guess) and then I just stare blankly at my screen. Which sucks because I have the vision for what I want to write in my head (😏), but no way to get it to come out of my brain.
(Side note: thank god for gif making and Andy content because it's the one thread keeping me from bolting into the woods, never to return)
I also have a few home decor, painting, and craft projects I could work on, but I lack motivation due to depression.
It's just an ouroboros of "depressed so I can't be creative" and "need to be creative so I'm not depressed." 🙃
We're getting wave after wave of winter weather here (right now we're in a massive ice storm), which is keeping me indoors. Being cooped up is rough on me. I need to be active. I'm just a complicated houseplant—probably a calathea as we are both drama queens.
I'm also finding it difficult to exercise due to: you guessed it! The sads. My beloved rowing machine, stationary bike, treadmill, and yoga mat sit neglected.
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I am also eating far too much bread. Which, while immediately satisfying, is unfortunately not a long term solution because it's actively contributing to me feeling worse 😂
I reached out to try and find a personal trainer to help with the lack of motivation, get me out of the house, have a routine, AND get some workout endorphins to kickstart my healthy habits back into gear, but I haven't heard a single thing back from any of them. Which is disheartening.
Especially since another fun symptom of depression is feeling completely fucking alone and ignored. Which is rude AF, btw.
I'm going to keep making Andy gifs and crossing my fingers that the weather lets up so I can leave the house. Maybe go to some thrift and antique stores or a plant store. That always makes me feel better!
So other than some far more personal struggles with having a chronically ill teenager, there you have it!
I appreciate all of you for helping keep me sane and connected, even though I haven't been logging on as much as I had been due to being too busy staring at a wall and contemplating whether or not I should eat more bread. (I should NOT. …or should I?)
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Truly. Thank you. 💕🥹🥺
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house party cheat codes 100% working P0YY&
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Here's an updated list of House Party cheats. · Door: Lock or unlock doors · Roaming: Stop characters from moving from their current location. House Party Cheats & Console Commands, hope you enjoy all the available cheats: Combat, items, intimacy, sizes, boost stats, complete quests (automatically). Boost Friendship or Romance · 1st term: always = intimacy player · 2nd term: the character you want · 3rd term position: , , , House Party Cheats – Intimacy · 1st term: always = intimacy player · 2nd term: the character you want · 3rd term position: , , Attainable values for the third time period: = make out, = bl****b, = ha****b, = missionary, = doggy, = mas**. Hints and Tips for: House Party. Console Commands: Written by BloodyMeli Just a quick guide with some console commands Dropdown menu should appear. So this is a bit preemptive, but There are multiple ways of going about this quest, this is simply the route that worked for me. Wait until after the quest is complete. You need to give patrick the painkillers while he's near Stephanie. Not sure what the range is, I just waited until he was either talking to or dancing with Stephanie in the living room. Amy should approach you about Stephanie and Katherine. I f she is in this location or any location that is populated follow the steps below. If she is in a room alone, skip to the next section. If it doesn't trigger, you can talk to Amy, though I believe it's optional. I haven't tried getting naked before she enters the room but it may be worth a try. Most of the girls have an easy way to get to their S-List however Stephanie and Madison take just a slight amount of work to get which is why I made this guide. I Wish that I was cross-eyed so I could see you Twice. Can I have yours? They make you look smart! What's your sign? That place is great! Are you in 3rd grade? So I'm a total afterthought? What's that? Talk to you later, Madison. Or Raymond, like everybody else? Brittney will respond with a yes. Go around to each party-goer and ask to sign the petition. While upstairs, take the paper from the study and the pencil from the spare bedroom. Give Madison her phone and ask for a reward, then agree to her plan to humiliate Ashley. Go to the downstairs bathroom near the staircase and grab the towel near the sink. Give them to Ashley and offer to wash her clothes. Offer to now wash her clothes in the spare room, followed by offering to wash her panties too. Panties secured! Make sure to assure Amy that the sorority is worth pursuing and opens many doors. Head to the garage and rummage the orange tub to the right of the counter in the left corner. Go back to Amy and let her know Brittney will strip if Amy does first. Tell Amy you have a plan and lead her to the hot tub. Dare Amy to do the same. The option for the threesome will finally present itself. Propose it to Brittney and enjoy the rest from there! Submit your codes! Having Codes, cheat, hints, tips, trainer or tricks we dont have yet? Help out other players on the PC by adding a cheat or secret that you know! Submit them through our form. Covering more than CheatBook-DataBase Cheatbook on: Twitter Facebook.
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preworkoutstats · 2 years
How to Get Ripped Abs - Build Muscle Fast While Transforming Your Body
I had the opportunity to try John Alvino's How to Get Ripped Abs system and was amazed at the effectiveness of his program. John has assembled the most comprehensive personalized training manual I have ever reviewed. This is not an eBook, this is an entire system with several modules to ensure success and results. It's a foolproof system and let me tell you how it works to build muscle fast while fat strips off your body quicker than anything.
Not an eBook
First thing I want to reemphasize is this is not an "eBook" so to speak. On a telephone interview I had with John he told me what really makes his system the best is that it is a complete system packed with modules for the individual to customize it to them almost like a trainer does. The diet is customized for female or male, by bodyweight, and includes a meal plan for each profile. The system is downloadable but it has several modules and isn't just one small book.
The typical eBooks I have read include a workout program and meal tips but they don't go in depth like How to Get Ripped Abs does. John includes a meal planner laying out each exact meal. On top of that he includes a recipe book with healthy meals and a protein shake book. I tried several of the meals and they are fantastic. A healthy recipe book alone is worth getting this.
Most Challenging Workouts I've Ever Done
The workout plan is the best ever designed for fat loss. There are 4 phases of 3 weeks each. Each phase has complex mutli joint exercises giving a full body workout. The exercise plan is very intense and not a beginners program. If you are a beginner he even adds a 12 week primer program to get you ready for the core module. John Alvino leaves nothing out of this system. I'm an ex Marine and these workouts were kicking my butt!
There is a stretching and flexibility section to help for preworkout and postworkout recovery. The cardio guide is also in depth focusing on high intensity (HIIT) training so that you have short cardio workouts that multiply fat burning by 10 times while cutting the training time by a third.
Results - YES!
My results? I lost 12 pounds in 5 weeks and cheated on the diet like crazy (sorry John) - I was just losing fat so fast from the workout plan that I didn't follow it as close as I could have. I'll be restarting the system come March of 2010 to lose the last of the fast and get ultra ripped. Best system I've ever reviewed for fat loss and muscle building? By far it is!
We provide a fascinating overview of what they have found along with some insightful Preworkout Stats:
0 notes
unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
We went out to a bar last night where there was like games to play whilst you drank (ping pong, beer pong, snooker) and I was not very good at any of them lol🤣 it got me thinking about how dan would be if you went out somewhere like that and him helping you and making sure you win against whoever you’d gone out with 🤣
Just imagine, you were also a driver. You were partying with the others on someone's yacht. There was a table for ping pong and they brought cups.
"C'mon! Play with me!" George insisted.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head.
"Why?!!" He insisted.
"Because I'm the worst and I will end up shitfaced."
"C'mon, I'll teach you" Danny appeared next to you and grabbed your waist carefully.
You blushed because well, it's Daniel Ricciardo and he looked hot as hell.
"Hey no!" George complained.
"Only a couple of rounds, mate." Daniel said.
It was so difficult to focus when you had him right there next to you and the first rounds were so messy. You had already drunk two cups and George none. Everyone was laughing, not that you cared, you were having a good time.
"I really really need to intervene" Daniel said after another failed shot.
You felt your breath hitch in your throat as he wrapped his arm around your waist and his hand around yours. He was completely pressed against your back and you could barely think about anything else.
"Okay, just... this way. You throw them too hard." He said right in your ear. You shivered. He was literally pressed to you and you were completely engulfed by his warmth. "Ready?"
You nodded unable to speak. He guided your hand back and then forth until you threw the ball. It hit the table and then went directly into one of the cups.
You lift your hands in celebration, laughing happily.
"That's my girl" He said kissing your cheek.
"It's not fair!"
"You want me to spoon you too, George?"
You blushed hard.
"No, mate. I'm not single."
Daniel stayed there with you during the whole time, keeping you close and telling you exactly what to do. He must be a master on the game because following his instructions, you only failed a couple of times.
"To get to that one you have to make the ball hit the table first right over there." He told you. He was now pressed to your side but his hand was still on your waist.
It felt so good to have him helping you there. It was so funny and you felt so happy about the game.
"Now, try by yourself"
You did and failed. Everyone laughed.
"Oh, shit, YN. We should be a team. You can't do this alone"
"We definetly should"
You won and George went all bratty about it, causing you to laugh.
"You made it!" Daniel said hugging your waist and lifting you from the floor. You laughed happily and snaked your arms around his strong neck.
"We made it!"
You happily kissed his cheek.
Later that night, he found looked up from his beer and saw in front of him. You had a ping pong racket in your hand and a shy smile in your lips.
"Would you give me some ping pong tips? Pretty please?"
With a huge smile he got up and kissed your cheek again.
"Really, we should officially be a team"
"Or could maybe be my trainer"
"Love the idea" I winked at you and grabbed your hand.
You weren't actually that bad at ping pong. Not super good, but not bad either. You were just faking a bit only to feel him press against you, because to be fair, who wouldn't?
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Personal Training (Choi Jongho + Song Mingi) Rated
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Pairing: Dilf! Choi Jongho × Younger! Reader (Female) × Dilf! Song Mingi
Genre: Smut, Slight Angst, Fluff.
Summary: Wanting to get closer to her P.T for so long, who would have thought it would take his friend to be able to break the tension between them?
Word Count: 4.6+K
Warnings: Age differences (but still within legal boundaries), public sex, thigh riding, oral (male and female receiving), face fucking, orgasm denial, slight size kink, slight degradation, brief mention of the word 'daddy', unprotected sex (always use protection), creampie, threesome, Dom! Jongho, Dom! Mingi, Sub! Reader.
Taglist: @galaxteez @multidreams-and-desires @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers @yunhoiseyecandy @brie02 @deja-vux @daniblogs164 @couchpotatoaniki @a-soft-hornytiny
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"Oh god no."
The muscular male let out a long and exhausted sigh as he watched the perky and enthusiastic trainee wave at him as she poked her head at the entrance door to the gym. His athletic friend next to him heard his exhaustion and looked to see what the source of the trouble was.
"Who's that Jongho?" He pointed to the girl who was letting herself inside the gym, hassling a little when her bag got caught as the door was closing.
"That's Y/N, the newest person I'm training. You know? The one I told you about?"
The light bulb went off in his friend's head, recalling Jongho mentioning bits and pieces of information about the new trainee that enlisted his help. He looked back at the young woman, assessing her briefly with his eyes.
"She's cute."
