#(also none of this is to speak poorly of arabic my love)
suttttton · 2 years
i started learning french, which will be my third language after english and arabic, and after 5 years of studying arabic i am FLOORED by how easy this language is
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Langblr Activation Challenge: Introduction Post
To be fair, I think it’s time to reintroduce myself anyway. Thank you @languagessi for this challenge!
My name is Jo (or Victoria, or Yoana, or Jonna, or Jen, depending on what language I’m speaking/where you know me from)
I’m 28 years old
I’m English and I’ve lived in England my entire life (although I would very much like to leave)
I’m a pole dancer, aerialist, fire performer, stilt-walker and aspiring contortionist (I have a side blog for that if you’re interested)
(I also do boring admin shit and proofreading for my dad’s IT company by day but that’s nowhere near as exciting as my performer/teaching job)
~55% Gryffindor, 45% Hufflepuff
BSc Nutrition, MSc Sport & Exercise Nutrition
Hopefully, providing I can secure funding, I’ll be going back to uni to study Psychology with Counselling in September!
My primary target language is Norwegian. I’ve been learning it on and off since 2016, but I started taking it more seriously last year. I’m now at a B1/B2 level. I primarily write bokmål, but I sometimes dabble in nynorsk, and I’m trying to learn a little stavangersk too.
I’m dabbling a little in Icelandic and Finnish. Recently I’ve started picking up Finnish properly.
I currently take Spanish classes, although I’m debating dropping it at the end of the academic year
I’ve also been learning about Setswana, although that’s taken a back seat recently as I’ve been more preoccupied with other projects
I’m forever resisting the urge to learn Korean (I will learn it one day, but the time isn’t right yet)
I’m interested in a lot of other languages, including German, Italian, Japanese, Old Norse, Old English, Polish, Arabic, Swahili, Dutch and others
I have a really niche interest in comparing the similarities and differences between different Norwegian dialects and other northern germanic languages
I love etymology and I’m interested in linguistics as a whole, although I don’t know enough about linguistics to know specifically which areas interest me
Non-Language Interests
As mentioned above, I’m interested in circus and aerial arts
I like reading, although I don’t do it as much as I want to (feel free to add me on Goodreads)
I’m an amateur writer (yes I have a writeblr too), and although I dream of getting something published, I’m not sure it’ll ever happen. I quite like just writing for myself really!
I love Pokémon and I’ve been playing since RBY. My favourite is Eevee :)
Other video games I like include Spyro, Crash Bandicoot and Final Fantasy (VII, X and XII are my faves)
I play piano quite poorly, sing fairly okay and own a guitar, bass, two saxophones and a flute (none of which I play on a regular basis)
Okay this was less of an introduction and more like my entire life story lol hope you enjoyed it
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themuslimrpc · 7 years
422Hi! I was just wondering if you could explain to me what the anon meant about Gal Gadot and Natalie Portman? Because I don't understand what they meant because I don't do much research [something I really should start to do] and could you also explain what a Zionist is because I'm a dumb 15yo girl
Hi, lovely! The anon referring to Gal and Natalie was speaking about them being Zionists and Gal’s blatant support for the IDF. This particular anon I’m assuming you’re talking about was as follows:
Can we talk about all these fake woke assholes who preach social justice until it comes to Zionists like Gal Gadot and Natalie Portman and the IDF who slaughter Muslim civilians every day?
Zionists are those, by definition through a quick google, “a supporter of Zionism; a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.”  Now, I (new Mod Heneen!) am a Palestinian and have a lot to say against the occupation of Palestine and the Zionist movement abusing my people every single day, but that’s besides the point.
