#(The weird highlight was from this old pen I had that had 10 colors including pink)
koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure ~ Our War Game {Bokura no WarGame} + Koushiro{u} x Taichi {Young Me If Only You Knew What Was About To Happen}
A.K.A: One of my earliest acknowledgements of Dub!TaiKou + Koushiro aka Izzy's Missing Social Cues TM -- and I think I'm gonna flip {rEMEMBERING THIS-}
(I highlight 'from another kid' bc that was Important---)
(Original commentary + elaborating on original Japanese lines under 'read more'!)
+ the little *stars* for Titles + I wrote it as "Our War Game" + Yes I wrote out their J.P.N names despite it being Dubverse
(TAI "You didn't have to read it so WELL...")
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{IMGs by Me} {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (Please ASK to Use)
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power-chords · 3 years
Post-trip round-up, integration, thoughts (cut for length & some Heavy Shit)
WOW I needed that and I am so glad I realized I needed that. It has been well over ten years since I last took LSD, and my reluctance to indulge in psychedelics again was rooted in a long and complicated history that I don't really need to hash out here, but doing a mild dose of mushrooms last weekend gave me the confidence and conviction that I was ready.
Would it have been wiser to take a less bonkers dose for the first time in a decade plus? Probably! Do I regret a single moment of it? Not a whit! It's tough to overstate just how powerful, therapeutic, and restorative a good acid trip is, even an occasionally intense, uncomfortable one. I do not recommend eating multiple tabs of extremely good blotter on your first rodeo, but Adam's even more of a veteran psychonaut than I am, so I was 1000% well cared for, totally safe, and in a comfortable, familiar environment. In that setting, and in a positive frame of mind, acid is not going to throw anything at you that you are not equipped to handle. I would love to make this an annual or biannual thing.
The cool, funny, wacky delightful stuff:
Put it under my tongue at 10 AM-ish. Went to go listen to some music and doodle until it kicked in. I forgot that the come-up is like, do not make any fucking plans involving hand-eye coordination LMAO. I was trying to doodle Bowery Ballroom in an old sketchbook, and that devolved quickly. The markers were old so some of the caps were really stuck on there, and I wound up devolving into fits of laughter from the absurdity of pulling the caps off with my teeth.
Ink stains on my hands started writhing and trailing and were very cool. That was the first thing I noticed. I got very sad that I stopped drawing and making art, which was something I did all my life and almost went to school for but stopped doing as an adult. And then I realized I could start drawing again any time if I wanted to, and I didn't have to be GOOD at it or a proper artist for it to be worthwhile and fun. Felt immediately happy again.
Adam decided to watch Lethal Weapon???? I was like, Don't Like That. Even though he had headphones on and I couldn't hear anything. I am ambivalent about screens at best when I'm tripping, and at worst I don't even want to be in the same room with them. Guns and violence seemed comically, brutally stupid. Turned my back to the TV and continued drawing and writing until I could no longer hold a pen. Eventually Adam got on my wavelength and was like yeah, this is too much! (He took like, twice the dose that I did. I have no idea how he was even able to talk to me, but he managed!)
Felt the need to message Liana while peaking, picked up my phone, and saw that she had already sent me this:
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I thought that was HILARIOUS (tbh it actually was, and it was not just the acid talking)
For the first few hours of teeth-grinding, reality-shearing intensity, Adam and I mostly lounged in bed with the shades pulled all the way up and the window open, cuddling and petting Ernie. Fantastic bonding experience for the whole fam.
Looking at every surface in the apartment became like looking at a stained glass ceiling, or an infinite mandala, or the muddied rainbows in oil-slicked puddles. It looked like Ernie's fur was breathing and someone had colored all over the white parts of him with a highlighter. Adam agreed with this assessment. Formica on the kitchen counters was bananas. So were the trees outside, rippling like celluloid and brighter green than I had ever seen them.
The two of us spent a good 15 minutes doubled over with laughter because Adam suggested a contraption for funneling Fancy Feast directly into Ernie's mouth, kind of like shotgunning a beer
Adam: "I can't believe I used to to this and get on the subway and try to do things with people." Me: "What? How did you even figure out how to get from Point A to Point B?" Adam: "I mean, we didn't, really. We usually got lost. It was fine, though." Truly, it's about the friends you make along the way!