Jongho shook his head as he picked up the weight he had dropped when he heard the excited voice call out to him.
"Yeah I know Mingi. Too cute." He grumbled.
The lively girl ran up to her P.T and the stranger that she had never seen before, but one look at him and she was just as mesmerized by him like she was with her trainer. He was taller than Jongho and although not as bulky as him, he still had a handful of muscles that were making her weak.
"So what are we working on today?"
Jongho gave her a puzzled look.
"Ummm we're not scheduled to train today Y/N. Remember? It's sort of a holiday, hence why the gym is empty." He reminded her, although it didn't surprise him that she'd show up just to see him.
"If we're not supposed to be here, then why are you here?" She counteracted his statement, arms crossing over her chest as her foot tapped against the floor mat.
Jongho looked over to Mingi, who looked like he was about to burst out laughing, lips pursed tightly to keep from making a sound.
"Me and my friend were actually just leaving now Y/N, so it was really pointless for you to come. Just go out, have fun with friends. Have a little cheat day if you even want." He tried everything to get the girl to leave, hoping she'd get convinced. He thought he made good progress when she slumped her bag over her shoulder, but he was wrong. Y/N wasn't about to let him go that easily.
"Then may I join you two? I don't have any plans for the day and I'd just...really like to spend some time with you today Coach." She bit her lip at him, hoping he'd get the hint.
Jongho's eyes nearly bulged out of his sockets, his friend turning around to take a sip of his water bottle as he slowly walked away from the pair, smirking to himself at how funny the situation was. Clearing his throat, Jongho stood up straighter and looked Y/N in the eye.
"I'm- I'm sorry Y/N, I think that it'll be best for you to go now."
He turned around and began picking up his stuff, trying to ignore the fact she was not only still standing behind him, but was actually coming closer to him.
"Do you not think I'm pretty coach? Am I not attractive enough for you? Have you never thought about me in that way.....even once?" He could hear the heartbreak in her voice, positive that if he turned to look at her, a childish pout would be plastered on her features. Indeed, as he glanced briefly back at her, her bottom lip was slightly quivering.
"I think you're very beautiful Y/N, but thinking about you in that way, much less getting into a relationship with one of my trainees is very unprofessional. So I think it's best if we keep our ties strictly business related. Plus..... I'm way older than you."
She shook her head at that,
"So? I don't mind the age difference and it could stay a secret between us if you'd like." She took his hand in her own, squeezing them as if her life depended on it, her eyes begging him to finally say yes.
"Y/N I..... I'm sorry. I can't."
Pulling his hand away, Jongho quickly gathered his stuff before rushing past her to make his way to the showers, leaving the helpless girl there stunned and with a hollow feeling. She looked at his figure that disappears with a heartfelt longing. She couldn't understand why he was so cold to her. There's no way he wasn't attracted to her, she'd caught him staring at her one too many times while she did squats and there was even that time where he nearly kissed her as he helped her do crunches. So why did he avoid her as if she had the plague. She didn't realize that she wasn't completely alone until she felt a figure looming behind her.
"Tsk tsk tsk. What a shame to leave such a pretty and young woman like that when she's practically throwing herself at you. He always was rather dense and stoic you know."
Placing his hands gently on her shoulders, Mingi rubbed his thumbs on the top of them, a slight smile tugging at one of the corner's of his lips.
"If I were him, I wouldn't hesitate to say yes to someone like you."
Y/N shuddered slightly when she felt his lips press against her ear.
"I'm not Jongho, but if you wanna forget about him for a few minutes, I'll be in the male sauna room. If you're interested of course." Even though she couldn't see his face, Y/N could practically feel his lascivious smile bearing down on her smaller figure, and it made her press her thighs together. Patting her on the bum with a firm grip, Y/N inadvertently exhaled a breath she didn't know she was holding in as she watched Mingi send her a flirty wink before making his way down the hall and out of her sight. Her teeth tugged at her bottom lip as she pondered over Mingi's words. She wasn't going to deny that he wasn't attractive. He was devilishly handsome, not to mention tall as hell and the size difference between them was making her soak her panties even more. And she had absolutely nothing else to do......
What was the worse that could happen?
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Hearing the door open then close immediately, Mingi smiled at the figure that had just came in, her body covered by the small towel tucked around her chest. Looking her up and down, Mingi not so subtly grazed over the bulge that was already poking out from underneath the towel tied around his waist.
"So you actually came. I'm actually quite surprised."
Patting his lap, he beckoned for her to come over and place herself on top of it, which she obediently did with no hesitation. When she sat down, the knot at the front of the towel came loose, nearly falling down, but luckily she caught it just in time before anything peaked out.
"Oh come now little one, don't be shy. Why don't you show me that pretty body of yours?" Mingi lifted his hands to her waist, smoothing out the cotton fabric that was keeping him from gazing upon her bare figure.
Lifting herself up just slightly, Y/N slowly peeled the towel off herself, letting it drop to the floor before perching herself back on top of Mingi's thick thighs.
"Oh geez. You're even more stunning than I imagined. Absolutely breathtaking."
Y/N closed her eyes as she let Mingi wander his large hands across her bare body. She felt embarrassed about being unable to contain her soft, murmured shaky breaths as he cupped both breasts in his palms and massaged them amply. She shuddered when his thumbs brushed back and forth across her nipples, highly sensitive to any touch placed on them. Mingi of course knew this and thus decided to take advantage of it. He tweaked and pinched at her tiny buds, enjoying the tiny shrills she was voicing out.
"If you're already like this with my hands on your chest, how will you be when I play with that pussy of yours my little one?"
Y/N emitted a long groan, her already aroused core secreting more slick that was pooling on the towel underneath her. She didn't think that nickname would affect her so much, but it was definitely doing something.
"Like being called that? Like being reminded that I'm not only taller but also much older than you doll?" And he hit on another one of her weaknesses, turning her into absolutely putty, even more so as his hand came down to brush against her mound.
"You really are something else doll. Jongho told me several things about you. Showing up in skimpy workout clothes just so he'd look at you, purposefully bending over so he'd check out your ass. Even asking him for help during stretching just so he'd lay his hands on you. By the looks of it, you're just a little slut that wants to get fucked so badly."
Y/N whined as his fingers came down to work on her clit, swirling around it in a slow and gentle pace.
"You're so dirty you even accepted to get fucked by your crush's best friend because you're that desperate." Mingi shook his head with a fake disappointment. His fingers started to go a little faster, rubbing fervently across her little button. Y/N's breathing started to quicken as well, her hips grinding against Mingi's thigh to the rhythm he moved his fingers on her clit.
"It kinda irks me to know I'm just a replacement for Jongho......" He let out an amused scoff as he suddenly halted all movements on her clit.
"Guess I'll have to fuck you so damn hard so you forget he even exists."
Y/N gasped when she was suddenly pulled off his lap so he could turn her to face him. Y/N's face turned a bright crimson color when Mingi pulled the towel off his waist, his cock springing free and standing erect. She couldn't stop staring. There was no mild way to put it: Mingi was huge. Bigger than anything she'd seen or taken in any of her holes. It scared yet thrilled her to think that cock would be in her at any moment. Mingi clasped a hand on her chin, making her turn her gaze back to his face.
"Glad to know you're drooling over my cock. "
Taking hold of her waist once again, Mingi guided her so she would be sitting right on top of his right thigh. He exhaled deeply when he felt her wet folds come in contact with his bare skin. He couldn't wait to feel her come undone all over them. Giving her ass cheeks a tiny squeeze, he dropped one hand down to strike against one of them.
"Don't just sit there little one. Rut yourself on my thigh like a bitch in heat." He ordered her.
Steadying her hands on top of his broad shoulders, Y/N began to grind her hips down onto his thigh. Mingi's thighs were extremely thick, toned, and the muscles were absolutely amazing for riding. Everytime she'd push herself up, Mingi would make sure to flex his thigh so that her bundle of nerves would be more stimulated. She kept a nice and easy pace so far, feeling bliss at rubbing her core all over his thigh. Mingi didn't seem too pleased though.
"Come on darling. I know you can do better than that."
Taking it as a challenge, Y/N gripped tighter onto his shoulders as started moving faster. She shut her eyes as her mouth began heaving out harsh pants. She rode Mingi's thighs as if it was the last thing she was going to do. His hands which were on her hips decided to take control, moving her down as they wanted her to. Mingi forced her even faster on his skin, his eyes fixed on seeing how her folds were coating the top of his thighs with her slick. And he could tell she preferred him guiding her pace, her breathing had hitched and become more intense when he took over her.
"Oh? Are you going to cum already?" Mingi chuckled when he noticed she started whimpering.
"I- yes." Y/N admitted shyly, her hands dropping from Mingi's shoulders to his chest, palms pressed against the top of his pecs.
"Damn. How horny and needy were you that you're about to come undone this fast?" Mingi teased her, to which Y/N pouted.
Of course she was, Mingi thought. She came all the way over just to see if Jongho would fulfill her fantasy and fuck her, so no doubt she was horny since she left her house. Luckily for her, Mingi was a very giving individual.
"Then go ahead little one. Cum all over daddy's thigh."
Y/N let out a sharp and high pitched cry as she started to cum all over Mingi's thigh. He held her in place, continuing to rubbed his thigh against her clit to further heighten the sensation of her climax. Leaning his face forward, he placed tiny kisses in between her breasts as she started to recover from high she went through. With her back turned and Mingi's face buried in her chest, neither one of them noticed the door opening until the one coming in slammed it close behind him in am angry manner.
"What the fuck?!"
Both of them turned to see a very furious Jongho standing there, fists clenching and unclenching as he took in the state the two people in front of him were in. While Y/N looked horrified to see him there, Mingi had a shit eating grin plastered on his face as he gripped the girl closer to him.
"Nice to see you Jongho. Came to watch the show?" Mingi snickered.
"What the hell do you think you're doing with her Mingi? You're taking advantage of her!" Jongho accused in an indignant manner.
Mingi raised an eyebrow at him.
"I'm not taking advantage of her when she herself came to me willingly. Honestly I'm just doing what she wanted you to do to her."
Jongho widened his eyes at that.
"Wait what are you-"
"Come on! Stop acting dense man. You know she's been wanting you to fuck her since the day she met you, yet you barely even bat an eyelash at her. So I'm giving her what you won't and she's not complaining."
Lifting her up, Mingi turned her to face Jongho, setting her back on his lap as he made sure to spread her legs so his friend could see the mess that had already been made in between her thighs. Although he tried to look away, being faced with his trainees nude figure had an immediate effect on him, which his friend obviously noticed.
"Just look at her lust filled face, look at her wet pussy begging to be fucked and tell me- No.... tell her you still don't want her."
Jongho looked up to find Y/N staring at him with pleading eyes, her bottom lip caught in her teeth. He started to have an internal conflict with his mind and body, one reminding him to stop and turn around right then while the other screamed at him to just give in.
