#(also I'm going to start queuing these a bit so I don't spam the dash)
ikkaku-of-heart · 4 months
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@kaizokugaris asked: Ikkaku & kid ! Send me a ship and I'll fill out this bingo card (Still Accepting!)
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Hateship. Based off of my ships with Kids like @rubidusmagnet and @ephxmerall, Ikkaku and Kid would angrily fuck and possibly have a bit of respect for each other's skills but it's definitely hot hate sex and a toxic relationship at best. It's dub-con/CNC at worst. Which is a lot of fun to write but it's definitely not something that will work out long-term and barely even short-term, lol. So it's a guilty pleasure but definitely not a ship in the healthy sense.
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moonflms · 3 years
➷。˚wishes —nct/superm mark lee
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requested by anon! note, use of media (twice only dw)
next request: jaehyun
PROLOGUE ༄ — mark takes you out on a friendly date to watch the total lunar eclipse by the park! but oh how we wished the date was real.
PAIRING ༄ - non-idol! mark x fem! reader
GENREs ༄ - fluff, semi-onesided love, stars, eclipse, moongazing, under the night sky, semi-socmed, ed sheeran
W. COUNT ༄ - around 1.5k+
NETWORKS༄ - @multifandomnet
TAGS ༄ - @cupfullofjeno (maddie imy :( ) @jungwon-luv-bot-pt3 (if you wanna be tagged in my stories then feel free to reach out to me ! <3)
➷。min's letter ༄ - i honestly feel like this one sucked bc i honestly didn't know how to write a cute prompt anon sent kdfhjkdf
do not repost. copyright belongs to @moonflms 2021. reblogs and likes are deeply appreciated! originally posted on my wattpad (@johnsparrot) . enjoy reading!
"i get it that you're into astronomy and the likes but mark, it's past six." you reasoned out from the front seat as you talk to your best friend who was by the trunk arranging whatever he packed. "first, i'm not that deep into the study unlike professionals and astrophiles but you already agreed so shut up!" mark looks at you from the back as he smiles at you who was slightly annoyed.
"a pillow or moomin?" mark walked to your side, barricading you to your seat as he slightly leans towards you, a hand on the door keeping the car wide open as the other rested near the headrest. "moomin please" you pushed mark slightly away as you watched him dash into the house for the soft plushie. you chuckled at how he treats you like a kid— what he always does when you're having those rough weeks. you watched him lock the house and come back with the white plush in hand.
he gets settled in the driver's seat as he starts buckles up, royally handing the toy over to you "one moomin m'lady" he slightly bows down while handing it over, another episode of him being goofy. you played along and smiled before mark fully started the drive towards the park.
the drive was not silent as mark kept the atmosphere busy with a few of ed sheeran's songs playing through his stereo. with the songs playing mark felt vague; he felt butterflies yet he felt his chest gradually getting heavier. photograph, thinking out loud and eventually to happier. playing those songs he realized, no, he knew very well that they had something in common.
that they all reminded him of you.
his gallery and even actual photographs always had you beside him, complete attendance from his adorable childhood to his questionable high school era. thinking out loud because he sees you much more as his confidant, his best friend. all the 'i love you's he showered you with from time to time meant much more than how you saught it as. he feels at peace by seeing you smile and his heart never fails to flutter when he feels your head cozied up by his chest.
and to happier as he knows that you were least likely to become his. he hesitated to confess despite all his others friends convinced you felt the same way. he wouldn't want to go through the pain of rejection and turn the years of friendship all awkward of a sudden.
it has been going on for a great while and the only thing mark could do was to show signs without making it obvious, like how he queued the songs in that order.
you had a rough week and it only seems to get rougher. what hurt you hurt mark as well, so he always goes berserk just to make you lighten up from your burdening feelings.
you and mark always had a bucket list of stuff you both wanted to do. and mark felt it was a perfect time to cross one out; a date under the night sky.
a friendly date despite how mark wanted it to be an actual one.
mark felt lucky knowing that same night had a lunar eclipse (and surprisingly a super moon) was supposed to show and he just had to seize the opportunity. he made sure to bring binoculars, comfy blankets to rest on and of course, the requested moomin plush renjun gifted him for christmas.
the park was nearby and mark felt giddy. focused on humming and driving mark overheard a few shutters and felt the gut feeling of a camera pointing at him. "i better look hot in those" he joked as he glanced at you through the mirror. "i was taking pictures of the cherry blossom, dumbass" you chuckled as you proceeded to snap a few pictures of mark. you then moved over to your instagram to spam about the sudden trip. "one last, look" you scooted closer to mark's side to take a pic with him, just before the traffic light switched to green. both of you looking sweet, you smiled to yourself.
you were finally settling down on the blanket sprawled over the grass, the view of the waters from the distance and the moon above continuing its eclipse. mark who was sitting up, set aside the binoculars, and laid beside you. he turned to his side as he watched you. "so, a check on the bucket list?" mark smiled hoping you'd say yes.
"well, my best friend is much better than other than an invisible boyfriend." mark smiled through the stinging pain. 'yeah, best friend'  he thought to himself.
"don't you get tired of being by my side?" you looked up to the sky, feeling a bit doubtful.
"and why would you think so?"
"it's more or less two decades of us constantly by each other's side. and the things you'd do just to get me out of my—"
"y/n, if you're hurt, i get hurt too. i'm always here for you, no matter how stupid and annoying you could be at times. if i went through my whole life with you by my side, why would i suddenly stray away?" mark softly patted your cheek, drying off the few tears that rolled down. you came closer to mark and hugged him, nuzzling by his chest and scent. "and you know how much i love you right?" you nodded as you continued to nest under him.
mark would've been jumping in joy. but tracing back a few words, there he reminded himself of the word 'best friend'.
mark hugged you back as he secretly logged into his instagram as well, he distracted himself by viewing a few of the stories. your story came in after a few taps and there showed a picture of him driving, captioned with a black heart. "sure, keep on hoping minhyung."  he thought to himself once again.
he finally decided to create his own with the picture he secretly took of you earlier. he thought of the caption for a while until he ended up with "wished you we're mine." he posts storied like these on the daily, he just made sure to set it into the close friends setting to avoid you from seeing it. he quickly tapped the post option as he felt you move and sat up.
