#(Neither of my parents have my tone btw. But some of my cousins do so)
galactichelium · 7 months
New icon :3 It's just my Spl//atoon guy again but in a different pose + different background. And I also edited together 2 outfits to do the flannel with the gloves. AND I think I better edited the skin tone this time to further match my own. Not necessarily final I'm not sure I'm happy w the bg :/
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a modern royalty au for ss? I loved Mutant btw 💗
This was longer than I anticipated and it came a lot later too! I’m sorry! I also don’t know a lot about modern royalty au’s which is shameful for someone who used to read so many Merthur fics back in the day but here it is! 
The Uchiha kingdom doesn’t work in the way the Senju kingdom works. In the Senju kingdom, the men of the royal family are usually more highly regarded than their female counterparts. Be it for blatant misogyny or just a big cultural gap between the two countries. The Uchiha and the Senju have always been different in the way they treat their royalty.
In the Senju they glorified their first king as equal to a god, they regarded their second as a prodigy and just like that they kept on loving their kings, princes and lords. From their martyr warriors like king Minato to their current heroic Lord Naruto Uzumaki. The boy with the sunny smile and kind altruistic nature. 
The future of their country.
Meanwhile, in the Uchiha kingdom it is not kings that the people love, neither are the princes the members of the royal family that the people look up to. Ever since Sasuke can remember, ever since he was a child. Still too young and too naïve to be aware of the nasty, superficial world he was part of. The queen, the princesses and the ladies of the royal family have always been the center of everyone’s attention on his country.
No one cared about his father’s marriage suit when he married his mother in the way they cared about lady Mikoto’s wedding dress, no one cared about his brother’s credentials on the military before he stepped into the throne in the way they cared about Izumi’s masters’ degree in child education.
No one cares about Sasuke Uchiha, next on the way to the throne, in the way they care about the commoner he falls in love with.
Sakura Haruno is not a lady nor is she related to anyone on the royal family. She’s a common girl, daughter of a baker and a taxi driver. A simple, freshly graduated med student who just happens to be Ino Yamanaka’s best friend.
Ino Yamanaka, the girl who just started working as the castle’s florist at the start of the year and without meaning to, introduced the future king of Uchiha to the woman he would eventually fall in love with and then even if just in his own head, would call his queen.
Sasuke meets her one Saturday afternoon as the bright eyed girl runs up to him to ask him about his mother’s private garden.
“Do you know where is the garden?” She asked him that day, looking at him directly on the eyes in a way that Sasuke wasn’t really used to. Already complacent with the detached life the rest of his family taught him to lead ever since the day of his birth until his current twenty-six.
“I’m sorry?” he inquired, blinking and shaking his head in obvious confusion. 
“The garden,” repeated Sakura. Her bright, green eyes curiously looking up at him from underneath her long, thick eyelashes. “The queen’s garden to be exact."
"The queen's garden is private property. Only members of the royal family and the appointed gardener can enter that place alone." Stated the prince automatically. 
"Then you can take me there." She smiled taking his hand in hers. "You're prince Sasuke aren't you?" 
Sasuke didn't respond, too surprised by the girl's forwardness to do anything more than be dragged to his mother's garden by the pink haired stranger. 
Sasuke couldn't keep away from that day on and now, every single newspaper column and every gossip site on the Internet is talking about the pink haired commoner who stole Uchiha Sasuke's heart. 
The bad thing about being part of a monarchy that concentrates completely on the women of the royal family is that the women the people don’t love are usually attacked with the scrutiny of the public. Sakura is not part of the royal family, she’s not traditional nor is she lavish in nature.
And some people hate her for it. They talk about her bright hair and speculate about her natural hair color. Calling her a Yankee for dying it in such a scandalous shade. They talk about her eyes and how she can't possibly be a completely pure Asian woman. As if such a thing really existed anymore, even inside the royal family. 
The worst of them call her a gold digger. Going as far as investigating her family and presenting her economic problems bare to the world: The current state of her student loans, the pending debt from her father's taxi loan, the way she still lives with her parents at twenty-seven and already working full time. 
