#(In)Subordinate of the Angels; ULTRAPrologue ✞Ellie✞
divergent-holiness · 2 years
Tattered Banner Ch. 1 《Chance Meeting》
Word count: 653
Warnings: Blood, mention of infant death
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He could feel everything all at once and it was heavy. Even though he really didn't need to breathe he found himself choking on the air, sobs catching in his throat as he looked down at the broken body laying in the grass. Wind gently blew the grass blades around pale skin and dark blue silk, small insects took no pause as they trampled tiny feet over the still warm flesh. It felt wrong that the world continued on.
"I'll be your end!"
Michael's voice caused the elements to fold and shake in turmoil, thunder clashing and hot rain beginning to fall.
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"Why do you hate me so much? I was made for you, and you cast me away! What have I ever done? How have I displeased you so?" Tears formed in Ellie's eyes as she raised her voice to Michael, looking up at his holy and perfect form with pain.
His blue eyes cast down at her, meeting the golden amber of her own. His sword bearers were already at his side and raising the golden and firey blades for him, yet this time he waved them away, choosing to step towards her. She didn't seem scared anymore and he couldn't muster any anger towards her outburst. Perhaps now was the time to be honest, to tell her everything, confess his own imperfections and sins to someone that didn't remember their own. Perhaps this would begin his penance.
"I could never hate you…"
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The Father's perfect creation, man, was still so young and childlike to him, and he would protect each one to his last breath. Even now his armored and holy form flew across the midnight sky, searching for the traitor Abaddon. He could feel the dark and unholy presence, see the damage his locust had done to the fields of man. It was sickening to know that he could have once called such a monster brother and shared the splendor of heaven with him. It was sickening to think about.
And there he was, that bastard, leaving the castle of this land's king. So, it was him to blame for this land turning from the Father's light, he should have known.
His body began to glow in divine fire as he waited for the hell prince to take flight far away enough from the castle to prevent casualties. As he observed Abaddon in his human form, he noticed his pace was different, his posture hunched and he carried something with him. Was that blood? What had this devil done now? Michael gripped the handle of his sword and poised himself to strike, no longer would this monster plague his Father's creation.
Eleanor's sobbing could be heard coming from high in a castle's tower, mourning the loss of her child. Blood was still present in the room despite best efforts to remove all evidence of the premature birth and she couldn't bear to look at it any longer, to smell death so recent. On shakey legs she carried herself to the window and threw it open, falling halfway out in sorrow.
The sound caught Michael off guard and he paused, looking towards the castle for the source. Even from the distance he was, the stench of death filled his senses and caused a momentary falter in him. He didn't have time for this but couldn't help feel pulled by this mortal's desperate cries and prayers. The holy fire that engulfed him died down and became replaced with a radiant light, armor now his holy robes.
"Fear not, mortal, for the Lord hears your suffering and looks upon you with mercy."
Eleanor thought about pushing herself the rest of the way out the window, and had she the strength she might have. There was a sudden warmth that washed over her cold body and a sweet voice called to her. Looking up, her grey eyes fell upon the form of Michael.
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
"But if I am made by our Father's hand and therefore perfect, then how can what I partake in be considered sin? In this essay I will..."
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
"I am your shield"
"You are a weakness"
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
"Maybe I am a failure...perhaps I belong in hell, among the rest of Father's broken toys." Ellie mused as she stared at her armored hands, unworthy as they were. Hands made to defend, attack, serve.
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"Silence." Michael's voice was like thunder. His brilliant blue eyes stared down at the pathetic form before him. No, not pathetic, but useless in his eyes. He didn't need her, he didn't need anyone, especially not on the battlefield.
"You speak of treason before your angel."
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Ellie fell silent before his form, eyes tired and defeated. Her head dropped to a bow as her eyes closed, prepared for any punishment he deemed fit to bestow upon her.
Michael stood with his sword bearers before her and scoffed, turning away. It was no longer worth his time.
"In His Holy name."
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
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"How unsightly..." she mused, rubbing the liquid from her cheek between her pointer finger and thumb. The sight of her own blood was nothing new, but this time there was a delight in the secret behind the wound, the scar that would always be a reminder.
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
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"Mortals are funny little things." Ellie mused, nestled into an alcove in a neglected part of the holy palace. The council was concerned with other things, and she was free for a few moments to be alone. Contraband in hand, she flipped through the yellowed pages of her book, eyes settling on the dark ink. A blush developed on her cheeks as she read the intimate printed tale.
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