The second half of the trip, when things are starting to mellow out a bit, is when you become a real rock star. I went outside for a walk around the neighborhood, and to sit in the park with my headphones on while watching kids play on the playground, and it was ECSTATIC. I was just overjoyed. My face still hurts from smiling.
Forgot that I needed money to realize my goal of obtaining a popsicle, so I had to detour back into the apartment and explain all of this to my husband before resuming the popsicle quest. He thought it was very funny, but sympathized.
Fresh air, popsicles and San Pellegrino on acid. On another level! 100/10.
Bathrooms still universally suck, LOL. -10/10. Not a fan of that bathroom while tripping face! Every time I had to pee it was like WELL here we go again into the Pink Squirming Hell Chamber (I am making this sound like more of a big deal than it actually was)
15 HOURS. 15 HOURS Jesus Christ lmao I did not stop seeing weird shit on screens and surfaces until like 1 AM. And even then, if I stared long enough, funky colors and patterns would re-emerge. It's a commitment. I feel happy and refreshed, but also totally exhausted. Definitely have to budget a full weekend of No Plans for any future trips.
The Heavy Shit:
There is some Cronenberg-level body horror right before the visuals get super rainbow-stained and stereotypically psychedelic, which sounds bad, but I promise it isn't. It's watching the veins pulse under your skin and change into very saturated colors, pores and hair and scars become very defined and wiggly, and as someone who has so much bodily anxiety related to my alopecia/IBS, it was weirdly... freeing? You get to experience all this stuff in an entirely new frame of mind, shedding judgment and old thought ruts. I remember thinking, "I do not need to feel shame about my body," and letting go of so much baggage.
At some point mid-afternoon I decided to retrieve my phone from the drawer again, and saw that I had a missed call and a voicemail from my dad. I decided to play it back, and he was just phoning to tell me that he was listening to a live version of "Sally Simpson" and Keith was doing this thing where he wasn't even touching the cymbals, and had I listened to that specific performance before and noticed the same thing, and wasn't he truly the greatest drummer that ever lived? "Anyway, no need to call me back, just wanted to let you know. I love my bubbie!" (His term of endearment for me.) And I went to go sit in bed and weep for a straight 15 minutes, the most cleansing, purging cry you could possibly imagine, while Adam hugged me and rubbed my back. I was overwhelmed, overcome by this feeling of cosmic Love and Connection with my family and my husband and all of my friends.
I had been sitting on and burying so much fear and distress from the past 18 months, the chronic, low-grade trauma that was worrying if COVID was going to kill my father, my best friend and closest confidante and the one person on earth who I feel truly Gets Me on a spiritual level, and all of that came out. Fully processed and released every ounce of grief. What replaced it was the absolute, unshakable faith that no matter what happens — including my greatest fear, which is inevitable, no matter how far off it may be — he will always be with me, and a part of me, in the music we both love, and I will never, ever lose that.
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your-dietician · 3 years
History presents 'Fight the Power'; 'Us' on 'Masterpiece' | Arts & Entertainment
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/entertainment/history-presents-fight-the-power-us-on-masterpiece-arts-entertainment/
History presents 'Fight the Power'; 'Us' on 'Masterpiece' | Arts & Entertainment
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NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar hosts and co-produced “Fight the Power: The Movements That Changed America” (7 p.m. Saturday, History, TV-PG). This one-hour survey offers a brisk glance at protest movements, from the Labor Rights struggled between the 1880s and the 1930s; the battle to give women the vote; the modern Civil Rights movement that emerged from the Montgomery, Ala., bus protests and the murder of Emmett Till; the fight for gay recognition and rights in the post-Stonewall era; and the recent uprisings protesting police violence against men and women of color. Each of these historical currents could fill a documentary of its own, if not miniseries treatment.