Sasuke knows this isn't true. Sakura is no gold digger, she hadn't asked him for anything in the entire year they've been together and he can't even recall a time in which she accepted one of his, admittedly, lavish gifts without a single complain. 
“You shouldn’t bother,” she apologized sadly, with a guilty expression marrying her face the first time he gave him a gift. A gorgeous set of ruby and white gold earrings in the form of roses. “I don’t even have my ears pierced.”
“Please don’t expend so much money on me,” she would eventually tell him every time he spent too much money on a gift or a date. “I’m not dating you for your money.” She would say. And then she would kiss him, right on his lips with a playful look on her face “I’m dating you because you’re cute.”
The only time she ever accepted an expensive gift from him was only when Sasuke decided to donate an outrageous amount of money on her child’s mental health initiative at the hospital she was working on for their five month’s anniversary.
She cried right in front of the cameras from the tv channel his brother’s PR group hired just to showcase the future king’s show of altruism. She fell into his arms, kissed him deeply on the lips and whispered a heartfelt “thank you, Sasuke-kun.” For his ears only.
Sasuke fell a little more in love with her that day. He’s never met someone so simple and yet so profound on his life. Never saw a smile more beautiful or eyes more honest. He can easily say that he felt in love with her effortlessly. Saw all of which made the commoner who without contemplation treated him as one would treat a normal human being and couldn’t help but be mesmerised by it.
He just wishes his country could see all that he sees on her. Sakura couldn’t care less about the tv channels who showcase her as an overly emotional and yet raggedy common woman, and she doesn’t even bother to read the tabloids who work every day on trying to expose her as a poor, pitiable gold digger who won’t last even a year on the prince’s heart.
But Sasuke cares. He cares about his country and the woman he intends to make his queen more than anything in the world.
The internet becomes a sudden and unexpected comfort. The first positive comment he finds of Sakura it’s on the YouTube channel of two girls that decided to review the medic’s outfits for her last four public dates with Sasuke.
They talked wonders about Sakura’s natural beauty, on how she didn’t seem to prefer any major brands on herself and how she was such an inspiration for young girls all along their country on defeating classism and unrealistic beauty standards. Sasuke started following their channel after finishing the video that same day and he did the same with any Tumblr, YouTube or google blog that saw Sakura just as he saw her.
The YouTube channel though, that channel will always be special in his eyes.
ShyGirlLoudGirl starring Hinata Hyuuga, a lady from a family barely related to the Uchiha but known enough for her name to be recognised and TenTen a martial arts specialist who became Hinata’s friend by dating her cousin Neji. They were the first members of the media to ever be positive about Sakura and Sasuke never forgot them.
So when his brother asks him to make a couple’s interview with Sakura for the sake of appearances in their actual one-year anniversary, he contacts ShyGirlLoudGirl directly on their twitter account. They respond immediately and even Sakura is a little bit interested on the obvious PR move.
A few days later they sit side by side on a cute, purple love-couch on the girls’ studio, just one big room in Neji’s house that he speared for his girlfriend and beloved cousin. With both Hinata and TenTen siting obviously exited in front of them on their signature white and black computer-desk chairs.
“He-Hello, Haruno-san,” stutters Hinata, the shy girl and after a full minute she amends herself in the face of her prince “A-and Uchiha-sama. too! Of course!”
“Hello, Hinata-chan!” Smiles Sakura in that overly friendly tone of voice she always uses when meting shy or introverted people. “And TenTen-san! How are you both?”
“We are fine!” Cries out TenTen excitedly, already immersed in her LoudGirl persona, “we’re really excited to have you both here!”
“Well,” smiles Sasuke, falling into his charming royalty façade for the media with ease “I’m really happy to be here, I been following your channel ever since you did your first video on Sakura.” This he says it honestly.
“Really?” Asks Sakura herself, surprised. She holds his hand and leans into him in a slightly demure yet enamoured move.
“Of course,” smirks Sasuke, holding her close, embracing her by her shoulders and then kissing the top of her pink hair. He distances himself away from his girlfriend just enough to address their interviewers “I love Sakura, she’s the woman I intend to make my queen. throne or no throne, so it makes me happy to know that you can see her as I see her.”