"So what'll it be Jongho? Are you really gonna leave this beautiful girl, who's lusting for you, just like that?" Mingi spoke up again.
Before Jongho could say anything, Y/N's voice finally piped up.
"Please Coach. Just this once? Don't you want to fuck me?"
Jongho stifled back a groan at her persistence, his resolve was growing even weaker, more so when he saw Mingi lean in and start kissing across Y/N's neck. He pressed his lips against her, murmuring something which she seemed to agree with. Next thing Jongho knew, Y/N got off Mingi's lap and went over to him, getting on her knees in front of him as her hands reached for the towel that was girded at his hips.
"Wait- what are you?"
"Just let her be man. She just wants to show you how much she wants you."
Jongho gulped when he felt Y/N's hand wrap around his base. Looking up at him, she started to pump her hand up and down his shaft, her thumb circling around his tip so his precum could help in easing the handjob she was giving him. Y/N hummed as her eyes fell from Jongho's face to his cock. He was so thick, thicker than Mingi, although not as long as his friend. Nevertheless, he was packing a lot and his size made her mouth water. She began thinking about how far it could reach in her mouth. Itching to find out, she brought the head to her lips, tongue dipping into the slit before swirling around it to coat it with her spit.
"Fucking hell.." Jongho gasped, hands coming out to cup her jaw as she eased her mouth down his length, not stopping until she gagged when she felt him hit the back of her mouth, surprisingly not just the man in front of her, but his friend who was anxiously watching in the back.
Y/N closed her eyes and hummed as she pulled off his length before sinking it back inside her. Every time she stuffed him back in, she made she to give his length a long suck that made Jongho moan out in ecstasy. He couldn't deny it, he was enjoying it. Enjoying watching as his hot, young trainee was slurping around his cock, head bobbing as her tongue stroked all over him, making sure that not one inch of him was left dry or unsucked. Her cheeks were stuffed with all of him, tongue too busy occupied with making him feel good. Too good in fact. Before Y/N could even realize it, Jongho was pulling her off him. He chuckled lowly when he heard her disappointed whine as he made her stand up again.
"As much as I would have enjoyed watching you swallow me, I think I'd prefer to cum inside that little hole of yours. If it's all right with you of course." Jongho smiled so innocently at her, thumb grazing over her upper lip as he pushed her back to sit down on the upper deck of the sauna, right next to Mingi. He moved her so she laying right in between them, parting her legs so he could drop his head to hover right above her mound.
"I know someone who would be more than willing to have you swallow his cum though." Jongho signaled towards Mingi, who shifts himself so his cock could be right in front of her face. He smirked at her surprised face, slapping each of her cheeks with his tip.
"That is if she can even make me cum." Mingi challenged, sparking the competitive side of Y/N.
"Trust me, you'll be spilling yourself in her before you even know it." Jongho assured him.
Y/N parted her lips and moaned as Mingi engulfed her wet heat with his long dick. He gave a few experimental thrusts, wanting her to get comfortable before he got rough about it. He loved playing that game, starting off sweet and gentle before face fucking his lovers until they were a complete and utter mess around him. He rested his fingers on the sides of her cheek, carefully guiding her movements so she could suck him as he liked. He was caught off guard when she suddenly moaned loudly around him, the vibrations being felt all over his lower half.
"Jongho can you at least give a warning?" Mingi had looked over to see Jongho already burying his face in Y/N's heat.
"Nope. I prefer the surprise factor." He winked over at him.
Parting her wet lips, Jongho licked a long stripe along her slit before laying his tongue flat against her little button. Alternating between flicking his wet muscle on her clit and then tugging it forward with his lips as they lightly nibbled on it, Jongho's ears were attentive as he tried to listen to any sound coming from her mouth that were currently muffled by Mingi's cock. But her body reactions were enough to let him know she was enjoying it, given how she'd grind her hips up closer to his face.
"Someone is enjoying getting eaten out." Jongho smirked as continued suckling onto her clit.
"Yeah so much that she can't concentrated on sucking me off."
Deciding that it was time to get her attention back, Mingi gripped her jaw as he pushed his entire length until she was choking around him, holding it there before pulling out. Y/N had just enough time to take a deep breath before he was plunging his cock back inside. She was spurting out garbled whines, drool starting to trim down the sides of her lips and falling on the sides of her cheeks. She was so stuffed with Mingi's cock while Jongho ate her out to the fullest and it only fueled the growing arousal piling up inside her. She concentrated on relaxing her jaw and slurping around the cock lodged in her throat while simultaneously trying to enjoy as her coach's mouth worked on her core, expertly bringing her closer and closer to the edge with each swipe of his tongue. Feeling Mingi's dick twitch, she herself was about to spill over when Jongho dipped his tongue at her entrance, nose pressed down agains her clit.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum- cum inside that pretty mouth of yours."
Without any further words, only shaky grunts, Mingi held her face in place as he furiously rutted his hips up, pumping his cum into her mouth which she gulped back with no problem. Once he came down from his high, he pulled out his softening dick, a line of spit being drawn as he removed his cock. Her lips were swollen and covered with a mixture of her saliva and his cum, making her look even more irresistible, especially when her bottom lip was poking out, presumably due to the fact the man between her legs had detached his lips from her heat a few seconds ago, denying her from the orgasm that she was just about to have. With a frown plastered on, she looked down at Jongho, who was sitting up and climbing in between her body.
"Don't give me that look you little vixen. It's only serving to make me want to fuck you even harder." He admitted, lips ghosting over her own.
"So why don't you?" Y/N questioned him, to which Jongho responded by pulling both of her legs and resting them on his shoulders. Taking hold of his dick, he rubbed his bulbous tip along her reddened clit before slapping it a couple times.
"Think I won't?"
Pushing in with one quick thrust, Jongho's immensely thick cock started working her open, walls stretching out to accommodate the intrusion of his member. Y/N could feel him so deep inside her, she was sure if she be able to, she'd probably feel him on her lower abdomen. She could already feel him rearranging her organs from how hard he was pounding into her, it would be a miracle if she'd even be able to walk afterwards. When she tried to close her eyes and drop her head to just succumb to the feeling, she felt Jongho's hand clasp around her chin and hold her face up so she could look at him.
"Don't shut your eyes. I want to see every expression you make as I fuck your tiny pussy. After all, isn't this what you wanted?"
Y/N cried out louder when his pace got faster and harsher. She tried desperately hard to keep looking at him but it was unbearable, especially when her inner thighs were starting to get sore.
"Wanted me to fuck you? Are you happy you finally got what you wanted?"
She could only manage to respond with groans and pants. Their heated and sweaty bodies began sticking to each other, the loud slapping of skin resonating through the room. Jongho kept his eyes fixed on her, staring with fiery intensity at her. He kept driving his cock into her, pounding so deep that he'd be able to break her if he wanted to. But he was content with watching her slowly come undone by him, her shaky breaths and trembling thighs signaling him that she was on the verge of exploding all around him.
"Awww you're gonna cum already? Are you that easy? Or is it cause your finally getting fucked by a real man that you're coming undone so fast?"
Y/N whimpered and started writhing underneath him, tears pooling at the sides of her eyes as the knot in her stomach was seconds away from breaking loose. Jongho's hands gripped down on her thighs to keep him steady as his hips continued slamming against hers. His fingers dug into her soft skin, threatening to leave bruises from how strong he was clutching at her. His face continued to look smug and full of pride as he looked at how worn out his trainee was looking. He'd never outwardly admit it, but he enjoyed seeing her disheveled appearance after working her so hard and push her limits. Only now that feeling was intensified by the fact his dick was getting wet by her juices.
"Cum all over me then. Cum all over my fat cock you little vixen." He ordered her, eyes filled with lust and desire to see her break in front of him.
Unable to keep her eyes open anymore, Y/N scrunched her eyes shut and blood rushing to her head as her walls contracted around Jongho's cock, clinging to him as a flood of release was spilling all over him. Her palms were heavy pressed onto the wood deck under her, laying flat as she began to unwind from her orgasm. Just a minute later after savoring her reaction, Jongho's hips jerked sporadically as he started emptying himself inside her. Keeping himself lodged in her warmth, he slowed down his thrusts, making sure to pump all of his essence inside her before gently pulling out of her. Both of them released hisses at the sting and emptiness of not being connected anymore. Jongho looked in fascination as the brim of her hole was still leaking out his white, milky cum, a sense of pride washing over him at seeing a part of him be plastered into her body.
"You ok?"
Y/N let out a tired groan as Jongho helped her sit back up.
"I don't think I can walk." She wrapped a hand around her stomach, already feeling a burn on the muscles. Jongho giggled at her, pulling her against him as he kissed the top of her head
"If you want, I can take you off the schedule until you recover properly." He offered.
"And not see you?" She raised an eyebrow.
Poking her nose, Jongho shook his head.
"Silly silly girl. Obviously I'll come over to check up on you."
Y/N's face brightened up with a smile as she realized what he meant. A loud and exaggerated clearing of a throat broke them out of their little world.
"Well since obviously I'm not needed here anymore, I'll just take my leave now."
Picking up his towel and wrapping it around him again, Mingi went over to the door to give them privacy, but not before making sure of something.
"Just be sure to invite me once in a while to join you both."
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allegra-writes · 3 years
"Favourite Crime"
Part II: What's in a name?
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Alexander Morozova x Reader
General audience
Warnings: None. Eventual smut.
Summary: The second time you meet Aleks, he is kind of a jerk. Scratch that, he is a total jerk.
Part I
"Come on, just twenty more"
"I hate you"
"No, you don't" Inej dismissed with a wave of her hand, "Come on, this is the last series, I know you can do this!" 
You sighed, knowing there was no way out of it, Inej was an amazing friend, but a brutal trainer. Not that her torture methods didn't payed off, when you had first met, you wouldn't even dare to dream of doing even a single v-up, let alone attempting the aerial acrobatics in silks and ropes and trapezes she was a pro at. And now here you were, just twenty v-ups away from a hundred, even if you were still barely at a beginner acrobat.  
Struggling, you raised your arms above your head, trying to get both your legs and your upper body towards the ceiling.
"Very good, that's nineteen left, come on yaar, we got this" 
With a groan, you repeated the movement, barely able to hold your position for a fraction of a second before falling flat on your back again.
"Eighteen! Come on, you can't give up now!" A different voice chimed in and you looked up to meet the kind, sky coloured eyes of Alexei, one of the few regulars at the gym that seem more interested in talking to you than to your, admittedly gorgeous, friend. You tried to offer him a small, grateful smile that might or might not have come out as a grimace. 
"Seventeen! You're a natural!" Even Inej snorted at that, but you found it hard to feel offended when Anya and Aadhira, a couple of twins with Olympic dreams, also came to kneel beside you in a show of support.