A fascinating figure who defies category, Jabbar was a perennial All-Star during his playing days with the Milwaukee Bucks and Los Angeles Lakers. At the same time, he studied martial arts with Bruce Lee. In his retirement, he has emerged as what used to be known as a “public intellectual,” a writer and spokesperson unaffiliated with academia who has been vocal in his support of social justice movements. He’s also a widely published author. Similar to many famous people, he has written his memoirs but also has co-written several ruminations on Sherlock Holmes and World War II.
“Fight the Power” is one among many commemorations of Juneteenth, recalling June 19, 1865, when Black residents of Galveston, Texas, were informed of the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863. History will repeat “Tulsa Burning: The 1921 Race Massacre” (8 p.m., Saturday, TV-14). Other notable cable offerings include “12 Years a Slave” (6 p.m. Saturday, Sundance, TV-14) and “Selma” (7 p.m., FXM, TV-14). CBS will air “Selma” (7 p.m., Sunday) as well, its network broadcast debut.
• Nothing quite announces a couple’s comfortable semi-retirement like a European tour. Unless, of course, you’re on the verge of splitting up and have a miserable teenage son tagging along.
That’s the gist of “Us,” a “Masterpiece” (8 p.m., Sunday, PBS, TV-14) presentation based on a novel by David Nicholls.
Douglas (Tom Hollander, “The Night Manager”) awakens one morning to his wife, Connie’s (Saskia Reeve, “Luther”), announcement she wants a change. Not a divorce as much as a separation. With their moody son, Albie (Tom Taylor), about to enter university, she thinks “their work is done” and can’t face the prospect of empty nesting with a man who can’t communicate.
Or so she says. This bombshell coincides with their long-planned grand tour of continental capitals, an expensive one at that. Douglas insists they call it off, but Connie persuades him it might offer one last chance for him to bond with his sullen offspring.
So, don’t go expecting an amusing travelogue similar to “The Trip” franchise with Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon. The spirit here is more akin to “Two for the Road,” the wistful 1967 anti-romance starring Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney.
Happily, it’s about this time “Us” offers prolonged flashbacks to the first encounters of young Douglas and Connie (Iain De Caestecker and Gina Bramhill), when he was a socially awkward biochemist and she a budding artist surrounded by a gaggle of pretentious friends.
Both the grand tour and the misty reminiscences unfold with a great deal of walking and talking, not unlike the charming and highly chatty 1995 Richard Linklater romance “Before Sunrise,” starring Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy. At its best, and perhaps its most obvious, “Us,” suggests this long wander is about to enter a new juncture.
It’s a bit of a shame “Masterpiece” should offer this series during two Sundays in two-hour dollops. Sixty minutes of this talky and often heartbreaking story is more than enough in one sitting. Who tunes in to British TV to listen to characters talk about their feelings?
• 2021 U.S. Open golf championship (6 p.m., NBC).
• Auto racing (7 p.m., CBS).
• A pregnant woman vanishes in the 2021 shocker “Secrets of a Marine’s Wife” (7 p.m., Lifetime, TV-14).
• Both clans face peril as “Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty” (7 p.m., BBC America, TV-PG) continues.
• Scheduled in the U.S. Olympic trials: swimming (8 p.m.); track and field (9 p.m.).
• When circumstances keep an event planner from attending her friend’s destination wedding, she turns to an old correspondent in the 2021 romance “Her Pen Pal” (8 p.m., Hallmark, TV-G).
• Scheduled on “60 Minutes” (6 p.m., CBS): A profile of the Minnesota prosecutors in the George Floyd case; the Oath Keepers’ role in the Jan. 6 terrorist attack on the Capitol; Japan’s baseball phenom Shohei Ohtani.
• The Braves host the Cardinals in Major League Baseball (6 p.m., ESPN).
• U.S. Olympic trials (NBC) include swimming (7 p.m.) and track and field (8 p.m.).
• “Kevin Can FK Himself” (8 p.m., AMC, TV-MA) migrates to cable.
• Sessions continue on “In Treatment” (8 p.m. through 8:30 p.m., HBO, TV-MA).
• Kiesha enters labor on “The Chi” (8 p.m., Showtime, TV-MA).
• Unfinished business on “Little Birds” (8:30 p.m., Starz, TV-MA).