Zionism is divided into various sects, but the above definition is the shared belief. Now, Abraham gave the Jewish people a biblical promise to the Land of Israel. This would, in theory, mean that every Jew should be a Zionist, if they believed the word of their holy scripture. However, this sentiment has changed immensely. After WWII, the UN planned to divide Palestine into a land for Palestinian Arabs and land for Jews — all while proclaiming it Isreal and no longer Palestine. This division gave more land to the Jewish people on the assumption that more Jewish settlers would come into the land. Angered by the unfair territory given to them and the blatant bowing of the UN into the quickly spreading Zionist agenda, the Arabs refused. Now, this is where Zionism shows it’s true colors. Directly from this link,  “Fighting began between the Arab and Jewish residents of Palestine days after the adoption of the UN partition plan. The Arab military forces were poorly organized, trained and armed. In contrast, Zionist military forces, although numerically smaller, were well organized, trained and armed. By early April 1948, the Zionist forces had secured control over most of the territory allotted to the Jewish state in the UN plan and begun to go on the offensive, conquering territory beyond the partition borders, in several sectors.” Not only following through with the now-nonexistent and rejected UN plan, the Zionists went farther and began taking Arab land; fully abusing the lack of resources for Arab’s to fight back. After that, the Arab’s fought back and a war broke out. An armistice was signed, but it ended up with the Israeli State taking up 77% of the land. The rest was given to other lands – none of which for Palestinian Arabs. Sadly, after all of this, Palestinian Arabs were forced into refugees camps across places like Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan – the latter of which being the only area to allow Palestinians citizenship. Everywhere Palestinians go to survive, they are treated as second class citizens and given lesser rights. The meager 150,000 Palestinians who decided to remain in the new State of Israel were allowed to vote, but treated as lessers since Israel is a “Jewish state for Jewish people and Palestinians are not Jews” (link at the bottom). 
Where does this plight stem from? Zionism! Zionists, NOT Jewish people, aided the establishment of Israel and went on the offense against people who had no means of defense. Zionism is an unattainable endeavor that would have only led to the diaspora of millions of Palestinians. Zionism did eventually lead to the diaspora of millions of Palestinians. It is no longer a matter of politics or religion, but instead a means to continue perpetrating a violent genocide of the Palestinian people and allowing for the condemnation and stereotyping of Muslims and Jews alike. Gal Gadot and Natalie Portman are Zionists and, unfortunately, there are no more peaceful forms of Zionism. 
(A lot of the information you’re seeing me mention can be found on this very, very long but also very thorough primer of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict  – x. )
Thank you so much for reaching out and if you’d like a few more minor links about some specific issues, please come back and I’ll load you up! Also, you are not dumb and your age shouldn’t stop you from learning about the world around – I’m 15, too!  Have an amazing day!
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svubloods · 8 years
Imagine Rafael finding out you can speak Spanish
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(A/N: For Anon. I hope you and everyone else enjoys this! Sorry, it’s short as well!) 
Disclaimer: I don’t know Spanish so all the Spanish in this is from Google translate. So I’m sorry if it’s incorrect. 
Imagine Rafael finding out you can speak Spanish
Your Dad always empathized how important learning languages was and always encouraged you to pursue it. You can remember the lecture he gave you and your siblings when it was the right time. Always encouraging you all to go and take the opportunity to learn a second language. Not only does it have cognitive benefits, it also helps you become better learners as well as help you understand cultures other than your own.
But the most important reason for him was that it would help you connect with people. Like it had helped him. When your Dad first became a cop all he knew was English and he didn’t have any interest in learning another. That was until he was the first responder to a crime-scene and he couldn’t do anything because he couldn’t speak to the victim or the witnesses. He had to wait and depend on someone else to help these people. And he didn’t like that. His job was to protect the people of the city and that meant everyone in the city. That weekend he started learning Spanish. He also went on to learn Russian as well as Gaelic.
He became a lover of languages and you were definitely the same. Your siblings all learned second languages as well but none of them loved them like you did. It may be because unlike them you learned your first-second language very young and not in high school like them. Danny learned Spanish, Erin, and Joe learned French and Jamie learned German.
When you were about to start elementary school they began offering a scheme where you could learn everything in both English and Spanish, your Dad immediately enrolled you and you could never thank him enough. You were fluent in both languages and it meant that you had two cultures. You met people you never would have if you didn’t and you became addicted to stepping into new worlds that you could only understand with this new language in hand. You went on to learn Italian, your maternal Grandfather’s first language, Gaelic, your Grandfather Henry taught you that as well as Arabic and Swedish.