"Sixteen! Come on, grandma, you got this!" 
You threw the twins a dirty look,
"Hey! Show some respect to your elders!" 
By the time the countdown hit ten, a small crowd had gathered around you and Inej, cheering and clapping with every new exercise completed. 
That was exactly what you loved about Hell's Kitchen, it wasn't cool or glamorous, even the gym you were at was little more than a cold, glorified warehouse, and not even in the hipster fashionable way. But there was a sense of community, of companionship, that you very much doubted could be found anywhere else in the city. 
"Just five more," Inej vowed, "five more and I'll buy you waffles!" 
You collapse in a heap of breathless giggles, 
"I think you got the wrong friend, that might work on Nina, but not on me" Meeting your cheerleaders' eyes, you declared, "Sorry guys, that's it, I literally can't move"
A chorus of disappointed noises followed your statement.
"Hey, ninety-five is still impressive!" 
"Yeah! Pavel, I would like to see you do ten!" Alexei and Inej's words were enough to get the little group dispersed, properly chastised. Some even murmured their apologies or gave her their congratulations and thumbs up as they passed. You waved tiredly at them, still unable to stand from your mat. 
"This is it, guys. I'm dying. It was nice knowing you all"
Inej rolled her eyes at your dramatics,
"Stop that, you're not dying"
"Yes I am. This is the end, I mean it. Everything is fading to black…"
"I'll let you pass out at home," Inej promised, "but come on, get up now. I would like to take a shower before my shift…" 
"I'm glad I traded mine with Jes, there is no way I could stand on my feet for six hours after this" 
Inej made a face suspiciously close to a pout,
"Yeah, but… I can't believe you're going to miss girls night. Nina says she has big news for us" 
You chuckled, trying (and failing) to sit up,
"She's already pregnant, what could be bigger than that?" 
"Maybe The Waffle House is finally taking her repeated requests into consideration and making salted chocolate bacon waffles?" 
"She would tell us right away if that was the case. No way she could keep that inside" You extend your arms towards your friend, "Help me up? Let's get home so I can nap" 
A single tug had you on your feet as she shoved a water bottle into your hands.
"That's a better idea than that monstrosity Jes and you like to drink" 
"Our Coffee-Cola? You should try it instead of judging, it's good, I swear!"
"I think I'll pass"
You linked your arm around your friend's, subtly supporting yourself on her as you walked.
"We've been thinking about adding syrup to make different flavours. You know, vanilla, caramel, toffee nut..."
Her voice was both disapproving and resigned as she shook her head.
"Only you and Jesper could find a way to make that drink even more unhealthy" 
"I think it sounds delicious" Alexei said from the other side of Inej, trying to insert himself back into the conversation, "I would love to try it"
"Well, stop by the coffee shop sometime and we'll make one for you" 
You missed the way his face fell slightly at that. Inej didn't. 
"Maybe tonight?" She suggested, "She's working the late shift, and those are eternal. I'm sure she would appreciate the company. Wouldn't you, yaar?" 
"I mean, Wylan is gonna be there but yeah, sure. The more the merrier!" 
"The late shift?" You could hear Alexei's frown, "Isn't that kinda dangerous?" 
"It's a coffee shop in a very well lit avenue, Alex, not a crack den on some alley" 
"Yeah, but this is still New York. And there are gangs around here…"
Poor summer child, you thought. Of course Alexei, sweet, innocent Alexei, had no idea. No one would ever dream of touching the cafe. 
"It's a safe block. I wouldn't have agreed otherwise, Alex. You know I'm not exactly the jump-into-danger type" 
He hummed noncommittally, making Inej and you exchange a look. The blond boy had been raised in a very traditional, very sheltered, if humble, way. You'd bet a whole week of tips he was kind of guy who would wait till marriage, provide for his family and insist his wife be a full time stay at home mom. 
It wasn't just your job, you were sure he would probably frown at any job that had a woman working late. 
But contrary to popular belief, the graveyard shift wasn't so bad. You actually loved the late nights spent with your friends, listening to indie covers of popular songs, making coffee for exhausted looking, but usually polite enough, thugs, serving ultra strong energy drinks for the college kids pulling all nighters, and offering a safe place to sober up to the girls that had had one too many at Luke's bar down the street. 
Tonight was a slow night lazing around with Wylan, the youngest of the crew, a kind, shy boy with intelligent eyes and a mop of strawberry blonde hair, in companionable silence as you read a new book and he scribbled away some new chemical formula on one of his many notebooks. There was nothing to suggest anything out of the ordinary was about to happen, nothing in the way Wyl bent over his work, counter a chaos of paper balls and torn out pages. Nothing in the light drizzle falling against the windows, or in the streaming flow of texts in the group chat you shared with Inej and Nina, to prepare you for the elegant, deadly predator that was about to walk in, ready for the kill. 
The bell above the door chimed announcing the arrival of a new customer, and you raised your eyes just in time to see him walk in, in another dark suit and expensive coat combo. 
Aleks looked as good as you remembered, if not better, 
"Good evening, Hendriks," He greeted, politely, "Miss Orlova" 
You blanched, the smile dying on your face.
"You've been asking about me" 
He shrugged, the movement a little too graceful for it to be called casual. 
"Pretty girl like you showing up this side of town? I was curious…" 
You wondered exactly how curious you had made him. There was a big difference between him asking your name to your co-workers and him being curious enough to pay someone to investigate you or do a little research of his own. 
But which one of the guys could have given him your last name? Kaz wasn't one to give up information, any information, inconsequential as it may seem, for free. Inej was out of the question, Jesper would have mentioned something. That left Matthias and Wylan by your side as the only possibilities, and even if you weren't sure how much of your story they knew, somehow they didn't seem like the sharing type. 
No, you didn't think he had gotten that name from any of them. That fact wasn't half as comforting as it should have been. Because the alternative, having a grisha sniffing around your papers, couldn't be a good thing. 
No matter how legit looking you had been assured they were. 
You tried to relax your stiffened posture, tried to remain cool. You had to find out exactly how much he knew. 
"Well, then, sorry to disappoint." 
"Disappoint?" The tiny crease between his brows was not adorable.
"Yeah, I'm really not that interesting…" 
"Are we talking about the same girl here?"
Were you? You remembered the folder still sitting untouched on your dresser that Nina had given you with everything you needed to know about one miss Ava Orlova. You promised yourself you would read it as soon as you got home. For real this time. 
Not knowing what to reply, you deflected, only partially faking the self-deprecation in your tone,
"Look at me" You pointed at your grey uniform, "Do I seem interesting?"
"I am looking" He replied, eyes never leaving yours. You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks, as he appeared to lose his train of thought. 
He cleared his throat, apparently remembering himself
"Ava Voronovna Orlova, nice, traditional Ravkan name you got going on there"
You made an effort not to react. He was watching you closely, and it wouldn't do for him to notice. Grabbing a rag, you started whipping down what little of the counter wasn't occupied by Wylan's things. 
"Thanks, I guess..."
He tsked. 
"Here's the thing tho... You don't look Ravkan"
You halted your movements. Had he any idea just how racist that had sounded?
"Well, things aren't always what they seem" You bit back, patience running thin.  The reply seemed to amuse him.
"No, I guess they aren't" 
"Are you ready to order now" It was more of a bark than a question, "sir?"
He shrugged,
"Why don't you surprise me?"
Do not punch the customers, you reminded yourself Donotpunchthecostumers, donotpunchthecostumers…
Gritting your teeth, you schooled your face to give him your fakest customer service smile,
"Sure, any preferences?"
His eyes roving over your body felt almost like a physical caress. If you were honest with yourself, it wasn't an entirely unpleasant feeling.
You hated being honest with myself. 
"Something hot. And sweet" he finally said. You were pretty sure he wasn't talking about coffee anymore. 
It was a relief, to turn away and start working on his drink, to have an excuse to break free of those dark, inquisitive eyes. You would have liked nothing more than to decorate them with a pretty, black bruise to match. But mad as you were at him, you were angrier at yourself. Had you or had you not flirted back the first time he had been there? At the very least you had been receptive, sparked his interest…
No, you decided. It wasn't your fault, you had simply been professionally polite. Sometimes, assholes confused politeness for flirty behaviour. Especially handsome, entitled assholes like Aleks. 
You were going to make sure he didn't make that mistake again. 
Turning back around, you placed the drink in front of him unceremoniously. He eyed the clear plastic cup suspiciously.
"Is it hot and sweet?"
"It's an iced americano" You deadpanned. A beat went by, then another.
Beyond the initial, childish satisfaction, panic was beginning to set in. What were you doing? This man was dangerous, you knew that. And if you had any doubts, a quick glance at the Beretta tucked under his jacket was reminder enough.
But in the end, he simply threw his head back, letting out a howl of a laugh that seemed to surprise him almost as much as it surprised you. 
"Guess I deserve this, don't I?" 
You raised a defiant brow,
"I can always take it back"
He shook his head, still smiling.
"No no. Far it be from me to scorn a pretty girl by turning down her especially made coffee. Or worse, have Kaz take it off your paycheck." 
Kaz would never do something like that, but you didn't say it, choosing instead to keep silent as he looked at you dead in the eye and took a valiant gulp of the cold, bitter drink. The effect would have probably been more intimidating or seductive if he wasn't slurping it from a straw. 
"That" Aleks finally declared, voice steady and face carefully blank, "is fucking disgusting"
You could feel the smile breaking on your face when a familiar, unsure voice spoke, popping the bubble that seemed to envelope you and Aleks whenever he came around, the one you didn't notice until it was gone. 
"Alexei," You didn't have to pretend the surprise in your voice, "you came!" 
"I told you I would… am I interrupting something?"
Aleks ignored both your annoyed affirmation and Alexei's presence, softly shaking his head
"Sorry," He sounded anything but, "I still say you don't look like an Ava…"
Your stomach dropped, was he ever going to let that go? Or should you be texting Inej and Nina to let them know you might be having a new problem in your hands?
"And what do I look like, according to you?"
Aleks seemed to think about it for a second, the tip of his tongue coming out to moisten his lips. He didn't miss the way your eyes traced the movement. 
He smirked,
"kak ochen' krasivaya devushka" He replied in perfect ravkan, already turning away, "Goodnight, Ava. Kid." 
You watched him go, feeling your face burn. When you chanced a glance at him, you saw Alexis was as red as you felt, but him for very different reasons, as the final disdainful look Aleks had thrown his way had been downright humiliating.
"What… what the hell was that?"
You shook your head, unable to explain.
"Wylan, I'm taking my ten" You announced, tossing your apron over your head and crossing to the other side of the counter. Wyl startled, as if waking from a dream, raising his head from his notebook for the first time. Count on the little genius to miss the exchange of the night.
"Ava?" Alexei asked again, as you took his hand, dragging him out of the cafe, but you simply shook your head again.