• Dan wants to coach on “Flatbush Misdemeanors” (9:30 p.m., Showtime, TV-MA).
— OK, that was weird. The least expected story of the week was the scandal involving Felicity Huffman (“Desperate Housewives”) and Lori Loughlin, star of “When Calls the Heart” (7 p.m. Sunday, Hallmark, TV-G), in a bribery/cheating plot to get their respective daughters into elite universities.
This is obviously an ongoing case, and all sides must have their say, or day, in court. But the motivation at the center of this story is worth discussing. It involves some overwhelming need to do anything to get children into elite schools. As if anything “lesser” were unthinkable.
Television plays no small role in this insecurity. I can’t remember how many times I’ve had to describe an ABC legal drama where every single character hails from only the most exclusive Ivy and spends most of the pilot bragging about it.
There was a time, not that long ago, when John Grisham wrote best-selling books about young, barely accredited lawyers from no-name institutions who took on impossible cases against massive corporations and eventually won. And got the girl, to boot.
So, our current era’s neurotic obsession with elitism and inequality is hardly hard-wired.
If anything comes of this sordid affair, it’s an appreciation that shoddy efforts at snobbery are always essentially pathetic. Or on classic TV, comedic. Watching “Gilligan’s Island,” we identified with Mary Ann and the Skipper, and pitied the millionaire and his wife.
— CNN launches the four-hour documentary “Tricky Dick” (8 p.m., Sunday), profiling the life and times of Richard Nixon’s public career, which spanned the decades from the dawn of the Cold War to the Clinton years.
— An anxious new mother joins a group for solidarity and support, only to discover that it has darker plans on its agenda in the 2019 shocker “Mommy Group Murder” (7 p.m., Lifetime, TV-14).
— The Thunder and Warriors meet in NBA action (7:30 p.m., ABC).
— An old kidnapper returns to form on “Ransom” (8 p.m., CBS, TV-14).
— Scheduled on “60 Minutes” (6 p.m., CBS): Embassy workers in China and Cuba complain of mysterious ailments; AOL founder Steve Case and his plans to invest in the future of overlooked American small towns and cities; a visit to Monaco.
— The duels begin on “World of Dance” (7 p.m., NBC, TV-PG).
— Auditions continue on “American Idol” (7 p.m., ABC, TV-PG).
— Lex Luthor is on the loose on “Supergirl” (7 p.m., CW, TV-PG).
— Mr. Wednesday prepares for battle on “American Gods” (7 p.m., Starz, TV-MA).
— After learning about her royal lineage, an adopted 10-year-old becomes a little tyrant in the 2019 shocker “Mommy’s Little Princess” (7 p.m., Lifetime, TV-14).
— A secret room holds dangers on “Charmed” (8 p.m., CW, TV-14).
— Hidden secrets revealed on “The Walking Dead” (8 p.m., AMC, TV-MA).
— A new trial is pursued on “The Case Against Adnan Syed” (8 p.m., HBO, TV-14).
— Axe is determined to destroy Taylor on the fourth season premiere of “Billions” (8 p.m., Showtime, TV-MA).
— Ulysses pursues a conspiracy theory on “Now Apocalypse” (8 p.m., Starz, TV-MA).
— “Unsung” (8 p.m., TVONE) profiles the Jets.
— Pacific overtures on “Madam Secretary” (9 p.m., CBS, TV-PG).
— Tensions rise on “Good Girls” (9 p.m., NBC, TV-14).
— Mo’s past is revealed on “Black Monday” (9 p.m., Showtime, TV-MA).
— St. Patrick’s Day inspires many traditions. Syfy offers a marathon of “Leprechaun” movies, from “Leprechaun 5: In the Hood” (4 p.m. Saturday, TV-14) to “Leprechaun 2” (8 p.m.). TCM takes the traditional approach, ladling out the Technicolor blarney of director John Ford’s 1952 romance “The Quiet Man” (7 p.m. Sunday, TV-PG).