“Sasuke-kun…” murmurs Sakura, looking at him in awe. He has told her he loves her a handful of times. But he’s never been so public about his feelings for her until now.
“You look really happy,” smiles Hinata, “like you really belong with each other.” Her smile is kind and dazzling, as if the very sigh of love and affection can make her genuinely happy.
Finally finding her voice and her normally strong attitude, Sakura kisses him on the cheek “That’s because we love each other.” She declares, firmly “we are happy because we are together.”
Sasuke kisses her right behind her ear, Hinata and TenTen sigh completely enamoured with their relationship. Sasuke smirks knowingly.
The media will probably never forget about Sakura’s origins, not even when he eventually gives her the lady title just for appearance’s sake.
Maybe they will forever talk about her clothes and her hair and maybe they will never accept the fact that Sakura will never stop being a doctor after marriage.
But Sasuke will never stop loving the bright eyed doctor who demanded entrance into his mother’s garden as if it was her right and he’s sure that his people will eventually understand this as fact and maybe, just maybe. 
They will love Sakura for who she is just as he and these two girls already do.
Because she is his queen already just as she will be their queen sooner or later.
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
I Have Questions
Since their encounter, both girls decided they would be good friends.
Little did they know that they’d become a lot more than friends, in such a small amount of time.
Neither of them expected what was to come.
-  A few days after the party -
Lucy💕 : Hey u up? Wanna come over ;)?
Deciding to ignore the text, Lauren scoffed. “It’s 11 o’clock at night for fucks sake. Maybe she actually misses me…No that’s ridiculous. All she’s missing is my body.” Unlike she usually would, Lauren didn’t mistake the text for anything other than a booty call. She didn’t see this as one of Lucy’s odd ways of expressing her interest. She often took any type of text, call, or hang out with Lucy as a sign of affection, which is why she was disappointed so so many times. She normally gave into the hook ups and saw them as a sign of love. Not this time though.
She wasn’t sure what changed. Maybe it was Normani’s words finally getting through the “thick skull” that her best friend always said she had.
Lauren walked around her house, unsure what to do. She settled for watching tv, but groaned as she scrolled through the channels and didn’t find anything interesting. She was never one to be able to spend long amounts of time doing nothing. She always had to be doing something -anything that she deemed productive. Once again, her mother had left her to be alone. She had no siblings and her father was barely apart of her life. So more often than not, her house was empty. Lauren didn’t mind as she would normally call up Normani or Lucy. Unfortunately for her, Normani had a date with some guy she met at the party and Lucy…Well. Lucy was Lucy.
Suddenly, Lauren got an idea and was surprised that she hadn’t already done so. She pulled out her phone and scrolled through her contacts until she found who she was looking for. She laughed, seeing how the girl spelt her name phonetically. Instead of “Camila” it was “Cameela” with a banana emoji next to it. She didn’t understand why “Cameela” put her name like that since she had not once said “Camilla” as most do. She had to thank her Cuban background for that one. She was also confused about the significance of the banana emoji. Lauren opened up the messages and thought about what she should say. She didn’t want to be awkward or weird, but she didn’t really know how to start off the conversation. Lauren didn’t have much experience in the dating world. Lucy was the one who first approached her and she’s only had few other innocent interactions. Although she tended to prefer women over men, she still liked men. Because of this she didn’t know how to start a conversation off over text.  She sent a short and simple “Hey” just to be safe. She put her phone back on the couch, not expecting a response for a little bit. Then she decided to look for something better to do. She turned off the tv and opted to go get one of her books.
Lauren smiled as she scanned all the rows of books that she’s collected through the years. She loved reading and could never put a good book down. She picked one of her favorites, Sound and Fury; Lauren had already read it three times. She couldn’t help but love the familiarity she felt when re-reading books. She had to have re-read each book at least once, especially if it was on her shelf. If a book was saved, then it had a special meaning to her. It wasn’t just another pastime for her. Each story carried its own significance.