"Let's go to Luke's" you said, in lieu of all explanation. After the most disturbingly, unnecessary handsome grisha in all of New York all but flat out told you he didn't buy your fake identity, only to turn around and call you beautiful before disappearing into the night, you deserved a drink. And a strong one at that.
To be continued...
*kak ochen' krasivaya devushka: like a beautiful girl
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namisthecoolest · 3 years
Part II - "One step forward, two steps back."
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Gwyn couldn't sleep. How could she after all that has happened ? Mindlessly her hand went to grasp for the necklace but ended up clutching air instead. The tightening in her throat, that she was trying really hard to get rid of, intensified. Mind stilling didn't work and now she lay on her bed staring at the ceiling. She can't stay alone, not with her mind wandering off to places she doesn't want to go. She quickly got up and wore her leathers. That's what she has been doing for the past few months when she waked up breathless with tear stains on her cheeks and a silent scream lodged in her throat. Go up to the House of Wind and train until she's numb of the pain, both physical and emotional one. It was the night of the past years Winter Solstice when the Shadowsinger first found her training in the middle of the night trying to cut the ribbon. That was the first time they had a real conversation rather than him barking orders and teaching her techniques during training.
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When the Shadowsinger landed on the balcony that night Gwyn was surprised because she thought everyone was going to be staying at the High Lord and Ladys river estate. She started apologizing when he cut her off saying he came to retrieve something he left behind. It was like any other night. Her waking up finding herself in darkness and covered in sweat. She didn't think twice before changing and headed up. Every muscle of her body was aching at first but now all is numb and she welcomed it.
"I forgot something. "
She knew he was lying so instead of calling him out she asked, "At two in the morning? "
His eyes shone amusement when he replied with, "I can't sleep without my favorite dagger. "
"A comfort to every growing child. "
They talked a little more before she asked.
"Do you sing?"
Gwyn doesn't know what had posessed her. It could either be the cold got to her head or she was so desperate to divert her mind that she clutched to the first thing she thought of. But it was a question she had in her mind ever since she had heard his title. But that's what it was supposed to be. In her mind not out in the open and especially not in front of HIM. But they were talking and she already asked it and there's no going back so now all she could do is wait for the answer.
He went silent for a second before asking, "Why do you ask? "
"They call you shadowsinger. Is it because you sing? "
"I am a shadowsinger-It's not a title that someone just made up. "
Well that doesn't answer her question so she shrugged and asked again. "Do you though.... Sing? "
He eyed her peculiarly before the corner of his lips tipped up and let loose a low sound which sounded an awful lot like a laugh. HOLY SHIT SHE MADE THE AZRIEL, SPYMASTER OF THE NIGHT COURT, LAUGH. She was still reeling from her achievement and that's why she could barely register his answer.
Well now she was more curious. She opened her mouth to ask more but was cut short when he corrected her techique on using the blade. Well she couldn't be of blame when all Cassian does nowadays is make googly eyes at Nesta and she said as much to the Shadowsinger, who unsurprisingly agreed. They think they are doing a great job at hiding it but are failing awfully because even a blind person could sense the heat and intensity crackling between them whenever they are near each other.
"Happy Solstice. Don't stay out too much longer. You'll freeze.", he said and left when she nodded and she went back to trying to cut that Motherforbidden ribbon knowing she won't be going back until the heaviness in her heart felt a little lighter.
That night she went back to her dorm later than anticipated. She was on her way up to the priestess's dorm halls when she stopped in her tracks when she thought she heard a familiar voice. She followed the voice to Clotho's desk where she saw the Shadowsinger slide something to Clotho on her desk. She wasn't close enough to hear the whole exchange, but she saw him nodding and then he left. She thought he was probably here for some official business and didn't think much of it. The next day she got the necklace from Clothos with a note saying a friend left it for her. For the first time in a long time the tightness in her chest loosened a bit for her to breathe freely for a few seconds. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever received. A rose pendant that shined every time it moved. So this is what Azriel was doing in the library last night. But he didn't want her to know it was from him. Why? Without thinking much of it she put the necklace on and smiled the whole day.
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Fastening her hair in a braid her eyes caught the black cloak in the corner of her closet. She gulped thinking of the circumstances she and the Shadowsinger had first met and what she had found---NO NO she will not think of it. Her eyes were watering again and so she quickly got out of her room and went up the stairs. When she reached the balcony the sun was already peeking from the horizon. She stared at the sky while it changed its colors in various shades. She took a large breath forcing the fog in her mind to clear.
She had slapped him. For what? Because he had given her a gift meant for another? Fuck. She lost it when she finally processed what Elain was saying last night.
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Elain was staring at something below her face. Her necklace. She smiled remembering who gave it to her and touched the rose.
"Isn't it pretty? " , she asked her still smiling.
"Yes.Very.May I ask how you got it? "
Strange she had thought. Elain and Gwyn never talked. Now all of a sudden she had approached her and asked about the necklace.
"A friend left it for me at the library. " Not the complete truth but if Azriel wanted it to be anonymous and the least she could do is respect his wishes.
"Huh, it looks exactly the same one I had returned to Azriel last Solstice. "
Gwyn's blood went cold. "What? ".She hated how her voice cracked.
"Oh... Azriel had given it to me as a Solstice present. I had returned it of course. But it looks like he found someone else to give it to. "
The necklace suddenly felt like a heavy chain on her neck. Her eyes watered from what?....hurt. The necklace that gave her solace a while ago now was the reason of her heart being gripped painfully. She stood there frozen, until she couldn't take it anymore. Ripping the necklace from her neck she shoved it in Elain's hand who took it with a stone cold face. When she whirled around to leave she came face to face with the cause of her tears. Azriel......how could he do this to her? He gave her a gift as an... afterthought? Someone who would happily take something rejected by another? Someone to be pitied? Is that what he thought of her?. Him standing there with wide eyes didn't help the roaring that grew by the second in her head. She slapped him with all her strength and fled from the spot telling him to never speak to her again.
Mor had found her outside the throne room. She took one look at Gwyn's face and winnowed her back to the library. She was very thankful for her to not question why she was crying. Mor ensured Gwyn had safely reached her dorm and took her leave.
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Gwyn doesn't know how long she has been staring at the horizon. Apparently long enough for the birds to start chirping and the sun to fully come up. Rubbing her face with her hands she groaned internally. She had lashed at him for something he was not at fault of. It was her fault. She placed her expectations too high for someone like her. A priestess who was violated in ways that cannot be undone and carried baggage more than she can endure. She thought she meant something to the Spymaster of the Night Court. She thought they had been friends after all the late night training sessions they had after the first one and the jabs they threw at eachother every now and then. She was nothing more to him but his student. What was she thinking? Of course he deserved someone like Elain- beautiful, innocent, unstained....perfect. She has to get that through her head. Even if it meant she has to press down her feelings towards him. The ones she would never dare now to indulge in. How was she going to face him now? But she has to try to make things try. After all he still is her trainer and she doesn't want things to be awkward. Determined to set things in their righful place, which also included her expectations which was too high for her own good, she took a deep breath.
"I'm the rock against which the surf crashes ~inhale~ Nothing can break me. ~exhale~ ", she whispered to herself and the world around. With renewed strength she turned around. She let out a humorless laugh and thought the Mother has a wicked sense of humor by---her thoughts came to a sudden halt when she saw HIM standing on top of the stairs, his gaze focused solely on her. She hardened herself.
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tennessoui · 3 years
Hi miss Kit! So um, I'm not the anon who had the idea about the Pokemon obikin AU but I saw that you're still looking for a prompt so I did some brainstorming?
Obviously Anakin is aiming to be a Pokemon Master which is why he'll have to fight the elite four eventually. Which is not an easy task despite what the games might imply! So what if, despite breezing through the gyms before, beating Team Rocket and having a team that is powerful and adores him, he still fails his first attempt at the league.
I remember Prof Oak telling your rival after you beat him in gen 1 that he lost to you because he doesn't love his Pokemon enough which is bullsh*t!! But must surely be a cutting remark.
So ofc he goes to caretaker!Obi-Wan afterwards because he is a former Pokemon trainer so how has he dealt with loss before? Does Anakin really not love his team enough? Bonus points if Obi has challenged the league before (and won??)
I just realized that this is way too angsty for the Pokemon universe >.< everything is nice and soft here
alright!!!!!! finally!!! here is that pokémon au, a bastardization of this prompt and @sinhalbutnoangst 's prompt "24: Right before a passionate/first kiss & 16: “There’s nothing to be scared of, okay? I’m right here.” For a Pokémon AU !!!"
I hope y'all both enjoy or at least find parts to be happy about!!!
(fair warning i don't know a lot about pokémon so who knows how accurate this is at ALL)
(i've linked each pokémon name with their pokedex picture just so everyone knows what they look like. no need to read the descriptions or anything)(god knows i didn't half the time)
Obi-Wan is in the water, tending to a shy gyarados a trainer had left behind as a Magikarp a few months ago, when on the shore his flareon raises its muzzle and barks loudly. That’s her signal that someone’s arrived at the Daycare center proper. Obi-Wan furrows his eyebrows, as he strokes his hand down the gyarados' side.
“I always tell them to call ahead,” he mutters as the pokemon nudges closer for more attention. “Why do they never call ahead?”
Gyarados knocks him hard in the arm. It’s clear she wants more pats, but business calls.
“Would you mind terribly taking me back to shore, dear?” Obi-Wan asks politely. It’d be faster than swimming all the way there, and it would strengthen the Pokémon's connection with humans.
On the shore, Flareon bounds around in a circle, tail flickering back and forth. It must be someone she recognizes the scent of. A regular then. That means Obi-Wan can take his time getting back to the counter to greet them, but he probably shouldn’t show up dripping wet in only a pair of swim trunks.
Luckily, Gyarados gives him a lift, bellowing mournfully to be left alone again when Obi-Wan alights onto the sand. When her trainer comes back to pick it up, Obi-Wan has half a mind to offer to buy her from them. No one who actually cares about their pokemon would leave a magikarp to become a gyarados under the care and instruction of someone else.
But becoming known as the Daycare Runner who gets attached to Pokémon and tries to keep them is perhaps a serious threat to his business as a whole. And he’s already done that too many times.
No, the best thing to do is to wait for the trainer to come back and sit them down to give them a serious talk about their Pokémon’s emotional needs. They’re probably young. Most trainers are these days. On some level you have to be in order to have the energy to travel as much as you do, to sleep on the ground more nights than not.
Yes, they’re probably young, and more focused on gym battles than their Pokémons’ growth and happiness. It happens sometimes with tunnel vision like that. Too many advertisements for the Pokémon League, the Elite Four, the Gym badges. Obi-Wan had been the same way when he was a kid.
He gathers his clothes from the shoreline and slips on his shoes. Flareon tries to help dry him out by wrapping herself repeatedly around his ankles and cooing out gusts of warm air, but all it does is create a new and unusual tripping hazard.