“Dateline” (7 p.m., NBC, TV-PG) … “NBA Countdown” (7 p.m., ABC) … The kids are all right on “MasterChef” (8 p.m., Fox, r, TV-PG) … “48 Hours” (9 p.m., CBS) … A vintage helping of “Saturday Night Live” (9 p.m., NBC, r, TV-14).
A visit from an old friend inspires Miles on “God Friended Me” (7 p.m., CBS, TV-PG) … Homer can’t leave Bart’s virtual realm on “The Simpsons” (7 p.m., Fox, TV-14) … Empathy for all things on “Bob’s Burgers” (7:30 p.m., Fox, TV-14).
A walk down the aisle on “NCIS: Los Angeles” (8 p.m., CBS, TV-14) … On two episodes of “Family Guy” (Fox, TV-14), Meg’s winter Olympics (8 p.m.), fighting over a dowager (8:30 p.m., r) … Aches and pains on “Shark Tank” (9 p.m., ABC, TV-PG).
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: Kawaii Box Jan 19
Here I am with another Kawaii Box review!
To be honest, after my concerns and small-annoyances with the Blippo order I got, I feel like my opinions on Kawaii Box have altered a little. On one hand, I appreciate how much effort they put into it and I like the surprise of never knowing what to expect- but on the other... I don’t know, the blippo order sort of left a bad taste.
I also came to a decision. This month I plan on checking out the Japan Crate online store and see what they have. If I find enough I like I’ll be making a purchase from them and see how that goes.
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Word of the month: Fuyu - Winter
Okay, so first I’ll be showing a DIY candy we got for this month. I’m pretty excited because this is a new one that was released sometime last year I believe, and I’ve never tried it before.
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As usual I’ll be covering this in a separate post, so look forward to that ;3
Praise Stamp Set
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Our first item (ironically I took this one last) is a cute set of “praise dog“ stamps. I think these might be one of those “dollar store” items, which you can usually tell due to the quality of the box. As soon as I went to open it, it ripped so I’ll probably throw away the box and find a container to put these in.
I couldn’t find these or anything like them on Blippo, but they did have some other stamp sets. This specific one features a cute pink ink pad and 5, wood block stamps featuring cute little phrases and images.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Well, besides the cute color the ink pad uses, I think the stamps are adorable. They would be perfect for little notes or papers, and 3 out of the 5 would be great to share with friends or others (I say that because the other two have asian writing on them). But for a “praise“ theme I’m not sure what tea has to do with it..
The stamps also work, and of course you could use them with other ink pads too, which is why I think stamps are kind of fun x3 they’re very versatile; I loved using them to make pictures when I was little.
Animal Spray Bottle
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Our next item... to be frank, I don’t think would be ideal during winter if you would try to use it in cold environments or when outside- but outside of winter it’d be great!
Back when I first started to get these boxes, one of the first few items I saw was a cute little spray bottle. I used it for a good while afterwards, simply putting water in it to use during summer. A little misting on the head and you’ll feel a lot cooler. But you could also use it for perfume, toner, pretty much anything liquidy.
On Blippo.com, this is available in 4 different colors/animals for $2.90. They also have the old one I got on there for $3.50.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Besides being cute I think something like this is pretty helpful; especially if you feel hot or sticky. Spritzing yourself with a mist of water is very cooling~
The lid also stays on nice and tight, so I’m sure you wouldn’t have to worry about it coming loose and then getting the product all over yourself or items.
Moomin Plush
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Our next item is this cute hand-sized Moomin plush. It is a bean-bag plush, and not only is it cuddly, but it can be attached to various items with it’s matching ball chain, or attached to things with the included suction cup.
This is available on Blippo for $5.90
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Besides a small section of its tail that’s a bit... weird, the stitching and detail is very nice. He’s very cute and soft too, and I like the versatility of how you can use it.
Tofu Squishy Charm
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I love tofu squishies~ they’re so cute and soft, and this one is so little and adorable, I can’t get over it! Anyone who likes to collect squishy has at least one of these, whether you think it’s tofu or a marshmallow; or in this case an ice cube.
With the included strap you can bring this little sweetie around with you or just remove it and plop it somewhere you would need some stress relief.
