#(PLEASE forgive any typos or mistakes. im exhausted and its late)
webearbros · 4 years
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“Our boys have had quite the lifestyle changes and have grown a lot, but they are still the same bears we know and love! To put it simply, the blog is going to be having a big time skip to some time after the movie!”
Hi y’all! as you can tell my momentum with the blog has really stopped in its tracks, and I super lost steam for what I was doing. :’( I’m really sorry! i truly wanted to continue and finish, but with the pressure of art school + real life it just was not happening.
I can either try to force myself to wrap up, or just outright tell you what bit of plot was planned and answer a few little things here and there about how the last arc was planned to be wrapped up.
Though, since forcing myself to continue clearly hasn’t worked i’ll just let you in on the plot, because honestly? if i tried to keep forcing the blog in this direction the blog would just end up dead. So if you want the planned conclusion to the last arc its under the read more.
Anyway, I hope you look forward to the “Future Bears Askblogverse!” I am much more pumped to work on this blog again with this new idea. I hope you’ll stay along as I try this new direction! New inspiration should be a much healthier way to stay motivated for this! <3
The studio Grizz had wandered to actually indeed was the area Nom Nom was attending an event as a guest star! We would have found him upstairs in one of the dressing room talking with Farmer about how an employee called in sick.
Also The “Mr. Allen” mentioned by the guy unloading movie set supplies from the truck is actually Farmer! (he has a last name wow!) It was why Grizz was easily directed to where he needed to be.
The bit of plot that was planned was just confusion between Nom Nom and Grizz about why the other was here at the studio. Grizz thought Nom Nom wasn’t supposed to work today, and expressed confusion about him not taking time off work to visit his doctor. 
However, Nom Nom was confused because:
1) He thought Grizz already knew he was working today? and...
2) he would have realized at first glance the askers are the same people who ticked him off at his last photoshoot! He was more concerned that maybe now they were following/bugging Grizz now because of an association to him. (oops he cares!)
As it turns out it was a misunderstanding.
Nom Nom didn’t know Grizz just had a blog with overly excited followers and was reassured that the bear wasn’t in any kind of issue. Secondly he had sent Grizz an IM that morning saying something came up that made him reschedule.
Remember how reaaallyyy sleepy Grizz was that morning before the arcs even started? He forgot to check his computer, and totally missed the memo.
Also! Nom Nom was not skipping, or avoiding meeting with Dr. Shauna! He just pushed it back a bit because this interview could help smooth over the upset that resulted from him being grouchy at the photoshoot and taking a 5 which disrupted the schedule badly. (callback to his first appearance)
So long story short, Grizz hung around for a bit to encourage Nom Nom before the interview. During that time they would have answered a few questions from askers too.
Once the interview had concluded, Nom Nom hesitantly offered Grizz a ride back to the cave since it was late. Plus that “they needed to cross the bridge anyway to get to the estate, and it was on the route, so like whatever its fine.”
and sooo Grizz got a ride! Once back at the cave, and now waving at the limo that is now driving away he is finally finally home.
He knocks at Pandas door and strangely doesn’t receive an answer? He would have opened the door a crack to see Panda just went to sleep early for some reason?
 Not questioning it he then just plays a videogame while he waits for Ice bear to come home safely. Which you see at the end of Ice bear’s arc.
The ultimate conclusion of the arcs is all the bears indeed had a long day, but it was a day well spent! Grizz and Ice both fall asleep on the couch after a fun evening playing mario kart together :)
That is all. Thanks for reading if you’re somehow still here after that wall of text wow! ^^” I hope you enjoyed and will stick around for where I take the blog next. Hopefully we should have lots of fun.
Thanks for being awesome, I wish y’all the best. Cheers! ^^
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