Especially when she suddenly perks up, about halfway to the building and jumps forward into a run. Obi-Wan stares after her, confused, clothes held in a slackened grip until he sees a very familiar growlithe running fult tilt from around the building. It hops the fence with practiced ease that makes Obi-Wan inwardly despair at the lesson it’s unwittingly teaching all of the other Pokémon.
But he can’t deny the way his heart thuds when he realizes what its presence means. His flareon, embarrassingly enough, seems to be thinking along the same lines, as she bounds up to the growlithe and starts winding between his legs instead, rubbing her head over every part of black and orange fur she can reach.
Obi-Wan sighs and shucks on his buttoned shirt, shaking out the water from his hair. He doesn’t even really bother with pants, seeing as his wet swim trunks go almost to his knees.
It’s Anakin. Anakin’s here. Anakin hasn’t been here for four months when he left in the midst of a shouting match. Obi-Wan has been trying--unsuccessfully--to put Anakin out of his mind. And now Anakin’s growlithe is prancing towards him like it’s a special present to see him at all.
“Yes, hello there,” Obi-Wan murmurs, pausing in buttoning up his shirt so he can pet at the growlithe’s--what does Anakin call him again?--muzzle. For a second, the Pokémon nuzzles back, scenting his face and neck as territorial Pokémon are wont to do, before it moves quickly forward and grabs Obi-Wan by the shirt, swinging him up onto its back.
Out of shock and a latent survival instinct, Obi-Wan drops the rest of his clothes and clings to the Pokémon’s back. “Shit!” is on the tip of his tongue the entire two minutes it takes to bound back to the fence, over it and through the welcome doors of his own Daycare.
Anakin is standing, back to the entrance, furiously tapping the bell on the desk, looking somehow both desperate and bored.
Growlithe barks once, twice, and shakes himself hard enough that Obi-Wan knows to let go before he gets rolled over upon.
It’s not the most graceful entrance he would have chosen after going months without seeing Anakin, to land on his back, partially dressed and smelling like the sea at the Pokémon trainer’s feet.
Anakin at least has the wherewithal to be both surprised and immediately worried. “Obi-Wan!” he yelps, turning around immediately upon his growlithe’s bark of victory.
“Yes, hello there,” Obi-Wan says dryly sitting up from his sprawl and combing a nervous hand through his hair.
“Where are your clothes?” Anakin asks shrilly, turning a very interesting shade of magenta and looking quickly away from Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan couldn’t be more different, what with the way he looks at Anakin as if he’s starved for the sight of him. It’s been several long months since they last saw each other. The fight had been...awful, to say the least. Anakin had accused him of not really wanting him to succeed. Obi-Wan had accused him of the same tunnel vision he diagnoses most young adults to have.
Neither had been true. Obi-Wan hadn’t even meant it, but he’d been mad. He’d been mad that Anakin hadn’t even thought to listen to him more than a Gym Leader he’d just defeated.
Palpatine had urged him to go straight to the League. Obi-Wan had thought it prudent to return home to his mother, give his Pokémon a break, work his way to the island of the Pokémon League naturally as a means of bonding with and further testing his Pokémon. He has no idea who Anakin ended up listening to. It’s been something that has haunted him for weeks.
“Out in the back,” Obi-Wan grunts, standing and trying to pick up the shattered pieces of his dignity under the Pokémon trainer’s wide-eyed stare. Anakin’s grown older in the past few months, his face sharper. What is he now, newly twenty-three? Halfway to twenty-four? “Your Growlithe was quite enthusiastic to bring me here as soon as possible.”
Anakin flushes and looks down at his feet. He looks tired, Obi-Wan decides. Like he’s walked the entire continent just to show up at his door.
“Sorry,” Anakin says sheepishly. “I had--”
“Him out and walking with you, I know,” Obi-Wan finishes with a fond shake of his head. He buttons the last necessary button on his shirt and sweeps past Anakin to stand behind his desk. “You always liked having one of them out with you. How’s your Jolteon?”
“Twilight?” Anakin asks, sounding surprised Obi-Wan even remembered he had a jolteon. He tries not to feel offended. It’s an unfortunate truth that Obi-Wan remembers almost everything about Anakin, the trainer that used to hang around his daycare as though he couldn’t bear to step more than fifty paces from his front door. “He’s fine. A bit angry with me, I think.”
“Oh?” Obi-Wan asks, furrowing his brow as he looks up at his guest. “I’m not sure I understand.”
Anakin is quiet for a few seconds, and his hands clench down on the edge of the counter-top. When he speaks, his voice wavers. “Obi-Wan...do you think my Pokémon love me? Like, do you think I am a good trainer?”
Obi-Wan stares at him. This isn’t a conversation he should have without pants on, he decides. He slowly puts his pen down. “What happened, Anakin?” he asks gently, reaching out and laying a hand on the arm Anakin still has resting against the counter.
“I lost,” his favorite trainer whispers, looking down. Growlithe--Resolute, that’s what Anakin had named him--noses into the nape of his neck. Obi-Wan is not jealous. “I challenged the Elite Four, and I lost in the second round.”
Obi-Wan’s hand tightens completely involuntarily. He hates hearing that after their years-long friendship, the last few years where he’d thought perhaps they were on the verge of being something more, despite his reservations, Anakin had listened to Palpatine over him. Palpatine.
“Come around back here,” he instructs after a second’s thought. Somehow, still, after all these months, he thinks he knows what Anakin needs. “And release all of your Pokémon from their Pokéballs.”
“All of them?” Anakin asks, sounding so unsure Obi-Wan’s heart aches with the doubt of it all before he reigns that in. This isn’t about him.
This isn’t about him, but he can’t stop himself from asking, just once, “Yes. Do you trust me?”
Anakin’s fingers hesitate on the seal of his first Pokéball, and Obi-Wan’s heart jumps into his throat. “Yeah,” Anakin finally says gruffly, pressing the release. “Yeah, I do.”
His altaria pops out of her Pokéball with a trill and a flap of her cloud-shaped wings. He just catches a hint of the jolteon materialize into existence before he turns his back. “I’m going to put on proper clothes,” he tells Anakin over his shoulder. “Please, make yourself comfortable. I’m sure your Pokémon will remember half the ones here.”
And all of the ones Obi-Wan calls his own, he doesn’t add. Anakin should know. Anakin’s known them since he was fifteen years old and surly over the fact that his mother wouldn’t let him go out and hunt legendary Pokémon until he finished schooling.
He finds his abandoned clothes quickly, and shuffles into them. Flareon noses around him curiously, with more than a bit of excitement. She probably smells Anakin on him. The thought doesn’t warm his cheeks, but if it does, he’ll blame it on the sudden amount of heat she’s giving off.
He leaves his shirt as is and doesn’t even bother with the vest or tie. He’s not here to be Professor Kenobi. He’s here to be Obi-Wan, Anakin’s friend. That’s what Anakin needs from him right now. A friend.
He fixes his hair anyway in a mad bout of nerves, but no one, not even his mienshao or flareon, obsessed with appearances as they are, are paying enough attention to him in order to soothe his sudden insecurities.
More than anything, he wants to be back in the sea, surrounded by the gyarados’ coils. He doesn’t understand humans as much as he would like to, and he certainly doesn’t understand Anakin. Not anymore. Perhaps he never did.
His flareon bumps at his wrist with the crown of her head and he looks down with a sigh. “Someone’s excited, I see,” he murmurs wryly, smoothing down the stuck-up fur of her hair and chest mane. She purrs. “Not the most excited though,” he adds with a huff as he sees a blur of white and blue from the corner of his eyes as the female Meowstic who spends most of her time strolling the parameter of the Daycare abandons her position to dart towards the backdoors where a newly emerged navy male Meowstic stands waiting.
They collide and curl into each other, two halves of one whole brought back together.
Well, that’s as good as any sign to approach Anakin, who has decided to collapse on the soft grass of the enclosure. Other than the Meowstic, his freed Pokémon have curled around him. The jolteon, Artoo, rests by his head, while his charizard, Mustafar, brackets the length of his body with his own. The growlithe sits watchful at his feet, while a new, unfamiliar pancham curls up on his chest. Finally, his gallade sits cross-legged to his side.
“Yes,” Obi-Wan drawls before he can help himself, “It’s very obvious that your Pokémon don’t love you.”
Anakin bolts upright at the sound of his voice. The pancham growls at him, a baby noise that Obi-Wan didn’t necessarily think the species capable of.
The Pokémon trainer hushes it quickly with a stern, “Vader, no.”
Obi-Wan comes to sit cross-legged in front of the man. “You didn’t have a pancham last time,” he says easily. What he really wants to ask is much more complicated. He wants to know everything. He wants to know how Anakin changed. When. Why. He wants to know what’s still the same.
It’s always complicated when it comes to Anakin. It’s never been easy.
“He was injured when I found him,” Anakin admits, stroking the top of Vader’s head. “But a fighter. I think I was injured when I found him too.”
The man seems so lost in his own recollections that Obi-Wan hates to interrupt. Carefully, Anakin’s jolteon, Twilight, noses his hand. When he’s not pushed away, he jumps into Obi-Wan’s lap with a trill. Flareon lets out a hiss, but acquiesces when the jolteon licks at her snout, accepting her ownership of Obi-Wan.
“I had just lost,” Anakin says slowly. “I wanted to come back here, rent a Lapras and just ride until I saw the shoreline I knew was yours. But I didn’t know what you’d say to me. How mad you’d still be.”
Obi-Wan bites his lip. He wouldn’t have been mad. He’d been worried, from the second Anakin left his property. But how to tell the man that? Would the other even want to hear it? Would he think Obi-Wan was trying to infantilize him, to protect him?
“I didn’t want you to be right.” Anakin whispers, arms tightening around the Pokémon. “I didn’t want you to be right and say that I wasn’t ready. And then I was in the forest, walking home, and I found this guy. He’d been attacked by a bug pokémon who was probably a higher level. But he was so angry still. I...I wanted him on my team. I needed that fire back.”
Obi-Wan suddenly thinks that there’s much more distance between them than there should be. He wants to be hugging Anakin, to be kissing his temple. These were allowances they had given each other before the fight, things that Obi-Wan had squirreled away, close to his heart.
He wants them back.
“But I keep thinking about how the professor who gave me my first Pokémon told this guy I beat in my first battle that he lost because he didn’t love his Pokémon right, and I...I’m just worried that’s why I lost.” Anakin stares down at his pancham, who puts his paws on his cheeks and pats a few times.
“Oh, Anakin,” Obi-Wan sighs. He thinks it sounds too fond, too revealing, but Anakin looks up at him with wide, frightened eyes. “I’ve never known a trainer to love his Pokémon more, dear one.”