You can find these in a variety of colors on Blippo, each $1.33
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
It’s very soft and mushy-squishy, it’s maybe a 6-7 out of 10 in terms of rising speed. It’s slow but it’s not a satisfying slow rise, but if you’re like me and don’t care about that then I think it’s just slow enough to keep quickly squeezing. 
The only problem I see with it is the fact it’s “lining/trim“ is very messy, which you can see in the pic. This is an easy fix with an execto knife or scissors though.
Dessert Sticker Set
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Next up is this adorable set of sweets-themed stickers. You get a 30 count, a couple of each of the items shown above, with 2 of the very large sticker. On Blippo besides this set, there are sets of strawberry, sweet breakfast, and ice cream desserts, each one costing $2.90
The stickers appear to have a shimmery, semi-metallic finish and gold, shiny detailing to ensure they will catch attention wherever you use them. The page doesn’t mention it, but I also detected a scent while observing these. I’m not sure if it was the stickers or the packaging, but it’s a light, sweet aroma~
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
You can’t really say much about stickers- but I really like these! Being the sweets addict I am, these are right up my alley. The quality and detail is really pretty, especially when you compare them to the sticker sheets -in which I usually find little errors- and I wish we got these types more often.
Korean Tape Set
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Anyone whose been around here will probably recognize this setup. This is probably the third set of these we’re getting (but it’s a bit different looking than usual), and this time the tapes seem to be more... decorative in inspiration in comparison to the flashier, bright colored tapes I’ve gotten before. But we’re getting a variety: 2 colorful patterns, 2 England and America inspired, and 2 elegant floral.
The tape dispenser is the same as always though.
You can find this set and others on Blippo for $2.90.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I do enjoy deco tapes and I love collecting swatches/samples of them to unwind a little now and then, but I tend to get a little tired of these specific ones. However, in saying that I actually really liked this set! The tapes rip very cleanly and the tape dispenser works the best out of the 3 I’ve had so far. I like the mix of themes too, because I feel like this set could be really versatile in use.
Hungry Whale Hole Punch
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This box has been really working on the feels, because when I was little another item I liked to collect and play with was decorative, cutesy hole punches. I still have them somewhere in my bedroom but I don’t really do anything with them anymore. If I did you can bet I would be purchasing the rest of the collection, also $2.90 a piece on Blippo.
There are 6 different colors, each with at least 4 different possible designs (like mine has a snowflake, fish bones, a teddy bear, and a star). It was pretty lucky that the one I got has a snowflake, given the theme right~?
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Besides being the most precious thing I saw in this box, it also works as you can see.
Candy Highlighters
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Our last 2 items are (ironically) a packet of highlighters, and a pen. If you saw my Blippo.com review then I just recently bought some highlighters- but they were different shapes. Although I also do possess some like these, but they are scented and have bright pattern designs.
Meanwhile this pack isn’t scented, and they have a nice pastel color scheme. On Blippo the set is $3.90
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
They work perfectly fine, the colors are much more neon and bright than their outside makes them look.
Our other item is this adorable Cardcaptor Sakura pen, available in either pale pink or white. Each pen is $2.90. As I grew up a big fan of Cardcaptor, I was really excited to see this x3 maybe we’ll get sailor moon pens soon~
If you like Cardcaptor they also have wand and stand sets you can buy on Blippo, but they’re kind of expensive...
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
The pen is a bit top-heavy, but i didn’t have any problem with writing using it. It writes very well and is a fine tip; if anything I’m a little disappointed there’s no where to put the cap while using it due to the ornamental top. I also noticed it’s a slow dryer. It’s been more than 10 minutes since I tried using it and when I rubbed my finger over it, it smeared a bit and it was very lightly on my finger.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ We got 10 items this time, and while it’s heavily stationery dominated again I’m much more fond of these items compared to the previous box. I’m not sure if it’s because they were a bit sentimental for me, or if I just responded better to them. They all work and were good, even if it they had a few, tiny itty-bitty nitpicks there was nothing to ruin anything for me.  
