#(also i had a fanfic idea that decided to crawl in and live rent free in my head that's just this)
erdarielthewhumper · 1 year
Caretaker and whumpee pair where there's no love lost between them, but the caretaker still does what they can to help the whumpee is actually a really Good Trope. Like, maybe the characters are rivals, maybe there's something in their past, maybe they just generally dislike each other as people, but one way or another, they're kind of on bad terms.
But whether out of pragmatic necessity (like it's clear they'll have to work together to escape or else neither will, or because as long as the villains are hurting whumpee they're leaving the caretaker alone, or because the whumpee's continued survival just is in some way vital to the organization they work for, or whatever) or simply out of basic human decency, when the two are stuck together in a bad situation and whumpee's badly hurt, the caretaker does what they can to help
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