“Then why?” Anakin asks plaintively, scooting forward until their knees brush. “Why did I lose? The gym leader of Cinnabar Island told me I would win!”
Obi-Wan, quite maturely in his opinion, doesn’t mention the fact that the recently defeated Palpatine probably had ulterior motives for Anakin to challenge the league too quickly and then fail. “You weren’t ready, Anakin,” he says instead, placing his hand on the other’s knee and holding it even when the trainer jerks out of his grp. “Please, listen. It's about sheer time, training experience. It’s not about you or your relationship to your Pokémon. You have such an amazing, strong relationship with them! They love you. Anyone could tell. And you’re not lacking in skill either. I know your mind is sharp and ready for battle.”
Anakin looks at him teary-eyed. “I’ve been so worried that maybe they didn’t know I loved them,” he admits in a wavering voice.
Obi-Wan can’t resist moving impossibly closer to his trainer. “Oh, Anakin, of course they do. Pokémon don’t always express or interpret love the same way humans do, but they do have their own ways of showing it.”
“Like what?” Anakin sniffles, wiping at his wet eyes. If Obi-Wan had really been listening, he would have noticed the change in his tone. As it is, he continues immediately, too focused on trying to stop his trainer from crying to think of anything else.
“A fire-type Pokémon wil try to warm you if they think you’re cold, even if it means staying up all night to keep you in in its flame. And fighting-type Pokémon are capable of throwing a blanket over you if they think you need to rest. Psychic-types have been known to read their trainer’s emotions and either hug them or give them distance whenever they want. Ground- and bug-type have been known to bring berries to their trainers to get them something to eat, and electric--why are you looking at me like that?” Anakin’s nascent smirk grows bigger at this interruption and he cocks his head to the side as he studies Obi-Wan’s face. “And what does it say about a man who spends all of his time around Pokémon, that he would do those exact same things for me?”
Obi-Wan at least understands enough to scurry backwards a few paces, much to the jolteon in his lap’s distress, who jumps away with a huff.
“I’m not sure I understand,” he says quickly.
Anakin inches forward, setting the pancham, Vader, aside. He really has grown in the past few months. The loss of the League, the months apparently spent on the road, have aged him so that he’s both recognizable and something new and wild. “What if I knew of a man,” Anakin murmurs, falling to his palms as he closes the gap between them. “One who warmed me when I was cold, covered me when I was tired, hugged me when I was needy, and fed me when I was hungry? What would that mean, in terms of Pokémon?”
Obi-Wan swallows nervously. His entire body is bracketed by Anakin. Anakin, who seems to have discovered his most-guarded secret in their months apart. Anakin, who is hovering over him now with a dark look in his eyes. Finally something in Obi-Wan gives way. This is it. He will give Anakin everything he asks for. Everything he needs. He’s always tried to do this exact thing.
“I suppose that would mean he loved you,” he whispers, closing his eyes so he does not have to see Anakin’s recoil, Anakin’s disgust.
Anakin hums instead. “Obi-Wan,” he whispers, exhale hitting his lips. “Obi-Wan, open your eyes. There’s nothing to be scared of, beloved. I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.”
At these words, Obi-Wan’s eyes jump open of their own accord. Anakin’s lips press down onto his in a movement just as sudden. He whimpers involuntarily and reaches up to clutch at the trainer’s hair, hold him to his mouth. Just as involuntarily, his lips part and Anakin’s tongue licks around the gap before darting inside. He moans. It’s shameful, the way he goes from scared to sucking on Anakin’s tongue as if he’ll die without the warm intrusion of it.
It hardly feels like the first time they’ve kissed. It feels like they’ve been kissing for years, like Anakin knows his mouth completely and utterly.
There are so many secrets left between them. Obi-Wan’s one unopened Pokéball, sitting on his belt. Anakin’s relationship with that last Gym leader. What he’s been doing these past few months. What Obi-Wan Kenobi made his fortune off of.
But none of it matters now. Not here at this moment. All that matters is showing Anakin that he’s been just as missed, just as wanted.
With that in mind, Obi-Wan rolls on top of his trainer and shoves his hands up inside Anakin’s shirt to trace along the muscles of his chest and back. This was his. His, his, his. He had come back to him. Everything else could wait.
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Dystopia pt 8 (FINALE)
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Summary: You were an Amity born. You were taught to value kindness and harmony. But you also valued bravery and knowledge. After the test to see which faction best suited you, you were given the choice to either stay in your faction or leave. When you chose to leave your faction for another, your whole life changed and you wondered if it was the right decision. You pondered over it at first, all until you met him.
Theme: Divergent au, strangers to lovers
Genre: mild action [I tried], angst, fluff, slowburn
Warnings: mentions of blood and violence
WC: 3.6k
Pairing: Trainer!Jungkook x Initiate!FemReader
Tips: In this whole series, Y/N is a few years younger than JK. Those who were initiates like Y/N that just ended the Choosing Ceremony, are all the same age. None of these characters portray who the mentioned people are in real life whatsoever! It's just a fictional character!
a/n: Hello! Guess what? You made it to the end! I know this is a short series but I'm more than thankful if you have made it this far. Although it's quite short for a finale, I hope I didn't disappoint you too much! But anyways, here's the final part for this series :) Enjoyyy
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With hurried steps, all three of them quickly hollered their way through the facility in hopes that they would reach the dorms in time. Jungkook’s heart was beating so fast against his chest, unsure if he could even calm himself down knowing something bad had happened to you. That was the last thing he wanted. From the day he saw you a few weeks back, he knew he would like you.
He knew there was something about you that leaves him being all clammy and nervous despite his amazing skill at hiding his emotions. Jungkook never knew he would manage to get close to you, thinking it was impossible considering he was a trainer and you were an initiate.
However, it looks like fate has a different plan for you and him when he saw you training by yourself in the middle of the night. That was when he first got to have a close interaction with you.
Even though it was just him teaching you basic tips on how to improve your skills for each of the different skill sets, he still got to talk to you and also earn your trust after a while. And as the days gradually went by, it was needless to say that Jungkook had grown so fond of you and even had a crush on you.
Yes, a Dauntless Trainer having a crush on a Dauntless Initiate.
How cute.
Ultimately, it all goes downhill for him as he finally arrives at the shared dormitory, only to find the rest of the initiates crowding around at one spot. The minute Jungkook and Changkyun pushed through the crowd, their hearts stopped for a millisecond upon seeing what the fuss was about.
There you were, cradled in Hyunjae’s arms as Gahyeon was crying with her hands desperately pressing what looks to be a completely blood soaked towel against your throat.
Your throat has been slit, not too deep to kill you but just enough to render you voiceless.
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You were just turning around on your bed when you peeked your eyes open out of instinct, feeling as though you were being watched. Except, you weren’t expecting for it to be legit. Because the minute you opened your eyes, there was a hooded figure looming over you with a hand raised to their head level with what looks to be a knife from the Training Room.
Before your mind could react, your body seemed to move faster as your arms swiveled to a cross position over your face right when the person launched his attack to your head.
With the tip of its blade just barely missing your right eye socket.
You used all your energy to shove their hand away using your arms, only to kick their stomach harshly. They stumbled back a little before lunging back at you. However, you quickly rolled out of bed to your left, falling to the ground with a soft thud just as they plunged the blade into the mattress right where your chest would’ve been.
You rushed to your feet, making a break for it to the open toilet but your steps faltered when you felt a sharp stab to your calf.
“Ah! Fuck!” You loudly hissed to yourself.
The blade got pulled out of your leg harshly, only for you to flip around on the ground.
The person kneeled over you as they tried to stab you in the face again but you managed to grab their wrist with both hands. They were strong. A little too strong if you say so yourself. However, for some reason, you felt like you knew this person.
You were struggling. You were struggling hard to push their hand away. Mustering whatever strength you had left, you used all your power to push them back.
For a moment, you were glad that they nearly fell off you.
However, you weren’t mentally and physically ready for what he was about to do next. And that was for him to make one swift swing of his arm. It all happened so fast, you didn’t even realize what he did until you felt something wet trickle down your neck. You tried to curse at them but instead you were shocked when nothing came out of your mouth.
That wasn’t until one of your hands reached up for your throat and you felt it.
The open slit, the feeling of wet liquid, your nostrils filling with the strong smell of copper, and finally, bringing your fingers up to see your fingers coated in your own red crimson blood.
Your mouth hung agape as you tried to speak but there was nothing. Tears welled up in your eyes as the person got up and smirked down at you.
“Goodnight loser. I hope you rot in hell.”
They soon took off running, leaving you there helpless with no voice to scream for help, to tell people who did it. But of course, you weren’t stupid. Despite the lack of light, only an idiot couldn’t catch on easily. For there is only one person who calls you ‘Loser’ right from the start. Your doubts were confirmed the minute that nickname left their lips.
Dumb move Yeonjun.
Since you couldn’t scream for help, you slowly began to drag yourself across the room, leaving a long trail of blood behind your leg where you got stabbed only to reach the end of Gahyeon’s bed.
With one swift grasp, you managed to hold onto her shirt and that was enough to wake her.
It took her a second to realize what happened until she saw the trail of blood on the floor and your bleeding throat that you were desperately putting pressure on. She let out a shrilling scream before yelling for help from the others. Everyone began to panic at the gruesome scene, making Hyunjae cradle you while Yunho rushed out to get help.
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Jungkook carried you to the hospital wing, with Gahyeon, Hyunjae, Yunho and Changkyun tagging along. One of the nurses inspected your injury, seeing that you’ve lost quite a bit of blood. She mentioned that they had to give you some blood in order to save you and they have to be the same blood type as yours. After much inspection, it was clear that only Jungkook and Hyunjae shared the same blood type as you.
Both of them offered to donate some of their blood to you to save your life. While the two were being drawn of their blood, Changkyun went ahead and brought the other two back to their dormitory to rest. You were already laying there on the medical bed unconscious which means you couldn’t feel the way Gahyeon gently gave your blood coated hands a small squeeze.
“Please be okay, Y/N.” She whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek. Yunho comforted the girl before they both left with Changkyun.
A few minutes later, the nurse managed to collect as much blood as you probably needed after losing them quite a bit. She placed a bandaid over the spots where she injected the tube in their arms. After she was done, she dismissed the two boys but Jungkook asked if he could stay.
She nodded, setting up the equipment so that the blood she collected from the two gentlemen could be transferred into your body through the IV in your hand.
Hyunjae left after caressing the top of your head, wishing you a speedy recovery.
The nurse went ahead and disinfected your wounds before suturing the open cuts and wrapping them with bandages. Once she was done, she excused herself, leaving you alone with Jungkook as the male went over to scoot his chair closer to your side. Jungkook carefully reaches for your hand that didn’t have the needle attached. He brings it up to his lips, kissing your knuckles softly.