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"look! it's red!" you pointed at the moon, smiling as you were amazed by the phenomenon. you pulled mark up from his position and continued to look at the dark sky. it indeed was beautiful. mark inserted his phone back into his pocket as he cupped your shoulder, watching you admire the heavenly bodies above.
feeling done, you glanced at mark who was still looking up. you watched your best friend enjoy his own time as you felt a small vibrate off your phone. you quickly checked the notification as it came from... mark?
" [y/nmais_vu] : @onyourm__mark posted a new story ! "
checking it, you wondered when mark was able to snap a quick photo of you, but you wondered more about the caption. you felt your heartbeats go rapid and your stomach starts to churn. "y/n?" mark called as you quickly locked your phone. "you alright?"
"yeah... nothing much, just story notifs." you smiled and sat closer to mark. he hums as he proceeds to wrap his free arm around your shoulders, continuing to watch over the distance. "did you make a wish?" you asked mark who was finally looking back at you with an unsure expression. "we're supposed to wish! go on, "  you nudged mark as he spaced out for a moment, staring at a star. "starlight, star bright, the first star i see tonight!" you both burst into laughs "what are we? pre-school?" mark smiled as he continued to stay silent.
"you made me wish on a star now tell me what you asked for," mark turns facing you. you stayed silent for a while as you looked up to the ending eclipse above. "i actually had two wishes" you pulled out a few blades of grass, avoiding his eyes. "first, was for your wish to come true," you fully faced mark as you took the plush into your hands, fiddling with it.
"second, ... i also wished for you to be mine" you smiled at mark whose face was indecipherable. "wait, what?" you noticed how his cheeks were lightly brushed with blush. "it was your notif, mark."
right there, mark realized that he failed to upload the story to the selected option. "i... well, you did suddenly moved and made me panic." mark chuckled as he continues to study your eyes that were glistening under the soft lights of the surroundings. "your turn. what did you wish for?"
mark came closer to you as he tucks some hair behind your ear, "it just came true." he whispered as he quickly diverted his vision towards the tree nearby. you softly held mark's chin as you got him to face you, your body suddenly heating up inside the white crewneck sweatshirt you were wearing. you both felt euphoric as the sudden confession still felt unreal. you both felt rewarded after keeping in the hopes and feelings for one another.
unconsciously, you both started to close in while the background started to seem blurry, and the only things that were clear to your visions were each other. "can i?" granting him permission mark closed the gap in between both of you, feeling his own soft set above yours. you returned the favor as you cautiously mimicked what mark did, creating a slow rhythm for the both of you.
lasting a good few seconds, you both broke away with heated cheeks and pleased hearts. mark pulled you closer as he now has you in between in him, hugging you from behind. he laid you back into his chest and placed one more kiss, smiling afterward. you locked your phone once again after posting another story. (check below) you both were glad that the wishes of becoming each other's pair were finally granted. mark continued to sway you in his arm, looking up at the succeeding eclipse. "hey y/n,"
"the moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
(for those who doesn't know it actually means 'i love you' !)
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redwinterroses · 3 years
Hello red, I was curious if you had any input on something. I saw your response to the person about feedback on fanfic saying to interact with other people's stuff. I want to do that as my blog is only my art and nothing else but I don't want to like, spam any followers with a bunch of reblogs and stuff or have my work get buried in the mess that is the tag system.
Well, take all this with a grain of salt since I'm very much not a visual artist and I'm a bit less familiar with how that side of things work. I can really only speak to my experience as a fanart consumer, not a creator.
That said: interaction still breeds interaction. Especially on a platform that works the way tumblr does (...and it's the only place that works like tumblr does. the only thing that comes close is pinterest) where blogs are very rarely just one person's content. If your blog is nothing but your own art, I would assume that your follower count is probably fairly low simply because you can't churn out content fast enough to attract new followers at the rate that a blog that ALSO reblogs other folks' content does. (And, to be clear: you shouldn't feel like you have to churn out content that fast. Please do not work yourself into a burnout trying to attract followers -- that's not in any way what I want to suggest.)
But if you reblog something (and add tags!) the original poster will more often than not click through to see their post on your blog. While they're there, they see you post other stuff they're interested in, and maybe see your OG art, and go "Ooh, cool" *hits follow button.*
Then they see your content in their feed, they start recognizing your style, reblogging your art (if they're a decent sort) and it grows from there.
But if you only post your own art, and you only post say... one new piece every day or three (which, personally, I would find an amazing amount of output, but I'm constantly being amazed by artists on this site, so--) you don't cross very many dashes and you don't cross them very often. Reblogging other stuff gets you more active, which puts you in contact with more users, which gets more eyes on your original work when you post it.
As for concerns about spamming -- don't worry about it. If you're concerned that people might get tired of seeing an entire stack of posts from you at once, use the queue system to space things out. I rarely do direct reblogs anymore, 98% of everything you see on my blog is queued for a day or three out. Tumblr isn't like Insta or Twitter where posting multiple times in a row is frowned on -- no one cares here. We're all a bunch of hyper-obsessing weirdos chucking things at the walls to see what sticks. XD
Oh -- and the tag system? Worthless. Don't worry about trying to prevent losing things to it, because nothing you can do will save you. *spooky fingers waggling* lol
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