joshuahahahaha · 2 years
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You love being alone, you love talking to yourself but the worst part is when every person around u has their own person, while u don't have anyone :')
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joshuahahahaha · 2 years
On days you feel like ending it all just because the results aren't showing up. Don't. Remember your on the right path. The path isn't wrong, you just need to put in more constant efforts in the same rhythm. No palm tree grows big and strong in days or weeks, it takes months.
Wdym by giving up ? Leave everything stop working on it ? That won't solve the problem. Instead work on it a bit more, and a bit moreee. Some day things will figure out and it will surely workout.
It takes time for good things to happen
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joshuahahahaha · 2 years
If not now then when ¿
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joshuahahahaha · 2 years
I want a whopping 600 in my next test
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joshuahahahaha · 2 years
At this moment I seriously don't have a single person to call mine, i do not have a close best friend or a girlfriend. It just feels so lonely cus I've always had someone to share my shit to, but now it's just me.
I've read this quote that says - you grow the most when you're alone.
And yeah I've decided to be more concentrated on myself from now on, these bitches these hoes do not deserve shit
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joshuahahahaha · 2 years
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Life would be much better if we learnt to live by ourselves instead of depending on others emotionally.
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joshuahahahaha · 2 years
Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret
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joshuahahahaha · 2 years
Imma try my best not to fall in love now, this shit sucks istg
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joshuahahahaha · 2 years
Pictures like these give me a diff vibe istg
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joshuahahahaha · 2 years
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My mind is a mess rn, if i make a person sit and listen to my bullshit they prolly getting depressed too.
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joshuahahahaha · 2 years
People who don't notice your efforts, people who don't value your presence, people who take you for granted, are just useless people. Keeping them will just make u feel worthless.
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joshuahahahaha · 2 years
Being a overthinker makes you predict shit imma say
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joshuahahahaha · 2 years
Going through so many things at the same time that I even dk what to feel
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joshuahahahaha · 2 years
I've had the most unstable mind recently, I've been taking the most bullshit life decisions and then regretting after I realise.
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joshuahahahaha · 2 years
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To the one
To the one who is going to be my future, who's gonna be my better half.
I hope i meet you soon.
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joshuahahahaha · 2 years
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This age sucks, teenage sucks
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joshuahahahaha · 2 years
It's better to leave than being a second option
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