#(My Goodbye and Just a Man and Surive are also pretty good but oh my GOD)
weepingfireflies · 2 years
Me: Listening to Epic the Musical and vibing
Remember Them: [plays]
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Colours of the Universe: The Beginning
In the sea of darkness, there was only one living creature in an empty space. The creature was named, "Colours of the Universe." Reports say that she looked like young girl or a young woman. Alone in that dark space forever. She got bored and created another being who is almost like her. A male child named, "Michael." Her son. They were happy together, until one day, Colours' soul broke apart in six different parts of the colour spectrum: red, blue, yellow, purple, orange, and green. All were separated by another strange being who claimed to be from the future. All of the separated colours felt when they separated from each other. It felt like their body was breaking like glass and staring into the eyes of the person who separated her. They all looked the same but it's only their eye colour and blood. Michael looked at his mother in fear at the six pieces that was his mom. He quickly abandons her without saying goodbye or even help her. He was too scared. The only person who helped was Red. They realized that Red is the only one who remembers their past life as "Colours of the Universe."
Of course Red has Colours' memories because she still has the white and black wings on her back, but as well Red is the original body of Colours before she shattered. This was how the universe was created. Like those dumb scientist back in my homeworld that the was created by a hot dense thing that exploded into a cooler spot that created stars and planets and that dense thing did last less than of a millisecond. 
That's a little bit true but Colours of the Universe never made the stars, planets, and the creatures that lived on them. It was her son, Michael who did it. Colours only created the space until she was separated. Many universes were created as well. That what my homeworld calls them, "dimensions." Worlds that are the same but different. So many years later, Michael has finish creating the empty space that's Red's universe. He was the one who created my homeworld called, "Earth" and created the first two creatures that he made, "Adam and Eve." On that faithful day that he created them, he let them be free in the a garden. The same garden where Red and him dreamed to have because when he just a kid. They always had. It Michael already knew that it was the future and created this garden. He made a time slice where is so Adam and Eve can't leave. He forgot about something. In the dream, there was a tree. A tree that gives knowledge to whoever eats. He tries to confronts his creation but he noticed two large doors in the garden. He quickly runs to Adam and Eve and found them laying on  the ground. He comes towards them and saw people that he didn't create circling around. They got through the time slice barrier. A man in white came to Michael and took off his mask. He told him, "my name is Alect. I'm from a group called the Time People." "Who are you? Why you here? I didn't create you?" "That's true but you did created us. By the time those giant doors open. The secrets are reveal and the universe is ours." "You can't!" Michael started to jump on them. "Kyle!" Michael could feel a sharp pain in arm. He looks at his arm and saw something pinching his skin. It was a snake. The person who directed the fangs at Michael was hoodie and he couldn't see his face. He reaches out and took off the hood and saw the young man's face was young but his red white pupil eyes were cold. Kyle taped on the snake on his arm. Michael didn't know he flat yet sticky on his skin but the perching of the snake's fangs went deeper and deeper. Kyle throws him down to the ground and watches Michael in pain and passing out. *** He woke for a moment of time but his vision was burry. "Get those two out of the Garden of Eden! Time is crucial and us. We need that power." "What we do about the kid?" "Leave him! He knows his destiny to leave this place after he wakes up. Oh man just staring into those doors. We are one step closer to get reincarnated and spread our souls to another..." *** Michael wakes up and notices that he was in a different place or a different time. The whole world was desert like. He walked out and notice that it look like something that his creatures made. Scuptures of people throughout history. He was asleep for that long that the place is where people has praise things like God that created this world but Michael was the one who create everything. Not them. He tried to confront the people but they ordered him to be stoned to death. Michael can't even die not even once. The people can just do it over and over again, but he was saved by on the fragments of Colours, Blue. She brought him to the future of my homeworld. Around the early 20th century. She told Michael to never go back there and do that again or it will result in his death. Michael told Blue that he can't die. Blue pointed to a spot on his skin, his neck. Snake scales. Blue told him, "you survive the interaction with the Time People because you transformed into a snake to save your own skin. You can die like anyone in this world. But why, why did you left your mother?" "All of you guys are my mom, Blue." "So you don't like us seprated? Red was the one who created you. I can see that red aura in your soul. I'm pretty jelous myself. Creating something from your own soul. You did the same thing too, Michael. However, your mother payed the price of those souls of Adam and Eve." "Why?" "They're the off-spring from you, but you're not stable yet and the souls you created went rogue. Not rogue...Possessed by something within their souls. A parasyte." "Parasyte?" "Yes, I don't know what they would do but Red did the impossible to reincarnate them by meeting the two spirits but is fused as one who can bless their souls and split apart. That is what there are souls that are a part of you but also your mother but every second time the soul dies. Their soul splits apart to stop the spread of parasytes." "What do they look like?" "You met them as the Time People. Their souls didn't fully die but they became more that just human. They have different forms that can bend and shape into many different things. Even shape into other humans. All they want to do is reincarnate but they can't because their soul has been lost." Then a book popped in Blue's hand, "ah! Another edition on the parasytes from Thomas." "Who's Thomas?" "It's your mother's advisor. He's human too but he is trying to find a way how to stop the parasyte." "What's a human?" "It's what your beings you created that call themselves these days. When you live in my house you follow my rules." "What?" "Rule one, just don't burn down the house while cooking a meal." "But I don't eat." "You have to because this the world right now. If people see you not eating, then they think as someone who is different. Remember one thing in this world. If you meet someone and they want to be friends with you. Do not leave them like you did to Red. It's hard enough as it is. Anyways, I have to work now!" "Wait a minute? What is work?" "Work is what humans call gaining money from it so you can live on. We have different things to do to make the humans surivive over the years." "If you made your own world, why not support it?" "Humans in my universe are very well developed. They don't need me to stay there. So I ask Red to live here in the meantime." "Red...Where is she?" "Oh with Thomas and doing some business to destroy all the leftover parasyte in a different world and galaxy." "Okay." "Good...Anyways...You don't have a jellyfish poncho yet my dear." "I know...how do you get it." "The best way to get one is to let go of your own feelings."
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