A strange collection but it was your collection. A secret passion of yours that you carried on into adulthood that few were aware of. Like your Grandfather, Dad and brothers before you, though technically you became one before Jamie did, you became a police officer. It was a uniform for two years before taking the Detective’s exam and passing on your first try. You actually had to take it twice because they thought you had cheated because your score was so, they congenitally forgot you were raised by cops, nevertheless, none of them had ever come close to beating your score. You were a Detective at Brooklyn Robbery for five years before you transferred to Manhattan’s Special Victims Unit.
You started about a year ago and it was where you met the most annoying, infuriating person ever as well as your soulmate. Surprisingly they were the same person. And the person took form in Rafael Barba. The department’s resident Assistant District Attorney. The first few moths you knew each other you just assumed he was some emotionless, however sarcastic asshole, who was too smart for his own good. So you made it a point to argue back with him when you could and tease him about his wacky ties and general outfits. Which meant he was;t to found of you either but he did spar with you as if his life depended on it. As time, however, ou discovered that was an actual human beings under those suspenders and you became fast and close friends. Still sparing of course but now it was much more fun. The relationship progressed until almost six months to the day you met, he asked you out on your first date.
And everything from there is history. At this point you’d been together six months and you were in love. He knew almost everything about you by now expect that you knew Spanish.
“Y/N!” Sonny scolded as he gingerly got into your car, “Your car is mess.”
“Come on Sonny,” You giggled at your partner, “It’s not that bad.”
“Didn’t we have Chinese last week?” He asked as he finally took a seat.
“Will you!” You threatened as you turned the key and began the car, “I had it yesterday, thank you very much,”
“You had it without me?” He pouted.
“If I let you pick the music, will you let it go?” You suggested.
He nodded and you pointed out the draw full of CDs.
“You really need to buy a new car.” Sonny commented referencing the fact that you had CD’s over an option to plug in your phone.
“This one still runs,” You shrugged.
“Yeah, very loudly,” He chuckled as he shuffled through CDs.
“Let’s just say that i’m not the first person to own this car, Both Erin and Joe had this car before me.” You explained.
“Are these Barba’s?” Sonny asked, flashing you a couple covers of albums from famous Spanish Artists.
“No, their mine,” You informed.
“Really?” He asked.
“Yeah,” You nodded
“You know Spanish?” He asked.
“Yep, I’m fluenet.” You informed.
“I didn’t know,” He commented.
“Well, I’ve never mentioned it. Rafael usually does all the Spanish needs at work,” You explained.
“But you speak in Spanish with each other at home?” He inquired.
“Well, he doesn’t actually know I speak Spanish,” You said.
“Why not?” Sonny asked, confused but curious.
“A couple of reasons but mostly because I enjoy listening in on his conversation about me with his Mother when he thinks I don’t understand.” You responded.
“Does she not like you?” He inquired gently.
“Oh no,” You clarified, “She loves me. Which Rafael doesn’t like because she likes me more than him. It’s the best fifteen minutes of my week listening them argue about the level of greatness I have.”
“Typical,” Sonny chuckled.
Coincidentally, that night, it was your turn to make dinner for you and Rafael. So after work, you headed over to his apartment as that’s where you mostly stayed nowadays as his apartment was closer to work than your apartment was. As well as language, your parents also stressed the importance of self sufficiency. Which meant as well as being able to fix a water heater and change a tire  you could also do more in the kitchen than boil some pasta.
You enjoyed cooking and it was even better at Rafael’s apartment as he did as well. His kitchen was stocked with best kitchen equipment despite his extreme lack of time to actually use it. But what was even better was that he had a full surround sound system in his kitchen, which you could plug your phone into, but it also meant your karaoke sessions where you poorly channeled Gloria Estefan with your singing and Lidia Bastianich with your cooking to a whole new level.
“Como tú te llamas, yo no sé.De donde llegaste, ni pregunté.Lo único que sé, es que quiero con usted.Quedarme contigo hasta el amanecer.” You belted loudly to yourself about halfway through the song and halfway through making one of your Grandfather Christopher’s  favourite Italian dishes Acquacotta.
