#(Thank you again bestie!!! u3u <333)
yukikorogashi · 6 months
“Oh, Itsuki—! There you are. I was hoping I might borrow you for a couple hours this morning . . . ?” Ryunosuke's fussing over a plethora of ingredients he's set out on the counter, mentally going through a checklist for the umpteenth time: a guarantee that he has everything he needs and won't be forced to make a quick run to the market for an outstanding item. He tests the weight of a bag of flour again, then eventually swivels to meet the girl's eyes. “You, ah . . . might already have plans”—it is her birthday, after all—“and if so, please go attend them, but if not . . . I thought it might be fun to endeavor baking a shortcake together.”
And, no, this has absolutely nothing to do with his own lacking experience in that area—! (Or the worry that an attempt by his lonesome would not go . . . nearly as swimmingly.)
. . . Perhaps a little to do with that, but the main point is to spend time together, so there's no use holding it against him.
“We can decorate it however you like,” he bolsters, a smile spreading easily across his lips. “And if it doesn't turn out perfect, then . . . I suppose we'll have no choice but to eat it before anyone else has to see.”
// happy birthday to the sweet gorl!! ;w;/ <3
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❤️ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ITSUKI!!! (15th March) ❤️
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THE SIGHT THAT WOULD GREET HER this early morning was just what was needed to rouse her out of her drowsy daze. And while a teensy bit caught off guard, it was nonetheless a PLEASANT SURPRISE that they would already be off to such an early start on this rather SPECIAL DAY! And so, with her curiosity piqued (And with one last gentle rub to her sleep encrusted eyes), Itsuki would look between the young lawyer, and the numerous items placed upon the countertop itself with a slight tilt of her head.
With a smile already lighting up her face, it would be through her BUDDING POWERS OF DEDUCTION-- that she would already figure out just what @tenacquity had planned this morning for the two of them. Just SECONDS before he himself would affirm it, of course~
And so, even before he was done speaking, the young one was already bouncing on over, as she took her place by his side. Taking a better gander at the ingredients spread across the tabletop itself, before grinning brightly up at him when he had ended it off with the two best things!
Getting to decorate it, and of course-- getting to eat it together right after!
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"Ahhhh ah'd love to, bro! Ehehe, looks like we'll be bakin' an' gettin' BREAKFAST ready, huh?"
A SUGAR-FILLED BREAKFAST that would ruin a normal person's appetite for rest of the day-- BUT HEEEEEY, it's her birthday! So just let her have this!
And, oh gosh, he had even gotten so, SO MANY CAKE DECORATIONS to choose from. So many fruits, candies, chocolates-- and in so many flavors and colors! It really was going to be a blast when the time came for them pretty up their shortcake together! She just knows that it was gonna turn out A-MA-ZING!
Though, as she would cast a brief glance over to the rather large pack of flour to the side, she couldn't help but wonder for a moment over how the poor bro had brought ALL OF THIS over by himself! After all, even if he had carried them all over here in bags, it would still be a struggle for one person alone to do so! And all of this was just for lil' ol her, too!
And while she did have a few things to do today, they could most certainly wait until later. The bro had already pretty much called FIRST DIBS, with his polite lil' invitation in baking this shortcake together. And NO WAY, NO HOW would she be so foolish enough to reject this fun opportunity to spend some time together with him! Why, she almost already wanted to kick her ALTERNATE SELF'S BUTT for even DARING to do such a thing! ... Wherever she may be.
"Ah didn' know ya could bake, bro! Yer jus' the full package, ain't cha~?"
As they would begin to set up the bowls and utensils, Itsuki couldn't help but point this out (Not yet knowing the simple truth of it being otherwise). Simply full of GROWING ADMIRATION for the smart young lawyer, as she believed then that he had other talents that she has yet to learn about.
It really was just so sweet that he didn't just remember her birthday, but was taking time out of his clearly busy schedule to spend it with her. And so, after at least pouring out the flour and sugar into separate bowls, Itsuki would gesture to Ryuu to lean down for a moment so that he was closer to her eye level. Going on her tippy toes, as she leaned up then to peck his cheek in gratitude.
"Thank you fer this, bro~"
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