Theme - ♥ Uh... I’m sorry but no. I see no sign of winter on this except for the cover art and whale hole punch I got; and only because it has a snowflake hole. There was a large chance I wouldn’t even get that one, so it’s not a guaranteed item.
Total Rank: 6 out of 10 Cuties. I loved the items, they were all cute and they work well- some better than others obviously. There was a handful of “nit-picks” I had which also plays a small part in rating this, I just think they failed in terms of the theme of this months specific box...  
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1. Hungry Whale Hole Punch - It’s so cute!! I love to just stroke it and think of it like an adorable little baby whale~
2. Squishy Tofu - it’s so sweet and squishy~
3. Dessert Stickers - They’re so shiny! I love them!
4. Animal Spray Bottle - It’s pretty simple, but sometimes it works. Here it has a gentle, pastel aesthetic, and the lid is pretty cute. 
5. Tape Set - As I already said, I enjoyed the versatility with the different designs. It’s nice if you don’t want to buy a huge amount of different deco tapes and have something little to carry them in. The dispenser was the best out of the ones I’ve tried so far. 
6. Moomin Plush - I want to snuggle it~
7. Stamp Set - It’s very cute and little, I love the pink ink!
8. Cardcaptor Sakura Pen - As much as I love the anime/manga-based item and this series, I wasn’t in love with the pen, even though the detail was nice and it was a fine tip like how I like.
9. Candy Highlighters - I like the pearly pastel coloring, I kind of wish the ink was the same though cause I think I have enough highlighters in this style already.
Alrighty cuties :3 here we are, at the end of another review~ I’m so excited, because next up will be an ultra-fun DIY kit and Tokyo Treat! Until next time, remember to open up a box of cuteness every day~
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ckcz · 7 years
100 questions ask game
I was tagged by @mysmoldarkfictionalsons <33 I tag @surelance @spacemcclain @k3ithkogane @bobaphichit and @angst-in-space and all my mutuals/followers :D!! You don’t have to do it but seems like a nice way to know ny’all better :’) 
1: When you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? more cereal!
2: Do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? what is a wintery day all I feel is humidity and tears
3: What random objects do you use to bookmark your books? random receipts 
4: How do you take your coffee/tea? Coffee- cold!!! with a like 2 spoons of cream and a LOOT O sugar 
5: Are you self-conscious of your smile?
My laugh mostly but I guess they’re similar?
6: Do you keep plants?
Yess my home balcony has many 
7: Do you name your plants? No??
8: What artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Drawing drawing painting but not digitally? like sometimes I just take a watercolor paper and attack it with a paintbrush to vent
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? I can’t hum! idk why so I singgg
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? stomachh
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? A beach potato flew around my room and a skeleton wants to bone me
12: what’s your favorite planet? ....earth...??? But I guess the next would be Saturn <3
13: what’s something that made you smile today? This little boy bumped into me and I went ‘ouch’ and he did this little gasp and held my hand I wanted to steal him
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? I have a feeling it would be really warm and fuzzy and a cupboard full of ready made soup powder cause I love soupp
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! If a baby was to be born in space, it would probably be born all deformed 
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? ??? I’m uncultured
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? red and brown highlights just tbh but If I was allowed to be crazy, dark purple <3
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. well I apparently spray painted ‘sex’ in neon orange in the school bathroom in my old school and I once did this complicated dab dance in front of the class nobody lets me forget it 
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? Oh yes I have a lovely black faux leather book and I just write random things that happened in the day or fanart ideas!! surprising amount of matt holt doodles
20: what’s your favorite eye color? Light brown or grey ugh I could melt 
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. I don’t really have one?? but I do have this samsung laptop bag that has literally been with my like everywhere
22: are you a morning person? YES i love four am
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? drink cold coffee, lie on the bed and send stupid selfies to my friends
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? yes <3
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
In my old school there would be the fourth floor where people aren’t allowed to go and I was just curious okay and I looked inside and a shitload of mirrors??? i have no idea
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? this weird ass pink sandals that say new york city on them
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? strawberry I guess?