You danced to music rhythmically, spinning around on the balls of your feet only to meet the sight of Rafael watching you in the doorway. You stopped dead in embarrassment and scrabbled to switch the song off.
“You’re home early,” You stated breathing heavily, out of breath from the singing and the shock.
“My meeting got cancelled,” He informed but it was clear from his expression that he was focused on something else and not what you were asking.
“Is there something wrong?” You inquired curiously.
“You’re dancing for one,” He commented.
“Oh have you know. I danced at Miss Debbie's school of ballet for two weeks!” You exclaimed jokingly.
“What song were singing?” He inquired, seemingly changing the subject.
“Hasta el amanecer.” You informed, confused and upon reflection clearly oblivious.
“I had no idea you were such a good singer, Y/N. Colour me impressed.” He complimented suspiciously, pacing the kitchen.
“Thanks,” You smiled, blushing slightly.
“Especially since you don’t know Spanish and yet your pronunciation was impeccable.” He continued, flashing you an all knowing expression.
And that’s when you realised that you had just been caught.
“I know, right?” You played along, not ready to let go of your fifteen minutes just yet and not to mention it was fun to string him along, “It just comes naturally,”
“Hmm,” He pondered, “Se que esta mintiendo.”
You had to stop yourself from responding.
“What did you say?” You asked innocently.
“Nothing,” He shrugged, “No creo que seas tan divertido como crees que eres.”
He was trying to get you to break.
“Rafael,” You scolded convincingly determined to win, “What are you saying?”
“Not much, “ He sighed, “Psych es un espectáculo horrible.”
“You take that back right now!” You demanded unable to control yourself.
“I knew it!” He exclaimed, “I knew you knew Spanish.”
“How?” You asked.
“Well, I first starting thinking you did because I kept on chatting you trying to hide your laughing at dinner with my mother,”
“The jokes she makes about you are funny!” You said.
“And you would only be able to understand them if you knew Spanish.” He reminded.
“De acuerdo, bien. Admito que hablo español,” You confessed.
“Why didn’t you say anything, Y/N. We’ve been together six months and you haven’t mentioned it. You’re aware that my family would love you ten time more if they knew you spoke Spanish,” He exclaimed.
“I don’t think it’s possible for them to love me anymore,” You liked, “I don’t know. I just kept it to myself. I was going to say something eventually, maybe on our wedding day or something. I just kept on forgetting to mention it I guess. It wasn’t intentional!”
“Well, I love that you can speak Spanish,” He smirked, leaning against the counter.
“You do?” You asked.
“Hmm,” He confirmed, pulling you close and tucking a loose stand of hair behind your ear,“I would like you even if you didn’t but I will admit that I like you a little more knowing that you can speak Spanish.”
“I had a feeling you might. It’s a very sensual and passionate sounding language.” You mentioned.
“You’re right about that,” He smiled, before citing his lip.
“Well, I’d love for this to keep going but dinner’s going to burn.” You reminded, gently removing his arm that had found it’s way to your waist.
“Let it,” He suggested, stopping you from leaving arms reach by grabbing hold of you again.
“porque tengo hambre” You grinned.
“So am I.” He whispered into your ear.
“For food,” You smirked, before heading back to your saucepan and out of arms reach.
“Alright fine,” He sighed, giving in, “But after dinner, you’re going to have to show me the extent of your Spanish speaking abilities.” “I’m fluent.” You informed.
“Even better,” He grinned.
“Hmm,” You smiled to yourself, “You have my Dad to thank. He’s the one who put me into the program where I learned,”
“Can we not talk about your Dad?” Rafael suggested, sidling up to you as you offered him a taste of your food.
“What are you planning, Mr. Barba?” You teased.
“Not killing the mood for one,” He commented, “It’s fantastic,”
“Thank you,” You chuckled, “Te amo consejero,”
“I love you too Detective,” He grinned.