“I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you. I’m sorry this happened to you Y/N. You truly don’t deserve this…” Jungkook whispered as he stood up to plant a gentle kiss on your forehead.
He felt sorry. He felt sick. He felt confused. But more importantly, he felt furious at whoever did this to you. Of course he didn’t know who but you knew.
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You woke up to a sharp pain in your throat, feeling it get itchy like an unusual sore throat. The prickling pain in your right calf made your leg jolt as you shot your tired eyes open. The morning sun filled the room. You carefully looked around to find you alone in the room which looks to be the hospital wing.
Memories from last night suddenly came flashing into your mind like a tsunami, and yet, you still couldn’t wrap your mind around it.
Did that really happen?
Was it all a dream?
You almost didn’t want to believe it until your hands reached up to your throat and you felt the soft material of the bandage taped onto your neck. Of course, your stubbornness was trying to make you think otherwise so you opened your mouth to speak.
Truth be told, nothing comes out of your mouth. Absolutely nothing. Not even a sound.
Your thoughts were swirling, a million things running across your head at that very moment. From the incident last night to the final evaluation test you were supposed to have today. The test was supposed to determine your final results of your initiation. It was supposed to determine whether you get to stay in Dauntless or you get kicked out and become Factionless.
Of course, there are two ways of getting that second option. First is by failing Stage 3, and second is of course by not attending the final test at all.
How wonderful.
As your mind was swirling with these complications, you completely missed the figure that was making their way to you. It wasn’t until they were a few feet from you that you looked up only to lock eyes with Jungkook.
Immediately, a whole swarm of emotions came rushing through you as you began to cry. Jungkook rushed over to you, only to hush you.
“Shh… Shh… Don’t cry. It’s okay. I’m here. You’re fine. I’m here.” Jungkook cooed as he held you in his arms, feeling the way your arms wrapped around his waist tightly like you were afraid he might disappear if you let go. His heart swelled upon feeling his shirt get soaked from your tears.
Your silent cries only made his heart drop even more. Jungkook caressed the back of your head lovingly, making sure to give you small reassuring kisses to the side of your head as a way to hopefully calm you down.
You both stayed like that for a bit before he sang you a sweet song in your ear.
Jungkook felt your body relax in his touch, happy that his singing made you calmer. After a while, he pulled away slowly to look you in the eye. How is it possible that you are just sitting there crying your eyes out and yet you still looked beautiful? Or maybe it’s just him.
Who knows.
Nevertheless, he wipes your tears with his thumbs and soon smiles down at you.
“You’re so strong. You’re a strong girl Y/N. And I really admire you for that.” He whispered. You couldn’t help but crack a tiny smile when you felt him boop your nose with his own. You had so much to say to him. So much you wanted to share with him. Unfortunately, luck wasn’t on your side today. Just then, Jungkook’s smile faltered and it made you curious.
You reached for his wrist where his hand was just cupping your face softly, to catch his attention. You silently asked him what’s wrong through your worried eyes, hoping he could read your mind.
Thankfully, he did.
“The final stage… It starts in 5 minutes. I talked to the leaders about your current condition. I tried my best to change their mind, Changkyun did try too… Unfortunately, the leaders made an agreement to… disqualify you, which means… y-you…” Jungkook paused as he struggled to convey the message to you but you already knew what it meant.
You violently shook your head at him. You had to redeem yourself. You didn’t plan for this to happen. You were forced to be in this damn medical bed out of your own will. Oh if only they saw who did this to you, would they gladly throw him to the Factionless.
“Decision has been made. Since you can’t physically be there, you’re immediately disqualified.” Jungkook said as you shook your head again. There must be something about the way you were staring at him because at that very moment, it was as though you sent him a message through telepathy.
“Wait a minute… For the final test, you don’t need to talk. You… just need to be physically there for the simulation.” Jungkook said in realization as your eyes lit up.
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“Does that mean… she’s immediately disqualified?” Gahyeon asked sadly, only for Hyunjae to nod.
“I mean, technically according to the rules, you are supposed to be here physically for the final test… So, I guess that’s true then…” Hyunjae said.
The rest of them who were gathered by the side of the hall where the final stage would take place, shared mostly the same emotions about you not being able to join them which would render you as Factionless by default even after all your hard work.
However, it looks like someone couldn’t care less about you not making it.
“Who cares? She doesn't belong in Dauntless anyway.” Yeonjun rolls his eyes as he walks to the front, leaning against one of the pillars. Your friends exchanged a few glances to one another, not feeling good about the way he said that. A few minutes passed, and they had just finished the test with the third person on the list. All the initiates were anxious as they waited for their turn. Soon enough, the Dauntless leader calls out the next name to be on stage.
With that, the room fell silent as the initiates looked at each other with deep frowns on their faces. A few beats of silences went by, not a single sign of you anywhere. Meanwhile, Yeonjun had that devilish smirk on his face as he felt satisfied with your lack of presence.
Unfortunately, just as the leader was about to call out the next person on the list, Jungkook’s voice echoed around the hall from the opposite end of where the initiates were gathered. That’s when Jungkook emerged through the double doors with you beside him.
He had one arm wrapped around your waist as you limped your way to the platform where the chair was waiting for you. Your friends cheered for your arrival as they shouted a string of goodlucks to you. Yeonjun growled, totally not expecting to find you still alive.
Maybe he didn’t cut you deep enough.
You immediately recognized the lady who was prepping the tools to put you into simulation, to be the same lady you met on your Initiation test.
After you sat down, Jungkook gave your waist a little squeeze before he smiled down at you and whispered, “Goodluck.”
He soon left your side as the lady asked you if you were ready. You gave her a small nod, letting her inject the needle into your neck right below your ear.
Once the serum had been injected into your system, it took effect right away, bringing you to your first simulation. It was the same simulations you went through during your Stage 2. They were all of your fears connecting one simulation to the other. You managed to remember what Jungkook taught you during the past few weeks and how to properly handle each situation like a fellow Dauntless.
The minute your last simulation ended, you woke up calmly only for the lady to smile.
“You did well.” She complimented you as she helped you sit up. Jungkook came to your side and very gently led you off the platform.
“Good job. Looks like my tips worked huh?” Jungkook asked, to which you smiled, feeling shy all of a sudden. He guided you to the side only for your friends to rush over to you.
“Sweetie! You’re okay! How are you?” Gahyeon asked as she hugged you, making you return her hug. You showed an ‘okay’ sign with your hand before Yunho ruffled your hair. “Of course you are, you’re a beast Y/N.” His comment made some of them laugh, including you. Just then, your eyes drifted to your left only to meet Yeonjun’s fiery eyes.
All you wanted to do was throw him in The Pit. The last thing you wanted was to see his competitive ass everyday from now on.
However, you weren’t going to kill him despite all the pain he’s caused you.
After letting you meet up with your friends, Jungkook brought you back to his penthouse to let you rest. He carefully laid you down on his bed, pulling his blanket up to your chest while you snuggled into his side with your head resting on his chest. Jungkook chuckled as he caressed your hair, tucking them behind your ear, making sure to let his fingers softly trace the side of your face as he did so.
“No matter what the results are, I’m never leaving your side. That, I can promise you.” Jungkook said softly as you tilted your head up to look at him. You wished you could speak. You wished you could verbally say this to him outloud. Unfortunately you couldn’t.
In the end, you opted for the saying ‘Actions speak louder than words’ and so, with that being said, you lifted your head up and used your left elbow to prop your body up on the mattress.
Jungkook watched you carefully as you slowly leaned in only to press your lips softly on his. Almost instantly, he wrapped one arm around your waist while the other allowed his fingers to tangle into your soft locks. You reached a hand up to cup his cheek, letting your thumb trace the scar he had on his left cheekbone. You felt him smile against your lips as he pulled away for a breath.
His eyes fluttered open to find your cute ones staring back at him. Jungkook couldn’t help but chuckle as he gently massaged your scalp in a calming manner.
“If that is your way of telling me what I think it is, then I’ll be the one to confirm verbally that I feel the same way too…” Jungkook’s voice was smooth and sultry in your ears, it almost made you melt into a puddle. Almost.
So with one more kiss from him, your heart raced in your chest as he pulled away to let his lips hover over yours before he said the words you’ve been meaning to tell him.
“I love you Y/N.”
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6 months had passed, you ended up staying in Dauntless together with Gahyeon, Hyunjae and Yunho. Right after the final stage, you gave Jungkook the weapon Yeonjun used to attack you the night before the final stage. After investigating the weapon and finding evidence that confirms Yeonjun was indeed the attacker, he was immediately thrown out of Dauntless. Rendering him Factionless.
Yes, that jerk deserved it.
Yunho was given the role of a guard due to his unfortunate ranking but hey, at least he wasn’t Factionless.
Gahyeon was a trainer for Dauntless-born initiates while you and Hyunjae were trainers for faction transfers. Although, you only started becoming one after the 3rd month when you were starting to be able to talk again.
And how was your relationship with Jungkook, might I ask?
Well, just splendid.
Your relationship with him only grew stronger each day as he took care of you during the first few months when you still had difficulties to talk. He was always there for you when you needed someone to back you up in heated arguments.
Jungkook took you to visit your parents the day after the final stage. No doubt your parents got upset over what happened to their daughter, they were more than thankful that you were still alive and that Jungkook was there to keep you sane. As the months go by, Jungkook’s feelings for you bloomed.
Today was another day of training for you and your initiates where you managed to guide the new initiates along with Hyunjae’s help.
You were just standing off to the side, letting Hyunjae take over for the knife throwing session when you suddenly felt a pair of strong arms wrapping itself around your waist. You giggled as you turned your head to find Jungkook’s face just mere inches away from yours.
“Not here, love… We’re in the middle of training.” You whispered, earning a soft chuckle from him before he peppered your cheek with kisses.
“Can’t I just give my beautiful girlfriend some loving kisses before I go to my meeting?” Jungkook teased, making you giggle.
“Aren’t you being needy?” You laughed.
“Only when I miss you…”
“We literally saw each other an hour ago, Kook.”
“I know.” Jungkook grinned cutely at you only for you to push his face away gently while you laughed.
“Hmm, needy indeed.”
“Hey…” He pouted at you. Of course your heart couldn’t bear to see his sad pout so you turned to face him completely. Reaching up with both hands to hold his face, you pressed your lips on his before pulling away to see his silly smile on his face.
“I love you.” You whispered as you felt him hug you.
“I love you more.”
That was the last thing you heard as Changkyun’s voice beckons your boyfriend over from a few feet behind Jungkook. “Come on lovebird, we gotta go… See you later Y/N.” Changkyun chuckled as he wiggled his index finger towards Jungkook. Your boyfriend gives you one last kiss before he jogs over to his older friend.
Maybe joining Dauntless wasn’t as bad as you thought after all.
a/n: Thank you for reading this series! Do check out my other fics if you're interested to read more of my writings! ❤️
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