#(also fun fact: the score behind him plays the happy birthday song hehe)
0rchidm4ntis · 5 months
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Happy birthday King 💫
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twstarchives · 4 years
Floyd Leech・Voice Lines
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School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “I gotta have fun everyday, otherwise there was no point in coming to land.”
Groovy “I don’t wanna do anything boring. Let me do as I want.”
Home Setting “What are you doing today? Can I come with you? Just till I get bored.”
Home Transitions “I don’t wanna do group work. It’s so lame that they make you have to work with other people.”
“It feels weird when I’m not with Jade. Why’d he have to be put in another class? I wish we were always taking the same classes together.”
“Trein got mad at me again... This sucks. I feel like he hates me for some reason.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “You can guess why I’m here, right? I’m hanging out to waste some time.”
Home Taps “Azul’s so annoying when he tells me I have to iron my shirt. What’s the issue if I can still wear it?”
“You wanna know what kind of classes we used to take under the sea? I could take you down there if you’re curious. Ehe!”
“I don’t get why I can score 100% on the test, but then still get yelled at for skipping class. Why is there a problem if I got 100%?”
“You know, Little Goldfish is called that because he’s red and small and there’s almost nothing on him to eat. Also he turns bright red when he gets angry, ehe~”
“Ahaha! If you keep that up I might just squeeze you.”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “You wanna see me play? Okay, look forward to it~”
Groovy “I’m feeling really motivated today. Can I test it out with you?”
Home Setting “Nobody’s going to beat me at a test of strength, ehe!”
Home Transitions “Humans do so much work when they walk, ‘cause you have to move two legs at the same time.”
“You know, you won’t get taller if you overexercise. I’m not done growing yet either so I need to be careful. Hehe~”
“Ow... I fell off my broom again during Flying. Ahaha. I suck~”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’m not in the mood to go to my club today... Hey, Shrimpy, you should go do them for me instead.”
Home Taps “I’m really flexible. Hm, you wanna see? Should I show you~?”
“Right now I’m kinda in the mood to go chase around some small fries or crabs or something.”
“I like that there aren’t any annoying people in the air. In the water, there’s a lot of irritating fish everywhere...”
“‘Why did I join the basketball club’? Mm, that’s what I felt like picking that day. If it was today I’d probably have picked band.”
“Wanna play tag? Okay, I’ll be It. Alright, hurry up and run away.”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “I don’t even care about seeing what the result will be. Can we do something more fun?”
Groovy “Wanna try out this special potion I made?”
Home Setting “I don’t wanna do work if it’s not fun.”
Home Transitions “If you mix in the ingredients the way the instructions tell you to, it’ll be an automatic success, right? That sounds boring.”
“If you’re not done with your assignment, maybe go talk to Azul. He’ll tell you anything you want as long as you pay the price.”
“Why do we have to write reports? Getting facts and evidence is so much work.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Should I help you with your lab? Ahaha, don’t be shy~”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Here, have this potion I made earlier. Huh, ‘what does it do’? Like I know?”
Home Taps “I gave Azul this gem I made in class earlier, and he was really happy with it. Maybe it’ll sell for a lot of money.”
“Ahaha~ Everyone looks like squids when they’re all lined up wearing their lab coats.”
“I forgot to wash my lab coat so I’m using Jade’s today.”
“Ahaha! That tickles! My turn now~!”
“‘How come I don’t have a nickname for Azul’? ‘Cause Azul is Azul.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Here! I mixed together some random ingredients and made cookies. They would taste good to you, so you’ll eat them, right?”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “Want me to tell you the rules of Night Raven College?”
Groovy “I’m tired of standing in line. Wanna do something fun together, Shrimpy?”
Home Setting “Everyone’s in the same black outfits. They look like a bunch of orcas.”
Home Transitions “The black coaches came to pick us up under the sea. That’s so cool. Amphibious magic coaches.”
“Jade and Azul wouldn’t get mad at me if I skipped the ceremony. They’re used to it.”
“The ceremony robes make me feel like I’m a deep-sea fish with lots of big fins.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’m soo bored just standing still during the ceremony. Here, I think I’ll go over to where you are, Shrimpy~” 
Home Transition (Groovy) “Hah, it’s boring not having anything to do. I guess this is how a barnacle feels... Shrimpy, talk to me about something fun.”
Home Taps “Bah! ♡ Just kidding. Don’t you think the robes are kinda like curtains?”
“I like dark clothes. ‘Cause even if you get dirty, no one’ll notice.”
“I used to hate the concerts they had in the Coral Sea. They were full of songs that all sounded the same; it was so boring.”
“Azul pretends to be so enthusiastic at ceremonies when a lot of teachers and important people are present. It makes them so funny.”
“Shrimpy is so amusing~ Aren’t you scared that I might get back at you for poking at me so much?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Oh my, whatever is the matter? ...Whaddaya think of my Jade impression? Did I sound like him? Come closer so you can get a better look!”
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Dorm Uniform - SSR
Unlock Card “Do you have any serious problems? Then maybe we could help you... Heheh.”
“Ahaha~ You don’t have to be so scared. I’ll squeeze you very gently.”
Groovy “I’ll tell you the rules of Octavinelle. Aren’t I nice?”
Home Setting “If you have any problems, I’ll introduce you to Azul anytime.”