28: sunrise or sunset? SUNRISE <3
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? This one girl randomly uses her pointer finger to just *flipflopflipflopflipflop* the tip of her nose and then she like blinks twice its so fucking cute okay
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? No 
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. they succ. no? NO!?? yes. socks are weird even the word is weird I dislike them
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. not much to say sadly but this one time on a sleepover we got bored staying awake so we went to the neighbouring 24/7 store and got icecreams and then fell sick it was nice
33: what’s your fave pastry? I guess a.. brownie? I’m not that into baked stuff?
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? didn’t have many wasn’t attached to them...
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? yeS YES YES
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? I think? U2 for some reason
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? clean... :( but im weak
38: tell us about your pet peeves! people not closing the door
people stopping your music to talk to you
people putting a babY ON THE PHONE TO TALK TO ME
39: what color do you wear the most? greyyyy i love wearing grey
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? i have this one pretty crystal pendant that i bought on a roadtrip i love it 
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? simon vs the homo sapiens agenda
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! the starbucks at the mall? Its ceiling is covered in pipes and stuff for the electricity or heat or whatever but it has really comfy couches i love it
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? My dog.. but a person? I guess this girl in my apartment who I sometimes just roam around with
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? last summer
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? No not really I seem to think about consequences a lot more lately but if I’m feeling it, yES
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. what’s up? - The ceiling.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? tomatoes. die
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? leaving for college. No
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? idk i dont
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? bookmaRKS i have like 200 of them
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? never come back again by austin
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? cowboy hat!
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? I don’t really care too much?
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? my mom
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? yell ‘kavya is a bich’ into the school on the third floor 
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? when it’s people i LIKE? them
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? that song was my childhood so I love thhsdkjhsjkd just sang along
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? I’m wine mom! S is vodka aunt bc it just fitss
59: what’s your favorite myth? apollo and hyacinthus
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? I guess? I like phenomenal women 
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? I gave a potato and received a small mirror that said -u r bootiful- on the back
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? nahh
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? my bookshelves are BEAUTIFUL ilovethem and I just have my music playlists so??
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? pastel blueee
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? yes
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? white flowers <3
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? aweSOME i have a special playlist for days like that
68: what’s winter like where you live? its rainy
69: what are your favorite board games? TERRA MYSTICAAAA and jenga
70: have you ever used a ouija board? nahh
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? I don’t really drink tea?
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? YES OMG
73: what are some of your worst habits? my hands always get too excited so I fiddle a lot and tend to tear the edges of pages
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. the most reflective pretty eyes I’ve seen. has the best heart in the whole word. literally the embodiment of good and pure
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? writing an exam tbh it doesn’t count though
77: pink or yellow lemonade? pink I had it once I liked it a lot
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? *walks away* don’t include me in your shenanigans
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? So I was about to leave my old school right? last day was over, finals were done, and the reality that I would lose all of them was just settling in. so I think my mom noticed I was depressed and she called up ALL of my friends in my group of pals and they came over even though they live all so far away and I was editing percy in a video and they just hugged me from behind I laughed and yelled i miss them
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? everything is purple I have purple wardrobes and walls and doors and yes. I did choose this color? Because I wanted blue but I also wanted pink at that age so I mixed them in and decided on purple!
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. water at zero gravity
82: are/were you good in school? Yesss
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? I love michl’s art? And Eden’s 
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? Maybe two! Idk I’m just a young potato I’ll see to it later
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? I guess! I love asterix&obelix and tintin and I love omg check please and sharp zero 
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
I listen to some of my dad’s so pink floyd’s I guess
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? The lion king movies and Fantastic Mr. Fox
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? Im too asleep for this 
89: are you close to your parents? yeah
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. I LOVE KUALA LUMPUR its’adjabjkabkjadsbjaksd
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? NO WHERE i’m going to get a 10 cgpa and kick school in its ass
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? CHEESEEEEEEEE
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? two pony tails!
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? this old friend of mine
95: what are your plans for this weekend? study for finals 
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? pretty quickly
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? INJP, capricorn and I’m a slytherin!
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? last summer with my family and yeah
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. any Eden song tbh I just scream and now that Jo reminded me I’m crying to little wonders 
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? five years into the future I’m just too scared to go through everything that happens in the next five
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