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footballghana · 5 years
FEATURE: Boateng sends a declaration of love that captivates millions of Turks
Kevin-Prince Boateng is on loan from AC Florence to Besiktas Istanbul in Turkey. To where you have always expected him to be. And it becomes clear early on: It could be more than just a friendship, because Boateng is characterized by a special feature.
Ibrahim Tatlises is an icon. He shaped arabesque music like no other, sold millions of albums, played in numerous Turkish blockbusters and became a cult figure that is second to none. Its fame extends beyond the borders.
He is particularly popular in the Middle East due to his style, concerts in the Arab region were always sold out, combined with crowds that were frenetically waiting for their Messiah.
Even Harald Schmidt was under his spell, under the motto "Ibo is coming" the showmaster once celebrated the arrival of Ibrahim "Ibo" Tatlises on Sat.1 for weeks until he actually performed at the Capitol in Cologne and with the words "I love you all "also won German audience hearts.
Kevin-Prince Boateng can also speak Turkish
Did Kevin-Prince Boateng need the Harald Schmidt show to take Ibo to his heart? Probably not. Born in Wedding, grew up in Berlin , in the midst of Turks, Kurds, and Arabs, culture was no stranger to him. When Boateng lists the languages ​​he knows today, he also includes Turkish.
So it was not really a surprise that Boateng was in his car last year, recording a video on the streets of Barcelona listening to the popular Tatlises song "Bitanem" and singing along. In a security that makes many genuine Turks blush. Bitanem translates to "my only one", a love song from the Arabesque direction.
A declaration of love that captivated millions. A declaration of love from Boateng, who greets his Turkish followers at the end of the video.
When he fouled Ballack, he was in Turkey for Boateng
Since then, it has only been a question of when Boateng will finally show up in Istanbul to play football. Because in the past few years there had been repeated tech fights between Boateng and the Istanbul clubs.
Galatasaray is said to have made a specific request last season, but then did not respond. In winter Besiktas nailed his head and borrowed the attacking midfielder until the end of the season.
The joy among Besiktas fans about the last-minute addition was huge. The clammy club, which is struggling with a heavy debt burden and actually had no room for new players at all, brought in an internationally experienced and respected veteran, which was reason enough to be happy.
But then there is the status of Boateng himself. The man who always had sympathy, although he never played in Turkey . When Boateng was attacked in Germany for fouling Michael Ballack, Boateng was in favor. When he signed in Barcelona, ​​they were happy with him.
Guys like Boateng, who have corners and edges, have always been well received on the Bosphorus. Then you forgive one or two escapades.
Boateng: "If we become champions, I will sing Bitanem"
But Boateng made a good impression straight away, scored his first goal for Besiktas on his debut against Gaziantepspor FK and was celebrated afterwards with: Bitanem. "It was a great start, of course. It's never too late in life, but when I think of the atmosphere, I thought that I could have come earlier."
Boateng is a leader straight away in a team that was put together poorly before the season - also due to lack of funds - and hardly met expectations.
One day before the Boateng change, Besiktas confirmed the return of Sergen Yalcin. The former legend as number 10 was brought in at the end of January as a new coach, the successor to the hapless Abdullah Avci.
"We are still getting to know each other," says Boateng, but Yalcin knows how to use his new man. Offensive, behind the peaks, with a tendency for the second striker. And it works. Since he also played 14 games in Florence, Boateng didn't need a lot of start-up time.
Besiktas is the 13th station in Boateng's 14th year
But how should it go on? Besiktas is the 13th station in Boateng's 14th year. "Turkey was still missing from the collection," Boateng says with a smile: "I don't know if I wanted to. If you asked a child today, it would say that it would play the whole career at a club to to become a legend there. "
But Boateng also gains something positive from his wanderlust: "I have learned different cultures and languages, so I have no regrets."
He can get used to a longer stay in Turkey. "I would like to stay three years, but I have to ask my wife first." If Boateng stays, he has to do one thing. "If we become champions, I will sing 'Bitanem' in the stadium." Ibo will be happy.
  Source: focus.de//Fatih Demireli
source: https://footballghana.com/
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