Home Transitions “I don’t squeeze anyone who actually pays the price. It’s only those who don’t... that I have no mercy for. Hehe!”
“I got yelled at for snacking on some food before it was going to be served to a guest. It just looked really good.”
“I lost my scarf somewhere again. I took Jade’s to use right now but he’ll probably notice soon.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “You wanna come visit our dorm? Yeah! I’ll show you around.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Did you know the Mostro Lounge has a secret menu that I made up? Feel free to stop by for a bite anytime~”
Home Taps “My bowtie feels so tight around my neck, and it hurts. I can’t wear it nicely like Jade and the everyone else...”
“Hey, hey, look at my socks. They have an octopus pattern on them~ Aren’t they cute? They’re just like the Sea Witch.”
“Shoes are so nice. We don’t wear them in the ocean, so I wanna try on lots of different kinds while I’m on land.”
“Octavinelle feels really free. ‘Cause our motto here is ‘Do everything at your own risk.’”
“You know~ When I get prodded at so much... aha~ I really hate it.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “The ghosts at the Ramshackle Dorm are kinda like jellyfish. I wanna try talking to them, so let me stay at your place sometime.”
Duo Magic Floyd: “Ahahaha! We’re gonna do ‘em in, Jade~!” Jade: “As long as you’re having fun, Floyd.”
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
This card was only obtainable during Jade and Floyd’s birthday event (Nov 04 - Nov 11, 2020).
Login on Birthday “You remembered me and Jade’s birthday! I was thinking I’d get to squeeze you if you forgot... but that’s too bad. Anyway, what are you gonna do for us, Shrimpy? You’re thinking of something really fun, right?”
Unlock Card “Me and Jade are the stars for today~ I can’t wait for our presents.”
“Hey, sing the classic birthday song they have on land~ Ready, set, go!”
Groovy “Thanks for the birthday wishes. I’ll make sure to do lots of fun things on your birthday too, Shrimpy~”
Home Setting “Happy birthday, me! I’m excited to see what this year’s birthday will be like.”
Home Transitions “Azul gave me shoe polish, so I tried it out right away~ See, they’re so shiny that you can almost see your reflection in them. Cool, right?”
“I got lots of presents from my parents. But I tried to tell them nothing big ‘cause my room is really small at the dorm... Geez.”
*yawns* “All that excitement’s making me tired. I think I’ll go get my presents from everyone who didn’t give me one to keep myself awake.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Who was the first person to wish me happy birthday? The answer is... Jade! Every year we’re always the first ones to say it to each other.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Shrimpy, you’re kind of bad at plating food, aren’t you? Hehe. It’s okay, you don’t have to redo it. ‘Cause this is funny.”
Home Taps “I told Mr. Beakfish that I didn’t have homework today ‘cause it’s my birthday but he just gave me more ‘presents.’ He’s mean.”
“Sea Otter gave me a percussion instrument from the Scalding Sands. He gave Jade one with strings, and the body’s the same color as our hair.”
“I kept asking Little Goldfish for a shoehorn so he got me one, but was angry about it. It has an ‘F’ carved into it! He told me Jade’s is next. Ehe!”
“Sea Snake and Crabby threw a pie in my face in our clubroom. It turned into a food fight between all of us... It was so much fun~”
“What? You’re curious about my pin? It’s the same design as the shoes we wear with our dorm uniforms. It almost looks like they used magic to shrink one down. It’s cool~”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Hey~ What are you hiding behind your back? You’ve been acting weird for a while, it’s so obvious. Come on~ Give me my present already.”
Duo Magic Floyd: “Are you gonna celebrate for me, Sea Turtle?” Trey: “Let me wish you a happy birthday, Floyd!”
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Tutorial “What're you doing today~? I think I'll come with you!”
Lv Up “So? Don’t you think I’m doing well?”
“I’m getting excited~ Hey, I want more.”
“This is so much fun, huh, shrimpy?”
Max Lv Up “I feel like I could do anything today~ Maybe I should show you what I’m like when I’m being serious... Ehe!”
Episode Lv Up “Only fun things happen when we’re together; I never get bored. Let’s have lots and lots more fun together from now on!”
Magic Lv Up “Ehh~ I’m not in the mood to show you my magic right now... I’ll do it later, ‘kay?”
Limit Break “What’s the limit? How far can I go? I wanna see for myself.”
Groovy “Aha~! This feels great! Makes me wanna do something fun maybe!” 
Select Lesson “I’m going to take the same class as Shrimpy today. Which one are you picking?”
“Try guessing which class I wanna take. Jade always gets it right.”
*yawns* “I’m not excited for any of these; I wish there was an option to just nap...”
Lesson Start “Let’s start!”
Lesson End “I studied so hard; yay for me!”
Battle Start “Want me to constrict you?”
Battle End “Why did you think you could win?”
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Profile Quote “Whaaat? You want me to squeeze you? Okaaay~♪”
January 2020 Trailer “Just follow us... and we’ll help you~”
Countdown Poster “I’ll be gentle when I squeeze you, so come on over here.”
Login Bonus “Whaaat, you’re collecting those? There are some merpeople who collect things that fall to the oceanfloor too, but is it really that fun?”
Player Birthday Wish “Hey, Shrimpy, isn’t it your birthday? Hehe! You can try to hide, but it won’t work. I’m gonna throw a huge celebration for you, so get ready for it, okay? Heheh!”
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