Lauren first began reading when she was younger, as it was an escape from the world around her. Reading gave her an exit route when she was stuck in her room trying to drown out her parents yelling. To her, books were everything that she didn’t have: everywhere she hadn’t been, the revelations she hadn’t yet realized, the types of people she had yet to meet, and the type of love she longed for. Books were her everything. Lauren never understood how some people purposely chose to not read books. Didn’t get how they went out of their way to avoid reading. She never would. Lauren had always hoped that her future soul mate (if those were even real. She’s still not sure if she believes in soulmates) would love books just as much as she does. All so that they would strike up discussions about diction, tone, symbolism and so on. Basically everything your English teacher makes you think about, except they’d do it just for fun. Yes, Lauren is extremely nerdy and she never fails to show it.
She grabbed the book and went back to the living room. She plopped onto the couch and was surprisingly happy to see her phone lit up by a text from Camila.
Cameela🍌: Hey! What’s up?
Lauren: Nothin much… Just bored at home lol
Cameela🍌: Wow, can’t say the same for myself. I’m being turned into a princess. The whole shabang: Hair, makeup, everything!
Lauren: Is this a normal occurrence for you? Or is it only during the nighttime do you get so dolled up? I don’t remember you being a princess the night we met…
Cameela🍌: Oh, of course not every night. That would ruin the specialness of it! I have a special guest doing my hair and makeup. She happens to be only 10 years old and also my little sis btw
Lauren: How cute! What’s her name? I’ve always wanted siblings to do stuff like that with
Cameela🍌: Aw but isn’t it nice not having to share anything? Her name is Sofi and she says hi :)
Lauren: Yeah it’s nice but lonesome.
Lauren felt herself growing sad when she began to think about the empty places she had in her heart. She often felt lonely, especially at times like now where she was doing anything to occupy her time. A lot of times that’s where Lucy fell into place. Lauren grasped at anything to fill that hole. More than not, Lucy filled that hole temporarily with sexual interactions rather than affection. She always left Lauren to dig through those interactions for any resemblance of love and attention. Lauren shook her head, realizing she didn’t want to show Camila this side of her. Attempting to evade her previous statement, Lauren sent another text.
Lauren: Anyway, how is it that Dinah and I know each other, but you and I haven’t met before last saturday?
Cameela🍌: Hmm… I’m not really sure. Dinah and I often go out together, but maybe because I have all AP classes. Idk if you have any and we just have them at different times orr…?
Seeing as Camila’s text had no relevance to Lauren’s first text, Lauren sighed. Just as she had hoped. But some part of Lauren, deep down, wanted Camila to acknowledge the sad part of her. Hell, she wanted anyone to acknowledge it, but didn’t want to out right admit it. She didn’t want to crave for pity or attention, but rather wanted a way to stop herself from feeling the way she did. She thought Lucy was the answer, as she did for many things. But, most of the time, Lucy only made her feel even worse.
Lauren constantly felt helpless, trapped in this never ending heartache. Not just from the lack of love from Lucy, but the lack of family. Her mom was an only child so she didn’t have any uncles, aunts or cousins – which was rather odd for a cuban family. As for her dad’s side, all she knew is that she had a grandma and a few aunts, but not any further details. They all took his side. They all believed he was at no fault for their estranged relationship. She hated them for that. They blamed Lauren for it. They would say that her sexuality was the reason her father didn’t take part in her life. Even though it began long before Lauren even knew what the world “sexuality” meant. She let them have her beliefs. She would never try to convince them otherwise and wasn’t even bitter about it. If they thought her sexuality was a valid reason for her father to stop visiting or calling, then she figured she didn’t need those kind of people in her life.
Her mom’s mom, her abuela, one of the people she loved the most, passed away a few years ago.  That’s when Lauren first began to feel this way. And, don’t get her wrong, Normani and her family had always embraced Lauren and had her over whenever she pleased. However, it was always different. She didn’t want to feel like a burden upon them or intrude on their family time. They weren’t her family and she couldn’t forget that she no longer had one. Yes, she had her mom, but she wasn’t much. Her mother always struggled with admitting how bad of a mother she really was. As a result of Lauren living a privileged life-she had the nicest things, and never had to worry about food, money, or any material items-, her mother felt that Lauren had no reason to complain about her absence. This idea was constantly engraved into her mind. Therefore the brunette always felt guilt for feeling anything but satisfaction with her life and these “oh so wonderful” possessions her mother was able to provide her.  Yet this materialistic way of thinking was not for her. These items weren’t able to fill the hole in her heart, let alone love her as a family could. 
Lauren finally got out of her headspace and wiped the lone tear falling down her cheek. She saw that Camila texted her back 7 minutes ago and quickly sent a reply.
Lauren: So that’s probably the reason we’ve never crossed paths before. I have a couple AP classes but not all… I could never handle that along with being in softball. Do you play any sports?
Cameela🍌: Wow, I didn’t know you were apart of the team. You guys are really good. I haven’t been to a game for like a year, but I’ve heard you always put on a good show.
Cameela🍌: And omg me and sports? That would be some type of miracle…Unless you count eating as a sport?
Lauren: Haha! No, unfortunately I don’t believe eating falls into that category… Nice try tho ;) And yea, I’ve been on the varsity team since sophomore year.  
Cameela🍌: Damn I was finally going to be considered an athlete, maybe next year. Since sophomore year? Jeeze.. You must be pretty good. I guess I have a reason to go to the game on Friday, huh?
Lauren: Yes you should def come see how amazing i am ;)
Lauren then remembered to ask about the banana emoji.
Lauren: Why the banana emoji btw??
Cameela🍌: bc theyre amazing!! The best fruit! I can’t believe you would even ask why. I’m appalled…
Lauren laughed to herself, loving how goofy Camila was. She hoped this conversation was as fun for Camila as it was for her. She texted back, playing along with the banter.
Lauren: Oh shit. You’re right! How dare I!?! Sorry your highness, I won’t do it again. Promise!
Cameela🍌: Yea you better or else!
Lauren: Oooo I’m so scared
Cameela🍌: Mhm you should be. I’m quite terrifying.
Lauren: I find that hard to believe…
Cameela🍌: Yea yea whatever Lolo ;)
Lauren: new nickname?
Cameela🍌: Yes! New contact too
Lauren looked over to the clock, noticing it was about to be midnight, she cursed at herself. She had gotten lost in the conversation.
Lauren: It’s getting late btw i’m gonna head to bed. It was fun texting, maybe we’ll see each other in the halls tomorrow… gn :)
Camila: Aw okay, it was fun! And I hope so… Goodnight :)
Lauren was a little confused if Camila was flirting with her or not.. There were only a couple handfuls of girls out at their school. Maybe she should ask Dinah or Normani just incase… Then again she wasn’t sure if she liked Camila or if she just liked how someone was taking her mind off of Lucy. And yet she still hoped that Camila was flirting with her, because Lauren was most definitely flirting with her. Lauren couldn’t help it, it just came with the banter but she couldn’t help but feel that something else hidden amongst it. She smiled, rethinking about it all. Lauren felt happy to have a new friend, to learn more about a person. She was excited to know even more about the banana loving girl. She even blushed at the thought of Camila only going to the softball game for her. Thinking about all the times she tried to get Lucy to go to her games, she found that Lucy always had an excuse. Always had an excuse that Lauren accepted rather than facing the truth. The truth that Lucy didn’t find the game interesting or worth her time, even if Lauren was one of the star players. She was surprised that Camila, someone she had only met a few days ago, was already interested in going already. She smiled thinking about seeing Camila’s face in the stands as she was going up to bat. She could get used to seeing that girl with pretty brown eyes cheering her on. As Lauren thought more about it, she began to get butterflies in her stomach.
Author’s Note:
Hey it’s Aly! To all of you who are reading this, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I definitely tried to make it longer than the last. I’ll keep making them longer as time goes on, or at least try to. Sorry this took a bit, but it seems that my mind only goes into writing mode between 1 and 4 a.m. Anyway, I’m really looking forward for you all to see the build in Lauren and Camila’s relationship. Hopefully you’ll follow the story through and be able to see how it ends! Also big thanks to those of you who have come forward and offered to help me with this story. I really appreciate you guys and hope that we’ll be able to make the story great! Let me know what you think and spread the word :)
P.S: If any of you ever feel like talking about anything and everything just hmu on my tumblr!
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